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O-MOBILEMAMCIS FARMERS VALUE CHAIN As A Joint Initiative Of Kemson Concept Limited, African Capital & Business Support Limited, Mechanized Agricultural Investment Services Limited, Whattodonext Limited, Ipave Consult International Limited and Raysida International Foundation In Collaboration With Coconut Avenue MFB Limited And OMOBILE Multimedia Cooperative Limited Version 8.0

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

1. ESTABLISHMENT OF OMOBILEMAMCIS ALA FARMERS NETWORK Kemson Concept Limited and Africa Capital & Business Support Limited has recently acquired Coconut Avenue Microfinance Bank Limited operating as a Unit Microfinance Bank in Lagos and planes to recapitalize the Bank to N2 Billion National Microfinance Bank under the new Microfinance Bank Policy of Central Bank of Nigeria. Africa Capital & Business Support Limited have also incorporated a new Company Called Mechanized Agricultural Investment and Services Limited to operate a Strategic Agric SME Business Development programme from the offices of Coconut Avenue Microfinance Bank Limited. Kemson Concept Limited has developed a new Business Unit Called Open Mobile Network to operate a Strategic Telecom SME Business as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator from the offices of Coconut Avenue Microfinance Bank Limited. Whattodonext Limited has developed a new business Unit called Open Transaction and Accounting Management Services to Micro, Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises. This strategic SME Business Development programme will operate from the offices of Coconut Avenue Microfinance Bank Limited. Ipave Consult International Limited and Atlantic HMO Limited have developed a Unique Health Management Programme Called: Bonus Health Plan. This health management programme will be operated in partnership with Coconut Avenue Microfinance Bank Limited. This consortium working with Raysida International Foundation have identified a huge opportunities that exist therein in the Agricultural, Telecoms, SME Consulting Services, Health Management and Microfinance Sectors that can be integrated into some unique life changing product lines for new and existing Small and Medium Farmers who join our O-MobileMAMCIS Network. Kemson O-Mobile MVNO Network is an innovative Post Paid Telecommunication Customer- focused Service in Nigeria operating as the first Microfinance Focused Post Paid Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) powered by a GSM Company and CDMA Operator. Kemson O-Mobile Business Unit have developed a unique 3MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing: Multi-LevelMentoring: Multi-Level-Microcredit) Business Model for O-Mobile Post Paid Telecommunications Services integrated with Limited Partnership (Non Interest) Microfinance Methodology. O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Network Membership will be open to farmers to be known as OMobileMAMCIS Farmers. Kemson O-Mobile will focus on developing the capacity of O-MobileMAMCIS ALAs to use Smart Mobile Devices Powered by O-Mobile Post Paid Telecommunications Services Integrated with our Limited Partnership Microcredit Services from our Microfinance Bank to Automate some aspect of their Personal Life and Farming Processes and improve the overall quality of their lives. O-MobileMAMCIS must be willing and able to subscribe to O-Mobile Post Paid MVNO Telecommunications Services integrated with Limited Partnership Microfinance Services from partner Microfinance Banks and Channel Partners. Kemson O-Mobile will be a Post-Paid Mobile Virtual Network Channel of MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS Platform and thus creating a shift in members mentality towards post-paid as against pre-paid services. Kemson O-Mobile Network will provide a no frills, honest, transparent and fairly priced postpaid Telecom services. Kemson O-Mobile 3MLM Business Model will further be integrated with top class Micro Insurance Products powered by a consortium of insurance companies to take care of any other risk that the 3MLM Business Model could not take care off in our proposed Post Paid and Farming
Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

