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CRUTCH WALKING takes up to 10 times the energy required for unassistedambulation.15.The physical therapist is the expert on the health care team for crutchwalkingtechniques.16.Reduces the transmission of organisms SWING-THROUGH GAIT used for patients with lower extremities that are paralyzed and/or in braces

Check with physician or physical therapy for which gait to instruct patient on. Crutches should be positioned 1-2 feet ahead.

Gait is determined by injury and patients strength and balance.

Move both crutches forward together about 6 inches. Move both legs forward together about 6 inches. Repeat the sequence in rhythm for desired ambulation. Move the right leg and left crutch forward together. Move the left leg and the right crutch forward together. Repeat this sequence for desired ambulation. place the patient in the tripod position and instruct him to do the following. Move the affected (non-weight bearing) leg and both crutches forward together. Move the unaffected (weight bearing) leg forward. Repeat this sequence for desired

TWO POINT GAIT: used when the patient can bear some weight on both lower extremities

requires partial weight bearing on each foot.

THREE-POINT GAIT used when the patient should not bear any weight on the affected leg.

requires weight bearing all on one foot.

FOUR-POINT GAIT used when the patient can bear some weight on both lower extremities.

ambulation. Move the right crutch forward. Move the left foot forward. Move the left crutch forward. Move the right foot forward. Repeat this sequence of crutchfoot-crutch-foot for desired ambulation.

requires weight bearing on both legs

Swing-Through Gait

2-Point Crutch Walking Gait.

3-Point Crutch Walking Gait.

4-Point Crutch Walking Gait.

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