Week 25-Newsletter

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Apostles Lutheran School

Juni or Ki nde r ga r te n

February 25, 2013

e - m a i l : w c r o f t s @ Ap o s t l e s S J . o r g

Mrs. Crofts Classroom Newsletter


Spirit Week!

The class with

Zoo-Phonics News

the highest percentage of participation in the dress-up days will have the honor of keeping the traveling trophy

My class had the traveling K-3 trophy for two years but lost it last year, so lets all participate and get it back! The winner will be announced at the pep rally
for the next year. on Friday afternoon which you are welcome to attend. So be sure to make an effort dressing up next week! Have fun with the following dress up themes:

Itsssss time for Sssssammy sssssnake! Well sssslither our way through a bunch of sssssuper classssssroom and Ssssspirit week activitiesssss! Attached is a reading tracking chart that I would like you to use during March. Each time someone in your family reads with your child for a

Tuesday 2/26:





in a day have your child color in a boxonly one box may be colored in per day. The completed chart should be returned no later than Friday, March 29. You may read on any day of the week you choose
minimum of the Monday through Friday list at the top is only a suggestion. Those who complete this on time will be able to choose a prize from the classroom treasure chest!

10-15 minutes

combination of clothing will work

Favorite Sports Team Day

Wednesday 2/27: Thursday 2/28: Friday 3/1:

Dress Up Fancy Day

Other Classroom News

Pirate Day

Green and Gold (Yellow) Day

This week we will be amazed by Jesus power over death when He calls Jairus daughter back to life. We will also see Jesus miraculously walking on water in the midst of a storm! Its wonderful to realize the power and love of our God who still works on our behalf today. In math we will work with money, graphing, and be introduced to our new shape of the monththe shamrock!

Spirit Week is the culmination of our basketball season. This week the boys A-team will be participating in the Hillbrook Tournament. You are welcome to attend. See the school website for game times.

Upcoming Events
Feb. 25-Mar. 1:

Midterm progress reports for the third quarter

were sent home February 15. Please keep the report for your records, but

Spirit Week


sign and return the

by Wednesday so it can be re-used next

Feb. 26: Armadillo Willies Dinner Night; Parent Group Meeting 7PM March 3: Jr. K & K sing 11:15 service March 15: Teacher Collaboration Meeting March 22: End Third Quarter; School Clean-Up Day March 29: Good Friday Services 2 & 7 PM Pinewood Derby Sign-Up Deadline Third Quarter Report Cards

Your child received a sign-up form for the 10th Annual Pinewood Derby Race. The deadline for returning your Pinewood Derby sign up form is Friday, March 29. For only $5 your child will get a pre-cut car they can decorate and race in the Pinewood Derby Race on May 11. Additional sign-up forms are available in the office. We hope had a wonderful last week on February 21!


5th birthday

Reading Charts duesee above

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