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Annu. Rev. Entomol. Copyright


1991. 36:431-57

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Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

David N. Byrne

Department of Entomology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721

Thomas S. Bellows, Jr.

Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, California 92521



Aleyrodidae, Homoptera, life history, population dynamics, migration


The importance of whiteflies as economic pests seems to expand continually (3 1 ,78, 1 20). These homopteran insects damage crops by extracting large quantities of phloem sap, which can result in greater than 50% yield reduc tions ( 1 19). The honeydew excreted by these insects serves as a medium for sooty mold fungi (e.g. Capnodium spp.) that discolor parts of the plants used for food and fiber ( 14 1 , 1 42). Finally, a few species serve as vectors of several economically important viral plant pathogens ( 1 33). This article reviews characteristics of whiteflies that set them apart from other members of Stemorrhyncha and presents a review of whitefly literature to obtain a better understanding of their biology and assess the status of whitefly research. The family Aleyrodidae is considered to have two subfamilies. The Aleuro dicinae, endemic primarily to Central and South America, may be considered the more primitive taxa because of more complex wing venation (81, 131). However, the increased venation may be necessary because Aleurodicinae members are generally larger than whiteflies of the subfamily Aleyrodinae. This increased size [> 2.0 mm long (81)] likely requires greater wing support. The Aleyrodinae is larger in terms of number of species and is also more widespread.

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Enderlein (72) suggested a third subfamily, Udamoselinae on the basis of one specimen of a South American species, a male with a body length of 7 mm. Today the existence of the subfamily is thought to be dubious (131). HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Whiteflies are considered the tropical equivalent of aphids owing to their ordinal characteristics and their scarcity in temperate climates. Reaumur first described whiteflies in 1736, although he mistakenly placed Aleyrodes pro letella in Lepidoptera (64). In 1795, Latreille correctly placed them in Homoptera (64). The majority of the literature from the 19th century was taxonomic in nature and consisted primarily of descriptions of pupal charac teristics (e.g. 63, 121). Pupal cases are still generally of more value than other life stages when making taxonomic decisions. Maskell (121) reports that, from the time of the insects' first description in 1736 until 1895, little more than 50 noteworthy articles were published on them. Many of these papers were taxonomic treatments with little information about whitefly biology. Quaintaince (149) in 1900 solved many of the taxonomic problems con cerning the whiteflies of North America. Work by Bemis (20), who helped bring the total number of described North American species to 62, also did much to end taxonomic confusion. Trehan (162) and Mound & Halsey (131) played a large role in correcting global whitefly taxonomy. To date, however, little has been accomplished concerning whitefly systematics. The most comprehensive work available is Whitefly of the World (131); this very useful publication presents a list of genera and species but says little about systemat ic relationships. Data on whitefly cladistics appear to be unavailable. Information on basic biology has been even slower in developing, and early research was in part restricted to pest species. Back (14) was concerned about the presence of Aleurothrixus floccosus on citrus. Lloyd (119) published a report on the biology of Trialeurodes vaporariorum, but his primary intent was to describe greenhouse management strategies. Bemisia tabaci was first noticed on cotton in India in 1905 (97). Bionomic investigations did not begin in earnest, however, until several years later, when this whitefly was shown to seriously damage crops. After the tum of the century, more attention was focused on basic biology. Morrill & Back (127) examined the biology of Dialeurodes citri/olii and Dialeurodes citri. Hargreaves' (89) examination of T. vaporariorum in 1915 was another early report on whitefly bionomics and Garman & lewitt (76) studied whitefly biology in greenhouses. Because of concentration on pest species, particularly B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum, much of our data relate to a limited number of the > 1,200 known species. The most closely examined species are those that feed on a wide variety of herbaceous hosts. Polyphagy, however, is not usually re-

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.



corded in Aleyrodidae. As a result, drawing conclusions about the family based on what is known about a few species might not be appropriate. Fortunately, we have learned a great deal about the biology of whiteflies from work that concentrates on nonpest species. Information is available concern ing > 25 others, most of which are monophagous or oligophagous animals associated with woody perennial hosts. Bibliographies of the family include those by Trehan & Butani (163), Butani (26), Thompson & Reinert (161), and Cock (45).
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.


The geographic origin of many whitefly species is largely speculation. The process of making these determinations, while always difficult, becomes particularly hard with a family that has not had the attention of entomologists for a long period of time. For example, Dialeurodes chittendeni is thought to have a Himalayan origin because of its connection with rhododendrons, which also originated there (115). Although such botanical associations pro vide some information concerning origin, such evidence should not be consid ered conclusive unless it is connected to additional evidence such as the presence of sibling species. Identifying whitefly distribution is troublesome, and these determinations are becoming even more difficult as humans facili tate whitefly movement. Nevertheless, the following description offered by Mound & Halsey (131) is the best available and was undoubtedly accurate when published:
Three of the largest whitefly genera. Aleuroplatus, Aleurotrachelus and Tetraleurodes, are more or less artificial assemblages of species with black pupal cases reported from many parts of the world. Many of the other genera, however, have a more restricted distribution. The genera of the subfamily Aleurodicinae are almost entirely confined to the Neotropics, and this is also true of a few genera of the Aleyrodinae such as Aleurocerus, Aleurothrixus, Bellitudo and Crenidorsum. The genus Trialeurodes has most of its species in the New World as does Aleuroparadoxus. In contrast Africaleurodes, Aleurolonga, Aleuropteridis, Corbettia and Dialeurolonga are recorded only from Africa and Madagascar. Acaudaleyrodes, Aleurocanthuys, Aleurolobus, Aleurotubercularus, Dialeuropora and the largest genus, Dialeurodes, are widely distributed in the Ethiopian and Oriental Regions. Pealius, Odontaleyrodes and Rhachisphora are also particularly common in the Oriental and Austro-Oriental regions, whereas Orchamoplatus is apparently most common in the Pacific .


