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New Sound: Co-Creating With God (Part 1)

I. History about AUTHORITY.

by Tracy Eckert

The latter house will be greater than the former. The latter rain will be greater than the former. He reserved the best wine for the end. Greater Works in the last generation. Christ died and doesnt need to do anymore to reconcile us to God, however, Isaiah proclaimed that the increase of His government and authority will have no end. JOHN 1 Jesus is the word of God who was in the beginning. When God spoke, the WORD that created all the earth [that was Jesus]. Also 1 John 5:6-13 TO AGREE. COL 1:16, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can't seesuch as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. Psalm 115:15-16, May you be blessed by the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lords; But the earth He has given to the children (sons)of men. Read Gen 1:26-28. God commanded Adam & Eve, TAKE DOMINION, RULE, HAVE ALL MY AUTHORITY in other words Bring all the qualities of heaven to this earth. One way that Adam fulfilled this job description was by, THROUGH WORDS, creatively SPEAKING [he named the animals]. He took dominion through his words. We are made in the image of God and, as such, are the only ones who can co create. The angels and fallen angels cannot create. In aligning his life with lies, Adam lost his rulership, transferring it to Satan. Rom 6:16, Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin [leading] to death, or of obedience [leading] to righteousness? I have been talking about crossing over into the Promised Land. I am committed to you in great love and devotion to help you make this transition successfully. Lets look at the crossing over of the children of Israel at KADESH BARNEA (CONSESCRATED/REPENTANCE- CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK). WILDERNESS IS the home of the slaves (spirit of poverty). Deut 8:1-3, 18. 1. Poverty about negative past, present, future. 2. SPEAKING THE OBVIOUS I DONT KNOW HOW THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN BECAUSE... 3. NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND WORDS ABOUT OTHERS II. NEW AGE IS COUNTERFEIT. When Lucifer fell he knew and understood the laws of universe, the laws of God. Some of these laws of God will work for unsaved and saved. Gravity, sowing and reaping. Rains on the righteous and unrighteous. New Age picked up on power of speech and thought way before us. Visualizing, seeingDoes this mean we shouldnt do that? NO. Snake said to Eve [paraphrase], "If you do this, you will be your own god knowing good and evil. You can be your own god." - Purely New Age doctrine. "You can access and use all of these laws, and access wealth, and be your own god. But the true God said [paraphrase], "If you do this, you are going to die." WE ARE ALL MADE IN HIS IMAGE but only THE SONS OF GOD HAVE AND ARE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD. 1 02/21/13 Encounter Service

New Sound: Co-Creating With God (Part 1)

by Tracy Eckert

Words are not just words, they are power and vibration: negative (demons pick it up and will use it to create with). Mouth--You clothe ourselves with the words that you speak. Everything you speak has emotion--it comes from the goes through the mind and then out of the mouth. Words carry a vibration, color, sound and a smell. You leave a trail of life or death. Circumstances have been created by you. By the thoughts you think, and the words that you speak. Proverbs 4:23, Guard you heart with all your strength because out of it the issues of life flow. You have the power to create good or evil. DEMONS OR ANGELS GRAB YOUR WORDS. Increase of authority to the church--meaning that our words will literally happen. James 5:12, Above ALL THINGSDO NOT SWEAR, EITHER BY HEAVEN OR BY EARTH OR WITH ANY OTHER OATH. LET YOU YES BE YES AND YOUR NO BE NO, LEST YOU FALL INTO JUDGEMENT. We have the need for a disciplined tongue and obedient heart in this hour. We need the fear of the Lord. We are not clever enough to be left to ourselves. MUST BE LED BY SPIRIT. If it is not good, dont say it or repeat it. Prov 21:23, WHOEVER GUARDS HIS MOUTH AND TONGUE, KEEPS HIS SOUL FROM TROUBLE. Any fool can destroy something, but can you build something? Prov 6:16, 7 THINGS GOD HATES; LYING IS TWO OF THE SEVEN. Sound creates vibration which will shift matter either in a positive or negative direction. DR. MASURU EMOTO STUDIED CHANGES TO WATER IN CRYSTALS USING DIFFERENT WORDS AND MUSIC...wrote a book called Hidden Messages in Water. Hes not a believer, but his research confirms the Word of God. God hates lying--it's a CROOKED PLACE. Lying is anything opposite of the truth. Increase in authority--coming again into the days of Annanias and Sapphira. Truth is required Truth plan and purpose for your life Truth about who God is Truth about who you are in God Truth about the people He has called you to love

He doesnt care about right and wrong, but TRUTH. Dont judge. Bring the truth in love. Stand in the gap. This is a holy moment. Let's consecrate our tongues tonight.


Encounter Service

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