Inspection Report of Oceano Sewage Treatment Plant

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February 21, 2013

Mr. Tony Ferrara Chairman, South SLO CSD Dear Mr. Ferrara:

Sent via Electronic Mail only

TRANSMITTAL OF PG ENVIRONMENTALS NPDES COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION (CEI) REPORT, PERMIT CA0048003, ORDER NO. R3-2009-0046, SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY INSPECTION DATE DECEMBER 19, 2012 On December 19, 2012, PG Environmental (a USEPA contractor) conducted a NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) at the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility. The purpose of PGs inspection was to determine the accuracy and reliability of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation Districts self-monitoring and reporting program. The attached report summarizes the CEI results. Based on the Districts request made at our December 21, 2012 meeting and in an effort to more quickly transmit the inspection report to interested parties, Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) staff are transmitting PGs report before we have had a chance to review or comment on the findings contained in the report. We will transmit our findings and comments under separate cover in the near future. As before, we have included certain interested parties, not directly associated with the District, on the distribution list for this inspection report based on specific requests made to previously by those individuals to Water Board staff. We have explained previously that this is consistent with Water Board policy to accommodate reasonable requests for inclusion on Interested Parties Lists. Please review the attached report, including the summary of findings, requirements and recommendations, and provide specific responses to those required/recommended actions in your next quarterly report or sooner if you desire. We understand that your District Engineer recently retired and as a result, there may be a transitional time as new staff comes up to speed on these topics. If you need additional time for response, please let us know in writing prior to your next quarterly report would be submitted.

Mr. Ferrara


February 21, 2013

If you have questions regarding the CEI report, please contact Katie DiSimone at (805) 5424638 or Sheila Soderberg at (805) 549-3592 Sincerely,
Digitally signed by Sheila M. Soderberg DN: cn=Sheila M. Soderberg, o=Central Coast Water Board, ou,, c=US Date: 2013.02.21 13:51:23 -08'00'

Kenneth A. Harris Jr. Interim Executive Officer Attachment: PG Environmental CEI Report inspection date December 19, 2012 cc with attachment: Jamie Marincola, USEPA, Ken Greenberg, USEPA, Ty Fatima, USEPA, Max Kuker, PG Environmental, Philip Isorena, State Water Board, Katie DiSimone, Central Coast Water Board, Todd Stanley, Central Coast Water Board, Cynthia Lambert, The Tribune News, Debbie Peterson, Mayor of Grover Beach, David Broadwater, Julie Macedo, Office of Enforcement, Tom Geaslen, Oceano General Manager, Matthew Guerrero, Oceano CSD, Matt Fountain, New Times, Karen Velie, CalCoast News, Julie Tacker,
S:\NPDES\NPDES Facilities\San Luis Obispo Co\South SLO Co\CEIs\CEI transmittal South SLO Co 2013.doc

EPA Region IX and California Water Resources Control Board NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Report

Name and Location of Facility Inspected South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility 1600 Aloha Place Oceana, CA 93445

Entry Date 12/19/2012 Entry Time 8:00 AM

Permit Effective Date 10/23/2009

NPDES Permit Number CA0048003

Order Number R3-2009-0046

Major Minor Contact Information Phone: (805) 489-6666 Fax: (805) 489-2765

Permit Expiration Date 10/23/2014 Notified of Inspection? Yes No

Name(s) & Title(s) of On-Site Representative(s) Bob Barlogio (Superintendent) John Wallace (District Administrator)

E-mail: Name, Title & Address of Responsible Official John Wallace (District Administrator) P.O. Box 339 Oceana, CA 93445 Inspector(s) Primary: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) Other(s): Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board) Contact Information Phone: (805) 489-6666 Fax: (805) 489-2765 Official Contacted? Yes No

E-mail: Presented Credentials? Yes No

Weather Conditions at the Time of the Inspection: Sunny; no recent precipitation

Facility Receiving Water Name: Pacific Ocean

Overview of Areas Evaluated During Inspection S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated Permit: S Records/Reports: U Facility Site Review: U Effluent and Receiving Waters: M Flow Measurement: S Self-Monitoring Program: S Laboratory: S Operations & Maintenance: U Biosolids/Solid Waste Handling & Disposal: S Compliance Schedules: N Pretreatment (POTWs Only): N Storm Water: N

Prepared By: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) on 12/24/2012 Reviewed By: Max Kuker (PG Environmental, LLC) on 1/15/2013

Report Date: 1/18/2013

NPDES Permit No. Order No.

