King of The North Part2

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Our Firm

Volume 23, Number 2 • February 2008

Foundation Bait and Switch

Liberty of Conscience
Threatened - Part 2
Caffeine and Mind

The King of the North

Part 2
The Desperation
of Satan

Meat. . .
Why Shouldn’t
We Eat It?
Page 23

The Seventh-day Sabbath Christ Our Righteousness The Immutable Law of God
The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels’ Messages The Sanctuary
Editorial Joe Olson Joe Olson serves as the
executive director and
chairman of the board
of Hope International. He
also travels as an
international speaker.

Who Tempts Satan?

W e all know who the “tempter” is.
This all started in the heaven.
“The enemy had tempted the angels
sus Christ Himself… but who tempts
Satan? Please read what Sister White
says about the above situation with Pe-
handle it. Do we have a problem with
watching too much TV? Do we then
buy cable or a satellite, thinking we
in heaven….” The Upward Look, 357. ter: can control what we watch? We open
After he had succeeded with the an- “How true was the Saviour’s friend- the door and tempt the devil to come
gels, he came after God’s newest cre- ship for Peter! how compassionate His after us.
ation, Adam and Eve. warning! But the warning was resent- How about Bible study? Do we plan
“Adam and Eve were tempted of Sa- ed. In self-sufficiency Peter declared to get up early in the morning to study
tan. The tempter came to them, saying: confidently that he would never do God’s word and pray, and then stay up
‘Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of what Christ had warned him against. late the night before, telling ourselves
every tree of the garden?’” Signs of the ‘Lord,’ he said, ‘I am ready to go with that we will still be able to get up? We
Times, October 8, 1894. thee to prison and to death.’ His self- are just asking the devil to come after
After such marvelous success with confidence proved his ruin. He tempted us. Frankly, we are all probably pretty
both the angels in heaven and the hu- Satan to tempt him, and he fell under good at “tempting” the devil.
mans on earth, he then went after the the arts of the wily foe. When Christ How do we stay away from tempt-
Son of God. needed him most, he stood on the side ing the devil to tempt us? How can we
“And when the tempter came to him, of the enemy, and openly denied his make sure we do not do what Peter
he said, If thou be the Son of God, Lord.” 5BC 1123. did? Look to God and not to self!
command that these stones be made You may have already guessed as “Many today stand where Peter
bread.” Matthew 4:3. much. It is we who tempt Satan. We stood, when in self-confidence he de-
He did not have the success with Je- tempt him to go after us every time we clared that he would not deny his Lord.
sus that he did with the angels and us think, in our own self-confidence, that And because of their self-sufficiency,
humans. But that did not cause him to we can “handle” the situation. they fall an easy prey to Satan’s de-
stop. Then he went after Jesus’ disci- Have you ever tempted the devil? vices. Those who realize their weak-
ples. We don’t usually think about it like ness trust in a power higher than self.
“And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, that. We don’t think of ourselves as the And, while they look to God, Satan has
behold, Satan hath desired to have tempters of the devil; we usually think no power against them. But those who
you, that he may sift you as wheat: But of it the other way around. WE would trust in self are easily defeated. Let
I have prayed for thee, that thy faith never be “tempters,” would we? Espe- us remember that, if we do not heed
fail not: and when thou art converted, cially of the devil himself! We might the cautions that God gives us, a fall
strengthen thy brethren. And he said tempt a friend, or a family member, or is before us. Christ will not save from
unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with maybe even a church member, but cer- wounds the one who places himself
thee, both into prison, and to death. tainly never the devil! unbidden on the enemy’s ground. He
And he said, I tell thee, Peter, the cock Do we have a problem with eat- lets the self-sufficient one, who acts as
shall not crow this day, before that thou ing too much? Do we go to the “all- if he knew more than his Lord, go on
shalt thrice deny that thou knowest you-can-eat” buffet? We are tempting in his supposed strength.” This Day
me.” Luke 22:31-34. the devil to come after us. We think, with God, 259.
Satan had tempted angels, Adam and even though we have a problem with
Eve, the rest of humanity, and even Je- over-indulging, that we will be able to

2 Our Firm Foundation

Table of Contents
Volume 23
Number 2
February 2008

Bait and Switch

Our Mission - It is the mission of Hope International and the
editors of Our Firm Foundation to clearly present Christ and page 4
His truth. The days remaining for this world are few, and we
must work quickly. We must boldly proclaim the historic truths
Liberty of Conscience
of Adventism that place us on so firm a foundation in the midst
of this troubled world. —Editor
Threatened - Part 2
Executive Director: Joe Olson
Page 7 Caffeine and
Editor: Heidi Heiks Mind Control Page 10
Bookstore Manager: Kaye Olson The King of
Hope For Health Center: Heather Olson, R.N., C.H.
the North - Part 2
Layout & Design: Sherrie West
Page 14
The Desperation
Our Firm Foundation is published monthly by:
Hope International
of Satan
P.O. Box 220 Page 18
International Knoxville, Illinois 61448 USA The Story of Joseph:
Phone: 309.343.1844
Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Central Time
Joseph’s Dreams; Sold as a
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Central Time Slave Page 22
Fax: 309.343.3721
To Eat Meat or Not
To Eat Meat - Part 4
Page 23
About Hope International - We are a lay ministry founded, supported, and
operated by Seventh-day Adventists to assist God’s Church in the procla-
mation of the Everlasting Gospel in every way that is consistent with the
principles of God as revealed in Inspiration.
Newswatch Page 26
Historical Footnotes
Invitation to Writers - We are accepting article-length manuscripts (1850 to
2250 words) for possible publication in Our Firm Foundation. We prefer that Page 28
submissions be submitted in Word .doc format as a computer file. Include a
digital picture and a short bio. Please address all correspondence to Editor,
Our Firm Foundation, P.O. Box 220, Knoxville, IL 61448, or by email to
Letters To The Editor
Page 31
Subscription Information: See page 30 • Shipping & Sales Tax: See page 30

Content credited in this publication is the property of its respective owner(s) and is
licensed or used with permission. Other items are the property of Hope International.

Cover Photo: All Photos unless otherwise noted:

Volume 23, Number 2 3
t on October 30th,
readers found some absolutely in-
credible—and long overdue--news. It
concerned Bill Hybels and his “seeker-

and Switch
sensitive” megachurch Willow Creek,
which for over a decade has mentored
thousands of pastors in his church-
growth methods. The extent of influence
has been enormous. Award-winning ra-
dio talk show host Bob Burney reported
on the results of a multi-year study on
Willow Creek’s effectiveness of pro-
grams and philosophy of ministry. The Jean Handwerk
findings are published in a new book
titled Reveal: Where Are You?, by Cally
Parkinson and Greg Hawkins, execu- The end can never justify the means, if the Lord is
tive pastor of Willow Creek Community
Church. As Burney’s report reads, “It dishonored by His people in the process.
seems that the experts were wrong.”

A “Mistake” of Enormous Scope

“If you simply want a crowd, the
‘seeker sensitive’ model produces
results. If you want solid, sincere,
mature followers of Christ, it’s a bust.
In a shocking confession, Hybels states:
‘We made a mistake.’ ‘Some of the stuff
that we have put millions of dollars into
thinking it would really help our people
grow and develop spiritually, when
the data actually came back it wasn’t
helping people that much. Other things
that we didn’t put that much money
into and didn’t put much staff against is
stuff our people are crying out for.’”
Basically, Burney said, “…The guru of
church growth now tells us that people
need to be reading their bibles and
taking responsibility for their spiritual
growth.” What that serious “Book” has
to teach us really is essential to our
Christian experience. a relief, for now there’s a readiness to
As Hybels had to admit, it isn’t set things right.
enough to have our “felt needs”
answered. The heart is not a reliable Changes in our Church And as in other denominations, it has
guide to what’s truly important to us, We’ve seen many changes in our own often resulted in churches with two dif-
anyway. “The heart is deceitful above church in the past few decades. One ferent kinds of worship services—and
all things, and desperately wicked: of the most impactful, and my present often within those churches two very
who can know it?: Jer 17:9. Nor does concern for our church, has been the use different congregations who do not wor-
a focus on “relevance” touch basic of worldly techniques such as taught in ship together. Sadly, this is far from the
deeper spiritual hunger. Innovation Willow Creek seminars in order to draw unity Christ prayed for on our behalf.
without substance is empty. The candid people into the church. Music, worship, Those who have resisted the changes
admission of having missed the mark is food, sermons, entertainment—all have or objected to them have often been
been affected by these efforts to “grow characterized as impeding or obstruct-
 Bob Burney of “Bob Burney Live,” churches” and reach unbelievers—and ing church growth, willing to let the
WRFD-AM, Columbus, OH, at cross- in particular, young unbelievers. The lost be lost in order to protect the status A Shocking “Confession” new emphasis is on innovation, liveli- quo, dinosaurs in their thinking, and
from Willow Creek Community Church, ness, social connectedness, programs legalistic, rather than loving. However,
October 30, 2007. http://www.crosswalk. for every age and interest. This—in the I believe that the motivation of those
com/pastors/11558438/ Day of Atonement. who protest is sincere love for the

4 Our Firm Foundation

church and for those who will join it. Are We True Christians? more vigilant? The early church was
Shall we use the world’s ways to draw certainly watchful for any inroads in
Justifying the “Means” men to Christ, who tells us “the friend- the purity of the message and practice:
The fundamental question that must ship of the world is enmity to God”? “Lest Satan should get an advantage of
be asked is, “Does the end justify the James 4:4. Do you know what God calls us: for we are not ignorant of his de-
means?” And the answer, for our souls’ those who do conform—in any way vices.” 2 Cor 2:11.
sakes, must be in the negative, because if or degree—with the world? Spiritual We offer stimulating worships to at-
someone from a secular perspective can “adulterers and adulteresses.” James tract people to our churches. It is alleg-
see the weaknesses of those techniques 4:4. When we profess to believe that we edly not that we really agree with the

and their inevitable outcome, surely we must use “modern, innovative, exciting” excitement or the methods, as our posi-
should be able to! How can we not be methods to attract or keep members, es- tion has been that the noble end justi-
rightfully accused of misrepresenting pecially younger ones—in other words, fies the means, however questionable.
the character of our Lord, if we do not when we claim we must use techniques We sincerely want to save souls. But
face the nature of some of our thinking used by Babylon in order to be success- here’s Satan’s bait-and-switch. Here’s
and change our methods? For example: ful in church growth—we’re saying the the trap we’ve walked right into:
plain Word of God is so powerless, so
Dishonesty unattractive, that we do not want to use
We often justify using worldly meth- it—at least initially. When we do finally “Conformity to
ods, calling them a means to an end. get serious, then we’ll use it—but only
worldly customs

