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Question: What are the "elements" of art? Why are they important?

Answer: The elements of art are sort of like atoms in that both serve as "building blocks." You know that atoms combine and form other things, right? Sometimes they'll casually make a simple molecule, as when hydrogen and oxygen form water (H2O). If hydrogen and oxygen take a more aggressive career path and bring carbon along as a co-worker, together they might form something more complex, like a molecule of sucrose (C12H22O11). A similar activity happens when the elements of art are combined. Instead of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, etc., in art you've got line, shape, form, space, texture, value and color. Artists manipulate these elements, mix them in with principles of design and compose a piece of art. Not every work has every last one of these elements contained within it, but there are always at least two present. For example, a sculptor, by default, has to have both form and space in a sculpture, because these elements are three-dimensional. They can also be made to appear in two-dimensional works through the use of perspective and shading. Art would be sunk without line, sometimes known as "a moving point." While line isn't something found in nature, it is absolutely essential as a concept to depicting objects and symbols, and defining shapes. Texture is another element, like form or space, that can be real (run your fingers over an Oriental rug, or hold an unglazed pot), created (think of van Gogh's lumpy, impasto-ed canvases) or implied (through clever use of shading). Now, I will try not to leap up and down and pinwheel my arms in large, excited arcs over color, but, really - it's often the whole point for us visual types. Show me a red spectrum, regardless of value (lightness or darkness), and my brain yells "Hallelujah!" Then, of course, there are all of those lovely, soothing blues...oh! And green! The color of nature and the renewal of life. There have got to be at least 84,000 tints and tones of green. And, yellow! My goodness, I do love a sunny yellow. Not a sickly-looking "Whoa! Hey, you should get your liver function tested, buddy" shade of yellow, mind you, but...what? Sorry. What was the other part of the question? Why are the elements of art important? Right. The elements of art are important for several reasons. First, and most importantly, a person can't create art without utilizing at least a few of them. No elements, no art, end of story. And we wouldn't even be talking about any of this, would we? Secondly, knowing what the elements of art are enables us to (1) describe what an artist has done, (2) analyze what is going on in a particular piece and (3) communicate our thoughts and findings using a common language. Musicians can talk about the key of "A," and they all know it means "a pitch relating to 440 oscillations per second of vibration." Mathematicians may use the very basic word "algorithm" and feel confident that most people know they mean "a step-by-step procedure for carrying out computation." Botanists world-wide will employ the name "rosa rugosa," rather than the much longer "that old-fashioned shrub rose - you know, the one that leaves hips in the fall - with the five-petaled flowers that can be yellow, white, red or pink." These are all specific examples of a common language coming in handy for intelligent (and shortened) discourse. So it is with the elements of art. Once you know what the elements are, you can trot them out, time after time, and never put a wrong foot forward in the Art World. Does your instructor want you to write a few words and/or pages on a painting of your choice? Choose wisely, and then wax euphoric on form, lines and color. Have you found an unidentified work in your great-aunt's attic/toolshed/outhouse? It is helpful, when describing the piece to someone who may be able to supply you with further information, to throw in some of the piece's elements of art along with: "It's an etching. It's on paper." Stumped for conversation at a gallery show? Try "The artist's use of _________(insert element here) is interesting." This is a

