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The Insurrection The history of Gomeron VII is pock marked with both savagery and honour as the centuries

of existence on the planet have led to constant conflicts amongst its inhabitants both for petty slights and for survival. Imperial records, copied from the annals of the ruling houses, tell a story of a planet that has fought both internal and external enemies at numerous times. Its citizens have developed strongly defended main cities based around the need to defend themselves from outside following numerous inter-city conflicts. These conflicts arose from the power struggles over control of the planets resources especially drinkable water and also the planet itself. The upside of this and the harshness of living and working in the outerlands being that there is a good stock of hardy stoic warriors ready to serve the GodEmperor. Gomeron VII has also faced external invaders as well, having been attacked by both vile green skinned Orks and also the lithe and mysterious Dark Eldar in its past. Luckily both of these raids were only relatively small in scale and came at a time when the planet was raising regiments to be shipped off world to join the leagues of the Imperial Guard. Both raids caused considerable disruption to the production of the valuable ores mined from beneath the planets surface. However the worst disruption to planetary life came from the insidious insurrection that came from within. 58 standard years ago the planet was plunged in to conflict with what seemed like itself, the true horror of the enemy only becoming clear to the Planetary Defence Force and Administratum officials after 4 years of conflict and a thorough investigation by the Inquisition. It all began with small farming villages and mining towns on Salorica failing to provide their quotas towards the Imperial tithe. No communication could be made with the town so Administratum officials in Salor commissioned an investigative party from a nearby town. The story at each was identical. The village would be empty, at first look as if the residents had just vanished in to thin air. Upon closer inspection however, it was obvious that something more sinister was happening. There was evidence of a struggle in some buildings and in others evidence of weapons being discharged. Following a succession of these occurrences but not wanting to show signs of any trouble, the officials in Salor made discrete enquiries to the officials in Astralerica, the other main city on Salorica, to see if they were experiencing anything similar. They were and a meeting was convened of the various official bodies to debate the best course of action to investigate and stop these disappearances. It was decided that the Salorican officials would keep this to themselves to prevent panic and also to so as not to seem week and not in control of their continent. The local judiciary was tasked with hunting down and eradicating

the elusive foe with Chief Judge Salozar being put in charge of the investigation and given whatever resources he required to end the matter.

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