ACF USA Annual Report Financials 2006

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Action Against Hunger

2006 Annual Report Financials

Action Against Hunger
The international humanitarian organization Action Against Hunger saves the lives of malnourished
children and families, while providing sustainable access to safe water and long-term solutions to hunger.
In emergency situations of conflict, natural disaster, and chronic food insecurity, Action Against Hunger has
pursued its vision of a world without hunger for nearly three decades.

Through the ACF International Network, our 6,000 field staff work in over 40 countries to carry out
innovative, lifesaving programs in nutrition, food security, water and sanitation, health, and advocacy. Our
programs reach some 5 million people a year, restoring dignity, self-sufficiency, and independence to
vulnerable populations around the world.

Board of trustees – 2006 advisory council – 2006

Burton K. Haimes, Chairman Christian Blanckaert Rick Smilow

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Hermès The Institute of Culinary
Education (ICE)
Raymond Debbane, President Olivier Cassegrain
The Invus Group, LLC Longchamp Ronald Waldman
School of Public Health,
Sabine Cassel Columbia University
Michael Golden Jessica Weber
Joseph G. Audi
Aberdeen University Jessica Weber Design
InterAudi Bank
Iman Wendy C. Weiler
Alexis Azria
Impala Inc.–Iman Cosmetics Argosy Partners
Frank McCourt Nina S. Zagat
Henri Barguirdjian
Author Zagat Survey
Graff USA
Achim Moeller Tim Zagat
Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo
Achim Moeller Fine Art Zagat Survey
Enriquez-Bocobo Constructs
Robert W. Rudzki
Yves-André Istel
KIBAN Corporation
Rothschild, Inc.
Edward M. Sermier
Ketty Maisonrouge
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Ketty Maisonrouge & Company, Inc.
Cara Seymour
Daniel Py
Medical-Instill Technologies
David R. Shane
Patrick Siegler-Lathrop
International Creative
PSL Conseil
Management, Inc.

Cover photos: ACF-Afghanistan, courtesy I. Eshragi/Agence VU; ACF-Sri Lanka, courtesy J. Lapegue

action against hunger

3 auditor’s letter

4 statement of financial position

5 statement of activities

6 statement of functional expenses

8 acf international figures

12 donor lists

16 publications & Resources

17 action against hunger staff

2006 Annual Report Financials

Our comprehensive
approach to global
hunger delivers a
range of community
centered solutions
to populations in
crisis, like this young
girl’s community
in Afghanistan.

Action Against Hunger
receives top marks from
rating agencies like the
Better Business Bureau,
Charity Navigator, the
American Institute for
Philanthropy, and Guidestar. ACF-Afghanistan, courtesy I. Eshragi /Agence VU
action against hunger 2006 Annual Report Financials

auditor’s letter
statements of financial position
as of december 31, 2006 and 2005

2006 2005
Cash (Note 2):
Headquarters $ 2,482,808 $ 363,364
Field offices 631,021 963,924
Total cash 3,113,829 1,327,288
Grants receivable 9,926,245 5,434,428
Travel advances and other receivables 132,437 51,193
Prepaid expenses 66,634 20,055
Advances to network (Note 3) - 747,974
Total current assets 13,239,145 7,580,938


Furniture, equipment and vehicles 718,732 527,785
Less: Accumulated depreciation (523,822) (405,549)
Net furniture, equipment and vehicles 194,910 122,236
Restructuring costs, net of accumulated amortization
of $159,141 in 2006 and $143,227 in 2005 - 15,914
Deposits 14,644 14,448
Total other assets 14,644 30,362

TOTAL ASSETS $13,448,699 $7,733,536


Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 411,478 $ 518,063

Provision for unanticipated losses 500,000 500,000
Due to network (Note 3) 156,319 -
Total liabilities 1,067,797 1,018,063
Unrestricted 2,970,049 1,710,897
Temporarily restricted (Note 4) 9,410,853 5,004,576
Total net assets 12,380,902 6,715,473


action against hunger
statements of activities and changes in net assets
for the years ended december 31, 2006 and 2005

