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Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: Chapelfield (Outside front) Norwich, NR2

Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes. Taking risk assessment to keep crew informed of dangers. I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case.

To make sure I dont forget anything.

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

I must know what I intend to get done on the day of filming, so no time is wasted. I must explain this to the crew as well.

Yes No

Yes No

Crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. Music will not be played onsite, so this is not an issue. As there will be members of the public walking past, I must make sure that the shots avoid distinctive clothing. Re shots may be necessary. No children will be needed for the shoot, and the only children who might be in shot will be in the background. Posters will be located around, so they can explain what is happening.

Copyright issues

Yes No

Childrens details

Yes No

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass Internal access

Yes No Yes No

Where I will be filming is a shopping area, and no noise which we will be making will disturb any neighbours in the area. It is a public space, so we will have to make sure people are aware that filming is taking place i.e. Verbal, or through signs/ posters.

Page 1 of 33

Vehicle access Toilets Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

Crew can park in Chapelfield car park, and the fee will be reimbursed at the end of filming. (If needed) Toilets onsite. No Cars are allowed in the area where we will be filming. There is shelter nearby so if the weather turns, we can use this location.

Yes No Yes No

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens

Yes No Yes No

We do not want glare on the cameras, and must make sure that if the camera is facing the sun, we change the positioning of the camera.

All shots will be shot in conjunction with a tripod, so this should not be a problem. There is a large TV screen in the area where we will be filming (part of Chapelfield), and we must make sure that the camera is set up to work with monitors, so we dont get lines going across it as this will look unprofessional. The ground may be uneven on the location, so I will have to use the spirit level built into the tripod to make sure the camera is level. Crew must know that it is a public place, and to be aware that they must keep an eye on equipment at all times. As it is a public place, I must make it clear that cables may be a hazard (Look at Risk Assessment for further info.)

Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No Yes No

Yes No


Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

No Audio is needed for the shoot, so any noise will not be noticed.

Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Electrical hazards Schools Weather Background music/PA system

There is a school close by, but the children will be at school during our shooting slot, so it shouldnt be a problem. There may be wind, however due to no audio being recorded, this will not be a problem.

Page 2 of 33

Air conditioner/fridges/etc

Yes No Yes No

Wooden floors

Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be available on site. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to Chapelfield from A47;

Page 3 of 33

Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: Chapelfield Gardens Norwich, NR2
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact actors/ crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes. Taking risk assessment to keep crew informed of dangers. I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case.

To make sure I dont forget anything.

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

I must know what I intend to get done on the day of filming, so no time is wasted. I must explain this to the crew too.

Yes No

Yes No

Crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. Music will not be played onsite, so this is not an issue No children will be needed for the shoot, and the only children who might be in shot will be in the background. Posters will be located around, so they can explain what is happening.

Copyright issues Childrens details

Yes No Yes No

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance

Yes No

Risk of trespass Internal access Vehicle access

Yes No

Chapelfield is away from houses, so we should not disturb any neighbours. No early mornings, or late finishes are planned, so we will be shooting during reasonable hours. It is a public space, so we will have to make sure people are aware that filming is taking place i.e. Verbal, or through signs/ posters. Crew can park in Chapelfield car park, and the fee will be reimbursed at the end of filming. (If needed)

Page 4 of 33

Toilets Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

Toilets onsite.

Yes No Yes No

There is shelter nearby so if the weather turns, we can use this location.

Position of the sun

We do not want glare on the cameras, and must make sure that if the camera is facing the sun, we change positioning of the camera. If this in not plausible, we will have to wait for the sun to move (i.e. change the order of the shots)

Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

All shots will be shot in conjunction with a tripod, so this should not be a problem.

The ground may be uneven on the location, so I will have to use the spirit level built into the tripod to make sure the camera is level. Crew must know that it is a public place, and to be aware that they must keep an eye on equipment at all times.

Yes No

Listen Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

There may be roadworks in the area; however we are not recording sound here, so this will not be a problem.

Electrical hazards Schools Weather Background music/PA system Air conditioner/fridges/etc

There is a school close by, but the children will be at school during our shooting slot, so it shouldnt be a problem. There may be wind, however due to no audio being recorded, this will not be a problem.

Wooden floors

Page 5 of 33

Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be available on site. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to Chapelfield Gardens from A47;

Page 6 of 33

Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: St Stephens Street Norwich
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes.

I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case.

To make sure that I dont forget anything

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

I will explain to the crew what I intend to achieve and what shots I want.

Yes No

The area is a public space, so passes are not needed.

