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MESI Spring Training Learning By Doing: Bridging Evaluation Theory and Practice

March 6 8, 2013 Pre-Conference Workshops: March 4 & 5, 2013

Learning By Doing: Bridging Evaluation Theory and Practice

March 4 & March 5: Pre-Conference Workshops

One-Day Workshops Two-Day Workshop

Monday March 4, 2013 Workshops


Qualitative Evaluation Utilization-Focused Methods Evaluation with Richard Krueger with Michael and Mary Anne Casey Quinn Patton

Using NVivo to Analyze Qualitative Data with Randi Nelson

Using R for Data Analysis with Andy Zieffler Introduction to Evaluation with Stacey Stockdill

Tuesday March 5, 2013 Workshops


Conflict Management with Jeanne Zimmer

Developmental Evaluation with Michael Quinn Patton

Data Visualization with Susan Kistler

Using Excel to Analyze Survey Data with Beverly Dretzke

MESI Spring Training Learning By Doing: Bridging Evaluation Theory and Practice

Wednesday March 6, 2013 Conference Day 1

8:00 - 8:45 8:45-9:00 9:00 11:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast Conference Introduction by David R. Johnson and Jean A. King Keynote Presentation Adaptive Action: Options in Evaluation With Glenda Eoyang The 2013 Mary Corcoran Lecture Includes a break and exercises in systems thinking and doing 11:30 -12:30
12:30 - 2:30 Concurrent Sessions #1

Working Effectively with Young People in Evaluations Josephine Pufpaff, Nora Murphy, Palbasha Siddique, Maddy Wegner, Anne Parish, Callie Tabor, & Cyreta Howard Break Introduction to Culture and Evaluation Vanessa McKendallStephens Ripple Effect Mapping: A Tool for Evaluating the Impacts of Complex Interventions Scott Chazdon and Kit Alviz MESI Caf: What You Need to Know To Be an Independent Consultant Facilitated by Denise Roseland MESI Un-Session: The Evaluators Are In: Bring your evaluation challenges and brainstorm with your colleagues. Facilitated by Laura Pejsa and Jean King

Evaluation 101 Cindy Reich

Evaluating impact-ability Before impact: Three Systems Methods Tom Bartholomay

2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 4:30 Concurrent Session #2

25 Low-Cost or No-Cost Tools for Program Evaluation Susan Kistler

4:30 - 4:40 4:40 - 5:30


Break Speed Networking and Conversation (Room 83) Bring your business cards and your smile!

MESI Spring Training Learning By Doing: Bridging Evaluation Theory and Practice

Thursday March 7, 2013 Conference Day 2

8:00 - 8:45

Registration and Continental Breakfast Keynote Presentation: The Revolution Will Not Be Culturally Competent with Vidhya Shanker and Dipankar Mukherjee Break
Emerging Demands for Evaluation and How You Can Prepare Yourself Leah Goldstein Moses MESI Caf: How to Get Published in Evaluation Frances Lawrenz Stacie Toal Delia Kundin Kelli Johnson

8:45 10:15

10:15 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:30 Concurrent Session #3

When Bad Things Happen to Good Evaluators Jean A. King

Healthcare Analytics 101

Raymond A. Gensinger, Jr.

11:30 -12:30 12:30-2:30 Concurrent Session #4 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 4:45 Concurrent Session #5 Ice Breakers. Energy Boosters. Story Generators. Ideas, Tips, and Techniques for How to Work with Groups Richard Krueger and Mary Anne Casey Evaluation Capacity Building at a Nonprofit Anna Martin, Cindi Yang, & Gifty Amarteifio Short Narratives in Evaluation: Collection, Analysis and Use Amy Maynard, Ann Mavis, Mary McEathron

Telling Policy Stories with Numbers: Data Visualization Gabriel Pia MESI Caf: The Speed Dating of Apps* Facilitated by Alfonso

*To be held in adjacent building

Thinking Evaluatively, Acting Evaluatively, and Searching for Impact: How Far Do You Want to Go? Ruth Bowman MESI Caf: Wild Successes and Lamentable Failures in Evaluation: Learning by Doing in the Field Facilitated by Leah Goldstein Moses & Hanife Cakici

Evaluating Complex Systems Pat Seppanen

MESI Spring Training Learning By Doing: Bridging Evaluation Theory and Practice

Friday March 8, 2013 Conference Day 3

8:00-8:45 Registration and Continental Breakfast
Wisdom from the pros Panel Moderator: Richard Krueger Panel Members: James Nobles, Greg Owen, Johnna Rohmer-Hirt

8:45-10:15 Concurrent Session #6

Evaluation Theory: Why Should I Care? Jean A. King

Adding SPSS to Your Evaluation Toolkit Stacie Toal

MESI Caf: Student Showcase Facilitated by Nora Murphy

10:15 10:30 10:30-11:45

Break Conference Reflection with Michael Quinn Patton


Closing Remarks and Announcement of 2013 MESI Top Ten List

Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute 330 Wulling Hall 86 Pleasant Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: Phone: 612-626-3823 Fax: 612-624-3377 facebook: twitter: @MESI_UMN

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