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I.- Apply the correct use of Use Do or Does. 1. _________ you write with a pencil? 2. _________ your father often make breakfast? 3. _________ your teachers always cheek your homework? 4. _________ you and your sister feed the pets? 5. _________ you send text messages? 6. _________ your friend visit museums? 7. _________ your cats climb trees? 8. _________ you learn to cook at school? 9. _________ your sister play badminton? 10. _________ your grandparents go on holiday in winter? II.- Complete these sentences using Present Continuous or Present Perfect Continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dean ______________________________ (watch) Television for hours. You _____________________ (think) in work again after your babys born. Where ____________________ (you/be) all day? Why ________________________ (you / look) at me like that? Is your mum on weekend off? No, she __________________ (work) this weekend.

III.- Complete the following sentences with Past Participle. 1. The beds in our room havent been ___________________ yet.

2. Do you think well be ______________________ to the party? 3. La Mansin del Ingls is so successful it will probably be_________________ into twenty different languages. 4. When our flat was _____________ last month, my laptop computer was ________. 5. I went to work early to go to the meeting yesterday and I realised that the date had been ________________ to the 13th February.

IV.- Write two paragraphs about this phrase.

We stared for a couple of minute until it all came together.

V.- TRANSLATE (Part II) "Little B?" "Are you kidding me right now?" I rubbed my eyes. The only light in the room was the red, beady glow of my alarm clock, glaring 3:30. "No listen. I have the perfect idea." "What," I groaned, stuffing a pillow over my face. Didn't people suffocate that way? By stuffing pillows over their faces? "We should go as a couple. Like as a date, you know, little B?" "No." Gross. "Whatever." He hung up. He said 'whatever' a lot. I fell back asleep. The problem with homecoming is the spirit week that leads up to it. Every day we were supposed to celebrate our school and shitty football team by dressing up in various themes specific to each day. For example, Monday was pajama day. That meant the boys would come to school with what they wore to bed the night before, and the girls would wear short cotton barely-theres and tank tops. Did I mention it was bloody freezing in Forks in September? Friday, the day of homecoming, was simply spirit wear, the tamest of the week.

I put on a black sweatshirt and jeans. Go Spartans. It was run the mile day in gym. Just one of those rites of passage that came with every gym class. There was running the mile, serving a volleyball, shooting a three-pointer, etc. But today was the mile day. And it was freezing outside. The girls huddled up and formed a body hug that sort of looked like a sance, if I didn't look very closely. The boys lined up as if it were the 400 race at State. They took off their shirts. Ungh. I actually wasn't a bad runner. I mean, it wasn't like I couldn't run a mile if I wanted to. I could. I just didn't want to. I jogged in the back, listening to the thunder of feet every time a group passed me. The boys all-out sprinted the first two laps, at which point they slowed down to a run. They were sweaty. What I wouldn't give to lick Edward when he was sweaty... The coach blew the whistle early, cutting off the slow girls at 10 minutes. "Go change." We were out early, too. The cafeteria was empty when I sat at my spot at the freshman table. This was the first day that James was off his suspension. I could tell by the way the majority of the cafeteria quieted when he traipsed into the room. People showed respect for anarchy against the hierarchy, they were just too chicken to actually join in. James tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped. Again.

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