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Our Firm

Volume 22, Number 10 October 2007
The Seventh-day Sabbath Christ Our Righteousness The Immutable Law of God

The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels’ Messages The Sanctuary

Something Better
Another Angel?
Joe Olson

“A nd I saw another angel

fly in the midst of heaven,
having the everlasting gospel to
preach unto them that dwell on
out we were wrong; some things
we found out more about and
deepened our understanding. And
some things we simply will not
knowledge of the perils of the last
days, and would be better pre-
pared for the work before us--we
should be prepared to unite with
the earth, and to every nation, and understand this side of heaven. Christ and to work in his lines.”
kindred, and tongue, and people.” Right now, Paul says, we see RH, February 9, 1897.
Revelation 14:6. through the glass darkly. “For now We would have “better knowl-
The three angels’ messages we see through a glass, darkly; but edge,” be “better prepared,” be
start with this verse. And in verse then face to face: now I know in part; “prepared to unite with Christ,” be
9 we are told that “the third angel” but then shall I know even as also prepared to “work in His lines.”
followed them. That is how we I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12. Do we need more reasons that
know that there were three. But But we seem to let the devil this? Are we studying? Are we pre-
why does John say he saw “anoth- just tear us up about things. Why paring? Ask yourself this, and ask
er” when it was the first of three? we get so caught up in who is do- those who live with you: “Can you
Why not say, “I saw an angel…”? ing what, and who was wearing recite the three angels’ messages?”
Seems strange, doesn’t it? what or eating what, is amazing. Can you? Can they? If not, we are
Not when you think about the The devil has walked right in not studying like we should.
fact that this was not the first an- and “stolen a march” on us while “The great, essential questions
gel that he had seen flying in the we focus on so many things that which God would have presented
midst of heaven. “And I beheld, are not relevant. to the people are found in Daniel
and heard an angel flying through “Burdens have been borne, proj- and the Revelation. There is found
the midst of heaven, saying with a ects have been entered into, and solid, eternal truth for this time.
loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the time has been given to matters that Everyone needs the light and in-
inhabiters of the earth by reason God never intended any of you to formation it contains.” 1MR 61.
of the other voices of the trumpet study upon, or to undertake. Now, Sister White was shown that
of the three angels, which are yet for Christ’s sake, change the order what we need is the light and infor-
to sound!” Revelation 8:13. of things. … Satan has stolen a mation that comes from the books
This was the first angel he had march on us.” Special Testimonies of Daniel and the Revelation.
seen flying in the midst of heaven, for Ministers and Workers, (pamphlet) “There is need of a much closer
and for that one he did say “an” No. 10, p. 24. study of the Word of God. Es-
angel. After he had seen that one, There are many things that we pecially should Daniel and the
he sees the one later in vision and need to study. Daniel and Rev- Revelation have attention as Photos: © Hemera Photo Objects CD (notebook); (background)

says that it was “another” angel. elation are two of them. “There is never before in the history of
Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? need of a much closer study of the our work.” 16MR 333.
For a long time, I didn’t know why Word of God; especially should Let’s study together, and let the
the Bible said that it was “another Daniel and the Revelation have “light” shine into our souls and pre-
angel” instead of “an angel,” but I attention as never before. . . . The pare us for the final hour! 
didn’t dwell upon it. I knew there light that Daniel received from
was a perfectly good explanation God was given especially for these Joe Olson serves as the
for it, even if I didn’t get it. last days.” TM 112-3. executive director and
There are many things like that Why is it that we need to chairman of the board
in the scriptures. Some things we study these books so much? “If of Hope International.
don’t understand now; some things the books of Daniel and the Rev- He also travels as an
we will soon find out; some things elation were studied with earnest international speaker.
we thought we knew and found prayer, we should have a better

2 Our Firm Foundation

Table of Contents Volume  22,  Number  10 October  2007

Something Better – Part 2
Norman Peek
Sacred music links us to heaven and prepares us to
Our Mission - It is the mission of Hope International sing heaven’s songs.
and the editors of Our Firm Foundation to clearly present
Christ and His truth. The days remaining for this world
are few, and we must work quickly. We must boldly
proclaim the historic truths of Adventism that place
us on so firm a foundation in the midst of this troubled

Executive Director: Joe Olson

Editor: Heidi Heiks The Limit of God’s Mercy
Bookstore Manager: Kaye Olson
Ellen G. White The crowns of those who slight divine forbearance
Hope For Health Center: Heather Olson, R.N. and make void God’s law will go to others who, under forbidding circumstances, consecrate themselves to
Layout & Design: Paul & Mihaela Williams God.

Our Firm Foundation is published monthly by:

Hope International
P.O. Box 220
Understanding Aright the “Daily,”

Knoxville, IL 61448 USA
Phone: (309) 343-1844
Scripturally and Historically – Part 9
  Monday–Thursday: 8:00am–5:00pm, Central Time Heidi Heiks
  Friday: 8:00am–12:00pm , Central Time
Fax: (309) 343-3721 Counsel to work in cities neglected; Daniells reproved,
Email: repentant, trusted by Ellen White.

About Hope International

Hope International is a lay ministry founded, supported,
and operated by Seventh-day Adventists to assist God’s Editorial page 02
Church in the proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel in
every way that is consistent with the principles of God Theological Waymarks page 16
as revealed in Inspiration.

Invitation to Writers Children’s Story page 24

We are accepting article-length manuscripts (1850 to 2250
words) for possible publication in Our Firm Foundation.
We prefer that submissions be submitted in Word .doc
Health Gem page 25
format as a computer file. Include a digital picture
and a short bio. Please address all correspondence to News Watch page 26

Subscription Information: See page 30 Historical Footnotes page 28

Shipping & Sales Tax: See page 30
Content credited in this publication is the property of its respective owner(s), and is licensed or used
with permission. Other items are the property of Hope International.
Product Catalog page 29
Cover Photos: © Paul Williams (Lake Koocanusa in Montana) (Eureka Christian Youth Choir)
Background Photo - Page 3: © Paul Williams (Fall Leaves)
Letters to the Editor page 31
Something Better
Part 2 Norman Peek

Sacred music links us to heaven

and prepares us to sing heaven’s songs.

Last month we read of music’s powerful affect on religious and civil life.
Photos: © Paul Williams

usic forms a part of God’s worship in the courts above. We should endeavor in our songs of praise
to approach as nearly as possible to the harmony of the heavenly choirs. I have often been pained to
hear untrained voices, pitched to the highest key, literally shrieking the sacred words of some hymn

4 Our Firm Foundation

of praise. How inappropriate those nified and coarse gestures, unre- singing to the glory of God or to the
sharp, rasping voices for the solemn, fined, coarse gesticulations. All this glory of the performer?
joyous worship of God. I long to stop amuses, and will excite the curios-
my ears, or flee from the place, and I ity of those who wish to see strange, Singing of or to a Holy God
rejoice when the painful exercise is odd, and exciting things, but these
ended.” Evangelism, 507-8; The Voice things will not elevate the minds “There is something peculiarly
in Speech and Song (VSS), 416.

Music Often Satan’s Snare Music “is often made one of Satan’s most
“When turned to good account, attractive agencies to ensnare souls.”
music is a blessing; but it is often
made one of Satan’s most attractive
agencies to ensnare souls. When and hearts of those who witness sacred in the human voice. Its har-
abused, it leads the unconsecrated them. mony and its subdued and heaven-
to pride, vanity, and folly. When al- “The very same may be said inspired pathos exceeds every mu-
lowed to take the place of of singing. You assume sical instrument. Vocal music is one
devotion and prayer, it is undignified attitudes.” of God’s gifts to men, an instrument
a terrible curse.” VSS 421. VSS 423. that cannot be surpassed or equaled
“Young persons assem- Might this apply to when God’s love abounds in the
ble to sing, and, although the stretching and soul. Singing with the spirit and the
professed Christians, fre- shrinking of the understanding also is a great addi-
quently dishonor God and timing on a song, tion to devotional services in the
their faith by their frivolous and the adding house of God.” VSS 425.
conversation and their choice of words that do “I have been shown the order, the
of music. Sacred music is not not fit in the me- perfect order, of heaven, and have
congenial to their taste. I was ter? How about been enraptured as I listened to the
directed to the plain teachings holding the perfect music there. After coming
of God’s Word, which have ending a very out of vision, the singing here has
been passed by unnoticed. In long time to sounded very harsh and discordant.
the judgment all these words demonstrate I have seen companies of angels,
of inspiration will condemn a superior who stood in a hollow square, ev-
those who have not heeded breath-control ery one having a harp of gold. At the
them.” 1T 505-6, VSS 421. ability? Is this end of the harp was an instrument
“Singing is just as much the to turn to set the harp or change the
worship of God in a religious tunes. Their fingers did not sweep
meeting as speaking, and any over the strings carelessly, but they
oddity or peculiarity cultivated touched different strings to produce
attracts the attention of the peo- different sounds. There is one angel
ple and destroys the serious, sol- who always leads, who first touches
emn impression which should the harp and strikes the note, then
be the result of sacred music. all join in the rich, perfect music of
Anything strange and eccentric heaven. It cannot be described. It
in singing detracts from the is melody, heavenly, divine, while
seriousness and sacredness of from every countenance beams the
religious service.” VSS 422. image of Jesus, shining with glory
“Bodily exercise profiteth unspeakable.” 1T 146.
little. Everything that is con- Does this say something about
nected in any way with reli- how a guitar should be played?
gious worship should be dig- “They [many professed
nified, solemn, and impressive. Christians] know not the language
Photo: ©

God is not pleased when min- of heaven and are not educating
isters professing to be Christ’s their minds so as to be prepared to
representatives so misrepresent sing the songs of heaven or to de-
Christ as to throw the body into light in the spiritual exercises which
acting attitudes, making undig- will there engage the attention of

Volume 22, Number 10 5

all.” 2T 265, VSS 430. to do; but some do not do
“Singing, as a part of reli- these things; they do not
gious service, is as much an sing with the spirit and the
act of worship as is prayer. understanding also. So in
The heart must feel the the reading of the Word
spirit of the song, to give it of God, some are not ben-
right expression.” Patriarchs efited, because they do not
and Prophets, 594, VSS 432. take it into their very life;
“God is high and holy; they do not practice it.”
and to the humble, believ- Ev 508, VSS 433.
ing soul, His house on earth, “Those who make sing-
the place where His people ing a part of divine wor-
meet for worship, is as the ship should select hymns
gate of heaven. The song of with music appropriate to
praise, the words spoken the occasion, not funeral
by Christ’s ministers, are notes, but cheerful, yet sol-
God’s appointed agencies emn, melodies. The voice
to prepare a people for the can and should be modu-
church above, for that lofti- lated, softened, and sub-
er worship.” Youth Instructor, dued.” Ev 508, VSS 434.
Oct. 8, 1896; VSS 432. “The superfluities which
have been brought into the
Heaven Joins in worship in ___ must be
Our Sacred Songs worship. When human beings sing strenuously avoided. . . . Music is
with the spirit and the understand- acceptable to God only when the
“Let us all bear in mind ing, heavenly musicians take up the heart is sanctified and made soft
that in every assembly of strain and join in the song of thanks- and holy by its facilities. But many
the saints below are angels giving. He who has bestowed upon who delight in music know nothing
of God, listening to the tes- us all the gifts that enable us to be of making melody in their hearts to
timonies, songs, and prayers. workers together with God, expects the Lord. Their heart is gone ‘after
Let us remember that our His servants to cultivate their voices their idols.’” Ev 512, VSS 437.
praises are supplemented by so that they can speak and sing in
The True Strength
of the Church
“Let your hearers understand that you hold
“Rubbish in the Church--When
meetings, not to charm their senses with professing Christians reach the high
standard which it is their privilege
music and other things, but to preach the to reach, the simplicity of Christ
truth.” will be maintained in all their wor-
ship. Forms and ceremonies and
musical accomplishments are not
the choirs of the angelic host above.” a way that all can understand. It is the strength of the church. Yet these
6T 367, VSS 432. not loud singing that is needed, but things have taken the place that God
“The science of salvation is to clear intonation, correct pronun- should have, even as they did in the
be the burden of every sermon, ciation, and distinct utterance. Let worship of the Jews.” VSS 437.
the theme of every song. Let it be all take time to cultivate the voice “The Lord has revealed to me
poured forth in every supplication.” so that God’s praise can be sung that when the heart is cleansed and
Evangelism, 502; VSS 433. in clear, soft tones, not with harsh- sanctified, and the members of the
ness and shrillness that offend the church are partakers of the divine
Cultivate Voice and Heart ear. The ability to sing is the gift nature, a power will go forth from
Photo: ©

of God; let it be used to His glory.” the church, who believe the truth,
“The evil of formal worship can- 9T 143-4, VSS 433. that will cause melody in the heart.
not be too strongly depicted, but “Many are singing beautiful Men and women will not then de-
no words can properly set forth songs in the meetings, songs of what pend upon their instrumental mu-
the deep blessedness of genuine they will do, and what they mean sic but on the power and grace of

