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Project: Google Sites as an LMS

Formative Evaluation
Evaluation Question
What are the school districts needs from an LMS? What are the capabilities of Google sites?

Jamie Doiron

Activities to Observe
Interviews with staff and administrators Explore the features of Google sites online and read supporting materials. Poll staff on their comfort level with Google sites.

Data Source

Population Sample Design

District technology administrator, 120 staff members. ---

Data Collection
Completed by 3/1/13 Completed by 3/1/13

Responsibility Data Analysis

Jamie Doiron Create list of prioritized needs Create list of Google sites features

District technology administrator District technology administrator

Google sites documentation.

Jamie Doiron

What kind of training would be required to use Google sites?


120 staff members.

Completed by 3/15/13

Jamie Doiron

Create training requirements that approximate number of hours required and list skill deficits List any gaps in technology

District technology administrator

Are there additional technology requirements for using Google sites as an LMS? What is the cost to implement, maintain, and use Google sites as an LMS? Which of the districts needs from an LMS will Google sites meet?

Interview with technology personnel.


District technology administrator, technology lead

Completed by 3/30/13

Jamie Doiron

District technology administrator

Interview with technology administrator. Compare district needs to Google sites capabilities.


District technology administrator

Completed by 3/30/13

Jamie Doiron

Approximate investment required

District technology administrator District technology administrator

Google sites documentation and interview results


Completed by 4/15/13

Jamie Doiron

List gaps (if they exist) between Google sites capabilities and user needs.

C. Appendices B and C
While reading appendix B, the sample evaluation report, a few things struck me. The report was actually quite technical and included a lot of data and statistical analysis. This helps give the evaluation credibility and provide rationale for some of the recommendations. The recommendations themselves were quite specific. As a former auditor, I am pleased to see this. In order to be actionable, recommendations should be as specific as possible so that they are easy to implement. Lastly, I was glad that the survey and questionnaires were included. As an outside observer knowing nothing about the program or evaluation to start, it was good to see the forms that were used so that I could get a more complete view of the process. Appendix C is an evaluation contract. The purpose of having an evaluation contract for an outside evaluator or someone who is being compensated to evaluate a program is to ensure that the evaluation is performed to agreed-upon specifications. This helps ensure that the evaluation is performed on schedule and on budget with the expected outcome (getting a report of some kind with recommendations). However, I dont see the need for this contract when the evaluator isnt be compensated in any way. For example, for my project I am volunteering to evaluate a program for my school district. They are not asking me to do this or planning to compensate me in any way. Therefore, there is no need to create a evaluation contract.

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