Whiteflies share many characteristics with other homopterans. All are plant feeders with piercing, sucking mouthparts. They are opisthognathus. Addi-



tionally, adults of both sexes have four membranous wings. Finally, members of the family undergo incomplete metamorphosis (with certain com plications). Vasiform Orifice One set of features that sets the Aleyrodidae apart from related familes is the presence of a vasiform orifice with its operculum and lingula (81). The vasiform orifice is generally located on the dorsum of the ninth abdominal segment of males. In females, it extends to the eighth abdominal segment (87). It is not the anus, but rather the depression into which the anus empties the contents of the digestive tract (honeydew). A dorsal anus is also found in psyllid adults (rarely in the nymphs) and it also functions to rid these insects of honeydew. In psyllids the anus seems to h ave been displaced by enlarged genitalia ( 130). The dorsal placement of the anus in Aleyrodidae permits the effective handling of the honeydew that these phloem-feeding insects produce in copious amounts. Honeydew can present problems, particularly for sessile nymphs, because it is viscous and associated with sooty mold fungi. Whitefly nymphs cannot walk away from their honeydew droplets. They flip their excreta away: the honeydew fills the vasiform orifice; the lingula is cocked down into the liquid; and, when the lingula is released, the honeydew is . catapulted away. Waxes Whiteflies are distinctive in that all life stages, except the egg, can produce extracuticular waxes that cover the body. Some of the waxes are similar in form to those found on coccids ( 1 22); others are not. In whitefly nymphs, wax can appear as a gelatinous mass, as plumes, as columns, or as setae-like projections (81), and comes in two colors (81). One is clear or colorless, although it may reflect the color of the surrounding leaf surface. The other is brilliant white. The transparent form usually appears as a very thin layer over the entire dorsal surface. Transparent wax may also appear as a marginal fringe or as dorsal spikelike wax rays such as those found in Trialeurodes spp. The number of these rays in some nymphs differs when the whiteflies are reared on different hosts (129). This variance results from changes in the number of papillae (56, 151). Opaque white wax may be produced as a marginal fringe (e.g. in Tetraleurodes spp.), dorsally as tufts (Aleurotrache Ius jelinekii and Aleuroplatus coronata), or as flocculent or woolly mats (A. floccosus and Aleurodicus dispersus). Other colors rarely, if ever, occur in this family although the marginal fringes in some species of Trialeurodes tend to have light yellow or orange tints (81). Wax in the adults takes on a different appearance. In B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum, the wax forms tight curls of threads approximately 1 /-Lm in diameter (35). The material is extruded from wax plates that consist of rows

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.



of microtrichia found on the ventro-lateral abdominal surface. Each microtri chium is associated with a wax canal. Females have two pairs of these wax plates; males have four. The material is extruded as a continuous ribbon but is broken off as curly particles when the animal's hind tibiae pass over the plates (35). Hind and forelegs distribute the particles over the wings and the rest of the body (except the eyes). The wax of the two species consists primarily of triacylglycerols (65-75%) with a trace of wax esters, free fatty acids, alco hols, and hydrocarbons (35).
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Fourth Nymphal Instar In the literature, the fourth nymphal instar is commonly referred to as a pupa (20,81). The term implies that whiteflies exhibit a degree of holometabolism. Hinton (91, 92) was certain whiteflies had a pupal stage in the sense that this stage serves as a mold for some of the imaginal muscles. Although we do not consider Hinton's interpretation to be correct, we believe that the word pupa has been so inculcated into whitefly literature that its replacement would only cause confusion. What takes place during the whitefly's fourth nymphal instar is, in fact, distinct from what occurs in holometabolous families. Pupation has also never been reported to occur in other homopterous families. Nechols & Tauber (134), discussing T. vapor ariorum, stated that the fourth nymphal instar has three morphologically distinct forms. The early fourth instar is flattened and transluscent. This form according to Gill (81) feeds and so clearly is not a pupa. The next form, the transitional substage, is expanded and opaque-white with dorsal and lateral waxy, spinelike processes. At this point, apolysis takes place. The last stage, when the pharate adult form is present, has the red eyes and the yellow body pigment of the adult. At this stage, apolysis is complete and the adult cuticle is laid down. J. R. Nechols (personal communication) states, however, that even after careful histological examination, he was unable to observe a distinct stadium that intervened between the last nymphal stage and the adult. For functional purposes, we would reserve the term pupa for the last, nonfeeding portion of the last nymphal stadium found after apolysis has occurred and refer to the earlier portion of the last stadium as the fourth nymphal instar. LIFE HISTORY Size Gill (81) reports that the physically largest genus is Aleurodicus spp., which has an adult body length of> 2 mm and a wing expanse of > 3.5--4.0 mm. The dimensions of most whitefly adults, however, more closely approximate a range with B. tabaci at the lower end, T. vaporariorum in midrange, and D.



citri at the upper end (Table 1). Sexual dimorphism in adult body dimension is 1). This observa tion applies to late nymphal instars of D. citri (T. S. Bellows, unpublished) as well as D. chittendeni (177) and Tetraleurodes acaciae (66).
usual for members of Aleyrodidae; males are smaller (Table

The internal reproductive system and oogenesis in whiteflies is similar to that of other homopterans. Gameel

(75) depicts 15 ovarioles in B. tabaci; each

ovariole contains one or more follicles and a germarium.

