ActivationCodeRequestForm - PL Rename This File As Per Help Before Sending

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CPWD Planning Application Activation Code Request Form

Details of the person requesting the activation codes Name Designation Office Address Station Email Address Alternate Email Address if any Mobile No. Office Telephone No. Residence Telephone No. Activation codes may be issued for the following product IDs



Office Address


Request Form


Office Tel Residence with Tel with Mobile No. STDcode STDcode

Please follow the following points for obtaining the activation code 1 When the CPA program is run for the first time, an activation form is displayed. Copy the product ID from the activation form, and paste it in the product ID cell of this request form. Do not type the product ID, as this may some times lead to errors like 0 is typed as O, 1 is typed as I or vice versa, due to which the activation code issued will not work. Hence, always copy and paste the product ID. 2 The data for activation code request shall be entered only in RequestForm sheet of this workbook. 3 The activation code request form (this excel workbook) shall be saved as person_designation_Office_station.xls. eg. vjreddy_EE_NCDII_Nagpur. The activation request form so saved shall be sent as an attachment to with subject as name, designation, office, dept, station of the person sending the request for activation code. eg. vjreddy, EE, NCDII, CPWD, Nagpur. If further request forms are sent, they shall be suffixed with 2, 3 etc. eg. vjreddy_EE_NCDII_Nagpur2, vjreddy_EE_NCDII_Nagpur3 etc. Similarly 2, 3 shall be suffixed in the subject also. The request form shall be sent only to Any queries regarding activation code shall be sent only to Sending to other email addresses, or may not be seen. 4 Please Enter data in column B from rows 3 to 11 even if the activation code is required for the same person. If alternate email address is not there then leave B8 cell blank. In B7, B8 cells only one email address shall be entered. Eg. Do not enter more than one email address in the same cell separated by commas, & etc. 5 The data shall be typed in corresponding cell. If the content is more use wordwrap, but do not type in the next row or other cell. 6 Please install in the computers of the office and subdivisions and send a consolidated list of product ids in the request form for issuing the activation codes. 7 Enter the data for each activation code in one row. 8 Even if the data is same as the one in the row above dont type ", or ---do--- etc. but repeat the data. 9 Do not leave blank rows between different activation request rows. 10 Do not merge the cells 11 The workbook shall be saved as .xls format only and not in the 2007 format of .xlsx NOTE: 1 The activation code is generated automatically based on the data in the excel sheet. Hence, if the above procedure is not followed the activation code will not be issued. 2 If the data in the requestform is incomplete then activation code cannot be issued 3 The activation code request form must be sent through the Executive Engineer concerned by enclosing scanned copy of requisition letter from EE. If it is sent by other staff then it will not be considered. 4 To avoid issue of activation codes several times please install in the computers of the office and sub divisions and consolidated request form shall be sent.


B.No. Nagpu 15/1, r Sadar B.No. 15/1, Sadar Nagpur


Not correct. The data shall be in one row and in the corresponding cell

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