We further say that after unbelievers in a modified, “seeker-sensitive” sort of
are drawn to our worship services by way.” Can we call ourselves Christians converts the church
those worldly methods, at some point and do this? to the world;
we will admit that we don’t really agree
with those worldly methods. In fact, we
it never converts the
Spiritual Contradiction
reject them as inconsistent with sober We know the world is in spiritual crisis. world to Christ.”
character preparation for heavenly citi- Therefore, we take the position that any
zenship. We will somehow confess that means, any methods that will pull in the
we just used those methods as one uses unchurched, are worthwhile. “Desperate When we find our “Christian rock”
bait to catch a fish, but now it’s time to times call for desperate measures,” don’t concerts, our dancing ministries, our
switch to more serious methods. they? It’s “any port in a storm,” even if exciting worship hours, our de-em-
Even the secular world despises such it’s a Babylonian harbor. But the claim phasis of the strict health message, our
a dishonest practice. “. . . A man of “the end justifies the means” is a frank seeker-sensitive services actually work
wicked devices is hated.” Prov 14:17. acknowledgment that the “means” do to interest more people in our church,
not measure up to God’s standard. It’s and even lead to their attendance on
Hypocrisy an admission that we are choosing to use Sabbath, why would we want to dis-
If we “bait and switch,” if we pres- methods which we know God does not continue what is so successful? So
ent ourselves to the world as a church approve of, albeit for a worthy end He there’s no end to the bait, and we never
which likes those worldly methods and does approve. So we’re using the world get around to the switch to more godly
then correct or retract that image of to save people. Is that not a blatant spiri- actions and messages. Over time and
ourselves later, is that not blatant hy- tual contradiction? generations, what was once a “means
pocrisy? to an end” becomes entrenched in the
How can we not see how the world Conformity Ensnares church’s identity and becomes well-
might see us? Satan exults in the dispar- The only way for us not to appear to nigh impossible to rout out. What was
ity between our words and our actions. be hypocrites is if we actually do like temporary becomes habitual. We may
The world sees that what we profess to those worldly methods. After all, is it be near that point already.
believe—that the time of trouble is im- wrong to be “innovative,” “modern,” Rather than being a peculiar, holy
minent, and Christ’s return will follow and “multi-cultural”? But in fact, In- people, we’re on that train with the rest
soon thereafter--and what we actually spiration warns us that flirting with the of the world. Satan is the conductor on
do about it are quite diverse. In some world leads to love of the world: “Con- that train, and it’s headed nowhere but
cases, “disconnected” might be a better formity to worldly customs converts destruction. EW 88-89. Rather than be-
descriptor. “The ultimate difficulty is that the church to the world; it never con- ing a distinctive witness for our Lord, I
hypocrisy reflects not only on that mem- verts the world to Christ.” GC 509. fear our church is just like other church-
ber but also on the God whom he or she es in many respects. We are choosing
claims to be serving.” “For the name of Satan’s Bait and Switch the “things of this world,” heedless of
God is blasphemed among the Gentiles Men, “professing themselves to be the Bible’s clear warning: “And be
through [because of] you. . . .” Romans wise, . . . became fools.” Can we not not conformed to this world: but be ye
2:24. This is the burden of my heart. see the snare Satan has laid for us in transformed by the renewing of your
this drive to “grow” our churches in mind, that ye may prove what is that
 George R. Knight, Walking With Paul these ways? We certainly are warned good, and acceptable, and perfect, will
Through the Book of Romans, p 59. of his attacks; why have we not been of God.” Romans 12:2. How can we—

Volume 23, Number 2 5

or visitors-turned-attendees—become shall stand.” Prov 19:21. the world, not in a tame, spiritless way,
transformed while deliberately choos- And what is that counsel, for all to but in demonstration of the Spirit and
ing conformity? We deceive only our- read? “I charge thee therefore before power of God. The mightiest conflicts
selves. Satan gloats while God grieves. God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who are involved in the furtherance of the

Oh, brothers and sisters, we have strayed shall judge the quick and the dead at his message, and the results of its promul-
from the side of our Lord. appearing and his kingdom; Preach the gation are of moment to both heaven
word; be instant in season, out of season; and earth…. We should now purpose,
Inconsistent Witness reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuf- as did Daniel and his fellows in Baby-
Now, we may claim that once the fering and doctrine.” 2 Tim 4:1-2. lon, that we will be true to principle,
visitors start coming to church, we come what may….
can invite them to weekly Bible stud- “Today the world is full of flatterers
ies. Yet is it not hypocritical to pretend and dissemblers; but God forbid that
to be one way during the more public Over time and those who claim to be guardians of
generations, what

worship hour then another way dur- sacred trusts shall betray the interests
ing Bible study? In the former, we’re was once a “means of God’s cause through the insinuating
“excited and active and forward-think- suggestions and devices of the enemy
ing and culturally relevant,” and in the
to an end” becomes of all righteousness. There is no time
latter, we’re serious and focused on entrenched in the now to range ourselves on the side of
understanding that big Book and plac- church’s identity…. the transgressors of God’s law, to see
ing our interests altogether in the next with their eyes, to hear with their ears,
world. We say we’re in the solemn and to understand with their perverted
Day of Atonement and that our proba- Proclaim Truth for This Time senses. We must press together. We
tions could close at any moment, but in “The truth for this time, the third an- must labor to become a unit, to be holy
the next breath we say, “Let’s have fun! gel’s message, is to be proclaimed with in life and pure in character. Let those
Come to our exciting services! See? a loud voice, meaning with increasing who profess to be servants of the living
Adventists aren’t stuffy or strange; power, as we approach the great final God no longer bow down to the idol
we’re just like you!” And so we are. test. . . . The present truth for this time of men’s opinions, no longer be slaves
comprises the messages, the third an- to any shameful lust, no longer bring
Caught in the Snare gel’s message succeeding the first and a polluted offering to the Lord, a sin-
Inspiration gives a clear warning: “You the second. The presentation of this mes- stained soul.” TM 470-1.
cannot mingle with worldlings, and par- sage with all it embraces is our work. We
take of their spirit, and follow their ex- stand as the remnant people in these last More than Alms
ample, and be at the same time a child days to promulgate the truth and swell At the gate of the temple, a lame man
of God.” 2T 44 (italics added). We think the cry of the third angel’s wonderful begged alms of Peter and John. That man
we’re going to change those poor souls— distinct message, giving the trumpet a was not given what he wanted. He was
a little later, during those Bible studies certain sound. Eternal truth, which we given what he needed—the power of
and evangelistic events—but instead, have adhered to from the beginning, is Christ in his life. What was the result?
our church is the one being changed. Our to be maintained in all its increasing im- He stood up and walked into the tem-
foe has outwitted us, as we have chosen portance to the close of probation. The ple with them, “praising God” and wit-
to stray too close to evil. How many, trumpet is to give no uncertain sound. . . nessing to His love and mercy. “And
once stepping into the snare, can free .” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 9, 291. all the people saw him walking and
themselves, even if they recognize their praising God.” Acts 3:1-9. That would
danger? How many will remain trapped A Solemn Obligation to Tell What not have happened had he been given
by pride or worldly pleasures that have Mankind Needs to Know only alms. That’s the result of having
become part of their characters? “The message we have to bear is not spiritual needs met.
a message that men need cringe to de- I believe we have been setting our
What Now? clare. They are not to seek to cover it, sights too low, relying on our own
In the Willow Creek study, the “seek- to conceal its origin and purpose. Its ideas of how to win souls to Christ, but
er-sensitive” methods have now been advocates must be men who will not it is not too late to remedy that. Broth-
exposed as based entirely on false prem- hold their peace day nor night…. We ers and sisters, let us together seek par-
ises; the results have not led to Bible un- are under obligation to declare faith- don from our Lord for following our
derstanding and spiritual growth. People fully the whole counsel of God. We are own or others’ opinions, and recommit
were not fed, and were still hungry for not to make less prominent the special to the sacred work we have been en-
God. So what is Seventh-day Advent- truths that have separated us from the trusted to do in these times. Our duty
ism going to do with that knowledge world, and made us what we are; for is clear; our privilege a high and holy
regarding our own churches? they are fraught with eternal interests. one. By God’s grace, there is yet time
As always, we are to seek the Lord’s God has given us light in regard to the to be that “city set on a hill.”
counsel. There is no surer guide. “There things that are now taking place in the
are many devices in a man’s heart; nev- last remnant of time, and with pen and Jean Handwerk, a former teacher,
ertheless the counsel of the LORD, that voice we are to proclaim the truth to writes from Delaware.

6 Our Firm Foundation

Pa r t 2

T h reat en ed Ellen G. White

Rome has been relentless—and, when in power, merciless—in her plans to rule humanity.
Misrepresentation of favor of Deity; and horrible cruelties their master, to invent means to cause
God’s Character have been perpetrated under the vari- the greatest possible torture and not end
It is Satan’s constant effort to mis- ous forms of idolatry. the life of the victim. In many cases the
represent the character of God, the na- The Roman Catholic Church, uniting infernal process was repeated to the
ture of sin, and the real issues at stake the forms of paganism and Christian- utmost limit of human endurance, un-
in the great controversy. His sophistry ity, and, like paganism, misrepresent- til nature gave up the struggle, and the
lessens the obligation of the divine law ing the character of God, has resorted sufferer hailed death as a sweet release.
and gives men license to sin. At the to practices no less cruel and revolting.
same time he causes them to cherish In the days of Rome’s supremacy there Even Romanists Wretched
false conceptions of God so that they were instruments of torture to compel Such was the fate of Rome’s oppo-
regard Him with fear and hate rather assent to her doctrines. There was the nents. For her adherents she had the
than with love. The cruelty inherent in stake for those who would not concede discipline of the scourge, of famishing
his own character is attributed to the to her claims. There were massacres on hunger, of bodily austerities in every
Creator; it is embodied in systems of a scale that will never be known until conceivable, heart-sickening form. To
religion and expressed in modes of revealed in the judgment. Dignitar- secure the favor of Heaven, penitents
worship. Thus the minds of men are ies of the church studied, under Satan violated the laws of God by violating
blinded, and Satan secures them as his
agents to war against God. By pervert-
ed conceptions of the divine attributes,
heathen nations were led to believe hu-
Every principle of the papacy that existed in
man sacrifices necessary to secure the past ages exists today.
Volume 23, Number 2 7
the laws of nature. They were taught destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” countries that Catholicism differs less
to sunder the ties which He has formed Luke 9:54, 56. How different from the widely from Protestantism than in for-
to bless and gladden man’s earthly so- spirit manifested by Christ is that of mer times. There has been a change;
journ. The churchyard contains mil- His professed vicar. but the change is not in the papacy. Ca-
lions of victims who spent their lives tholicism indeed resembles much of the
in vain endeavors to subdue their natu- Rome Unchanged, Still Cruel Protestantism that now exists, because
ral affections, to repress, as offensive The Roman Church now presents a Protestantism has so greatly degener-
to God, every thought and feeling of fair front to the world, covering with ated since the days of the Reformers.
sympathy with their fellow creatures. apologies her record of horrible cruel- As the Protestant churches have been
If we desire to understand the deter- ties. She has clothed herself in Christ- seeking the favor of the world, false
mined cruelty of Satan, manifested for like garments; but she is unchanged. charity has blinded their eyes. They
hundreds of years, not among those Every principle of the papacy that ex- do not see but that it is right to believe
who never heard of God, but in the isted in past ages exists today. The doc- good of all evil, and as the inevitable
very heart and throughout the extent trines devised in the darkest ages are result they will finally believe evil of
of Christendom, we have only to look still held. Let none deceive themselves. all good. Instead of standing in defense
at the history of Romanism. Through The papacy that Protestants are now so of the faith once delivered to the saints,
this mammoth system of deception the ready to honor is the same that ruled the they are now, as it were, apologizing to
prince of evil achieves his purpose of world in the days of the Reformation, Rome for their uncharitable opinion of
bringing dishonor to God and wretch- when men of God stood up, at the peril her, begging pardon for their bigotry.
edness to man. And as we see how he of their lives, to expose her iniquity. A large class, even of those who look
succeeds in disguising himself and ac- She possesses the same pride and ar- upon Romanism with no favor, appre-
complishing his work through the lead- rogant assumption that lorded
ers of the church, we may better under- it over kings and princes, and
stand why he has so great antipathy to claimed the prerogatives of
the Bible. If that Book is read, the mer- God. Her spirit is no less cruel
cy and love of God will be revealed; and despotic now than when
it will be seen that He lays upon men she crushed out human liberty
none of these heavy burdens. All that and slew the saints of the Most
He asks is a broken and contrite heart, High.
a humble, obedient spirit. The papacy is just what
prophecy declared that she
Christ’s Example vs Pope’s would be, the apostasy of the
Christ gives no example in His life latter times. 2 Thessalonians
for men and women to shut themselves 2:3, 4. It is a part of her policy
in monasteries in order to become fit- to assume the character which
ted for heaven. He has never taught that will best accomplish her pur-
love and sympathy must be repressed. pose; but beneath the variable
The Saviour’s heart overflowed with appearance of the chameleon
love. The nearer man approaches to she conceals the invariable
moral perfection, the keener are his venom of the serpent. “Faith
sensibilities, the more acute is his per- ought not to be kept with her-
ception of sin, and the deeper his sym- etics, nor persons suspected of
pathy for the afflicted. The pope claims heresy” (Lenfant, volume 1,
to be the vicar of Christ; but how does
his character bear comparison with
that of our Saviour? Was Christ ever What they desire is a method of forgetting
known to consign men to the prison or
the rack because they did not pay Him God which shall pass as a method of
homage as the King of heaven? Was
His voice heard condemning to death remembering Him.
those who did not accept Him? When
He was slighted by the people of a Sa- page 516), she declares. Shall this pow- hend little danger from her power and
maritan village, the apostle John was er, whose record for a thousand years is influence. Many urge that the intel-
filled with indignation, and inquired: written in the blood of the saints, be now lectual and moral darkness prevailing
“Lord, wilt Thou that we command acknowledged as a part of the church of during the Middle Ages favored the
fire to come down from heaven, and Christ? spread of her dogmas, superstitions,
consume them, even as Elias did?” and oppression, and that the greater
Jesus looked with pity upon His dis- Protestantism’s Weaknesses intelligence of modern times, the gen-
ciple, and rebuked his harsh spirit, say- It is not without reason that the eral diffusion of knowledge, and the
ing: “The Son of man is not come to claim has been put forth in Protestant increasing liberality in matters of re-