6 Our Firm Foundation

God, which will give fullness of themselves in their minds. But there “If we can get rid of the light and
joy. There is a work to be done in is a recent and large class of hymns frivolous rhymes which very few re-
clearing away the rubbish which which are scarcely ever quoted; in- member, and which nobody thinks
has been brought into the church. deed, they are hardly remembered, of quoting, and get hold of those
. . . This message is not only for the for there is little or nothing in them deep, solid, devout, and devotional
church at ___ , but for every other to remember or quote. Flighty hymns, which the church of God
church that has followed her ex- jingles, vain repetitions, rattling have loved to sing for generations,
ample.” Ev 512, VSS 437. choruses, and jumbled fugues may we shall find that such hymns will

“Light and Frivolous Rhymes”

Replacing Substantive Hymns “To quote a hymn, a man must remember it;
Many of the popular “religious” and if a man is to remember a hymn, there
songs of today are written by peo-
ple who have no experience with must be something in it to remember.”
the Lord. They are written for the
purpose of selling CDs and for
popularity. Would you want to hire tickle the ear and please the crowd, strike down in the hearts of men,
a plumber or carpenter who had but when one settles down to read and write within them truth which
no experience? Why do we choose them in cold, plain English, the is more precious than gold.
songs written by people who know interest felt in them vanishes, and
little about music or the careful they appear stale and stupid, flat Appropriate Tunes
crafting of words? and unprofitable.
“Has anyone noticed how few “To quote a hymn, a man must “And if these hymns can be set
hymns are quoted these days? One remember it; and if a man is to to decent tunes,--tunes
minister has said that almost the remember a hymn, there must be which breathe the pathos of
entire body of Christian truth with something in it to remember. Very Christian emotion and the
which his people were acquainted, many of the pieces sung today are reverence due the Almighty,
was contained in the hymn book. not remembered, and for that let us tunes which are fitly joined
The hymns they sang had fastened be thankful! Persons can sing them to hymns of praise and wor-
as long as they can follow ship hymns which angels
the jingle of the tune; but might gladly sing, and to
as for thoughts and ideas, which the Savior Himself
there are very few to be might bend to listen,--the service
retained. of song may then come to be what
it should be, the worship of God
Hymns as Sermons rather than the amusement of men.
“There is nothing more shock-
“And is it not true that ing to a devout ear and a cultured
ministers are forgetting taste than to hear a sacred hymn,
how to read hymns? There like ‘There is a fountain filled with
are men whose reading blood’ set to the music of some jig-
of a hymn is as good as ging tune which reminds one of the
a sermon, and far better thumbing of a banjo or the move-
than some sermons. The ments of a plantation dance. Such
earnest, heartfelt pathos singing is not worship; it is profa-
which marks the reading nation; and the thoughtless souls
of a hymn where divine that delight in it need to sit silent in
truth mingles with solid the presence of the Lord, and pray
thought and pure devo- for grace whereby they ‘may serve
tion, has often brought God acceptably with reverence
tears to the eyes of those and godly fear.’” “The Christian,”
Photo: ©

that heard; but it was be- Review and Herald, August 14, 1927.
cause there were tears in
the hymn, and in the heart Sacred Hymns
of the one that wrote it. Change Hearts

Volume 22, Number 10 7

“One who heard [A. T.] Jones to them as a warning, arousing music; that’s lazy and unimagina-
speak to the congregation in Battle them from their deathlike sleep of tive.” Daily Nebraskan, January 12,
Creek later recalled: ‘At the close of self-indulgence.” 9T 142. 2001, p. 8 (University of Nebraska
one sermon he quoted the lovely student newspaper).
hymn, ‘There’s a Wideness in God’s Contemporary “CCM texts are often ‘me cen-
Mercy’ all through to the end. It Christian Music tered.’ . . . Nor are such texts sur-
was the most wonderful elocution- prising in the ‘me centered’ mod-
ary effort I have ever heard. The au- “CCM [contemporary Christian ern world. But a surfeit of such
dience (1500) was so deeply moved music] is often held in contempt . . texts is ill-suited to a traditional
that for two hours they stood up . because so much of its derivative, concept of Christian worship that
and made confessions and recon- second- or third-rate music [is] a stresses the incorporation of in-
dividuals into the whole Body of
Christ.” The American Organist,
“…That’s not praise music; that’s lazy and June 2006, pp. 79-81.
“When we speak about music
unimaginative.” and the liturgy, we talk about the
music we need. That is not quite
the same as the music we want, the
secrations. It was not a mass move- pale imitation of last year’s popu- music we enjoy. . . . Popular music
ment but an individual movement. lar hits.” The American Organist, is the music of our time, and so is
God spoke through Jones might- June 2006, p. 79. CCM. There’s no doubt that many
ily in those days.” E. K. VandeVere, “I am concerned with the people enjoy it. But is it beneficial?
Windows (1975), p. 209. Contemporary Christian commer- Is it the music we need?” Ibid.
“I have baptized hun- cials. . . .These mindless masses What does our choice of
dreds of Pentecostals as they are singing along with the lyrics music say about our worship?
left Pentecostalism and either lifted out of context from Are we pleasing ourselves, or
joined the Seventh-day the Bible or containing such juve- pleasing God?
Adventist Church. The de- nile combinations of God-related
ciding factor in this change words that any third grader paying Tennessean Norman Peek’s varied in-
was not the day of rest nor attention in Sunday school could terests have led to a wide variety of
the Adventist view on the jot down as an ‘inspired’ poem. . . occupations. Recently, Norman has
state of the dead. Rather, it . These . . . wannabe bands repeat written accounting programs for sev-
was these words of Jesus: trite musings like ‘God is so good’ eral non-profits and currently serves
‘Use not vain repetitions.’ or ‘He’s an awesome God,’ while as an accounting consultant to a self-
(Matt 6:7) Repetition is the secret of plucking the most basic chord supporting ministry. 
hypnotism.” The Ministry, progressions. . . . That’s not praise
August 1991, p. 2.
“Do not divest
the truth of its
dignity and im-
pressiveness by
preliminaries that
are more after the
order of the world
than after the
order of heaven.
Photo: © Paul Williams (Eureka Christian Youth Choir)

Let your hearers

understand that
you hold meet-
ings, not to charm
their senses with
music and other
things, but to
preach the truth
in all its solemnity,
that it may come

8 Our Firm Foundation

The Limit of
God’s Mercy Ellen G. White

The crowns of those who slight divine forbearance

and make void God’s law will go to others who,
under forbidding circumstances,
consecrate themselves to God.

“B ecause sentence against an

evil work is not executed
speedily, therefore the
heart of the sons of men is fully set
in them to do evil.”
them for their disobedience and
transgression. They will yet learn
that God is jealous of his honor and
his glory. He will not have his laws
trifled with. Men cannot with im-
them to repentance and perfect sur-
render to the laws of his kingdom,
then they must be left to choose
whom they would serve. Their life
must testify of their choice. If men
The means which the Lord has punity treat them with indifference love transgression, and choose to
employed in the gracious provision and defiance. disregard his laws, after sufficient
of his mercy, to soften and subdue test and trial their case is forever
the objects of his love, have, through Only Willing Service decided. God cannot have such as
the workings of Satan, encouraged Accepted members of his family in heaven.
the depraved and hardened hearts Their punishment will be in accor-
in perversity, resistance, and trans- If God had decided, in his coun- dance with the character of their
gression. Even as far back as the cils in heaven, to visit the transgres- defiance and rebellion against God.
days of David, this led him to ex- sors of his law with instant death, A vast reformation would be
claim, “It is time for thee, Lord, to there would have resulted a much wrought in the world if the veil of
work: for they have made void thy greater restriction of the inclination the future could be lifted, and all
law.” to do those things that are offensive could see that very soon there is to
to God. The very men who seem to be a change in the attitude of God,
God’s Forbearance be dead to entreaties and warnings in his dealings with the perversity
Slighted sent in mercy by God, those who of man; that there are limits to di-
will not be deterred from their evil vine mercy and forbearance. There
Because of the goodness and course of action, would be prudent are those who, by their impenitence
long-suffering of God, many have to save their lives, even if they had under the beams of light that have
been led to consider and appreciate no love for God. But the Lord’s ar- shone upon them, are very near the
his mercy and loving-kindness, and rangement, made in council with line where the forbearance of God is
this has led them to repentance. On his only begotten Son, was to leave exhausted. In mind and heart they
the other hand, many have become men free moral agents to a certain are saying, “The Lord delayeth his
more careless, and have abused length of probation. His eye would coming,” and they are eating and
Photo: © Paul Williams

his mercy. To their own loss and discern all their works, but he drinking with the drunken. But
shame, they have followed the will would compel no man’s service. If God declares of such that “sudden
of Satan, irrespective of the retri- the love displayed in his long-suf- destruction cometh upon them,”
bution that will surely come upon fering and patience could not bring “and they shall not escape.”