Financial Services in Nigeria. Within this same framework, Kemson Concept Limited and partner Insurance Companies will partner with Microfinance Banks to deliver some life changing 3MLM Micro Insurance Services to O-MobileMAMCIS Associates. O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Network will leverage the Agricultural Credit Support Scheme (ACGS), the Nigerian Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NISRA) and the cash less economy policies of Central Bank of Nigeria, while liaising with various States and Federal Government agencies with the active Collaboration and participation of Partner Commercial Banks. A very reputable Commodity Trading Network operating in Dubai, Singapore and UK will be the buyer of last choice of all the Agric products produced from the scheme. The Commercial Bank will be the Settlement Banks to the MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS Platform. 1.1 SOURCE OF FUNDING FARMERS ON O-MOBILEMAMCIS FARMERS NETWORK One of the MFIFlex_COLLECTPLUS products that will be offered by Channel Partners is the Unlimited Talk Plan. The Billing Platform for Unlimited Talk Plan is as follows:

O-Mobile Call Rates Call Rates Within The Guarantee Usage Plan (Tentative For Discussion)
1 Daily Line Rentals 2 O-Mobile To O-Mobile 3 O-Mobile To CDMA Mobile 4 O-Mobile To Other CDMA Networks 5 O-Mobile To GMS Network 6 O-Mobile To Mobile 7 O-Mobile To Others 8 O-Mobile To International 9 O-Mobile To International Zone 1 10 O-Mobile To International Zone 1 11 O-Mobile To International Zone 1 50 Free Unlimited 10 Kobo/Second 19 Kobo/Second 21 Kobo/Second 5 Per/SMS 10 Per/SMS 15 Per/SMS Pending Pending Pending `

Kemson Unlimited Talk Plan is available on a 3 years Post Paid Contract Package for a N6 , 500.00 Guaranteed Minimum Usage. Every O-Mobile Unlimited Talk Client deposit N6, 500.00 with Kemson as security deposit to cover 50% of the Credit Risk on N13,000.00 Post Paid Exposure on the Post Paid Services on O-Mobile MVNO Platform. In other to activate a Kemson Unlimited Talk Plan, our contract with Telecommunications Company requires a security deposit of N800.00 for every Voice Clients. So we will deposit N800.00 with Partner Telecommunications and the balance N5, 700.00 from the
Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

Security Deposit will be invested in SecureInvest Trust AG in Switzerland. This means that for every 100,000.00 O-MobileMAMCIS Farmer Associates that subscribes to O-Mobile Unlimited Talk, Kemson will invest N570, 000,000.00 in SecureInvest Trust AG. This investment of N570,000,000.00 will be leveraged to create an O-MobileMAMCIS Micro Credit Fund of N57,000,000,000.00 for O-Mobile MAMCIS Micro Credit Programme over a 12-Month period. 1.2 HOW THIS PROGRAMME WORKS O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Network works Exclusively with Participating Cooperatives as Channel Partners to develop subsistent farmers into Mechanized and Commercial Farmers Powered by MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS Microfinance Processing Platform. MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS Processing Hub provides an end-to-end technology solution for Bank of Agriculture as Partner Settlement Bank and Partner Microfinance Banks as Hosted Solution to increase productivity and business opportunities through O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Network. The diagram below shows the framework of the platform:

MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS Processing Hub will also help to integrate Partner Microfinance Institutions with other key participants from across the economy to create a more efficient and vibrant Agricultural Micro financial ecosystem

