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Poikilothermy is a multifactorial syndrome to the man, and consists in the fact that in the regulation of body temperature participates, outside the regulatory mechanisms that has the body and the temperature of the environment to a greater extent than the usual. The participation of the environment is so greater, as much higher is the cross section of spinal cord and the more it is approaching to the full, because in this range the mechanism of the body is, also, harmed more. Man is homeotherm animal as to the temperature of, namely, with his mechanisms ( where mainly belonging to the autonomic nervous system) maintains his temperature constant (in health condition) regardless of the ambient temperature (within certain limits of course 360C - 370C). The weakness regulating the temperature to normal degree is observed in elderly people, in cross sections of the Spinal Cord (paraplegia triplegia quadriplegia) in diseases that damage the autonomic nervous system in diseases that affect in the nervous system the muscular system and hormones. In cross section of the spinal cord the body temperature is most commonly higher in the head, lower in the abdomen and even lower in the legs. In any case, when the body temperature is lowered, the person presents this syndrome feels fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, shivering (chills) loss of consciousness, (so we speak about hibernation in the poikilothermic animals) which results in the death of man. Although it is not subject of this publication and for the fuller understanding of the syndrome it is reported that thermoregulatory mechanisms yield results with vasoconstriction or vasodilation, with muscle contractions and sweating, occur autonomous namely independent of the will of the individual. This poikilothermic syndrome is very dangerous when it occurs on infants or children or people with dementia, because, they are not able to describe their symptoms so be taken timely action and thus the mortality is higher than the intelligent individuals. Prevention is achieved with the knowledge of this phenomenon and the preparation of confrontation. These measures generally are consisted in the creation of a stable environment in terms of temperature and humidity, in the analogous clothing and in the attention of the individual. The treatment is on small variations of body temperature, the immediate and gradual recovery in the proper ambient temperature, while on serious cases medical or better hospital treatment is required immediate.

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