Gomeron Mortars

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Private Jasco Mergret primed another round and dropped it in to the tube of the Tresgor pattern light mortar

that he served alongside Privtate Corlic Triggan. The dull thunk as the round left the barrel was shortly followed by a satisfying blossom of smoke 1000 metres down range, however Mergret was only half watching the splash as Triggan had already passed him another round which he had primed and was about to drop down the tube. He was certain the rounds were on target anyway. He had 3 years in the guard, 2 as a crewman of a light mortar and he already had an affinity with the hand fed support weapon. Despite only having been bumped up from ammo supplier to loader/firer 8 months ago he had already achieved a fine accuracy with the rounds that he fired with the vast majority landing on target. Even though most that he fired were practice rounds like today he still felt a pang of pride that his team was keeping pace with the more experienced teams in his regiment, including that of Corporal Slanon who commanded his squad attached to 1st Platoon. Four more rounds and he heard Corporal Slanon blow his whistle to signify the end of practice for the morning. Mergret could smell the wondrous smell of expended explosives hanging in the air and could hear the whump whump whump of 1st Platoons autocannons practicing in compound Germious. Slanon called the 6 of them together Good job today team. Auspex shows that as a team we managed an impressive 82% of rounds on target Whos the winners and losers Corp? asked Corporal Chanji cheekily. My team was on top said Slanon, with Mergrets closely following Drinks are on your team tonight Chanj cheered Triggan Couldnt hit the Transic Mountains today eh Chanj?! chimed in Lance Corporal Fenick, Slanons ammo guy. Eat Leopig turd, humper retorted Chanji. Okay boys interjected Slanon thats enough of that for now. Tidy away your used ammo carriers and go get yourself some grub Yes Corp responded the team. This afternoon weve some live fire practice, targeting the building compound that the Penal scum will be erecting whilst you stuff your faces. Now get to it. With that the team dispersed back towards their individual weapons and they could see the penal workers moving parts of pre-fabricated buildings on to the range, closely monitored by their armed Arbite guard. Mergret wondered for a moment what crimes these shackled souls had committed to land themselves in such trouble. He quickly reminded himself that it was non of his business

although he crossed himself with the sign of the Aquila and said a quick prayer to the God-Emperor that he never find himself in their position. Live firing this afternoon Jas, called Triggan. Gonna let us blow some stuff to Gomerious and back he said grinning from ear to ear. Should be a walk in the park answered Mergret. Just keep those rounds coming Cor and well be top of the pack come sundown. He said laughing. Now that would make Chanj an unhappy man said Triggan grinning even harder. Thats the idea laughed Mergret. With that they turned to head back to the mess hall where no doubt they would be faced with a hearty meal of ascor beans and mixed grains. Ive left my mess kit by the tube shouted Mergret, Ill catch up with you in the hall No dramas Jas called Triggan, just hurry up, you dont want to let it get cold he shuddered thinking about how rank ascor beans were cold. Megret hurried back to the firing pit and quickly found his mess kit. As he rose to head to join the others the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He had the oddest feeling that he was being watched. He spun to look around but the only people in the area were the Arbites and their shackled prisoners who all seemed to be busy building the compound that would be flattened that afternoon. Mergret decided it was nothing but couldnt shake the feeling of being watched and kept looking back at the prisoners as they worked in an eerie silence.

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