8 Our Firm Foundation

ligion forbid a revival of intolerance Human Theories Preferred tation which the papacy has done before
and tyranny. The very thought that A day of great intellectual darkness them.
such a state of things will exist in this has been shown to be favorable to the
enlightened age is ridiculed. It is true success of the papacy. It will yet be dem- Rome and Resistance
that great light, intellectual, moral, and onstrated that a day of great intellectual If the reader would understand the
religious, is shining upon this genera- light is equally favorable for its success. agencies to be employed in the soon-
tion. In the open pages of God’s Holy In past ages, when men were without coming contest, he has but to trace
Word, light from heaven has been God’s word and without the knowledge the record of the means which Rome
shed upon the world. But it should be of the truth, their eyes were blindfolded, employed for the same object in ages
remembered that the greater the light and thousands were ensnared, not see- past. If he would know how papists and
bestowed, the greater the darkness of ing the net spread for their feet. In this Protestants united will deal with those
those who pervert and reject it. generation there are many whose eyes who reject their dogmas, let him see
A prayerful study of the Bible would become dazzled by the glare of human the spirit which Rome manifested to-
show Protestants the real character speculations, “science falsely so called;” ward the Sabbath and its defenders.
of the papacy and would cause them they discern not the net, and walk into it Royal edicts, general councils, and
to abhor and to shun it; but many are as readily as if blindfolded. God designed church ordinances sustained by secu-
so wise in their own conceit that they that man’s intellectual powers should be lar power were the steps by which the
feel no need of humbly seeking God held as a gift from his Maker and should pagan festival attained its position of
that they may be led into the truth. be employed in the service of truth and honor in the Christian world. The first
Although priding themselves on their righteousness; but when pride and ambi- public measure enforcing Sunday ob-
enlightenment, they are ignorant both tion are cherished, and men exalt their servance was the law enacted by Con-
own theories above the word stantine. (A.D. 321; see Appendix note
of God, then intelligence can for page 53.) This edict required towns-
accomplish greater harm than people to rest on “the venerable day of
ignorance. Thus the false sci- the sun,” but permitted countrymen
ence of the present day, which to continue their agricultural pursuits.
undermines faith in the Bible, Though virtually a heathen statute, it
will prove as successful in was enforced by the emperor after his
preparing the way for the ac- nominal acceptance of Christianity.
ceptance of the papacy, with The royal mandate not proving a suf-
its pleasing forms, as did the ficient substitute for divine authority,
withholding of knowledge in Eusebius, a bishop who sought the fa-
opening the way for its aggran- vor of princes, and who was the special
dizement in the Dark Ages. friend and flatterer of Constantine, ad-
vanced the claim that Christ had trans-
Traditions Trump God’s Law ferred the Sabbath to Sunday. Not a
In the movements now single testimony of the Scriptures was
in progress in the United produced in proof of the new doctrine.
States to secure for the in- Eusebius himself unwittingly acknowl-
stitutions and usages of the edges its falsity and points to the real
church the support of the authors of the change. “All things,” he
state, Protestants are follow- says, “whatever that it was duty to do
ing in the steps of papists. on the Sabbath, these we have trans-
Nay, more, they are opening ferred to the Lord’s Day.”--Robert Cox,
the door for the papacy to Sabbath Laws and Sabbath Duties,
regain in Protestant America page 538. But the Sunday argument,
of the Scriptures and of the power of the supremacy which she has lost in groundless as it was, served to embold-
God. They must have some means of the Old World. And that which gives en men in trampling upon the Sabbath
quieting their consciences, and they greater significance to this movement of the Lord. All who desired to be hon-
seek that which is least spiritual and is the fact that the principal object con- ored by the world accepted the popular
humiliating. What they desire is a templated is the enforcement of Sunday festival. Great Controversy, 569-574.
method of forgetting God which shall observance--a custom which originated To be continued.
pass as a method of remembering Him. with Rome, and which she claims as
The papacy is well adapted to meet the the sign of her authority. It is the spirit Ellen G. White, 1827-1915, received
wants of all these. It is prepared for two of the papacy--the spirit of conformity the spiritual gift of prophecy, and the
classes of mankind, embracing nearly to worldly customs, the veneration for fruits of her life and work accord with
the whole world--those who would be human traditions above the command- the biblical tests of a true messenger
saved by their merits, and those who ments of God--that is permeating the of God. To this day, her counsels are
would be saved in their sins. Here is Protestant churches and leading them an incalculable blessing to God’s
the secret of its power. on to do the same work of Sunday exal- people around the world.

Volume 23, Number 2 9


and tea
it harms us
physically and

& mind control Joe Olson

“From triple-shot lattes to Red Bull for a jumbo iced tea to power her “And all should bear clear testimo-
to Ritalin, Americans are more wired through hip-hop dance rehearsals and ny against tea and coffee, never using
than ever.”1 yearbook meetings. Homework, which them. They are narcotics, injurious
Why does this matter to Christians? often keeps her up past 1 a.m., requires alike to the brain and to the other or-
To Seventh-day Adventists? more coffee.” gans of the body.” Ibid., 402.
Think this is just one person in just This is the second quote where God
Satanic Snare one situation in just one place? It isn’t. calls tea and coffee “narcotics”! They
“Satan is taking the world captive The article goes on…….. injure the brain and other organs of the
through the use of liquor and tobacco, “Hawk may sound like an anomaly, body. But there is more to it than sim-
tea and coffee. The God-given mind, but she isn’t. Overworked and sleep- ply a physical effect, there is a spiritual
which should be kept clear, is pervert- deprived Americans young and old so one as well:
ed by the use of narcotics. The brain is crave a buzz these days that even alco-
no longer able to distinguish correctly. holic drinks come loaded with caffeine, Caffeine “Injures the Soul”
The enemy has control. Man has sold and doctors are getting worried. In the “Tea and coffee drinking is a sin, an
his reason for that which makes him past three years alone, the number of injurious indulgence, which, like other
mad. He has no sense of what is right.” 18-to-24-year-olds who drink coffee evils, injures the soul.” Ibid., 425.
Evangelism, 529. daily has doubled, from 16 percent to Tea and coffee drinking injure the
Who has control of our minds? How 31 percent – and some of them go on soul! See why Satan loves to get us
about the minds of our children? What to pop prescription stimulants such as hooked on these things? It is so much
about the minds of those we are trying Adderall or Ritalin for late-night study more than simply a bad health habit.
to reach with the gospel? sessions.”2 “Tea, coffee, tobacco, and alcohol
Stimulants are getting our attention. we must present as sinful indulgences.”
Even health professionals are beginning Caffeine a Narcotic Selected Messages, Book 3, 287; Last
to sit up and take notice of the ever-in- Thirty-one percent of young people Day Events, 81.
creasing desire of people, especially the drink coffee daily, and interestingly,
young, for caffeinated beverages. It has the report states that some go on to Long-term Effects
taken the United States, and the world, higher forms of drugs. Seems like we The world is beginning to wake up
by storm. What is going on? were told that very thing many years and wonder if all of this “caffeine con-
Here is an example: “Linleigh Hawk ago: sumption” is good for us or not …..and
starts the day at 5:30 a.m. by downing “Tea and coffee are fostering the ap- guess what? They do not know!
her first cup of coffee. She then stops petite for stronger stimulants.” Coun- “Since scientists have never studied
at Starbucks for a grande vanilla skim sels on Diet and Food, 426. how caffeine affects growing bodies
latte on the way to Winston Churchill God, knowing all and seeing all, said and brains, children who go through
High School in Potomac, MD, where to His people years ago that we should the day guzzling soda after iced tea
she’s a senior. At 3:00 p.m., it’s time shun coffee and tea. after energy drink are serving as tiny
10 Our Firm Foundation
guinea pigs. ‘This is something that no- to have diminished mental, moral and
body is looking at carefully,’ says Nora physical powers, especially in these
Coffee causes
Volkow, a psychiatrist who directs the last days? The devil! “paralysis
National Institute on Drug Abuse. ‘We “Satan’s influence is constantly ex- of the mental,
really have no idea how it affects de- erted upon men to distract the senses, moral, and
velopment long term.’”3 control the mind for evil, and incite to
Well, we know what the long-term ef- violence and crime. He weakens the physical
fects are. God, in His wonderful mercy body, darkens the intellect, and debas- powers.”
and love has given us plenty of counsel es the soul.” Desire of Ages, 341.
on the subject. Please note the progression of events Why are people habitually sick?
“Coffee is a hurtful indulgence. It here. First distract, then control! Why do we seem to catch every bug
temporarily excites the mind to un- First the devil weakens, then he dark- that comes around? Why is everyone
wonted [out of the ordinary] action, ens, then he debases! worried about the flu? Our energies are
but the after-effect is exhaustion, pros- Do you see the devil’s plan here? He being exhausted; our physical powers
tration, paralysis of the mental, moral, wants to destroy our souls! And all he are being paralyzed!
and physical powers. The mind be- has to do is get us to do what God has
comes enervated, [lacking strength or warned us against. Poisonous!
vigor] and unless through determined He knows, better than anyone, that if “Tea and coffee produce an immedi-
effort the habit is overcome, the activ- God says not to do it, there is an ex- ate effect. Under the influence of these
ity of the brain is permanently less- tremely good reason for it.
ened.” Christian Temperance & Bible
Hygiene, 34. “Needing” Caffeine’s “Fix”
But many argue that they need cof-
“Unless… fee and tea to keep them energized
throughout the day.
the habit is “‘I can’t go out and keep up with
overcome, the these 20-year-olds without it,’ says
activity of the Jeremy Freer, a 29-year-old music
teacher from Virginia Beach, VA, of
brain is his Saturday night beverage of choice:
permanently vodka with Red Bull. (Partyers can opt
lessened.” instead for the new double expresso-
double caffeinated Van Gogh vodka or
Did you catch that last point? The ac- a Bud Extra, a caffeinated beer.)”4
tivity of the brain is “permanently less- They are putting caffeine in beer!
ened” unless the “habit” is overcome! Now many in the church may not
This is from coffee! Caffeinated bev- drink alcohol, but they have the same
erages! This is not referring to cocaine, attitude as the teacher quoted above…..
to marijuana, to other types of drugs they need it! They can’t “keep up”
we normally think of as having this ef- without it.
fect. It’s coffee! But what does Inspiration say?
And not just coffee! “Those who resort to tea and coffee
“Tea is poisonous to the system. for stimulation to labor, will feel the
Christians should let it alone. The influ- evil effects of this course in trembling
ence of coffee is in a degree the same nerves and lack of self-control. Tired
as tea, but the effect upon the system is nerves need rest and quiet. Nature
still worse. Its influence is exciting, and needs time to recuperate her exhausted
just in the degree that it elevates above energies. But if her forces are goaded
par, it will exhaust and bring prostra- on by the use of stimulants, there is, poisons the nervous system is excited;
tion below par. Tea and coffee drinkers whenever this process is repeated, a and in some cases, for the time being,
carry the marks upon their faces. The lessening of real force. For a time more the intellect seems to be invigorated,
skin becomes sallow, and assumes a may be accomplished under the unnat- the imagination more vivid. Because
lifeless appearance. The glow of health ural stimulus, but gradually it becomes these stimulants produce such agree-
is not seen upon the countenance.” more difficult to rouse the energies to able results, many conclude that they
Counsels on Diet and Foods, 421. the desired point, and at last exhausted really need them; but there is always a
God has told us, over 100 years ago, nature can no longer respond.” Chris- reaction. The nervous system has bor-
that the effects of coffee and tea are in- tian Temperance & Bible Hygiene, 35. rowed power from its future resources
jurious and will cause, not might cause, The devil wants to wear everybody for present use, and all this temporary
“paralysis of the mental, moral, and out. We are easier to “catch” then. invigoration is followed by a corre-
physical powers”! Well, who wants us sponding depression. The suddenness

