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Gomeron VII Imperial planet Gomeron VII has a long and industrious history of serving the God-Emperor.

Its arid dusty surface breeding hardy warriors who have travelled far in wide as part of the Imperial Guard encountering foes of every kind. The surface of Gomeron VII is scorched for 18 hours a day by the searing heat of the local star leaving the two main continents (Salorica and Plator) with limited water supplies. Due to the location of these continents on the planets surface there is fairly limited variation of temperature and climate, however at the northern tip of the western continent of Salorica the temperatures barely reach over 5 degrees. These areas are shunned by most Gomeronians the bulk of which chose to live in the main walled cities scattered across the 2 continents. These walled cities of Targon, Astralerica, Salor, Claricon and the capital city of Gomeriuos are the main habitation centres for the planet, its population relying on the waters of the great rivers that flow through these cities for health and plant growth. However as the tributaries of these great rivers of Targ, Claric and Gomer flow across the arid continents, there can be found small towns and villages, their residents often either scratching out a living on farming crops on the slightly more fertile river banks or more regularly being mine workers, helping to gather the tithe for the God-Emperor. As a planet loyal to the beloved Emperor Gomeron pays its yearly tithes with pleasure, its inhabitants toiling away in an effort to remain in his grace. They manage 3 main outputs to assist the Imperium these being mined ores to assist in the production of weapons, thousands of troopers to bolster the ranks of the Imperial Guard and the relatively recent addition of development of bio-technology. These tithes are taken off planet by a constant stream of cargo ships whos landers can be seen shuttling back and forth from the two star ports on the planet based at Astralerica and Gomerious. The planets residents are more than used to the flare of thrusters in the night sky, with children being told stories of them being a burst of the God-Emperors blessings on the planet and to make a wish on them for a productive tithe.

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