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Padmakar Vishnu Vartak

M.B.B.S., F.U.W.A.I., Ph.D.(Literature){Washington DC]

521 Shaniwar Peth, Pune, 411030.

Tel.No. 020. 24450387.

Atomic Knowledge from Shrimad Bhagawata

Shrimad Bhagawata records at 3-11-1 to 5 some knowledge of Atom and its interior parts. It states thus : When a matter is divided to the extreme, the ultimate final particle is called as Paramanu. The Paramanus are not joined to each other. Just coming together, they produce an illusion of a solid matter, which has its own properties. The Parama-Mahan is still more subtler than Paramanu. The Parama Mahan is unique, has no difference, no spacing and leaves behind nothing. Two Paramanus make one Anu. Three make one Trasarenu. In the modern world Dalton proposed a theory of Indivisibility of Atom, during 1808, and was accepted world over. But then the Bhagawata was stating that the Anu consists of two or three particles called as Paramanus. The Bhagawata was proved to be true when in 1897, Bequerel divided an atom and an Electron was produced. During 1911, Rutherford proved that the atoms consist of one more particle, whom he named Proton because it was positively charged. During 1932, James Chadwick proved the presence of a Neutron in the atom. Because it had no charge, it was named as Neutron. The Hydrogen atom has two particles, one Proton and one Electron, while all others possess three particles Proton, Electron, Neutron. Thus Bhagwata was proved correct, again. The Bhagawata says that the Paramanus never join each other, only by coming close together they produce an illusion of a solid matter, which has specific properties. It is now accepted by the science that an atom of an element has some specific properties but its Subatomic particles have no such properties. For example, the atom of gold shows different properties than that of Iron. However the subatomic particles of the Gold and Iron do not show such different properties. Protons, Electrons, Neutrons of Iron are the same as those of Gold. It is proved by the science that the subatomic particles are not really joined to each other, they are far away from each other. For example, a proton of an atom is at a distance from its Electron; a distance of 40,000 [forty thousand] times the diameter of it. The theory of the Paramanus proposed by the Bhagawata is now accepted by the modern science, but the Parama Mahan is not yet accepted by the science. A Paramanu keeps behind some thing, if broken ; but the Parama Mahan will not keep any thing behind, except itself. That Unique thing is called as Kaivalya, which is the unique, ultimate Reality. Science does not know the matter which turns into the subatomic particles; however some matter has to be present. That matter is termed as Parama Mahan by the Bhagawata. The Bhagawata has correlated the matter with the time, just like the space-time continuam of the modern science. Time is unmanifested (Avyakta), but it enjoys the manifest world (Vyaktabhuk). It comes into existence in a special way, so it is called as Vibhu. The finest unit of time is named as Paramanu, which equals to a millionth of a second. To be exact a Paramanu of time is 0.000032 seconds, according to the Bhagawata. The Bhagawata is composed 3650 years ago, during 1650 years B.C. (before Christ).

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