Volume 23, Number 2 11

of the relief obtained from tea and cof- The action of coffee and many other lack of energy.” This is the devil’s way-
fee is an evidence that what seems to popular drinks is similar. The first ef- - to tempt you to do something, telling
be strength is only nervous excitement, fect is exhilarating. The nerves of the you that you will become energetic, but
and consequently must be an injury to stomach are excited; these convey ir- actually causes you to become listless,
the system.” Child Guidance, 403. ritation to the brain, and this in turn is tired and sluggish, thereby increasing
She calls tea and coffee “poison”! aroused to impart increased action to the need for the tempting beverage,
Think that is a bit extreme? the heart and short-lived energy to the and the poor hapless soul continues in
“Poison control centers and emer- entire system. Fatigue is forgotten; the the downward spiral until he (the devil)
gency room doctors report increasing strength seems to be increased. The in- has ruined you-- body, mind and soul.
numbers of people suffering from the tellect is aroused, the imagination be-
rapid heartbeat and nausea of a caf- comes more vivid. “The action
feine overdose – like the 14-year-old “Because of these results, many sup-
boy who earlier this year showed up at pose that their tea or coffee is doing of coffee and
a Minneapolis emergency room in re- them great good. But this is a mistake. many other
spiratory distress after washing down Tea and coffee do not nourish the sys- popular drinks
caffeine pills with energy drinks so he tem. Their effect is produced before
could play video games all night.”5 there has been time for digestion and
is similar.”
Prophetic, isn’t it? See why the devil assimilation, and what seems to be Notice in the quote earlier that the
hates Ellen White’s writings so much? strength is only nervous excitement. action of coffee and “many other popu-
The devil uses the reasoning that you When the influence of the stimulant is lar drinks” is similar. This is absolutely
“feel better” when you drink coffee gone, the unnatural force abates, and prophetic!
and tea and it “appears” that he is tell- the result is a corresponding degree of
Jordan, a sixth-grader says “lots of
ing the truth, but in the end, as always, languor and debility.” Counsels for the kids in his sixth-grade class pull Mon-
he is found out to be the liar God said Church, 104. ster or Rock Star energy drinks out of
he was. Tea and coffee produces “intoxica- their backpacks and drink them before
“… He was a murderer from the be- tion.” Next time an Adventist tells you PE class.”6
ginning, and abode not in the truth, be- he doesn’t “drink” because drinking is
A sixth-grader! Satan loves to get
cause there is no truth in him. When he sinful, ask him if he drinks coffee or them young!
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: tea. Intoxication is intoxication.
for he is a liar, and the father of it.” Caffeine in Familiar Form
John 8:44. Debilitating Effects
Here is a chart from U.S. News and
Tea and coffee causes “languor and World Report7 revealing how much
Coffee, Tea are Intoxicants debility,” we are told. Webster’s defines caffeine there is in several different
“Tea acts as a stimulant and, to a languor as “a feeling of lack of inter- products:
certain extent, produces intoxication. est or energy” or “showing an unusual

Name: Serving Size: Caffeine Per Caffeine Per

Serving (MG): oz. (MG):

Hershey’s Special 1.45 oz. 31 21.38

Dark Chocolate
Pepsi 12 oz. 38 3.17
Sunkist Orange Soda 12 oz. 41 3.42
Starbucks Frappuccino 9.5 oz. 90 9.47
Red Bull 8.3 oz. 80 9.64
Monster 8 oz. 82 10.25
Enviga Green Tea 12 oz. 100 8.83
Full Throttle 16 oz. 141 8.81
Starbucks Brewed Coffee 12 oz. 195 16.25
Cocaine Energy Drink 8.4 oz. 280 33.33

12 Our Firm Foundation

Intention to Deceive, Control
Please remember, it is the dev-
il’s plan to take over our minds
and deceive us all.
“And the great dragon was cast
out, that old serpent, called the Dev-
il, and Satan, which deceiveth the
whole world: he was cast out into
the earth, and his angels were cast
out with him.” Revelation 12:9.
“For thousands of years Satan
has been gaining an experience
in learning how to deceive; and
to those who live in this age he
comes with almost overwhelming
power.” Counsels on Health, 290.
This is so important! Stan has
been gaining experience, over six
thousand years, in learning how to
deceive! A six thousand year edu-
cation! All to deceive and control
you and me.
He wants control of our minds,
and he is doing all in his power to
achieve that result.
ly receive supplies from heaven, and if the Spirit of Prophecy before making that
Serving Satan we would be kept by the power of God declaration, but the fact remains that this
“The battle is between truth and the we must be obedient to all His require- issue of coffee drinking is not considered
love of the world. Which will obtain ments.” Testimonies, Vol. 4, 542. the taboo that it once was.
the victory? Will they suffer Jesus to Can you see how subtly the devil has
captivate the heart, or will they let Sa- Power of Bad Example invaded our ranks, and especially the
tan control the mind and crowd out the I would like to end with a personal youth? Remember, this is not to get
love of truth, so that the angels receive experience. Many years ago I was visit- them to do something wrong per se;
the charge, ‘They are joined to their ing with my daughter, who was attend- this is to be able to more easily control
idols, let them alone.’” Manuscript Re- ing school at a Seventh-day Adven- their minds!
leases, Vol. 15, 327. tist boarding academy in Tennessee.
Do you see how important even a We had gone to the mall somewhere “Very Elect” Not Deceived
seemingly small thing like a cup of tea and to my shock, she came out of the It was Jesus Himself who stated that
or coffee can be? store with a cappuccino in her hands. there would be many people, trying to
“But every indulgence in sin weakens I couldn’t believe it! I asked her what deceive us.
the soul; it welcomes Satan to come in she was doing! “For there shall arise false Christs,
and control the mind, making the indi- She had no clue why I was asking her and false prophets, and shall shew great
vidual his effectual servant.” Signs of that question, or what it was I was ask- signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it
the Times, March 27, 1884. ing about. I said, “The cappuccino!” were possible, they shall deceive the
We welcome Satan to come in and She said, “What about it?” I told very elect.” Matthew 24:24.
control us whenever we drink coffee or her that Seventh-day Adventists don’t Praise the Lord, it is not possible that
tea or other caffeinated beverages. I nev- drink coffee. the “very elect” can be deceived!
er thought about it like that, have you? “That is ridiculous,” she said, “It But… do you think the “very elect”
“Satan has long been preparing for can’t be. The teachers here at the acad- will be drinking tea or coffee?
his final effort to deceive the world.” emy take us students out and buy them
Great Controversy, 1888, 562. for us. If it were wrong or bad, they
All of these devices are the devil’s would surely never buy them for them- 1 U.S. News and World Report, cover
tools to sweep into his ranks all those selves, much less us students.” story, April 23, 2007.
who will not stay aware and prepared. Some of you parents who have raised 2 Ibid., 62.
And he’s had six thousand years to your children as Seventh-day Adventists 3 Ibid.
practice on us! will appreciate my horror at being told 4 Ibid.
“Satan is ever seeking to impress and this. Here my child is telling me that 5 Ibid.
control the mind, and none of us are there is nothing wrong with it because 6 Ibid., 65.
safe except as we have a constant con- her teachers do it and buy it. Obviously, 7 Ibid.
nection with God. We must momentari- she should have consulted the Bible and
Volume 23, Number 2 13
Heidi Heiks

