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TYPES OF WORK PERSONALITY The type of work personalityyou have can affect the way that you run

your company. It can give you an advantage to know this personality type so you can assess how you make your work decissions. Four basic business personality traits exist. Although they may go by different names, depending on whom you talk to,the charecteristics of each personality type correspond to a basic set of personality traits. The four personality types often cited in business and in other areas of life are based on the MyresBriggs Type indicator. These are often designated by a single term that is a catcth-all description of personality type, but actually encompasses only a small snapshot of what the personality trait entails. Dominant The dominant personality type is the hard-working and objective-focused person who is sometimes referred to as the choleric personality type or even typeA' personality. This is an employee who knows how to achieve his goals and does not mind being straightforward and to-the point in how he handles his work and work relationships. These employees generally work with a high level of energy and are objective-driven, always trying to accomplish the next important thing. Expressive Expressive people are the ones who make natural sales people and have the ability to use their extroversion to their advantage. The expressive worker is the one who ggenerally tends to be optimistic and competitive in his approach to the next challange. These extroverts make great marketing proffessionals and even business trainers because of their outwardly obvious personality. They know how to establish work relationships and maintain them through their enthusiastic approach to their endavours. Introverts The introvert is the exact opposite of the expressive personality type at work. This person is the analytical type who thinks thiings through very carefully before acting. The introvert tends not to be driven by emotion but rather by by facts and data that helps her make an informed work decision. She is the one who must know all of the necessary details before making such a decision through careful deliberation. Although sometimes portrayed as pessimist, the introvert simply prefers to be the voice of reason or the devil's advocate among her co-workers and employer. Se prefers to act in a rational manner and not make a work mistake. Relational The relationalpersonality type is someone who is similar to the expressive type in that he is outwardly expressive but only to a certain extent. These employees are the ones who work best in group situations and are driven by their relations to other employees. Even though driven by outward relatios, this personality type does sometimes exhibit the go with the flow mentality that helps him avoid conflict at work. Because of this, the relational employee tends to be a better follower in work matters, rather than a leader.

KNOWING YOUR SELF Here are the seven steps. I describe thi self- awareness process as if thereb are seven steps; however, in actual sense they overlap and can be ntaken out of sequence. 1. Spend quality time with your self each day. Step one is to spend quality time with yourself each day. Now if you happen to have young children and a full time job you may say, impossible Then double up on your time as i have done in each of these situations in my life. Listen to a self-help tape on the way to work . In the early morning, as you stare into space drinking your coffee, consider pondering the many thoughts in this book and others visualize them in your life. Now if you happen to live alone, you might say, But i spend too much time with my self, i do not need more. I remind you that this is quality inner time not the numbeer of hours you are alone. This time alone is specifically to raise your consciousness, to heal and to integrate all past experiences-to know your true self.If you find yourself resistant, you might try lying in bed when the alarm goes off each morning and pondering your day and your needs for a couple of minutes. You might ask yourself a question; such as Do i need more activity and stimulation in my life or am i doing too much and need to slow down? With whom do i need to speak and express my self? What situations am i angry about and need to let go of and forgive? What positive risks do i need to take today and have more intimacy, be moreauthentic, or have more integrity with myself? 2. Journal write for 20 minutes a day about your problems . Step two is to buy a notebook to begin keeping a journal- not a dairy, a journal. Whatnis the difference? A dairy reports events and usually makes sense if another person was going to read it. A journal, on the other hand, is about your emotional reactions to people and events, insights you have in understanding yourself, lists of such things as your needs, wants, values, and goals. You write about your dreams, both day dreams and dreams during sleep,expresssing your feelings and allowing your intuition free range to explore the meaning of you. A journal is a good place to record your guiding beliefs and patterns of behaviour that keep you stuck and your new updated ones. It might include letters that are not mailed to people who have hurt you, even if it happened long ago. Time stops emotionally when you have an emotional trauma and a part of you stays stuck in that time. By writing out your angry, hurt, and sad feelings it helps move those frozen emotional arts of you, bringing the light of understanding with new clarity and interpretations from your aware, adultself, and intergrating these experiences. For example, if you have a fight with a family member and use your journal to sort out your feelings and to make sense out of your reactions, you may use your journal to write that prson a letter. Once you begin writing and expressing yourself, you discover it reminds you of a similar pattern with one of your parents or it may repeat some of your parents' patterns of thinking, behaving, or relating with each other. Journal writing can help make you aware of hidden beliefs and patterns affecting you at the unconscious level. Making them visible allows you to deal with them and heal them. Journals are not for others to read and do not make sense to any one else. In fact, they are personal and need to be kept out of reach of the curious in your house hold. If you feel your privacy will not be honored, then mail what you write to a frieng or understanding family member, friend or therapist. I have worked with a few people who find writing leaves the too open and vulnarable, so they write down insights and process their experiences and then destroy what they have written to avoid any risk of being hurt by another invading their privacy. Others mail them to a friend or a therapist. Write in your journal a minimum of 20 or 30 minutes a day. This may sound like a big commiment to those of you who have never experienced the healing effects of journal writing. Try it for a month or two before you judge this process. Forget any memories of school and needing to write in complete sentences, neatly, or with correct spellings. Just express your self.