Yes No

Copyright issues Childrens details

Yes No Yes No

All members of the crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. No music etc. will be playing. No children will be needed for the production, so no consent will need to be granted. The only children who may appear will be in the background, and the camera will never be focused on them.

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass

Yes No Yes No

Filming is taking place in a busy shopping area, so this wont be an issue. As it is a public space, trespass may be an issue. We will have to try and make the public aware of what is happening. Due to the nature of the piece which is being made, having the public in shot will be a positive. Vehicles are allowed in the area; however this wont be an issue due to the nature of what I am filming.

Internal access Vehicle access

Page 7 of 33

Toilets Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

Toilets are not on site, however there are toilets nearby This will not be needed Filming is being taken place outside however there is shelter nearby

Yes No Yes No

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

We do not want glare on the cameras, and must make sure that if the camera is facing the sun, we change positioning of the camera.

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

There are some small parts on St Stephens Street, however, I have checked, and there is suitable space for the places where I want to film. All shots will be shot in conjunction with a tripod, so this should not be a problem.

Yes No

The floor will not be level, however I will use the spirit level on the tripod to make sure the shots are level and professional. Crew must know that it is a public place, and to be aware that they must keep an eye on equipment at all times. The cables may be a safety hazard, so crew must be warned about this from the start (look at Risk Assessment Form)

Listen Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Vehicle and public noise There may be road works in the area, so I will have to check nearer the time whether they will be happening on the day of filming.

Electrical hazards Schools

Weather Background music/PA system Air conditioner/fridges/etc

Yes No Yes No Yes

There is a school close by, however I will be filming during school hours, and if they are out for any reason, this shouldnt cause a problem to the shots which I need. There may be wind, however I am not recording sound on the day of filming, so this wont be a problem.


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Wooden floors

Yes No

Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be on site for the crew. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to St Stephens Norwich from A47;

Page 9 of 33

Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: Theatre Street, Norwich
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes.

I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case.

To make sure that I dont forget anything

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

I will explain to the crew what I intend to achieve and what shots I want.

Yes No

The area is a public space, so passes are not needed.

Yes No

Copyright issues

Yes No

All members of the crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. No music etc. will be playing. No actors will be used, however I must be aware of any distinct clothing of passers by. No children will be needed for the production, so no consent will need to be granted. The only children who may appear will be in the background, and the camera will never be focused on them.

Childrens details

Yes No

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass

Yes No Yes No

Filming is taking place in a public area, and the activity being undertaken will be quiet, so this will not be an issue. As it is a public space, trespass may be an issue. It is a road which many bus routes use, so I will have to be aware that filming here may take longer than initially planned, Vehicles are allowed in the area; and buses may be an issue.

Internal access Vehicle access

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Toilets Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

Toilets are not on site, however there are toilets nearby This will not be needed. Even though the road gets busy at peak periods, some traffic will add to the atmosphere. Filming is being taken place outside however there is shelter nearby

Yes No Yes No

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

We do not want glare on the cameras, and must make sure that if the camera is facing the sun, we change positioning of the camera.

All shots will be shot in conjunction with a tripod, so this should not be a problem.

Yes No

The floor will not be level; however I will use the spirit level on the tripod to make sure the shots are level and professional. Crew must know that it is a public place, and to be aware that they must keep an eye on equipment at all times. The cables may be a safety hazard, so crew must be warned about this from the start (look at Risk Assessment Form)

Listen Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Vehicle and public noise There may be road works in the area, so I will have to check nearer the time whether they will be happening on the day of filming.

Electrical hazards Schools

Weather Background music/PA system Air conditioner/fridges/etc

Yes No Yes No Yes

There is a school close by, however I will be filming during school hours, and if they are out for any reason, this shouldnt cause a problem to the shots which I need. There may be wind; however I am not recording sound on the day of filming, so this wont be a problem.


Page 11 of 33

Wooden floors

Yes No

Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be on site for the crew. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to Theatre Street from A47;

Page 12 of 33

Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: The Forum, Millennium Plain, Norwich
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes. Taking risk assessment to keep crew informed of dangers. I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case.

To make sure I dont forget anything.

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

I must know what I intend to get done on the day of filming, so no time is wasted. I must explain this to the crew as well.

Yes No

Yes No

Crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. Music will not be played onsite, so this is not an issue. As there will be members of the public walking past, I must make sure that the shots avoid distinctive clothing. Re shots may be necessary. No children will be needed for the shoot, and the only children who might be in shot will be in the background. Posters will be located around, so they can explain what is happening.

