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Baking and Pastry Applications

WVEIS Code 1018

Baking formulas and equipment functions and use will be taught in this class along with sanitation and safety in the foodservice industry. After understanding bakeshop ingredients and procedure, the students will have hands-on lab experience in baking the following: Yeast Breads, Biscuits, Cookies, Pies, Quick Breads, Muffins, Cakes and Specialty Desserts.

Standard 1:

Bakeshop Formulas, Ingredients and Equipment (1018.S.1)

Students will possess a thorough knowledge of bakeshop formulas, equipment and bakeshop ingredients. Bakeshop Formulas, Ingredients and Equipment Objectives 1018.1.1 1018.1.2 1018.1.3 1018.1.4 1018.1.5 1018.1.6 1018.1.7 1018.1.8 1018.1.9 1018.1.10 1018.1.11 1018.1.12 1018.1.13 1018.1.14 1018.1.15 1018.1.16 1018.1.17 1018.1.18 1018.1.19 1018.1.20 Define and discuss bakeshop formulas. Demonstrate accurate volume and weight measure using balance scale weights and measurement methods. Demonstrate the yield of a doubled recipe. Define a bakers percentage and explain its function. Convert a cake recipe using a bakers percentage formula. Identify and demonstrate the function of bakeshop equipment and tools. Demonstrate the use and cleaning of pastry bags and decorator tips. Prepare and bake a double crust fruit pie using a various baking and pastry tools. Prepare, bake, and decorate a two-tier cake. Demonstrate how a sheeter is used in baking. Explain the importance of using exact ingredients and the role of key ingredients in baking. Create a chart identifying the different types of flours and their baking characteristics. Identify various liquids used in baking and their affects on the outcome of the baked product. Demonstrate how different fats are used in the baking process. Identify the functions of sugars and sweeteners and their contributions to baking. Discuss the functions of eggs and egg products in baking. Describe the different leavening agents and their functions when used in the baking process. Create a chart describing spices and their uses in the bakeshop. Describe the assortment of flavorings, chocolates, cocoas and their uses in baking. Identify the nuts and additives used in baking and identify the baking products that they are primarily used in.

Standard 2:

Batter (1018.S.2)

Students will identify proper procedures for preparing batters and doughs. Batter Objectives 1018.2.1 1018.2.2 1018.2.3 1018.2.4 Describe the ingredients ratio used in batters. Describe the ingredients ratio used in doughs. Prepare bread doughs and batters using the nine different ways to mix them. Describe the impact of carryover baking.

Standard 3:

Yeast Dough (1018.S.3)

Students will identify proper procedures and ingredients for yeast dough production. Yeast Dough Objectives Students will: 1018.3.1 Describe the characteristics of quality yeast products. 1018.3.2 Explain why temperature control is important in preparing yeast doughs. 1018.3.3 List the three common types of yeast used in baking. 1018.3.4 Define the term starter and list the ingredients in a starter mixture. 1018.3.5 Describe the function that each ingredient plays in yeast dough production.

1018.3.6 1018.3.7 1018.3.8 1018.3.9 1018.3.10 1018.3.11 1018.3.12 1018.3.13 1018.3.14 1018.3.15 1018.3.16 1018.3.17 1018.3.18 1018.3.19

List the three most common types of yeast doughs and prepare one of each type. Define the rolled-in fat yeast dough process. List the twelve stages that apply to all yeast dough products. Describe the three basic methods of mixing yeast dough ingredients: the straight dough method, the modified straight dough method and the sponge method. Define the 240 factor. Describe the process of fermentation in yeast dough. Identify common causes of failure in yeast bread production. List the four actions of dough punching. Demonstrate dividing, rounding, proofing, shaping and panning dough. Explain how washing, slashing and docking affect the baking quality and eye appeal of finished products. Discuss the five factors that affect oven temperature and baking times of bread and roll doughs. List the four stages of the baking process that contribute to the final product. Define glazing, staling prevention and proper packaging and storage of yeast products. Evaluate a finished yeast product using shape, volume, crumb, crust, color, tenderness and taste as the criteria.

Standard 4:

Quick Bread Basics (1018.S.4)

Students will learn the basics of quick bread preparation. Quick Bread Objectives Students will: 1018.4.1 Identify the characteristics of quick breads. 1018.4.2 Explain the functions of quick bread ingredients. 1018.4.3 Compare quick bread doughs and batters. 1018.4.4 List the nutrients contained in quick breads. 1018.4.5 Explain the difference in the actions of baking soda versus baking powder in the baking process. 1018.4.6 Prepare a loaf bread. 1018.4.7 Describe how quick breads are leavened.

Standard 5:

Biscuit Making Techniques (1018.S.5)

Students will learn the basics of biscuit preparation and baking. Biscuit Making Techniques Objectives Students will: 1018.5.1 1018.5.2 1018.5.3 1018.5.4 Demonstrate the biscuit method of baking. Identify quality standards and characteristics of biscuits. Describe how biscuits are cut and formed. Prepare quality biscuits.

Standard 6:

Muffin Making Techniques (1018.S.6)

Students will learn the basics of muffin preparation and baking. Muffin Making Techniques Objectives Students will: 1018.6.1 1018.6.2 1018.6.3 1018.6.4 Demonstrate the blending and creaming methods of mixing. Identify quality standards and characteristics of muffins. Describe how to properly portion muffin batter. Prepare quality muffins.

Standard 7:

Cake and Cookie Preparation (1018.S.7)

Students will gain knowledge and demonstrate ability in the preparation and baking of cookies and cakes. Cake and Cookie Preparation Objectives Students will: 1018.7.1 1018.7.2 1018.7.3 1018.7.4 1018.7.5 1018.7.6 1018.7.7 1018.7.8 1018.7.9 Identify characteristics of the five different types of cookies. Identify the factors that influence the spread of cookies. Demonstrate the one-stage and creaming methods used in mixing cookies. Mix, pan and bake two types of cookies. Cool, serve, and store cookies properly. Describe the five types of cakes and demonstrate their mixing methods. Demonstrate how to scale and pan cakes. Identify the five types of butter creams. Bake, cool, ice and properly serve two types of cakes.

Standard 8:

Pies (1018.S.8)

Students will identify correct pie making techniques. Pies Objectives Students will: 1018.8.1 1018.8.2 1018.8.3 1018.8.4 1018.8.5 1018.8.6 Describe pie dough preparation basics. Prepare a flaky and a mealy pie dough. Mix, shape, roll and pan a basic pie dough. Name the three major types of pie fillings. Prepare a single and double crust pie. Demonstrate proper pie storage and serving techniques.

Standard 9:

Specialty Desserts (1018.S.9)

Students will possess a through knowledge of specialty dessert preparation. Specialty Desserts Objectives Students will: 1018.9.1 1018.9.2 1018.9.3 1018.9.4 1018.9.5 List specialty dessert options and explain their differences. Contrast custards and puddings. Describe common ingredients and preparation methods used in Bavarian cream, mousse and chiffons. Discuss food safety concerns in cream dessert preparation and storage. Prepare, serve and store two types of specialty desserts properly.

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