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Classroom Activities

Teachers sheet

Unit 1 Part A: Nationality Quiz

Unit: Skill: Focus: Unit 1 Part A Reading and answering questions is / isnt Vocabulary: Nationalities For a quick time-filler, read out the questions and elicit the short answers. T: Is Bern in Greece? S: No, it isn't. For a 5 minute activity, read out the questions and elicit the short answers and the correct statement. T: Is Bern in Greece? S: No, it isn't. Its in Switzerland. For a 10 minute activity, let the students work in pairs and do the activity orally. For a 15 minute activity, let the students work in pairs and do the activity orally. Then they can write the answers in the chart. Before the lesson: In class: Print out the Nationality Quiz - one copy for each student.


Distribute the quiz. Ask one or two of the questions to elicit the short answer: Yes she is. / No he isnt. etc. Students can work as a class or in pairs to ask and answer the questions and correct the false statements.

2009 Langenscheidt ELT GmbH, Mnchen

Vervielfltigung zu Unterrichtszwecken gestattet.

Classroom Activities
Students sheet

Unit 1 Part A: Nationality Quiz

Is ... from Italy? No, he isnt. No, she isnt. No, it isnt.

Yes, he is.

Yes, she is.

Yes, it is.

Is Bern in Greece? Is Dublin in Turkey? Is Paris in Germany? Is Canberra in Australia? Is Ankara in Ireland? Is Vienna in Switzerland? Is Audi from Germany? Is Angela Merkel from America? Is Silvio Berlusconi from Italy? Is Brad Pitt from England? Is Citron from France? Is Kylie Minogue from Austria? Is Donatella Versace from Germany? Is Fiat from America? Is Ford from Italy? Is Prince William from France?

2009 Langenscheidt ELT GmbH, Mnchen

Vervielfltigung zu Unterrichtszwecken gestattet.

Classroom Activities

Unit 1 Part A: Nationality Quiz

Is Bern in Greece? Is Dublin in Turkey? Is Paris in Germany? Is Canberra in Australia? Is Ankara in Ireland? Is Vienna in Switzerland? Is Audi from Germany? Is Angela Merkel from America? Is Silvio Berlusconi from Italy? Is Brad Pitt from England? Is Citron from France? Is Kylie Minogue from Austria? Is Donatella Versace from Germany? Is Fiat from America? Is Ford from Italy? Is Prince William from France? No, it isnt. No, it isnt. No, it isnt. Yes, it is. No, it isnt. No, it isnt. Yes, it is. No, she isnt. Yes, he is. No, he isnt. Yes, it is. No, she isnt. No, she isnt. No, it isnt. No, it isnt. No, he isnt. Shes from Australia. Shes from Italy. Its from Italy. Its from America. Hes from England/Great Britain. Hes from America. Shes from Germany. Its in Turkey. Its in Austria. Its in Switzerland. Its in Ireland Its in France.

2009 Langenscheidt ELT GmbH, Mnchen

Vervielfltigung zu Unterrichtszwecken gestattet.

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