CA0048003 R3-2009-0046

Facility Narrative On December 19, 2012 a USEPA contractor inspected the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility in Oceana, CA. Discharges from the Facility are regulated by Central Coast Water Board Order No. R3-2009-0046 (NPDES Permit No. CA0048003). The primary purpose of the inspection was to determine the accuracy and reliability of the Dischargers self-monitoring and reporting program. The primary on-site Facility representative was Bob Barlogio (Superintendent). The South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District (Discharger) owns and operates the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (Facility). The Discharger provides sewerage service for the Cities Arroyo Grande and Grover Beach and the Oceana Community Services District. These cities and agency retain ownership and direct responsibility for the wastewater collection and transport systems up to the point of discharge into interceptors owned and operated by the Discharger. The Facility serves a population of approximately 38,000 residents. Two significant industrial users (SIUs) contribute industrial wastewater flows to the Facility. The Facility provides secondary level treatment of wastewater. Treatment consists of preliminary influent screening and grinding, primary clarification, fixed film reactor (biological treatment), secondary clarification, chlorination, and dechlorination. The treated effluent is then directed to an on-site junction box, where it is combined with treated effluent from the City of Pismo Beach Wastewater Treatment Facility. The Facility also accepts brine wastes in the junction box from water softener regeneration companies, which is then mixed with the final treated wastewater prior to discharge through Discharge Point 001. The combined treated wastewater and brine is discharged to the Pacific Ocean at a depth of approximately 55 feet through a 4,400-foot outfall/diffuser system, jointly owned by the Discharger and the City of Pismo Beach. Sludge processing consists of primary and secondary sludge digestion, sludge drying beds during the summer, and centrifugation during the winter months. The Facilitys one centrifuge was installed in September 2011. The inspectors visually evaluated the treatment train (in order from headworks to discharge) and site conditions in the presence of the primary on-site Facility representative and determined that most mechanical treatment units were functioning properly. Two of four influent pumps were not in operation and one of two sodium hypochlorite storage tanks was out of service. The Facilitys design capacity is 5.0 million gallons per day (mgd). Average flow for the period of August through October 2012 was 2.8 mgd. The instantaneous influent and effluent flow was 3.79 mgd and 3.74 mgd respectively, at 9:50 AM. The Facilitys operations personnel conduct self-monitoring activities. Influent samples are collected immediately after grinding and effluent samples for Discharge Point 001 are collected at the terminus of the chlorine contact tank. Sample collection locations and methods appeared to provide representative samples. All samples are analyzed at an on-site laboratory and at contract laboratories. Electronic self monitoring reports (eSMRs) and the California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) Violation Report for the period of August 2012 through October 2012 were reviewed as a component of this inspection. Permit limit exceedances were identified and are presented in the attached CIWQS Violation Report. The evaluation also included a comparison of data points reported in the eSMRs submitted to the Central Coast Water Board against the laboratory bench

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sheets and contract laboratory reports documenting the actual analytical results. No discrepancies were identified. During the previous inspection conducted on March 14, 2012 two Major Findings were reported. The corrective actions taken by the Discharger for each Major Finding were found by the inspector to adequately address the previously identified deficiencies. Specifically, oil and grease is now being collected directly into a glass container. Also, the Discharger is no longer storing dried biosolids in an un-lined storage lagoon. Solids are stored in one of the Facilitys ten lined biosolids drying beds and a concrete pad is being constructed beneath the centrifuge building chute (refer to Photo 2). The Facility was issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) on December 18, 2012 from the Central Coast Water Board (refer to Exhibit 1). The inspector did not include items from the NOV as Major Findings in this report. Major Findings Records/Reports 1. Central Coast Water Board Order No. R3-2009-0046, Attachment D Standard Provisions, Section V.B.5 requires the following: Any person signing a document under Standard Provisions Reporting V.B.2 or V.B.3 above shall make the following certification: I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment of knowing violations. (40 CFR 122.22(d).). The Dischargers monthly eSMRs during the period of review (August 2012 through October 2012) were not certified in accordance with the permit. Specifically, the included certification statement was found to vary from the required language and a signed copy of the cover letter was not submitted to CIWQS or maintained at the Facility (refer to Exhibit 2). Facility Site Review 1. Central Coast Water Board Order No. R3-2009-0046, Attachment D Standard Provisions, Section I.D requires that the Discharger shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the Discharger to achieve compliance with the conditions of this Order. The following adverse findings were observed during the Facility walk through: - Two of four influent pumps were found to not be functioning. In addition, isolation valves necessary to complete repairs on the influent pumps were also found to not be functioning properly. According to the primary on-site Facility representative, an unspecified number of isolation valves throughout the Facility were functioning improperly. The primary on-site Facility