Part 2

The King of the North

The “glorious land,” the “land of milk and honey,” the “goodly land.”
Daniel 11:41 “He shall enter935 hermeneutics. The glorious land has The same principle applies to the lit-
also into the glorious6643 land,776 and many different terms or titles, as we eral city Jerusalem, which is now in-
many7227 countries shall be over- are to see, but only one identity. Such terpreted and understood to mean spiri-
thrown:3782 but these428 shall escape4422 is the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, tual, worldwide Jerusalem, the Chris-
out of his hand,4480, 3027 even Edom,123 having many different titles, for He tian Church, but once again its identity
and Moab,4124 and the chief7225 of the performs many different roles, but He never changes. And the principle with
children1121 of Ammon.”5983 is only one Lord. His identity never Babylon is the same, as well. After the
changes. cross Babylon is no longer understood
11:41 HE shall ENTER . . . Only by following correct Biblical and confined to a literal, local, geo-
As in verse forty, “enter” means “to hermeneutics or guidelines can one graphical location. No, Babylon, like
besiege” or “to surround.” The time hope to identify the symbols correctly the Jew and Jerusalem, is understood
and place of that action will be ex- and thus interpret the text aright. We as spiritual, worldwide Babylon. In
plained to the reader’s satisfaction im- demonstrated one of those principles like manner, the same Biblical herme-
mediately after it is established who in our previous issue, showing how the neutical principle applies to the King
and what the glorious land is that “He” things of God before the cross are al- of the South as well as to the King of
(Rome) is to enter. ways taken in a literal and local sense the North and others. Before the cross:
and, after the cross, in a symbolic or literal, local. After the cross: spiritual,
11:41 . . . ALSO . . . spiritual, worldwide sense. For exam- worldwide. After the second coming:
In Daniel 11:41-42, the word “also” ple, in Daniel 10:14 and 11:14, we in- literal, local (the thousand-year millen-
(the Hebrew word gam) has been used terpret “thy people” as meaning the lit- nium is literally 1000 years), but their
by some for a foundation to build upon, eral Jews, and rightly so. But in Daniel identity never changes.
but this word does not exist in the orig- 12:1, we interpret “thy people” as the Louis F. Were illustrates this princi-
inal Hebrew in either verse. The trans- saints of God, born-again Christians, pal quite correctly:
lators have supplied it. spiritual Israel, the worldwide Chris- “There is no change in the phraseol-
tian Church at the very end of proba- ogy employed in the New Testament,
11:41 . . . into THE tionary time. In another instance, Paul but there is positively a change regard-
GLORIOUS LAND . . . explained that after the cross a Jew is ing the people to whom those prophe-
not someone who is such merely by cies and designations now apply. In the
Bible Hermeneutics birth, but a Jew is the person who is New Testament, the church is spoken
Daniel 11:41 tells us “He [Rome] circumcised or renewed in heart. This of in the language employed in the
shall enter into the glorious land.” The is the born-again Christian. He or she Old Testament concerning Israel.” The
glorious land has met with much un- has become a spiritual Jew. The term Moral Purpose of Prophecy, 30.
necessary conjecture as to its Biblical “Jew” under this present dispensation Another illustration that will serve us
identity, all stemming from neglect- now has a spiritual, worldwide appli- well is found in the Old Testament. Is-
ing to follow the guidelines of Biblical cation, but its identity never changes. rael is referred to as “the people of the
14 Our Firm Foundation
Lord,” not the land of the Lord, because though no closer yet to a definition, we Plainly, Canaan is the land of “milk
Israel is a term used for the church, as nevertheless find Ezekiel using almost and honey,” the glory of all lands. How-
we will shortly demonstrate. identical language for the same sym- ever, Ellen White left with us a distinct
”And Moses and the priests the bol, thus revealing a definitive clue for clue supporting the link of “the glorious
Levites spake unto all Israel, saying, our identification: land” of Daniel 11:16, 41 to Canaan, the
Take heed, and hearken, O Israel; this “In the day that I lifted up mine hand land of “milk and honey.”1 While she
day thou art become the people of the unto them, to bring them forth of the never used the specific term “the glo-
LORD thy God.” Deut 27:9. land of Egypt into a land that I had es- rious land,” she did use its equivalent
pied for them, flowing with milk and “the goodly land,” which we read in the
Other Terms for “Glorious Land” honey, which is the glory of all lands.” marginal readings of Daniel 11:16, 41.
We shall view some of the terms em- Ezekiel 20:6. What then does this connection imply?
ployed in the Old Testament represent- Let us allow Ellen White to explain this
ing the church of Israel, but first we Canaan: Land of Milk and Honey herself as we share with the reader two
must ask ourselves what Daniel under- What is the land of “milk and hon- quotes that will give us our definitive
stood the “glorious land” to be. Did he ey,” which is the glory of all lands or, definition beyond doubt:
consider it the realm of the church, or as we will see, the “glorious land”? “And David looked around him upon
perhaps the USA? What is the truth of “The people rejoiced that they were the costly buildings of cedar, the homes
this matter? Let us proceed then to dis- to come into possession of so goodly of the inhabitants settled in the goodly
close the true identity of the glorious a land, and they listened intently as land of Canaan, and conceived the idea
land, for without its Biblical identity the report was brought to Moses, that that a temple should be built, more wor-
we cannot know what the King of the not a word should escape them. “We thy for the residence of God. The site of
North is to “enter.” Our first step is to came unto the land whither thou sen- the building was indicated and the most
see if Daniel has previously used the test us,” the spies began, “and surely it complete instructions were given, and
phrase. We find that he has--in the very floweth with milk and honey; and this Solomon entered upon the great work.”
same chapter. is the fruit of it.” The people were en- Manuscript Releases, Vol. 3, 230.
Daniel 11:16 “But he that cometh thusiastic; they would eagerly obey the “I have tried to bring back a good re-
against him shall do according to His voice of the Lord and go up at once to port and a few grapes from the heavenly
own will, and none shall stand before possess the land. But after describing Canaan, for which many would stone
him: and he shall stand in the glorious the beauty and fertility of the land, all me, as the congregation bade stone Ca-
land, which by his hands shall be con- but two of the spies enlarged upon the leb and Joshua for their report. (Num.
sumed.” (See margin KJV for terms difficulties and dangers that lay before 14:10.) But I declare to you, my breth-
used for the same entity: the land of or- the Israelites should they undertake the ren and sisters in the Lord, it is a goodly
nament or goodly. Compare margin of conquest of Canaan.” Patriarchs and land, and we are well able to go up and
Daniel 11:41 – goodly land, land of de- Prophets, 387-8. possess it.” Early Writings, 14.
light, or, ornament. More on this later.) From these
The precise terminology, “the glo- two quotes
rious land,” as found in the Bible, is
found only in Daniel 11:16, 41. Al-
Canaan is the land of “milk and honey,” we have the
“goodly land”
the glory of all lands. of Canaan
directly con-
nected to the
temple here on
the earth (Jerusalem) and the other one
in heaven (Jerusalem). Paul eliminates
any confusion by stating that the church
on earth and the church in heaven are
one and the same church:
“But ye are come unto mount Sion,
and unto the city of the living God, the
heavenly Jerusalem, and to an enumer-
able company of angels, To the general
assembly and church of the firstborn,
which are written in heaven, and to God
the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just
men made perfect.” Hebrews 12:22-23.

Inspiration Agrees With Scripture

Ellen White is in total agreement
with Paul. Notice the following state-

Volume 23, Number 2 15

in Daniel 11:16 and 41, we have rep-
resented and established a clear defi-
nition for “the glorious land.” It is the
church of Christ.
In Prophecy,
“City” Denotes “Church”
Further support for this interpretation
is forthcoming. However; we need now
to look at another term used in conjunc-
tion with Christ’s church. Please note
that Paul refers to the church, the heav-
enly Jerusalem, as a city. What does a
city denote in prophecy? A church!
“But the court which is without the
temple leave out, and measure it not;
for it is given unto the Gentiles: and
the holy city shall they tread under foot
forty [and] two months.” Rev.11:2.
The seventh volume of the Seventh-
day Adventist Bible Commentary, page
560, tells us more about spiritual Jeru-
salem: “Sion. Or, ‘Zion,’ a poetic name
for Jerusalem (see on Ps. 48:2; cf. Heb.
“Beautiful for situation, the joy of
the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the
sides of the north, the city of the great
King.” Ps. 48:2.

In chapter 8, Daniel introduces an-
other aspect for our understanding
in his use of the phrase “the pleasant
land:” “And out of one of them came
forth a little horn, which waxed exceed-
ing great, toward the south, and toward
the east, and toward the pleasant land.”
Dan. 8:9.
Jeremiah uses the same term: “But I

The “pleasant land,” a “goodly heritage,” is none

other than a term for Palestine.
“Believers on the earth and those
who have never fallen in heaven are
one church.” Manuscript Releases, tinels gave the message of warning; said, How shall I put thee among the
Vol. 9, 91. and when they were called to lay off children, and give thee a pleasant land,
“The church is God’s fortress. His their armor, others took up the work. a goodly heritage of the hosts of na-
city of refuge, which He holds in a God brought these witnesses into cov- tions? and I said, Thou shalt call me,
revolted world. Any betrayal of the enant relation with Himself, uniting My father; and shalt not turn away
church is treachery to Him who has the church on earth with the church in from me.” Jer 3:19.
bought mankind with the blood of His heaven. He has sent forth His angels to The “pleasant land,” a “goodly heri-
only-begotten Son. From the begin- minister to His church, and the gates tage,” is none other than a term for Pal-
ning, faithful souls have constituted of hell have not been able to prevail estine. According to the Seventh-day
the church on earth. In every age the against His people.”Acts of the Apos- Adventist Bible Dictionary, Volume 8,
Lord has had His watchmen, who have tles, 11. under the heading “Canaan,” one reads
borne a faithful testimony to the gen- With a “thus saith the Lord” firmly the definition: “the biblical name of
eration in which they lived. These sen- established for those terms examined Palestine.” We must also keep in mind
16 Our Firm Foundation
that the church of the Old Testament Round this place their hopes had clus- and sisters. We may only define its literal
was a theocracy, and it extended to the tered. They regarded the Jews as the cov- or spiritual application. Changing the
borders of Palestine. “The children of enant people of God.” Youth Instructor, identity would be confusion compound-
Israel were to occupy all the territory November 15, 1900.2 ed. Let us stay within the parameters of
which God appointed them.” Christ’s This segment of our study brings to that which is defined in the scriptures,
Object Lessons, 290. “Thus the whole light the fact that in no uncertain terms for therein lies our only safety and due
land, under God’s control, would be- is any person authorized to give a new course.
come an object lesson of spiritual meaning to a term whose definition is al-
truth.” Ibid., 289. The term Palestine ready clearly established in the Bible and Why “Glorious”?
was exclusively used in connection the Spirit of Prophecy. To say that the Next month we will consider, among
with the Jews. glorious land and/or goodly land is the the different terms used to designate
“There are those who hold that the United States of America is to ignore the God’s church, why heaven uses the
Sabbath was given only for the Jews; but hermeneutical principle laid down for us term “glorious” in the book of Daniel
God has never said this. He committed by the scriptures and Inspiration. To step to define His last-day church. We sug-
the Sabbath to his people Israel as a sa- off this platform, we believe, would open gest this term is bristling with signifi-
cred trust; but the very fact that the desert the floodgates of speculation and, in fact, cance for us.
of Sinai, and not Palestine, was the place it has, causing
selected by him in which to proclaim many to be mis-
his law, reveals that he intended it for all led. We cannot say
mankind. The law of ten commandments the glorious land
is as old as creation. Therefore the Sab- and/or the goodly
bath institution has no special relation to land in Daniel
the Jews, any more than to
all other created beings.”
Review and Herald, Au-
gust 30, 1898.
“It may be surprising to
some that Christ’s work
was confined to so small a
circumference, that it was
not extended to the hea-
then nations surrounding
Palestine. But the heathen
nations were not prepared
for his work. And had he 1 It is interesting to note that in the
devoted his time to the Old Testament the noun “milk”4612
conversion of the Gen- is translated to designate “an office,
tile world, he would have a position, a place. It is used of the
closed the door whereby placement and service of a group of
he could bear his message people…. It is used of positions held
to the Jewish nation.” by a group of people… or a single in-
Signs of the Times, De- dividual.” Warren Baker and Eugene
cember 16, 1897. Carpenter, The Complete Word Study
We find further con- Dictionary: OldTestament, 644.
firmation with these 2 The Jews were regarded as the cove-
quotations: “Paul’s great nant people of God because “to this
object in visiting Jeru- people were committed the oracles
salem was to conciliate of God.” Christ’s Object Lessons,
the church of Palestine.” 287.
Sketches from the Life of
Paul, 214. Heidi Heiks, editor of Our
“The disciples were to Firm Foundation magazine,
begin their work by pub- has been a college educa-
lishing the great truths of tor, an author, and a radio
Christianity in the metropolis of Pales- 11:16 represents the Jews, God’s people, speaker for The People of
tine, and from Jerusalem they were to His church; and then say the same sym- the Book radio program. He
go to all parts of the world.” Manuscript bol in Daniel 11:41 now represents the continues to write and is cur-
Releases, Vol. 12, 307. United States of America, a civil entity. rently a teacher and speaker for Hope Inter-
“In the past the labors of the apostles We are not at liberty to change the iden- national throughout the United States.
had been put forth wholly in Palestine. tity of a heaven-defined symbol, brothers

