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of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter

Jara Forcadell Ortiz Marc Sureda Codina Industrial engineering, Universitat de Girona

Mentor: Yvan Petillot Heriot-Watt Univerisy February 2013

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1. Background and context ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.2. Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3. Specifications and scope ............................................................................................................................ 5 2. Hardware ............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.1. The quadcopter: Parrot AR. Drone 2.0 ................................................................................................ 6 2.2. Joypad .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.3. Network layout ............................................................................................................................................ 10 3. External software ............................................................................................................................ 12 3.1. Ubuntu ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 3.2. Robot Operating System (ROS) ............................................................................................................ 13 3.2.1. Basic tools and concepts ................................................................................................................. 13 3.2.2. ROS build tool: CMake ...................................................................................................................... 15 3.2.3. Types of messages ............................................................................................................................. 16 3.3. Ardrone driver ............................................................................................................................................. 18 3.3.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 18 3.3.2. Structure ................................................................................................................................................ 18 3.3.3. Custom messages ............................................................................................................................... 20 4. Custom software structure .......................................................................................................... 22 4.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 22 4.2. Joypad .............................................................................................................................................................. 22 4.3. Spooler ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 4.4. First controller ............................................................................................................................................. 26 5. Position estimation ......................................................................................................................... 28 5.1. Position estimation based on image ................................................................................................... 28 5.1.1. Position estimation based on features ...................................................................................... 28 5.1.2. Position estimation based on phase correlation .................................................................. 36 5.2. Position estimation based on odometry ........................................................................................... 39

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report 6. Visual servoing ................................................................................................................................. 40 6.1. The controller node: landing_control ................................................................................................ 43 6.2. The target detection node: tag_detection_server ......................................................................... 44 6.3. The target tracking node: tracker_server ........................................................................................ 50 6.3.1. Visual Servoing Platform (ViSP) .................................................................................................. 50 6.3.2. Ellipse tracker ...................................................................................................................................... 50 6.3.3. Dot tracker ............................................................................................................................................ 52 6.3.4. Calibration of the bottom camera ............................................................................................... 55 7. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 57 8. References ......................................................................................................................................... 59 ANNEX A: CODES ...................................................................................................................................... 61 A.1 Joystick node ..................................................................................................................................................... 61 A.1.1 joystick.cpp ............................................................................................................................................... 61 A.1.2 joystick.h .................................................................................................................................................... 65 A.2 Spooler node ..................................................................................................................................................... 67 A.2.1 spooler.cpp ................................................................................................................................................ 67 A.2.2 spooler.h ..................................................................................................................................................... 69 A.3 First controller ................................................................................................................................................. 71 A.3.1 first_controller.cpp ................................................................................................................................ 71 A.3.2 first_controller.h ..................................................................................................................................... 72 A.4 Pose control based on features (ptam) ................................................................................................. 73 A.4.1 pose_control_ptam.cpp ........................................................................................................................ 73 A.4.2 pose_control_ptam ................................................................................................................................. 79 A.5.Pose control based on phase correlation .............................................................................................. 81 A.5.1 phase_correlation_two_images.cpp ................................................................................................ 81 A.5.2 phase_correlation_camera.cpp ......................................................................................................... 82 A.5.3 phase_correlation_camera.h .............................................................................................................. 85 A.6 Pose control based on odometry .............................................................................................................. 86 A.6.1 pose_control_odom.cpp ....................................................................................................................... 86 A.6.2. pose_control_odom.h ........................................................................................................................... 88 A.7 Visual servoing node ..................................................................................................................................... 90 A.7.1 landing_control.cpp ............................................................................................................................... 90 A.7.2 landing_control.h .................................................................................................................................... 94 A.7.3 tag_detection_server.cpp ..................................................................................................................... 95 2

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report A.7.4 target_detection_server.h ................................................................................................................. 100 A.7.5 tracker_server.cpp .............................................................................................................................. 101 A.7.6 tracker_server.h ................................................................................................................................... 104 A.8 Ardrone messages ....................................................................................................................................... 106 A.8.1 Pose.msg .................................................................................................................................................. 106 A.8.2 Priority.msg ........................................................................................................................................... 106 A.8.3 Vector3.msg ........................................................................................................................................... 106 A.8.4 Vel.msg ..................................................................................................................................................... 106

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

1. Introduction
1.1. Background and context Robotics is a branch of the technology that in recent years hasnt stopped growing. The robots have become an important tool for human beings not only in the military domain, but also in civilian environments. Some of the tasks assigned to robots and remotely operated vehicles are observation and exploration of environments, which sometimes can be dangerous, expensive access or simply inaccessible to humans. One kind of robots or remotely commanded vehicles that have seen increased their use and research are flying vehicles and small flying vehicles (Miniature aerial vehicles or MAVs). Quadcopters are one type of these flying vehicles. A quadcopter (also quadrotor, quadrotor helicopter or quadcopter) is a multicopter that is propelled by four rotors. The quadcopters have almost all the advantages (in terms of flight) of the helicopters, such as stay still in one position when flying, move and turn fast, move to any direction without turning, turn without moving or take off and land vertically. Quadcopters have become very popular in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) research in robotics and in computer vision. Researchers are frequently choosing quadcopters because can accurately and efficiently perform tasks and it is quite easy to implement tasks and do trials with them. In addition, there is a wide range of prices of quadcopters or sensors, motors or cameras to build them, and they can be used for many purposes and featured with many different sensors, cameras, etc. Many researches has been done with quadcopters such as autonomous navigation, autonomous surveillance, maping, searching and detecting, following, collaborative manoeuvres, lifting or landing in a target among others. An example of one of these researches is a project sFly that lasted from 2009 until 2011, which aims the development of several small and safe helicopters which can fly autonomously in city-like enviroments and which can be used to assist humans in tasks like rescue and monitoring. Another example is the Flying Machine Arena (ETH Zurich), which is a space that was made to fly machines, especially quadcopters. This project had been developed in the Oceans Systems Laboratory of the Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh (Scotland), which is a research centre specialized in autonomous systems, sensor modelling and processing and underwater acoustic system theory and design. To this date the OSL has done projects with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) but never with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). For the interaction with the robots the OSL uses the platform ROS (Robotics Open Source). This platform provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. ROS drivers for the UAV object of this project have already been developed. 1.2. Purpose The purpose of this project is to use ROS software to interact with an existing UAV and develop applications in C++ in order to command the UAV. The goals of this project are to develop applications, like simple controller, to get the UAV first to follow simple commands, then do position estimation trying several methods and finally detect a target to perform an autonomous landing on that target. 4

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report 1.3. Specifications and scope All the programs developed are built upon an already existing driver for the robot. Therefore the applications made in this project have to adapt to that driver. The scope of this project is to get the quadcopter to perform some complex manoeuvres autonomously after developing and trying it with an UAV. The specifications for this project are: The manoeuvres implemented have to be autonomous, in which the robot takes its own decisions based on the information received from the sensors and the criteria established on the code. External libraries and existing packages will be used, but most of the packages on the project have been created, and its code written, by the authors of this project.

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

2. Hardware
The devices used in the present project are a quadcopter and a joypad coupled with a ground- based laptop. The quadcopter is the main hardware used in the project, and the joypad is used to control the quadcopter remotely when its needed. All the programs are run in the laptop, which sends all the orders to the quadcopter. 2.1. The quadcopter: Parrot AR. Drone 2.0

Fig. 1. AR. Drone 2.0

The quadcopter used is the Parrot AR. Drone 2.0 (Fig. 1), which is a ready-to-fly quadcopter, suitable for operation indoors or outdoors. The Parrot AR. Drone 2.0 is the second version of a quadcopter sold as a flying sophisticated toy for 14 ages and up created by the company Parrot. Besides the quadcopter, the company also sells multimedia devices, such as headphones or speakers, and hands-free kits for cars. This quadcopter can fly indoors or outdoors (without much wind, up to 15 m/h). It is supposed to be controlled by Wi-Fi using an application for smartphones or tablets (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. AR. Drone 2.0 commanded with a smartphone

This quadcopter is used in several universities and research institutions to use it in research projects in fields such as robotics, artificial intelligence and computer vision. This has been the quadcopter used in this project because it is not expensive (306.39 with spare battery included) and it is very easy to use because there are drivers done by universities to connect to the drone directly and send to it, for example, velocity commands. Although this quadcopter is used in research, it is not the most indicate because it is a toy and its motors are not very powerful and it has not been designed to raise extra weight. 6

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report It features a front facing high definition camera and a low definition camera that points straight down. The high definition camera looking forwards is an HD camera with 720p at 30fps. It is a wide-angle lens (92 diagonal fisheye) and a H264 encoding base profile. It has also a 3-axis gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer, a 3-axis magnetometer, a pressure sensor, an ultrasound sensor for ground altitude measurement, a lithium battery and a charger. It is controlled by four rotors and adjusting the individual motors speed. All the motors contribute to raise and maintain the quadcopter in the air, but two of them rotate clockwise (front left and rear right rotors) and the other two counterclockwise (front right and rear left rotors) to cancel out their respective torques. To move the drone forwards is only necessary to increase the velocity of the two rear motors and decrease the velocity of the two front ones, and the turning movements of the drone are achieved by increasing the velocity of the two motors that rotates clockwise and decrease the velocity of the other two to rotate counterclockwise, and vice-versa. The dimensions of the quadcopter (Fig. 3) are 517 mm 517 mm with the outdoor hull, and 451 mm 451 mm with the indoor hull.