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representative further stated that he did not have an accurate accounting (e.g., working vs. not working) of the status of the non-functioning valves; and - One of the two sodium hypochlorite tanks had ruptured and was taken out of service (refer to Photo 3). Temporary totes were being used to store sodium hypochlorite (refer to Photo 4). A polymer feed pump housing had reportedly ruptured the day of the inspection (refer to Photo 5). A backup housing had been installed to bring the polymer pump back into service. According to the primary on-site Facility representative, deferred maintenance had not been completed under the previous Facility management and has contributed to the loss of equipment services. He further stated that pumps and valves were undergoing a revamped preventative maintenance program and that the pumps and tanks which were out of service were scheduled to be repaired or replaced. 2. Central Coast Water Board Order No. R3-2009-0046, Attachment D-1 Central Coast Regional Water Board Standard provisions (January 1985), Section I.B.9 requires that safeguards shall be provided to assure maximal compliance with all terms and conditions of this permit. Safeguards shall include preventative and contingency plans and may also include alternative power sources, stand-by generators, retention capacity, operating procedures, or other precautions. Preventative and contingency plans for controlling and minimizing the effect of accidental discharges shall: a. identify possible situations that could cause "upset", "overflow" or "bypass", or other noncompliance. (Loading and storage areas, power outage, waste treatment unit outage, and failure of process equipment, tanks and pipes should be considered). The following adverse findings were observed during the Facility site review: - The Discharger was storing sodium hypochlorite in temporary totes without secondary containment near the large sodium hypochlorite tank and final clarifier (refer to Photo 4). - A chemical storage tote near the final clarifier was not properly placed in secondary containment (refer to Photo 6). - Spilled chemicals were observed near the polymer feed pump room (refer to Photo 7). - Stains from spilled chemicals were observed on the pavement at a chemical tote dispenser area near the sludge drying beds (refer to Photo 8). - An open five-gallon container of sodium hypochlorite was stored unattended near the sodium chloride injection pump house (refer to Photo 9). The primary on-site Facility representative stated that he was not concerned about the storage without containment or the unattended five-gallon pale of sodium hypochlorite and stated that the chemical polymer spill (refer to Photo 7) had just occurred, and therefore had not been cleaned. Effluent and Receiving Waters 1. Central Coast Water Board Order No. R3-2009-0046, Section IV.A.5.a states that effluent shall be essentially free of materials and substances that float or become floatable upon discharge. Floating material was observed in the chlorine contact tank and at the discharge gate (refer to Photos 10 and 11). It should be noted that a gate was throttled causing the solids to be blocked on the effluent surface. The primary on-site Facility representative stated that the source of the floating material were solids passing through both the trickling filter and secondary clarifiers. He also stated that an additional source of some solids were organisms from the trickling filter chemical and hydraulic washing. He further stated that the throttled gate provided adequate removal of solids accumulated on the surface.

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Operations & Maintenance 1. Central Coast Water Board Order No. R3-2009-0046, Attachment D-1 Central Coast Regional Water Board Standard provisions (January 1985), Section I.B.10 requires that the proper operation and maintenance shall be described in an Operation and Maintenance Manual. The Facilitys Operation and Maintenance Manual (O&M Manual) under Staffing Levels in Chapter V Personnel (Page V-3) (refer to Exhibit 3) provides a table of recommended basic staffing levels. The table recommends eight total staff with six of the eight being operators. At the time of the inspection the Discharger employed five operators and one clerical employee, less than recommended in the O&M manual. According to the primary on-site Facility representative, the Discharger was using two temporary maintenance workers. It was also found during the inspection that the Discharger was using one of the operators as the primary laboratory analyst. According to one operator, recent reductions in staff include a mechanic position and a laboratory staff member. Both positions were eliminated. The primary on-site Facility representative stated that he had recently requested two additional operators. Mr. Wallace, the District Administer, acknowledged that Mr. Barlogio had requested additional operators. It should be noted a contract electrician was on site during the inspection and was observed installing Facility lighting. According to the primary on-site Facility representative, the temporary maintenance workers received safety training but no operator training. He further stated that the temporary maintenance workers performed functions like assisting with the installation of pumps and valves including tightening bolts on influent pumping equipment (refer to Exhibit 4). The temporary maintenance workers also operate fluid pumps and handle process chemicals. It should be noted that according to the NOV, Facility operators informed staff at the Facility that the chlorine feed pump for disinfection had been turned off by temporary maintenance workers. Mr. Wallace, the District Administer, stated that temporary workers also perform yard work and painting.

