Take-Home Study Guide, February 24, 2013

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Take-Home Study Guide

Read: 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 Read: Proverbs 8 Meditate & Memorize: And because of him [Jesus] you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:30-31 ESV)

these wisdoms can be found both in the word outside of the church (Greeks) and the world within (Jews). How can you reject the wisdom of this age while still remain on mission to this world? Paul does not call Corinth to remove themselves from the world in order to avoid its foolishness, but rather to proclaim the testimony of God (v. 2:1) Paul warns the church not to allow their faith to rest in the wisdom of men. How can you avoid this as a believer? How can the church?

Paul is sharply contrasting the wisdom of the Greek & Jewish worlds to the wisdom of God, specifically in salvation. The Jews sought political salvation in a mighty ruler who could perform mighty deeds and defeat the Gentile nations The Greeks sought salvation (meaning) from philosophical worldviews and enlightened oratory. Paul is reminding the church at Corinth that the message of the cross, the Gospel, is foolishness and folly to the world around them. But the Greek world and the Jewish world is a false reality. In truth their wisdom is foolishness and it is the wisdom of God (righteousness, sanctification, and redemption) alone that saves. This new nature is created after the likeness of God. Humanity was made in Gods image in the beginning (Gen. 1:27) and when that image had been marred by sin and the life in fellowship with God lost, there was in Christ a new creation, a restoration to the divine image with all that means. Above all, the image of God is shown in character in true righteousness and holiness. If these qualities are not seen, at least in some measure, there is no evidence that there has been Gods work of re-creation at all.

How are you being foolish, at least according to the world? If there is nothing in your life that would look like foolishness to those who have not been saved then there may be a problem. Prepare yourself to proclaim. Define the gospel in your own words and write it down. Show it to another believer in the church whom you respect for their devotion and practice of the gospel. Fine-tune it so that when God gives you the opportunity to tell (proclaim) the Gospel to a friend, family member, or co-worker you will know what to say.

Use this sermon-based study guide as you lead your family in worship, do your morning devotions, talk in your community groups, or in any other way that might help you know Christ more fully.. ~ Pastor Brandon

What is the wisdom of this age that conflicts with Gods work in salvation? Selfdetermination, rejection of exclusivism, a works based righteousness? All of Continued



Take-Home Study Guide

Read: 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 Read: Proverbs 8 Meditate & Memorize: And because of him [Jesus] you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:30-31 ESV)

these wisdoms can be found both in the word outside of the church (Greeks) and the world within (Jews). How can you reject the wisdom of this age while still remain on mission to this world? Paul does not call Corinth to remove themselves from the world in order to avoid its foolishness, but rather to proclaim the testimony of God (v. 2:1) Paul warns the church not to allow their faith to rest in the wisdom of men. How can you avoid this as a believer? How can the church?

Paul is sharply contrasting the wisdom of the Greek & Jewish worlds to the wisdom of God, specifically in salvation. The Jews sought political salvation in a mighty ruler who could perform mighty deeds and defeat the Gentile nations The Greeks sought salvation (meaning) from philosophical worldviews and enlightened oratory. Paul is reminding the church at Corinth that the message of the cross, the Gospel, is foolishness and folly to the world around them. But the Greek world and the Jewish world is a false reality. In truth their wisdom is foolishness and it is the wisdom of God (righteousness, sanctification, and redemption) alone that saves. This new nature is created after the likeness of God. Humanity was made in Gods image in the beginning (Gen. 1:27) and when that image had been marred by sin and the life in fellowship with God lost, there was in Christ a new creation, a restoration to the divine image with all that means. Above all, the image of God is shown in character in true righteousness and holiness. If these qualities are not seen, at least in some measure, there is no evidence that there has been Gods work of re-creation at all.

How are you being foolish, at least according to the world? If there is nothing in your life that would look like foolishness to those who have not been saved then there may be a problem. Prepare yourself to proclaim. Define the gospel in your own words and write it down. Show it to another believer in the church whom you respect for their devotion and practice of the gospel. Fine-tune it so that when God gives you the opportunity to tell (proclaim) the Gospel to a friend, family member, or co-worker you will know what to say.

Use this sermon-based study guide as you lead your family in worship, do your morning devotions, talk in your community groups, or in any other way that might help you know Christ more fully.. ~ Pastor Brandon

What is the wisdom of this age that conflicts with Gods work in salvation? Selfdetermination, rejection of exclusivism, a works based righteousness? All of Continuted

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