Fig. 3. AR. Drone 2.0 sizes

Fig. 4. Altitude sensor test

A test of the altitude sensor of the new drone has been done to check its proper operation (Fig. 4), and the conclusion is that it is quite accurate when it is still but the measurements are a bit wrong when it raises or descends rapidly. 7

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Motors The quadcopter has four brushless inrunner motors. Each motor has a power rating of 15 Watts and rotates at 28,000 rpm when hovering. It represents 3,300 rpm at the propeller, when driven by the AR. Drones reduction gears. The motors range begins at 10,350 rpm, and goes up to a maximum speed of 41,400 rpm. Each motor is attached to its electronic controller, which has also been specifically developed for the AR. Drone. An 8-bit low power microcontroller and a 10-bit ADC control the speed of the motor. Main Board The AR. Drone main board embeds the vertical camera, the Wi-Fi chip, and the Parrot P& central CPU. The P6 chip includes a 468 MIPS ARM926EJ Risc CPU and a video accelerator. The main board runs Linux along with AR. Drone software, and includes a 256 Mb, 200 MHz, 32 Bits MDDR RAM and 32Mb of NAND Flash. It also includes a Wi-Fi chipset from Atheros and a USB Port for direct flashing and future extensions. Navigation Board The navigation board includes the sensors and a 40 MIPS microcontroller with a fast 12 bits ADC converter. It has 1 x ultrasonic transceiver and 1 x ultrasonic receiver to measure the height of the drone up to 6 metres. The 3-axis accelerometer is positioned at the centre of gravity of the AR. Drone. It is used in a +/- 2g range and digitalized by an on chip 10 bit ADC. Data is sent to the microcontroller, a 2-axis MEMS gyroscope and a precision piezo electric gyroscope for the yaw measurement and heading control. Structure It has two different hulls made of tough flexible expanded polypropylene foam, and featuring a rigid impact resistant high gloss outer shell. One hull is for indoor flights with foam around the blades to protect it, and the other for outdoor flights without the blades protection (Fig. 5). The hulls are attached to the AR. Drone using two magnets, with one positioned on the hull, and another located on the body. The body set is made of tough expanded polypropylene. It carries the battery holder, which is mounted on the main body of the drone with foam that absorbs vibrations from the motors. The battery is positioned slightly towards the rear of the device, to keep the AR. Drones centre of gravity correct. Its total weight is 380g (with outdoor hull) or 420g (with indoor hull) because of his carbon fibber tubes structure. Spare parts of the quadcopter are available on the Internet.

Fig. 5. AR. Drone with the outdoor hull

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Battery The official AR. Drone 2.0 high-grade lithium polymer battery has 3 cells, with a capacity of 1000 mAh at 11.1 volts, and a discharge capacity of 10C (Fig. 6). Includes a protection circuit module that protects the battery from over charging, over discharge and short circuits. The battery comprises a rigid casing and complies with UL2054 safety standards. The AR. Drone 2.0 Li-Po has two connections, one discharge plug to provide current to the drone, and another integral connector for balanced charging whilst attached directly to the charger. For this project we have used two batteries because the duration of a battery when the quadcopter is working is about 10 or 15 minutes.

Fig. 6. Battery of the AR. Drone 2.0

Most of the parts of the drone can be replaced with spare parts that can be bought from the same company that AR Parrot. It has been made a modification to the drone with the project highly advanced due to the possibility to get better results with the modification. It basically consists of moving the front looking camera to become a down looking camera because as it is a flying robot, it is much more useful a good down looking camera with wide angle lens (92 diagonal fisheye) than a good front camera, and the bottom camera that has by default is of very poor quality. The foam from the front part of the drone has been removed in order to turn the camera. The changes can be seen in the Fig. 7. This change has been done at the end of January 2013, during the project development.

Fig. 7. Modification of the front HD camera position

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report This change was done because of the characteristics of the cameras. To do the landing manoeuvres is necessary to use a down -looking camera to detect and track the target, and, as said before, the default bottom camera is a low definition camera. The results obtained with this camera were not very good mainly because most of the times the target was lost during the tracking. So it was decided to change the angle of the front camera and make it look downwards (Fig. 7). This was done because of its high definition, but mainly because it has wide-angle lens so the frame is high and wide. The results obtained with the turned downwards camera are much better than with the other because the target is not lost as often as with the default bottom camera. 2.2. Joypad The joypad used in this project is the Logitech Cordless Precision Controller for Play Station 3 (Fig. 8). It is a wireless device, so it uses a USB receiver for the data transmission. The controller requires two AA batteries that provide close to 50 hours of usage. It features a four direction D-pad, four action buttons (, , ,), four shoulder buttons (R1, R2, L1 and L2), four central buttons (start, select, D/mode and PS) and two clickable analog sticks.

Fig. 8. Play Station 3 joypad

2.3. Network layout To run all the system we use a ground-based laptop connected via Wi-Fi with the quadcopter. The drone has its on-board computer for stabilization, motion control and acquisition the camera images. It cant process both camera images at the same time. It has to work either with the bottom camera or with the front camera, but during a flight the working camera can be changed. Each AR. Drone 2.0 device contains its own wireless router, in which the smartphones, tablets or laptops are connected to control it. The drone acts as a wireless server and assigns itself (via its DHCP server) a fixed IP address of All the nodes (programs) are running in the laptop as well as the AR. Drone driver software to convert the programs messages into drones messages (Fig. 9).


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Node 1

Node 2

AR Drone driver

Velocity commands


Fig. 9. Operational structure of the system

All processing data acquired from the drones sensors and cameras and all the programs to control it run on the ground-based laptop and only velocity commands are sent to the drone via Wi-Fi. So almost all the computation takes place in the laptop, and there is no on-board computation in the drone, except for the stabilization and image acquisition. The joypad is also connected to the laptop via USB stick. There were problems with the Wi-Fi communication between the laptop and the drone during some trials because its default Wi-Fi channel is the sixth, and many other wireless networks were using this channel. It was a problem because this project is carried out in a laboratory at the Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh where there are several active wireless networks. The solution has been changing the channel used for the drones Wi-Fi network to the first one because in this channel there are less Wi-Fi networks than in the sixth channel and since then the communications are working properly.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

3. External software
3.1. Ubuntu The operating system used for the developing of this project is Ubuntu. Ubuntu is based on a Devian - Linux distribution and it's free and open-source software. The reason for using this operating system is that it's able to support the different software used in this project that will be explained below. Ubuntu, just as most commercial operating systems like Windows or Mac OS, has a graphical interface. Among other things have a desktop, folder organization (Fig. 10), office applications, web browser, and a terminal (Fig. 12). There are many applications available for free download and installation as image editors, games, drawing tools, sound and video players and more.

Fig. 10. Ubuntu desktop and folder system

Fig. 11. Ubuntu software centre

On this project, as will be explained on the next sections, the terminal has been an essential tool (Fig. 12). 12

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Fig. 12. Ubuntu terminals

3.2. Robot Operating System (ROS) The operating system used to interact with the quadcopter is the Robotic Operating System (ROS)(Fig. 13). It provides hardware abstraction, device drivers, libraries, visualizers, message passing and package management. It doesnt have a graphical interface so it has to be operated through a terminal using written commands. ROS is licensed under an open source BSD license. To understand the next chapters is necessary to make an introduction to the basic tools and concepts of the ROS.

Fig. 13. Robotic Operating System (ROS)

3.2.1. Basic tools and concepts Node: It's an executable that uses ROS to communicate with other nodes. Launch: The utility of .launch file is to be able to start different nodes at the same time using only one terminal and one command. Package: It's the lowest level of the ROS software organization. It can contain executables, tools or libraries. Stack: It's a collection of packages. Roscpp: It's the ROS library for C++. Enables the programmer to interface with all the ROS tools. Message: It's a piece of information you can exchange with other nodes. There are different types of messages depending on the data type contained on the message. Anyone can develop a new type customized for it's own application. 13

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Roscore (Fig. 14): Its at the same time the master, the rosout and the parameters server. When using ROS it has to be running in a terminal.

Fig. 14. Roscore running on a terminal

Topic: Nodes can publish messages to a topic as well as subscribe to a topic to receive messages. It is the medium of communication between nodes. A clear example of this would be the constant feedback on the position of the robot; the node that obtains this position would be the publisher and the node containing the PID the subscriber. Parameter: Parameters can be either set or accessed from a node or from a terminal by a user. It's a useful way to pass punctual information. One example could be for the gain of a PID implemented in a node, if it takes its value from a parameter, the user can change this value during the functioning of the program and it will be actualized. Service: When a node calls a service it's making a request on another node, and will then receive a response. Like in the case of the messages, there are different types of services depending on the type of the data Rxgraph (Fig. 15) is a tool that creates a graph showing all the nodes that are currently running and the topics that join them. An arrow, coming out from the publisher and into the subscriber, represents the topic. Each node can be at the same time publisher and subscriber to different nodes.