Volume 22, Number 10 9

Limit Almost Reached
The present time, when great
light is shining forth from the Word
of God, making dark mysteries plain
as day, is the day of mercy, of hope,
of assurance, of joy, for all who will
be benefited thereby, for all who
will open their minds and hearts
to the bright beams of the Sun of
Righteousness. But there are those
who will not come to the light, who
despise the truth because it exposes
error and transgression and sin; and
as a result, boldness in transgression
is becoming all-pervading.
The time is very near when men
will reach the prescribed limits. will come. As the word of Christ of God; while those who have had
They have now almost exceeded the came to Zacchaeus, “I must abide at great light have, through the per-
bounds of the long-suffering of God, thy house,” so the word will come versity of their own natural heart,
the limits of his grace, the limits of to them; and those supposed to be turned away from Christ because
displeased with his requirements.
Even many supposed to be heathen
Men cannot with impunity treat God’s laws will take the side of Christ, while
those who become offended, as did
with indifference and defiance. the disciples in the synagogue at
Capernaum, will go away, and walk
no more with him.
his mercy. The record of their works hardened sinners will be found to
in the books of heaven is, “Thou art have hearts as tender as a child’s, Evidence of Himself
weighed in the balances, and art because Christ has deigned to no-
found wanting.” tice them. These will receive the re- From time to time the Lord has
ward for their faithfulness because made known the manner of his
11th Hour Workers they are true to principle, and shun working. He is mindful of what is
More Faithful not their duty to declare the whole passing upon the earth; and when
counsel of God. When those who a crisis has come, he has revealed
The Lord will interfere to vindi- have had abundance of light throw himself, and has interposed to hin-
cate his own honor, to repress the off the restraint which the Word of der the working out of Satan’s plans.
swellings of unrighteousness and God imposes, and make void his With nations, with families, and with
bold transgression. He will not be law, others will come in to fill their individuals, he has often permitted
left without witness. The one-hour place and take their crown. matters to come to a crisis, that his
laborers will be brought in at the interference might be marked. Then
eleventh hour, and will consecrate Replacements Will Come he has made known the fact that
their ability and their entrusted there is a God in Israel who will sus-
means to advance the Lord’s work. In all parts of the world there tain and vindicate his people.
While many have reduced the Word, are diligent students of the Word of In Noah’s day, men had disre-
the truth, the holy law of Jehovah, to prophecy, who are obtaining light, garded the law of God until almost
a dead letter, and by their example and still greater light, from their all remembrance of the Creator had
testify that this law is a hard, rig- study of the Scriptures. This is true passed away from the earth. Their
orous burden; while they say, “We of all nations, of all tribes, and of wickedness reached so great a
will lay off this yoke, we will be all peoples. Many will come from height, violence, crime, and every
free, we will no longer remain in the grossest error, and will take the kind of sin became so intensely ac-
covenant relation with God, we will place of those who have had oppor- tive, that the Lord brought a flood
do as we please,” there will be men tunities and privileges, and have not of water upon the earth. Yet mercy
Photo: © Paul Williams

who have had very meager oppor- prized them. These have worked out was mingled with judgment. Noah
tunities, who have walked in ways their own salvation with fear and and his family were saved, but the
of error because they knew no bet- trembling, lest they should become wicked inhabitants of the world
ter way, to whom beams of light deficient in doing the ways and will were swept away. In the destruc-

10 Our Firm Foundation

tion of Sodom and Gomorrah, also, reach a strange pass. They will be law of God, to the faithful adherent
when fire came down from heaven converted to the world. In their sep- the holy precepts will become more
and destroyed those wicked cities, aration from God, they will seek to dear and valuable. It is the ones who
we see that the Lord will interfere make falsehood and apostasy from have been faithful stewards of the
for his people. God the law of the nation. They will grace of God, whose love for God’s
work upon the rulers of the land to commandments grows with the
Two Classes of Men at End

In these last days wicked men

and professed Christians will har-
The law of God becomes more precious when
monize in their hatred of the law of the contrast is shown between the obedient
God. Then the crisis will come; then
we shall see the class specified in and the transgressor.
Mal. 3:13-15: “Your words have been
stout against me, saith the Lord. Yet
ye say, What have we spoken so make laws to restore the lost ascen- contempt which all around would
much against thee? Ye have said, It dency of the man of sin, who sits in put upon them.
is vain to serve God: and what profit the temple of God, showing himself
is it that we have kept his ordinance, that he is God. The Roman Catholic The Elect Avenged
and that we have walked mourn- principles will be taken under the
fully before the Lord of hosts? And protection of the state. The protest When the defiance of God’s law
now we call the proud happy; yea, of Bible truth will no longer be tol- is almost universal, when his peo-
they that work wickedness are set erated by those who have not made ple are pressed in affliction by their
up; yea, they that tempt God are the law of God their rule of life. fellow men, God will interpose.
even delivered.” Here is a company Then will the voice be heard from
of disaffected professed Christians, Despised Law More Precious the graves of martyrs, represented
whose chief business is to murmur, by the souls that John saw slain for
and complain, and accuse God by And what effect will these at- the Word of God, and for the testi-
accusing the children of God. They tempts of men to make void the law mony of Jesus Christ, which they
see nothing defective in themselves, of God have upon the righteous? held,--then the prayer will ascend
but very much that is displeasing in from every true child of God: “It
others. is time for thee, Lord, to work: for
But while they are murmuring, they have made void thy law.” The
and complaining, and falsely accus- fervent prayers of his people will be
ing, and doing Satan’s work most answered; for God loves to have his
zealously, another class is brought people seek him with all the heart,
to our notice: “Then they that feared and depend upon him as their de-
the Lord spake often one to another: liverer. He will be sought unto to
and the Lord harkened, and heard do these things for his people, and
it, and a book of remembrance was he will arise as their protector and
written before him for them that avenger. “Shall not God avenge his
feared the Lord, and that thought Will they be intimidated by the al- own elect, which cry day and night
upon his name. And they shall be most universal scorn that is put upon unto him?” 
mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that the law of God? Will the true be-
day when I make up my jewels; and lievers in the “Thus saith the Lord,” Review and Herald, December 21,
I will spare them, as a man spareth become wavering and ashamed 1897.
his own son that serveth him. Then because the whole world seems to
shall ye return, and discern be- despise his righteous law? Will they Ellen G. White, 1827-
tween the righteous and the wicked, be carried away by the prevalence 1915, received the spiri-
between him that serveth God and of evil?--No; to those who have con- tual gift of prophecy,
him that serveth him not.” secrated themselves to God to serve and the fruits of her life
him, the law of God becomes more and work accord with
Apostasy to Become Law precious when the contrast is shown the biblical tests of a
Photo: © Paul Williams

between the obedient and the trans- true messenger of God.

In this time of prevailing iniquity, gressor. In proportion as the attri- To this day, her counsels are an incal-
the Protestant churches that have re- butes of Satan are developed in the culable blessing to God’s people around
jected a “Thus saith the Lord,” will despisers and transgressors of the the world.

Volume 22, Number 10 11


Understanding Aright
the “Daily,”
Scripturally & Historically
Part 9
Heidi Heiks
Counsel to work in cities neglected;
Daniells reproved, repentant, trusted by
Ellen White.

L ooking back on our studies,

we have been able to pen-
etrate the scriptures and
historical sources to a fuller
and deeper extent heretofore pos-
sible. Everyone is now equipped to
explain the prophetic implications
desolation,” rightly comprehended,
can be seen in its unique role in our
sanctuary message; a misinterpre-
tation of “transgression of desola-
tion” has been shown to have re-
moved the investigative judgment
from Daniel 8.
of the relevant events of AD 508 When believers must stand
and 538 which began the 1260- and alone to answer for their faith,
1290-year time prophecies of Dan- what reproach to the cause of truth
iel 8. The pivotal issues of church and what disillusionment and even
and state, as well as the Law of grief to its holders, if they would
Photos: ©

God, have been clearly defined in learn too late they have had no
our study. Correctly interpreted, Biblical foundation for their beliefs,
the “daily” can now be understood and that perhaps they had been
in its full sanctuary significance. misrepresenting the truth all along.
And by itself, the “transgression of Hence, the sole purpose of this se-

12 Our Firm Foundation

ries has been to bring to the fore priest in the first apartment is to be would place the truth in an uncer-
the truth on the “daily.” “worked by the angels that were ex- tainty; and [yet] they [would] stand
The correct scriptural and his- pelled from heaven,” as Daniells out as [if they had] great spiritual
torical understanding of the “daily” and Prescott admittedly were at the discernment. Now I am to tell them
has vindicated the very nucleus time of her writing, and to incorpo- [that] when I was shown this mat-
of our sanctuary message and has rate sentiments of a spiritualistic ter, when Elder Daniells was lifting
fortified the reader with the neces- nature, which would bring in un- up his voice like a trumpet in advo-
sary documentation to rightfully belief and skepticism. For those cating his ideas of the “Daily,” the
answer “every man that asketh you reasons, it is claimed, Ellen White after results were presented. Our
a reason of the hope that is in you completely condemned the minis- people were becoming confused. I
with meekness and fear.” 1 Peter try view of the “daily.” saw the result, and then there were
3:15. The unlikely premise Mrs. given me cautions that if Elder
As we near the close of this se- White’s manuscript is said to sup- Daniells without respect to the out-
ries, we will expand upon some sig- port, as per the excerpt quoted come should thus be impressed and
nificant points already discussed above, is handily disproved for let himself believe he was under
in this series, and deal with some all to see by the following study. the inspiration of God, skepticism
misconceptions that have not been Before exposing the error, how- would be sown among our ranks
addressed in the previous articles. ever, we will also quote a specific everywhere, and we should be
We want to be thorough and com- longer passage from the same where Satan would carry his mes-
plete in our study, so we can once manuscript that is additionally sages. Set unbelief and skepticism
and for all lay this issue to rest. used to support claims against the would be sown in human minds,
true interpretation of the “daily.” and strange crops of evil would
Out-of-Context Quotes Lead to Ellen White wrote: take the place of truth.” 20 MR 17,
Charges of Demonic Influence “I was shown that Brother Dan- 18, 21-22, bracketing in original.
On Ministry View of “Daily” iells and Brother Prescott were Admittedly, taken out of its con-
weaving into their experience sen- text, this passage and the manu-
In this issue our attention will timents of a spiritualistic appear- script’s earlier reference to demonic
center on an error of understand- ance and drawing our people to influence look quite straightfor-
ing that would silence any discus- beautiful sentiments that would ward and rather incriminating.
sion of the “daily” and discourage deceive, if possible, the very elect. Before commenting, though, we
any consideration that the “daily” I have to trace with my pen [the want to encourage all to read the
issue can and was to be resolved. A fact] that these brethren would see entire manuscript for themselves.
few passages from an undated defects in their delusive ideas that Remember, brothers and sisters,
work have been erroneously cited
to prove a false premise. The pas-
sages come from Manuscript Releas-
es (MR), Volume 20, pages 17-22,
which is also called Manuscript Re-
lease No. 1425. It is obvious from the
title and context that the manu-
script was written during the Gen-
eral Conference presidency of A. G.
Daniells. This manuscript was at
one time mistakenly given a later
date than Manuscript Release No.
1470, which may confuse research-
Photos: © Paul Williams (sunflower);

ers. In truth, though, Manuscript

Release No. 1425 has neither day nor
month nor year dating it. This mis-
take in dating has been corrected,
and Tim Poirier of the Ellen G.
White Estate of the General Confer-
ence of Seventh-day Adventists can
confirm these facts.
The false premise is that to ac-
cept the “daily” as the work of the