Attachments: CEI Photo Log CEI Exhibit Log CIWQS Violation Report

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INSPECTED ITEM 1. Current copy of Facilitys NPDES permit available on site.


2. Correct name and mailing address of permittee identified on NPDES permit. 3. Facility is as described in permit. 4. a. Notification given to Regional Water Board of process/production modifications, collection system expansions, etc. that impacted quality/quantity of discharge or changes to the Facility or increased discharge. b. Permit modification received, if required, prior to changes. 4a. The Discharger has constructed a temporary recirculation pipeline that recirculates secondary clarifier effluent to the headworks (refer to Photo 12). According to the primary on-site Facility representative, the recirculated secondary effluent is used to increase the dissolved oxygen level in the wastestream. 5. Recent permit modifications, amendments or compliance orders on file. 6. Number of discharge outfalls the same as listed in the permit. 7. Name of receiving waters listed correctly in the permit. 8. Permit status (i.e., Current, Expired, or Extended) 9. Permit renewal application submitted to the Regional Water Board at least 180 days prior to the expiration date. 10. Other:

N S S Current N

Notes: This section was rated satisfactory because all checklist items reviewed were rated satisfactory.

S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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INSPECTED ITEM 1. NPDES records maintained for the time period required (5 years):


The following records and reports were requested and observed: - Current permit, monitoring and reporting program, and standard provisions - Latest three months of eSMRs (August 2012 through October 2012) - 2011 Annual Report (dated January 31, 2012) - 2011 Annual Biosolids Report (dated February 2, 2012) - Flow meter calibration records - Flow measurement records - Maintenance records - Emergency Response Plan (dated July 23, 2009) - O&M Manual (last updated November 2010, currently undergoing updates) - Spill and bypass records - Operation log books - Auxiliary power check log records - On-site laboratory certification and latest DMR QA report (dated August 13, 2012) - Contract laboratory records and chain-of-custodies 2. a. Did the Facility document any spills or bypasses during the period reviewed? b. Spills and bypasses reported and documented as required by the permit (i.e., as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours from the time the permittee first became aware of the circumstances). c. Follow-up written documentation given as required by the permit (within 5 days in most cases). 3. Discharge monitoring report (DMR) and/or self monitoring report (SMR) evaluation: a. The responsible person or designee signs and certifies the DMRs and/or SMRs. b. The Facility monitors more frequently than required by the permit. c. All data collected are summarized on the DMRs and/or SMRs. d. Data reported on DMRs and/or SMRs is consistent w/ analytical results. e. Coliform concentrations calculated as required by the permit (e.g., median, geometric mean). f. Numerical values for minimum detection limits are reported on DMRs and/or SMRs when laboratory reports Not Detected or 0 (for example, MDL= 3, Report: <3 on DMR). g. Less than values properly carried through loading calculations. h. Flow measurement period used for loading calculations brackets the sampling period. i. Influent and/or effluent loading rates properly calculated; if required. j. Number Exceeding (N.E.) properly reported on all DMRs and annual reports. eSMRs, not DMRs, were reviewed as a component of this inspection.

No N

S No S S S S S S S S

S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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INSPECTED ITEM 4. Reports completed in the time frame and frequency as required by the permit (not all reports required for all facilities): a. DMRs and/or SMRs b. Biosolids Monitoring Reports c. Biosolids Management Reports d. CSO/ I&I Reports e. Compliance Schedule Reports f. Pretreatment Reports g. Other: 4d. The collection system and associated records were not reviewed during the inspection. 5. Sampling and analytical records (for water and biosolids) include: a. Dates, times, and location of sampling b. Names of individuals performing sampling c. Analytical methods d. Results of analyses e. Dates of analyses f. Time of analyses, as necessary to verify holding times g. Analysts names or initials h. Instantaneous flow at grab sample stations, if required 6. Plant records include: a. Daily plant operational records or log book b. Equipment maintenance records and schedules c. CSO/lift station check records or log book d. Records of auxiliary power checks e. Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan f. Pollution Prevention Plan (P3) g. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) h. Influent and/or effluent flow measurement records maintained for the past three years i. Other: 7. All records and reports required by the permit appear to be organized and available for inspection. 8. Other: eSMR certification The cover letter submitted with the eSMRs reviewed for this inspection was not signed and did not contain the complete proper certification statement. Refer to the "Major Findings - Records/Reports" section of the report for details. Notes: This section was rated unsatisfactory due to checklist item 8.




