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Our Friendship Cube Games

Graeme Kilshaw, February 2013 Our Friendship Cube Group is currently developing simple tabletop games. We are trying to make our Friendship cube games popular in high schools like Pogs or Pokmon cards. These games are for the kids in the hall, not forced curriculum. Through our fun friendship cube games, we learn and apply new symbols. And in the process, we build social skills. That is why we call it the friendship cube. There is a social motivation involved. And the point of learning is more than just curriculum. The point is for your own individual social network and your personal destiny, based upon your social network and your friendships. Friendship cube games build social skills. Our physical cube games involve elements of chance and elements of skill. First among these skills are pattern recognition, visual tracking, and hand-eye coordination. For introducing randomness, our friendship cubes are rolled like dice. Our games build a broad set of linguistic or literacy skills, just like the game scrabble. For many games, chance is invoked by rolling one of our cubes just like a dice and marking which of the 6 symbols comes up. Other ways of invoking chance are to draw a card from a special friendship cube deck that has either our 6 or 22 symbols corresponding to our friendship cube code. We bring our games to students in packages with cards and instructions. I have heard that some friendship cube game players say that these symbols have some power to reveal destiny, much like the Tarot card symbols. It is as if visual binary symbols had some kind of special or even at times, magical feeling of significance for those who use them. For me, I share it as if it is just a simple gaming tool that is like dice and additionally has 22 unique binary values that enable fun interaction and non-verbal communication. We are embracing the friendship cube games as a common tool to teach essential skills like memory, communication, navigation, teamwork, literacy, numeracy, role-playing, and moral lessons from game story lines. We are developing and promoting these friendship cube games that are suitable for kids to play around with. Card games are a great way to occupy time. Sometimes even our friendship cube might be a fun option for young people just starting to date for first dates or even as part of a love ritual, enabling people to get to know each other intimately. That is what this friendship concept is all about. Friendship can lead to intimacy. The inner idea of the friendship cube is to unite in consciousness. If you can be of a singular mind, you are more likely to successfully reproduce through mating.

Overall, it is like intimacy comes after trust and unity of values. So we develop this unity, this trust, and these values with our games. In our games, we invoke greater knowledge of each other. We get to know each other better. We introduce a system of chance and of choice, like truth-or-dare or spin-the-bottle. The core idea is that through the generation of randomness and chance, the games get more interesting and intimate. The only remaining component is personal strategy. Personal strategy reveals character and helps people get to know each other even better. Where two or more are gathered, therein is the possibility to play friendship cube games. One easy game that introduces our 6 symbols, I have played many times, with great success. The first person to roll all 6 wins. You check off the symbol once it has been rolled. It is a great way to introduce the symbols to people who havent seen them. In this introduction, you learn the 6 symbols. Playing this game, I realized that any dice game could be played with friendship cubes. You simply assign each symbol with a dice number. Our 6 symbols correspond to the 6 dot-symbols on regular dice. A great second game that introduces the binary values and the rotating symbols is a math game High-beats-Low. Who rolls the higher binary value wins. Something like, First person to reach 7 million is the winner. Or games like blackjack or the-price-is-right where there is a number target and you try to reach the target number without going over. Whoever gets closest in rolling the cube to reach the number without going over, wins. It is good for 2 or more players. And then come our linguistic games. Start off simple and then get into more complicated games. For example, you can get to know each other by rolling the dice to get a letter. Then that letter must be used as one letter in a word that describes you that describes the person who rolled the friendship cube. The element of randomness makes it so you have to think on your feet. And so through these games, we are designing beneficial personal interactions that are not boring like other games, but actually fun and interesting. People work better in teams. And you need groups of people to play guessing games, memory games, and the strategy games. And so our idea is that as soon as somebody pulls the friendship cube out of their pocket, the entire group will understand intuitively and instantly that the interactive fun will soon commence. More meaningful than any friendship-bracelet is a friendship-cube-game that helps you to get to know each other and kill time together. We will get into board games, dice games, pencil-&-paper games, role-playing games, creative games, skill games, and so on. Show your friends the friendship cube. Bring it to parties. Invent your own games. Develop and

play games that suit the purpose of your organization. Have quality time together. Learn something new and apply it. Organize your thinking to reformat and re-calibrate your consciousness for the wellbeing of your group or organization. Become like a bee in a beehive. Improve your hive-mind. We dont need any fancy technologies or complicated stuff to accomplish our goals. Our games require only a simple cube, two or more people, and some time to spend together quality time. It is all really pretty simple, and anyone can see the basics for playing our friendship cube games. What we want to do is popularize our friendship cube games and make them better known and more easily available. Also, the more we play the games, the better the games will become and the more easy it will be for us to define individual games and get good at them. Our skills will gradually climb until we reach a more critical mass, and at this level, the use of the friendship cube will become more ubiquitous, unanimous, and universal. By gradually introducing visual binary intelligence and communication tools like the friendship cube, we will be planting the seed for a future of unity and unified structure. And so keeping it very simple, our current goal is to popularize and promote our tabletop friendship cube games.

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