Volume 22, Number 10 13

assume nothing and require proof And what then? The very work that and hinder the advancement of the
of all things. pleases the devil would come to work at this important period of
Let us now read these quotes in pass. There would be a represen- time? It should not, whatever may
a fuller context, in order to derive tation given to the outsiders not be. This subject should not be in-
the true and intended meaning of of our faith just what would suit troduced. . . . There would be con-
the passage. We will begin at the fusion brought into our ranks. You
beginning of the manuscript and have no call to hunt up the differ-
will quote enough to give content ence of opinion that is not a testing
in honest context. All emphasis question; but your silence is elo-
has been supplied; bracketing quence. . . . Now the work without
is in the original. delay is to be taken up and not a
[difference] of opinion expressed.”
Call to Stop Public Contentions “. . . I was instructed to say to
about the “Daily” and Start you that your picking flaws in the
Saving City Souls writings of men that have been led
of God is not inspired of God. . . .”
“At this stage of our experi- “. . . Now, everything like pick-
ence we are not to have our minds ing flaws in the publications of men
drawn away from the special light who are not alive is not the work
given [us] to consider at the im- God has given any of you to do. . .
portant gathering of our confer- . For if these men . . . had followed
ence. And there was Brother Dan- the directions given in working the
iells, whose mind the enemy was them, that would develop traits of cities. . . .” 20 MR 18.
working; and your mind and Elder character which would cause great “. . . But let us now investigate
Prescott’s mind were being worked confusion and occupy the golden the matter. We must now reconsid-
by the angels that were expelled moments which should be used er whether it is the Lord’s judgment,
from heaven. Satan’s work was to zealously to bring the great mes- in the face of the work that has been
divert your minds that jots and tit- sage before the people. The presen- neglected, of showing your zeal to
tles should be brought in which the tations upon any subject we have carry the work even another year. . .
Lord did not inspire you to bring worked upon could not all harmo- .” (to Elder Daniells) 20 MR 19.
in. They were not essential. But this nize, and the results would be to “. . . The Lord will have to see
meant much to the cause of truth. confuse the minds of believers and in you a showing of a different ex-
And the ideas of your minds, if unbelievers. This is the very thing perience, for if ever men needed
to be reconverted at this present
[time], it [is] Elder Daniells and
Elder Prescott.
"How does the Lord look upon “. . . The crisis has come, for God
will be dishonored.
the unworked cities?" “How does the Lord look upon
the unworked cities?” 20 MR 20.

you could be drawn away to jots or that Satan had planned that should “Daily’s” Interpretation
tittles, is a work of Satan’s devising. take place--anything that could be Not Addressed At All
To correct little things in the books magnified as a disagreement.
written, you suppose would be do- “Read Ezekiel, chapter 28. Now, Brothers and sisters, we again
ing a great work. But I am charged, here is a grand work, where strange encourage you to read Ellen White’s
Silence is eloquence. spirits can figure. But the Lord has entire manuscript for yourselves.
Photos: ©; (border)

“I am to say, Stop your picking a work to [be] done to save perish- Regarding the “daily,” is it not plain
flaws. If this purpose of the devil ing souls. . . .” 20 MR 17. at this point in the manuscript that
could only be carried out, then [it] “And I was shown from the first Daniells and Prescott were being
appears to you [that] your work that the Lord had given neither El- severely reproved for debating the
would be considered as most won- ders Daniells nor Prescott the bur- lesser issue of the “daily” at the ex-
derful in conception. It was the den of this work. Should Satan’s pense of a far more important work
enemy’s plan to get all the sup- wiles be brought in, should this they’d earlier been counseled to
posed objectionable features where “Daily” be such a great matter as undertake? We find no discussion
all classes of minds did not agree. to be brought in to confuse minds of the actual interpretation of the

14 Our Firm Foundation

“daily” thus far. Only indirect refer- the faith and given heed to seduc- ing our people to beautiful senti-
ences were made to the “daily,” and ing spirits, men who were not long ments that would deceive, if pos-
none had to do with interpretation. ago with us in the faith? Will you sible, the very elect. I have to trace
And is it not evident they also stand on the devil’s side? Give your with my pen [the fact] that these
were taking upon themselves the attention to the unworked fields. brethren would see defects in their
critiquing the writings of earlier A world-wide work is before us. I delusive ideas that would place the
stalwarts of the Advent faith, thus was given representations of John truth in an uncertainty; and [yet]
bringing needless confusion among Kellogg. A very attractive person- they [would] stand out as [if they
believers and exposing the dear age was representing the ideas of had] great spiritual discernment.
cause to public scorn? Ellen White the specious arguments that he Now I am to tell them [that] when I
gave forceful directives to Broth- was presenting, sentiments differ- was shown this matter, when Elder
ers Daniells and Prescott to leave ent from the genuine Bible truth. Daniells was lifting up his voice
the books of the Advent faith alone. And those who are hungering and like a trumpet in advocating his
(Elder Prescott in particular want- thirsting after something new were ideas of the ‘Daily,’ the after results
ed to correct what he perceived to advancing ideas [so specious] that were presented. Our people were
be historical inaccuracies in some Elder Prescott was in great danger. becoming confused. I saw the result,
of Mrs. White’s published works.) Elder Daniells was in great danger and then there were given me cau-
Their actions were met with strong [of] becoming wrapped in a delu- tions that if Elder Daniells without
reproof because rather than obey- sion that if these sentiments could respect to the outcome should thus
ing the call to work the cities, they be spoken everywhere it would be be impressed and let himself be-
were weakening and confusing the as a new world. lieve he was under the inspiration
young church by discrediting the “Yes, it would, but while their of God, skepticism would be sown
work of faithful men who, although minds were thus absorbed I was among our ranks everywhere, and
mistaken in some of their positions, shown that Brother Daniells and we should be where Satan would
nevertheless poured heart and soul Brother Prescott were weaving into carry his messages. Set unbelief
and means into the early years of their experience sentiments of a and skepticism would be sown in
the new prophetic understand- spiritualistic appearance and draw- human minds, and strange crops of
ings. Furthermore, Ellen evil would take the place
White disapproved of the of truth.” 20 MR 21-22,
methods they were using. bracketing in original.
“Where was your respect
for the men of age? What Confusion Aplenty;
authority could you exer- Focus to be Put on Cities
cise without taking all the
responsible men to weigh Let us remember that
the matter?” 20 MR 19. at the turn of the twen-
No wonder Ellen White tieth century, this first
called into question Dan- decade under the confer-
iells’ role as conference ence presidential reign of
president. At one point Elder Daniells was one of
she wrote: utmost chaos, to say the
Having found neither least. Among the causes
support nor disapproval of the confusion, embar-
of Daniells’ view of the rassment and distress
“daily” so far in the manu- were the wide circulation
script, let us continue to of D. M. Canright’s book
see if such a reference can Seventh Day Adventism
Photos: ©; (border)

truly be found. Renounced, the fires of the

Battle Creek Sanitarium
Spiritualistic Influence and the Review and Her-
of J. H. Kellogg ald Publishing House, the
apostasy of prominent
“. . . What would you Brothers A. T. Jones and
gain if mistakes are E. J. Waggoner, and the
brought before the men public disputes about the
who have departed from writings of Ellen White,

Volume 22, Number 10 15

both within and without the church. had engendered a very “forbidding messages indicated should be done.
The church also had to confront the spirit” on both sides of the issue, Finally I received a message in
damage caused by the apostasy of thus bringing in additional confu- which she said, “When the presi-
A. F. Ballenger, the diminishment sion and dismay. Thus we see that dent of the General Conference is
or denial of the sanctuary mes- Daniells’ need to be “reconverted” converted, he will know what to
sage so lately understood, and the stemmed largely from his neglect to do with the messages God has sent
spiritualistic sentiments expressed heed God’s counsel to work the cit- him.” I did not then have as much
in pantheism and espoused by the ies, not his advocacy of the “minis- light on the matter of conversion
influential J. H. Kellogg. try of Christ” view of the “daily.” as I now have. I thought I had been
Hence the counsel was given to converted fifty years before, and so
do the work of the Lord, meaning A. White on Daniells Crisis I had; but I have since learned that
to work the cities for the saving of we need to be reconverted now and
souls, and to bring nothing to the In confirmation of that fact, we then. We need a fresh, up-to-date
front, including the topic of the now include, in part, a six-page ar- experience in repentance and con-
“daily,” that would foster strife and ticle that Arthur L. White wrote on version frequently, so that we shall
division among the early believers, December 4, 1953—an article appro- be able to receive fresh light and
and elicit scorn and derision from priately called Concerning Elder A. G. grace and understanding for the
the enemies of the faith. And as can Daniells. In this document Arthur problems that are continually aris-
now be seen by all, the “sentiments White demonstrated the true nature ing. That message, telling me that I
of a spiritualistic appearance” that of events that took place: needed to be converted, cut me se-
Ellen White noted in that manu- “That there was a crisis in 1910 verely at the time, but I did not reject
script do not refer to the “daily” at involving Elder A. G. Daniells, none it. I began to pray for the conversion
all. In fact, they plainly relate to the can deny. He spoke of it publicly, I needed to give me the understand-
spiritualistic influences expressed and we quote his words as taken ing I seemed to lack.
in pantheism and espoused by J. H. from one of a series of talks he gave “‘The pressure regarding work
Kellogg that Daniells and Prescott on the Spirit of prophecy to a group for the great cities became so great
were “weaving” about themselves of workers in Australia in 1928: that I finally arranged the work of
and others. the General Conference with my as-
Over and over again, the re- Daniells’ Own Account sociates, and went with my wife to
proval in Ellen White’s letters cen- New York City, to stay just as long
tered on Daniells’ neglect of heed- “‘Sister White gave me coun- as it was my duty. When I had been
ing the counsel to work the cities sel and reproof concerning many there a few weeks, a new vision
for the saving of souls. Instead, he matters. She sent messages to me came to me regarding the needs of
was trying to use his position as regarding the work in the cities in our great cities. I wrote my impres-
General Conference president to the Eastern States. I seemed unable sions to Sister White; I thanked her
settle doctrinal controversy over the to understand them fully. Conse- for her reproof and instruction. I
“daily.” This battle of interpretations quently I did not do all that these told her that I was quite ready to
resign my office and devote myself
to the millions in these great cities,
and asked for further counsel. She
wrote back a good motherly letter,
expressing great gratitude for the
light that had come to me, and tell-
ing me that it was not for me to re-
sign, but to use all the influence of
my position to forward that work
and to draw others into those great
cities.’ --Australasian Union Confer-
ence Record, August 13, 1928.

Discussions on “Daily”
Photos: ©

a Distraction
“Elder Daniells made no refer-
ence in this statement to the ques-
tion of the health message or the

16 Our Firm Foundation

‘daily’ of Daniel 8. Going back to and instruction was whole
the General Conference of 1909, we hearted, a response translat-
find that Ellen White was much con- ed into action which was fully
cerned for the spiritual experience accepted of the Lord.
of the leading workers. She was “While the details of the
eager that they should lead out in story which we shall present
the important lines of work which show the marked influence of
should have first attention, and she the Spirit of prophecy in the
presented a number of cautions and movement, and also the great-
appeals which were directed to the ness of a man who altered his
president of the General Conference course to walk in the light,
and his close associates. there would be no occasion to
“For half a decade prior to 1910 make the matter public were
there was some agitation in the de- it not for the distribution of
nomination concerning the ‘daily’ of the reports which have been
Daniel 8. Both those who stood by sent out to our workers which
the views presented by Elder Uriah disparages Elder Daniells.”
Smith in Thoughts on Daniel and The reason there had been
the Revelation and those who saw “some agitation . . . concern-
light in an interpretation which ing the ‘daily’ of Daniel 8” for
differed, were very earnest in their “half a decade prior to 1910”
declarations. The matter was one is revealed in the following
which could have been settled by portion of Arthur White’s
open minded study, or relegated to article regarding the denomi-
a subordinate place, but it attracted national crisis engendered by
such attention that it diverted minds General Conference President
from the important work of pro- A. G. Daniells’ failure to heed
claiming the message of warning to the counsel to work the cities: bury to come together in ‘examina-
a perishing world. (Pg. 1.) “What Actually Took Place tion of the points of faith regarding
“During this time Ellen White “On May 24, 1910, Mrs. E. G. which there are different views.’
was pleading for the large cities of White called Elder W. C. White to The meeting failed to materialize.”
America, as it seemed to be the op- her room and asked what was being (Pg. 2.)
portune time to make great advanc- done in regard to the teaching of the
es in that particular line. But with new and old views of the ‘daily.’ She Ministry View
the president of the General Con- asked why those who were leading Not Spiritualistic
ference, Elder Daniells, and some of out in these discussions did not get
This last paragraph was included
in our February issue of Our Firm
“When the president of the General Foundation. Mrs. White’s concerns
about the intradenominational
Conference is converted, he will know what confusion and controversy arising
from the publication of “different
to do with the message God has sent him.” views” of the “daily” resulted in her
written appeal that the gentlemen
“come together” to resolve the
his associates carrying the burden together and study the matter unit- matter. Because of the spiritualistic
of the world work, and now with edly, and she expressed regret that influence attributed to Daniells and
the added burden of the discussions such a meeting had not been held. the misleading quotation of Ellen
on the ‘daily’ of Daniel 8, the ad- On that same day she dispatched White from Manuscript Releases 1425,
vance steps called for in city work in a letter to Elder S. N. Haskell, and as exposed and rectified earlier in
America were not taken. In no un- directed that copies should be sent this article, we think it best to include
Photos: ©

certain terms Elder Daniells and his to Elders Loughborough, Irwin, and the original of that manuscript to the
associates were reproved for this ne- Daniells. In this she made an appeal elders. Mrs. White’s own words will
glect and for giving undue attention for the brethren who were then on prove beyond doubt that to advocate
to matters of minor importance. El- the Pacific Coast, including those that Ellen White likened Elder
der Daniells’ response to the reproof named above and also Elder Salis- Daniells’ ministry interpretation