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

Whitefly eggs generally are pyriform or ovoid and possess a pedicel that is a peglike extension of the chorion. In most species, eggs assume an erect stance, but the eggs of

Aleurocybotus occiduus lie on their side (144). The

pedicel is either inserted into a slit made by the ovipositor in the leaf surface or into a stomatal opening. The literature describes pedicels into stomata

(58, 86, 138, 144). Poinar (144) speculated that egg pedicles of A. occiduus

13 species that insert their (138, 144) and four that utilize slits in the leaf epidermis

were inserted into the stomata because the epidermis of grasses and sedges contains large amounts of silica and lignin and would be difficult for females to penetrate. Quaintance & Baker

(150) believed the pedicel, in addition to providing a

means of attachment, served as a guide for spermatozoa during fertilization, during which time the pedicel is filled with protoplasm. After fertilization, the protoplasm withdraws and the pedicel becomes a hollow tube. Weber

(174) observed that T. vaporariorum secretes a gluelike substance

around the pedicel. When the pedicel is inserted into parenchyma cells, very little of this material is present. Pedicels inserted into interstitial spaces are associated with a much larger quantity of the glue. Weber postulated that

Table 1

Body measurements (mm) of three species of Aleyro


Body length Wing expanse


Bemisia tabaci male female

Trialeurodes vaporariorum

0.85 :t 0.05 0.91 :t 0.04





2.13 :t 0.06
2.41 2.65 2.49 3.01

0.03 0.04 0.03 0.05

0.06 0 . 12 0.07 0.05

female Dialeurodes citri

male female

1 . 20 1 .20




water passes osmotically across this colloidal mass and enters the egg through the pedicel. Gameel (75) reports a similar substance surrounding the egg pedicle of

B. tabaci, and associates the production of this material with a

"cement gland." Several other authors have also suggested that aleyrodids use the pedicel as a means of absorbing water into the egg. Citing Weber (174) and Wiggels worth (175), Hinton (93) made the claim that the pedicel was involved in the transfer of water into the egg but offered no empirical evidence. Poinar (144) used the fact that eggs of

A. occiduus dried up when removed from the leaf to

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

support the argument that the pedicel must absorb water from the plant. Recently Byrne et al (33) assayed eggs raised on plants irrigated with tritiated water and demonstrated that water extracted from plant tissue accounted for approximately 50% of the mass of a mature whitefly egg. Azab et al (13) examined oviposition rates of

B. tabaci reared on cotton in

Egypt in an open-air insectary. The maximum number of eggs per female varied from 48 to 394. During July and August when the daily maximum temperature (DMT) was 28.5C, the mean rate of oviposition was 252 eggs per female. During October and November, the mean was 204 the (DMT 22.7C). In December and January (DMT 14. 3C), the mean rate was 61 eggs.

B. tabaci from Arizona cotton laid no eggs at 14.9C, but produced 81

eggs at 26.7C and 72 at 32.2C (29). These results occurred under conditions of constant temperature and light. We interpret Gameel's (75) results on

B. tabaci in Sudanese cotton fields to reveal a fecundity of 160.4 eggs during

43 eggs on cotton in India, and Avidov (10) gives a fecundity value of
approximately 50 eggs on eggplant. Von Arx et al (168) calculated the fecundity of a Sudanese strain to be 127.5 eggs. However, Dittrich et al (61) found that Sudanese whiteflies have a fecundity on cotton of 344 eggs. Sudanese strains of

early fall. For the same species, Husain & Trehan (99) report a fecundity of

B. tabaci appear to be much more prolific than strains

from other parts of the world (80). Oviposition rates also vary greatly in other species and are affected by environmental conditions and host plant. Burnett (25) reports that the fecundi ty of

T. vaporariorum at 18C was 319.5, and that it fell to 5.5 at 33C and to Aleurocanthus woglumi varied with the

zero at 9C. Fecundity increased fivefold when the insects were placed on a new leaf (25). The fecundity of nymphal host plant, ranging from 8.3 to 39.6 eggs per female (69).

Ovipositional Habits
Oviposition habits differ somewhat between species. Whiteflies such as B. tabaci deposit a few eggs on the leaf upon which they emerge as adults and then move to newer growth. The eggs are laid indiscriminately. Parabemisia myricae limits oviposition on citrus to very young leaves and oviposits on the underside of the leaves as well as on the leaf margins. Tetraleurodes stanjordi



lays its eggs on both sides of the leaf (D. N. Byrne, personal observation).

A. woglumi lays its eggs in a spiral arrangement (86). Some whiteflies oviposit

their eggs in an arc or circle while their mouthparts remain inserted. T. it abandons that pattern on pubescent leaves (47).

vaporariorum lays its eggs in a circular fashion on glabrous leaves, although A. floccossus and Para leyrodes sp. also oviposit eggs in a circular fashion.

