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Chapter 2 excerpt.

Cape Cod, Africa The main conference room of the United Nations building was opulent in grandiose mahogany. A huge oak table covered in folders and paperwork stood in between leather seats occupied by prominent middle aged government officials. Nice elevator music played faintly in the background from ceiling speakers all throughout. Sitting at the head of the table was the clean shaved pepper haired President of the United States, Greggory McPhearse. Attorney General Michael Cole sat to his left and Deputy Attorney General Stanley Rheely sat next to Michael taking notes. Secretary of Commerce, Jaclyn Reynolds, sat to the right of the President, and the Head of the U.N. Security Council, Rho Vladimier, sat next to her typing on a laptop. Also there were three foreign Ambassadors on the other side of the table being very attentive. Ladies and gentlemen, I do apologize that this meeting has gone an hour beyond schedule, President McPhearse said sincerely, but this Penitentiary Pacific proposition seems to be the only sensible solution to the worldwide problem of overcrowded prisons. The European Ambassador voiced his concern. Yes, but were all well aware of the potentially hazardous conditions of housing people at such an unstable location. It sits right underneath the Marianas Trenches for Christs sake. Ive read those reports, Michael Cole interjected, but the likeliness of a massive

earthquake occurring there within the next hundred years, is slim to none. That is true, said the South African Ambassador. But morally we have an obligation. Two certified evaluations have already deemed the Penitentiary Pacific establishment as unsafe ... That whole area is a tectonic danger. We cannot ignore this. The room grew quiet. Stanley Rheely and Jaclyn Reynolds had their heads down writing. Youre right, President McPhearse suddenly agreed. But we are not neglecting the issue. We are attending to it. There will be round the clock disaster control agents onsite, to constantly monitor the areas seismic activity. He took off his reading glasses and looked directly at the diplomats. Ambassadors, your concerns are valid, but billions of UN dollars were invested years ago to build Penitentiary Pacific out of extreme necessity. This was a move that you all voted to approve by the way... We cannot let it go to waste. Rho Vladimier spoke up to elaborate, I am going to personally see to it that the entire establishment will be very well monitored and maintained. He started to pass out multi-paged files to everyone. These scientists and disaster control agents were handpicked. President McPhearse announced, Mr. Vladimier here will serve as the head warden. He is more than qualified for the task. McPhearse put his glasses back on and looked around the conference table. ...Now everyone keep in mind, there will be limited knowledge of this institutions existence. As far as the public is concerned, Penitentiary Pacific will still be closed indefinitely. Jaclyn Reynolds stopped writing and looked up. And if I may add, she said to the Ambassadors, this project alone has the extensive potential of

providing great economic surplus to all of our jurisdictions. The Diplomats looked at one another for opinions. The Mediterranean Ambassador broke the silence, Well, I trust that this is a very well thought out decision. Of course ambassador, Michael Cole asserted. Months of contemplation, research and organization went into our determination. You can rest assured that all will go well with the opening of Penitentiary Pacific, President McPhearse confirmed. We will take your word on it Mr. President, said the European Ambassador. Very well, McPhearse said. Does anyone have more to include, or any questions? Everyone looked at one another and shook their heads. Great, acclaimed the President. We will all continue to meet monthly. The next appointment will be via teleconference, as will most of our future meetings. He straightened his pile of papers and stood up from his chair. Thank you all very much for your time. Everyone got up and shook hands prior to exiting the conference room.

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