Volume 22, Number 10 17

of the “daily” to spiritualistic in this matter. God requires clean credibility of God’s prophet.
sentiments, and to charge Daniells hearts, pure minds, and an intel-
with having been so unconverted as ligent belief in the truth. ‘Faith is No Contradiction in
to bring in unbelief and skepticism the substance of things hoped for, Ellen White’s Writings
via spiritualism, is to shortchange the evidence of things not seen.’ At
believers and negatively affect present there is not that unity that Secondly, there has been further
understanding in two respects. should exist among our brethren, misuse of Ellen White’s writings by
First of all, the following letter and the Lord says, ‘Come together.’ those who state that she condemned
will show that if those charges were This should be done as soon as pos- the “ministry of Christ” view held
true, then Ellen White promoted sible, for we have no time to lose. by Elder Daniells. We trust it is
and demanded “Is not the present a not their intention, but they have
favorable time for you now made her into a liar and a
and others of our min- false prophet. How can the prophet
istering brethren in this condemn Elder Daniels when he
conference to meet with himself but advocated the very ex-
Elder Daniells for a thor- pressed understandings of Ellen
ough examination of the White published in 1890:
points of faith regard- “As Christ’s ministration was to
ing which there are consist of two great divisions, each
different views? occupying a period of time and
“[Isaiah 11:1-16; 12:1-6, having a distinctive place in the
quoted.] heavenly sanctuary, so the typical
“I am directed ministration consisted of two
to write these
Scriptures for
the consideration of those
the study of spiritualistic who shall assemble for the
sentiments that bear the fruit of purpose of blending to-
unbelief and skepticism. There is gether under the guidance
no escape from this conclusion, of the Holy Spirit. ‘Bind
as we shall see. up the testimony, seal the
law among My disciples.’
“Meet” Together to Examine A special work now rests
Differences in Views upon us of solemnly in-
vestigating these matters,
MR No. 1470 - Doctrines to Be and in the name of the
Investigated; Unity to Be Sought Lord to unify.” --Letter 50,
(Written May 24, 1910, from Sanitar- 1910; 20MR 223. divisions,
ium, California, to Elder and Mrs. S. The fact that Ellen White put the the daily and the yearly service,
N. Haskell.) burden of proof on Elders Haskell, and to each a department of the
“I have been waiting for the time Loughborough and others to con- tabernacle was devoted. As Christ
when there should be an investiga- sider Elder Daniells’ ministry posi- at His ascension appeared in the
tion of the doctrines that Brother tion on the “daily lends itself to no presence of God to plead His blood
Daniells and others have been advo- other conclusion but that the accu- in behalf of penitent believers, so
cating. When is this to be? sations against Daniells are totally the priest in the daily ministration
“If Elder Daniells thinks that untenable and are a misrepresenta- sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice
some of the interpretations of Scrip- tion of Ellen White’s writings. Fur- in the holy place in the sinner’s
Photos: © (border); Paul Williams

ture that have been held in the past thermore, Ellen White, in encour- behalf.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 357,
are not correct, our brethren should aging the comparative study of all emphasis supplied.
listen to his reasons, and give can- interpretations of the “daily” to de- Also, some twenty-two years
did consideration to his views. All termine its correct meaning, cannot before her written directive to set-
should examine closely their own be said to have wittingly or unwit- tle the matter of the “daily,” she’d
standing, and by a thorough knowl- tingly supported in any way any so- also written:
edge of the principles of our faith, called spiritualistic positions held “The ministration of the earthly
be prepared to vindicate the truth. by Daniells. To so believe would sanctuary consisted of two divisions;
“We must not be inconsistent be to challenge and undermine the the priests ministered daily in the

18 Our Firm Foundation

holy place, while once a year the to oversee this work. Elder Daniells the very best I know how to follow
high priest performed a special was released from campmeeting the instruction in the Testimonies
work of atonement in the most holy, appointments and a trip to Austra- and to be true to this cause. That
for the cleansing of the sanctuary. lia, and his administrative respon- is all I can say. . . . There is a world
Day by day the repentant sinner sibilities were delegated to two or of work to be done in other lands
brought his offering to the door of three of the officers in Washington, which is very inviting to me, and
the tabernacle [first apartment] and, allowing him to go to New York all I ask is that I may be allowed
placing his hand upon the victim’s City to personally conduct an evan- to quietly arrange the changes that
head, confessed his sins, thus in gelistic effort. will be necessary when it is time
figure transferring them from “In the days that followed he for me to go.’
himself to the innocent sacrifice. . pondered the full significance “This letter was read by Sister
. . Such was the work that went on, of the suggestion made by Sister White on August 11, and on the
day by day, throughout the year. The white that, if he failed to walk in same day Elder White wrote to
sins of Israel were thus transferred the way God would have him go, it Elder Daniells as follows:
to the sanctuary, and a special would be well if he laid aside his
work became necessary for their responsibilities as president of the W. C. White’s Reply
removal.” Great Controversy (1888), General Conference. On August 5
442; (1911) 418, emphasis supplied. he wrote to Elder W. C. White, with “‘This morning Mother read your
Thus this segment of the understanding that his com- letter of August 5, written by your-
the “daily” series closes with munication would be placed before self early in the morning. It took her
charges of spiritualism against Sister White, pointing out that he a long time to read it because she
Daniells explained, and other was not certain just what course of stopped every two or three para-
misrepresentations from Manuscript action he should follow, but, under graphs to make comments. How I
1425 presented in honest context. the counsel and advice of his breth- wished I were a stenographer and
ren, he had reached the conclusion could write it down and give it
Penitent Daniells that he should go forward in lead- to you just as she talked. Mother
Heeded Counsel ing out in the work in the cities, and told me that she thought you were
should not make an immediate de- taking just the right course, and
Readers may be wondering what cision as to the future of his admin- that she believed the Lord would
ultimately happened to Elder Dan- istrative work. He then declared: greatly bless you in giving your-
iells regarding his General Confer- self personally to the evangelistic
ence presidency and whether his Daniells to W. C. White work. She said that in the night in
relationship with Ellen White was her dreams she was talking to you
ever restored. While it is true that “‘Now Brother White, I am doing and telling you that it was not best
Ellen White would not see or talk
to Elder Daniells at or around the
time of his ignoring of her counsel,
the ice was finally broken after El-
der Daniells penitently heeded the
counsel. We gladly relay that Elder
Daniells wrote once more in the
context of this topic, this time from
New York City while engaged in his
evangelistic effort for the salvation
of souls with the Advent message.
Brother Arthur L. White’s report
will fill in this part of exciting his-
Photos: © (border); Paul Williams

tory, and certainly will reveal the

loving and forgiving God we serve.
“On July 1st Elder Daniells pre-
sented to the General Conference
Committee the communications he
had received from Sister White, and
it was decided that the city work
should have first attention. A com-
mittee of seventeen was appointed

Volume 22, Number 10 19

for you now to resign your place as credit to my statements, there were can disappoint the enemy. You will
President of the General Conference, others who would greatly prefer to need all the influence that the Lord
but that you were to use all your tact Pg. 3. gives you as a wise leader to encour-
and experience and all the influence have her own statement of the age your associates in responsibility
that your position gives you in help- matter over her signature. About to take hold of the city work, and
ing, strengthening, and building up noon Mother brought over a two- carry it forward in a sensible way.
the evangelistic work, and that you page letter that she has written which “‘I am glad for this letter you have
sent me, telling us of what you are
doing. The light that I have from the
“The Lord has given you an opportunity Lord is that this same experience
will be needed by others. You will
to redeem the time....” now be able, not only to take up the
work yourself, but also to exercise
your influence as president of the
were to encourage your brother min- will be copied and go forward to you General Conference to lead out in
isters who have been devoting their tomorrow, I think.’”—W. C. White to the very work that the Lord has ap-
time to business affairs, to follow A. G. Daniells, August 11, 1910. pointed to be done.
your example in putting the busi- “Reference was made in the com- “‘You cannot be spared now from
ness responsibility upon others and munication quoted above to a letter the work that has been so long left
entering personally into labor and written by Sister White, in which undone. The Lord has given you
into a study of the work to be done she indicates a full acceptance of the an opportunity to redeem the time,
by our preachers for the masses. change in the experience of Elder and cover the neglect of the past. I
“‘When Mother was done telling A. G. Daniells, and her confidence can now take hold with you in full
me about this, she requested me to in him as president of the General confidence for the doing of the work
write to you. I told her I would do Conference. Her communication in that rests upon us. The Lord in His
so, but I hoped that she would write its entirety follows: mercy will pardon the failure of the
the matter for herself, for while you past. He will be your helper. He will
would receive my words and give “Redeem the Lost Time” give you sustaining grace, and we
will draw with you and give you
“‘Sanitarium, Calif. all the help we can to use your po-
“‘Aug. 11, 1910 sition of influence as president of
“‘Elder A. G. Daniells: the Conference, and to work wisely
in the education of others to labor
“‘Dear Brother, -- in the cities.
“‘Your influence will be under the
“‘I have received your letters Lord’s wise care, and although you
regarding the council held in may meet hard and trying experi-
New York, and the efforts that are ences in this great effort, if you exer-
being made in behalf of the mul- cise the wisdom and the sanctifica-
titudes in the large cities. I have tion of Christ, you will have power
also read your letters of August ­­4 and grace from above, and the Lord’s
and 5 to W. C. White. I intended approval. He will impart unto you
to answer your letters immedi- wisdom and power, and will also
ately, but I have been carrying so bring to you the joy of success.
heavy a burden that I thought I Pg. 4.
must wait till I could write you “‘I am so thankful that you have
clearly. written us how you have given
Photos: © (border); Paul Williams

“‘The position you have taken yourself to this work. Angels of God
is in the order of the Lord, and will be with you, and you can use
now I would encourage you with all the influence that your office as
the words, Go forward as you president of the Conference has giv-
have begun, using your position en you, to encourage others to take
of influence as President of the up the same work. I will not write a
General Conference for the ad- word to discourage you or to weak-
vancement of the work we are en your hands, but will say, Go for-
called upon to do. In this way you ward in the name of the Lord. His

