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Chapter 2 or 3 Inspector Andi Tektiv crouched down to inspect the ground.

She fished her fingers through the mud and came up with a dirty earring. It was a small emerald stud and looked vaguely familiar. Bag! she called back to the CSU guys. Harry Morgan trotted over with an evidence bag. What dyou got there, Di? Harry used her nickname like most of the guys in the squad, as a term of familiarity. He leaned down to inspect the earring with her. Andi stood up, forcing Harry to take a step back. She held the earring up to the sunlight. An earring, she replied. Maybe belonging to our perp. She looked around at the destruction surrounding them. Or rather one of the perps. (Add in description of destruction) Andi frowned as she looked closer at the stud. Theres something . . . she trailed off as she inspected the earring. Yes? Harry prompted after a few moments. What? Andi looked over at him. Sorry, I was just thinking. You said there was something . . . Oh, yeah, she glanced over at Harry. Sorry, its just that it looks familiar. Im trying to figure out where Ive seen it before. She fell silent again as she continued to stare at the stud. Harry stood beside her for a few moments more. Well, Ive got a crime scene to run, evidence to investigate, he grinned mischievously, interns to torture. He cleared his throat. Anyway, heres your evidence bag. Yeah, thanks, Andi said absentmindedly as she took the bag and Harry hurried off to take charge of the scene. She stared closely at the stud, wracking her brain for where she had seen it before. She was so close; she almost had the memory. She closed her eyes to concentrate. It had been night. She dug deeper inside her mind to bring back the memory. It was raining . . . She ran through the woods. It was dark and raining, the perfect combination for her horror movie mood. She pulled out her gun. That bitch! she thought. Im gonna kill that bitch when I find her! The rain drenched her hair and poured down her face, disguising her already fallen tears. The rain increased its intensity and she slowed down. She held her gun out in front of her, and tried to peer through the rain. She wiped the rainwater off her face, taking the tears with it. She needed to focus, and that meant ignoring the horror she had just witnessed. She steeled herself and moved forward cautiously, holding the gun in front of her. She swept the area with her eyes. The woman was here; she knew it. She just didnt know where. She closed her eyes to pinpoint the womans location. She concentrated, but it seemed harder than it normally was. Thats what you get for not practicing in three months or so, she thought to herself.

Focus! she thought. She cleared her mind of everything else and focused on the aura sharing the woods with her. She caught onto it and tried to locate its position. It was moving . . . It was headed toward her!

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