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The young man in this

picture with the grey

shirt is the son of a
prominent man in our
area. I spoke with his
father recently and he
retold the story of his
son coming home
excitedly reporting
that he is now a
reborn Christian!
Cod has big plans foi Entabeni Chuich this yeai. We've been meeting foi ovei 2 yeais now
and we have an established congregation that is growing, this is when weather permits of
course. During raining season attendance tends to drop, due to the mud and steep hills. This
yeai we'ie meeting nearly every other week. I was reading the history of missionary work
amongst the Zulu and discovered that all major church growth and revival began with the
youth. It has been the youth that take the Gospel and go to neighboring villages to pass on
what they have learned. This is exactly what has been happening in our community as well.
We see that our teens are finding hope in Christ and turning away from some of the dead end
choices evident in their culture today. We are so pleased to see so many teens latching on to
the life changing, eternal hope of Jesus Christ!
7 Rivers Farm
Jan / Feb 2013 Ministry News From the Smith Family in South Africa

Lead Me to The Cross
Praise the Lord!!
We have booked our tickets to the USA, and are
now working on all the other details of leaving
our Ministry here for 4 months.
Please pray for God to provide a couple, family,
or group of people willing to caretake, for all or
some of the time we are away (May to

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet

Please pray for smooth sailing as we apply for
USA visas for Fifi and Bo, they are travelling
on South African passports.

In Him we live and
move and have our
Acts 17:28a

Your eyes saw my
unformed substance; in
your book were written,
every one of them, the
days that were formed
for me, when as yet
there were none.
Psalm 139:16
Thank You
We are grateful to all who
have committed to support us
with prayer and finances.
At the end of last year we sent out an email describing the overwhelming hardship of a local
family. During the rainy season their mud hut, housing the single mother and 5 kids kept
falling down. The finances for construction of a small brick home were raised. Early on we did
all the legwork to be sure this family was in good standing and that property was given by the
chief for the new home. Everything was in order.
Just a week ago we found out that the family was having trouble with neighbors and have now
been officially asked by tribal leadership to leave our community entirely.
I've spoken with the chief and people on all sides of the situation. It seems to be a stoiy of
injustice and at this point one that we are not to get involved in. Life in our community has
always been volatile and a delicate balancing act. We appreciate your prayers in this situation.
An Unfortunate Change of Events

Kelly, Cherise, Slindile, Nobuhle, Bongeka, Zoleka & Wyatt

We'ie filling the calendai foi oui tiavels in the US and we'd love
to see you. Please email us if we can schedule some time

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