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Influence on switchgear of rules pertaining to disconnection and protection of neutral conductor and phase conductors

The application to circuit-breakers of all the rules described above has been summarised in table 2-11.
Earthing systems

Reminder: protection against indirect contact Circuit to be protected single-phase by RCD




by circuit-breaker by circuit-breaker by circuit-breaker or fuse or fuses (1) or fuses (1)

(C )



(A )

(A )



three-phase + neutral

3P N

Sn = S ph
(C )

three-phase + neutral

3P N
(B )

Sn < S ph
(B ) (B ) (C )

Table 2-11: disconnection rules and choice of switchgear

: (1) this symbol represents the circuit-breaker short circuit and overload tripping relays

: if the length of the wiring system exceeds the limit ensuring protection against indirect contact, an RCD must be installed.

149 Elecrical Distribution

( A)

authorised in TT

and TN earthing systems when an RCD is installed at the origin of

the circuit or upstream and if there is no earthing transformer downstream of it.

( B) authorised in

TT and TN

earthing systems if the neutral conductor is protected against

short circuits by protective devices against phase-to-phase faults and if the normal duty current is notably lower than its current-carrying capacity.

( C) authorised in the

IT earthing system in certain conditions: if the circuit is part of a set of

homogenous terminal outgoing feeders the highest and lowest ratings of which do not exceed the ratio of 2 and on condition that an RCD having a sensitivity lower than or equal to 15 % of the rating of the smallest outgoing feeder is installed upstream of these outgoing feeders.


Interaction between medium voltage and low voltage (see fig. 2-50-e)

Any insulation fault occurring on the medium voltage part of an MV / LV substation has repercussions on the low voltage network that it supplies; this leads especially to the development of overvoltages and rises in the potential of the exposed conductive parts which may cause breakdown of equipment and be dangerous for people, if the provisions for limiting them are not taken when the network is being designed. The description of these phenomena and the provisions to be taken for protection against them are described in paragraph - overvoltages. Their development depends on the configuration of the earth electrodes of the neutral and exposed conductive parts as well as the way the substation and installation exposed conductive parts are earthed. In order to study them, IEC 364-4-442 takes the seven earthing systems grouped together in table 2-12. Their behaviour on occurrence of an insulation fault on the medium voltage part of the substation is analysed in paragraph - overvoltages.

L V in s ta lla tio n M V P P P P h h h E 1 2 3 N LV

rS N


rSN I f

T N C e a rth in g s y s te m

Figure 2-50-e: example of a rise in potential of the LV exposed conductive parts for a fault on the medium voltage part of the substation

150 Elecrical Distribution

TN a system
the MV/LV earthed transformer neutral is solidly


the exposed conductive parts of the LV installation are connected to the neutral conductor the exposed conductive parts of the substation are connected to the neutral earth electrode.


TN b system
the MV/LV earthed transformer neutral is solidly


the exposed conductive parts of the LV installation are connected to the neutral conductor the exposed conductive parts of the substation are connected to a separate earth electrode from that of the neutral.



rN P

TT a system
the MV/LV transformer neutral point is solidly earthed the exposed conductive parts of the LV installation are interconnected and connected to a different earth electrode from that of the neutral the exposed conductive parts of the substation are connected to the neutral earth electrode



TT b system
the MV/LV earthed transformer neutral is solidly


the exposed conductive parts of the LV installation are interconnected and connected to a different earth electrode from that of the neutral the exposed conductive parts of the substation are connected to a different earth electrode from that of the neutral and that of the exposed conductive parts of the installation.


rS rN


Table 2-12: interactions between medium and low voltage

151 Elecrical Distribution

IT a system
the MV/LV transformer neutral is unearthed or earthed via an impedance the exposed conductive parts of the LV installation are interconnected and connected to the neutral earth electrode the exposed conductive parts of the substation are connected to the neutral earth electrode.




