Feb. Stewart Chronicles 2013

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The Stewart Chronicles

Welcome to 2013!



Well, 2012 has passed us by! We are thankful to have been able to celebrate a wonderful Christmas with our family in North Carolina and see our boys and their cousins enjoy each other. We had the opportunity to go home to Henderson and be a part of the Christmas Cantata at Carey Baptist! Before we knew it January was upon us and has been filled with catching up on homeschooling, making plans for the next several months, and planning for our international move in June! February is a month of birthdays in our family! Micah just celebrated his first birthday on the 11th and has learned how to crawl in order to get into everything, especially his big brothers Legos. Elijah just turned 8 years old on the 15th and has grown at least two more inches making the new pants received at Christmas too short already. God is good!

Our vision is to advance Gods global mission by training Christian leaders who will train others in fulfillment of 2 Timothy 2:2.

We are thankful to have this time with family nearby. There is much travel and many speaking engagements ahead: we will be down to Newberry, SC for a missions conference in March and then up to CT and ME for the month of April to speak at several churches! May will find us back in NC packing for our summer move!

Student Highlight: Assel

Assel hails from Kazakhstan, a large country in Asia bordering Russia and China among other smaller countries. Assel was not raised in a Christian home but after coming to faith in Christ as a teenager has worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in Kazakhstan for the past 11 years. She is pursuing further training at Tyndale in order to be better able to train and equip Christians in Kazakhstan to reach out to and evangelize children. Assel is thankful for the opportunity to study at Tyndale because there are very few opportunities for further training within Kazakhstan itself. Although the government of Kazakhstan officially claims religious freedom Assel shared with us about how Christians are indeed persecuted and harassed on the local level. Visit our blog to view a 4 minute video interview with Assel (http://stewartfamilychronicles.blogspot.com/) and please uphold her in prayer as she has devoted her life to reaching the children of Kazakhstan.

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. 2 Timothy 2:2

Our Approaching International Move

We are lined up to begin teaching full-time at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands in June 2013. If for some reason there is not enough monthly support for us to move at that point there will be a huge gap at the schoolthey need us to get there! Our remaining monthly support need is approximately $2000.00. We will be speaking at several churches throughout the spring but the reality is that much of this need will have to be met by individuals who feel called by God to partner with us and share in this ministry. Those who partner with us in prayer and financial support will literally impact the world. The teaching ministry at Tyndale equips global Christian leaders to return to their countries in order to train and equip others. For further information on becoming a monthly financial partner drop us a line or see http://stewartfamilychronicles .blogspot.com/p/donate.html.

Praising God:
1. For a restful holiday season with family. 2. For sustaining us through a period of sick children. 3. For the love and support we have found in His people.

Please Pray:
1. That God would raise up the remaining needed financial partners. 2. That God would prepare us for Tyndale and Tyndale for us: that our ministry would be effective and fruitful from the day we arrive. 3. That Gods Spirit would be at work when we share with churches about this ministry, not just to raise up the needed funds, but to convict, challenge, transform, and motivate His people to join Him in His mission to the world.

Seeking to Glorify Him, Alex and Jenny Stewart

Our Contact Information:

Our Email address: alexandjennystewart@gmail.com Follow us on our blog: www.stewartfamilychronicles.blogspot.com European Christian Mission: www.ecmna.org Tyndale Seminary: www.tyndale-europe.edu U.S.A Mailing Address: 2222 Monza Drive Albemarle, NC 28001 803-271-8558

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