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Medication Information Sheet Student Name: _______Kristi Wray______________ Date: ___________ Patient Initials: _________ Generic Name: _______

carvedilol ______ Trade Name: ____ Kredex _________ Pronunciation: ______________( car-ve-di'lol)_________ Classification / Therapeutic use of Medication: _ ANTIHYPERTENSIVE; ADRENERGIC BLOCKER ___ Source/Page #__ (Pearson Nurse's Drug Guide 2012, 2011) Patient Dose 6.25mg Pt. Route Pt. Frequency of Administration Recommended Route & Dosage Maximum Safe Daily Dose or dosage range CHF Adult: PO Start with 3.125 mg b.i.d. 2 wk, may double dose q2wk as tolerated up to 25 mg b.i.d. if weight less than 85 kg or 50 mg b.i.d. if weight greater than 85 kg Left Ventricular Dysfunction Post-MI Adult: PO 6.25 mg bid, can double every 310 days as tolerated Hypertension Adult: PO Start with 6.25 mg b.i.d., may increase by 6.25 mg b.i.d. to max of 50 mg/day Uses: Why is your patient getting this medication Administration Considerations related to their diagnosis and/or condition? Oral Management of essential hypertension, CHF, in Give with food to slow absorption and minimize risk conjunction with other heart failure medications, left of orthostatic hypotension. ventricular dysfunction post MI. Dose increments should be made at 7- to 14-day intervals. Interactions: Is this medication incompatible with any medications, OTCs, herbals or foods? _______No _____Yes Explain: Drug: Rifampin significantly decreases carvedilol levels; cimetidine may increase carvedilol levels; clonidine, reserpine, MAO INHIBITORS may cause hypotension or bradycardia; carvedilol may increase digoxin levels and may enhance hypoglycemic effects of insulin and oral HYPOGLYCEMIC AGENTS, may enhance the effects of ANTIHYPERTENSIVES. Amiodarone and fluconazole increase side effects. Time/s Due (PNC shift)

Contraindications or Cautious Use CONTRAINDICATIONS Patients with class IV decompensated cardiac failure, bronchial asthma, or related bronchospastic conditions (e.g., chronic bronchitis and emphysema), pulmonary edema; second- and thirddegree AV block, sick sinus syndome, cardiogenic shock or severe bradycardia; lactation. CAUTIOUS USE Patients on MAOI agents, diabetes, hypoglycemia; patients at high risk for anaphylactic reaction, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovascular insufficiencies, major depression, hepatic or renal
3.21.11; 10/10/11

Medication Information Sheet Student Name: _______Kristi Wray______________ Date: ___________ Patient Initials: _________ impairment; elderly; pregnancy ( category C); children younger than 18 y.

Nursing Implications: Assessment & Drug Effects Monitor for therapeutic effectiveness which is indicated by lessening of S&S of CHF and improved BP control. Lab tests: Monitor liver function tests periodically; at first sign of hepatic toxicity ( see Appendix F") stop drug and notify physician. Monitor for worsening of symptoms in patients with PVD. Monitor digoxin levels with concurrent use; plasma digoxin concentration may increase.

Adverse Effects/ Side Effects (limit to ten) Body as a Whole: Increased sweating, fatigue, chest pain, pain, arthralgia. CV: Bradycardia, hypotension, syncope, hypertension, AV block, angina. GI: Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting. Respiratory: Sinusitis, bronchitis. Hematologic: Thrombocytopenia. Metabolic: Hyperglycemia, weight increase, gout. CNS: Dizziness, headache, paresthesias.

Patient and/or Family Education If an IV medication (IVP, IVPB) Patient & Family Education Administration Considerations: Do not abruptly discontinue taking this drug. Make position changes slowly due to the risk of orthostatic hypotension. Do not engage in hazardous activities while experiencing dizziness. Is the IV medication incompatible with other IV drips If you have diabetes, the drug may increase effects of hypoglycemic drugs and mask S&S of hypoglycemia. and/or solutions: ______No _____Yes Explain: Prepare: Direct: Reconstitute vial by adding 5 mL of NS for injection to each 100 mcg. Shake well to dissolve. Use immediately. Administer: Direct: Give bolus dose over 1 min. Incompatibilities: Do not mix with other medications.

3.21.11; 10/10/11

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