Volume 23, Number 2 17

of Satan Franklin Morris

“Satan cannot overcome

him whose heart is thus
stayed upon God.”
18 Our Firm Foundation
“Satan knows that those who ask pardon and grace, for the devil “is a liar become deceived. We have no power to
God for pardon and grace will obtain and the father of lies.” John 8:44. “With resist temptation without God’s mercy
it. . . .” PK 586. Can you imagine this? his [Satan’s] own evil characteristics and are led into sin. Satan “hopes so to
Satan, the being that is the most sinful he sought to invest the loving Creator. destroy their faith that they will yield
of all created beings, knows that our Thus he deceived angels. Thus he fully to his temptations, and turn from
prayerful request for pardon and grace deceived men.” DA 22. their allegiance to God.” COL 168.
will be granted. The Spirit of Prophecy The Bible declares that God’s “mercy
is inspired by God. It plainly says “if endureth for ever.” Psalms 107:1. If the
we ask for pardon and grace we will Bible says that, how does the devil lead
obtain it.” us to believe that we cannot obtain it?
“When the mind dwells upon self, it
Blinding Our Minds is turned away from Christ, the source
How is it that the devil knows this of strength and life. Hence it is Satan’s
truth, and we don’t understand it constant effort to keep the attention
ourselves in our personal walk with diverted from the Saviour and thus
God? “In whom the god of this world prevent the union and communion of
hath blinded the minds of them which the soul with Christ.“ STC 71. Satan
believe not, lest the light of the glorious “endeavors to affright their souls with
gospel of Christ, who is the image the thought that their case is hopeless,
of God, should shine unto them.” 2 that the stain of their defilement can
Corinthians 4:4. never be washed away.” Ibid., 168.
In order for us not to understand the “Satan determined to put forth still
glorious gospel of Christ, the devil has further effort to weaken and discourage
to blind our minds. The devil knows God’s people by holding before them
that “goodness of God leadeth” us their imperfections of character.”
(Romans 2:4) to repentance because PK 582. When we believe that our
he has experienced the love of God. sins can never be washed away, our
“Lucifer in heaven had sinned in the faith is being destroyed. When that is
light of God’s glory. To him as to happening, what do we fail to do?
no other created being was given a
revelation of God’s love. . . .” DA
761. If we really understood
“Satan knows that
the goodness of God, those who ask
we would run to Him.
How does Satan
God for pardon
blind us? “Satan is and grace will
exultant when he can obtain it….”
lead the children of
God into unbelief and “There is no danger
despondency. He delights that the Lord will neglect
to see us mistrusting God, the prayers of His people.
doubting His willingness and The danger is that in
power to save us. He loves to temptation and trial they will
have us feel that the Lord will do become discouraged, and fail
us harm by His providences. It is the to persevere in prayer.” COL 175.
work of Satan to represent the Lord as “Satan knows that those who ask God
lacking in compassion and pity. He for pardon and grace will obtain it. .
misstates the truth in regard to Him. . .” PK 586. But if we do not ask God
He fills the imagination with false for pardon and grace, we will never
ideas concerning God; and instead of have victory. Therefore, the devil does
dwelling upon the truth in regard to our Danger of Dwelling on Failure his uttermost to keep our attention on
heavenly Father, we too often fix our How do misrepresentations of God his misrepresentations of God so we
minds upon the misrepresentations of cause us to fall? “The adversary seeks will never overcome sin. Our strength
Satan and dishonor God by distrusting continually to obstruct the way to the lies in asking God for His pardon and
Him and murmuring against Him.” mercy seat, that we may not by earnest grace. Tragically, though, Christ “saw
STC 116. supplication and faith obtain grace multitudes perishing within reach of
“Too often” we are in danger of and power to resist temptation.” STC abundant help.” DA 753. All power
dwelling-- not on the nature of Christ, 95. Any time we don’t believe that (Matthew 28:18) has been given unto
but on the nature of Satan-- every time we can have God’s mercy, our way to Christ for us to subdue the devil, but
we believe that God will not give us the mercy seat is obstructed, and we we must simply ask for it in prayer.
Volume 23, Number 2 19
The Power of Prayer character of God? “Who is a God like Holy Spirit, for a Christlike temper, for
How powerful is prayer? “Prayer unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and wisdom and strength to do His work, for
has ‘subdued kingdoms, wrought passeth by the transgression of the any gift He has promised, we may ask;
righteousness, obtained promises, remnant of his heritage? he retaineth and the promise is, ‘Ye shall receive.’”
stopped the mouths of lions, quenched not his anger for ever, because he AA 564.
the violence of fire.’” COL 172. The way delighteth in mercy.” Micah 7:18. God
we defeat Satan’s kingdom is through wants us to know that He delights in Why Don’t We Ask?
prevailing prayer. “Pray in your closet, saving our souls. “It is God’s glory If prayer is this powerful, why
and as you go about your daily labor let to encircle sinful, repentant human don’t we pray to God and receive the
your heart be often uplifted to God. It beings in the arms of His love, to promises? “Why are thou cast down, O
was thus that Enoch walked with God. bind up their wounds, to cleanse them my soul? And why art thou disquieted
These silent prayers rise like precious from sin, and to clothe them with the within me? Hope thou in God. . . .”
incense before the throne of grace. garments of salvation.” PK 668. What Psalms 42:11. “Satan is ready to steal
Satan cannot overcome him whose is our reward? “. . .The children of God away the blessed assurances of God.
heart is thus stayed upon God.” STC are amply recompensed. ‘They shall He desires to take every glimmer of
98-9. see His face; and His name shall be in hope and every ray of light from the
As we have that constant communion their foreheads.’ Rev. 22:4.” COL 180. soul.” STC 53. If we don’t hope in
with God, Satan and all his host are Who are the only ones to see God’s God’s mercy, then we’ll not receive His
defeated foes. “If Satan sees that he is face? “Who shall ascend into the hill of promises “for we are saved by hope. .
in danger of losing one soul, he will the LORD? Or who shall stand in his . .” Romans 8:24. “Let thy mercy, O
exert himself to the utmost to keep holy place? He that hath clean hands, LORD, be upon us, according as we
that one. And when the individual and a pure heart. . . .” Psalms 24:3, 4. hope in thee.” Psalms 33:22. This hope
is aroused to his danger, and, with God’s word gives us the assurance is a sure hope because “hope maketh
distress and fervor, looks to Jesus for that He will give us His character as not ashamed.” Romans 5:5.
strength, Satan fears that he will lose a we present our supplications to Him.
“Prayer is heaven’s ordained means of
captive, and he calls a reinforcement of
his angels to hedge in the poor soul, and success in the conflict with sin and the
“Prayer is heaven’s
form a wall of darkness around him, development of Christian character. The ordained means of
divine influences that come in answer
that heaven’s light may not reach him.
But if the one in danger perseveres, and to the prayer of faith will accomplish in
success in the conflict
in his helplessness casts himself upon the soul of the suppliant all for which with sin and the
he pleads. For the pardon of sin, for the
the merits of the blood of Christ, our
Saviour listens to the earnest prayer
development of Christian
of faith, and sends a reinforcement of character.”
those angels that excel in strength to
deliver him. Satan cannot endure to But if Satan rightly points out our
have his powerful rival appealed to, defects and faults, how can we have
for he fears and trembles before His the hope of salvation? “Christ
strength and majesty. At the sound in you” is “the hope of glory.”
of fervent prayer, Satan’s whole Colossians 1:27. Christ is our
host trembles. He continues to only hope of salvation. “When
call legions of evil angels to Satan seeks to cover the people
accomplish his object. And when of God with blackness, and ruin
angels, all-powerful, clothed them, Christ interposes. Although
with the armory of heaven, they have sinned, Christ has taken
come to the help of the fainting, the guilt of their sins upon His
pursued soul, Satan and his host own soul.” COL 169. Christ saves
fall back, well knowing that their us not on our own merit; we’re not
battle is lost.” 1T 345-6. saved by our own righteousness, but
His righteousness. God “hath clothed
God Delights to Save me with the garments of salvation,
When we come to God in prayer, he hath covered me with the robe of
we “must believe that he is, and righteousness. . . .” Isaiah 61:10.
that he is a rewarder of them We obtain His righteousness
that diligently seek him.” through His mercy. “Not by works of
Hebrews 11:6. righteousness which we have done, but
What is the according to his mercy he saved us.”
Titus 3:5. “Their only hope is in the
mercy of God; their only defense will
be prayer.” PK 588. We can
boldly come to God and ask for pardon been most abused by their ingratitude, have repented, and I have forgiven and
and grace. “Let the wicked forsake who knows their sin and also their accepted them.” PK 589.
his way, and the unrighteous man penitence, declares: ‘The Lord rebuke
his thoughts: and let him return unto thee, O Satan. I gave my life for these Franklin Morris writes
the LORD, and he will have mercy souls. They are graven upon the from Virginia, where he
upon him; and to our God, for he will palms of My hands. They may have is a student at Hartland
abundantly pardon.” Isaiah 55:7. imperfections of character; they may College.
If we ever want to realize Christ in us, have failed in their endeavors; but they
we must banish every misrepresentation
of God from our thoughts each day.
“With the rich promises of the Bible
before you, can you give place to
doubt? Can you believe that when
the poor sinner longs to return, longs
to forsake his sins, the Lord sternly
withholds him from coming to His
feet in repentance? Away with such
thoughts! Nothing can hurt your own
soul more than to entertain such a
conception of our heavenly Father.”
STC 54.

The Evidence of His Love

“Let us group together the
blessed assurances of His
love, that we may look upon
them continually: The Son
of God leaving His Father’s
throne, clothing His divinity
with humanity, that He might
rescue man from the power
of Satan; His triumph in
our behalf, opening heaven
to men, revealing to human
vision the presence chamber
where the Deity unveils
His glory; the fallen race
uplifted from the pit of
ruin into which sin had
plunged it, and brought
again into connection
with the infinite God,
and having endured the
divine test through faith
in our Redeemer, clothed
in the righteousness of
Christ, and exalted to His
throne—these are the pictures which
God would have us contemplate.” Ibid.,
Christ’s great love for us is His
assurance that our prayers for pardon
and grace will be answered. “But while
the followers of Christ have sinned,
they have not given themselves up to
be controlled by the satanic agencies.
They have repented of their sins and
have sought the Lord in humility and
contrition, and the divine Advocate
pleads in their behalf. He who has

Volume 23, Number 2 21

James Edson White

Children’s Story

The Story of Joseph:

Joseph’s DREAMS; sold as a slave
Joseph’s Dreams
Jacob loved Joseph more than all his other sons, because him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath
he was kind and obedient. To show his love, he made Jo- devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his
seph a beautiful coat of many colors. But his brothers hated dreams.”
him, because they saw that their father loved him more than But one of the brothers, whose name was Reuben, was
he did them. not so hard hearted as the others. He would not consent to
The Lord had a great work for Joseph to do. He gave him have Joseph killed. He told them it would be better to cast
two wonderful dreams, which came true many years later. him alive into a pit than to kill him.
In the first dream, Joseph saw himself and his eleven broth- Reuben intended to return to the pit after the others had
ers in the field binding grain into bundles, or sheaves. gone away, and draw his brother out, and send him home to
And his sheaf arose and stood up-right, and his brothers’ his father.
sheaves bowed down to his sheaf. So when Joseph came up to them, instead of speaking
It is probable that Joseph did not know what his dream kindly to him, and offering him food, for he was very tired
meant. Had he known, he would not have told it to his and hungry, his brothers took hold of him roughly, tore off
brothers. his beautiful coat, and then cast him alive into a deep pit.
When he did tell it to them, they hated him more than Joseph loved his brothers, and appealed to each one to
ever, and asked if he thought he would rule them. save him from the pit, but they would not.
Some time after this, Joseph dreamed that the sun, moon, It was not very long until a band of Ishmaelites came
and eleven stars bowed down to him. And he told this dream along on their way to Egypt, and the brothers drew Joseph
also. out of the pit and sold him to them to be a slave.
And his father said, “Shall I, and thy mother, and thy Reuben was absent when Joseph was sold. He was very
brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the sorry when he came to take Joseph out of the pit, and saw
earth?” he was not there. He tore his coat, and said, “The child is
But years afterward, when the famine came, his father, not; and I, whither shall I go?”
his brothers, and their families had to depend on Joseph in Then they all began to think of their father, and what they
Egypt for all the food which they ate. should tell him. So they killed a young goat from the flock,
and then dipped the coat in its blood.
Joseph Sold as a Slave Then they took the coat to their father, and told him a lie.
Joseph’s brothers were shepherds, and cared for their They said they had found the coat all covered with blood,
father’s sheep. Sometimes they were compelled to go far and brought it to him to know if it was Joseph’s coat. So one
away from home to find grass, for Jacob had large flocks. sin often leads to another.
One day Jacob sent Joseph to find his brothers. They had Jacob knew the coat as soon as he saw it, and said, “It is
wandered many miles away in search of pasture, and he my son’s coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is
wanted to know if they were well. without doubt rent in pieces.” And Jacob mourned for his
Joseph had a hard time in finding them, for they had gone son Joseph many days.
fifteen miles from the place where their father thought they
were. From The Story of Joseph by James Edson White (1902),
When they saw him coming, these wicked brothers said, Vol. III of the Pioneer Series (Upward Way: 1989), and
“Behold, this dreamer cometh. Let us slay him, and cast available at Hope International Book Store.
22 Our Firm Foundation
Heather Olson, R.N., C.H.

class are stimulating, because they
fever the blood and excite the nerves,
that they are so missed. Some will find
it as difficult to leave off flesh eating
as it is for the drunkard to give up his
dram; but they will be the better for the
change.” Counsels on Diet and Foods,

To Eat Meat 396.