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

Following completion of development, the egg cracks at the apical end along a longitudinal line of dehiscence. As the first-instar nymph of B. tabaci begins to emerge, it bends in half until its front legs can clasp the leaf, after which it walks away from the spent chorion. Emergence behavior of

A. occiduus

crawlers is slightly different because these eggs are laid on their side (144). Crawlers (first-jnstar nymphs) of Aleyrodinae have functional walking legs (with three apparent segments) and antennae (with two apparent segments). Legs and antennae of the second- and third-instar nymphs appear to have only one segment (81). Fourth-instar nymphs have distinct legs and antennae, although the divisions are indistinct. Domenichini (62) suggests an additional segmentation or suture in legs of second- through fourth-instar nymphs. Nymphs of all nymphal stadia of the Aleurodicinae have three-segmented legs. Some species possibly use the nymphal legs to assist in casting exuviae (81). In warmer summer conditions, crawlers walk rather quickly over the leaf surface in search of an available minor vein, usually on the same leaf upon which the egg was laid. Some crawlers, such as those of

A. woglumi, were

found to move between plants (67). The portion of the population moving between host plants, however, was small (approximately 0.3%) and the distances traveled were short 30 mm). While the nymphs usually settle in a few hours, the process can take several days in cooler weather (10, 155). After settling, they insert their mouthparts into the phloem tissue and begin extracting sap. Crawler mortality has been attributed to several plant characteristics, in cluding cuticular thickness and nutritional factors. Walker (169) reported a high degree of crawler mortality for

P. myricae on mature lemon leaves. He

attributed this mortality to the fact that the thick cuticle of mature leaves prevents penetration. Walker also suggested that the possible presence of a probing deterrent might interfere with feeding. Byrne & Draeger (34), com paring crawler survival of

B. tabaci on young (5-leaf stage) vs mature (>

25-leaf stage) lettuce, found 100% mortality on the mature lettuce and 58.1 % on the young lettuce. They ascribed this difference to changes in the nutrition al quality of the plant because crawlers were equally successful in reaching the phloem tissue of both plant stages.



If crawlers successfully reach the phloem of an appropriate host, they remain sessile until they reach the adult stage, except for brief periods during molts. Whitefly nymphs have shallow breathing folds in the ventral body wall, two thoracic and one caudal (R. J. Gill, personal communication). These form a passage to the spiracles and may assist in conduction of air. The folds probably developed in response to the fact that nymphs have a flattened body and lie closely appressed to the leaf surface.
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

Middle Instars

Most second- and third-instar whitefly nymphs have an oval or elongate-oval body. Some nymphs may be circular or nearly heart-shaped. While some members of the Trialeurodes spp. possess dorsal papillae-B. tabaci possesses dorsal setae and Siphoninus spp. have dorsal siphunculi most species have a relatively simple dorsum. Gill (8 1 ) provides a recent review of the morphology of nymphs, pupae, and adults for the family.
Adult Eclosion

Under a constant temperature of 29.5 0.6e and a photoperiod of 14: 1 0 LD, 90% o f B. tabaci adults emerged from their pupal cases between 0600 and 0930 hours (lights on occurred at 0600 hours) (94). Few emerged during hours of darkness, and the peak time of emergence was delayed when temperatures were fluctuated. Under a series of constant temperatures, a significant inverse correlation was found between the time of median emer gence (i.e. ec1osion of 50% of the total number of adults) and temperature. No emergence was observed at temperatures below 1 7 0.3e. Emergence patterns persisted under conditions of continuous light or darkness, suggesting the presence of a circadian system. Similar patterns of emergence were found for B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum (38). A. floccosus was reported to eclose primarily between 0600 and 0900 hours in Hawaii (139). The teneral period (between final ecdysis and first fight) for B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum is approximately 4 h 10 min at 27C (38). For A. proletella the teneral period was inversely related to temperature (57. 8 h, at 10C and 1 6 . 4 h at 25C) and was longer when the animals were reared on young leaves ( 1 6.4 h) than on older ones (5.7 h) ( 1 03). This difference suggests that feeding takes place during the teneral period.


As far as is known, whiteflies are phloem feeders. A great deal of information is available about the nutritional requirements of other homopterans, particu-



Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

larly aphids (7-9, 52-54, 125, 1 26, 1 56), but until recently almost nothing was known about the needs of whiteflies. Byrne & Miller (37) analyzed the carbohydrate and amino acid contents of pumpkin and poinsettia phloem sap, and of the honeydew produced by B. tabaci feeding on these host plants. Of the 1 4 or 1 5 amino acids found in the phloem sap, approximately half were found at significantly lower levels in the honeydew produced by B. tabaci feeding on the two hosts. This result indicates that these amino acids were metabolized either by the whiteflies or by the symbionts housed in their mycetocytes (96). Additionally, six amino acids not found in the phloem sap were found in the honeydew of whiteflies feeding on both hosts. The pre dominant amino acid in honeydew was glutamine (> 50% of the total amino acid content). Carbohydrates found in the phloem sap were common transport sugars and their constituents (e.g. sucrose, glucose, and fructose in poinsettia and these plus stachyose and raffinose in pumpkin) (37). The honeydew of whiteflies on both hosts also contained melezitose, a trisaccharide common in the honey dew of aphids ( 1 37). The most noteworthy discovery was that of a disaccha ride, trahalulose (1-0-a-D-glucopyranosyl-D-fructofuranose) (37). Although trahalulose has been synthesized in the laboratory and appears to be created by certain microorganisms 02, 42, 1 32), its production has never before been associated with members of the Insecta. Excretion No uric acid or hypoxanthine was found in the honeydew of B. tabaci feeding on poinsettia, although xanthene occurred at a low level (0. 1 6 0.04%) (37). This lack suggests that certain amino acids may be used to discharge nitrogenous compounds. Although several may be involved, glutamine is a likely candidate; it was present in high concentrations in the honeydew, is relatively inexpensive energetically to produce (particularly in the presence of so much carbon), and has a high nitrogen to carbon ratio. ADULT CHARACTERISTICS
Mating Behavior

During summer months, copulation takes place within 1 to 8 h following eelosion by B. tabaci from the pupal case. During the fall and spring, copulation takes place during the three days following eelosion (0). Butler (27) stated that Aleurodes brassicae copulate even before their wings have dried and pigmentation is complete. These pairings follow a complex mating behavior (117). B. tabaci females are attracted to, but avoid, males within the first 10 hours following pupal eelosion. After that time, males are allowed to initiate courtship. During



Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

phase I , the male encircles the female several times before placing a foretarsus or antenna on the edge of her wing. If she doesn't move, and another male doesn't interfere, he then moves parallel to the female. The female may flap her wings or push the male away to discourage him at this point. In phase II, the male is situated parallel to the female, and antennae of both sexes are held at a 24 angle to the horizontal axis of the head. The male drums the flagellum of the female antennae with his antennae while moving his abdomen up and down in synchrony with antennal drumming. Phase III involves pushing the female with the side of the male's body. This occurs in about 15% of the observed pairings. During phase IV , antennuation ceases and the male raises the pair of wings closest to the female. The male then places his abdomen beneath the female at a 25 angle. The male claspers are open and the aedeagus protruded as he tries to clasp the female terminalia. During this phase, the female often rejects the male by flapping her wings or pushing the male away with her mesothoracic legs. When females accept males, the terminal flap that covers the female gonophore is pulled open. The abdomen of the male is bent upward at nearly a 90 angle and the aedeagus also is bent at a 90 angle, bringing the aedeagus parallel to the longitudinal axis of the female body when it is inserted into the gonopore. Copulation lasts from 125 to 265 s. The female terminates copUlation by prying the male free with her meso- and metathoracic legs. Polygyny and polyandry occur in T. vapor ariorum (6) and B. tabaci (117). A comparison of the sexual behavior of B. tabaci with that of T. vapor ariorum (114, 116) reveals a great many similarities and some differences. Li & Maschwitz (116) state that if pheromones are involved in the courtship behavior of B. tabaci, they are active over only a few millimeters. These authors (116) also state that pheromones are much more important during T. vaporariorum courtship and that males can detect females from some distance (at least 5 cm).

Most whiteflies reproduce by arrhenotoky. However, one species, P. myri cae, apparently reproduces by thelytoky and its popUlations consist entirely of females. Unlike aphids, whiteflies do not experience host alternation or seasonal sexual phases. Unmated females, except in P. myricae, produce male offspring (XO). Mated females may produce both males and females (XO and XX). Hargreaves (89) and Williams (176), working with T. vaporariorum in Merton, England, reported that unfertilized eggs laid by virgin females gave rise exclusively to females. Other investigations indicated that T. vapor ariorum had two races, an American race showing arrhenotokous partheno genesis (which seems to be the more usual mode of reproduction) and an



Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

English race with thelytokous parthenogenesis (153). In no current cultures of T. vaporariorum do virgin females give rise to females (6). The American race was shown to have a haploid chromosome number of 11 and a diploid number of 22 (153). All eggs show two maturation divisions and undergo reduction. Unfertilized eggs give rise to males, which are haploid. Fertilized eggs develop with the diploid number into females. In sper matogenesis the haploid chromosome number is retained without further reduction. The English race did not exhibit normal reduction and fertilization but rather a form of apomixis. In t helytokous T. vaporariorum fem ales , oogenesis occurs, up to a certain point, in the same way as in arrhenotokous strains (153). The diploid chromosome number was the same with a normal meiosis through prophase. At this stage, pseudoreduction results in only 11 chromo somes through the maturation divisions. After the second division, the 11 chro mo som es divide, and 22 chromosomes are found in all segmentation nuclei and later on in the nymphal mitoses.
Sex Ratios

The ratio of male to female whitefly adults constantly changes throughout the course of the year. Adult field populations reported in two cases (83, 127) had sex ratios of 2 females:l male. This may nevertheless follow a 1: 1 primary sex ratio because females live longer in the population as adults (130, 164).

