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Arrival: School begins promptly at 8:15 a.m. Students arriving before that time, need to report to the back playground. Students must be in the classroom by 8:15 to avoid being counted tardy. If your child arrives after 8:15, please be sure to sign them in at the front desk so that they are not counted absent. If your child is going to be absent please call Marjorie in the front office at 264 - 5920.

Birthdays: Birthday treats are welcome. Your child will be allowed to share them during our snack time. Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless there is an invitation for every child.

Communication: One thing I enjoy about teaching (besides, of course, the students) is the relationships I have built with parents. The best way to contact me is via email my email address is: . I will try to get back to you within 24 hours. Conferences: We have two scheduled parent-teacher conference over the course of the school year. However, I am happy to meet with you at any time to discuss your child's progress or any concerns you may have. We can also hold phone conferences. Just send me an email or notes to set up a time.

Dismissal- School ends at 2:45 each day. If there is any change in how your child will be transportation after school please send in a note.

E-mail - Email is my preferred method of communication because of the quick turn-around. If you have an email address that you check regularly, please provide it to me to maximize our communication.

Friday Folders/ Folders Each Friday your child will come home with a Friday Folder. The Friday Folder will contain that weeks Classroom Newsletter along with any other important information.

Grading - All report card grades are based on year-end standards. Regular progress reports will be sent home to parents.

Hot Shot Homework Homework will be sent home on Monday night in your child's Homework Folder. Homework needs to be returned on Friday. Each week your child will receive a math packet, they should complete one page a night, each page should take no more than 10 minutes. Students are also expected to read for 10 minutes a night and complete a Reading Log. If your child needs the weekend to complete the homework or something came up and your child didn't get a chance to finish their homework, no problem! Just send in a note.

Independence Independence is a goal for students in 2nd grade because it builds selfesteem. 2nd graders are very capable to doing work on their own and I will encourage them to do so in the classroom, your support at home regarding independence during homework would be beneficial.

Journals We love to write in second grade. Journals are used in science as Science Notebooks and during the daily 7 minute write. For the 7 minutes each student's composition notebook is for each child's personal writing and will not be shared with anyone unless the student gives permission or would like to share their work with the class.

Keep Reading - Please encourage your child to keep reading. Students need to read each night for at least 20 minutes but encouraging them to read more will go a long way. Reading

to your child is a wonderful way for students to be introduced to new vocabulary and work on comprehension.

Lunch and Lunch Money We have lunch each day from 11:30a.m. 11:55a.m. You can access your child's lunch account by going to to check your money balance or to pay. Prices have changed. Hot lunch is $3.25, breakfast is $2.00, juice is $.55 and milk is $.65.

Library - We have library on Monday. Every Monday your child will check out a book to take home for that week, please make sure student's return their library book each Monday so they can check out a new book.

Money Please make sure that any money sent to school is in an envelope or baggie with a note telling me what the money is for (field trip, lunch money, pictures, etc.)

Newsletters: Newsletters will be sent home every Friday in the Friday Folder to inform you of the weeks activities and lessons. If you would like to go green and have me email you the newsletter instead of receiving a paper copy please let me know. Important information is always included, so please read carefully.

Open Door: You are always welcome to come into the classroom. Whether that be in the form of reading, helping out with a project, sharing a special treat or sharing your expertise on a topic. If you would like to come in just let me know ahead of time, and be sure to sign in at the front desk.

Physical Education - We have Physical Education on Thursday and Friday each week. For your childs safety, please make sure s/he wears gym shoes on these days. On non-PE days, we go outside for recess, so if your child likes to run or play on the playground equipment, it would be beneficial for them to wear sneakers daily.

Questions - Instead of asking your child, What did you do in school today? ask, What book did you read during independent reading? or What did you learn in math? or Tell me what you wrote about during Writing Workshop! Show that youre interested, and ask specific questions. Most likely, your child will respond positively and more openly.

Report Cards Report cards are sent home every 9 weeks. Please make sure to sign and return the envelope your childs report card is sent home in.

Snack We have snack each day at 9:30. When healthy snack choices are made, they provide the nutrients and calories kids need for growth, good health and energy to get through the day. Please pack your child a healthy snack to enjoy on a daily basis.

Toys Please make sure your child does not bring in toys to school. Toys can be distracting and can cause conflicts if they get lost. If your child would like to bring in a toy for share I will keep it in a safe place throughout the day and give it back to your child at the end of the day.

Unique - I believe each child has unique learning differences; therefore I may be providing instruction to your child that may be different than their peers. What is fair does not always mean equal.

VOLUNTEERS and VISITORS Volunteers and visitors are welcome!. There are many opportunities for you to be involved in the classroom this year. If you would like to volunteer please see me for a Calling all Volunteers sheet. When you arrive at school to volunteer or visit, please sign in at the office and pick up a badge instead of coming directly to the classroom. This policy is for the safety of your children. Before anyone can volunteer in the classroom they need to complete a Volunteering Sheet. This sheet went home in the 1 st day

of school packet, see Marjorie in the front office if you need a new sheet

Website Our classroom website is: This website is a great way to stay connected and to learn about what your child is doing in school. The classroom website contains pictures from each week, the classroom newsletter, important dates and educational sites your student uses in school. WATER BOTTLES Please feel free to have your child bring a water bottle to class. I prefer the reusable, aluminum water bottles with tight fitting lids (fewer spills). Please encourage your child to bring their water bottle home regularly to wash it. WISH LIST We have various supplies that need to be replenished throughout the school year, these items are on the classroom wish list. The wish life includes: Post-It Notes 3 X 3 in interesting shapes or colors Gently used games or puzzles for indoor recess or enrichment Kleenex Glue Sticks

X, Y, Z
It is EXTRAORDINARILY important for your child to have a successful second grade YEAR. I will do my best to make learning fun and exciting you can expect a lot of growth in so many different areas. It will seem as if the 2012-2013 school year will ZOOM by!

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