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Who Really Sunk The Lusitania?

It Was Sunk To Bring America Into WW-1

May 1st is a special date in Illuminati
archives, celebrated as the day of
Baal/Beltane; the devils day was also
chosen to commemorate Russia’s
revolution, by its instigators; the same
banking cartels that funded American
and British war efforts during World War
I and II and helped finance Hitler’s rise
to power.

On May 1st, 1915 the Lusitania left New

York on its last fateful voyage. History
records that Kapt Walter Schwieger
commanded the U Boat that sank her as
she neared the Irish coast but as Voltaire
said; “history is a lie commonly agreed
on” and the sinking of the Lusitania is a
prime example.

I first heard this story many years ago from a senior

freemason in London at Hackney’s retired Seamen’s
Mission. This man‘s father was present at Churchill’s
initiation into the Freemasons when Winston was 26. This
together with much other information was given to me in
exchange for a large bottle of whisky and many years of
research incline me to believe that what I was told was true.

The Lusitania’s sinking created widespread public outrage

and was the decisive factor in bringing America onto
Britain’s side in W.W.I. However, the real story has yet to
be told. For just as Pearl harbour and 9/11 were staged
theatre pieces, so the Lusitania was sunk with the same end
in view: to widen conflict from which the Illuminati would
gain, financially, politically and crucially on an esoteric
level too.
The ships Captain, William Turner had shown himself
to be fearless, rescuing a man and a boy from a
sinking ship and would also obey orders to the letter.
Yet he was not a popular figure with the Cunard
Shipping Line. They felt that Lusitania’s captain
needed ‘people skills’ to entertain the passengers en
route but Captain Turner lacked these; instead he was
uncomfortable and silent among passengers whom he
often avoided.

Poorly educated after leaving school aged 8, he was

also a highly superstitious man who bought a brand
new bowler hat before each voyage to ensure a safe
journey. Which is why his crew jokingly referred to
him as “Captain Bowler.”

Seven days after it first set sail from New

York the Lusitania was sunk off the Irish
coast on May 7th 1915. The inquest that
followed damned Capt Turner for not
following the established defensive custom
for avoiding the U. Boats that gathered in
the shallow waters off the Irish coast. In
fact, according to the inquiry Capt. Turner
almost ran into the U Boats, despite
knowing in advance where they lay.

The inquest also stated that although the

Lusitania could outrun the U Boats, it was
going at a much slower pace, and not zig-
zagging as Admiralty practise dictated in
its orders. Such evasive manoeuvres were
made all the more necessary as the
destroyer escorting the Lusitania had been
instructed to abandon its charge some time
Lord Rothschild

At the time, Winston Churchill was in charge at the

Admiralty and the intelligence was received by him
and shared with Lord Rothschild, his mentor and
benefactor. Between them they decided that the
many German émigrés in America had been
responsible for keeping America out of the war.
Even worse, there was the possibility that America
would remain isolationist, or worse still, might even
end up supporting Germany.

So Churchill, a 33rd degree mason hatched a plot in

the naval Masonic lodge, with Admiralty H.Q., the
bosses of Cunard and the War Dept; to sacrifice
Capt. William Turner, the Lusitania, its crew and
passengers to ensure that America came alongside
Britain in World War I.

The Lusitania, a passenger ship which under normal circumstances was barred
from carrying any armaments, had been loaded with both heavy and light
armaments and ammunition, within sight of many New York dockworker’s of
German origin.

As planned the loading of weaponry was then reported back to Germany’s US

embassy, which then informed the German government, which in response placed
advertisements in newspapers across the U.S.A. warning that any ships carrying
weapons, would be classed as warships.

Churchill Orchestrated The Sinking

In answer, both Britain and America dismissed these reports as scare mongering.
But they had effectively set up the Lusitania just as the World Trade Center was
set up nearly ninety years later.

In point of fact, Churchill planned the sinking of several ships, among them the
H.M.S Hampshire and the Lusitania, in an effort to stoke American opinion
against Germany. Meanwhile, the U.S authorities were aware of his plan but like
Pearl Harbour and 9/11, turned a blind eye because it suited their own purposes.
Churchill Pulls Destroyer Escort

So Capt. William Turner was under

orders to continue the voyage and
even though the destroyer escort was
recalled, he was told to go slow, while
his route was plotted by the Admiralty
to put the ship “in direct danger”, to
quote the exact wording used in
Admiralty documents.

Naval apologists have suggested that

the captain may not have known of the
weapons on board, but the first mate
not only knew, but was issued with a
side arm, so if he knew why not
captain William Turner?

Certainly statements by a New York celebrity, Mrs. E.

Jacobs indicate that many in the Jewish community were
aware that the Lusitania was carrying weapons and
would therefore be considered a likely target to be sunk.

Before the Lusitania’s departure, Capt. Turner signed a single page cargo manifest,
but a supplementary cargo manifest 24 pages long emerged only after the
Lusitania set sail, causing a row with the New York harbourmaster.

This 24-page cargo manifest was destroyed in the shredding of incriminating war
documents pulled together from various sources in the 1960’s. More incriminating
documentation was destroyed 2 years ago on the orders of Tony Blair. Be assured
it contained a list of light to very heavy weaponry.
In the German view, one torpedo was seen as giving
enough time for the passengers and crew to reach
the lifeboats before the torpedoed ship sank. Yet the
Lusitania went down in less than 18 minutes taking
most on board with it. Moreover, we are told by the
very few who survived, that after impact a huge
explosion occurred away from the initial torpedo

If it was the intention of the Churchill/Rothschild

alliance that the Lusitania would be sacrificed to
bring America alongside Britain its war effort
against Germany, it worked like a charm.

Underwater explorer and investigator, the highly

reputable Robert Ballard told a reporter with
intelligence back-grounding, that he found a
small torpedo entry hole when he investigated the
submerged wreck, but significant and
unconnected explosive damage was actually
responsible for sinking the Lusitania.

The inference from this and other info, being a

controlled explosion on board was designed to
insure the Lusitania, its passengers and crew
went to a watery grave.

Prior to World War I, Rothschild whose banks loaned the British the finances for
wars at colossal interest rates, was part of a syndicate with J.P Morgan who had
been threatening to buy the North Atlantic shipping lines, including Britain’s
White Star.

Cunard boss Lord Inverclyde took the threats seriously and lobbied successfully
for a £2’6 million government loan to build the Lusitania and the Mauritania. The
government also agreed to pay the annual sum of £150,000 to keep the ships
available for war. As it happened one against Germany occurred shortly thereafter,
one that the Rothschilds had been lobbying for vigorously.

Through planned wars in which they often back both sides, the Rothschild’s have
long followed the rule that “profit is all “, the same Hebrew root word is behind
the terms for both god and money: “shekels and Shekinah”. This explains the
Rothschild’s worship of money and why Churchill and their syndicate benefited
from sinking the Lusitania.

T Stokes

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