Few quantitative studies have been conducted on the degree of polyphagy among members of Aleyrodidae (e.g. 68); rather, many of our ass um pt io ns concerning host plant associations are derived from published host lists. This information provides a po tentially biased view of host plant associations because more information usually is available for pest species. Such censor ing of data may be responsible for the fact that the majority of the records are for pest species that appear to be polyphagous; however, polyphagous species are more likely to become pests. Many whiteflies are known from a s in gle host and so would be identified as monophagous, but these records are often for sp ecie s for which very few collections have been made (131). Within the limitations imposed by such records, polyphagy is pronounced in only a few whiteflies that feed on herbaceous plants, e.g. T. vaporariorum and B. tabaci. Most whiteflies are known primarily from woody angiosperms, and oligophagy may be the most common host plant association (131). A lac k of information on host plants also applies to oligop hagous whiteflies, however, so the assumption of oligophagy should also be viewed with caution. The only



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record of a whitefly from a gymnosperm is T. vaporariorum from Dioon sp. ( 1 3 1 ). Polyphagous species have a range of fitness on different hosts. Thus, in T. vaporariorum, reproduction rates were higher on tomato than on Brassica spp. ( 1 04), and, in A. woglumi, survival and reproductive rates vary widely among several host plants (68, 69). Different populations of the same species may show different host ranges, as in B. tabaci (22, 49, 130). A population of Aleurodicus cocois, a species widely reported as a pest of coconut in the Neotropics, reportedly attacks and severely damages cashew in Brazil (57a, 57b, 83), but this particular population is not found on coconut grown in the area (57b, 59). Many populations that achieve high population densities may utilize plants as hosts that would not be utilized under lower population densities. A. woglumi reportedly is widely polyphagous in the Neotropics where it was introduced and where it had attained extraordinary population densities (60). It is known only from Citrus spp., however, in the Orient (44). In such situations, the action of natural enemies or other mortality factors in the species' native range may sufficiently reduce the fitness of populations on marginal hosts such that the whiteflies rarely use these hosts.

Once whiteflies enter an area containing suitable plant hosts, most species respond to color as a cue to select landing sites for feeding and oviposition (48, 65, 99, 1 28). Coombe (48) discovered that T. vaporariorum while migrating responds initially to light with a wavelength of approximately 400 nm (that of the blue sky), but eventually responds to wavelengths of approx imately 550 nm (the green/yellow of plants). Woets and van Lenteren ( 1 65, 1 78) demonstrated that leaf shape, structure, and odor do not play a role in initial host finding for T. vaporariorum, although the insects did respond to color. The same is true for B. tabaci (164). While color brings whiteflies into contact with the plant, it does not correlate well with offspring survival ( 1 64). The only report of a cue other than color is the finding that A. proletella responds to the odor of crushed cabbage leaves (27). After a host is selected, entry into the leaf by the stylet bundle is a complicated process similar to that used by aphids. The mouth parts are typical for Homoptera. In the dorsal (anterior) wall of the pharynx is the cribriform organ, which functions in tasting the phloem sap as it enters the mouth (86 , 89). Walker & Gordh ( 1 72), examining the apex of the labium of adults for six species of whiteflies, found that each had seven pairs of sensilla , one of each pair on either side of the labial groove. They suggest that three of these have a chemosensory or mechano-chemosensory function. Walker ( 170)



described how the labium is rubbed or tapped on the plant surface prior to insertion of the stylets. Apparently, some decisions concerning host-plant

qual ity are made before the leaf is fully penetrated. Most whitefly mouth parts enter the plant by piercing the epidermal cells (145, 169). After penetration, the stylets of P. myricae for the most part follow an intercellular path, although pierced cells can sometimes be observed

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The literature offers no absolute evidence of long-range whitefly migration

similar to that described for other homopterans (24, 160). Although it may

occur, we assume that such journeys are rigorous for these small, soft-bodied animals with their high surface-to-volume ratio. Movement of more than a few hundred meters is likely assisted by humans. Nevertheless, short-range migration takes place regularly. Apparently, much of the short-range move ment by B. tabaci occurs near ground level (below 10 cm) (39, 79). Fli ght of B. tabaci occurs during the morning and midday hours and has one peak (19, 38). Flight of P. myricae i s concentrated in the early morning and evening h ours (124). Byrne et al (32) found that whiteflies have relatively low wing loading values (.00174 to .00532 gfcm2) and relatively high wingbeat frequencies (165.6 to 224.2 Hz) when compared to aphids. This finding was unexpected because many other animals (5, 85) have high wing-beat frequencies to
compensate for the smallness of their wings in relation to their body mass.

When comparing data on whiteflies and aphids to data for other insects, Byrne et al (32) found that more massive insects have significantly and positively correlated wing loading and wingbeat frequencies, indicating they do com pensate for hi gh wing loading by increasing wingbeat frequency. This was not true for insects we ighin g < 0.03 g, a group that includes whiteflies and aphids. Flying strategies for these smaller insects are believed to be different, e.g. whiteflies employ a "clap and fling" strategy (179). It is probably appropriate to characterize them as poor fliers. Two morphs have been found to exist within popUlations of B. tabaci-a mi gr atory and a trivial-flying morph (36). While even the migrators may be poor fliers, single individuals have reportedly traveled distances of up to 7 km (46). The question remains as to whether or not such whiteflies survive such a long journey. We do know that B. tabaci are routinely seen flying over fallow ground in extremely high numbers at least 150 m away from any vegetation (39, 79). A. woglumi reportedly disperses over distances of up to 150 m (65,

