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Character List: John Proctor: You are a stallion: muscular, righteous farmer.

However, you cheated on your wife Elizabeth several months ago and have been feeling guilty and remorseful ever since. Elizabeth Proctor: You are John Proctors wife. Abigail Williams: Reverend Hale: Each player has a deck of cards that corresponds to their character. Johns deck: Your wife found out that you cheated on her. Essential Questions: How does collective fear affect peoples thoughts and actions? How do differences in political, economic, and/or religious ideology lead to tension? To what extent does a governing body have the right to dictate personal belief systems? Before you begin this game, place your right hand above your heart and say sincerely, Under the name of God, I swear to tell the complete truth. Be sure to keep to your promise throughout the game. Questions (19 + ~60): Your friend John Proctor cheated on his wife with the towns prettiest girl. Everyone else in the town accused Martha Corey of communicating with the Devil. In fact, you are the only one left who did not point to Martha. Because of this, people are starting to doubt you. Some are even suggesting that perhaps YOU are the witch. What do you do? A) Accuse Sarah B) Let others accuse you The Red Scare has spread to Salem, Massachusetts. Senator Joseph McCarty has announced to blacklist anyone associating with the Communist party or is a communist sympathizer. People who name communists can receive a reward of $100,000. You know your friend has been supporting USSR ideologies lately, but you are in a dire situation and need money desperately. Will you accuse your friend? A) Accuse your friend and get $100,000! B) Keep quiet and go into debt You are a communist sympathizer (you support the ideology of communism) living in the United States and will be blacklisted when your identity is revealed. You are known as Hollywoods most famous actor/actress. However, youve

been notified to attend the interrogation of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). A) Reveal your identity as a communist sympathizer. B) Lie and continue your career as an actor/actress. In your hometown, you are known as the most righteous villager. Your reputation is your most prized possession. Yet, you were accused of practicing witchcraft. You are the only prisoner who hasnt confessed to binding to the Devils service. The others that lied and pled guilty were released and went home, but they had to sign their names on the confessions for the whole town to see. Rumor has it that Sarah Osborne, who did not confess, was hanged. Will you confess? A) Lie and live B) Keep your reputation and die Your neighbor, Giles Corey, was pressed to death because he did not confess. His sons inherited his land. Would you do the same if you were in a similar situation? A) Yes, I would not confess. B) No, I would confess. Your maid, Abigail Williams, seduces you. How do you respond? A) Give in to your ___. Act on the lust. B) Push her away! Elizabeth Proctor, a close friend of your wife, was accused of practicing witchcraft. You know that this isnt true, but defying the judges of the court will only lead you to trouble, more specifically hanging. What will you do? A) Hang Elizabeth! B) Sacrifice yourself You and John have been together for more than ten years, but he cheated on you a few months ago. It hurt you deeply and you deemed it impossible for you to forgive. Recently, John has been accused of dealing with the Devil and is scheduled to be hanged. There are several ways to prove his good name. Would you let your husband die? A) Let him die! B) Try to save him. What would you do if your husband cheated on you with Abigail, the prostitute from Boston? The Iron Curtain divides Europe. On one side of the boundary, US ideologies (democracy and freedom) thrive. On the other side, USSR ideologies (communism and totalitarianism) are encouraged. Which side do you choose? A) US B) USSR The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) advised US President John F. Kennedy to initiate an attack at Bay of Pigs, Cuba. The CIA trained 10,000 Cuban exiles to

overthrow Cuban President Fidel Castro. The invasion took place on April 17, 1961, and you and your friends decided you place a bet. Do you expect the United States invasion to succeed? A) Yes, of course! B) No. The Cuban soldiers will catch the exiles. Rebecca Nurse was accused of negotiating with the Devil. Youve been eyeing the Nurses land for as long as you can remember, and Rebeccas hanging means that you will finally get the land. However, you are certain that Rebecca has never been with the Devil. What will you do? In the town you live in, adulterers receive punishments like whipping or hanging. Recently, you discovered his affair with the towns prettiest girl. You have three children and the familys reputation to consider. You have never lied. Ever. When you were called to the court to clarify the situation, you were faced with the tough decisions: to admit your husbands an adulterer, or to lie for the first time. A) You confessed B) You lied, yet it turned out that your husband has already confessed his sin. Both you and your husband were brought to jail. You are at Berlin, Germany, and aircrafts are buzzing all over the sky. The news reporter said the blockade would not be lifted anytime soon. Because of this event, you cannot acquire the goods and fuels needed. You lose a turn. The USSR and US have been competing with each other. The latest competition between the two nations is the space race. Whoever gets to launch the rocket first wins. The US sent Neil Armstrong onto the moon. Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. The United States wins the space race against USSR! You get an extra move. You confessed to being a witch. As a reward, you can take a friend with you out of jail. You and an enemy of your choice get an extra move. Youve worked hard to achieve your accomplishment. The arrival of another actor/actress threatens your current status. What do you do? A) Work harder and beat the new-kid-in-town. Push individualism to the highest level. B) Move to USSR and adopt collectivism. You and a colleague are notified of a possible promotion in the near future. In your heart, you know he deserves the job and will do better than you will. There is only one position and there is an equal amount of opportunity between the two of you. What do you do? A) Act like a man and fight for the promotion! B) Back off and hand over the promotion to your colleague. You are the hottest guy in town. In fact, women refer to you as Stallion. One morning, two girls ask you out. The first girl is sweet, gentle Elizabeth who had

been there for you when your mother passed away. The other is brazen, sensual Abigail, who was considered the towns most eligible debutante. Which girl do you choose? A) Elizabeth B) Abigail 19 questions now Mary Warren gave you a handmade poppet today. Do you accept it? A) Yes, why wouldnt I? B) No, she must have had something evil planned.

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