Copyright issues

Yes No

Childrens details

Yes No

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass Internal access

Yes No Yes No

Where I will be filming is a public area, and no noise which we will be making will disturb any neighbours in the area. It is a public space, so we will have to make sure people are aware that filming is taking place i.e. Verbal, or through signs/ posters.

Page 13 of 33

Vehicle access Toilets Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

Crew can park in The Forum car park, and the fee will be reimbursed at the end of filming. (If needed) Toilets onsite. No cars are allowed in the area where we will be filming. There is shelter nearby so if the weather turns, we can use this location.

Yes No Yes No

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

We do not want glare on the cameras, and must make sure that if the camera is facing the sun, we change the positioning of the camera.

All shots will be shot in conjunction with a tripod, so this should not be a problem.

Yes No

The ground may be uneven on the location, so I will have to use the spirit level built into the tripod to make sure the camera is level. Crew must know that it is a public place, and to be aware that they must keep an eye on equipment at all times. As it is a public place, I must make it clear that cables may be a hazard (Look at Risk Assessment for further info.)


Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

No Audio is needed for the shoot, so any noise will not be noticed.

Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Electrical hazards Schools Weather Background music/PA system Air conditioner/fridges/etc

There may be wind, however due to no audio being recorded, this will not be a problem.

Page 14 of 33

Wooden floors

Yes No

Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be available on site. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to The Forum, Norwich from A47;

Page 15 of 33

Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: Travelodge Norwich, City Centre
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes.

I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case.

To make sure that I dont forget anything

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions

I must explain to the crew what shots we need. I must stress that it is a paid location, and all shots must be done on the day, as we cant shoot there again.

Yes No

Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

Passes are needed to gain access to Travelodge. All crew will have a pass to gain access.

Yes No

Copyright issues

Yes No

All members of the crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. The actor must wear suitable casual clothing for the part without and distinct brands. No music etc. will be playing. I must make sure that there are no brands in shot within the room. No children will be needed for the production, so no consent will need to be granted.

Childrens details

Yes No

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass Internal access Vehicle access

Yes No Yes No

Filming is taking place within a hotel, so this will not be a problem. Passes are needed to gain entry, and the public are not allowed in the hotel room. The location is paid for and is private. No vehicle access is needed.

Page 16 of 33

Toilets Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

Toilets are available on site. The production is taking place inside, so this is not needed. The production is taking place in a hotel, so the weather will have no diverse effects on production.

Yes No Yes No

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

The production is taking place inside, so this is not going to be a problem.

The floor in the hotel should be level, however basic checks will be made to make sure of this.. CCTV is around the building, so the kit will be secure at all times. The cables may be a safety hazard, so cast and crew must be warned about this from the start (look at Risk Assessment Form)

Yes No


Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes


Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Electrical hazards Schools Weather Background music/PA system Air conditioner/fridges/etc


There will be noises from the air con etc. however no sound is needed for the recording, so this will not be a problem.

Wooden floors

Yes No

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Things for director:

Take photos

Yes No

Due to it being a paid location, we cannot take images inside of the location, however there are images of the rooms on websites such as flicker, trip advisor etc.

GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be on site for the crew. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to Travelodge Norwich City Centre from A47;

Page 18 of 33

Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: UEA Sports Park/ Earlham Park, Norwich NR5
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes. Taking risk assessment to keep crew informed of dangers. I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case.

To make sure I dont forget anything.

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

I must know what I intend to get done on the day of filming, so no time is wasted. I must explain this to the crew as well.

Yes No

It is an open area, so anybody could be there on the day.

Yes No

Crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. Music will not be played onsite, so this is not an issue. As there will be members of the public walking past, I must make sure that the shots avoid distinctive clothing. Re shots may be necessary. No children will be needed for the shoot, and the only children who might be in shot will be in the background. Posters will be located around, so they can explain what is happening.

Copyright issues

Yes No

Childrens details

Yes No

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass Internal access

Yes No Yes No

As I will be filming in a park and near a sports centre, there will be no neighbours who I can disturb. It is a public space, so we will have to make sure people are aware that filming is taking place i.e. Verbal, or through signs/ posters.

Page 19 of 33

Vehicle access Toilets Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters

Yes No

Crew can park in Earlham Park car park, and the fee will be reimbursed at the end of filming. (If needed) Toilets are nearby, but at a 60p charge. Inform crew of this before arrival. The shots in the park will be fine, however nearer the Sports Park may be an issue. No traffic control, but re shots may be needed. There is shelter nearby so if the weather turns, we can use this location.