20 Our Firm Foundation

name is a power against the enemy. addressed two communications to done in the hearts of those in at-
“‘I have had several days of illness.
be read to the delegates. In the first tendance that was not done. Hours
It seems as though Satan would take of these she made reference to the should have been given up to heart-
my life. I am weak, but not discour- 1909 session, and expressed her ap- searching, that would have led to the
aged. Several nights it has seemed prehension over the course of events breaking up of the fallow ground
that I could not live till morning, if there had not been a change in the of the hearts of those who were at
but I am now venturing to write this, attitude of certain men. She then ac- the meeting. This would have given
lest the enemy shall discourage you. knowledged her recognition of the them insight to understand the work
“‘In conclusion I will say, Redeemchange which took place, and ex- so essential to be done by them in
the lost time of the past nine years pressed con- repentance and confession.
by going ahead now with the work f idence But, though opportuni-
in our cities, and the Lord will bless ties were given for
and sustain you.’ –E. G. White, Let- confession of sin,
ter 68, 1910. for heart-felt re-
“It is therefore clear, that, while pentance, and
for a time in 1910 Elder Daniells was for a decided
not standing in the full light when reformation,
the messages of reproof and re- thorough
buke were sent to him, he heeded work was
the counsel. This placed him in an not done.
entirely different light in the eyes Some felt
of the Lord. the influ-
ence of the
Confidence in Daniells Holy Spirit,
and responded;
“Mrs. White’s but all did not
Confidence in yield to this influ-
Elder Daniells ence. The minds of
and Other some were running in for-
Leaders bidden channels. Had there been
“Mrs. on the part of all in the assembly
W h i t e ’s a humbling of heart, there would
confi- have been manifested a wonder-
dence in ful blessing.
E l d e r Pg. 5.
Da n iells “‘For a number of months after
was main- the close of that meeting, I bore a
t a i n e d heavy burden, and urged upon the
through the attention of the brethren in respon-
rest of her life. sibility those things which the Lord
In 1912, when she was instructing me to set before
was drawing up her them plainly. Finally some of those
will and was making pro- in positions of trust in connection
vision for a Board of Trustees who in her brethren who with the general work, after much
should carry the responsibility of were carrying the burdens of re- prayer and careful study of the vari-
the custody of her writings after her sponsibility. We give here a portion ous messages given, ventured to un-
death, she named five men, and of this communication which was dertake by faith the work called for,
Photos: © (border); Paul Williams

among these was Elder A. G. Dan- read to the delegates in session, for --a work they could not fully under-
iells. In no more forceful way could it expresses Ellen White’s attitude to stand; and as they went forward in
she indicate her confidence in a man the leadership of the movement at the fear of God, they received rich
than by naming him to this impor- that late date: blessing.
tant work. “‘It has brought great rejoicing to
“In 1913 the General Conference Ellen White to the Leadership my heart to see the marvelous trans-
Session was again held in Wash- formations that have been wrought
ington, D. C. It was not possible for “‘During the General Conference in the lives of some who thus chose
Sister White to be present, so she of 1909, a work should have been to advance by faith in the way of the

Volume 22, Number 10 21

Lord, rather than to follow a way that Ellen White received no light on
of their own choosing. Had those the “daily” from the vision of 1850
brethren in responsibility contin- related in Early Writings, pg. 74-5.
ued to view matters in a false light, But it would be false to say that El-
they would have created a condi- len White never since that time re-
tion of things that would badly ceived light and understanding as
have marred the work; but when to what the “daily” is. This fact has
they heeded the instruction that been demonstrated and forcefully
was sent, and sought the Lord, God illustrated. In the most candid and
brought them into the full light, and straightforward manner, she leaves
enabled them to render acceptable no one in doubt as to her position
service and to bring about spiritual and understanding in this matter.
reformations. She wrote of Christ’s daily and year-
“‘When the Lord sets His hand to ly service in the heavenly sanctuary.
prepare the way before His minis- But never does she say the “daily”
ters, it is their duty to follow where is paganism.
He directs. He will never forsake or
leave in uncertainty those who fol- Next month a misconception about the
low His leadings with full purpose ministry view leading to apostasy will be
of heart. ‘I rejoice,’ my brethren, corrected, and the development of Uriah
‘that I have confidence in you in all Smith’s book Thoughts on Daniel and
things.’ --E. G. White in The General the Revelation will be explained to dis-
Conference Bulletin, May 19, 1913, pel any ideas of inerrancy.
p. 34. [Emphasis Arthur White’s.]

Arthur L. White Heidi Heiks, editor

Ellen G. White Publications of Our Firm Foun-
General Conference dation magazine,
December 4, 1953 has been a college
Pg. 6.” educator, an author,
and a radio speak-
Light on the “Daily” er for The People of
the Book radio pro-
With the facts clearly presented gram. He continues to write and is
before all, none need be troubled by currently a teacher and speaker for
the inappropriate use of Manuscript Hope International throughout the
Release No. 1425 again. It is of a truth United States. 

Heidi Heiks has supplied for Adventist readership, both scholarly and lay, the historical
and legislative documentation from primary sources that describes what really happened
538 in AD 508 and 538. Finally, the dates for the commencement of the 1290- and 1260-
1843 year prophecies are fully established. Submitted beforehand for critical review before
Source Book the most prestigious scholarly institutions within Adventism the world over, it is now
Photos: © (border)

presented with the endorsements of William H. Shea, Ph.D., associate of the Biblical
Research Institute of the General Conference, professor at Andrews University; Herbert
Edgar Douglass, Th.D., professor at Pacific Union College, president of Atlantic Union
Heidi Heiks College; and others. To obtain your copy of this documentation in hardback, call
or visit our bookstore and request the 508 538 1798 1843 Source Book (Preliminary).
BEHH-5085 $19.99

22 Our Firm Foundation

Children’s Story

Daddy’s Gift
D addy is a truck farmer.
That’s a person who sells
fruits and vegetables
that he grows. That’s
how Daddy provides for his family.
Twice each week during growing
season, Daddy delivers fresh
asked, “Did he pay yet?”
“Not yet,” said Daddy. “I think
he’d like to, but I don’t think he
“Well, it’s not right that he take
from our family in order to take
care of his own. Everyone else pays
What a silly question! “Of
course not!” I exclaimed.
“Right,” Daddy agreed. “Jesus
doesn’t charge you because He
knows you could never pay for
produce to many stores. In winter for what they want.” Mommy’s something so precious. So He gives
he delivers things from storage like tone told me she wasn’t happy you forgiveness as a gift when
potatoes, apples, carrots, squashes about what happened. “I think he’s you sincerely ask for it. Isn’t that a
and cabbages. taking advantage of your kindness.” wonderful thing?”
The best part for me is the It seems the man had done this “It sure is,” I said.
truck stand. That’s a building by before. “Well, then,” said Daddy, “if that
a road where farmers like Daddy I waited to hear what Daddy neighbor asks for something he
sell their produce to people going would say, but he didn’t say needs and can’t afford right now,
by. I was allowed to help as soon anything. “Why not?” I wondered. who are we to say ‘No’ to him?
as I could count money and give “Wasn’t Mommy right?” I decided Jesus never says ‘No’ to us when
correct change to customers. While to ask Daddy the next day, when we we ask Him for something we need
Daddy works in the fields or makes were together at the truck stand. and can’t ever afford.”
deliveries, Mommy, Sissy and I “Daddy,” I asked when no That part made pretty good
work at the stand until the weather customers were around, “I heard sense to me, but I had one more
gets too cold. you and Mommy talking about the concern. “Doesn’t our family need
Around dinnertime, Daddy is neighbor. Why do you keep filling the money he should be paying?
tired and Mommy has to go make his basket if he never pays his bill? Isn’t that what Mommy said?”
dinner, so he’s glad to take over the Don’t we need that money for our Daddy smiled at me. “I know
stand. Sissy helps Mommy, and I family?” your mother wants to make sure
usually stay with Daddy. Daddy smiled at me. “Good you children are well taken care of,
One day a neighbor came by question. May I answer you by but has anyone in our house ever
with an empty basket. I know him, asking some questions?” gone hungry?” he asked. I shook
because he has kids older and “Okay,” I agreed. my head.
younger than I. After some friendly “When you sin, you really want “Do you have enough clothes?”
conversation, the man handed the Jesus to forgive you, right?” This time I nodded my head.
basket to Daddy and said, “Fill it “Right,” I agreed. “Is our house warm inside when
Photos: ©; (basket)

up, please, and put it on my bill.” “And are you unhappy until it’s cold outside?” I nodded again.
Daddy piled it full of fruits and you ask and receive wonderful “Then shouldn’t we be like
vegetables for him. “Thanks so forgiveness?” Jesus toward this neighbor and his
much,” said the man. Then he took Daddy knew I was. He had family?”
the basket home to his family. helped me through some troubles I looked into my father’s kind,
After dinner, I heard Daddy in before. “Yes,” I answered. loving eyes and smiled back. “I
the kitchen. He was telling Mommy “Does Jesus charge you for think we should.” 
that the neighbor had come by and His forgiveness?” was his next
that he’d filled his basket. Mommy question.

Volume 22, Number 10 23

Health Gem ard a
G uard
Ca ly G ter?
e al g h alternative? We know that we can-

Heather R Da u not protect our children by simply

preaching values. But in addition

to the Word of God and moral-
Olson, RN
Part 2 ity, God has given us ample provi-
sion to ward off many of today’s

diseases, including cancer.
ast month we ended with the the vaccine while pregnant, eigh- A healthy body will ward off
report by the prestigious Brit- teen experienced side effects rang- much more disease than any vac-
ish medical journal Lancet of a ing from spontaneous abortion to cine or drug could ever do. As
scary death toll resulting from just one fetal abnormities.” (http://judicial- Merck’s ad states, “…You can do
drug produced by the pharmaceutical something mothers before you
giant Merck. You probably guessed According to the VAERS, out of never had the chance to do.” We
what drug we were referring to that 1,637 reports, 1,498 were non-seri- have more light today, thanks to
killed thousands of people: one of Mer- ous, 136 were serious but not fatal, the Spirit of Prophecy, and easier
ck’s other big “miracle drugs,” Vioxx. and 3 were fatal. access to it, thanks to the internet,
Now, as Merck is trying to Three fatalities? Now, three than ever before. There are so many
bounce back from its losses with deaths doesn’t sound too bad, natural, pain-free, side effect-free,
Vioxx, it is promoting Gardasil as right? But what if it was your little nutritional, beneficial foods and
the savior of our young daughters. girl or granddaughter? And what products on the market today, that
Forget for a moment all of the in- if she died as a result of a vaccina- we literally have no excuse.
formation that has now surfaced tion for a disease that (1) she would “By the use of poisonous drugs,
regarding the deception about the only get if she were sexually active; many bring upon themselves life-
safety of Vioxx, a drug that Merck (2) has less than 1.5% chance of get- long illness, and many lives are lost
well knew was dangerous, yet had ting even if she were sexually ac- that might be saved by the use of
it approved anyway. What has hap- tive; and (3) has only a 10% chance natural methods of healing. The poi-
pened so far with Gardasil? Here of dying from if she did get it! (So sons contained in many so-called
are some facts that you may be un- basically a 1-in-1000 chance.) remedies create habits and appe-
aware of. And what about the other ef- tites that mean ruin to both soul and
“Judicial Watch, the public in- fects? What constitutes serious and body.”—Ministry of Healing, 126, 127.
terest group that investigates and non-serious? You’ll note from the To improve your health, the
prosecutes government corrup- listing above that there were 1,498 health of your children and the
tion, today released documents “non-serious” reactions to Gardasil. health of your family, we highly
obtained from the U.S. Food and What would you consider to be a suggest following God’s counsel of
Drug Administration (FDA) un- “non-serious” reaction? Here is a using natural means to retain or re-
der the provisions of the Freedom list of just some of what the VAERS gain your health.
of Information Act, detailing 1,637 considered “non-serious”: Speech For more information on vac-
reports of adverse reactions to disorders, visual disturbances, cines, order The Vaccination Crisis
the vaccination for human papil- vomiting, dyskinesia (difficulty or today. To improve your immune
lomavirus (HPV), Gardasil. Three abnormality in performing volun- system and combat disease, try
deaths were related to the vaccine. tary muscular movements), loss our Mighty Immune Plus, C-Blast,
One physician’s assistant reported of consciousness, Guillian-Barre or Mega-Multivitamin! Call 1-800-
that a female patient “died of a Syndrome (a form of peripheral 468-7884 today! 
blood clot three hours after getting polyneuritis characterized by pain
the Gardasil vaccine.” Two other and weakness and sometimes pa-
reports, on girls twelve and nine- ralysis of the limbs), spontaneous Get this invaluable resource
teen, cited deaths relating to heart abortion, renal failure, and more! I book for your health! The
problems and/or blood clotting. don’t know about you, but if it were Vaccination Crisis contains
As of May 11, 2007, the 1,637 ad- my child, I would consider some of a wealth of data on the
Photos: ©

