Tutorial Chapter 2 - Asnw

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Tutorial Chapter 2 1. Which of the following element has three two unpaired electrons in each of its particle? A.

Na+ B. ClC. B D. Si
*Adapted from 2010 May/ June Paper 1

Answers: D (bonus for everyone)! 2. An X2+ ion has 20 protons. What is the electronic configuration of X2+? Answers: 1s2 2s2 2p63s23p6 3.



Answers: 3. B 4. A 5. A 6.

Answers: A

7. The first seven ionisation energies of an element of a Period 3 are as follows.

1000 2252 3357 4556 7004 8496 27,107 31,719 36,621 43,177 kJmol-1

a. What is the electronic configuration of the element? 1s22s22p63s23p4 b. What is the element? sulfur
*Adapted from 2009 May/ June Paper 1

8. Plot a graph the represents the number of unpaired p orbital electrons for atoms with proton number 13 to 18.
* 2009 May/ June Paper 1

Answers: No. of unpaired p orbital e-

Proton number

9. Identify the composition of the ions below. Use of the data booklet is relevant for this question. Mg O2Cr3+ I2+

Protons 12 8 24 53

Neutrons 12 8 28 74

electrons 10 10 21 54

*Adapted from 2008 May/ June Paper 1

10. The particles in each of the following pairs differ only in the number of protons or neutrons or electrons. Explain what the difference is within each pair a. 6Li and 7Li Answers: different neutron b. 32S and 32S2Answers: different electron c. 39K+ and Ca2+ Answers: different proton 11. Define an isotope. Quote an example that you know of and state their difference in a table form. Answers: Atoms of the same element with the same proton number but different nucleon number (or number of neutron). For example, carbon exists in 3 different isotopes, with the same proton number of 12 but nucleon number of 12, 13 and 14. 2

12. The diagram below shows the energy level of the orbital present in atoms of the third period. a. Label the energy levels to indicate the principal quantum number and the type of orbital at each energy level. energy
3p 3s

2p 2s


b. On the axes below, draw a sketch diagram of one of each different type of orbital that is occupied by the electrons in the third-period element. Label each type. z z
y y

c. Using the energy level diagram above, show the electronic configuration for the elements/ ion below. i. Ne 1s22s22p6 ii. K+ 1s22s22p63s23p6 iii. Mn2+ 1s22s22p63s23p63d5 iv. N3- 1s22s22p6 Answers are to be represented with energy level diagram as requested d. In your own sentence, explain the following observations (you may want to cite some elements as examples to facilitate your explanation) i. The first ionization energy of the elements decrease down a group Model answers: Jia Weis: When going down a group, the atomic size increases. Therefore, the distance of outer electrons from the nucleus increases and the force of attraction between the nucleus and the electron decrease. Hence, it is easier to remove the electrons and the ionization energy required is lower. 3

Naveens: The elements have same valence electrons which is 2. But, the valence electron shells are different which is in increasing order. So, the distance between nucleus and the outer electron increases. The shielding by inner shells increases. These factors outweigh the increased nuclear charge. This causes the force of attraction to decrease. As a result, the first ionization energy of the elements decreases down a group. Xian Qings: The first ionization energy of the element decreases when go down a group. This is because the distance of outer electrons from the nucleus increases as the increasing number of electron shell. With the increase of atomic radius, the attraction force between the nucleus and the valence electron becomes weaker. Thus, it is easier to remove the electron and ionization energy is reduced. Another reason is the shielding effect of inner electrons increase when going down the group. The valence electron experiences lesser attraction force and causes the ionization energy to be lower. Recommended answers: As the shell number increases down the group, its atomic size increases as well. This results in further distance between the valence electron and the nucleus. In addition, the increase in number of electrons in the inner shells also increases the shielding effect. These factors cause the valence electrons to be less attracted to the nucleus and requires lower amount of energy to remove the first electron from the valence shell. ii. The second ionization energy is usually higher than the first ionization Energy

Model answers: Rui Jins: The element has more protons than electrons. The nuclear charge increases, the attractive force increases, it is harder to remove another electron so it has higher ionization Recommended answers: As the first electron is removed, there is a higher amount of nuclear charge due to higher number of proton than its electrons. Thus its relative attraction force is higher and requires higher amount of energy to remove the second electron from the valence shell. 13. Figure below shows the energy required to remove ten electrons, one at a time, from an atom of element X.

a. Which group in the Periodic Table does element X belongs? Group 6 (VI) b. What is the outer electronic configuration for X? s2p4 c. Why is the energy difference between the removal of the 6th and 7th electrons much larger than the energy difference between the removal of the 5th and 6th electrons? Model answers: Joys: This is because the 6th & 7th electrons are in different shells. The 7th electron is in a shell which is closer to the nucleus compared to that which is occupied by the 6th electron. The 5th & 6th electrons occupy the same shell. This is why there is only a gradual increase in ionisation energy while there is a big difference in ionization energy between the 6th and 7th electrons

Min Sis: This is because the 6th electron is the last electron in the outermost shell of element X, the 7th electron is the electron in the inner shell. The 5th & 6th electron are in the same shell which is the outermost occupied shell. More energy is required to remove the 7th electron because the attraction force between nucleus and the electron is stronger. Harvinds and Matthews: The removal of the 6th & 7th electrons involves different shells. The energy is higher when the ionization takes place from one shell to another moving from outwards to inwards. Meanwhile the 5th & 6th electron removal is much lower because it involves the same shell which doesnt consume much energy Ronsons: The energy difference between the 6th & 7th ionization is larger than the 5th & 6th ionization because they are taking place at different shells. At the 6th ionisation, the process is still taking place at the outermost shell but the 7th ionization takes place at the next shell nearer to nucleus. Recommended answers: The removal of the 7th electron involves an inner shell while the removal of the 5th and 6th electrons involves the same valence shell. Thus, more energy is required to remove the 7th electron which is more attracted to the nucleus, causes a big ionization energy difference between the 6th and 7th electrons than the ionization energy difference between the 5th and 6th electrons 5

ionization energy, kJ/mol

a. Name one element that could be the element X and write its full electronic configurations Oxygen 1s22s22p4 Sulfur 1s22s22p63s23p6 or any group VI elements

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