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1. A radio station gives out radio waves with a frequency of 95.4 MHz. What is the wavelength of the radio waves? Satu stesen radio memancarkan gelombang radio dengan frekuensi 95.4 MHz. Apakah jarak gelombang bagi gelombang radio itu? [The velocity of radio waves/halaju gelombang radio = 3 108 m s1 ] A 3.14 m B 3.14 106 m C 3.14 108 m D 2.86 1010 m When flying inside a cave, a bat releases sound and receives its echo after 0.1 second. How far is the bat from the wall of the cave? [Sound velocity = 340 m s1] Ketika terbang di gua, seekor kelawar menghasilkan bunyi dan menerima gemanya selepas 0.1 saat. Berapakah jauhnya kelawar itu dari dinding gua? [Halaju bunyi = 340 m s1] A 17 m B 34 m C 170 m D 340 m The velocity of an incident wave for a water wave is two times the velocity of its reflected wave. What is the ratio of the incident wave to the frequency of the reflected wave? Halaju gelombang tuju suatu gelombang air adalah dua kali ganda halaju gelombang pantulannya. Apakah nisbah frekuensi gelombang tuju kepada gelombang pantulan? A 1:1 B 1:2 C 1:3 D 2:1 Diagram below shows how the displacement of an object changes with time when the object is hung from the end of a spring that is vibrating vertically. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sesaran objek berubah dengan masa apabila digantung pada hujung suatu spring yang berayun secara mencancang.




Diagram/Rajah What is the frequency of vibration of the spring? Berapakah frekuensi ayunan bagi spring itu? A 8.33 Hz B 12.50 Hz C 16.67 Hz D 25 Hz


A radio station transmits radio waves at the frequency of 106 MHz. What is the wavelength of the radio waves? Sebuah stesen radio memancarkan gelombang radio pada frekuensi 106 MHz. Berapakah panjang gelombang bagi gelombang radio itu?

A 0.0283 m C 2.83 m 6.

B 0.283 m D 283 m

The graph in Diagram below is a graph of displacement s, against distance, d, for a type of wave. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan graf sesaran, S lawan jarak, d sejenis gelombang.

Diagram /Rajah

What is the wavelength of the wave? Berapakah panjang gelombang itu? A 0.125 cm B 0.250 cm C 0.375 cm D 0.500 cm E 0.667 cm 7. Diagram below shows the propagation of certain longitudinal waves. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan pergerakan gelombang membujur.

Diagram /Rajah

What is the wavelength of the waves? Berapakah panjang gelombang di atas? A 13 cm B 14 cm C 17 cm D 20 cm 8. When flying inside a cave, a bat releases a sound and receives its echo after 0.1 second. How far is the bat from the wall of the cave? [Sound velocity = 340 m s1] Ketika terbang di gua, seekor kelawar menghasilkan bunyi dan menerima gemanya selepas 0.1 saat. Berapakah jauhnya kelawar itu dari dinding gua? [Halaju bunyi = 340 m s1] A 17 m B 34 m C 170 m D 340 m


In the refraction of a water wave, the velocity of the incident wave is twice the velocity of the refracted wave. What is the ratio of the frequency of the incident wave to the frequency of the refracted wave? Dalam pembiasan satu gelombang air, halaju gelombang adalah dua kali ganda halaju gelombang terbias. Apakah nisbah frekuensi gelombang tuju kepada gelombang terbias?


1:1 1:2 1:3 2:1

10. Diagram below shows the same wave at two different times. What is the possible period of this wave? Rajah di bawah menunjukkan gelombang yang sama pada dua masa yang berbeza. Apakah tempoh yang mungkin bagi gelombang ini?


A 0.05 s C 0.15 s

B 0.1 s D 0.2 s

11. Diagram below is a graph of displacement against distance for a wave. Rajah di bawah ialah graf sesaran melawan jarak bagi satu gelombang.

Diagram/Rajah The wave produces a frequency of 10 Hz. What is the speed of the wave? Gelombang itu menghasilkan frekuensi 10 Hz. Apakah laju bagi gelombang itu? A 5 m s1 B 10 m s1 C 20 m s1 D 40 m s1 12. Diagram below shows the determination of the depth of the sea by ultrasonic sound. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan penentuan kedalaman laut dengan bunyi ultrasonik.

Diagram/Rajah The time interval between the transmitted ultrasonic impulse and the received ultrasonic impulse is 0.5 second. How deep is the sea? Masa selang antara denyutan ulltrasonik yang dipancar dengan yang diterima ialah 0.5 saat. Berapakah kedalaman laut? [Speed of sound wave in the water = 1 200 m s1] [Laju gelombang bunyi dalam air = 1 200 m s1] A 75 m B 150 m C 300 m D 600 m 13. A student conducts an experiment to determine the speed of water waves in a ripple tank. The wave motion is stopped when the ripple is illuminated by a stroboscope of frequency 2 Hz and 4 Hz. For single viewing, no other stopping frequency is found above 4 Hz. When the wave motion is stopped the student counts 5 complete waves between A and B as shown. The speed of the water wave is Seorang murid menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan laju gelombang air dalam sebuah tangki riak. Gerakan gelombang diberhentikan apabila riak-riak diterangi oleh sebuah stroboskop pada frekuensi 2 Hz dan 4 Hz. Bagi penglihatan tunggal, tiada frekuensi berhenti yang didapati lebih daripada 4 Hz. Apabila gerakan gelombang diberhentikan , murid itu membilang 5 gelombang lengkap di antara dan B seperti ditunjukkan. Laju gelombang air adalah

Diagram/Rajah A 5 cm s1 C 15 cm s1 B 10 cm s1 D 20 cm s1

14. Diagram below shows the displacement distance graph of a wave. The speed of the wave is 90 cm s1. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan graf sesaran-jarak bagi suatu gelombang. Laju gelombang ialah 90 cm s1.

Diagram/Rajah What is the frequency of the wave? Apakah frekuensi gelombang itu? A 4.5 Hz B 6 Hz C 9 Hz D 10 Hz

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