verse vaccination reactions reported those pretty serious! potential dangers and effects
to the FDA via the Vaccine Adverse So what is the answer? We do of vaccines. This is a must
Event Reporting System (VAERS) want to have our children protect- read!
included 371 serious reactions. Of ed, but is there a better way? Would Paperback, 304 pages $3.99
the forty-two women who received not abstinence be a better and safer

24 Our Firm Foundation

News Watch
Al-Qaida’s US Plans

The Rev. Sara MacVane of the “Al-Qaida is stepping up its

Anglican Centre in Rome said, “… efforts to sneak terror operatives
It’s important always to point out into the United States and has
that there’s the official position and acquired most of the capabilities it
there’s the huge amount of friend- needs to strike here, according to
ship and fellowship and worship- a new U.S. intelligence assessment,
Protestant Churches Not ping together that goes on at all The Associated Press has learned.
True Churches, Says Pope levels, certainly between Anglican “…Among the key findings of
and Catholics and all other groups the classified estimate, which is
and Catholics.” still in draft form…:
The document was reissued “Al-Qaida is probably still
because “Vatican II’s ecumenical pursuing chemical, biological or
intent had been ‘erroneous or am- nuclear weapons and would use
biguous’ and had prompted confu- them if its operatives developed
sion and doubt.” sufficient capability.
“Despite the harsh tone, the “The terror group has been able
document stressed that Benedict to restore three of the four key tools
“Pope Benedict XVI reasserted remains committed to ecumenical it would need to launch an attack
the primacy of the Roman Catholic dialogue. ‘However, if such a dia- on U.S. soil….
Church,” approving the re-re- logue is to be truly constructive it “The group will bolster its efforts
lease of a document stating that must involve not just the mutual to position operatives inside U.S.
Protestant and other Christian de- openness of the participants, but borders….
nominations are “not true churches also fidelity to the identity of the “National Intelligence Estimates
but merely ecclesiastical communi- Catholic faith,’ the commentary are the most authoritative
ties and therefore did not have the said.” Nicole Winfield, Asso. Press, written judgments that reflect the
‘means of salvation.’” It said they July 11, 2007. consensus long-term thinking
lack “apostolic succession… and End-time perspective: “Popery of senior intelligence analysts.”
therefore their priestly ordinations is just what prophecy declared that Katherine Shrader, Asso. Press,
are not valid.” Orthodox churches she would be, the apostasy of the Yahoo News, July 12, 2007.
are considered “indeed ‘churches’ latter times. (2 Thess. 2:3, 4.) It is “The White House convened
because they have apostolic succes- a part of her policy to assume the an emergency multi-agency
sion and enjoy ‘many elements of character which will best accom- meeting July 12 to assess growing
sanctification and truth,’” but their plish her purpose; but beneath the intelligence suggesting an al-
failure to recognize the primacy of variable appearance of the chame- Qaeda attack on U.S. soil is
the pope is a “defect, or a ‘wound’ leon, she conceals the invariable planned for this summer….” World,
that harmed them.” venom of the serpent. ‘We are not July 21, 2007, p. 4.
The document asserts that bound to keep faith and promises End-time perspective: “…Now
“Catholicism provides the only true to heretics,’ She declares. Shall this is the time to ‘cleanse ourselves
path to salvation.” The document power, whose record for a thou- from all filthiness of the flesh and
was first released in 2000 by the sand years is written in the blood spirit, perfecting holiness in the
Congregation of the Doctrine of of the saints, be now acknowledged fear of God.’ It is dangerous to
the Faith (formerly the Office of the as a part of the church of Christ?” delay this work. Satan is even now
Inquisition), which the pope headed GC88 571. seeking by disasters upon sea and
when he was Cardinal Ratzinger. land to seal the fate of as many as
Photos: © (globe);

The World Alliance of Reformed possible. What is the defense of the

Churches said the document “took people of God at this time?--It is a
ecumenical dialogue back to the living connection with heaven. If
era before the Second Vatican we would dwell in safety from the
Council.” “It makes us question the noisome pestilence, if we would be
seriousness with which the Roman preserved from dangers seen and
Catholic Church takes its dialogues unseen, we must hide in God; we
with the reformed family and other must secure the protecting care
families of the church.” of Jesus and holy angels. In these

Volume 22, Number 10 25

days of peril, the Lord would have to the progressive radicalization of they still consider themselves to be
us walk before him in humility….” the Islamic masses in the Middle Catholic—no matter what the pope
RH, Nov. 18, 1908. East.” Dan Wooding, ASSIST News says.” Ibid., May 11, 2007.
Service, July 11, 2007. End-time perspective: When
Supernatural End-time perspective: Catholic magistrates, judges, legis-
on TV Scripture tells us “all that will live lators, and Supreme Court justices
godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer vote, how can one know if they
“The broad- persecution.” But “if we suffer, voted according to their oaths of
cast networks we shall also reign with [him]….” office or according to the Vatican?
have unveiled 2 Tim 3:12; 2:12a. “Our land is in jeopardy. The time
their fall TV is drawing on when its legisla-
slates, which tors shall so abjure the principles
are low on sci- of Protestantism as to give coun-
ence fiction tenance to Romish apostasy. The
though sev- people for whom God has so mar-
eral new series have supernatural velously wrought, strengthening
aspects to them.” Helen Lee, SciFi them to throw off the galling yoke
TV site, July 2007. of popery, will, by a national act,
End-time perspective: give vigor to the corrupt faith of
“Spiritualism is the masterpiece Catholic Politicians Rome, and thus arouse the tyranny
of deception… Satan’s most suc- “Self-Excommunicate” which only waits for a touch to start
cessful and fascinating delusion…. If Vote Contrary to Vatican again into cruelty and despotism.
These evil angels, who assume to With rapid steps are we already ap-
be the deceased friends, are re- “Pope Benedict XVI began his proaching this period….” ST, July 4,
garded with a certain idolatry, and first papal trip to Latin America 1899.
with many their word has greater stressing church opposition to
weight than the word of God. Thus abortion Wednesday, suggesting Media Monopoly. Mind Control?
men and women are led to reject that Catholic politicians in Mexico
the truth, and give ‘heed to seduc- had excommunicated themselves “In 1983, 50
ing spirits.’” ST, August 26, 1889. by legalizing abortion in that na- corporations
tion’s capital…. controlled the
“‘Do you agree with the excom- vast majority of
200 Million munications given to legislators all news media
Christians At in Mexico City on the question?’ in the U.S…. In
Risk a reporter asked. [Bagkikian’s]
“‘Yes,’ Benedict replied. ‘The 4th edition [of
Of all secret excommunication… is part of the Media Monopoly],
agencies, “the [Canon Law] code.’” published in
British Secret The pope’s spokesman said “the 1992, he wrote
Service, M16, pope did not intend to formally ‘in the U.S., fewer than two dozen of
has published excommunicate anyone— a rare these extraordinary creatures own
an alarming process under church law that is and operate 90% of the mass media’
report… revealing that some 200 separate from the doctrine of self- -- controlling almost all of America’s
million Christians in 60 countries excommunication. But [he] added newspapers, magazines, TV and
around the world are at risk of that politicians who vote in favor of radio stations, books, records, mov-
suffering persecution….” abortion should not receive… Holy ies, videos, wire services and photo
The report detailed life-and- Communion.” V. Simpson, Asso. agencies…. In 2000, the number
death situations for Christians Press, May 10, 2007. had fallen to six. Since then, there
in many nations, and concluded, The pope’s comments “caused have been more mergers and the
Photos: ©;

“North Korea has sent some such a stir” that “….a slightly edited scope has expanded to include new
fifty thousand Christians to transcript…dropped the word ‘yes’ media like the Internet market….
concentration camps, while in in the pope’s response to the ques- “In 2004, Bagdikian’s revised
China some forty thousand have tion that started it all. ….Benedict’s and expanded book, The New Media
suffered the same fate. The report spokesman… told reporters such Monopoly, shows that only 5 huge
also notes increasing difficulties edits are common…. Some of the corporations -- Time Warner, Disney,
facing Palestinian Christians due Mexican legislators involved said Murdoch’s News Corporation,

26 Our Firm Foundation

Oceans Imperiled;
Bertelsmann of Germany, and Although the women reported re-
Unnecessary Extinction
Viacom (formerly CBS) -- now con- ductions in their daily caloric intake
trol most of the media industry in at every six-month data collection
the U.S. General Electric’s NBC Due primar- over six years, they actually gained
is a close sixth.” Media Reform ily to overfishing, weight and did not differ from the
Information Center, www.corpora- “…reliable predic- control group. “…The conscientious tions warn that reader… correctly concludes: Even if
End-time perspective: Here is by the middle the data reported were an accurate
revealed the startling feasibility of of this century reflection of what these women did
widespread propaganda and re- (2048) all fish [which the author disputes], two
striction of communication content. and seafood spe- more vegetable servings a day is not
“It is impossible to keep beyond the cies will have a diet ‘very high in vegetables, fruit
reach of the sarcasms and sophisms, collapsed—they and fiber, and low in fat.’”
the insidious and pestilent teach- will be extinct or on the verge of ex- “Sixty years of scientific research,
ings, of modern infidelity. Satan tinction.” Dr. John McDougall, www. involving tens of thousands of pub-
adapts his temptations to all classes., June 2007. lished articles, has identified the
He assails the illiterate with a jest or End-time perspective: “The rich Western diet as the cause of
sneer, while he meets the educated earth groaneth under the continual breast cancer, and many scientific
with scientific objections and philo- transgression of the inhabitants studies have shown that a meaning-
sophical reason, alike calculated to thereof.” Letter 22, Feb. 13, 1900. ful change in diet will allow women
excite distrust or contempt of the with breast cancer to live longer and
Scriptures.” GC 600. healthier. Yet, one poorly-executed,
well-publicized study may turn the
tide for better health for women.”
During the experiment, the
women “continued the same meat-,
dairy-, oil-, and environmental
chemical-laden diet that got them in
trouble in the first place, with minor
modifications…. The investigators…
should be held responsible for the
poorly-followed dietary require-
ments of the study.”
Open Intentions “A true test of diet for the preven-
tion and treatment of breast cancer
“Catholics are poised to take on would follow the model of the diet
a historic role in America that can Fruits, Veggies And Cancer of women worldwide who have the
transform the future of our coun- least chance of contracting breast
try…. “…Headlines worldwide an- cancer and the best chance of sur-
“…Catholics will dominate in the nounced the results of a seven-year viving it. These are women who
future of America because of sheer diet experiment [WHEL]… of more follow a diet based on starches, like
numbers. Immigration from Mexico than 3000 women with breast cancer.” from rural Asia (rice), Africa (millet),
and family sizes mean the old The study found “no benefit from Mexico (corn), New Guinea (sweet
Protestant America is throwing itself recommending that women with potatoes) and Peru (potatoes). The
off a demographic cliff. Tomorrow’s breast cancer eat more fruits and few women who do get breast can-
America will be far less Protestant vegetables, and less fat. The chances cer in these societies also live longer
and far more Catholic….” National of fewer recurrences and better sur- than their Western counterparts.” Dr.
Catholic Register, May 16, 2007. vival were not seen in women previ- John McDougall, McDougall News,
End-time perspective: “Large ously treated for breast cancer after July 2007;
numbers will be admitted to the changes in diet achieved during End-time perspective: “Again
fold of safety who in these last days this study. As a result of this paper, and again I have been shown that
will hear the truth for the first time.” originally published in the Journal God is trying to lead us back, step
Photos: ©