2006 2005
Temporarily Temporarily
Unrestricted Restricted Total Unrestricted Restricted Total


Contributions $ 1,827,176 $ 618,367 $ 2,445,543 $ 1,651,495 $ 1,921,308 $ 3,572,803
Grants (Note 5):
U.S. Government - 5,218,910 5,218,910 133,372 6,750,748 6,884,120
Non-U.S. Government - 18,525,269 18,525,269 33,227 11,416,304 11,449,531
Interest 39,127 - 39,127 24,621 - 24,621
Other 34,211 - 34,211 474 - 474
Net assets released from
donor restrictions (Note 6) 20,362,535 (20,362,535) - 17,121,970 (17,121,970) -
Total revenue and support 22,263,049 4,000,011 26,263,060 18,965,159 2,966,390 21,931,549
Program Services:
Democratic Republic
of Congo Programs 6,325,160 - 6,325,160 5,192,713 - 5,192,713
South Sudan Programs 1,677,854 - 1,677,854 2,033,458 - 2,033,458
Uganda Programs 2,900,027 - 2,900,027 3,124,967 - 3,124,967
Pakistan Programs 2,284,744 - 2,284,744 1,753,885 - 1,753,885
Tajikistan Programs 783,584 - 783,584 1,058,250 - 1,058,250
Kenya Programs 3,210,923 - 3,210,923 760,867 - 760,867
Chad Programs 345,152 - 345,152 1,403,845 - 1,403,845
Sri Lanka Programs 413,289 - 413,289 821,656 - 821,656
Guinea Programs 172,200 - 172,200 311,087 - 311,087
Mali Programs 464,370 - 464,370 345,073 - 345,073
Lebanon Programs 119,250 - 119,250 - - -
Niger Programs - - - 27,000 - 27,000
Total program services 18,696,553 - 18,696,553 16,832,801 - 16,832,801
Supporting services:
Management and General 2,168,593 - 2,168,593 1,399,513 - 1,399,513
Fundraising 239,660 - 239,660 358,133 - 358,133
Total supporting services 2,408,253 - 2,408,253 1,757,646 - 1,757,646

Total expenses 21,104,806 - 21,104,806 18,590,447 - 18,590,447


Changes in net assets before other items 1,158,243 4,000,011 5,158,254 374,712 2,966,390 3,341,102

Provision for unanticipated losses - - - (200,000) - (200,000)

Exchange gain (loss) 100,909 603,120 704,029 (92,605) (462,323) (554,928)

De-obligated awards and funds


returned to donors - (196,854) (196,854) (20,288) (40,342) (60,630)


Changes in net assets 1,259,152 4,406,277 5,665,429 61,819 2,463,725 2,525,544


Net assets at beginning of year 1,710,897 5,004,576 6,715,473 1,649,078 2,540,851 4,189,929
Sit Amet 7.5

NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR $ 2,970,049 $9,410,853 $12,380,902 $1,710,897 $5,004,576 $6,715,473

statement of functional expenses for the year ended
december 31, 2006

Program Services

Republic of South
Congo Sudan Uganda Pakistan Tajikistan Kenya Chad
Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs Programs

Salaries, wages, and related benefits $ 858,180 $ 124,245 $ 357,698 $ 379,800 $ 150,982 $371,967 $ 61,973
Insurance 87,709 15,277 41,120 35,499 21,361 35,492 5,006
Rent and utilities - - - - - - -
Consultant fees 58,387 11,138 10,115 44,353 101 11,222 9,081
Travel and representation 130,192 26,796 29,951 67,766 28,348 50,861 11,010
Office supplies 96,750 9,928 34,619 15,358 4,766 47,752 6,227
Telecommunications 144,571 23,296 61,095 75,568 10,998 99,516 16,119
Publications, printing and postage 7,389 5 367 1,067 183 109 328
Equipment maintenance and rental 22,105 4,834 12,950 13,784 1,005 15,001 3,688
Depreciation and amortization (Note 8) 99,181 1,196 46,329 - - 20,240 -
Financial services and video production costs - - - - - - -
Special events - - - - - - -
Project office and housing 407,334 45,820 121,535 104,741 56,379 153,464 38,130
Vehicle, transportation and logistics 1,048,196 541,302 373,575 166,142 99,634 390,792 36,948
Project labor cost, equipment and supplies 3,351,633 867,791 1,855,531 1,367,607 393,399 1,942,676 156,254
Field office expenses subcontracted to
network (Note 3) - - - - - - -
Other 13,533 6,226 (44,858) 13,059 16,428 71,831 388