overv o lta g e lim ite r


IT b system
the MV/LV transformer neutral is unearthed or earthed via an impedance the exposed conductive parts of the LV installation are interconnected and connected to a separate earth electrode from that of the neutral the exposed conductive parts of the substation are connected to the neutral earth electrode.




o verv o lta g e lim ite r


IT c system
the MV/LV transformer neutral is unearthed or earthed via an impedance the earth electrodes of the substation, neutral and exposed conductive parts of the installation are separate.




o ve rv o lta g e lim ite r





Table 2-12 (cont.): interactions between medium and low voltage

152 Elecrical Distribution


Comparison of different low voltage earthing systems - choice

Comparison of different earthing systems TT earthing system

- this is the simplest solution to implement. In France, it can be used for installations directly supplied by the low voltage public distribution network - it does not require any specific monitoring although a regular inspection of the residual current devices may be necessary - protection is ensured by residual current devices ( RCD ) which also make it possible for fire risks to be prevented when the device sensitivity is 500 mA - each insulation fault leads to disconnection. This disconnection can be limited to the only faulty circuit by setting up an appropriate selectivity - loads or installation parts, which generate high earth leakage currents, must be fitted with suitable RCD in order to avoid spurious tripping. TN earthing system

- in France, it can only be used in installations fed by a private MV/LV or LV/LV transformer - it requires earthing of the protective conductor at regular intervals - it requires the operation of the protective devices against phase-to-phase faults to be checked for an insulation fault - it requires any modification or extension to be carried out by qualified personnel fully conversant with implementation rules - on occurrence of an insulation fault, it may lead to considerable deterioration of the windings of rotating machines and sensitive equipment, - in premises where there is a risk of fire, it may be dangerous due to the high value of the fault currents.

153 Elecrical Distribution

The TN C earthing system: - installation savings may be made since one pole and one conductor are removed - it involves the use of fixed and rigid wiring systems - it is forbidden in premises where there is a risk of fire - during insulation faults it generates a high level of electromagnetic disturbances which may damage sensitive electronic equipment or disturb their operation - unbalance currents, third harmonics and multiples of third harmonics circulate in the PEN protective conductor and may be the cause of multiple disturbances.

The TN S earthing system: - this can be used even in the presence of flexible conductors or wiring systems with a small cross-sectional area - through the separation of the neutral and protective conductor it allows good equipotential bonding of the exposed conductive parts to be maintained and the level of electromagnetic disturbances to be reduced. It is thus recommended for computing premises - it is compulsory in premises where there is a risk of fire, if the installation has a TN earthing system. IT earthing system

- in France it can only be used in installations supplied by a private MV/LV or LV/LV transformer - it is the solution that ensures the best continuity of service - signalling of the first insulation fault followed by its location and clearance allows any interruptions in power supply to be systematically prevented - it requires maintenance personnel for monitoring and operation - it requires network insulation to be maintained in good condition - any modification or extension must be carried out by qualified personnel fully conversant with implementation rules - it involves dividing up the network if it is very widespread and loads with a high earth leakage current being fed by an insulating transformer - it requires the operation of protective devices against phase-to-phase faults to be checked for a double insulation fault.

154 Elecrical Distribution


Choice of earthing system Earthing system performances

The performances of earthing systems can be assessed according to the following six criteria: - protection against electric shocks - protection against fires of electrical origin - supply continuity - protection against overvoltages - protection against electromagnetic disturbances - implementation requirements.

protection against electric shocks All earthing systems ensure equal protection against electric shocks as long as they are implemented and used in compliance with standards.

protection against fires

TT and IT earthing system

On occurrence of an insulation fault in a TT and IT earthing system the value of the current generated by the fault is respectively low or very low, and the risk of fire is smaller than in a TN earthing system.