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

Participating Agricultural Cooperative Societies duly registered with O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers and Participating Microfinance Banks are expected to sponsor a Minimum of 2,000 O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers into the programme with a N13, 000,000.00 Secured Loan Portfolio package as MicroSecureInvest Limited Partnership Trust Loan of N6, 500.00 for each of the 2,000 OMobileMAMCIS Farmers they are sponsoring into the Network. This N13, 000,000.00 MicroSecureInvest Limited Partnership Loan is used by Kemson Concept Limited and Africa Capital & Business Support Limited (Operators of O-Mobile and MAMCIS programme) to secure the 2,000 O-Mobile Post Paid Unlimited Talk Contract Phone Lines from our Telco partners under our MVNO Contract (See the Executed LOI and the MVNO Contract Attached) needed for these O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers to become O-Mobile Empowered Farmers. This contract allows us to offer Post Paid MVNO Phones Services and Mobile Collection Services to O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Members Nationwide. We will need a Minimum of 10,000.00 Members per state to jumpstart the programme. This will give us an initial 10,000.00 O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Network Members and a take-off Fund of N65,000,000.00 (Sixty Five Million Naira) O-MobileMAMCIS Fund. 1.3 WHY IS THIS N6, 500.00 CALLED A MICROSECUREINVEST O-MOBILEMAMCIS LOAN PORTFOLIO FOR PARTICIPATING MEMBERS? This is so because the Microfinance Bank can never lose this money. After we pay the security deposit to Partner for the 1,000 Post Paid Phone Accounts, Partner Telecommunications will create 1,000 Post Paid Phone Account with two months Phone access period for N13, 000.00 and these lines are domiciled in the Microfinance Bank as security for the Loan. At this point, the phone lines have not been handed to the O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers yet so there is no exposure yet for the Microfinance Bank. After a Farmer joins O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Network and he wants to start using his phone, he MUST pay joining fees of N18, 000, 00 into Kemson Concept Limited Account in the Sponsoring Microfinance Bank. This Account of the Participating Microfinance Bank is a Special Paymaster O-Mobile Settlement Account in OMobile Custodian Commercial Bank connected to MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS Platform.

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

The N18, 000.00 represents: N6,500.00 Security Deposit for the monthly Phone access N5, 000.00 Security Deposit for the Mobile Phone N5,000.00 Account Opening for O-Mobile Money Account N1,500.00 O-MobileMAMCIS National ID Card (Issued in collaboration with the Federal Government and the National Identity Management Commission New Identity Number Scheme) This mean that every N6,500,000.00 Secure Loan to 1,000 O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers for 1,000 postpaid Phone access accounts with Partner Telecommunications will create N18,000,000.00 Float for participating Microfinance Banks in Kemson Custodian Account giving the Microfinance Bank a net float of N11,500.000.00. O-Mobile Secured Loan for 90 Days Only The N6, 500,000.00 is a Loan to O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers is a 90days Loan only as each loan is repaid as soon as each member joins the programme, so as long as the sponsoring Cooperative who sponsored the Membership into O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers and the staffs are able to market new 1,000 members to join O- Mobile MAMCIS Farmers Network in 90 days, the Microfinance Bank will recover the loan in 90 days. O-Mobile Custodian Float for 3 Years Minimum and Extendable Thereafter The N11, 500,000.0 is a Long term fixed deposit by Kemson Concept Limited. This N11, 500,000.00 Long Term Fixed deposit will remain fixed in the Microfinance bank as long as the O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers is operational in O-MobileMAMCIS Programme. This N11, 500,000.00 is leveraged by 1x100 through OMobileMAMCIS Limited Partnership Sub Fund in SecureInvest Trust AG to create a Micro Finance Fund for our Limited Partnership Micro Credit Products through the Microfinance Bank. What happens if The O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Does Not Pay Their Post Paid Phone Usage Bill At the end of every month, Partner Telecommunications will send us a bill for usage to Mechanized Agricultural Investment Services Limited and Mechanized Agricultural Investment Services Limited will send the bill to O-MobileMAMCIS farmers. Their Account in Microfinance Bank will be debited and the new month postpaid Phone access is activated, consistently giving O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers two months postpaid credit access on O-Mobile platform. We have some insurance products integrated in the scheme that insures this risk from a consortium of 6 insurance companies namely: 1. Sovereign Trust Insurance Plc. 2. Standard Alliance Insurance Plc 3. Equity Assurance Plc 4. Mutual Benefit Assurance Plc 5. Niger Insurance Plc 6. Standard Life Insurance Limited