Fig. 15. Rxgragph showing ROS node and topics

To summarize, in order to communicate, the nodes can recur to send messages through topics, call services or set and get parameters. 14

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report 3.2.2. ROS build tool: CMake The tool ROS uses to compile a package is CMake. CMake is an open-source build system. Controls the software compilation using simple files. These files are the CmakeLists.txt and the Manifest.xml and every package has to contain them to be compiled. The CmakeList.txt file (Fig. 16) is where has to be specified which .cpp files have to be compiled, and whether or not are messages or servers to be build in the package. Each file to be compiled has to be in the proper folder, the one for the .cpp files to create a node is called src, the one for the messages is msg and for the services is srv.

Fig. 16. CmakeList.txt


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report On the Manifest.xml file (Fig. 17) have to be written the dependencies of the package. That is, the other packages with whom this one communicates or takes information from.

Fig. 17. Manifest.xml

3.2.3. Types of messages There are many types of messages but here will only be explained the ones of interest to the project. Messages, like nodes, have to be created in a ROS package. The name of a type of message contains the name of the package where it comes from and then the name of the specific type. For instance, the package std_msgs contains different standard messages like: std_msgs/String, std_msgs/Bool. The type from this package that's been used in this project is std_msgs/Empty which as the name implies does not contain any fields. To work with image broadcasting it has been used the sensor_msgs package. In particular, the sensor_msg types used are sensor_msgs/Image and sensor_msgs/CameraInfo. The sensor_msgs/Image contains the following fields:
Header header uint32 seq time stamp string frame_id uint32 height uint32 width string encoding uint8 is_bigendian uint32 step uint8[] data


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report And the sensor_msgs/CameraInfo contains:

Header header uint32 seq time stamp string frame_id uint32 height uint32 width string distortion_model float64[] D float64[9] K float64[9] R float64[12] P uint32 binning_x uint32 binning_y sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest roi uint32 x_offset uint32 y_offset uint32 height uint32 width bool do_rectify

As can be observed, it is possible to have a message type inside another one. This makes it simpler to design message types because one can combine existing ones then and add more fields if necessary. The package geometry_msgs provides messages for common geometrical primitives such as points, vectors and poses. The type geometry_msgs/Point32 is to send a 3D point
float32 x float32 y float32 z

geometry_msgs/Vector3 is for a 3D vector

float64 x float64 y float64 z

The type geometry_msgs/Twist can have different uses, such as sending a velocity command, or a displacement both in 3D coordinates and with linear and angular fields. geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
float64 x float64 y float64 z

geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
float64 x float64 y float64 z


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report To use a type it is necessary to have the package containing it installed and compiled. And inside the code there must be a header for each type of message used. For example: #include geometry_msgs/Twist.h For many applications it's necessary to create custom types of messages. Anyone can create as many types as needs. For the purpose of this project some new types were designed that will be explained further on. 3.3. Ardrone driver 3.3.1. Introduction A driver for the Parrot AR. Drone was already available in the ROS webpage when this project started. Since it's features were suitable for the purpose of the project it was decided to use it instead of developing a new one. This driver has been developed in the Autonomy Lab of Simon Fraser University (Canada) by Mani Monajjemi. This driver is a ROS package called ardrone_autonomy. This package contains the node ardrone_driver, the custom messages created for this node and the servers for the services offered by this driver. 3.3.2. Structure In the Fig. 18 can be observed the different topics that interact with this driver. Those whose arrows point to the ardrone_autonomy are the ones that the node is subscribed to. This means that the node is listening to the messages that are sent through these topics. To command the Drone a node has to publish to these topics. In order to command the AR. Drone to take off, land or reset an empty message has to be sent to the corresponding topic. The type of these messages has to be std_msgs::Empty. Once the quadcopter has done the take off and it's hovering it can be controlled by sending velocity commands to the topic cmd_vel. The type of these messages has to be geometry_msgs::Twist. On the other hand, the node is publishing information on the topics pointed by the arrows. The node can send messages thorough any of these topics and any other nodes that are subscribed to that topic will be able to listen to them. If a node wants to control or command the AR. Drone it's recommendable that it listens to some of the topics the driver publishes to in order to know what the quadcopter is doing and in which state it is. The navdata topic contains general information on the navigation of the quadcopter received from the different sensors. The ones relevant to this project are the battery percent, the state of the drone, the orientation, the linear velocity and the linear acceleration on the three axes and the time stamp of the message. The state of the drone can be: 0: Unknown, 1: Inited, 2: Landed, 3 and 7: Flying, 4: Hovering, 5: Test, 6: Taking off and 8: Landing. The type of this message is explained in the next point. The topics /ardrone/bottom/image_raw and /ardrone/front/image_raw contain the images from the bottom and front camera respectively. The ARDrone only allows receving images from one camera at a time so while one of these topics is broadcasting the other won't be sending anything. The topic /ardrone/image_raw contains the images of the camera that is 18

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report broadcasting at that moment. The messages on this topic are of type sensor_msgs/Image. The linear acceleration, angular velocity and orientation from the Navdata are also published to the topic /ardrone/imu. The message type is sensor_msgs/Imu and the units are metric. Each camera has as well a topic where the camera information, like the dimensions of the image, is broadcast. The type of its messages is sensor_msgs/CameraInfo. Only one of the cameras is broadcasting at a time. To choose which camera there are two services: /ardrone/togglecam doesn't require any parameter and changes from the actual camera feed to the other one. /ardrone/setcamchannel with a parameter 0 changes to the front and with a parameter 1 to the bottom camera.

Fig. 18. Topics to where the /ardrone_driver is publishing or subscribed to


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report The update frequency of the navdata topic can be chosen using the parameters navdata_demo and realtime_navdata. The first determines the frequency of the drones data transmission as 15Hz when the parameter is set to 1 and 200Hz when its set to 0. The second parameter affects the driver update frequency, if its set to true, the driver will publish the received information instantly, otherwise the driver will cache the most recent received data and the publish that at a fixed rate, configured by another parameter called looprate. The default configuration is realtime_navdata set to false and looprate set to 50. A clarification must be made in this chapter; some of the features explained here were not available at the beginning of this project. These were added in a major update of the package at approximately the middle of the development period of this project. This will be mentioned in some of the following chapters where the features would have been useful and have been applied afterwards. 3.3.3. Custom messages For the topic ardrone/navdata the developers of the code created a specific type of message called ardrone/Navdata, its fields are explained below. header: ROS message header batteryPercent: The remaining charge of the drone's battery (%) state: The Drone's current state: 0: Unknown, 1: Inited, 2: Landed, 3 and 7: Flying, 4: Hovering, 5: Test, 6: Taking off and 8: Landing. rotX: Left/right tilt in degrees (rotation about the X axis) rotY: Forward/backward tilt in degrees (rotation about the Y axis) rotZ: Orientation in degrees (rotation about the Z axis) magX, magY, magZ: Magnetometer readings (AR. Drone 2.0 Only) (TBA: Convention) pressure: Pressure sensed by Drone's barometer (AR. Drone 2.0 Only) (TBA: Unit) temp : Temperature sensed by Drone's sensor (AR. Drone 2.0 Only) (TBA: Unit) wind_speed: Estimated wind speed (AR. Drone 2.0 Only) (TBA: Unit) wind_angle: Estimated wind angle (AR. Drone 2.0 Only) (TBA: Unit) wind_comp_angle: Estimated wind angle compensation (AR. Drone 2.0 Only) (TBA: Unit) altd: Estimated altitude (mm) vx, vy, vz: Linear velocity (mm/s) [TBA: Convention] ax, ay, az: Linear acceleration (g) [TBA: Convention] tm: Timestamp of the data returned by the Drone returned as number of micro-seconds passed since Drone's boot-up.

All the other messages use a standard type of messages.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Services The ardrone_autonomy package contains different services. In this project have been used the services ardrone/togglecam, that changes the channel of the camera feed and /ardrone/setcamchannel that changes to the desired camera channel, expects one parameter that must be set to 0 for the front camera and 1 for the bottom. Also a service for executing flight animations can be called using the command /ardrone/setflightanimation. Expects two parameters: type and duration. The duration has to be a uint16 and if its set to 0, lasts the default duration of the animation. The type has to be a uint8 between 1 and 19 and determines which kind of animation has to perform from the following list: 1. ARDRONE_ANIM_PHI_M30_DEG 2. ARDRONE_ANIM_PHI_30_DEG 3. ARDRONE_ANIM_THETA_M30_DEG 4. ARDRONE_ANIM_THETA_30_DEG 5. ARDRONE_ANIM_THETA_20DEG_YAW_200DEG 6. ARDRONE_ANIM_THETA_20DEG_YAW_M200DEG 7. ARDRONE_ANIM_TURNAROUND 8. ARDRONE_ANIM_TURNAROUND_GODOWN 9. ARDRONE_ANIM_YAW_SHAKE 10. ARDRONE_ANIM_YAW_DANCE 11. ARDRONE_ANIM_PHI_DANCE 12. ARDRONE_ANIM_THETA_DANCE 13. ARDRONE_ANIM_VZ_DANCE 14. ARDRONE_ANIM_WAVE 15. ARDRONE_ANIM_PHI_THETA_MIXED 16. ARDRONE_ANIM_DOUBLE_PHI_THETA_MIXED 17. ARDRONE_ANIM_FLIP_AHEAD 18. ARDRONE_ANIM_FLIP_BEHIND 19. ARDRONE_ANIM_FLIP_LEFT 20. ARDRONE_ANIM_FLIP_RIGHT


Pose Spooler Control Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Velocity

Velocity commands

Velocity commands

Pose Control based on odometry


Velocity commands

4. Custom software structure

4.1. Introduction

Visual Servoing

Estimated position (NOT SCALED)

AR Drone driver


The general structure of the software is shown in Fig. 19. There is a node called spooler that decides which messages arrive to the AR. Drone driver. Publishing to this Spooler node there is the joypad node, to be able to manually control the quadcopter, and then the controller node that can be any node designed to control the AR. Drone. Drone cameras AR AR Drone What has been developed in this project are the different controller nodes, all guided by the AR. Drone cameras and sensors. Over the next chapters these controllers will be explained in detail.