Short-range migration is apparently all that whiteflies need once they are



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established in an area that has crop and weed hosts available all year. In the Near East (77) and India (100), B. tabaci populations overwinter on a variety of cultivated and wild vegetation such as vegetables and cheeseweed and move to such spring hosts as potato and cultivated sunflower. Wherever these whiteflies are a serious problem, these wild and cultivated hosts grow in close proximity to one another. Gerling & Horowitz (79) and Byrne & Houck (36) surmised that subsets of whitefly populations leave their original habitat in response to deteriorating conditions in search of better feeding or oviposition sites. Having left the original habitat, they have little control over what happens. Adult whiteflies were routinely observed in the upper part of a cotton crop canopy, while the majority of whiteflies migrating between habitats moved quickly to the ground after leaving the field (39). At this level, because they are poor fliers, they tumble along on the ground boundary level. The direction of their flight is primarily dictated by the wind as they drift about in the manner of aerial plankton. They land on particular plants mostly by chance, electing to stay on suitable hosts and moving away from those that are not (164).

The number of species for which life tables have been constructed is relatively limited (Table 2). T. vaporariorum and B. tabaci have received the most attention in the literature regarding laboratory life tables (for reviews, see 80, 104, 164). Many researchers report adult longevity, fecundity, and pre imaginal developmental and survival rates. Some generalizations can be made from such studies, particularly regarding developmental threshold tempera tures, which appear to occur near lOoC for these two species. More es pecially, however, the vital rates reported for various whiteflies appear to vary widely. These variations are attributable in part to the use of different populations of a particular species; different populations can have markedly different vital rates (80, 164). Additional important differences in develop ment, survival, and fecundity are caused by rearing on different host plants (51, 68, 69, 80, 164). Finally, preimaginal survival of B. tabaci varies inversely with relative humidity; it may be 2-80% in the range of 31-90% relative humidity (80).
Voltinism and Overwintering

Whiteflies generally appear to be multivoltine, with two to six yearly genera tions. Most species are recorded from tropical or subtropical regions, and such species may develop and breed continually so long as temperature conditions permit [e.g. Siphoninus phillyreae (18), B. tabaci (51, 77)]. P. myricae overwinters as both adults and nymphs on avocado in Israel (158).

Table 2

Life history parameters for field populations

of whiteflies

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

Developmental Number Species Aleurocanthus husaini Aleurocanthus spinosus Aleurocanthus spiniferus' Aleurocanthus woglumi Japan 4 5-6 5 3 4 54-103 36 -50 36 50 c 9 28-35 50-929/lf 330-425/1fd 7011fO 6 6 30 27.4 36.4 53.2 < Silf 2332 16 10 17 40 17-22 Japan 3 108 Location India time (days) Adult


Fecundity (eggs/female)

Egg-adu lt survival





Reference 98

143 101 16 98 23 144 83 84 88 154 105 105 140 173 139

Cuba South Africa India Venezuela

Aleurocybotus occidus Aleurodicus cocois anacardib Aleurodicus pimentae Aleurolobus barodensis

California Brazil Jamaica India India Pakistan Pakistan

Aleurothrixus flocossus Aleurotrachelus jelinekUg

Spain Oman Hawaiif




Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

Aleyrodes jragariaeh Aleyrodes proletelld Asterobemisia carpinP Bemisia tabaci

Norway France Italy India Israel Arizonak Florida Florida



2 20-35 30 0 17-65 2-5 71-8 2 10


10 58 2 206/lfl m 48/cm2 1O/cm2' 2 2/cm2' 127 180


Dialeurodes citri




Dialeurodes chittendeni Dialeurolonga elongata Neomaskellia andropogonisP Neomaskellia bergjjq Parabemisia myricae Siphoninus phillyreaet Tetraleurodes acaciaeu Tetraleurodes semilunaris

France India Britain India Pakis tan India Japan Israel California Egypt Florida

3 2

98 177

98 109 14-20 2-3

120-150 1 46

:I: >-l tTl ><: c:I 0 t"'" 0 0 ><:


25-30 45' 0-49'



147 66 6/cm2 2

2-3 8

t -.J

Table 2


Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

Number Species Trialeurodes abutiloneus Trialellrodes laud' Trialellrodes lauri Trialeurodes vaporariorumw
'64-96% egg hatch; overwinter in last nymphal stage. 'Nine gen. Iyr

time (days) 25-32

Adult Longevity (days)

Fecundity (eggs/female)

Egg-adult survival

Location Arizonav USSR Sudan




Reference 28

21 21-30 13 9-50 100 5-319 69-93

113 71

I male; preoviposition period in laboratory study. d Sprayed--Iow natural enemy-caused mortality.

b Sex

ratio 2 females:

3.4 days.

Unsprayed-22-71% parasitism.

'Emergence primarily between 0600-0900


g Overwinter
h J Nymphs

as nymphs.

Adults overwinter. ("pupae") overwinter among fallen leaves. study.

'Oviposition in February, overwinter as adults.

k Laboratory I

Hosted on Umbrella tree. Absence of natural enemies. Following introduction of beetle and fungi.

m n

Nymphs of second and succeeding generations diapause. "60-100% parasitism


Cag e


sp. and

house study. 45% parasitism by

EretmocerJls sp.). Eretmocerus sp. and Encarsia


'Winter nymphal survival on avocado leaves; adults and nymphs overwinter on trees. 'Laboratory study-35-49% survival on young and middle-aged leaves, 0% on old leaves.
t U v

Authors suggest overwinter as adults.