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

2. Purpose of O-MOBILE MAMCIS The purpose of O-MOBILEMAMCIS is to develop the agricultural sector of the Commonwealth Countries starting with the Nigerian economy by providing credit facilities under a Microfinance value Chain. This will enable farmers in the Commonwealth Countries exploit the untapped potentials of the sector with a view to reducing the cost of agricultural production, and increase output on a sustainable basis. These efforts are expected to lead to fall in prices of agricultural produce, thereby leading to reduction in inflation rate, generate surplus for export, diversify the revenue base and increase foreign exchange earnings for the participating countries. The willingness of Microfinance Banks to dedicate part of their deposit to support rural farmers is indicative of their readiness to actively promote the growth and development of the real sector of the economy from the bottom of the Pyramid. As custodians of shareholders/depositors funds, participating Microfinance banks are expected to exhibit a high degree of due diligence in appraising credit requests under the O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme as is applicable in their normal course of business. Under the O-MOBILEMAMCIS scheme, credit facilities will be granted to farmers by Microfinance banks for Farming activities stated in paragraph 5 at and interest rate of not more than 15% p.a. Farmers who make timely repayment will be granted a rebate of 6%. Thereby reducing the effective to be paid by farmers to 9%. This may not be inclusive of the chargers by Microfinance Banks. 3. Limits of liability under the O-MOBILEMAMCIS Programme, a) The maximum interest liability under the scheme in respect of any loan shall be fixed from time to time by the participating Microfinance banks in line with the CBN and Governments policy on agricultural financing. b) The Scheme shall not recognize extension or rescheduling of tenured loans for the payment of rebate. c) The interest rebate liability of the scheme shall be 40% (forty per cent) of the 15% (fifteen per cent) charged farmers by the lending Microfinance banks or as shall be determined from time to time by the Fund and CBN. d) In order to ensure that transactions under the Scheme are dealt with as expeditiously as possible, the scheme has arrangements to ensure that such matters are attended to in the Agric Department Office of all participating Microfinance banks and Coordination Cooperative Societies where the projects are located unless banks as otherwise directed. e) The lending Microfinance bank shall forward a schedule supported by copies of bank statements sent to the customer to the O-MOBILEMAMCIS Desk Managed by Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited for prompt processing and payment of the interest rebates. Transactions under the Scheme shall be dealt with expeditiously by all involved. f) Payment of rebate under the O-MOBILEMAMCIS shall be made as soon as demand notices are received from the participating Microfinance banks subject to confirmation that the borrower(s) have met their obligation(s) in respect of facility under the Scheme. 4. Management of the Programme. O-MOBILEMAMCIS shall be managed by Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited. The Company will have a Board who will have the overall oversight of the company and manage the asset of the company. Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited and other participating Partners will set up a network of O-Mobile Multipurpose Cooperatives Limited as the Federation for all Cooperatives joining the programme Nationwide and developing Social Investment Membership organization completely dedicated to promoting O-MOBILEMAMCIS Value Chain Nationwide.