TN-C earthing system

The risk of fire in a TN C earthing system is high. Indeed, the load unbalance current permanently flows not only through the PEN conductor, but also through the elements which are connected to it: metallic structures, exposed conductive parts, shielding, etc., and may cause a fire. In the event of a solid fault, the value of the current generated by the insulation fault is high and there is therefore a considerable risk. In the event of an impedant fault, the TN C earthing system, which does not allow the use of a residual current device, does not guarantee sufficient protection since tripping is not ensured. This is why it is forbidden in premises where there is a high risk of explosion or fire. It is necessary to change to a TN S earthing system combined with the use of residual current devices.

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supply continuity Choosing the IT earthing system allows all the harmful consequences of an insulation fault to be avoided: - voltage dip - disturbances caused by the fault current - damage to equipment - opening of the faulty outgoing feeder. If it is correctly used the likelihood of a second fault occurring is eliminated and supply continuity is also guaranteed.

protection against overvoltages In all earthing systems, protection against overvoltages may be necessary. For further details concerning the installation of such means, refer to chapter 5.

protection against electromagnetic disturbances It does not matter which system is chosen: - for all differential mode disturbances - for all common mode or differential mode disturbances having a frequency above the MHz. The TT , TN S and IT earthing systems are able to meet all electromagnetic compatibility criteria if they are correctly implemented. Note simply that the TN S earthing system causes more disturbances throughout the duration of the fault since the fault current is higher. On the other hand, the TN C or TN C S (1) earthing systems are not recommended. Indeed, in these earthing systems, a continuous fault current owing to the load unbalance and the presence of third and multiples of third harmonics flows through the PEN conductor, the exposed conductive parts of equipment and the cable shielding.

TN C S means that a TN S earthing system is used downstream of a TN C earthing system.

156 Elecrical Distribution

implementation requirements The TT earthing system, as well as the TN S earthing system when it is installed with residual current devices, are the simplest to implement. The TN S earthing system without residual current devices and the TN C and IT earthing systems require operation of the protective devices against phase-to-phase faults to be checked. This leads to the maximum lengths of wiring systems being limited and requires the intervention of qualified personnel to carry out extensions and modifications to the installation. Choice and recommendations for use (see table 2-13)

When it is possible to choose the earthing system, the choice is carried out cases by case, based on the requirements relating to the electrical installation, the loads, the user's needs and regulations. It is often advantageous not to choose one system for the entire installation.

the TT earthing system is recommended for installations with little monitoring and future extensions Indeed, this is the simplest earthing system to implement and use.

the IT earthing system is recommended if there is a service continuity requirement Indeed, the IT earthing system guarantees better energy availability. On the other hand, it requires: - implementation rules to be respected - problems generated by earth leakage currents to be taken into account - a qualified maintenance service for the location and clearance of the first insulation fault as well as for installation extensions and modifications.

157 Elecrical Distribution

the TN S earthing system is recommended for installations with few future changes It is generally set up without any residual current device. The currents generated by an insulation fault are high and may cause: - temporary disturbances - risks of extensive damage - fires. Like the IT earthing system it requires the implementation rules to be respected. If medium-sensitivity residual current devices are installed, they provide this earthing system with better protection against fires and flexibility in design and use.

with respect to withstand to overvoltages and electromagnetic disturbances, the IT , TT and TN S earthing systems which have been built in compliance with the rules of the art are generally satisfactory; the TNC or TNC C S (1) earthing system, on the other hand, is not recommended as it continuously constitutes a number of risks and notably: - voltage drops along the PEN - circulation of current in the metallic structures, shielding and exposed conductive parts - radiated magnetic field - absence of protection against impedant insulation faults - in the event of a solid fault, the current value is high, hence the risk of considerable damage.

TNC C S means that a TN S earthing system is used downstream of a TN C earthing system.