S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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1. All treatment units and supporting equipment are in service and mechanically functioning properly. The Facility's treatment train consists of the following: - Two Auger Monster mechanically cleaned bar screens, grinder/compactor (both in use) - Two primary clarifiers (both in use) - One fixed film reactor trickling filter with plastic growth media - One secondary clarifier - One sodium hypochlorite chlorine contact chamber and dechlorination with sodium bisulfate The Facility's solids handling process consists of the following: - One primary anaerobic digester - One secondary anaerobic digester - One centrifuge (used during winter months) - Ten sludge drying beds (used during summer months) Two of the four influent pumps were not in service and were awaiting repairs. Isolation valves necessary for the repair operation were not functioning as well. One of the Facility's two sodium hypochlorite storage tanks was not in service. Refer to the "Major Findings - Facility Site Review" section of this report for details. 2. Hydraulic and organic loadings are consistent with the fact sheet and plant design criteria. a. Are there signs of overloading to the Facility and collection system, including I&I and septage loading? 3. Peak flows remain within the established plant capacity. a. If flows have exceeded capacity, has the Regional Water Board been notified? 4. Lift stations are properly monitored, maintained, have a back-up power source and are not subject to chronic spills and/or overflows. Lift stations in the collection system were not reviewed as a component of this inspection. 5. Odors are adequately controlled, resulting in limited complaints. 6. Residual chlorine monitoring is well documented and sampling/monitoring is representative of the discharge. a. If a UV system is used, the dosage intensity, tubes, and alarms are adequate, maintained and documented.




S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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7. Housekeeping procedures are adequate to prevent release of pollutants to the environment: a. Adequate dikes and secondary containment b. Spill containment and clean-up c. Signs of spillage to soil, groundwater, or surface water d. Storm water and leachate management from storage piles e. Leaking pipes, pumps, etc. f. Drum and chemical storage areas g. Minimization of pollutants entering storm water outfalls h. Other open dumps or debris piles i. Other: 7a. Chemicals were stored without secondary containment. Refer to the "Major Findings - Facility Site Review" section of this report for details. 7b. Spilled chemicals were observed at the Facility. Refer to the "Major Findings Facility Site Review" section of this report for details. 7f. Chemicals were observed stored in an open unattended pale. Refer to the "Major Findings - Facility Site Review" section of this report for details. 8. Signs of tank deterioration and/or settlement. The concrete on the primary digester tank was cracked and spawling on the soutwest side of the tank (refer to Photos 13 and 14). 9. Safety concerns are present that may interfere with proper operation, maintenance, and/or monitoring. 10. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available for stored chemicals. 11. Equipment available for spill clean-up and containment. According to the primary on-site Facility representative, absorbant materials were stored on site for chemical spills. 12. Other: Notes: This section was rated unsatisfactory due to checklist items 1, 7a., 7b., and 7f.