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited will also be the project Management company developing and building O-MOBILEMAMCIS Value Chain into a global Micro Business Value Chain for the success of O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme. All organizations duly registered as participating members under the scheme, automatically becomes a member of O-MOBILEMAMCIS Cooperative Value Chain managed by Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited. 5. Agricultural purposes covered by the Programme. The Agricultural purposes covered under the O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Network shall be: 1. Cultivation of stable foods like Cassava, Yam, Vegetables, Maize, Rice, Groundnut, plantain, etc. 2. Cultivation or production of other Cash Crops with export potentials (EG. Rubber, Cocoa, Oil Palm, Mango, Pine Apple, etc) 3. Livestock (animal husbandry, poultry, fishery, piggery, rabitry e.g.) 4. Supply and Manufacturing of Farm machinery 5. Operations of Farm hire services for member farmers. 6. Establishment of farm villages, settlements; 7. Pest control and supply of agricultural farm inputs. 8. Logistics and warehousing facilities 6. Application for interest support. Application for interest support under the Scheme shall be made by participating Microfinance banks to the office of O-MOBILEMAMCIS for onward processing with CBN in a prescribed Form. Every application shall be numbered and completed in Quadruplicate. Two copies of the form shall be forwarded to the CBN and one to O-MOBILE MAMCIS. 7. Confirmation of projects under the ACGS. Projects under the Scheme shall be subject to confirmation by the Central Bank of Nigeria and acceptance communicated to the Microfinance bank and farmer within 30 working days of receiving their returns. The CBN however, reserves the right to seek further confirmation by requesting for inspection of the books and accounts of the Microfinance bank in respect of the interest rebate on the loan. 8. Variation in other terms and conditions of loan Participating Microfinance banks shall require a prior written approval al from Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited Secretariat before it can alter any of the terms and conditions governing a loan in respect of which interest support is on-going. 9. Repayment or discontinuation of a credit facility Whenever an interest supported advance is repaid or the credit facility is otherwise discontinued, the Microfinance bank shall advise the O-MOBILEMAMCIS Secretariat who will advise the CBN immediately, with the particulars and details of the credit facility. 10. Invoking the interest support. a) Temporary default on the installment interest repayment of any loan under the programme need not be reported to the Secretariat if the bank has no intention, merely on the basis of such a default, either to discontinue the facility or to call up the loan.
Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

b) The Scheme shall cease to pay rebate on any loan not serviced by the borrower with immediate effect. 11. Submission of returns Participating banks shall submit to the CBN progress reports in the prescribed form within seven days after the last day of business of every month. The O-MOBILEMAMCIS Secretariat may call for such other returns from time to time as may be required for the effective performance of its duties.

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme


Joining The Scheme Any Microfinance Bank, cooperative or commercial farmer interested in joining the O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme must first study the MAMCIS Cooperative Trust Fund Trust Deed and execute the Trust Deed to be a member of the scheme. The Microfinance Bank, cooperative or commercial farmer will then execute Africa Capital and Business Support Limited Consultancy engagement letter and pay the applicable retainer. Every farmer, willing to participate in the Scheme either as an individual or corporate entity must be able to Invest 6% of the requested loan amount he or she is looking for into SecureInvest Trust AG. The prequalification criteria/roles for the respective entities are as follows; 1. As A Microfinance Bank

Any Microfinance bank interested in O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme Member in addition to the above, must be duly registered and have evidence of the CBN license to operate as a Microfinance bank. The banks role will be to sign up farmers as O-MOBILEMAMCIS out Growers Network farmers and mobilize their 6% deposits for onward transfer into the designated MAMCIS Cooperative trust Fund Account. The MFBs will on approval of the loan sum, disburse and manage the Loans for Members of O-MOBILEMAMCIS Out-Growers Farmers Network who are account holders in the Microfinance Banks. Loans to the Out growers Network will range from N500, 000.00 to N10, 000,000.00 each for Micro Farmers. Existing Member Microfinance Banks include: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 Lifegate Microfinance Bank Limited Karis Microfinance Bank Limited Solace Microfinance Bank Limited IC Global Microfinance Bank Limited Golden Choice Microfinance Bank Limited Kogi Microfinance Bank Limited Uyogba Microfinance Bank Limited First Golden Mercury Microfinance Bank Limited New Vision Microfinance Bank Limited Minjise-Churchill Microfinance Bank Limited Ileoluji Microfinance Bank Limited Cutting Edge Microfinance Limited (Ikorodo Road-Lagos State) (Ojodu-Lagos State (Oleh-Delta State) (Warri-Delta State) (Ugheli Delta-State) (Lokoja-Kogi State) (Unyeogba-Kogi State) (Oshogbo-Osun State) (Ogbomoso-Oyo State) (Port Harcourt-Rivers State) (Ileoluji-Ondo State) (Benin State-Edo State)