158 Elecrical Distribution

Loads sensitive to fault currents Loads sensitive to electromagnetic disturbance Premises where there is a risk of fire Installation with frequent modifications Installation where the continuity of earth circuits is uncertain (work sites) Need for service continuity Network, loads with high leakage currents NR NR





NR(1) NR P

P(1) R R

R(1) NR NR





(1) the use of a < 500 mA sensitive

RCD is compulsory


: Recommended : Possible : Forbidden

NR : Not Recommended

Table 2-13: choice of earthing system

Economic analysis

Any economic analysis must take into account all the costs: - design studies - equipment costs - maintenance - modifications and extensions - production losses. It must be underlined that only a complete economic analysis really reflects the advantage for the final user.

159 Elecrical Distribution


Earthing systems used in medium voltage installations

This paragraph deals with the type of earthing for the HV/MV or MV/MV substation exposed conductive parts, the MV neutral and the MV installation exposed conductive parts. 2.12.1. Principles and earthing systems used in medium voltage

If we consider public distribution networks and industrial or tertiary private networks without making any distinction between them, we can see that the same earthing system principles are used in each. In other words : - solidly earthed neutral - unearthed neutral - resistance earthing - reactance earthing - partially or totally tuned Petersen coil earthing. These principles are summarised in table 2-15. The advantages and drawbacks of each system are described in table 2-16. As far as standards are concerned, only French standard NF C 13-200 (article 312) gives a precise definition of earthing systems and draws up implementation rules. The systems are defined by a code with three letters. the first letter specifies the situation of the MV neutral point in relation to earth We can distinguish between: - installations having a solidly earthed neutral point, installations designated by the letter T - installations having an unearthed or impedance earthed neutral point, installations designated by the first letter I . the second letter specifies the situation of the exposed conductive parts of the MV installation We can distinguish between: - installations with exposed conductive parts being directly connected to the earthed neutral point, installations designated by a second letter N - installations with exposed conductive parts being directly earthed, regardless of any possible neutral earthing, installations designated by a second letter T .

160 Elecrical Distribution

the third letter specifies any possible connections between the exposed conductive parts of the HV/MV or MV/MV substation, the MV neutral point and the exposed conductive parts of the MV installation We can distinguish between: - installations whose supply substation exposed conductive parts are connected to the same earth electrode as that of the neutral and of the installation's exposed conductive parts, installations designated by a third letter R - installations whose supply substation exposed conductive parts are connected to the neutral earth electrode, with the exposed conductive parts of the installation being connected to a separate earth electrode, installations designated by a third letter N - installations whose supply substation exposed conductive parts, neutral and installation exposed conductive parts are connected to separate earth electrodes, installations designated by a third letter S . In practice, French standard C13-200 only takes the six systems shown in table 2-14.



H V or M V


H V or M V


rS N

rS N


H V or M V


H V or M V


rS N


rS N


H V or M V


H V or M V








Table 2-14: definition of neutral earthign systems in medium voltage

161 Elecrical Distribution


Recommended earthing systems in industrial or tertiary installations

In public distribution, all the types of earthing system mentioned in table 2-15 can be found. Choices vary according to the country, from the solidly earthed neutral to the Petersen coil earthed neutral, and have been in use for several decades and are in some cases not entirely adapted to the present situation of networks and environmental conditions. Thus, the initial choices are currently being called into question and there is a general movement towards partially tuned Petersen coil earthing. A choice which has been thought through is always a compromise as it implements multiple and complex phenomena as well as economic considerations. We shall not deal with this topic in this guide as it only concerns private networks and installations.

For networks and private installations, limiting resistor earthing or unearthed neutral systems are recommended when service continuity is imperative. Indeed, the latter enables the power supply not to be disconnected on occurrence of a first insulation fault. Solid neutral earthing or earthing via a tuned coil are not recommended. The solidly earthed neutral generates very high fault currents which are always damaging for the load and lead to the occurrence of touch voltages able to exceed a thousand volts. The implementation of neutral earthing via a tuned coil is both delicate and costly. It should only really be used for very widespread networks where the power supply must not be interrupted on occurrence of a first insulation fault. In practice this case is fairly rare. The operating techniques, advantages and drawbacks of each earthing system are given in table 2-16.

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