Over time you will get the feel of it. If you walk or exercise your physical body daily, it becomes a habit. So does expressing yourself in a journal. It is especially helpful to write during times of rapid growth and healing, high stress, holidays, anniversaries of painful events, or when irritated with someone at work or a family member. One tip that helps motivate me is to write with different colored ink pens to match my mood. It is amazing how easy it is to write some of my issues in purple, while others respond to green or orange. Try it. Journal writing is a process. One day of writing usually does not tell you as much as does the richness of a series of writings over time. This helps you see bigger patterns, deeper themes, and many more details. 3. Find helpers, teachers, counselors, mentors, to show you the way. Step three iss to find a group, sponsor, teacher, or counselor to help you. Many of us were conditoned to keep a stiff upper lip, to be sef-sufficient, and not to look outside ourselves when we have a problem. Additionally, if our nature is to be a perfectionist who is hard on himself and to feel ashamed to admit to another there are problems, then we are hindering our healing.It speeds up the process of healing and living from greater awareness when you decide to find helpers. It was a relief to me when i could allow myself to recieve emotional support, which required letting go of control and admitting i needed help. Aware mentors, teachers and therapists help support you as you go through the unstable times of shifting levels of awareness. Besides, proffessionals, there are helpful people who have worked on themselves in a specific area like low self esteem, codependence or alcoholism with in groups such as a 12-step recovery group. People who have similar issues , many times , are the best teachers and mentors. It can be confusing and difficult to improve your life, even when you choose it, so guidance and support are important. When you begin changing, often you do not have the the encouragement and support of family members, so outside support is very important. It is like living in no man's land when you expand your world to include new ideas and concepts and become aware. One foot is in the new and one is in the old; it feels unstable and difficult to maintain our new awareness at times. Until we stabilize again, we need others to help us , to show us the way, to comfort us, and give us hope when we stumble and fall.You can find a selfhelp group through the local mental health association in your community, drug and alcohol abuse centers, and in most churches and temples. Use your yellow pages if you do not have a friend to make a referral to a counselor or therapist. It is becoming common for communities to have leisure learning classses on self-help topics, such as self-esteem and communication. This is a good way to find teachers. 4. Find a friend on the self-discovery path. Step four is to find a friend. This may be a new friend or an old friend who has already begun the journey of self awareness and inner healing.We need support, lots of support, when we are looking at our past experiences and begin changing patterns, beliefs and behaviours. Peers at about the same stage of self-discovery can help each other by sharing their experiences. Remember to give equal listening time to each other. Saometimes in the earlier stages of our healing we have a strong need to process our feeelings, thoughts, and experiences with a kind ear, especially if self self-expression is new. You may need several friends. Potential new friends can be found by joining a self-help, 12-step, therapy group, or by taking self-awareness classes through avenues in your community's mental health associations,hospitals, lectures at libraries and book stores, or leisure learning classes. 5. Read and listen to tapes. To learn more about your issues, relationships, spiritural growth, and healing it is helpful to listen to tapes and read books from wise teachers. We live in a fantastic period of time because we can listen to self-help classes, workshops, and lectures that we could not or can not attend in person. We can find teachers and helpers who have dealt with almost any problem or life issue,

who have written books for us. We are no longer isolated from information to improve our lives, even if we live in a rural place or distant country. One of the best investments is to buy a set of headphones for listening to self-help tapes while you are exercising, walking, driving, or cleaning a house. Those of you proficient on the internet have unlimited information available to help you grow. 6. Take positive risks. Once you have a better understandingof yourself through all your deligeng work reading and gathering information, talking about your problems with others, expressing yourself in your journal, writing about your insights,goals, dreams, values, etc, it is time to act on your new awareness. You can not stay in the safe cacoon of information-gathering forever; you need to put into practice the ideas you have been learning to make them work for you. As you make new choices you will learn what works for you and what does not. It is now necessary to take risks to move forward. How do you know if you are ready to take risks? One sign is that you are buying books faster than you can read them. Another is noticing that the same thing is being said in every book you are reading. Other signs are that you have beeen in therapy or in a recovery or support group for a good while and its getting a little boring,or you are jealous of your friends who seem to be getting what you want faster than you are. You can probably add a few to this list. These are indicators that it is time to actualize your new level of awareness. 7. Enjoy: There is a tendency to feel a little guilty when your life starts improving. You actually are creating your life cosciously and getting results that you like. Others may say things like Boy, are you ever lucky, why doesn't that ever happen to me? What you have been doing is a secret to most people, so you really can not explain that it was not luck or chance that makes your life different. People that want what you have without doing the work do not need to stop you from enjoying what you have achieved. Remember to spend time with those who love and support your new growth. Know that it is up to you to take charge of your life in order to discover your true self and actualize your potential. Exercise your free will choice by practicing these seven steps to get to know your self. Remember the future is nott written yet, and that you are the one creating your own life.