She also says, “It is a mistake to sup-
pose that muscular strength depends

or Not
on the use of animal food. The needs of
the system can be better supplied, and
more vigorous health can be enjoyed,

To Eat Meat
without its use. The grains, with fruits,
nuts, and vegetables, contain all the
nutritive properties necessary to make
good blood. These elements are not so
Part 4 well or so fully supplied by a flesh diet.
Had the use of flesh been essential
to health and strength, animal food
“Meat is not essential for health or strength, else the Lord made a would have been included in the diet
mistake when He provided food for Adam and Eve before their fall. appointed man in the beginning.”
All the elements of nutrition are contained in the fruits, vegetables Ibid., emphasis added throughout.
and grains.” Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926), 62. Today I’d like to talk about how
not only do you not need meat to be

W rapping up the latest series of

articles, today I am discussing
even more aspects of meat eating. As I
That doesn’t mean that those things are
GOOD for them! That is hardly an ar-
gument. 2: “But if I stop eating meat,
healthy, but if you do eat meat, you’re
actually severely damaging your body.
“An English study that compared the
have explained in the previous articles, I feel weak! Obviously the meat was diets of 6,115 vegetarians and 5,015
the eating of animals has many far- good for me and I needed it!” Again, meat eaters for 12 years found that
reaching effects that I believe we don’t like I mentioned in the first article, the meatless diet yielded a 40 percent
even understand the half of. Science when a body is used to having drugs, lower risk of cancer and a 20 percent
is just now beginning to catch up with caffeine, cigarettes, alcohol, etc., and lower risk of dying from any cause.
what we were told over 100 years ago you no longer allow it, you feel weak, According to William Castelli, M.D.,
in the area of meat in regards to health. tired, sick, cranky. This does not mean director of the famed Framingham
For years it was thought that not only that you needed the drugs, just like Heart Study, vegetarians outlive meat
was meat good for you, but it was nec- it does not mean you need the meat. eaters by 3 to 6 years.”1
essary! Now, as always, God’s way is Meat is a stimulant, just like drugs are; If you noticed, that says 20% lower
being proved the best possible way. So therefore, when you take the stimulant chance of dying from ANY cause.
today I’d like to talk more about the ef- away, you’re bound to feel sluggish for Now, that may seem ridiculous at first,
fects that meat has on your health and a time. Thankfully, this will go away! but when you think about it, it actu-
if you should be eating it at all. You must just be patient and do it in ally makes sense. Many so-called “ac-
When the topic of meat eating comes an appropriate manner. As the prophet cidents” occur because the person is
up, there are always a few of the same has said: tired, unfocused, cranky, sluggish, or
arguments in favor of meat. 1: “My “When the use of flesh food is dis- just not thinking clearly. All of these
father/grandfather/cousin/whoever ate continued, there is often a sense of can be direct “side-effects” of meat
meat and lived till he was 80!” Well, weakness, a lack of vigor. Many urge eating. In fact, there are so many “side-
people smoke and drink, among other this as evidence that flesh food is es- effects” of eating meat that if it were
things, and live to ripe old ages, too. sential; but it is because foods of this an herb or plant, it would be yanked off

Volume 23, Number 2 23

To Eat Meat
or Not To Eat Meat continued

store shelves, classified “illegal,” and known since most cases are never re- information on the disgusting condi-
thrown away in biohazard bags! So if ported. Whatever that number, the con- tions of the meat and the seriousness of
meat eating causes you to feel tired, servative estimate is that bad chicken disease linked to these conditions. So
weak, etc., and feeling like that causes kills at least 1,000 people each year and people say, “Well, that’s why you cook
accidents (work, automobile, home, costs several billion dollars annually in it! To kill all the disgusting stuff that’s
etc.), and eating a vegetarian diet clears medical costs and lost productivity.”2 on it!”
the mind and invigorates the body, you A USDA microbiologist declared in Let’s say that you could cook the
can see as well how vegetarians would another Time magazine story on pro- meat and actually kill all the bacte-
be less likely to die from any type of cessed poultry that “the final product is ria. Aside from the bacteria, the meat
accident! no different than if you stuck it in the still just isn’t good for us. Our bodies
Aside from all that weren’t made to digest the
though, meat is just plain flesh from another animal.
bad for you. And much of What about blood
that is because the animals pressure? “Animal foods
from the factory farms are high in sodium, which
and industrial production causes the blood to retain
are absolutely filled with water. They also cause
disease. plaque to build up in the
“Could you know just arteries, narrowing the
the nature of the meat flow area for blood. Com-
you eat, could you see the bine these phenomena and
animals when living from you have a recipe for a
which the flesh is taken disease that afflicts about
when dead, you would 50 million Americans:
turn with loathing from high blood pressure. You
your flesh meats. The can take calcium channel
very animals whose flesh blockers and diuretics to
you eat, are frequently control it, but you risk los-
so diseased that, if left ing intellectual function if
alone, they would die of you do, studies warn.”4
themselves; but while the What about protein?
breath of life is in them, Can you get enough with-
they are killed and brought out meat in your diet?
to market. You take directly into your toilet and ate it.”3 No wonder: A 1978 Interestingly enough, it is actually
system humors and poison of the worst USDA rule allows poultry processors too much protein that is the cause of
kind, and yet you realize it not.” Coun- to wash contaminated birds rather certain diseases such as osteoporosis.
sels on Diet and Foods, 385. than discard them or cut away affected “Though osteoporosis is a disease of
This warning was given to us almost parts. “Wash,” as interpreted by the calcium deficiency, it is not one of low
100 years ago, so can you even imag- poultry industry, means “communal calcium intake. One cause of the bone
ine how much worse it is today? Ac- dunk” in what amounts to a virtual fe- disorder is too much protein in the
cording to a Time magazine article, “At cal soup that ensures salmonella cross- diet. Excess protein can leach calcium
least 60% of U.S. poultry is contami- contamination. And as far as beef goes, from the bones. Famed diet innovator
nated with salmonella, camphylobacter because of the way it is produced, one Nathan Pritikin has noted that African
or other micro-organisms that spread hamburger can contain the meat of Bantu women on low-protein diets
throughout the birds from slaughter to 100 different cows from four different take in a third of U.S.-recommended
packaging, a process that has sped up countries. So one infected animal has daily allowances of calcium. ‘They
dramatically in the past 20 years. Each the potential to contaminate 16 tons of bear nine children during their lifetime
year at least 6.5 million and possibly beef. and breast-feed them for two years.
as many as 80 million people get sick And that’s just the beginning. There They never have calcium deficiency
from chicken; the precise figure is un- are literally thousands of pages full of [and] never break a bone.’ The typical
24 Our Firm Foundation
“Can you get enough
protein without meat in
your diet?”

meat-eating American is eating about with excess protein, and burden the and nuts that the Lord provided for our
five times as much protein as needed.”5 heart with saturated fat. Even the Amer- parents in Eden are still the most nutri-
In addition, the calcium leached from ican Dietetic Association acknowledges tious foods available to us today. I urge
the bones by the body’s efforts to neu- a relationship between a vegetarian diet you to stop hurting yourself, others, the
tralize the acids produced by too much and reduced risk of coronary-artery dis- environment and God’s creatures, and
protein intake can end up forming kid- ease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. You’ll feel
ney stones and gall stones! and certain types of cancer. better, think clearer, and be happier if
Well, what about iron? People say that Another benefit of a vegetarian diet you do.
you will become anemic if you don’t eat is that it includes one of the most im- I know this has been a long series,
enough meat. Is that true? Can you not portant things you can eat, yet it has no but hopefully you have enjoyed it and
get enough iron from a vegetarian diet? have learned something in the process.
For a while, it was touted that the iron If you are interested in changing your
in meat is more readily absorbed than diet and don’t know where to start, we
the iron in plant foods, which appeared are here to help! We have a number
like an advantage to eating meat. How- of cookbooks that can help teach you
ever, researchers have found that just as how to prepare delicious vegetarian
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good thing! “Excess iron can be a cata- about the meat and dairy industry, and
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of cellular destruction. Overloading on byproducts. Call us today for more in-
it can lead to increased risk for cancer formation!
and cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease,
arthritis, diabetes and infertility. A veg- What about a 1. Pamela Rice, 101 Reasons I’m a
etarian is likely to have safer levels of
Vegetarian, 1998 ed.,
stored iron.”6 vegetarian diet?
What about a vegetarian diet? What
do the doctors say? In 1991 the Phy- What do the 2. TIME, Something Smells Fowl,
Oct. 17, 1994.
sicians Committee for Responsible doctors say? 3. TIME, The Dangers of Foul Fowl,
Medicine, a group of 4,500 medical
Nov. 26, 1990.
doctors, came out with the new Four
nutrient value whatsoever: fiber. Plant 4. Pamela Rice, 101 Reasons I’m a
Food Groups. They are fruits, vegeta-
foods, grains in particular, are replete Vegetarian, 1998 ed.,
bles, whole grains, and legumes (beans
with it. Animal muscle has next to
and peas). Meat and dairy are termed
none, which is why those with meat- 5. Ibid.
“optional,” not considered necessary
based diets have such high incidences 6. Ibid.
for good health. And they revealed in
1995 that annual health-care costs di- of colon cancer.
rectly resulting from the nation’s meat- The main reason that we should not
Please call or