TOTAL $6,325,160 $1,677,854 $2,900,027 $2,284,744 $ 783,584 $3,210,923 $345,152

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action against hunger
Supporting Services

Total Management Total

Sri Lanka Guinea Mali Lebanon Program and Supporting
Programs Programs Programs Programs Services General Fundraising Services Total

$ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,304,845 $ 1,133,957 $ 45,170 $1,179,127 $ 3,483,972

- - - - 241,464 151,347 8,896 160,243 401,707
- - - - - 91,897 - 91,897 91,897
- 2,500 2,500 - 149,397 107,910 42,000 149,910 299,307
- - - - 344,924 100,419 - 100,419 445,343
- - - - 215,400 44,482 - 44,482 259,882
- - - - 431,163 16,706 - 16,706 447,869
- - - - 9,448 125,626 - 125,626 135,074
- - - - 73,367 25,836 - 25,836 99,203
- - - - 166,946 60,297 - 60,297 227,243
- - - - - 31,926 42,208 74,134 74,134
- - - - - - 101,386 101,386 101,386
- - - - 927,403 6,322 - 6,322 933,725
- - - - 2,656,589 - - - 2,656,589
- - - - 9,934,891 7,481 - 7,481 9,942,372

413,289 169,700 461,870 119,250 1,164,109 233,077 - 233,077 1,397,186

- - - - 76,607 31,310 - 31,310 107,917

$413,289 $172,200 $464,370 $119,250 $18,696,553 $ 2,168,593 $ 239,660 $2,408,253 $21,104,806

2006 Annual Report Financials

acf international figures

acf international network Named for its founding member, Action contre la Faim (ACF), the ACF International Network was founded in 1979
in Paris. Committed to principled humanitarian action, the network shares its combined human resources, breadth of experience, and technical ex-
pertise in its pursuit of a world without hunger. Today, the network consists of five independent organizations headquartered in New York (ACF-USA),
Paris (ACF-France), Madrid (ACF-Spain), London (ACF-UK), and Montréal (ACF-Canada).
ACF International Network operations have increased by more than 67% over the past four years. Thanks to the joint efforts of the five ACF headquar-
ters, the International Network was able to respond in a timely and effective manner to a wide range of complex humanitarian crises in 2006, including
Darfur, the aftermath of the Indonesian Tsunami, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Horn of Africa, and the Sahel.

ACF International Funding

Annual Budgets - Four Year History
n.b. - does not include ACF Canada, which only began operations in 2006







