Soalan Heat 2 Qualiti

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Which of the following is true? Yang manakah berikut ini benar A The unit of heat is o C Unit SI haba ialah o C B Heat is a form of energy C Heat flows from a cold substance to a hot substance.

Heat and temperature are A forms of energy B scalar quantities C measured in the S.I.units D measured by the same instrument. If there is no net flow of heat energy between two objects that are inthermal contact, then the two objects must have the same . Jika tiada pemindahan bersih tenaga haba antara dua objek yang bersentuhan secara termal, maka kedua-dua objek itu mempunyai .................. yang sama. A B C D mass / jisim temperature / suhu specific heat capacity / muatan haba tentu specific latent heat of fusion / haba pendam tentu pelakuran

The diagram shows two copper blocks, L and M, touching each other. The initial temperatures of L and M are 50 oC and 30 oC respectively.

Which statement is correct when L and M are at thermal equilibrium? A B C D 5 Temperature of L is higher than M The quantity of heat in L is the same as in M Rate of change in temperature of L is bigger than that of M Net rate of heat flow between L and M is zero

The diagram shows object A and object B are of temperatures T1 and T2. The heat flows from A to B until the thermal equilibrium is reached at a temperature T.

Which relationship between T1 , T2 and T is true? A C 6 T1 > T2 > T T1 > T > T2 B D T2 > T1 > T T2 > T > T1

What is the concept used in the measurement of human body temperature using a thermometer? Apakah konsep yang digunakan dalam pengukuran suhu badan manusia menggunakan termometer? A B C D Thermal convection Perolakan terma Thermal equilibrium Keseimbangan terma Specific heat capacity Muatan haba tentu Specific latent heat Haba pendam tentu

Water takes a shorter time to boil when heated at high regions than at low regions, although the same amount of energy is used because Air lebih cepat mendidih apabila dipanaskan di kawasan tanah tinggi berbanding di kawasan rendah walaupun menggunakan jumlah tenaga yang sama kerana. A B C D the temperature is lower at high regions Suhu lebih rendah di kawasan tanah tinggi. the atmospheric pressure is lower at high regions tekanan atmosfera lebih rendah di kawasan tanah tinggi. the air is less damp at high regions kelembapan udara lebih rendah di kawasan tanah tinggi the rate of heat lost is faster at high regions kadar pembebasan haba lebih cepat di kawasan tanah tinggi.

The quantity of heat energy required to increase the temperature of 1 kg of a material by 1 oC Kuantiti haba yang diperlukan untuk menaikkan suhu 1 kg bahan sebanyak 1oC

The statement above is a definition of a physical quantity. What is that physical quantity? Pernyataan di atas adalah definisi bagi suatu kuantiti fizik. Apakah kuantiti fizik tersebut? A B C D 9 Heat capacity Muatan haba Latent heat of fusion Haba pendam tentu perlakuran Specific heat capacity Muatan haba tentu Latent heat of vaporization Haba pendam tentu pengewapan.
Temperature / oC 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t / minute

The graph shows the heating curve of a 500 g liquid P by a 60 W immersion heater.The specific heat capacity of the liquid Q is Graf menunjukkan pemanasan 500 g cecair P oleh pemanas rendam 60 W. Muatan haba tentu cecair P ialah

A B C D 10

220 J kg-1 oC-1 720 J kg-1 oC-1 1260 J kg-1 oC-1 1680 J kg-1 oC-1

Fatimah pours some 95 0C of hot water into a cup of instant noodles.The final temperature gained of the mixture is lower than 950 C. Which of the statements is not the possible explanation ? Fatimah telah menuangkan air panas yang bersuhu 95 0C ke dalam secawan mee segera. Suhu akhir campuran tersebut didapati kurang daripada 95 0C. Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah bukan penerangan yang terbaik untuk situasi di atas ?

Some energy is lost to the surroundings Tenaga hilang ke persekitaran B The mass of the mixture larger than the total mass of hot water and the instant noodles. Jisim campuran lebih besar daripada jumlah jisim air panas dan mee segera C Hot water and noodles have attained thermal equilibrium at a temperature lower than 950C. Air dan mee segera tersebut telah mencapai keseimbangan terma D The energy is absorbed by the noodles because the temperature of the noodles is lower than the hot water. Tenaga telah diserap oleh mee segera tersebut kerana suhunya lebih rendah daripada air panas 11 Diagram 33 shows two objects, X and Y which are connected by a heat conductor. Rajah 33 menunjukkan dua objek X dan Y yang disambungkan oleh satu pengalir haba.