Velocity commands

joypad node


Velocity commands


Velocity commands

Navigation data

AR Drone driver
Navigation data Velocity commands Cameras images

AR Drone motors / cameras / sensors

Fig. 19. General structure of the software

4.2. Joypad The aim of the Joypad node is to be able to control the AR. Drone manually. This is especially useful when doing trials of any of the autonomous manoeuvres in case it is necessary to regain the control of the robot because the program is not working as planned or needs a little manual readjustment to keep working. This can help prevent any danger of injury to the users, the viewers or any damage on the robot. An existing code to control another robot has been adapted to develop this node. This code (ANNEX A.1 Joystick node) was for a land robot called Turtlebot and was developed by Josep Bosch from the Oceans Systems Lab. All the topics published by this node are listened by the spooler node that is explained below. All the messages broadcast from the Joypad node have the Priority field set to true so that its commands are always executed regardless of the commands coming from other nodes. 22

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Fig. 20. Topics published by the ardrone_joy node

The commands that can be sent from the joypad are the following: Velocity commands: forwards, backwards, to the left, to the right, up and down. The velocities range from 0 to 0.3m/s that is the AR. Drone 2.0 maximum velocity. Take off Land Reset. Execute a flip to the left, to the right, backwards or forward. Custom and cmd-aux do not have a specific use and can be characterized different for each node. In this project have only been used in the pose_estimation_ptam node as will be explained further on in this report.

The function of the used buttons can be shown in the Fig. 21.
End take over Move up and down Reset Take o
R1, R2, L1 or L2

Flips Land Move right and left

Turn Move forwards and backwars

Fig. 21. Functions of the joypad buttons


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report 4.3. Spooler The spooler node aim is to manage the messages sent to the AR. Drone 2.0 from the different nodes in order to prevent the driver receiving contradictory messages at the same time. All the nodes that want to send commands to the quadcopter must send them to the spooler instead and this node will evaluate the priority of the messages and decide which messages should be passed to the robot.

Fig. 22. AR. Drone Spooler topics


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Functioning By default the spooler will only pass the commands from the joypad, and only when it receives the end take over command from the joypad will start passing messages from a controller node. Once this happens, and the robot is receiving the commands from the controller node, to regain the manual control of the quadcopter is only necessary to send a command from the joypad node. As soon as the spooler receives any message from the joypad, cease to listen to the controller and its again in a manual control mode until the end take over command is received. The code (ANNEX A.2 Spooler node) checks the priority field of the messages that are explained below.

Fig. 23. Topics to which the ardrone_spooler is publishing and subscribed to

Custom ardrone_msgs In order to know where the messages came from it was necessary to design new types of message that had assigned a priority. These custom messages are defined as ardrone_msgs. ardrone_msgs/Priority Has only one field called Priority containing a bool.
bool priority

ardrone_msgs/Vel Has the same fields as a geometry_msgs/Twist plus the Priority field that is a bool.
ardrone_msgs/Vector3 linear float64 x float64 y float64 z ardrone_msgs/Vector3 angular float64 x float64 y float64 z bool priority

This field Priority it's set to true when the message comes from the Joystick node, and set to false if it comes from any other node. This way the spooler node checks this field of the message to know where the message comes from. 25

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report As was explained previously, to create new types of messages is necessary to create a package. In this case the package created was called ardrone_msgs. Then the code to generate the message type has to be in a file named as the type and has .msg extension, saved in a folder called msg. In this file there must be written the fields of the message.

Fig. 25. Folder msg

Fig. 24. Example of code to generate a message

4.4. First controller This first and very simple controller (ANNEX A.3 First controller) was developed to be able to try the spooler and joypad nodes. Also was useful to make a first approach to commanding the AR. Drone and to the roscpp library. This node listens to the navdata topic to know the drone state. Then publishes the commands to the spooler topics: cmd_vel, land and take_off. The messages sent from this node have the field priority set to false, so in any moment during the execution of the program the Joystick node can take over the quadcopter.

Fig. 26. Controller node rxgraph


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report The controller node first commands the AR. Drone to take off, once it's hovering makes it rotate for two seconds, then stop rotating and wait hovering for two more seconds and finally land. The code functions as a state machine changing between the states (Table 1): LANDED, TAKING_OFF, MOVING, STOPPING, WAITING, START_LANDING, LANDING and FINISHED. There are not different paths, so each state simply executes its job and gives way to the next one on the list. STATE LANDED TAKING_OFF MOVING STOPPING WAITING FUNCTION Makes sure the drone is in landed state and sends the take_off message Waits until the take_off is accomplished and the drone is hovering. In order to know that checks the Navdata field state. For two seconds moves forwards. Sets a timer and when the timer finishes it set the next state. Sets all the velocities to zero and changes to waiting. Starts a timer and waits for two seconds until it finishes and sets the next state. This state does nothing,. Just waits until the drone has landed, then it sets the state to finish. Last state. Just shows a sentence saying the mission has been accomplished successfully.
Table 1. Code states

START_LANDING Gives the command to land and sets the next state. LANDING FINISHED


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

5. Position estimation
The issue of identifying the location of a mobile robot (x, y, z, and orientation) at any given time is one of the most fundamental problems in robotics. Localization is a version of on-line temporal state estimation, where a mobile robot seeks to estimate its position in a global coordinate frame. The pose estimation problem can be solved in different ways depending on the choice of the method. Most methods use relative position techniques, in which the robot position is initialised to zero at start-up and any subsequent motion is measured respect to this location. In this project three methods are developed to do the position estimation task: first two are based on the image obtained from the cameras of the drone, and the other one is based on the robots odometry. 5.1. Position estimation based on image The following two methods use the image from the cameras of the robot to estimate its position. The first of the following methods uses the front HD camera looking forwards and its based on features. The second one is designed for a looking down camera and its based on phase correlation between consecutive images. This section of the project has been made before turning the front HD camera, so, during the development of this part the quadcopter had the front HD camera and the default bottom camera. 5.1.1. Position estimation based on features Two methods had been tested to do the position estimation based on features: a) mono_odometer node from Viso2 package, and b) ptam node from ptam package in the ethzasl_ptam stack. a) Viso2 The Systems, Robotics and Vision group of the University of the Balearic Islands, Spain, maintain this package. It contains two nodes that use the libviso21 library: mono_odometer and stereo_odometer. Both estimate camera motion based on incoming rectified images from calibrated camera. In our project we tried the mono_odometer node from viso2 package because we had only one camera looking down. To estimate the position, this algorithms needs to calculate the robot motion, and to be able to calculate the camera motion the transformation from the camera frame to the robot frame has to be known. To estimate the scale of the motion, this node needs the altitude and the pitch of the robot. But this node has some limitation that makes it not suitable to use for this purpose in this project. It is not recommended to use it when there are rotations. If the movement is linear it calculates the position quite well, but when there are rotations it doesn't work well. Since a quadcopter is very unusual to fly always with linear velocity without turning, this package was discarded to do the motion estimation. Also, monocular scale is estimated by assuming a fixed camera height over ground, which is very unusual for a quadcopter flight.
1 LIBVISO2 (Library for Visual Odometry 2) is a very fast cross-platfrom (Linux, Windows) C++ library

with MATLAB wrappers for computing the 6 DOF motion of a moving mono/stereo camera.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report b) Ethzasl_ptam Ethzasl_ptam is a ROS-stack builds on the monocular SLAM framework PTAM2 presented by Klein and Murray in their paper at ISMAR07 [1]. This stack contains two packages: ptam package, which has the main nodes to perform the monocular SLAM, and ptam_com package, which contains the header files for communication with the ptam package and custom message, server, and action definitions. Inside the ptam package there is the main node called ptam as well. In this project two nodes will be used to test this method, one to get the position and another to control the first node and the drone by sending velocity commands. The node used to get the position is the ptam node from ptam package. Ptam node This package is maintained by Stephan Weiss, Markus Achtelik and Simon Lynen. This software has been chosen for this project because it is a SLAM system, which is a technique that doesnt need any prior information about the world to build a map, and particularly because it has been used before to estimate the position of a quadcopter robots because its ability to not losing the map with a camera in fast motion. This software splits the tracking and mapping. In this way, the tracking procedure is no slaved to the map-making procedure, and different tracking methods can be used (ptam uses a coarse-to-fine approach with a robust estimator). This node gives the pose of the camera, x, y and z, and the angular position in quaternion angles. The first idea was to use the bottom camera, but it was not used because its bad resolution and the difficulty to get features on a homogeneous floor. The camera model used in PTAM is made for wide-angle lenses (>90), so definitely it is not made to work with cameras like the default bottom camera of the AR. Drone 2.0. However we have tried to do it with the bad definition down looking camera but it doesnt work properly, so we decided to use it with the HD front looking camera. It is much easier to get features with the front camera, not only because its higher definition, but also because of the less homogenous surfaces. Since only monochrome capture is needed for the PTAM input images, we use a package to convert the input image from the drone to black and white image. This package is called image_proc. Image_proc package This package is made by Patrick Mihelich, Kurt Konolige and Jeremy Leibs. It removes the camera distortion from the raw image stream, converts it to a monochrome image, or both. Since the front HD camera has wide-angle lens (92 diagonal fisheye), the image appears rounded, and for some applications is should be rectified. This is not the case of PTAM, since it works fine with the not rectifies images, but it uses monochrome images for tracking the features, so in this system this package will be used to provide ptam with black and white images.
2 PTAM is software developed by the Active Laboratoy Department of Engineering Science Univerity of