$60,000,000 ACF-UK ACF-Spain

ACF-Spain ACF-France ACF-France



2003 2004 2005 2006

action against hunger
acf international figures

ACF International Network

Revenues by Source for 2005 & 2006


UN & Government $78,954,298 $87,599,502

Individual $29,281,135 $30,707,948

Foundation/Corporate $5,279,187 $5,708,292

Other $2,239,515 $1,230,506

TOTAL REVENUES $115,754,135 $125,246,248

2006 Annual Report Financials

acf international figures

ACF International Funding

Government Donors - 2005

Other Governments United Nations

$15,225,966 $3,902,322
19% 5%

United Kingdom
$9,136,450 ECHO*
12% $30,021,283
United States

France $4,099,429
$2,211,157 5%

ACF International Field Operations

Funding by Region - 2005

latin america

southern africa $24,854,357
$6,208,402 31%

central africa middle east

$9,547,240 $1,790,239
11% 2%

west africa
$12,238,379 east africa
15% $20,908,308

10 * European Community Humanitarian Aid Department

action against hunger
acf international figures

ACF International Funding

Government Donors - 2006

Other Governments United Nations

$13,487,246 $5,635,382
15% 6%

United Kingdom

United States ECHO*

$11,212,963 $30,272,260
13% 36%

France Spain
$3,781,379 $9,928,158
4% 11%

ACF International Field Operations

Funding by Region - 2006

latin america

southern africa
2006 Annual Report Financials

central Africa middle east

$10,296,000 $3,770,798
11% 4%

west africa
$14,370,405 east africa
16% $25,810,326

* European Community Humanitarian Aid Department 11

donor lists

Action Against Hunger thanks its generous donors for joining with us in our mission to save lives
by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection, and treatment of acute malnutrition. We have compiled these lists as comprehensively
as possible, and thank the all many individuals—including those whose names do not appear below—for helping to make our work possible.

Please note listings reflect gifts received between January 1 and December 31, 2006.

MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL CORPORATIONS Donors of $1,000 Schering Corporations

DONORS up to $4,999 Schwab Fund for Charitable
Donors of $25,000
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and more Artisan Associates Giving
and Migration (BPRM) Wyoming Cancer Specialists,
Calyon Corporation The Blackstone Group
Canadian International LLC
Banque CAIXA Capital & Counties USA, Inc.
Development Agency (CIDA)
Fidelity Investments Charitable Charitable Pledge Processing
Conseil Général du Val de Gift Fund LLC
Marne (France)
Orrick, Herrington, Sutcliffe Computer Associates
European Community Foundation International
Humanitarian Aid Department
(ECHO) CRG Art Incorporated
Donors of $10,000
Food and Agriculture up to $24,999 Crystal International Group Inc
Organization of the United Credit Suisse Securities (USA) Defined Health
Nations (FAO) LLC Gelman, Rosenberg &
Office of the United Nations IBM Employee Services Center Freedman
High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) Luxottica Group Goodrich Foundation

Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Morgan Stanley Google Matching Gifts Program
Assistance (OFDA) Rothschild, Inc. Hampshire Hotels & Resorts
United Kingdom Department Wachovia Securities Home Depot Foundation
for International Development Matching Gift Program
(DFID) Donors of $5,000
International Creative
up to $9,999
United Nations Children’s Fund Management, Inc.
(UNICEF) Adtek Information Systems, Inc.
The McGraw Hill Companies,
United Nations Development Ales Group Inc.
Programme (UNDP) Bausch & Lomb Incorporated Microsoft Giving Campaign
United Nations World Food Deutsche Bank Americas Neiman Marcus Group
Programme (WFP) Foundation Matching Gift Program
United States Agency for Made2Manage Systems Inc. NFI Massachusetts, Inc
International Development
(USAID) Quinlan Private Pepsico Foundation
Reem Bridals, Inc. Pfizer Foundation Matching
Tyco Matching Gifts Program Gifts Program