HOW TO IMPROVE WORK RELATIONSHHIPS WITH OTHER PEOPLE: 1. Do not criticize, condem, or complain about people. There is no faster way to create resentment towards you than to criticize or complain about a person. Instead of telling people they are doing some thing wrong, consider asking them questions to try to find out why they do what they do. Offer them an alternative in a way that comes across as trying to help. Show them how doing things the way you would like them done can benefit them or lead to reward. 2. Appreciate people. If you are normal,you are probably very quick to notice things you do not like about people. Maybe you sometimes even let people know when you do not like something. I will tell you a secret that can vastly improve your interpersonal relations very quicky; whenever you see someone , imagine them wearing a flashing sign on their chest that says APPRECIATE ME PLEASE. Then, give them what they want.If you start appreciating the good things others are doing, they are much more likely to give you more good things to appreciate.Just make sure you r appreciation is genuine. People will pick up on it if you are just feeding them a line,in which case you are better off having said nothing at all.You might have heard this saying when you were growing up: If you can not say something nice, do not say anything at all Wise advice. 3. Solve your own problems by solving other people's problems. This relates to number one. If you would like someone to do something or act in a certain way, try to figure out how what you want might benefit him or her. This works especially well for people who work in sales. Instead of telling your potential clients how great your product is, ask them questions to find out what problems they might have. Once you know those issues, you can then work with your clients to help solve them. If they do not have a problem your product or service solves, then you that you are not a good match. It saves a lot of time on chasing clients that were never really potential sales anyway.

As a side note, i have worked in sales and found this approach amazing. It really takes the pressure off both you and theclient and it helps foster interpersonal relations built on trust. If you work in sales or deal with customers in any way, you might really enjoy this honest and open approach to selling. You can get more information here. I have worked through the material myself and it really made the whole sales process feel much more enjoyable and effective for both my clients and me. 4. Be genuinely interested in others. You will make more friends by being interested in others than you ever will by trying to get people to be interested in you. This was touched on earlier, but its worth repeating here. Not everyone will admit it, but the truth is, most people's favourite subject is themselves. Use this to your advantage. Become genuinely interested in other people . Ask them questions. Talk to them about things they are interested in. Put the focus on them. You will quickly gain their friendship. 5. Smile. Smiles are infectious. They make others feel warm inside and warmer toward you. Force yourself to do it if you have to because it will ultimately make you feel better too. Try it right now:just smile. 6. Be a good listener. This goes back to the prnciple of focusing on the other person.Listen more than you speak and encourage others to talk about themselves and you will quickly develop good interpersonal relations with them. 7. Make others feel important. If someone is important to you in any way, tell them so. This goes for any type of interpersonal relationship including your spouse, kids, employees, coworkers, your friends, family-anyone. People like to feel important. Give them what they want and they will love you for it. Again, it is important that you do this with sincerity. People can easily tell when you are just dishing something out for personal gain.Mean it when you say it. 8. Avoid arguing, and understand that you really are not always right. When two people argue, neither one is really listening to the other. You will be better off to try and remain calm and listen to the other person's thoughts. Then take some time to consider them. May be you are not right, telling someone else will only make them resentful. Be tactful in your approach and consider the other person's feelings. Try asking yourself how you feel in their situation. 9. If you are wrong, admit it. You can really harm your interpersonal relations if you refuse to admit when you are wrong.It is frustrating for others and it damages their trust in you. If you are wrong, or you made a mistake, admit it. This will quickly clear the air and allow everyone to move on. 10. Save your anger. If you approach someone in anger, their defenses immediately go up and your discussion will go nowhere. If you have a problem with someone that needs to be sorted out, approach that person calmly. Ask them if you can sit down with them to work on an amicable solution for both of you. Everyone thinks more clearly when they are calm. 11. Suggest, do not tell. Interpersonal relations are strained when you tell someone how to do something or how to think. People like to come up with their own beliefs or opinions of how to do things. Instead, try offering suggestions. Suggestions leave people more open to considering your idea rather than stubbbornly defending their position. As compiled by Ssaabwe Benard

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