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Issue # 24 February 25 to March 1, 2013

Student Bulletin


February 25 to March 1, 2013
Monday, February 25 Tuesday, February 26 Wednesday, February 27 No Classes (Edsa Revolution Day) No Classes (Faculty In Service) Student Late Start/Regular Schedule Grade Level Assembly (11:40 A.M.) Gr. 5 - FAT; Gr. 6 - AMR; Gr. 7 - Lofthouse; Gr. 8 - LT Regular Schedule Regular Schedule

Thursday, February 28 Friday, March 1

Dear Students: Course registration has begun for Grade 8 and will continue for the rest of the Middle School students the week of March 4-8. Be sure to discuss what classes you would like to take with your family and teachers before the week of March 4-8 so you are prepared to make wise choices. As a reminder, there will be no classes this Monday and Tuesday (February 25 and 26). Classes will resume on Wednesday, February 27. We hope you enjoy the long weekend. Sincerely, Mr. Gillespie and Ms. Sayson

Upcoming Events in the Middle School

February 25 26 27 to Mar. 01 March 04 to 08 05 07 No Classes (EDSA Revolution Holiday) No Classes (Faculty In-Service) Grade 8 English and Math Honors Testing and Course Registration Course Registration MS Academic Bowl Early Student Release

From the School Clinic


Vaccination Day: March 13thWednesday Last day to sign up/pay: March 6th Wednesday Price: Php 480.00 Vaccine: GSK Influenza vaccine

Influenza or commonly known as flu trangkasois caused by the influenza virus. The influenza virus is easily transmitted through things you touch or in the air we breathe. Flu vaccine is recommended for everyone above 6 months old. Getting the flu shot should be done annually because the circulating strains of the flu virus change each year, hence the composition of the vaccine is updated annually. For tropical counties the flu is present year round with peaks during the months of July September. Everyone with a valid ISM ID may participate in this vaccination session. Order forms are available at the Cashier office or by visiting the Clinic. Please complete the form and make your payment to the Cashier. Payment for these vaccinations must be made to the cashier department by no later than Wednesday 6th of March .The vaccines will then be ordered and no further registrations will be accepted. If you would like to discuss the vaccine or have any questions please contact Jowell Custodio or Claudette Bekedam at the Clinic. Clinic direct number: 840 8581/82

From the Athletics & Activities Office

3rd season sports practice schedule has now started as of Feb 11th for Badminton, Softball, Track & Field and MS Mixed Touch; see practice schedule via the ATAC blog schedules pages. IASAS Golf makes its debut this year at ISKL. If you want to be a part of history and represent ISM in the first ever IASAS Golf Tournament, contact Mr. Hamaguchi to register your name IASAS Track and Field April 10-14: Housing letters for the IASAS Track and Field event are now available via the ATAC blog. Please sign up early to house a visiting track athlete in April. We need to house 150 athletes. Teams arrive the day we return from spring break. The deadline for return of letters is March 15th in order for us to confirm all housing assignments prior to the holiday starting. For general information about housing at IASAS tournaments, please see the housing and hosting page. ISM Summer Sports Camps information will be coming out next month. Announcements will be placed in the parent bulletins and all information will be available on the summer camps page on the ATAC blog. Stay tuned for more information next month! Our MS boys B tennis team made it to the ISTA league semifinals/finals day played last Saturday, February 16. The boys defeated Southridge, 5-0 in the morning semi-final to go into the afternoon final vs a strong Ateneo team. The boys played excellent tennis trying and lunging for every point but eventually came up a little bit short losing 2-3 in a very close final. Congratulations to all players for being the ISTA League runners up out of 12 teams in the Div B competition this year. (Photo: MS boys gr.5/6 runners up team: Utsav, Marco, Alec, Sam, Johann and Alexwith their 2nd place medals)

Congratulations also to the MS girls tennis team who also took out 2nd place this year. The girls team only lost one match for the season to the eventual champions St. Paul. Great job girls! Well done also to the MS boys Badminton team who came 2nd in the ISSA League Badminton tournament played at ISM last Saturday. This Saturday our boys Badminton teams travel to Brent to play in the PRADA League event. On Saturday (Feb 23) at 8:00 am, is the first Track meet of the year at ISM for our MS/HS track and field teams. Good luck to all competitors. Please be at ISM HS bleachers by 7:30am! A great way to stay in touch with the ISM ATAC program is to subscribe via RSS feed to the ATAC blog and also to follow via twitter (see twitter feed on the blog home page). Each Monday I will post the weeks happenings and highlight important events for students and parents information on the ATAC blog and in the regular Friday parent bulletins.

GAME SCHEDULE PDF: (access to game schedule information) Information about all mid-week/ weekend fixtures for ISM teams can be found via the ATAC blog. Please note the game schedule does change often due to involvement with many local schools so please check the page regularly to find out the latest information of where and when the Bearcats teams are playing. Click on schedules tab or the Bearcat logo to be directed to the power school secure site You will need your power school user name and password to access the game schedule pdf. HS Student registration for ATAC activities (new for school year 12-13): A Google doc registration is now available for all HS students who will take part in any ATAC seasonal sports teams, MUN and Cultural Convention programs. Please take the time to complete this online registration for activities that you plan on joining this school year. Please access the form via the HS Student Registration tab found under the Helpful Shortcuts bar on the ATAC blog home page. Please note this is for HS students only and you must use your school email address to access the link. Personal gmail or hotmail addresses will not allow you to access the page. BEARCAT DEN: Our Bearcat Den is open for business, please drop by to check out the range of Bearcat products. We have a great team of volunteers who run the den and are always looking for more people to help out. If you are interested in joining a fantastic group, please contact any of our den members during den opening hours. We have a new volunteer coordinator! Thanks so much to Carolyn for stepping forward to take on this role. If your interested in joining the Den volunteers, please contact Carolyn Ching for details We are always looking for new volunteers and encourage parents from ES/MS to join our group. Regular Opening Hours for the Bearcat Den: Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. and each afternoon from 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Regards, Mark Pekin Director of Athletics/Activities

Middle School Academic Bowl

On Tuesday 5th March 2013, ISM will be hosting the second semester Middle School Academic Bowl competition against Faith Academy, Brent International School and ISM.

Date: Tuesday 5th March 2013 Time: 09.00-14.00 Venue: Little Theatre, ISM
Teachers and parents are very welcome to watch this event with their classes. (See the schedule below)
The following students will represent ISM: Caroline Strang: grade 8 Bianca Catoto : grade 8 Hyun JIn (Emmy) Nam: grade 8 Jessica Zhang : grade 8 Jessica Mae Cuadro: grade 8 Ilham Thomson : grade 7 Kaiwen (Calvin) Zhang : grade 7 David Yuanwei Zhang : grade 6 Ibrahim Ahmed: grade 6 Mangal, Ratul: grade 5 Olivia Heugh : grade 5

09.00: Opening Remarks 09.10: Toss-up Round 1 09.40: Toss-up Round 2 10.10: Math and Logic Round 11.10: Toss-up Round 3 11.40: Lunch 12.30: Toss-up Round 4 13.00: Envelope Round (HSMC, MSMC, LT) 13.30: Penalty Toss up 14.00: Closing Remarks 14.15: Depart

Valerie Birchenall MS Academic Bowl Coach

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