Weil, Gotshal & wManges LLP Rubin-Lobo LLC

action against hunger
FOUNDATIONS & INDIVIDUALS & FAMILY Naddisy Foundation, Inc. Peter & Elizabeth Vanderslice
ORGANIZATIONS FOUNDATIONS Sawaya Family Foundation Paul A. Zrimsek
Donors of $10,000 Donors of $25,000 Karim F. Tabet
up to $24,999 and more Donors of $1,000
Christy Turlington Burns up to $4,999
United Way of Brevard Joseph G. & Claude Audi
Thomas B. Walker Susannah Alle
Donors of $5,000 René-Pierre & Alexis Azria
up to $9,999 Wendy Weiler Richard & Lynda Amey
Raymond Debbane
Comfort Aid International Donors of $5,000 Mahyar Amirsaleh
Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo
Network For Good up to $9,999 Philippe J. Amouyal
Burton K. Haimes
The New York Community Marla Mayer & Chris Ahearn Anonymous
Daniel & Pascale Knapp
Trust Anonymous Jean-Pierre Arnoux
Ketty P. Maisonrouge
San Francisco Foundation Adrienne Armstrong David Asseoff
Jean-Marc Moriani
Donors of $1,000 Betty Bobrow Anita Babikian
John & Wendy Neu
up to $4,999 Melanie Branca Joseph & Frances A. Bachman
Daniel & Pascale Py
Arcadia University William C. A. Clancy Margaret Barkley Byess
Cody J. Smith
Artists Against Hunger Jack M. Cohen Khallil Barrage
Bradford Woods Community Donors of $10,000 Robert de Rothschild F. & Veronique Batrus
Church up to $24,999
Hester Diamond Dorene Beller
Central High School Henri Barguirdjian
Jonas Fajgenbaum Fabrizio Bentivoglio
The Community Foundation of George A. Bitar
Sabina Fila Deborah Berger
Greater New Haven Dominic Castriota
Elise K. Haas Bogota Savings Bank
Enterprise Foundation Daniel & Jill Dienst
Robert & Soledad Hurst John N. Brady
The Greenwich Country Day Nicole Douillet
School Hisashi & Kuniko Juba Marc & Ursula Brune
Blair W. Effron
The Henry M. Gunn High Habib Kairouz Howard G. Buffett
School John & Melissa Eydenberg
Chang H. Kim Michele Busy-Chammah
The Edward W. Hazen Pierre & Isabelle Fay
Kathy Lafreniere Philo Calhoun
Foundation Jeffrey R. Gural
Yves Leperlier Keith & Louise Carlson
HOPE Sudbury Linda Huett
Craig S. Medwick Michael & Constance Carroll
2006 Annual Report Financials
I Do Foundation William T. Hyde, III
Harlan Moore Olivier Cassegrain Kathleen Begala & Yves-André
Istel Catherine Orentreich Kenneth & Shirley Ceradsky
Lancaster Country Day School
Earl L. Linehan Marcy & Paul Pfeiffer Sandra Chalstrom
The Nightingale-Bamford
School John J. Mack Craig Pierce Clifford Chance
Sacremento American Women Chris A. & Jeanne Markel Pierre Pottier David Coleman
in Radio & Television (AWRT) Mandakini & Radhika Puri James Cook
Donald & Shelly Meltzer
The Vasicek Foundation Edward & Barbara Shapiro David & Debra Cooper
Maurice R. Meslans & Margaret
Westlake Church of Religious Holyfield Mario Soussou Araldo & Patricia Cossutta

donor lists

Deborah Cowal James Harmon McManus Jennifer Sevigny

Christopher Cox Robert S. Harrison Glen McDonald Glenn Shaikun
Jean-Pierre & Stacy Daccache Kathryn Hartmann Stacey Mednick Susan Shroyer
Elizabeth de Cuevas Maria Hayata Henry S. Miller Greg & Karen Shunick
Michel de Rosen Frank Hermantin Achim & Colette Moeller Jane Sinauer
Nina Del Rio Gregory Hill Richard S. Moffitt Rabinder P. Singh
Everett DePangher Mark Holzberg Dustin Moskovitz Narinder Singh
Kay M. Diederich Dan Horgan Michele F. Moss Basil G. Skalkeas
Ronald E. Dilday Christopher Hughes Mysti Murphy Elizabeth Smith-Malik
Adam Dingle Scott James Khalil A. Nayla Hadchiti Christopher & Patrice Sobecki
Abigail Disney Mark Johnson Raluca Neacsu Abigail Somma
Harry & Chant Dolman- Andrea & Mark Kaplan Arthur Norcross Inky Song
Dussouchaud Walter E. Keating John Ohly Tracy J. Straus
Camacho Dominique Gary Knell Tiffany Olson Thelma Sullivan
John Dougherty Robert & Ida Kowit Penny L. Phelan Philippe & Joumana Tager
William Doyle Bruce Kraus Ron Phillips Matthew Tate
Ed & Joyce Drake Family Fund Lynn Lagos Robert & Tracey Pruzan William & Villabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Estes Catherine & Henry Lanier Frederic & Maria Ragucci Richard L. Thiel
Mollie Favour & Bradley Miller Marilyn Lawrence Annapurna Ramanarayanan Linda Vitaletti
Kerri Fersel Clint Laytham A. Douglas Rao Henry & Margaret Vosswinkel
Randall Fisher Stephen Ledoux & Julie Dien Amanda Rich Rubina Wahid
Jody Fleischer Zeno Lee Rimerman Family Foundation David & Coleen Weeks
Arthur Fleischer Jr. Gerald L. Lennard Lai Shan Siu & Stephen Rishton Stephan Wessels
Jean-Louis Galliot Judith Lidsky Nancy Romero James Wiener
Terry George Patricia Lizarraga Beatrice Schreter & Charles Ethan Wohl
Mark D. Giarratana, Esq. Rose
Emily Lizcano Tony Wolff
Walter Gibat, Jr. & Nancy James & Alice Ross
Michel & Odile de Schietere Peter & Carolan Workman
Gibat Longchampt David Rush Myrth York
Adam D. Glickman Nancy Gray & Thomas Lynch Camile G. Saba
Marc & Mariannick Gobe Gina G. MacArthur Jennifer L. Schiff
Margaret Graff C. Alan MacDonald Douglas Schloss
Anne M. Grayhack & Alison Holtzschue
James R. Malone
James Greenwood Michael Schloss
Daniel Martinelli
Bryan Grieme Ruth Schwartz
Sishush Maru
Erik & Christiane Grotness Jennifer Schwarz
Charles & Ursula Massoud
Dave & Carol Hansen Randy Seeley
John McDermott & Victoria