Oxford by George Klein and David Murray. PTAM (short for Parallel Tracking and Mapping) is a piece of computer vision software that can track the 3D position of a moving camera in real time. It is a SLAM system for augmented reality. It requires no markers, pre-made maps, known templates, or inertial sensors but instead works out the structure of the world as it goes. PTAM is useful primarily for augmented reality, although it has been applied to other tasks (robot guidance) as well.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report In the left hand of the Fig. 27 there is a non rectified frame, where can be seen that the table is not flat, while, in the right frame, where the same frame is rectified with the Image_proc package, the table is shown as flat.

Fig. 27. Not rectified and rectified images from the HD camera

Ptam camera calibration Camera calibration often referred to as camera resectioning, is a way of examining an image, or a video, and deducing what the camera situation was at the time the image was captured. Camera calibration is used primarily in robotic applications, and when modelling scenes virtually based on real input. Traditionally, camera calibration was a difficult and tedious process, but modern software applications make it quite easy to achieve, even for home users. This is the case for the ptam node. Inside the PTAM package, ethzal_ptam, there is a node called camera_calibrator. It is a tool to calibrate the intrinsic camera parameters of a camera with a wide-angle lens. The camera calibration is done with a grid with black and a homogeneous surrounding. For the calibration procedure is needed to grab a few frames (around 10 shots) of the grid viewed from different angles (Fig. 28). After that, the node calculates five numbers that will be used to set five parameters in a PTAM source file, which is used to run PTAM.

Fig. 28. Shots to calibrate the camera

Initialisation of PTAM For the use of PTAM is necessary to start getting the features to track from two different points of view in order to be able to triangulate and find the relative distance between them and the camera. It takes a main plane using the initial features, and all the positions are based on the distance of the camera to the centre of coordinates of that plane. For this reason is necessary an initialisation to use it.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Fig. 29. Initialization of PTAM

To get the two points of view of the initial features a translation of the camera has to be done. It has to be only translation, not rotation, and it has to move 10 cm approximately (Fig. 29). When it has been done, PTAM is able to start building a map (not scaled), track the initial features and find new features to track in the camera frame. If only the PTAM is used, the commands to control the PTAM (start a map, restart a map, get the two point of views of the initial features, etc.) are sent with the keyboard. For example, get the two initial points of view is made by pressing the space bar of the keyboard or the letter r key to restart the map. The controller node: pose_control_ptam The functions developed in this node (ANNEX A.4 Pose control based on features (ptam)) can be split in to different functions: the ones to control ptam node, and the ones to control the drone. The functions to control ptam node are creating a map, scaling the map and restarting the map. The functions to control the drone from the estimated position are position keeping and moving in any x-y direction sending distance commands. The position keeping function has been done to test the pose estimation, and the moving function, to test the scaling function. Should be pointed that the driver of the drone has its own position keeping function that works very well when keeps the angle but not so well when keeps the linear (x, y) position. The functions to control the ptam node has ben done by sending the same message that would send a keyboard (space bar, letter r, etc.) to the ptam node, for example = "Space" for the space bar press. The map is restarted in the same way. And to make the initialisation and to get the two initial points of view an action had been implemented. This action permits to move the camera translating but not rotating it. The way to do this is descending or rising the quadcopter and get the frames before and after that movement. The other function it has to do with PTAM is the scaling function because monocular vision cannot measure metric scale; the maps are built with an undetermined scale. To do the scaling one real measurement in any of the three axes must be known, for example, a known width or height of an object, or, as done in this project, moving the camera again only translating and not rotating and knowing how much has it moved. To use this method is necessary the altitude sensor. Rising the quadcopter again about 10 cm, the scale can be done. The altitude the drone has raised (altitude sensor) can be compared with the displacement in the z-axis of 31

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report PTAM, and with a division the scale can be found easily. The functions to control the drone are the position keeping function and moving the drone by sending distance commands. In the position keeping function the drone tries to stay still in its position, so when it is moved from that position it comes back to its initial position. The goal of the position keeping function is to test the accuracy of the estimated position with PTAM. The controller software is structured by states (Fig. 30 and Table 2), which are: TAKEOFF, START_INIT, MOVING_TO_INIT, END_INIT, RE_INIT, POSITION_KEEPING and LOST.





Fig. 30. Sturcture of the states in the code


Function The drone takes off Starts the initialisation: takes the initial features in the first frame and rise the drone The drone is rising Ends the initialisation: stops the drone and takes the position of the initial features in the frame Prepare the restart of the initialisation: descend Do the scaling (every time there is a new map), memorizes the initial position and keeps this position Stops the drone and turn to find the lost map

NEXT STATE START_INIT MOVING_TO_INIT END_INIT POSITION_KEEPING: if the map works RE_INIT: If the map doesnt work START_INIT LOST: if the map is lost POSITION_KEEPING: if the map if found START_INIT: If the map isnt found after a timer 32


Table 2. States of the code

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Functions in each state In the START_INIT STATE, the frame from the front camera will be used as the first frame to do the initialisation of PTAM. In the MOVING_TO_INIT state, the drone is moving vertically to get a second frame. In the Fig. 32 the features from the first frame are tracked. When the drone has moved enough to get a different frame with the same features, ptam node is able to start building the map from the features (Fig. 31). This map is build only with the features and it gives the camera position. The map can also be seen without the image camera and in a 3D view (Fig. 33).

Fig. 32. Features tracked

Fig. 31. PTAM map


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Fig. 33. 3D PTAM map

To do the function of moving the drone using distance commands, a new usage of some buttons of the joy has been implemented. This buttons set a modification in the initial position memorised in the POSITION_KEEPING state. The position can be modified each time the buttons are pressed by one meter in any direction x-y with the arrows buttons of the joypad. This can only be preceded by a scaling, because without the scaling procedure, the map has no measurements. The distance commands allows to test the scaling procedure implemented in this node, and the result obtained with this method is that it is not very accurate. In addition, the scale is not always the same because of the not accuracy of the altitude sensor and the small random movements of the quadcopter when it flies. However, it is an initial approach of the scaling with a quadcopter with one camera, and its error can be disregarded in some applications. There was implemented another button (Select button of the joypad) in this node to start a new map. This has been done because with this button the map can be build wherever we drive the drone. To operate the entire package a launchfile has been created to start the nodes: ardrone_driver, ardrone_spooler, ardrone_joy and image_proc. Once all these nodes are started the ptam node is started. Finally the node to control all the system is started: the pose_control_ptam node. In conclusion, the position-based visual servoing node works quite well if there are enough features in the image frame. So, to use it is necessary to have an environment with many things to get features from it around the flying zone. If there are too few features and is not able to build a map with them or the drone loses the map, this node is able to restart a new map with new features. As said before, the scaling method is not very accurate, but is an initial approach. An improvement to the code would be to orientate PTAM axis to match with the drones axis, in this way, the precision in the scaling and the movements would increase significantly because the grid will always be in the same place respect the drone. This orientation could not be achieved in this project. 34