YRP 159. of the American Medical Association, by step, to His original design--that
“…Often the relief of their physical more people now believe healthier man should subsist upon the natural
needs is the only avenue by which eating will not help women prevent products of the earth.” FLB 230. 
they can be approached.” RC 254. or treat breast cancer.”

Volume 22, Number 10 27

Historical Footnotes
“We have nothing to fear for the future,
except as we shall forget the way the Lord
has led us, and His teaching in our past
history.”—E. G. White, Life Sketches, 196.
Many today have neglected to study the
history and people that made up the early
days of the Advent movement. To help
encourage interest in Adventist history,
we have put together questions about
people and events of our past. Our goal
is to spark faith and further study into “the
way the Lord has led us, and His teaching
in our past history.”

Source: The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, by J. N. Loughborough. Printed by Pacific Press
for Adventist Pioneer Library (1992), and available in the Hope International Bookstore.

1. Regarding the third angel’s mes- 5. On Feb. 28, 1845, a study on the d. Newsletter
sage, J. V. Himes wrote in 1847, “A Sabbath change by T. M. Preble was
denunciation of wrath so dreadful printed; he called first-day keepers 9. Funds to start a book printing
cannot be found in the book of a. The Pope’s Sunday-keepers. came from a man who wrote he
God, besides this. Does it not imply b. God’s Sabbath-breakers. had been impressed to send the
a strong ____, to require so terrific c. Apostates of Israel. penniless Bates money. He sent
an admonition?” d. A and B _____. Others sent money, too—
a. Temptation even strangers.
b. Sin 6. Those names caught the public’s in- a. $5.
c. Error terest. Soon another article proved b. $10.
d. Habit the absence of Scripture evidence c. $20.
for Sunday-keeping. Author J. B. d. $50.
Cook said Sunday-keepers were
2. During the Midnight Cry, a Sev- a. Barking up the wrong tree. 10. The balance of the book expenses
enth-day Baptist woman joined the b. Sailing under the pope’s were paid by a man who had re-
Advent faith and persuaded _____ Sabbatic flag. ceived payment of a note from
to accept the seventh-day Sabbath. c. Sailing with a broken rudder. someone who
a. A family in Topsham, ME d. Swimming upstream a. had said he’d never
b. Relatives of James White against God’s current b. pay that debt.
c. An entire church in c. paid large late fees on
Washington, NH the overdue note.
d. Those who attended Jos. 7. _____ heard of the Sabbath- d. had received an inheritance.
Bates’ first Sabbath lectures keeping church in Washington, e. finally found a job.
NH. Upon visiting the church and
3. That woman was studying with members, he at once Note: The providential experiences of
a. Emma Dornacket. accepted the Sabbath. Joseph Bates in his efforts to first print
b. Priscilla Nutley. a. George Storrs Sabbath truth encouraged the Adven-
c. Rachel Preston. b. Joseph Bates tists to go forward with that work.
d. Willa Wells. c. J. N. Loughborough International.
d. Uriah Smith any answer, please contact Hope
4. The church’s conversion to Sab-
Source: For specific references to

bath-keeping led to the topic be- 8. Immediately preaching the Sab- 5:d, 6:b, 7:b; 8:a; 9:b, 10:a
ing discussed in an Adventist edito- bath truth from state to state, he
Answers: 1:a; 2:c; 3:c; 4:d;

rial as early as soon saw a _____ would be most

a. Nov. 11, 1844. helpful to spread it.
b. Jan 23, 1845. a. Book or tract
c. Dec. 20, 1844. b. Traveling companion
d. Sept. 5, 1844. c. Public address system

28 Our Firm Foundation

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However, when this book went out of print, BEWE-NEHE $6.99
the denomination never reprinted the original
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Volume 22, Number 10 29

B. G. Wilkinson
Yara Cerna Young Our Authorized Bible Vindicated
Oh No, It’s Sabbath Again There has been an ongoing debate as to which
It’s Friday! Oh, no, it’s almost Sabbath again! translation of the Bible is best. With so many
For many Adventist homemakers, the weekly new English translations and paraphrases
burden of getting the house “in order” for the hitting the market, it is a problem to know
Sabbath makes the day of “rest and gladness” which one comes nearest to Bible doctrines that
a day of “stress and sadness.” But does it have agree with our denominational beliefs and the
to be this way? Yara Young, homemaker and original Word of God. Are the new translations
mother of three, says “No!” actually “better” than the King James Version?
This book will help you with those answers.
Paperback, 125 pages
BEYY-ONIS $4.99 Paperback, 258 pages
Lewis R. Walton
Leslie Hardinge
Omega II
In this electrifying sequel to his runaway best
Outline Studies of the Sanctuary
seller Omega, Attorney Lewis R. Walton tells the This is a detailed, well-researched outline of
story of the tragic Kellogg apostasy, with lessons the Sanctuary. The sanctuary in heaven is the
updated for the new century. This is Walton at very center of Christ’s work in behalf of men. It
his best – a book you can’t stop reading! concerns every soul living upon the earth.
Paperback, 202 pages Paperback, 110 pages
BEWL-OMII $11.99 BEHL-OSOS $4.99

Felix Lorenz J. A. Wylie

Only Hope, The Papacy, The
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most hopeful and stirring appeal for the Antichrist (an integral part of that Reformation,
reception and proclamation of the Lord’s we might add – as all the Reformed creeds and
message to Laodicea that I have ever read or confessions attest). The easy-reading format
heard.” and style make this book an ideal introduction
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Letters to the Editor 
centered materials and your warm want to thank you for the work you
friendship. are doing.
BH JC, Mississippi

 I hope June isn’t the last month  My husband’s macular degen-

for the “daily” series. I just bought eration is so bad he can’t see to read
a book for myself and a friend. She Our Firm Foundation at all, so we
is blessed by the articles. would like to try the magazine CDs.
NN His hearing is also very poor but if
I subscribe to your magazine words are spoken slowly in a low
Our Firm Foundation and look for-  Please send me a subscription tone, he can hear fairly well. We are
ward to seeing it in my mailbox to Our Firm Foundation. I feel the hoping your CDs will be like this.
each month. I try to save it for articles are God-sent. Thank you for all that you do.
Sabbath reading but most of the CG, Washington J&MT, California
time I’m like a little kid and just
can’t wait! Thank you so much for  Thank you so very much for the  Occasionally, a friend sends a
being there. I am so fortunate to DVDs. They are for my Sabbath copy of Our Firm Foundation to me.
belong to a conservative, historical worship service. I am an 80-year- I must say I enjoy the magazine. I
Adventist church. old widow and live alone. There find it most interesting and rejoice
LD, Texas are no more in my home church that one is able to receive a publica-
group, for they either died or some tion that upholds God’s truth and
 I’m a subscriber to your maga- of the younger ones moved away, the SOP writings.
zine and I really do appreciate all so I worship alone. Recently I heard a presentation
of your articles. They truly are a SH, Pennsylvania on the subject of the “daily.” The
wholesome package of spiritual presenter mentioned the time peri-
blessings.  I am so thankful for the articles ods of 508, 538, and other time pe-
JR, Illinois on the “daily.” I am full of joy to riods mentioned in Daniel 12 (1290,
learn the truth. I’m buying the 1335), but he did not elaborate on
 Thank you for continuing the book, too! these time periods. I became in-
old “Review and Herald” tradition AW, Texas trigued to know more about these
of giving a straight testimony. dates. You advertise a book where
JW  I just want to let you know how some of these dates are mentioned;
much I enjoy reading Our Firm therefore, my correspondence, as
 Thank you for the book and the Foundation magazine. It is inspira- I would like to purchase a copy of
“daily” articles. You write things out tional and uplifting to me, and I this book.
and it’s so easy to understand. I’m LP, Australia
telling everyone that if they want
the truth, this is the place to go.
HJ, Louisiana

 We are so thankful for each one

of you there at Hope International.
The warm letters and your publica-
tions give us great cause to rejoice
Photo: © Paul Williams (Historical Village - Eureka, MT)

in the treasure of the bond of Christ.

We are so thankful to be part of
the great family—and increasingly
so as we experience the impact of
fractured families and godlessness
in the world. May God continue to 
bless your outreach, and grant you
continued strength and wisdom
in your mission. Thank you for
supporting us with your Christ-

Volume 22, Number 10 31

Hand That Intervenes, The
William A. Spicer
At Hope International Bookstore we strive to bring you new books to enrich your life, to
draw you ever closer to the Lord. In this special book, there are 260 remarkable stories of God’s
care for His earthly children. It will provide you with renewed courage and trust in God – ev-
ery time you open its pages!
This book is full of examples of God’s intervention in the affairs of men down through the
ages. Many times God has stepped in and saved His followers from great perils. The author
collected many stories of God helping His people from his 30 years of working with foreign
missionaries. This is a lovely book to read as a family on Sabbath afternoon. You will be rejoic-
ing as you read!
This large print edition with glossy hardback binding includes 43 full-size pictures-- 75
illustrations in all! Over 100 helpful Bible promises are scattered throughout the book, plus
God’s Hand in History and The Basic Steps to Christ.

Hardcover, 512 pages $14.99

“Make the promises of God your own. Then when test and trial come, these promises will be to you glad springs of heavenly
comfort.” – Letter 25, 1903

Sara Peck Samuel Koranteng-Pipim

Path to the Throne of God, The Patience in the Midst of Trials and Afflictions

As the reader meditates on the spiri- We are troubled on every side, yet not
tual truths with which the sanctuary distressed; we are perplexed, but not
abounds, he will surely have a deeper in despair; persecuted, but not forsak-
appreciation of the magnitude, the en; cast down, but not destroyed. – 2
beauty and the richness of the plan Corinthians 4:8-9. If you are not liv-
of redemption as symbolized in this, ing this verse, read this book and
God’s great object lesson. It is hoped learn how God uses trials and af-
that as he reaches the end of The Path flictions to cultivate in us the virtue
to the Throne of God, he will stand with of patience.
all the redeemed around the heavenly
throne and join in the mighty chorus of the song of Moses
and of the Lamb.
Paperback, 320 pages Paperback, 136 pages

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