action against hunger
VOLUNTEERS, INTERNS, organizational efficiency
Ama Korma Baidu-Forson
Rachel Berger Management & Fundraising
Le Bernadin Administration $138,274
$2,168,593 0.7%
Bill Blass 10.3%
Nina Rabinovitch Blecker
Rolando Brown
Chefs for Humanity
Cat Coro
Program Services
Daniel $18,696,553
Robert de Rothschild
Dana Finkelstein
Maya Grant
Blaise Hayward
Karoline Kothe
Alex Krstevski
L’Olivier Downtown
action against hunger consistently receives top marks
Luxottica Group from rating agencies like the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance,
Macallan Scotch Whiskey Charity Navigator (receiving their highest 4-star rating), the American Insti-
tute for Philanthropy (top-rated with an “A+”), the Independent Charities of
Kristin L. McFetridge America (as a “Best in America” nonprofit), and Guidestar. As an operational
Veronica Moreno agency that directly oversees the implementation of our own programs,
we are committed to a policy of transparency and disclosure by ensuring
New York Giants
that key financial information is publicly available and that our programs
Jamie Niven undergo external evaluation to assess their impact.
Nicholas Pappas
Robert Polidori 2006 Annual Report Financials
Stefanie Schlüter
Virginie Sommet
Alice Stock
Heather Strack
The Thomas Group Printing
Monsieur Touton Selections, Ltd.
Henry Weil
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Amber Zuberi