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report PTAM with the HD camera turned This part of the position estimation of this project (5.1.1. Position estimation based on features) has been developed during the first part of this project, when the HD camera was not turned down yet; the camera was a looking forward camera. Since the front camera was turned (looking down), the ptam node wont work as explained in this section anymore. For this reason we have tried to make it work with the looking down camera. Theoretically there is not much difference between both camera orientations; the only change is in the PTAM map initialization. With the forward-looking camera, raising the drone about 10 cm to get two different frames with the features did the map initialization. With the down-looking camera, moving the drone forwards does this initialization. But using PTAM with a looking down camera of a quadcopter and flying at low altitude the system doesn't work as good as with the camera looking forwards. It does not work very well because since the map is build by moving the drone forwards instead of raising it, the drone leads forward and the map can not be build with only translation, at least it's not as easy as raising it. It has to be done only translating the camera and not rotating it, and it is almost impossible to do with only translation. Moreover, it is more difficult, than with the camera looking forwards to maintain the map because if the drone moves few meters in any direction (x or y), the frame could be completely different, and since it tilts to move, the map can be lost easily. So, the results obtained in the ptam node with the HD down looking camera are not very good. Probably it would be better if the drone flew at higher altitude, because the map would has more features in a bigger area, so when it moves the features wouldnt be lost so easily. Tum_ardrone package By the end of November, when the pose_control_ptam node was almost finished and running in the drone, a package came out doing very similar position estimation with PTAM. This package is called tum_ardrone and is the implementation of the papers [6] and [7] presented by J. Engel, J. Sturm and D. Cremers. The package consists of three components: a monocular SLAM system, an extended Kalman filter for data fusion and state estimation and a PID controller to generate steering commands. With this package is demonstrated that with this system (position estimation with PTAM with a front looking camera) the drone is able to navigate in previously unknown environments at absolute scale without requiring artificial markers or external sensors. Another significant thing that this package can do, and we couldnt do with ours, is that the axes of PTAM are orientated according to the initial position of the drone, with the grid always on the floor or on a parallel plane to the ground. This package contains tree nodes: drone_stateestimation, which includes PTAM and visualisation; drone_autopilot, which is the drone controller that sends the velocity commands to the driver (ardrone_driver), it requires the drone_stateestimation node; and drone_gui, which is the GUI (Graphical User Interface) for controlling the drone (with a joystick or a keyboard) and for controlling the drone_autopilot and the drone_stateestimation node. This node came out for the first time in November the 21st and, since then, it has been updated often.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report 5.1.2. Position estimation based on phase correlation This node estimates the displacements of the quadcopter applying the phase correlation algorithm to the images obtained from the bottom camera. The theory is based on the paper [2] where this method was used for sonar imaging. Phase correlation is a method for determining the offset between two similar images using a fast frequency domain approach. This algorithm uses the Fourier shift property, which says that a shift between two functions is transformed in the Fourier domain as a linear phase shift. If the two functions are images, applying the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to each, and computing their normalized cross power spectrum and then the inverse FFT, the shift between them two can be obtained. On the Fig. 34 can be observed two images that have had applied a translation between them. The third image is the result of the algorithm, the white dot is the maximum value of the result matrix and its location corresponds to the translation.

Fig. 34. Example of phase correlation

This however only works for images that have been translated but not scaled or rotated. Then to use this method the second image has to be de-rotated and de-scaled before applying the algorithm. In order to do that another property of the Fourier transform can be used: the differences in rotation and scale between the two images in the log-polar coordinates are represented by linear shifts. In view of this properties the process of phase correlation between two images f and g would be the following: First apply the FFT to both images, then to each result apply a polar transform. Taking only the magnitudes of the polar transforms calculate the normalized cross power spectrum and then its inverse FFT. With this the rotation and scale will be known and the second image can be de-scaled and de-rotated. Finally, the phase correlation algorithm can be applied and the translation obtained. In the diagram in Fig. 35 this process can be seen more clearly.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Polar transform FFT FFT |G| |F| Polar transform G F FFT FFT g f



Cross power spectrum


Rotation and scale De-rotate image FFT FFT

Cross power spectrum



Fig. 35. Phase correlation method

Since this was implemented from the mathematical explanation it was decided to go step by step. The first code (ANNEX A.5.1 phase_correlation_two_images.cpp) developed was only for doing phase correlation between to non-rotated and non-scaled images and gave the translation in pixels. After this code worked the next step was implement the same for a camera feed and get the translation in milimeters. This second code (ANNEX A.5.2 phase_correlation_camera.cpp) works but is really unstable because a minimum rotation of the camera or approximation to the image will make the output meaningless. The period of time for the developing of the project has come to the end before this node was finished so only the version without the rotation has been achieved. For the implementation of this algortihm OpenCV and cv_bridge package has been used. 37

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report OpenCV and cv_bridge package OpenCV (Open source Computing Vision) is a library of programming functions for real time computing vision. Is a free library for academic and commercial use, it is released under an open source BSD license. It was officially launched in 1999, and the first alpha version of OpenCV was released to the public in 2000. OpenCV is written in C++ and it has C++, C, Python and Java interfaces running on Windows, Linux, Android and Mac. The library has more than 2,500 optimised algorithms, and it is used in many applications such as image segmentation, transforms, detection, recognition, tracking, camera calibration, etc. Uses range from interactive art, to mine inspection, stitching maps on the web on through advanced robotics.

Fig. 36. OpenCV

The OpenCV version used in this project is 2.4, released on March the 19th of 2012. Also, to be able to use the OpenCV library, the images from the camera feed which come through a ROS topic have to be converted from the Image message to the OpenCV image format. For this codes is necessary the use the cv_bridge package. As the name explains this package acts as a bridge between OpenCV and other formats. It was created by Patrick Mihelich and James Bowman and has a BSD licence.

Fig. 37. cv_bridge structure

As will be seen on the next chapters, this library and the cv_bridge package have been used in different of the nodes developed in the project.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report 5.2. Position estimation based on odometry To obtain the position of the robot from the odometry the only input needed is the acceleration, velocity and angles of the drone. All this data can be obtained from the drones driver, which sends a ROS message called /navdata (navigation data) where there are the accelerations, velocities, altitude measured form the ultrasound altitude sensor, orientation, the time between two consecutive messages, among other. In this project has been done a node to keep the quadcopter position in order to test the accuracy of the position estimation based on the odometry. Some calculus are necessary to get the pose of the drone every loop, but not for the altitude, nor the orientation (yaw), because both are obtained from the /navdata message directly, where the altitude measurement is obtained from the drones altitude sensor. The kinematic equation (1) has been used to calculate the position in the x and y axes.

X = Xo + Vot

A PID controller has been used to calculate the velocity to send to the robot depending on the displacement from the starting point in all axis and yaw. The PID controller is part of a ROS- package called control_toolbox, which contains several C++ classes useful in writing robot controllers. The results obtained using this node (ANNEX A.6 Pose control based on odometry) are not the desired because the robot is no able to keep its position and its not able to come back to the initial position when it is displaced from it. When the drone is keeping the pose with this node, it constantly moves forwards or backwards and sideways. This method is not appropriate to do position estimation. This is, possibly, because the /navdata message is received with a certain frequency, and the acceleration is continuously changing. This method can only be used if the navigation data from a robot is received very often, almost analogue. When we did this node, the ardrone driver published the /navdata message every 15Hz, but a few weeks after finishing the node, the driver was updated with the possibility to increase the frequency of only the /navdata message up to 200Hz. We have tried the node with this new frequency and the results are a little better, but no enough to get the pose of the drone with this node.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

6. Visual servoing
Visual servoing, or Vision-Based Robot Control, is a technique that uses the visual feedback information extracted from a camera (or more than one) to control the motion of a robot. Visual servoing techniques can be classified into three main types: IBVS (Image-Based Visual Servoing), PBVS (Position-Based Visual Servoing) and a hybrid approach: IBVS is based on the error between the desired and the current features on the frame of the camera. 2D image measurements are used directly to estimate the desired movement of the robot. PBVS is based on the estimation of the position with respect to the camera, and then the command is issued to the robot controller. These systems retrieve the 3D information about the scene where known camera model (usually in conjunction with a geometric model of the target) is used to estimate the pose (position and orientation) of the target. Hybrid approach is a 2-1/2-D (two and a half dimensions) visual servoing. Ii is a combination of the two previous approaches. Does not need any geometric 3D model of the object. It consist in combining visual features obtained directly from the image, and position-based features.

In this project has been developed two types of visual servoing: the IBVS and the 2-1/2-D visual servoing. The 2-1/2-D visual servoing has been explained in the section 5.1. Position estimation based on image, inside the position estimation part (chapter 5. Position estimation). It had been explained within that section because it is one of the two methods for estimating the position that has been tested (one based on image and the other based on odometry). Since it was first developed the entire part of position estimation (chapter 5), the 2-1/2-D visual servoing part of visual servoing is not explained in this section (chapter 6. Visual servoing). The IBVS is explained further ahead in this chapter. The applications of visually guided systems are many, from intelligent homes to automobile industry, and increasing, and, of course, robotics. Vision guided robots has been on of the major research area in robotics during last decades. Along with this growth, some software and applications to work with images in order to do visual servoing have appeared in the recent years. An example of this software is the OpenCV library, which has been explained before. Another distinction has to be made inside the visual servoing methods, depending on the distance between the camera and the part of the robot that has to move to the desired position there are eye-to-hand and eye-in-hand methods. If the camera is located on the centre of the part that has to move, its called eye-in-hand, because in the case of a robotic arm the camera would be located in the hand that has to move to the desired point. If the camera is located elsewhere, and therefore a transformation has to be made to the velocities commanded to the robot, its called eye-to-hand. The visual servoing developed in this project is eye-in-hand because the camera is in the quadcopter.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Land over a target One of the goals of this project is to do visual servoing in order to command the drone to land over a known target, first over a static target and then over a moving target. At the beginning of the development of this function, the down looking camera will be used to do this function although its bad resolution. Further on the HD camera is used to perform this function. To perform the landing, first of all, the detection of the target is needed to get a position of it, then, the commands to land over it will be send to the drone. Because of the detection of the target involves a lot of computation in every frame and sometimes the target can be wrong detected, the intention to perform this manoeuvre is to split the detecting function and the tracking function in two nodes, with a third node to send the velocity commands to the driver. This third node is the controller (landing_control), which is the main node and will always work. The system is designed to work in the following way: First, the controller node will require the detecting node (tag_detection_server) to find the target. When the target is detected, stop the detecting function and start the tracking of the target with the tracking node (tracker_server). When the target is being tracked, get the velocity commands to send to the drones driver in order to achieve a landing. To perform all these actions, there is the main node, the controller, which controls the tasks in every moment. The actionlib package for ROS is used to control the system. This package allows sending requests from a node to other nodes to perform some task, and also receive a reply to the request. There are two kinds of nodes when using this package: the clients and the servers. The clients are the ones who send requests to the servers nodes, which perform some specific task. In this system, the controller is the client node, and the target detection node and the tracking node are the servers node. Acionlib package The actionlib package is a ROS package created by Eitan Marder-Eppstein and Vijay Pradeep. It provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptible tasks like moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud, detecting the handle of a door, etc. In ROS based system, there are cases when someone would like to send a request to a node to perform some task, and also receive a reply to the request. This can currently be achieved via ROS services. But, sometimes, if the service takes a long time to execute, the main node or the user might want to cancel the request during the execution or get feedback during it. This package provides the necessary tools to create servers that perform long-running goals that can be preempted and clients that can send requests to server nodes. Is necessary to define a few messages on which the client and server nodes can communicate. In these messages there is defined the Goal, the Feedback and the Result of each task: Goal: The goal is the objective of the task. It is sent to the server (ActionServer) from the client (ActionClient). This can be, for example, a PoseStamped message that contains information about where the robot should move to in the world, in case of a mobile robot. Feedback: The feedback provides the client information about how the task is been carried out. For the example of the moving robot, the feedback could be the position of the robot in the world at every moment. Result: The result is the outcome of the performed task. It is sent from the server to the client only once, when the task is completed. For the example of the moving robot, the result could be the final pose of the robot, although in that case the result is not very important. 41

