Shivaji The Boss

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Summary The film (SIVAJI THE BOSS) begins with a masked men taken to jail and other inmates

enquiring about him. Then in the flashback comes the entry of Rajnikant (SIVAJI), a software development architect who comes back to India from USA with a motive of making nonprofit organizations and invests his income in charitable activities for which he formed Sivaji foundation. He wanted to build hospitals and educational institutions in order to serve poor for free. Sivaji pays the bribes demanded by the government officials
for the greater good of the people, but at one stage, the bribes demanded become so high that he has to mortgage his house to pay them. He also faces another obstacle in the form of Adiseshan, an influential businessman and philanthropist, who sees Sivaji Foundation as competition, because he too runs educational institutions and hospitals which are profit-making centres for him. Using his political strings, he ensures the government repeals the permits they issued on the construction of Sivaji Foundation. Sivaji approaches a lawyer to fight his case, selling his own car to pay the lawyer's fee. However in court, he is forced to admit he bribed numerous officials. This undermines his case and the judge passes a stay order on the construction of Sivaji Foundation. Following Sivaji's loss in the court case, Adiseshan insults him and gives him a 1 coin, challenging him to try beggary for survival. Ironically, using this very coin, he turns the tables around and forms a plan. He uses the coin to make a phone call to Adiseshan, blackmailing him to give him 100 crore. He then obtains details on people who have black money, and blackmails them to give him half of their illegal wealth. He informs the Income Tax Investigation and Vigilance Department about the details of the illegal money held by the tax evaders (including Adiseshan) and they are arrested by the Income Tax department and brought to court. He then transfers the money to bank accounts (owned by friends and contacts) around the world, who deposit the money as donations to the Sivaji Foundation, making the money usable and legitimate. Sivaji reopens the foundation, and

soon begins to realise his dream of providing free, good quality education, infrastructure, services and employment to people in every district of Tamil Nadu. His adversaries, led by Adiseshan, seek to find out how he converted their illegal money to a usable form and for this they use the CBI. They take advantage of Tamizhselvi's innocence by threatening her with danger to Sivaji's life unless she reveals about how Sivaji converted the illegal money to an usable form. Fearing for him, she turns over his laptop with all the information regarding the various money transactions from people who had black money to his friends' bank accounts around the world. With presentable evidence, Sivaji is arrested by the CBI and the scene returns to the beginning of the film with Sivaji in the Central Jail. A few days later, while everyone wonders about the future of Sivaji Foundation, the revived Sivaji returns to take control over the foundation in a disguise of a friend, M.G. Ravichandran Though Adiseshan immediately realises that Ravichandran is none other than Sivaji, he is unable to prove this to the police due to the tangible evidence of Sivaji's 'death'. Ravichandran promises to avenge Sivaji's 'death' and eventually manages to corner Adiseshan in the terrace of his medical college and fights him. After their fight, a blinded Adiseshan is killed in a stampede. IMPLCATION ON SOCIETY SIVAJI THE BOSS had a noticeable impact on the society. It threw light on one the biggest problems in our country; BLACK MONEY that has adversely affected our economy as well as living of a common man. Black Money also known as PARALLEL ECONOMY is the income on which no income tax is paid. This means government is deprived off their source of funds which they need for the development of our country. Big industrialists hide their income from income tax authorities and pay less amount tax to the government. This in turn leads to development at a very low pace. Sivaji gathers the black money and invests it in an efficient manner. He develops infrastructure in rural and urban areas and also open various hospitals and educational institutions where poor are served for free. This shows that if every citizen pays right amount of tax that they are supposed to pay, our country would be a developed country and not a developing country. In todays scenario rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer due to this hoax of black money. But if this parallel economy does not exist, there will be equitable distribution of income country wide. This movie also throws light on one of the biggest problems in our political system; corruption. There is corruption at every level in the political system of our country. We can see in the movie how sivaji has to pay bribe to each and every government officer in order to get his work done. This bribe ultimately accounts for the black money. This also shows that if one man can change the status of a state, then if more people engage themselves in same job, our country will be at a much better position than we are today. CONCLUSION FROM THE MOVIE

The movie basically focuses on the issue of black money that has slowed the development of our country and led to inequitable distribution of income among people. People if pay their tax honestly can change the status of the country from developing to developed. The movie has created awareness among common people. Now they are aware of the fact they have the power to change their country. It is in them, they can destroy the country and they can develop the country. But the choice is in their hands. We should not underestimate ourselves. If we decide to do certain work, there is no reason we cant perform it. It tells that even an individual can change the system. All he needs are good leadership qualities and capability to convince others.

Hence SIVAJI THE BOSS tells us that the development of a nation depends totally on its citizens. It is how they handle their nation. Similarly future of an organization depends totally on its members, if they work for its betterment, then they have a positive future else a negative future.

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