The Justice of Eating: The Struggle Misère urbaine: la faim cachée Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Assessment and Treatment
for Food and Dignity in Recent Action Against Hunger, Editions Au for Populations at Risk of Malnutrition in Emergency
Humanitarian Crises diable vauvert, 2006: Action Against Hunger, Hermann Situations
Hunger Watch Report, Action Paris, France (127 pages) Editeurs des Sciences et des Arts, Claudine Prudhon, Action Against
Against Hunger, Pluto Press, 2005: Paris, France (801 pages) Hunger, Imprimerie Compedit
Five Agence VU photographers
2007-08: London, UK (102 pages) Beauregard, 2002:
visited ACF’s programs to An instructional manual for both
Paris, France (317 pages)
An assessment of hunger in give photographic voice to the emergency and development
several African case studies, this phenomenon of urban hunger, settings, this authoritative book Intended for those with significant
book weaves personal testimonies creating a startling companion condenses ACF’s three decades medical training, this manual
into a a powerful indictment of piece to ACF’s study on urban of expertise in extending water combines ACF’s proven field
the institutions, structures, and hunger, La faim dans les villes. and sanitation improvements to expertise with the latest scientific
processes that account for the populations in need. insights to create an indispensable
persistence of hunger today. La faim dans les villes guide for the treatment and
The Geopolitics of Hunger: prevention of malnutrition.
Eric Levron, Action Against
Water and HIV: Working for Hunger, Hermann Editeurs, 2006: The Geopolitics of Responsibility
Positive Solutions Paris, France (158 pages) (2003-04) The Geopolitics of Hunger:
Hunger as a Weapon (1998-99)
Hunger Watch Report, Urban demographics are explosive Vendôme Impressions,
Action Against Hunger, 2007: and set to grow by 100,000 Groupe Landais, 2004: Presses Universitaires de France,
London, UK (102 pages) Paris, France (300 pages) 1998: Paris, France (303 pages)
people a day for the next 30 years,
Poor water and sanitary conditions promising an upswing in urban The Geopolitics of Responsibility Action Against Hunger’s flagship
complicate the treatment of hunger, a phenomenon with its takes a hard look at the actors who publication investigates the uses of
malnutrition for people living with own dynamics. This important contribute to the persistence of hunger as a political instrument.
HIV/AIDS, but Action Against assessment presents studies of urban global hunger—the roles played This volume also offers inspiring
Hunger’s ongoing research and field hunger in the D.R. Congo, Haiti, by armed groups, government examples of ACF’s field programs
work offer a range of proven, cost- Argentina, and Liberia. institutions, the international that deliver lasting solutions to
effective solutions. community, and more. global hunger.
Regards sur le monde:
Les visages de la faim The Geopolitics of Hunger: Souffles du monde
Women & Hunger:
Hunger and Power (2001-02)
Women Play a Central Role Action Against Hunger, Action Against Hunger, BBK
in the Fight Against Hunger Editions Acropole, 2005: Edition, 1998: Paris, France
Paris, France (224 pages) Action Against Hunger, Lynne
Hunger Watch Report, Action Rienner Publishers, 2002: Eleven renowned photographers
Against Hunger, 2006-07: A group of notable Agence VU Boulder, CO, USA (354 pages) take an intimate tour of ACF’s field
Paris, France (41 pages) photographers give artful testimony programs where each reconstructs
Combining the concrete experience
As the principal providers for to the contexts in which ACF an alternate vision of global

action against hunger publications

Action Against Hunger’s International Network publishes a number
of works for a variety of audiences each year. A sizeable catalogue of
more specialized resources—context analyses, regional assessments,
community surveys, and special field reports—can also be found online at

families around the world, women works, documenting the daily humanitarian efforts through the
of ACF’s field staff with solid
are key partners in the struggle struggles for life and dignity that urgency of the stories and portraits
academic research, this page-
to end hunger and agencies must confront so many communities captured on film.
turning study and indictment of
incorporate such realities into around the world.
the status quo is sure to capture
the very design of their the imagination of any activist or
humanitarian programs. student of world affairs.

action against hunger


Executive Director
Geoffrey M. Glick Patrick Mouton
Director of External Relations Financial Director

James Phelan Jeff Gaal

David Blanc Senior External Relations Officer HQ Financial Comptroller
Program Director
Karen Dumonet Luis Manuel Garcia
Marie-Sophie Simon Senior Events & Donor Relations Officer Field Financial Comptroller
Senior Nutrition Advisor
Barbara McKinnon Mauro Cabrera
David Doledec Events & Grants Officer Field Financial Officer
Nutrition Advisor
Tina Chen Michael Gumbley
Devrig Velly Web Developer Field Financial Officer
Food Security Advisor
Teresa Coffey Nelger Rios
Youcef Hammache Database & Donor Stewardship Assistant Financial Director
Desk Officer/Mission Manager Coordinator
Foday Kangbai
Karine Milhorgne David Keniry IT Officer
Desk Officer/Mission Manager Communications Fellow


Philippe Rosen
Human Resources Director

Jackie MacLeod
HR Coordinator 2006 Annual Report Financials

Brendan Tronconi
HR Coordinator

William Lesane
Office Manager/Assistant

Action Against Hunger staff as December 31, 2007

247 West 37th Street, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Tel: +1 212.967.7800
Fax: +1 212.967.5480

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