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Advanced Design Studies and Unusual Concepts

from the Virginia Tech Aircraft Design Information Sources pages Walter Stuart Diehl, "Seaplanes and Flying Boats," Engineering Aerodynamics, revised edition, Ronald Press, New York, 1936. E.G. Barrillon, "Hydrodynamics of Boats and Floats," in Vol. VI of Durand's Aerodynamic Theory, now printed by Dover Publications, first published in 1936. pp. 134-222. Richard von Mises, "Seaplane problems," in Theory of Flight, now by Dover, originally published in 1945. pp. 488-496. John D. Pierson and Joseph E. Burghardt, "A Specific Chart for Flying Boat Take-Off Performance," Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, April, 1945, pp. 169-172. Ernest G. Stout, "Development of High-Speed Water-Based Aircraft," Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 17, No. 8, Aug., 1950, pp. 457-480. Very good survey of the modern development of the seaplane concepts by the head of the Consolidated seaplane hull development work. W.C. Hugli, Jr., and W.C. Axt, "Hydrodynamic Investigation of a Series of Hull Models Suitable for Small Flying Boats and Amphibians," NACA TN 2503, Nov. 1951. This reports has many details from tests on hulls. Shizuo Kikuhara, "A Study of Spray Generated by Seaplane Hulls," Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, June 1960, pp. 415-428. S. Kikuhara and K. Tokuda, "A New STOL Flying Boat Design," AIAA Paper 65-755, November 1965. Daniel O. Dommasch, Sydney S. Sherby and Thomas F. Connolly, "Seaplane Problems," Chapter 16, in Airplane Aerodynamics, 4th Ed., Pitman Publishing Corp., New York, 1967. Darrol Stinton, "Aero-marine design and flying qualities of floatplanes and flying-boats," Aeronautical Journal, March 1987, pp. 97-127. David Oliver, Flying Boats & Amphibians Since 1945, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 1987 (reprinted in 1996). Robert L. Nan Dyck, "Seaplanes and the Towing Tank," AIAA Paper 89-1533. 1989.

Ingo Dathe and Manrico de Leo, "Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Seaplanes as affected by hull parameters," AIAA paper 89-1540, 1989. W.B. Remington, "The Canadair CL-215 Amphibious Aircraft Development and Applications," AIAA Paper 89-1541, 1989. David B. Thurston, "Seaplane Design," Chapter 15 in Design for Flying, 2nd Edition, TAB Books, 1995. William Scarborough, Walk Around - PBY Catalina, squadron/signal publications, Carrollton, TX, 1995. John Hayles, "Russia's Coastal Guardian: The Beriev Be-12 Mail," Flight International, August 1995, pp.82-88. M.J.F. Bowyer, "Seaplane Jet Fighter," Flight International, Oct. 1996, pp.237-241. CL-415 - Canadair's Multi-Role Amphibian," Flight International, Nov. 1996, pp.286291. Flying-Boat and Amphibian Survey, Flight International, Nov. 1996, pp.292-300. Wayne Mutza, Grumman Albatross, Schiffer Military/Aviation History, Atglen, PA, 1996. Darrol Stinton, Anatomy of the Airplane There is a chapter on seaplanes. return to the table of contents ? direct comments and suggestions to W.H. Mason,

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