S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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1. Recent DMR and/or SMR history (last 3 months) (outfall number(s) 001): a. Violations of discharge limits b. Spills/bypasses c. Fish kills or other receiving water impacts d. WET testing results are in accordance with the permit e. If effluent limit violations have been identified, what actions has the Facility taken to eliminate or reduce their recurrence? 1a. Determination of effluent limit exceedances was made based upon a review of data contained within CIWQS. Effluent limit exceedances for fecal coliform were noted during the period of review (September and October 2012). Refer to the attached "CIWQS Violation Report" for details of those violations. 1e. The Discharger has taken steps to identify the root cause of the exceedances. 2. DMR and/or SMR spot check August 2012 through October 2012 conducted for the Months of: a. Internal lab sheets and contract lab results properly transferred to DMRs b. Monthly average, weekly, maximum, etc., values correctly calculated per the permit c. Influent and effluent loadings reported d. DMR and/or SMR is accurate and complete for each outfall 3. Appearance of effluent during inspection: a. The effluent(s) was viewed during the inspection b. Excessive foam, scum, or sheens present c. Cloudy and/or color d. Excessive solids e. Other: 3a. The secondary effluent was viewed at the terminus of the chlorine contact chamber (refer to Photo 11). 3d. Floating solids were observed in the chlorine contact chamber. Refer to the "Major Findings - Effluent and Receiving Waters" section of this report for details. 4. Appearance of receiving water(s) during inspection: a. The receiving water(s) was viewed during the inspection b. Distinctly visible foam or sheens on receiving water c. Biosolids accumulation or deposits of solids below discharge point(s) d. Distinctly visible plume from discharge(s) to receiving water e. Discharge creates objectionable odor at or near receiving water(s) f. Other: The Facility discharges 4,400 feet offshore; therefore, the receiving water in the vicinity of the discharge point was not viewed. 5. Other:


Yes S S U N

No N N N N N

S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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Notes: This section was rated marginal because the inspector did not believe that checklist item 3d. was significant enough to down grade the overall rating to unsatisfactory. All identified exceedances in checklist item 1a. appeared to be properly reported to the Central Coast Water Board and are presented in the "CIWQS Violation Report."

S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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INSPECTED ITEM 1. Flow Measurement devices and methods: Influent Measurement: Primary Device: Two Parshall flumes Secondary Device: Two Ultrasonic transducers Effluent Measurement: Primary Device: Magmeter Secondary Device: N/A Other method of estimating flow: N/A The Discharger is not required to report effluent flow measurements.



2. Flow measurement devices designed to meet permit requirements (continuous measured, continuous record, etc.). 3. Flow measurement location is representative of the actual discharge (considering return and bypass lines, etc.). 4. Flumes: a. Approach channel straight for at least 10 times the maximum head height in flume b. Flow enters flume evenly distributed across the channel and free of turbulence, boils, or other disturbances c. The flume is clean and free of debris or deposits d. All flume dimensions appear accurate, level, and plumb e. Flume head is being measured properly f. Flume is appropriately sized to measure the existing range of flows g. No obstructions downstream causing inaccurate flow measurement due to excessive submergence in flume h. Proper flow tables being used 5. Weirs: a. Approach channel straight for at least 10 times the maximum head height b. Flow in the approach channel is evenly distributed and free of turbulence, boils, or other disturbances c. No solids accumulation in the bottom of the approach channel d. Weir crest is located at least two times the maximum head height off the floor of the flow channel e. The weir plate is level, plumb and without distortions f. Weir is beveled on downstream side if plate is >1/8 inch thick g. No leakage around the weir plate h. Measuring point located at least 3 times the maximum head height behind (upstream of) the weir i. There is free-fall and access for air below the nappe of the weir (i.e., water doesnt cling to the weir plate) j. Weir sized properly to measure the existing range of flows k. Proper flow tables being used for weir type and size



S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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6. Secondary flow device properly installed and maintained, and operating without interference from foam, turbulence, webs, etc. 7. Date of last flow meter calibrations: Influent: 10/23/2012 Performed by: FM Controls Effluent: Performed by: N/A The effluent flow meter is not used for reporting purposes so calibration records were not reviewed. 8. Calibration checks by plant personnel routinely performed. 9. Calibration records (external and internal checks) maintained. 10. Other:



Notes: This section was rated satisfactory because all checklist items reviewed were rated satisfactory.

S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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1. Sampling locations, type, methods, and frequencies conform to the NPDES permit for all required samples (including influent, effluent, biosolids, receiving stream, etc.). Details concerning the Discharger's self-monitoring activities can be found in the "Facility Narrative" section of this report. 2. Sampling locations and methods provide representative samples. a. Grab samples are collected during peak flow conditions rather than low-stress conditions b. Composite sampling procedures comply with the permit (time vs. flow weighted) c. Other: 3. Automatic samplers and other sampling equipment are properly cleaned. 4. Samples are preserved using methods listed in 40 CFR, Part 136 (e.g., chilled, acidified). 5. Sample containers are as listed in 40 CFR, Part 136. 6. Chain-of-custody is maintained and documented. 7. Samples are collected using approved protocols: a. Coliform samples are collected directly into sterilized containers b. BOD samples are collected prior to disinfection or reseeded c. Oil and grease samples are collected directly into glass containers d. Other: 8. Other:



Notes: This section was rated satisfactory because all checklist items reviewed were rated satisfactory.