Year-round development.
Greenhouse study. Laboratory study-values depend on temperature.



Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

Other multivoltine species (e.g. A. spinijerus and D. citri) overwinter in temperate latitudes as nymphs on evergreen hosts (Table 2). Developmental times for multivoltine whiteflies vary usually with the season , but most species reported develop from egg to adult in from 25 to 50 days under field conditions (Table 2). Developmental time for D. citri can vary widely for individuals from a single cohort of eggs from 48 to 333 days ( 1 27). Some species are reported as univoltine; these are primarily known from temperate latitudes and evergreen hosts (Table 2). Some of these species overwinter as nymphs on foliage (e.g. D. chittendeni and A. jelinekii), and Asterobemisia carpini reportedly overwinters in the last nymphal stage on fallen leaves (102). Three species of Aleyrodes overwinter as adults (3, 15, 7 3 , 82). Overwintering A. proletella adults experience a phase resembling ovarian diapause (3). No true refractory stage occurs, however, and ovarian develop ment simply takes place at a greatly reduced rate (4).
Population Densities

Many records of population densities are probably not characteristic of white fly populations in natural settings and generally refer to whitefly species introduced into new areas lacking natural enemies or to popUlations under pesticide treatment. In such settings, populations often appear to increase unchecked except by the limitation of suitable foliage (31). High nymphal densities of 20/cm2 or up to several hundred per leaf are reported in such circumstances (Table 2). Nymphal densities in more natural settings are generally much lower, ranging from 10 to less than lIcm2 (T. S. Bellows, unpublished data). These differences may result from the action of natural enemies; densities of A. woglumi in Texas, for example , were reduced from 5-10 nymphs per leaf to I nymph per 1000 leaves following the introduction of parasitic wasps (157).
Population Dynamics

Studies of the population dynamics of whiteflies in natural settings are almost entirely lacking. Most reports concern species whose populations increase dramatically on being introduced into regions. In nearly every case, an introduced whitefly population reproduces so rapidly that its populations reach enormous densities, causing leaf chlorosis, leaf withering, premature dehiscence, defoliation, and plant death (1, 1 8 , 2 1 , 50, 57, 74, 10 1 , 106, 107, 112, 118, 147 , 148,152). This general outcome indicates that whitefly populations have the potential for rapid, perhaps exponential increase under favorable conditions of climate and host-plant availability. Whitefly introductions have often been followed by introductions of natural



Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1991.36:431-457. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 02/05/12. For personal use only.

enemies, usually parasitic wasps in the families Aphelinidae and Platygaster idae and coccinellid predators. Fungi have also been introduced in fewer cases. [Other natural enemies recorded for the Aleyrodidae include preda cious mites, Neuroptera , and Hemipterous predators (45 , l 3 1 ) . 1 In nearly every case, the natural enemy introductions have resulted in substantial reductions in whitefl y population size (e.g. 5 5 , 70, 1 36, 157). Whitefly natural enemies have been considered in other reviews (e.g. 55, 45 , 78, 1 66, 1 67). Climatic factors (temperature, wind, rain, relative humidity) also may play a role in certain populations [e.g. B. tabaci (10), A . floccosus ( 1 35)] . In populations that attain high densities , intraspecific competition among nym phal stages can be significant ( 1 35), and competition among adults for oviposition sites may also occur [e.g. reports of 2000 eggs/cm2 ( 1 35)]. Long-term studies of the population dynamics of A. jelinekii were con ducted in England (90, 1 55). This atypical sp ecies is univoltine and was apparently introduced into England. The studies covered 1 7 generations, and the maximum average density reached by the populations was approximately 5 nymphs per leaf. The principal mortalities affecting the popUlations oc curred between adult emergence and egg deposition and during the fourth nymphal instar. The authors identified seven factors acting on the population between egg deposition and adult emergence: egg mortality, crawler mortal ity, predation , fungal disease of the nymphs, parasitism, fallen fourth instar nymphs, and unidentified deaths of each nymphal stage. Analysis of these factors demonstrated density dependence (90), most frequently in crawler mortality. In this population, internal regulatory processes, rather than the action of natural enemies, may be important. Several studies have examined B. (abaci populations (17, 95 , 1 81). Pop ulations in cotton appear to increase nearly exponentially during the middle part of the growing season. This may in part result from the adaptation of the population to cotton as a host ( 1 64) and in part from the suppression of natural-enemy activity by insecticide application ( 17).

Much of what we know about aleyrodid biology comes from reports concern ing pest species, primarily B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum. These two species are polyphagous and therefore may not be typical of the family. Some information is available on the life history of approximately 25 other species. This represents but a small fraction of the total number of described species, and undoubtedly many more species are as yet undiscovered. As a result, in this chapter we make statements about what is known currently about white flies, realizing that as more research is conducted on this amazing group of insects our perception of their life history may change.


45 1

The authors are indebted to H. S. Costa, R. J. Gill , and H. E. DeVries for early review of this manuscript. We also thank E. A. Draeger and J. M. Collins for technical assistance in its preparation. This work was supported in part (T. S. B.) by grant BSR-8604546 from the US National Science Founda tion . This is journal article number 7266 of the University of Arizona Agri cultural Experiment Station.
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