The membership fee for Microfinance Banks is N1, 500,000.00 2. As A Cooperative Society Or Credit Union

Any Cooperative Society interested in O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme in addition to the general guideline, must be duly registered under the governing laws of Federal or State Cooperatives in Nigeria. Member Cooperative Societies will assist the MFBs to identify and sign up credible farmers registered under their cooperatives as O-MOBILEMAMCIS Out Growers Farmers Network to access O-MOBILEMAMCIS Loans. Loans to the Out growers Network will range from N500, 000.00 to N10, 000,000.00. Cooperatives that do not have any member Microfinance bank within their location can create a special account with any commercial bank to mobilize the 6% contribution on behalf of their registered farmers.
Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

The cooperatives will be required to transfer the contributions of the farmers into the Microfinance Bank Account with a designated Commercial bank and apply for the total loan sum on behalf of the farmers. On approval of the loan however, cooperatives will only be allowed to disburse and manage the loans through MFBs who must register to participate under the scheme. Existing Cooperatives members of the scheme include: No Name Agro-Success-Cooperative 1 Society Limited Agro-Success- Cooperative 2 Society Limited Ekpan Fish Farmers 3 Cooperative Society Limited Agro-Success-Cooperative 4 Society Limited Agro-Success- Cooperative 5 Society Limited Anambra State Commercial Farmers Multipurpose 6 Cooperative Society Limited Agro-Success- Cooperative 7 Society Limited Agro-Success- Cooperative 8 Society Limited Agro-Success- Cooperative 9 Society Limited Agro-Success- Cooperative 10 Society Limited Kogi Cassava Growers 11 Association Agro-Success- Cooperative 12 Society Limited Union West Africa Cooperative 13 Society Limited Ogbomosho Mechanized Farmers Multi-Purpose 14 Cooperative Union Limited Oyo State Agro Allied Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative Union 15 Ltd Social Welfare For Widows, 16 The Needy And Unemployed 17 Osun State Cass Growers Oshun State Mechanized Farmers Multi-Purpose 18 Cooperative Union Limited Divine Grace Integrity 19 Cooperative Society Limited City Warri Ughelli Warri Enugu Onitsha Onitsha Calabar Benin Owere Lokoja Lokoja Oshogbo Lokoja Ogbomosho Ibadan Aba Oshogbo Oshogbo Abeokuta State Delta State Delta State Delta State Enugu Anambra Anambra Cross River Edo Imo Kogi Kogi Osun Kogi Oyo Oyo State Abia Osun Osun Ogun State First Golden Mercury MFB Limited Kogi Mfb Limited New Vision Mfb Limited Uyogba Mfb Limited Uyogba Mfb Limited Partner Mfb Solace Mfb Solace Mfb Solace Mfb

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

Apex Fadama Multi Purpose 20 Cooperative Union Limited Imo God's Favor Cooperative 21 Society Limited Ileoluji Cassava Growers 22 Association Inenergy Cooperative Society 23 Limited 24 Akure Ire Akari Coop. Mpc Ileraloro Fadama Cooperative Agricultural Multipurpose 25 Society Limited Ikoyi Orire Multipurpose Cooperative Society Ltd 26 27 Raysida International Foundation

Ilorin Imo Ileoluji Lagos Akure Lagos Ogbomosho

South East

Rivers Cooperative Trust & Investment Rivers State Limited

The membership fee for Cooperative Society is N500, 000.00 3. Joining the Scheme as Individual Farmers

For now, Individual farmers who are not yet members of participating Cooperative Societies and not banking with any participating Microfinance bank cannot join the scheme by making their contribution directly into Trust Fund. 4. Joining The Scheme As Small Scale to Medium Scale Commercial Farmers