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Structure of the landing procedure Taking advantage that gives the modular operating system (ROS) and using the Actionlib package, the system of the landing procedure comprises three nodes that communicate with each other (Fig. 38).

Velocity commands

joypad node


Velocity commands

Landing Control
Start / Preempt Start / Preempt Feedback / Result

Feedback / Result

Velocity commands

Target Detection

Target Tracking
Bottom camera image Navigation data

AR Drone driver
Navigation data Velocity commands Cameras images

AR Drone motors / cameras / sensors

Fig. 38. Structure of the landing control

In the Fig. 38, the nodes in the right are the ones that perform the autonomous landing procedure. There is the master node, called Landing Control, which is the client that asks the Target Detection and the Target Tracking nodes to perform its respective tasks. The Target Detection and the Target Tracking nodes are server nodes, which send the feedback to the master node. The orange arrows represent the messages created by the Actionlib library in order to establish the communication between clients and servers. In the target detection feedback message there is the target position, and in the tracking feedback message there is the velocity to send to the drone, the position of the target with respect to the centre of the image in centimetres and a variable to know if the tracking is working. The result message of the Target Detection server and the Tracking server are empty messages because there is no information to send to the master, but the achievement of the tasks. Two launchs files have been created in order to run the system. The first launch file starts the AR. Drone driver, the Spooler node, the Joypad node and the image_proc node (explained before: to have the camera images rectified). The second launch file starts the three visual servoing nodes: the landing control, the target detection and the tracking nodes. There are two different launch files instead of only one because the driver takes a while to establish communication with the quadcopter, and the visual servoing nodes need the driver to be running to start. Another thing needed to run the system is the template image file to perform the detection part. The path of the image must be specified in the code of that node (ANNEX A.7.3 tag_detection_server.cpp) to perform the detection of the template and that image must have the appropriate proportions. 42

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report 6.1. The controller node: landing_control The controller node is the master node that controls all the manoeuvres and the steps of the system (take off, search the target, approach to it, restart the search if the target is lost and land over it). This node is also the one who commands the other two nodes, the detection and the tracking nodes, to start their processes. The communication between these nodes is performed by making the nodes be client/server nodes with the acionlib packages, as explained before. About the code It is structured by states (in the code - ANNEX A.7.1 landing_control.cpp - called status), which are TAKEOFF, SEARCHING, TRACKING, LOST, and LANDING (Table 3). STATE TAKEOFF SEARCHING TRACKING LOST LANDING Function The drone takes off Starts the Target Detection node Starts the Tracking node Tries to find the lost target. If it can not find it, start searching it again Lands the drone NEXT STATE SEARCHING TRACKING: if the target is found LANDING: if the approach to the target had been ok LOST: if the target had been lost TRACKING: if the target has been found SEARCHING: if the target has not been found before 3 seconds -

Table 3. States of the code

In the SEARCHING state, the Target Detection node is started, and in every loop a feedback from this node is received, first the drone is situated at an optimum altitude to find the target (between 800mm and 1300mm) and then it is moved forwards to find the target. In the TRACKING state, the Tracking node is started, and every time a feedback is received, a velocity command is sent to the drone. During the tracking, the velocity commands are received from the tracking node, which computes the velocities for doing the visual servoing task as explained later. If the target is centred in the frame, a down velocity is sent. When the target is lost, the LOST state is set to try to find the target again, and if this is not found, the system will change to the SEARCHING state again. When the LANDING state is set, a forward velocity and the landing command are sent to the drone to make it land centred over the target. This node has a function that sets the system to the LANDING state to land the drone when the battery is almost empty. Another function in this node is to print in the screen information that could be useful during the operation of the system such as the actual state of the system, the drones battery, the altitude, or the velocities commands among others. The Target Detection node and the Tracking node are the main reason of the modification of the drone, the change of the front camera angle mentioned before in this project. Since the camera used is has wide angle (92 diagonal fisheye), its image is rounded, so a processing effect that corrects the round effect of the lens is needed. This processing has been done with the image_proc ROS package, explained before, in the 5.1.1. Position estimation based on features.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report 6.2. The target detection node: tag_detection_server The target detection node (ANNEX A.7.3 tag_detection_server.cpp) is the node responsible for detecting the target where it has to land. Taking into account that the place where the drone will have to land will be a known target and no more than that target has to be known, two strategies have been proposed to achieve this purpose. An important thing to consider when choosing the strategy to work with is that the target will not be well orientated, with the same size and with the same illumination (colour) most of the time, so for that reason, this code has to be able to find the target when it turns, changes the size or in different light situations. Strategy Pros No matters the size of the target Colour detection No matters the orientation of the target It is fast enough to do the task It is a very robust function Template matching It is robust when the light condition are changing It is fast enough to do the target detection Wrong targets can be discarded
Table 4. Detecting strategies

Cons It is not robust when the light conditions are changing Can be detected more things of the same colour besides the target

The target must have the size and orientation of the template

To use the colour strategy, more things should be done, such as shape comparison, to increase the robustness of the detection. In addition, the lack of robustness given by the changing light conditions is very difficult to solve easily. Template matching can be a fast and effective way of monitoring the position of an object within the image. But it needs some other processing to make it work when the target has different sizes (seen from different highs) and with different orientations. Finally, the strategy chosen to perform the detection is the Template matching function of OpenCV because it is easier to do the processing to change the orientation and the size than to make the colour detection robust in changing light conditions. 44

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Functions of the code For this node will be necessary to have a template image to compare the images in the frame with it. The first template chosen was a white H within a black circle (Fig. 40). With this template, the circle was the element tracked with the tracking node and the transition of the circle position in the frame works pretty good. The transition was made by sending five points of the circle from the detection node to the tracking node.

Fig. 40. First target tried

But since the change of the tracking function, for reasons explained further, the target with the circle and the H inside wouldnt work any more. With the new tracker the element tracked is an area in the centre of the target, so the circle around the H was no necessary any more. And there was a problem with the transition of the position of the tracking area between the detector and the tracker. The problem is that the detector has to send the position of a point inside the area to track, and since the H has narrow white areas, when the tracking node takes the central position, the drone could has moved a bit, enough to get a point outside of the H. For that reason it was decided to make a target with a bigger H. Several targets where tried, but the final target (Fig. 39) was one with a bigger area in the centre in order to reduce the possibility to make a mistake when passing the point from the tracker to the detector when flying. This new H is black, because, since the tracking only needs a white area surrounded with black or vice-versa, it works as well as the white H.

Fig. 39. Final target

The template has to measure the half of an A4 paper because it is the size that the detector will search the template. So, the final target is a sheet of paper with the template inside (Fig. 41).


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Fig. 41. Target in a sheet of paper

To detect the target the node has to detect the sheet, compare to the template and decide if it is the target or not. Also, to detect the target is needed to make the function works if the template is rotated and has a different size of the template. Thats why the detection node is structured in different functions: The first function, called findCountours in the code (ANNEX A.7.3 tag_detection_server.cpp), is to find squared shapes and only polygons with four edges. To do this, some OpenCV functions are used. First, the Canny function is performed in the frame to get the edges, to find polygons with these edges the findCountors function is called. Then, the function approxPolyDP is used to approximate the polygons with quadrangles. Finally the polygons with four edges with similar angles as a rectangle are selected.

Fig. 42. Squares detected

There is implemented the drawSquares function, which allows us to see the detected squares (Fig. 42). In the code, this function is not performed because it is not necessary to the main objective. For this detection function, the sheet must be surrounded by a dark area to detect the white square easily. 46

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report The detection squares are passed to a function to rectify the square shapes, is called rectifiedSquares in the code. Within this function, the template is loaded. The template should not be the drawn template directly because it would be different in the camera frame. For this reason the template loaded is an image of the template taken from the camera image previously (Fig. 43).

Fig. 43. Template obtained from a camera image

This is the template searched in the rectified square, which is obtained from the four corners of the squares detected. The four corners are oriented and resized to the correct size to compare with the template (Fig. 44).