S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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1. On-site laboratory is ELAP-certified? a. List parameters analyzed at the on-site laboratory that are used for DMR reporting: pH, residual chlorine, and temperature b. List additional parameters analyzed for internal monitoring and process control: N/A ELAP Certification No. 1413, certification expires on December 31, 2013. 2. EPA-approved analytical methods are used by the on-site laboratory? 3. Adequate equipment and procedures used for on-site analyses: a. BOD and CBOD b. TSS c. pH d. Dissolved Oxygen e. Residual Chlorine f. Temperature g. Other: 4. On-site laboratory records include: a. Laboratory SOPs b. Calibration and maintenance of equipment c. Equipment operating instructions and manuals 5. Adequate spare parts and supplies for on-site analyses. 6. Results of latest external DMR QA study are available and are acceptable. Date of last report: 8/13/2012 The results of the most recent DMR QA report were reviewed and a rating of "acceptable" was noted for each parameter. 7. Satisfactory refrigeration in use. 8. Certified contract laboratory(s) being used:




S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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NPDES Permit No. Order No.

CA0048003 R3-2009-0046

INSPECTED ITEM Laboratory Name: FGL Environmental Visited? No Address: 3442 Emperese Dr. Suite D San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: (805) 738-2940 Parameters: Conventional pollutants, metals, priority pollutants Laboratory Name: Abalone Coast Bacteriology Visited? No Address: 141 Suburban Road San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone: (805) 595-1080 Parameters: Fecal Coliform


9. EPA-approved analytical procedures are identified on contract lab report. 10. Holding times being met by on-site and/or contract laboratory. a. pH measured in situ or within 15 minutes of sample collection. b. Residual chlorine measured in situ or within 15 minutes of sample collection. 11. Other:


Notes: This section was rated satisfactory because all checklist items reviewed were rated satisfactory.

S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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NPDES Permit No. Order No.

CA0048003 R3-2009-0046



INSPECTED ITEM 1. Preliminary treatment units (bar screens, comminuters, grit channels, etc.) properly maintained with wastes properly disposed. 2. Adequate oxygen maintained in aerated treatment systems. 3. No operational problems caused by hydraulic short-circuiting in treatment units. 4. Biosolids wasting/return rates adequate to maintain system equilibrium. 5. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals and supporting information organized and maintained for use: a. Plant O&M Manual b. Equipment manuals c. Plant engineering drawings d. Collection system drawings available or in development e. Maintenance records/costs 6. Routine and preventative maintenance items are scheduled and performed on time. 7. The amount of maintenance activities and parts in back-log is acceptable. The backlog of preventative and routine maintenance activities appeared reasonable. 8. Operational problems contributing to plant upset, excessive odors, effluent violations, etc. 9. Level of operator certification as required by the permit and staffing level as specified in O&M Manual. The Facility is rated as a Class III facility. The Facility is typically staffed 8.5 hours per day (7:30 AM to 4 PM) seven days per week. Facility operations are controlled and monitored at the individual treatment units or equipment. Some equipment is alarmed to a panel in the central office area. The Facility has an alarm board and a call-out system to notify operators of possible Facility issues during unmanned hours. The operations team consists of the following: - One Grade IV - One Grade III - Three Grade II The Facility O&M manual calls for more staffing than the present level of staffing at the Facility. Refer to the "Major Findings - Operations and Maintenance" section of this report for details. 10. Auxiliary power available as required by the permit and operates the necessary treatment units. Power for the Facility is typically supplied by the local utility. In the event that power cannot be supplied by the local utility, one 600 kW emergency generator is available and has the capability to run all essential processes.
S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable



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NPDES Permit No. Order No.

CA0048003 R3-2009-0046


INSPECTED ITEM 11. Alarm systems for power and equipment failure. 12. Treatment control procedures are established for emergencies.


13. Hydraulic surges are handled without excessive solids wash-out or bypasses. 14. Spare pumps and parts readily available. 15. Facility appears to be well operated and maintained. Several pieces of equipment were out of service, chemicals were observed without secondary containment, chemical spills were observed, solids were observed in the final effluent and a sludge process tank was deteriorating. Refer to the "Facility Site Review" and "Effluent and Receiving Waters" sections of this report for additional details. 16. Other:

Notes: This section was rated unsatisfactory due to checklist item 9. Checklist item 15 was accounted for in the "Facility Site Review" and "Effluent and Receiving Waters" sections of this report.