Any Small Scale Commercial Farmer interested in O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme must first be a duly registered entity as a Limited Liability Company in Nigeria. Under O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme, Small Scale Commercial Farmers will be farmers looking for any amount between N10, 000,000 (Ten Million Naira) to N350, 000,000.00 (Three Hundred and Fifty Million) for expanding the farming activities or starting a new one completely. Small Scale Commercial Farming activities will range from primary farming to secondary agro allied business activities including Small Scale storage, Small Scale processing, Small Scale Packaging, Small Scale Farming Logistics Services, Small Scale Agric Extension Services and Small Scale Marketing. Existing Small Scale Farmers who are members of the scheme include:
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Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

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The membership fee for Small Scale Farmers is N1, 000, 000.00 5. Joining The Scheme As Large Scale Commercial Farmers

Large Scale Commercial Farmers will be farmers and agro allied businesses looking for any amount from N351, 000,000.00 (Three Hundred and Fifty One Million) for expanding the farming activities. Large Scale Commercial Farming activities will range from primary farming to secondary agro allied business activities including Large Scale storage, Large Scale processing, Large Scale Packaging, Large Scale Logistic Services and Large Scale Marketing.
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The membership fee for Large Scale Farmers is N2, 000,000.00 6. Joining The Scheme As Commercial Banks

Any Commercial Bank interested in O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme will act as custodial and settlement banks for the MFBs. In addition the O-Mobile Transaction and Applications Management (O-TRAMs) platform for loan management under the scheme will have to be integrated with that of the Commercial banks. Kemson Concept Limited, Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited and Africa Capital & Business Support Limited will organize seminars in partnership with interested commercial banks to educate interested organizations, cooperatives, MFBs and farmers to join the programme. These Seminars are designed to provide an overview of the programme and help the interested farmers to fully understand the dynamics of the scheme and decide to join the Scheme. There is no membership fee for Commercial Banks but the cost of integration to MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS and O- Mobile Business Support Service Platform will be paid by the Commercial bank 7. Joining The Scheme As Insurance Companies

Any Insurance Company interested in O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme must first understand the dynamics of the scheme, and develop Agric Micro Insurance Products in Partnership with Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited for O-MOBILEMAMCIS Member Microfinance Banks. The insurance companies will also partner with Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited to organize seminars that will educate interested farmers to join the programme. The Existing Insurance Companies who are members of the Scheme include:
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Standard Alliance Insurance Plc Standard Life Assurance Limited Niger Insurance Plc Sovereign Trust Insurance Plc Equity Assurance Plc
Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

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Mutual Benefit Assurance Plc


Joining The Scheme As Insurance Brokers

Any Insurance Broker interested in O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme must first understand the dynamics of the scheme, and work with us to develop O-MobileMAMCIS Micro Insurance Products in Partnership with Participating Insurance Companies and ACBS Ltd for O-MOBILEMAMCIS Member Microfinance Banks and O-Mobile Farmers Nationwide. The insurance companies will also partner with Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited to organize seminars that will educate interested farmers to join the programme. The Existing Insurance Companies who are members of the Scheme include:
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Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme


Joining The Scheme as Merchants, Service Providers, Extension Services Providers and Equipment Suppliers

Any Merchant, Service Provider, Extension Services Provider and Equipment Suppliers interested in O- MOBILE MAMCIS Scheme must first attend The O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme Seminar Series regularly organized Nationwide by Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited. These Seminars are designed to provide an overview of the programme and help them fully understand the dynamics and their roles as Merchant, Service Provider, Extension Services Provider and Equipment Suppliers in the scheme.

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Application For The Loan

After a Microfinance Finance Bank / Cooperative gets 500 Farmers or a cumulative loan request of N100M, the Microfinance Bank/ Cooperative will submit her application with the following details in an excel sheet.