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Volume 23, Number 2 25
News Watch
Willow Creek’s
“a Mistake”
“…For most
End-time perspective: “The strength of a generation
A European “Empire”? evangelicals have
of nations and of individuals is not
found in the opportunities and facilities been romanced by
that appear to make them invincible; it the ‘seeker sensitive’
is not found in their boasted greatness. movement spawned
That which alone can make them great by Willow Creek Community Church
or strong is the power of God. They in Chicago,” led by Bill Hybels.
themselves, by their attitude toward “…With this ‘new wave’ …came
his purpose, decide their own destiny.” a de-emphasis on taking personal
Youth Instructor, September 29, 1903. responsibility for Bible study combined
with an emphasis on felt-needs based
Mega-Ministries Investigation ‘programs’ and slick marketing. The
“Gordon Brown was under renewed size of the crowd rather than the depth
pressure to hold a referendum last Sen. Charles Grassley of the Sen-
ate Finance Committee announced a of the heart determined success….
night after José Manuel Barroso, the Doctrine didn’t matter nearly as much
president of the European Commis- Senate investigation into the financial
practices of six high-profile Christian as innovation. If it wasn’t ‘cutting
sion, hailed the European Union as an edge’ and consumer friendly it was
‘empire,’ [although he called it a ‘non- ministries, as to whether the organi-
zations have abused their tax-exempt doomed. The mention of sin, salvation
imperial empire,’ despite a decision to and sanctification were taboo….
impose upon EU members a renamed status as churches to finance lavish
personal lifestyles. Ministries of Pau- “…Satellite seminars were packed….
constitution that had already been re- Forget what people need, give them what
jected by some member voters]. la White, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer,
Bishop Eddie Long, Creflo Dollar, and they want. How can you argue with the
The comments from the most senior
Kenneth Copeland are being asked for numbers? If you dared to challenge the
EC official in Brussels will infuriate
full financial disclosure. ‘experts’ you were immediately labeled
the Prime Minister as he tries to fight
Grassley said complaints from the as a ‘traditionalist,’ a throwback to the
off growing demands for a referendum
public and news outlets prompted the 50s, a stubborn dinosaur unwilling to
by denying a planned new EU treaty
investigation. Creflo Dollar said the in- change with the times.
has constitutional implications.
quiry could threaten church privacy, but “All that changed recently. Willow
“…Mark Francois, Conservative
a Christian watchdog group research Creek has released the results of a
shadow minister for Europe, believes
director said all tax-exempt organiza- multi-year study on the effectiveness
the ‘startling’ statement of intent
tions must be held accountable. Jamie of their programs and philosophy of
will increase pressure on Mr. Brown
Dean, World, Nov. 17, 2007, p. 42. ministry. The study’s findings are in
to grant Britain a vote on Europe.
End-time perspective: “…The dig- a new book titled Reveal: Where Are
‘The British public will be genuinely
nitaries of the temple themselves en- You?, co-authored by Cally Parkinson
surprised to hear the suggestion that we
gaged in buying and selling, and the and Greg Hawkins, executive pastor of
are now part of an EU empire,’ he said.
exchange of money. They were artful Willow Creek Community Church.…
‘Anyone who thinks that we have been
and avaricious, and the greed of gain “…The report reveals that most of
exaggerating in calling for a referendum
overbore all religious scruples, and what they have been doing for these
on a revived constitution only has to
they carried their traffic to such ex- many years and what they have taught
look at what Mr. Barroso has said to
tremes that they were no better than millions of others to do is not producing
realize the scale of what is now being
thieves in the sight of God.” Spirit of solid disciples of Jesus Christ. Numbers
contemplated….’” Bruno Waterfield
Prophecy, Vol. 3, 20. yes, but not disciples….
Telegraph, July 11, 2007, www.
“If you simply want a crowd, the /media-cent re.

26 Our Firm Foundation

“seeker sensitive” model produces Church and State: Latest Twist elections….” Cathy Grossman, USA
results. If you want solid, sincere, In three races for governor this year, Today, Nov. 14, 2007.
mature followers of Christ, it’s a bust.… “candidates from both parties made End-time perspective: “The Roman
Hybels states: ‘We made a mistake….’ religious appeals a significant part of church largely controls the secular
“Incredibly, the guru of church their political campaigns. press of the country.” GC88 688.
growth now tells us that people need “The local elections provided a
to be reading their bibles and taking glimpse of what is already unfolding” Night Shifts Hard on Heart
responsibility for their spiritual in the presidential race. “Democrats “A study published in Circulation, the
growth…. The foundation of thousands and Republicans alike are determined journal of the American Heart Asso.
of American churches is now discovered to establish their religious credentials reveals that… the human body seems
to be mere sand…. The extent of this with voters, as faith becomes to run on a 24-hour pattern, regardless
error defies measurement. fashionable in the public square.” Jamie of the changes in sleep habits. People
“Perhaps the most shocking thing Dean, World, Nov. 17, 2007. (Contrib. do not adapt easily to shift work,
of all… is in a summary statement by by Irene Judd.) because it is difficult for the body’s
Greg Hawkins: ‘Our dream is that we End-time perspective: “The ‘internal clock’ to change with varied
fundamentally change the way we do Constitution provides that… ‘no work schedules. The study suggests
church. That we… rethink all of our religious test shall ever be required as a that the forced change in sleep routines
old assumptions. Replace it with new qualification to any office of public trust could explain why shift workers are at a
insights. Insights that are informed by under the United States.’” GC88 442. higher risk for diseases and accidents,”
research and rooted in Scripture….’ especially heart disease.
“Please note that ‘rooted in Scripture’ Benedict’s First U.S. Trip
still follows ‘rethink,’ ‘new insights’ In April, “Pope Benedict XVI will 01-01.html.
and ‘informed research.’ Someone, it meet the president, hold two public End-time perspective: “This turning
appears, still might not get it. Unless Masses [in stadiums] and address the night into day is a wretched, health-
there is a return to simple biblical United Nations in his first visit… as destroying habit….” Daughters of
(and relevant) principles, a new faulty pontiff….” Asso. Press, Nov. 13, 2007. God, 177.
scheme will replace the existing one End-time perspective: “The pope
and another generation will follow claims authority over the practice of “Numbers Racket”
along as the latest piper plays….” Bob many who do not recognize Christ as Dan Gilgoff, who covers the
Burney of “Bob Burney Live,” WRFD, our only authority…. We are to have evangelical movement for U.S. News
Columbus, OH, at, no kings, no rulers, no popes among and World Report, told WORLD that
Oct. 30, 2007. us.” 4 MR 291. “in his experience, megachurch pastors
End-time perspective: “Wherever the ‘notoriously inflate membership’
truths of the gospel are proclaimed, Catholic Church’s numbers. The reasons? ‘Media
those who honestly desire to do right U. S. Voice attention, political influence, and
are led to a diligent searching of the “Cardinal money….’”
Scriptures. If, in the closing scenes of Francis George Prof. Alan Freitag, said, “Using
this earth’s history, those to whom testing of Chicago was numbers to measure the effectiveness
truths are proclaimed would follow the elected president of of a church seems a questionable
example of the Bereans, searching the the U.S. Conference measure in the first place….” Warren
Scriptures daily, and comparing with of Catholic Bishops. Smith, WORLD, Dec. 1, 2007, 26-7.
God’s word the messages brought them, In that role, he will (Contrib. by Irene Judd.)
there would today be a large number lead Catholics in End-time perspective: “Jesus says,
loyal to the precepts of God’s law, welcoming [the ‘I, if I be lifted up, will draw all unto
where now there are comparatively few. pope] on his first me.’ Here is the secret of power, of
But when unpopular Bible truths are papal visit to the United States in April. effectiveness.” EGW 1888 Materials,
presented, many refuse to make this He will also be the U.S. voice for the 805.
investigation….” Acts of the Apostles, church during the upcoming presidential
Volume 23, Number 2 27
“We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching
in our past history.” E.G. White, Life Sketches, 196. Many today have neglected to study the history and people that
made up the early days of the Advent movement. To help encourage interest in Adventist history, we have put
together questions about people and events of our past. Our goal is to spark faith and further study into
“the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.”

Historical Footnotes
Source: J. N. Loughborough’s The Great
Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and
Progresss (Pacific Press: 1992, for Adventist
Pioneer Library). Don’t forget to get your
copy at Hope International Bookstore.

1. In March of ____, “mysteri- 5. On December 4, 1855, in ____, 9. In 1875, 7 years of book sales
ous rappings” occurred in the Fox the Review was published for the at the Review and Herald office
home. first time in an office and with a totaled almost ___ times the previ-
a. 1845 press owned by SDAs. ous 7-year period.
b. 1848 a. Rochester, NY a. Two
c. 1850 b. Battle Creek, MI b. Four
d. 1856 c. Oswego, NY c. Six
d. Paris, ME d. Eight
2. Few expected the rapping would
grow into 6. In 1855, the Review publishing 10. In 1861, for $6 weekly, James
a. Modern spiritualism. committee decided to pay its work- White served as editor, manager,
b. An organized religion. ers and _____.
c. A world-wide movement. a. A bonus. a. Preacher.
d. All of the above. b. With stock options. b. Handyman.
c. As donations came in, but c. Meeting organizer.
3. Just 50 years later, spiritualism’s before purchases. d. Print setter.
adherents numbered ____ in the d. A reasonable salary.
U.S. alone.
a. 1 million 7. When James White was first
b. 2 million voted to receive $6 weekly for his
c. 5 million editorial services, he accepted
d. 10 million a. Only $2.
b. Only $4.
4. Hiram Edson and Cyrenius c. Only $5.
Smith, among others, sold their d. Only half that.
farms to further the work. Those 2
men then 8. Signs of the Times was initially
a. Learned new trades. devoted to the cause
b. Lived with other family a. On the Pacific Coast.
members. b. In the Caribbean Islands.
c. Received large inheritances. c. In Europe.
d; 5:b; 6:d; 7:b; 8:a; 9:c;
d. Rented farms. d. In the Spanish language.
Answers: 1:b; 2:d; 3:d; 4:

28 Our Firm Foundation

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Volume 23, Number 2 29
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30 Our Firm Foundation

Letters to The Editor
Your DVDs are preachers’ ser-
mons which go where the preacher
cannot always go.

We have particularly benefited

from the series on the “daily.”
DT, Maine
Thank you for the sermons. I have are, we have to fully dedicate our When I was back in my home
really learned a lot! Thank everyone time and money to visit eager country (Zimbabwe) we used to
for their hard work. Keep it up. members and introduce the new receive the magazines regularly
DK, Minnesota wine to them. and I feel in need of receiving the
Here in Kenya, many do not know plain truth through this magazine
Your ministry has been a help the peculiarities of the SDA faith. and sharing it with others. I have
to me in restoring the right living Most of them are like Baptists, a burden on my heart for the souls
principles taught in the health without even knowing how to keep that need to know the word of God.
message. Thank you.  the Sabbath holy, and when you CM, United Kingdom
DS challenge them, they know nothing.
Truly, brothers and sisters in May the Lord bless your efforts
We are grateful for your ministry Hope International Ministry, never mightily. Your DVD has experi-
that produces food in due season. give up. Make straight the paths of enced a big step up in its presenta-
We have no words to explain when people; a revival of true Godliness tions. Just a blessing through and
we received your precious book on is what is required. Who else will through. I see “simplicity,” ”sim-
special issues that are dear down do it, else the chosen ones? plicity.” The Lord will continue to
in our hearts that we always relate Help us in prayers because until bless your efforts. We are on the
to our SDA fellow brethren. They yet we have not been confronted with very edge, and as we obey him, we
were showers of blessing to our anyone rejecting our message. The have nothing to fear.
special group that has joined us in Lord is still holding the evil forces. RR, MA
prayers and effort to see that some We cannot hide our love and need
are saved from the modern delusions of Our Firm Foundation magazines, I enjoy very much the articles in
in Adventism. your books, tapes, CDs and DVDs. your magazine. They are food for
The Lord has opened ways Always, our theme is the Bible and my soul and they are helping me
tremendously. We are invited every the spirit of prophecy in all our grow in Christ.
Sabbath to different churches to sermons. GOD BLESS YOU. TS, ID
present the truth for now, especially S&LM, Kenya
on the topics spirit of prophecy and (Re free DVD offer) I don’t want
the Bible and who is Ellen G. White. We just received our first monthly to miss this wonderful offer. Your
We were astonished to find that DVD (“Gospel of Judas”) and were messages mean a lot to me!
even the elders who have been in very impressed. Thank you for of- TB, TX
church more than 20-30 years no fering this service! We heard again
longer acknowledge her as an end- about the free health catalog and (To SH in Pennsylvania: a fellow
time prophet. The load has touched would really like a copy. senior citizen would like to corre-
the hearts of many members in DP, Canada spond with you. Ask for Robin at
church, and now we have a great, Hope.)
great work. Though young as we
Volume 23, Number 2 31
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