S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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NPDES Permit No. Order No.

CA0048003 R3-2009-0046




1. Biosolids/solid waste disposal/reuse method(s) (e.g., land application, landfill, etc.): Grit and screenings are hauled to a local landfill and biosolids are processed on site and hauled to a composting facility for further processing. 2. Biosolids/solid waste disposal/reuse location(s): Grit and screenings are disposed of at Cold Canyon Landfill in San Luis Obispo County and biosolids are hauled to Liberty Composting, Inc. in Kern County. 3. The above processes are in accordance with the permit. 4. Storage at Facility: a. Adequately sized for periods of inclement weather b. Controls leachate, runoff, and public access 4a. and 4b. The Discharger is in the process of modifying its dried solids storage area. The Facility is currently constructing a concrete pad under the centrifuge chute to catch biosolids in a parked haul vehicle for direct transport for disposal or for transfer to temporary storage in the lined biosolids drying beds at the Facility (refer to Photo 2). 5. Recent analytical results for metals (biosolids) are within permit limits. 6. Biosolids land application records include: a. Farm maps and land owner agreements b. Soil nutrient analyses done within the last year for active sites c. Records showing loading rate to each site d. Pathogen/Vector reduction records (pH or temperature logs, etc.) 7. Other:



Notes: This section was rated satisfactory because all checklist items reviewed were rated satisfactory.

S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated/Not Applicable

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Photo Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Photo 1: Facility entrance sign.

Photo 2: Construction of a concrete pad under dried biosolids centrifuge chute.

Inspection Date: December 19, 2012

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Photo Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Photo 3: Secondary containment vessel for ruptured sodium hypochlorite tank. A new tank had reportedly been ordered. Delivery was expected approximately four weeks following the inspection.

Photo 4: Temporary sodium hypochlorite storage without secondary containment.

Inspection Date: December 19, 2012

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Photo Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Photo 5: Cracked housing on polymer feed pump.

Photo 6: Chemical storage tote resting outside secondary containment area.

Inspection Date: December 19, 2012

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Photo Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Photo 7: Chemical spill at time of inspection.

. Photo 8: Stains from past chemical spills.

Inspection Date: December 19, 2012

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Photo Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Photo 9: Sodium hypochlorite stored in an unattended open pale.


Photo 10: Floating solids at the terminus of chlorine contact chamber.

Inspection Date: December 19, 2012

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Photo Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Photo 11: Floating solids in the chlorine contact chamber.

Photo 12: Temporary pipe from the secondary clarifier (lower right: green pipe) to the headworks (beyond middle of photo). According to the primary on-site Facility representative, the flow is returned to add oxygen to the head of the wet treatment train.

Inspection Date: December 19, 2012

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Photo Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Photo 13: Concrete spawling on southwest side of primary digester tank.

Photo 14: Concrete crack on southwest side of primary digester tank.

Inspection Date: December 19, 2012

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Exhibit Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Exhibit 1: First page of 27 page NOV (dated December 18, 2012).

Inspection Date: December 19, 2012

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Exhibit Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Exhibit 2: Signature page from the October 2012 eSMR.

Inspection Date: Month Day, 200x

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Exhibit Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Exhibit 3: Page from current O&M manual showing staffing levels for the Facility.
Inspection Date: Month Day, 200x Page 3 of 4

South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) Exhibit Log Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Staff changes out the discharge gate and check valve first that connects to the piping manifold. Thus later in the morning, we can use the emergency diesel pump to control the water coming into the plant, if needed. Staff must monitor the level of the sewage in the collection system. If it gets with in 50 inches of the top of the grating, we must pump the system down, or return the flow into the plant. Around 40 inches, we could be spilling. Trini talks about how many years ago, we had about 4 hours of holding time in the early morning, now we are down to maybe 2 to 3 hours.

Trini and temp staff installing the new discharge gate and check valve for # 1 pump

Exhibit 4: Portion of a monthly managers report during the period of review.

Inspection Date: Month Day, 200x

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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES No. CA0048003) CIWQS Violation Report Inspected by: Craig Blett (PG Environmental, LLC) and Katie DiSimone (Central Coast Water Board)

Violations Report: All violations during the period of review were reported.
Inspection Date: December 19, 2012 Page 1 of 1

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