Heat conductor DIAGRAM 33 Thermal equilibrium X and Y is only achieved when

Keseimbangan terma bagi X dan Y akan tercapai apabila mass of X and Y are same. jisim X dan Y adalah sama X and Y are the same type of material. X dan Y adalah dari jenis bahan yang sama. specific heat capacity of X and Y are the same. muatan haba tentu X dan Y adalah sama. rate of heat transfer between X and Y are the same kadar pemindahan haba antara X dan Y adalah sama. 12 Diagram 11 shows three blocks,P, Q and R, at temperatures T1, T2, and T3, are in contact with each other. Rajah 11 menunjukkan tiga buah bongkah P, Q dan R, pada suhu T1, T2, and T3, diletakkan bersentuhan antara satu sama lain.
Bongkah P Block P T1 Bongkah Q Block Q T2 DIAGRAM 11 RAJAH 11 Bongkah R Block R T3

Which combination of temperature show the three blocks above are in thermal equilibrium? Pasangan suhu manakah menunjukkan tiga bongkah di atas berada dalam keseimbangan terma? A B C D T1 / C 25 25 25 35 T2 / C 25 15 35 25 T3 / C 25 25 25 15


When 0.5 kg water of 800 C is mixed with 0.4 kg water of 200 C, what is the final temperature of the mixture ? Apabila 0.5 kg air yang bersuhu 80 0C dicampurkan dengan air yang bersuhu 20 0C , berapakah suhu akhir campuran tersebut?

40.0 45.0 53.3 60.0 14

0 0

C C 0 C 0 C Water is used as coolant in car engines because Air digunakan sebagai penyejuk dalam enjin kereta kerana

water has a low viscosity. air mempunyai kelikatan yang rendah. water helps to clean the engine. air menolong membersihkan enjin water has a high specific heat capacity. air mempunyai muatan haba tentu yang tinggi water has a high specific latent heat of fusion. air mempunyai haba pendam pelakuran yang tinggi. 15 Which of the materials listed is most suitable as material for the handle of cooking utensil? Bahan berikut yang manakah paling sesuai digunakan sebagai pemegang pekakas memasak? Material Specific heat capacity/ J kg-1 oC-1 A 300 B 900 C 1200 D 3500


Figure 1.1 shows a food container used for keeping the food warm. The container is able to maintain the temperature of food for long time. The container can be moved from one place to another.

FIGURE 1.1 (a) Name one suitable material to be used for the container ........................................................................................................... [1 mark]
(b) The container has a mass of 0.8 kg and the volume is 0.25 m3

.Calculate the density of the container

[2 marks]
(c) A warm food at 80oC is put inside the container for 5 minutes. The

temperature goes down to 70oC. If the specific heat capacity of the food is 3600 J kg-1 oC-1 and it mass 3 kg.


Calculate the amount of heat lost to its surrounding.

[2 marks]


Calculate the rate of heat lost by the food.

[2 marks]
(d) A student conduct an experiment to compare the rate of heat lost of

container P, Q and R. The student also calculated the density of each container. Table 1.2 shows the result of the experiment. Container P Q R Density/ kg m-3 1.25 2.50 0.96 Rate of heat lost/Js-1 450 660 260

TABLE 1.2 Using Table 8.2, suggest which container is the most suitable to keep the food warm. Give reasons for your answer. ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................

When a boy jogs along the beach in a hot evening, he realizes that the cool wind is blowing from the sea. Diagram 2.1 shows the air cycle and how sea breeze is obtained. Sea breeze is formed as a result of different value of specific heat capacity for both land and sea water.




What is meant by specific heat capacity? [ 1 mark]

(ii) Explain briefly how the sea breeze is formed?


[ 4 marks] Diagram below shows the cooking pot sold in the supermarket. Table 2.1 shows four different types of cooking pot displayed in the supermarket.

Type of cooking pot

Material of the pot


glass glass Iron steel

Specific heat capacity of the pot (Jkg-1 oC1) 700 700 500 460

Material of the handle

mass of the cooking pot (kg)

plastic iron wood plastic

3.0 0.8 1.0 0.8

Table 2.1 Choose the most suitable cooking pot that you will buy for your mother on Mothers Day. Explain why the characteristics are suitable and give reasons for your choice . [ 10 marks ]
(c) A 100 W electric heater is used to heat a 2 kg aluminum block

for 15 minutes. It is observed that the thermometer reading rises from 25 oC to 75 oC. Calculate (i) the total heat energy supplied by the heater. (ii) The specific heat capacity of the aluminum block (iii) What assumption that you make in (ii) ? [ 5 marks ]

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