Yes No

There is a river at Earlham Park. We will want shots of this, so I will have to warn crew of the dangers, and take appropriate Health and Safety checks for this area.


Yes No

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level?

Yes No Yes No Yes No

We do not want glare on the cameras, and must make sure that if the camera is facing the sun, we change the positioning of the camera.

All shots will be shot in conjunction with a tripod, so this should not be a problem.

Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No

Yes No

The ground may be uneven on the location, especially in the park, so I will have to use the spirit level built into the tripod to make sure the camera is level. Crew must know that it is a public place, and to be aware that they must keep an eye on equipment at all times. As it is a public place, I must make it clear that cables may be a hazard (Look at Risk Assessment for further info.)


Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

No Audio is needed for the shoot, so any noise will not be noticed.

Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Electrical hazards Schools Weather Background music/PA system

There may be wind, however due to no audio being recorded, this will not be a problem.

Page 20 of 33

Air conditioner/fridges/etc

Yes No Yes No

Wooden floors

Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be available on site. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to Earlham Park/ UEA from A47;

Page 21 of 33

Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: St Stephens Car Park, Queens Road, Norwich
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes.

I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case

To make sure that I dont forget anything

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

I will explain to the crew what I intend to achieve and what shots I want.

Yes No

The car park is a public space, so passes are not needed.

Yes No

Copyright issues Childrens details

Yes No Yes No

All members of the crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. No music etc. will be playing so this is not an issue. No children will be needed for the production, so no consent will need to be granted. The only children who may appear will be walking by, and the camera will never be focused on them.

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass Internal access Vehicle access

Yes No Yes No

Filming is taking place in a busy car park, so this wont be an issue. As it is a car park, people may walk past, however as it is being filmed at the top of the car park, trespass should not be an issue. Vehicles are allowed in the area as its a car park!); however this wont be an issue due to the nature of what I am filming.

Page 22 of 33

Toilets Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

Toilets are available on site This will not be needed Filming is within a car park and shelter is provided

Yes No Yes No

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

We do not want glare on the cameras, and must make sure that if the camera is facing the sun, we change positioning of the camera.

All shots will be shot in conjunction with a tripod, so this should not be a problem.

Yes No

The floor may not be level; however I will use the spirit level on the tripod to make sure the shots are level and professional. Crew must know that it is a public place, and to be aware that they must keep an eye on equipment at all times. The cables may be a safety hazard, so crew must be warned about this from the start (look at Risk Assessment Form)


Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

Due to me filming without audio, none of these will be a problem.

Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Electrical hazards Schools Weather Background music/PA system Air conditioner/fridges/etc Wooden floors


Yes No

Page 23 of 33

Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be on site for the crew. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to St Stephens Car Park, Queens Road, Norwich from A47;

Page 24 of 33

Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: Prince of Wales Road, Norwich
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes.

I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case.

To make sure that I dont forget anything

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code Copyright issues

I will explain to the crew what I intend to achieve and what shots I want.

Yes No

The area is a public space, so passes are not needed.

Yes No Yes No

All members of the crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. No music etc. will be playing. No actors will be used; however I must be aware of any distinct brands on clothing of passersby. No children will be needed for the production, so no consent will need to be granted. The only children who may appear will be in the background, and the camera will never be focused on them.

Childrens details

Yes No

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass

Yes No Yes No

Filming is taking place in a public area, and the filming will be carries out with minimal noise. As it is a public space, trespass may be an issue. It is a road which links to the city and the train station. I must film at non peak times, so these is less risk of trespass, and also reduce the H&S risk. Vehicles are allowed in the area, so I need to be aware that re shots may be necessary for some shots.

Internal access Vehicle access

Page 25 of 33

Toilets Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

Toilets are not on site, however there are toilets nearby This will not be needed. Most of the shots will be shots of logos on the nightclub doors so only large vehicles will get in the way. Filming is being taken place outside however there is shelter nearby.

Yes No Yes No

There is a river near to the location, but filming will not be taking place there.

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

We do not want glare on the cameras, and must make sure that if the camera is facing the sun, we change positioning of the camera.

All shots will be shot in conjunction with a tripod, so this should not be a problem.

Yes No

The floor may not be level; however I will use the spirit level on the tripod to make sure the shots are level and professional. Crew must know that it is a public place, and to be aware that they must keep an eye on equipment at all times. The cables may be a safety hazard, so crew must be warned about this from the start (look at Risk Assessment Form)


Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

No audio will be taken from this location, so noise is not an issue.

Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Electrical hazards Schools Weather Background music/PA system Air conditioner/fridges/etc Wooden floors


Yes No

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Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be on site for the crew. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to Prince of Wales Road, Norwich from A47;

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Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: Thorpe, Norwich Train Station
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes.

I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case

To make sure that I dont forget anything

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

I will explain to the crew what I intend to achieve and what shots I want.

Yes No

A train ticket is needed to get on the platform, but its a public place.

Yes No

Copyright issues Childrens details

Yes No Yes No

All members of the crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. No music etc. will be playing so this is not an issue. No children will be needed for the production, so no consent will need to be granted. The only children who may appear will be walking by, and the camera will never be focused on them.

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass Internal access Vehicle access Toilets

Yes No Yes No

Filming is taking place in a train station, so the noise we will be making will not be a disturbance. As it is a train station, we are likely to get people walking in front of us.

Trains will be in the area, but this is the whole point of the shoot. Toilets are available on site

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Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

Yes No Yes No

I will be able to see the train timetable, and work out when it will be busy or not. Shelter is available on site. Train track make crew aware of hazards (see Risk Assessment form)

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

We do not want glare on the cameras, and must make sure that if the camera is facing the sun, we change positioning of the camera.

All shots will be shot in conjunction with a tripod, so this should not be a problem.

Yes No

The floor may not be level; however I will use the spirit level on the tripod to make sure the shots are level and professional. Crew must know that it is a public place, and to be aware that they must keep an eye on equipment at all times. The cables may be a safety hazard, so crew must be warned about this from the start (look at Risk Assessment Form)


Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes

Due to me filming without audio, none of these will be a problem.

Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Electrical hazards Schools Weather Background music/PA system Air conditioner/fridges/etc Wooden floors


Yes No

Page 29 of 33

Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be on site for the crew. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to Thorpe Road, Norwich Train Station from A47;

Page 30 of 33

Recce Checklist Norwich For Teenagers Name of location: City College Norwich Photography Studio
Things to take:
Stills Camera Mobile phone Notebook, pen, Programme risk assessment form Maps/directions ID Brief Checklist

Taking mobile to contact actors/ crew if necessary at any time. Taking notepad and pen to write down notes.

I know how to get there so these arent necessary, but map and directions added for crew just in case.

To make sure that I dont forget anything

Talking to people:
Confirm ownership Exchange details Explain intentions Discuss fees/contract Editorial policy Are passes required? Availability and timings Local events Dress code

I will be creating testimonials, so I must explain what I want to the cast.

Yes No

Passes are needed to gain access to CCN grounds.

Yes No

Copyright issues Childrens details

Yes No Yes No

All members of the crew must not wear bright colour clothes, so everybody keeps focused on the tasks. Clothing must also be suitable for their job, which will not put themselves or anybody in danger. The actors/ cast must wear suitable casual clothing without and distinct brands. No music etc. will be playing. No children will be needed for the production, so no consent will need to be granted.

Landmarks for directions Neighbour disturbance Risk of trespass Internal access Vehicle access Toilets

Yes No Yes No

Filming is taking place within a studio, so this will not be a problem. Passes are needed to gain entry, and the public are not allowed on the Colleges ground without consent. No vehicle access is needed. Toilets are available on site.

Page 31 of 33

Traffic control needed? Shelter Safety for hazardous environments Tidal waters Boats/safety

Yes No

The production is taking place in a studio, so this is not needed. The production is taking place in a studio, so the weather will have no diverse effects.

Yes No Yes No

Position of the sun Window direction Power supply Size of location Strobing TV/computer screens Is floor level? Secure place for kit Cables Smoke alarms/sprinklers

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

The production is taking place in a studio, so this is not going to be a problem.

The floor in the studio is level, so this wont be a problem. CCTV is around the building, so the kit will be secure at all times. The cables may be a safety hazard, so cast and crew must be warned about this from the start (look at Risk Assessment Form)

Yes No


Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes


Traffic/roadworks Aircraft

Electrical hazards Schools Weather Background music/PA system Air conditioner/fridges/etc


The studio has air con, however we have tested it, and it does not pick up the sound during the recording. If needed, we can turn it off whilst filming.

Wooden floors

Yes No

Page 32 of 33

Things for director:

Take photos GVs/top shots Cutaways Backgrounds Events Additional contributors

Yes No

Pictures will be taken of the location, so the director knows the size of the location without having to keep visiting it. This will save time.

Eating Hotels

Light snacks will be on site for the crew. The filming is taking place during the day, so hotels are not necessary.

Check to make sure you've covered all you need and write more notes if necessary

Map + Directions to City College Norwich from A47;

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