much safer course than attempting to psychoanalyze the artist (after all, you may be standing in a clump of people that includes his or her mother) or using words which leave you a bit uncertain of exact meanings and/or pronunciations. See? The elements of art are both fun and useful. Remember: line, shape, form, space, texture, value and color. Knowing these elements will allow you to analyze, appreciate, write and chat about art, as well as being of help should you create art yourself. Question: What Are the Functions of Art? Answer: Smarter people than I have written entire books about this question. My attempt, here - which will probably come across as overly simplified - will be to hit the highlights. Disclaimers abound. First, proceed with this caution: No piece of art can be "assigned" a function (or functions), either in essay form or in casual conversation, if it isn't first considered within the proper context. Trying to classify function depends on context. Ideally, one can look at a piece and know (approximately) where it came from and when. The best-case scenario includes identifying the artist, as well, because s/he is half of the contextual equation (i.e.: What was the artist thinking at the time s/he created this?). You, the viewer, are the other half (i.e.: What does this piece of art mean to you, living right now?). These are all factors that should be considered before trying to assign functions. Besides, taking anything out of context can lead to misunderstanding, which is never a Happy Place to visit. That said, the functions of art normally fall within three categories. These are personal, social or physical functions. These categories can, and (often) do, overlap in any given piece of art. The physical functions of art are most easily dealt with. Works of art that are created to perform some service have physical functions. If you see a Fijian war club you may assume that, however wonderful the craftsmanship may be, it was created to perform the physical function of smashing skulls. A Japanese raku bowl is art that performs a physical function in the tea ceremony. Conversely, a fur-covered teacup from the Dada movement has no physical function. Architecture, any of the crafts and industrial design are all types of art that have physical functions. Art has social functions when it addresses aspects of (collective) life, as opposed to one person's point of view or experience. For example, public art in 1930s Germany had an overwhelming symbolic theme. Did this art exert influence on the German population? Decidedly so. As did political and patriotic posters in Allied countries during the same time. Political art (skewed to whatever message) always carries a social function. The fur-covered Dada teacup, useless for holding tea, carried a social function in that it protested World War I (and nearly everything else in life). Art that depicts social conditions performs social functions. The Realists figured this out early in the 19th century. Dorothea Lange (and, indeed, many other photographers) often photographed people in conditions we'd rather not think about. Additionally, satire performs social functions. Francisco Goya and William Hogarth both went this route, with varying degrees of success at enacting social change. Sometimes having specific pieces of art in a community can perform the social function of elevating that community's status. A Calder stabile, for example, can be a community treasure and point of pride. The personal functions of art are the most difficult to explain in any great detail. There are many of them, and they vary from person to person. An artist may create out of a need for self-expression, or gratification. S/he might have wanted to communicate a thought or point to the viewer. Perhaps the artist was trying to provide an aesthetic experience, both for self and viewers. A piece might have been meant to "merely" entertain others. Sometimes a piece isn't meant to have any meaning at all. (This is vague, I know. The above is a great example of how knowing the artist can help one "cut to the chase" and assign functions.) On a slightly more lofty plane, art may serve the personal functions of control. Art has been used to attempt to exert magical control over time, or the seasons or even the acquisition of food. Art is used to bring order to a messy and disorderly world. Conversely, art can be used to create chaos when an artist feels life is too staid and ordinary. Art can also be therapeutic - for both the artist

and the viewer. Yet another personal function of art is that of religious service (lots of examples for this, aren't there?). Finally, sometimes art is used to assist us in maintaining ourselves as a species. Biological functions would obviously include fertility symbols (in any culture), but I would also invite scrutiny of the ways we adorn ourselves in order to be attractive enough to, well, mate. You, the viewer, are half of the equation in assigning function to art - as mentioned earlier. These personal functions apply to you, as well as the artist. It all adds up to literally billions of variables when trying to figure out the personal functions of art. My best advice is to stick with the most obvious and provide only those details you know as factual. In sum, try to remember four points when required to describe "the functions of art": (1) context and (2) personal, (3) social and (4) physical functions. Good luck, and may your own words flow freely! FUNCTIONS OF ART 1. Art for decoration and ornamentation. 2. Art for adornment to indicate social rank. 3. Art to inspire faith or enrich worship. 4. Art to give insight and a new angle on reality. 5. Art for magical power. 6. Art to honor and glorify. 7. Art to record history. 8. Art for the design of functional objects. 9. Art to tell stories and illustrate. 10. Art to define and show beauty. 11. Art as propaganda to sell ideas, feelings, objects. 12. Art to define and reflect the current times and culture. 13. Art to redefine art. 14. Art to express and explore personal feelings and ideas.

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