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme


Name_Of_ Farmer_

Farmers_ Contact_ Phone_ Number

MAMCIS_ Current_ Account_ Number_

Title _Of_ Land_ Available_ For_ Farming_If_ Applicable_

Location_ of_Land__

Size_of_ Land_ Available_

Type_of_ Farming_ produce The_ Farmer_Is_ Interested_ In_Farming_

Total_ Loan_ Applied_ For_

Total_Amount_ Contributed_ As_Farmers_ Contribution_ (Must_Be_6%_ Of_Total_ Amount_ Applied_For

MAMCIS_ Savings_ Account_ Number

1_ 2_ 500_

This data will be submitted to O-MOBILEMAMCIS Project office electronically by Email as the evidence of the number of participating farmers in O-MobileMAMCIS Farmers Network within his community.


Providing The 6% Contribution Of Your Farmers

Every farmer willing to participate in the Scheme must be able to contribute 6% of the amount he or she is looking for and ensure that the amount must be in his or her account as at the time the Microfinance Bank is sending to the names in the prescribed schedule, to the O-MOBILEMAMCIS office.


Developing Your Project Plan

Each farmer will be required to present a draw down schedule in respect of the farming practice been financed which will detail the quarterly funding needs in line with the farming season. Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited will provide a special Consultancy Unit to work with members to develop this project plan according to acceptable standard.


Developing Your Product

Working with your project plan, Mechanized Agricultural Investment & Services Limited Consultancy Unit will work with your product development team to develop a series of O-MOBILEMAMCIS Powered Micro Credit Projects for the Microfinance Value Chain targeting the different segment of the Value Chain.



O-Mobile Transaction Management Platform of Kemson Concept Limited powered will be the Loan Recovery Platform, Enterprise Resources Planning and Customer Relationship Management Platform for the transparent Management of the scheme. MFIFLEX_ COLLECTPLUS Platform is a combination of Technology and Business Processes supporting both group and individual lending methodologies that captures the cash deposits and withdrawals of financial clients of Microfinance Banks from remote locations through a Network of Microfinance Bank Operated Cash Centres, Third Party Operated M F I F l e x _ C O L L E C T P L U S Merchant Centres and other automated electronic collection devices. Part of the condition for any merchant bank to benefit from the scheme or for any commercial to become a Custodian bank for O-MOBILEMAMCIS Scheme, is connecting their banking system to MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS Microfinance Processing Hub.

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

All participating Microfinance Banks will operate a special MFIFlex_COLLECTPLUS Powered Correspondent Account with any of the Custodian Banks on MFIFlex COLLECTPLUS Platform. This account is specifically used for receiving

and disbursing the O-MOBILEMAMCIS Agric Loans to the farmers accounts as electronic credits through Smart Cards. All expense from this account MUST be Electronic. All Merchants, Service Providers, Extension Services Providers and Equipment Suppliers to O-MOBILEMAMCIS Farmers will operate a special MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS Powered Merchants Accounts with member Microfinance banks and all payments for products and services offered to the benefiting farmers will be by direct debit from the farmers Electronic Credit Accounts. MFIFLEX Platform is a fully integrated Microfinance Processing Hub, Micro E-payments Switching Aggregator Systems, Biometric Identification Management System, Clearing and Settlement System exclusively build from scratch to serve the need of participating Funders and Microfinance banks participating in the Agric Microcredit Programme. The Platform also provides a Microfinance Merchant Network Management System, managing a Network of MFIFlex_ COLLECTPLUS Microfinance Merchants using a Smart hybrid multi-product and multifunctional Biometric switching and collection system to act as Loan Collection Agents for Member Microfinance Banks, Commercial Banks and alternative funds interested in Kemson Microfinance initiatives Nationwide. Technical and product development support will be offered by our IT and Business Development Units. A Mobile Enrolment Kit and Desk Top Enrolment Kit will be provided for participating Microfinance Bank for enrolling O-MOBILEMAMCIS Farmers for the scheme. All Identity Management infrastructures will be provided as a full services infrastructure while members pay for ID Cards issued to them.

Open Mobile Mechanized Agriculture & Micro Credit Investment Scheme

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