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FAO-TCP/RER/3002d - GHP/HACCP component on SEE regional project Product specification Product: Pasteurised milk Date of issue: 1st June

1998 Revised date: 1st October 2004 Page: 1 of 2 Registration number: R1041 Version number: 02

Company Name

Product name: Pasteurised milk in sachets Product description The fresh milk is received, filtered, chilled, stored, processed, packed, stored and dispatched within 30 hours. At milk reception samples are taken for quality control. The milk is further processed: clarified and separated into standardised milk of 3 % fat and cream (35 - 40%), homogenised, pasteurised and cooled to a temperature of 4 C. The milk is filled in sachets of 1 litre. The sachets are foreseen with an expiry date. 15 bags are packed in plastic returnable containers and stacked on a pallet and stored at a temperature of 4C. The milk is ready for despatch and distributed directly to the retail outlets. Product characteristics The milk has a fresh smell without any sour or other objectionable flavour, a slight cooked, caramelised taste, typical for pasteurised milk and a white colour. Sedimentation is not observed. After a few days storage a slight creamy layer may appear. Composition and ingredients The milk is made from fresh cow milk and is free of any additive and contaminants such as chemical residues of sanitizers, pesticides, antibiotics, including the presence of extraneous water. Microbiological Characteristics Pathogenic micro-organisms: Coliforms per ml: Total Plate count at 21C per ml: Additional requirements: absent in 25 gram (n=5; c=0; m=0; M=0) n=5; c=1; m=0; M=5 (after incubation at 6C for 5 days) n=5; c=1; m=0; m=50.000; M=500.000 the milk shows a negative reaction to the phosphatase test and a positive reaction to the peroxidase test.

n=number of sample units comprising the sample c= number of sample units where the bacteria count maybe between m and M, the sampling being considered acceptable if the bacteria count of the other sample units is m or less. m= threshold value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered satisfactory if the number of bacteria in all sample units does not exceed m. M= maximum value for the number of bacteria; the result is considered unsatisfactory if the number of bacteria in one or more sample units is M or more. SOURCE: EU Directive 92/46

Nutritional value Water 88.4 % Fat 3.0 % Protein 3.2 % Carbohydrates 4.7 % Ash 0.7 % (Natural) Prepared by Controlled by Approved by Quality Assurance Supervisor Production Manager Quality Assurance Manager Dairy case A1-start

PT MERKADI Management Consulting

FAO-TCP/RER/3002d - GHP/HACCP component on SEE regional project Product specification Date of issue: 1st June 1998 Revised date: 1st October 2004 Registration number: R1041 Version number: 02

Company Name

Product: Pasteurised milk Page: 2 of 2

Chemical properties The milk has a pH of 6.6 6.8. According to local legislation or recommendations of the Codex Alimentarius mention about: Chemical residues, Radio activity, Aflatoxine, Heavy metals, Pesticides (e.g. Detergents: not detectable; Chemical residues of sanitising agents and antibiotics are absent; Residues of pesticides are absent except for those limits mentioned in the legislation for Food Products). Physical properties The product is free of any physical contaminants Primary packaging The product is packed in a Food Grade low density polyethylene material. The sachet is standard foreseen with the appropriate consumer information and in addition to this printed with the expiry date. The sachet is coloured to protect the milk from direct sunlight. The milk is packed in 1 litre sachets. Secondary packaging 15 sachets are packed in returnable plastic containers. These plastic containers are cleaned & sanitised prior to usage. Tertiary Packaging The plastic containers are stored on wooden pallets. The pallets are foreseen with a label with product information. Storage conditions The milk is stored in a Cold storage room at 4C. Avoid storage at ambient temperatures and storage together with products with heavy smells like onions and fish. Distribution conditions Keep the milk under refrigerated conditions (6C) and avoid direct sunlight on the product. Shelf life The product has a keeping quality of 4 days stored at 6C, maintaining the cold Chain uninterrupted. Instructions for use The milk is used for direct consumption. Shake the sachets a little just before opening Once the sachet is opened consume the product within 24 hours. Intended use The intended use of the product is for all consumer groups except for those persons who are susceptible to lactose intolerance.

PT MERKADI Management Consulting

Dairy case A1-start

FAO-TCP/RER/3002d - GHP/HACCP component on SEE regional project Prepared by Controlled by Approved by Quality Assurance Supervisor Production Manager Quality Assurance Manager

PT MERKADI Management Consulting

Dairy case A1-start

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