Gce o Level 2008 Chemistry 5072 5067 Paper 1 Solutions

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GCE O L Level Oct/N Nov 2008 Ch hemistry 50 072/5067 P Paper 1 Sug ggested An nswers

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An ns D A A

Workin ngs/Remar rks

Condense allows unrea er acted M and N that have boil off to conve back into liquid state. led ert The cond denser is positioned vertically so that liquid M and N coul flow back in the boiling y ld nto flask and continue react d ting with each other. Barium s sulphate is inso oluble. Alkaline gases turn red litmus paper b blue. water in damp l litmus paper to form ammoni o ium hydroxide, which is Ammonia reacts with w alkaline. Chlorine turns blue litm to red then bleach. mus n Cation to anion ratio in ionic crystal lattice must sho stoichiomet of the comp o ow try pound. Giant cov valent compou is insoluble in water. und e Electroni configuration of O: 2.6 2.8 by providin 2 electrons to be stable ic n ng Electroni configuration of F: 2.7 2 by providin 1 electron to be stable ic n 2.8 ng o Electroni configuration of C: 2.4 2.8 by providin 4 electrons to be stable ic n ng P-Q: Cha ange in temperature, average kinetic energy of molecules increases. y Q-R: No change in tem mperature, change in state occu Melting ta urs. akes place at 0 C. R-S: Rise in temperatur of water at li e re iquid state. T-U: Boi iling, change in state, occurs at a fixed temp n perature 100C C. Only opti A consists of one insolub (calcium ca ion ble arbonate) and o soluble (sod one dium chloride) ) salt. Sublimat tion is the chan from solid to gaseous stat Mercury is a liquid at room temperature. nge te. m . Mr of nit trogen and carb monoxide is the same. Ra of diffusion is the same. bon ate n final no. of mole of gas initial no. of m of gas i mol initial no. of mol of gas

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A: 3/6 x 100 %= 50% B: 5/7 x 100 %= 71.4% % C: 2/3 x 100 %= 66.7% % D: 3/3 x 100 %= 100% *note: AL gases have same molar vo LL olume (vol. of one mole). 2HCl + N 2CO3 CO2 + 2NaCl + H2O Na No. of mol of Na2CO3 = 25 / 1000 x 0 = 0.005 m 0.2 No. of mol of HCl = 0.0 x 2 = 0.01 m 005 Volume o HCl = 0.01 / 0.1 x 1000 = 100 cm3 of Mass of O in X = 8 - 5.6 = 2.4g No of mo of O = 2.4 / 16 ole No of mo of X = (2.4 / 16) x (2 / 3) ole For the sa time taken no. of electro flowing in both the cells is the same. ame n, ons Since Q a S have diff and fferent increase in mass, no. o electrons req e of quired to discha arge each cation in both cells wou be different This implies oxidation state of cation in b uld t. e both cells is different and therefore d different eleme and atomic mass. ent c I: melting is endotherm g mic. II: boiling id endotherm g mic III: comb bustion is exoth hermic IV: condensation is exo othermic Largest in nitial concentr ration gives fas stest initial rate of reaction. e


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A: 40/36.5 = 1.10 mol/d 3 dm .5 l/dm3 B: 20/36. = 0.548 mol C: 10/36. x 10 = 2.74 mol/dm3 .5 D: 4/36.5 x 20 = 2.19 m 5 mol/dm3 At time 0 pH of solutio should be m 0, on more than 7 due to presence of NaOH e After neu utralization (pH 7), pH of solu H ution should be less than 7 du to presence of excess HCl ue l Carbon dioxide is acidic. d Test for Al3+ ion with N A NaOH: Alumin nium hydroxide (white ppt) is soluble in exc of NaOH. e s cess Lead (II) carbonate reac with sulphu acid to form lead (II) sulp cts uric m phate, which fo orms an insoluble layer over lea e ad(II) carbonate preventing further reaction with acid. e, fu n H3PO4 + 3NaOH Na3PO4 + 3H2O a ncentration of b both reactants is the same, vo olume of acid t volume of base ratio to Since con should be 1:3 e A: oxidat tion state of M 0 in Mg to + in MgCl2 [O Mg: +2 O] oxidat tion state of H: +1 in HCl to 0 in H2 [R] : B: no cha ange in oxidati state ion C: oxidat tion state of Cu 0 in Cu to +2 in Cu(NO3)2 [O] u: 2 oxidat tion state of N: +5 in HNO3 t +4 in NO2 [R : to R] D: oxidat tion state of Cu 0 in Cu to +2 in CuSO4 [O u: 2 O] Oxida ation state of S: +6 in H2SO4 t +4 in SO2 [R to R] Organic a acids are weak acids. k One mole of sulphuric acid gives two moles of H+ io whereas on mole of hyd e a ons ne drochloric acid gives one mole of H+ io e on. A: metals form basic ox s xides; non-met form acidic oxides tals c B: group number predic no. of electr cts rons involved in bonding, thu formula of compound. us c CuSO4 + Na2CO3 Na2SO4 + CuCO3 a O No. of mole of CuSO4 = 4 / 1000 x 1.0 = 0.004 m No. of mole of Na2CO3 = 8 / 1000 x 1 = 0.008 m 1.0 Compoun remained b nds behind after rea action: colourless Na2CO3 (aq (excess reac q) ctant), colourles Na2SO4 (aq), green CuCO3 (s). ss Melting p point increases down the elem s ments of Group VII. p Therefore Y is below X in the group. e, . This implies Y has mor protons and less reactive th X. re han Group VI elements for diatomic molecules. II rm A: calciu hydroxide r um reacts with sulp phuric acid to f form salt and w water only. C: all car rbonates are ins soluble in wate except sodiu potassium and ammonium carbonates. er um, m D: zinc o oxide reacts wit sulphuric ac to form salt and water only th cid t y. Copper is less reactive than iron. Ther s refore, iron dis splaces copper ions from its s solution, resulting in copper depo osit. Cu e s) Fe (s) + C 2+ (aq) Fe2+ (aq) + Cu (s A: Coppe does not react with acid be er ecause it is less reactive than hydrogen. s B: Lead ( sulphate is insoluble. (II) C: Some are colourless e.g. Pb(NO)3 *Note: This is different form question that is asking for % of nitrogen by mass in the t n n compoun in which ma of nitrogen is compared against Mr of c nd, ass n a compound. Thus, the compound wh contains t most numbe of nitrogen a e hich the er atoms in the m molecular formula s should be the c correct answer. .

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Combust tion of fuels in cars and powe stations prod er duces carbon di ioxide. Plants ne to take in carbon dioxide for photosynth eed hesis. Carbon in glucose comes from n carbon in CO2. n 6CO2 + 1 20 12H C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O Syllabus states that para affin (kerosene is used as a fuel for heating and cooking and for e) f g aircraft engines. A: R, S and T contain 4 carbons. a B: Alkyl group (CH3) attached to last carbon atom in linear chain i not consider as a n is red branched chain. d C: S is bu ut-2-ene. General formula of alka is CnH2n+2 f ane Combust tion hydrocarbo in excess ox on xygen gives ca arbon dioxide a water only. Therefore, X and . is CO2. Alkenes d decolourise bro omine spontan neously because of C=C bond Therefore, Y is ethane. e d. Nylon is polyamide, wh must cont amide link hich tain kage. Terylene is polyester, w which must con ntain ester linka age. Esterifica ation involves r removal of one mole of H2O. (-OH from ac and H from alcohol) e cid m Mg + 2C 3COOH CH (CH ( 3COO)2Mg + H2 g

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