Fig. 44. Rectified square with the target

When the squares are resized, the MatchingMethod function is carried out. This is the main function of the code, where is compared the squares detected with the template. In this function can be chosen several methods, and after having tested all of them, the called CV_TM_SQDIFF has been proved as the most effective for this purpose. The most important thing inside this function is the OpenCV function MatchTemplate, which slides the template image through the camera frame and stores the comparison results in the result matrix Fig. 45. This matrix is a grayscale image where the value of each pixel corresponds to how close of a match it is. There is a function in OpenCV that finds the pixel with the value that has more likelihood to be the target and the likely target position within the image. 47

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Fig. 45. Result matrix

When the result matrix looks like the Fig. 45, means the template is found in the detected square, and if it is detected during 5 consecutive frames, a green square is drawn around the target (Fig. 46).

Fig. 46. Target detected and verified

Initially there was another function implemented in this node. That function was used to find a circle within the target when it is found and then take five points of the perimeter of that circle to pass them to the tracking node (Fig. 47), but since the tracking strategy had been changed, this function was no useful anymore, so we decide to remove it.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Fig. 47. Circle and points found in the first target tried

The Target Detection node sends the result to the master node when the target is found and verified, it has been detected during 5 consecutive frames. The result message is an empty message, because there is no important information to communicate but the achievement of the task. In the feedback message there is the position of the target and two variables to know if the target has been found. As explained before, to start the tracking procedure is necessary to pass a point (x,y) to the tracking node. This point will be the centre of the target, the black area of the H, which is a big area in order to not be mistaken. It will be sent to the tracking node by two parameters (x and y positions in the frame). This node was begun when the front camera (HD and wide angle camera) was not turned yet. In the images Fig. 49 and Fig. 48 can be seen the difference of definition among both images, but the most important thing is that with the HD camera, there is more surface covered, so the target will be detected faster. This is very important in the tracking node as well.

Fig. 49. Low-resolution camera frame

Fig. 48. High-resolution camera frame


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report 6.3. The target tracking node: tracker_server The objective of this node is to track a target that has already been detected by the tag_detector_server node, compute the visual servoing task to obtain the velocities and then pass them on to the master node through the feedback messages. To compute the visual servoing part we use an existing platform called ViSP. 6.3.1. Visual Servoing Platform (ViSP) For the developing of this node it has been used the Visual Servoing Platform (ViSP). This library contains different functionalities to implement visual servoing applications that range from the grasping of images, image processing and tracking algorithms to the control of robots. The library has a modular architecture meaning that the different functions are independent from each other. This allows the user to implement only the features needed for each specific application. It must be mentioned that this library is addressed to industrial environments where you can control all conditions such as lightning and there are mainly robotic arms, which have steady movement and easily controllable velocities. Obviously the object of this project does not fit into this conditions and this limitation will be further analysed in the conclusions. The functionalities used in this project are the image display, the ellipse tracker, the pose estimation algorithm, the dot tracker, and the visual servoing task builder. First, was implemented the ellipse tracking but wasn't robust enough as to track under flying conditions. Then after trying the different tracking methods available on this library, it was determined that the one offering most robust results for this project was the dot tracker and so this was the method used in the definitive version of the tracking node. When implementing the ellipse tracker the approach used was to estimate the pose of the ellipse, pass this pose to the master who would then use a PID to determine the velocities. But then on the second version of this node, as well as changing the feature to track was decided to implement a visual servoing task using the specific tools available on Visp. Both methods will be explained in this chapter as well as the results obtained with each one. 6.3.2. Ellipse tracker Introduction The ellipse tracker is based on the moving edges tracker. This tracker is based on matching through convolution masks and has three derived trackers for ellipse, for lines and for nurbs curves. The method is as follows: The edge is sampled, and for each iteration the samples are tracked along the normal to the edge. The equation of the edge is computed for each iteration. It enables to find the normal to the edge at each sample and detect the outliers (Fig. 50).


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Fig. 50. Ellipse tracker

Functioning To initialize the tracking the algorithm needs to know five points that are on the contour of the ellipse to be tracked. On the first iteration the program initializes the tracking and the pose estimation and starts to track. From the second iteration on it only keeps tracking and the updates the estimated position. The input image has to be processed so that the tracker is able to work. The processing includes a Gaussian Blur to reduce the noise and a Canny Edges detector to obtain an image with only edges. Tracking parameters The tracking parameters are very sensitive to the resolution of the camera, the frames per second to be processed and the illumination conditions. They are declared within the code and have to be tuned for every application. Threshold: The higher it is, the sharper the transition must be to accept a point. Using a low value facilitates the detection of an edge in a low contrast environment, however it may introduce outliers in the minimisation. mu1 and mu2: These values are used to reject a new candidate position for the sample point if the new convolution is too small (for mu1) or too high (for mu2) compared to the previous one. For example, if mu1 = mu2 = 0:5, the sample point is accepted only if the value of the new convolution is between 50% and 150% of the previous convolution. This procedure allows to reject points with a different transition (black-to-white instead of the previous white-to-black for example). Range: Corresponds to the distance in pixel along the normal to the curve where the new edge is searched. This value is dependant on the expected displacement of the edge between two consecutive images. The higher the value is, the slower will be the algorithm and the more there will be outliers. Sample step: Corresponds to the distance between two consecutive sample points on a curve. If the object is very simple, and if the environment is not too noisy, a high value can be sufcient.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Structure of the code Like in previous nodes, this code makes use of the opencv library and the cv_bridge node. Furthermore, in this case, it's been necessary to make an additional transformation to the image to convert it from the opencv image format to the visp image format. This has been done with the package visp_bridge. Very similar to the cv_bridge this package converts opencv structures to visp and viceversa. The structure of the code is divided between an initialization of all the functions and parameters, which has to be done only once at the beginning and the update of the functions that has to be iterative and run every time an image from the camera is received. In the figure X can be observed a scheme of this structure, the initialization is contained inside the condition of being the first time the callback is called.

Fig. 51. Structure of the circle tracker

6.3.3. Dot tracker VISP provides algorithms to track white dots on a black background, or black dots on a white background. This algorithms are the ones which have been used for this node because they are much more stable than the circle tracker to do this task. In VISP algorithms, a dot is a part of image where the connected pixels have the same level (black or white colour). There are two classes of dot tracker algorithm in VISP libraries. These are vpDot and vpDot2. The second is the one that is used in this node because it is more efficient and robust. A dot in VISP is defined by its grey level, the centre of gravity, the size and the moments (the surface or area: m00, inertia first order moments along i and j: m01 and m10, inertia second order moments along i and j: m02 and m20, and m11. The tracking procedure consists on defining the dot to track and do the tracking. To define the dot to track is not necessary to define all the parameters explained before, but only knowing a point inside the dot it can be initialised. To know that point, the detecting node will sent a point of the centre of the target by parameters to the tracking node, and the area that points this point will be the dot (central area) to track. Before doing the tracking is necessary to convert the images from the camera into grey scale and then into VISP vpImage class in order to display them also with VISP. The VISP algorithm 52

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report performs the tracking in the following way: From the previous position of the centre of gravity, goes right to detect the boundary, then follow the boundary in order to compute the Freeman chain to find the dot characteristics (centre of gravity, size and moments). If a dot is found, check if it looks like the previous dot (size and moment), and if no dot is detected or it isnt similar, check if the dot is in an image part around. There are some advantages in the dot tracker than other types of tracker. For example, this tracker is very robust and there is almost no tracking error if noise and specularity are not too strong. It has automatic dot detection for initialization if you give it a point inside it, and if the dot is lost, it can search a similar dot in a larger region and find again the lost dot. In the code (ANNEX A.7.5 tracker_server.cpp) of the tracking node, first of all the central point of the target is received from the detection node. Then the tracking and the visual servoing task are initialized. In each frame, this node tries to track the dot, and if it is found, the velocity is calculated, the centre of the dot and the dot are shown (Fig. 52) and feedback (with a boolean to know if tracking is working) is sent to the master. If the tracking doesnt work, the feedback is sent to the master as well, but with the boolean saying that tracking is not working.

Fig. 52. Tracking the H as a dot

The Target tracking node sends the position of the target, the velocity calculated and a variable to know if the node is tracking correctly or has lost the target. The result message of this node is an empty message, as said before, because there is no information to transmit but the accomplishment of the task. The master can preempt this task if the tracking has been lost for more than 3 seconds. Then, the result empty message is sent as well with no consequences.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Structure of the code The structure is almost the same as in the ellipse tracker, on the first iteration of the callback the functions and parameters are initialized and then the functions are updated every time an image is received. The functions to update are the tracker and the visual servoing task. Also the velocities are sent to the controller through the feedback for every frame computed.

Fig. 53. Structure of the dot tracker

Visual servoing task As said before it's possible to build the visual servoing task with Visp. In this introduction it will be given a very general overview of visual servoing in general and go in more detail about the image-based method. The aim of the visual servoing is reduce an error defined by function (2).

!""#" = ! ! ! , ! !

Where s is a vector of visual features, m(t) a set of image measurements, usually the image coordinates of interest points or the centroid of an object and a a set of parameters that represent potential additional knowledge about the system. s* contains the desired values of the features. In the case of image-based control m(t) are the image-plane coordinates, in pixels, of the interest points and a the camera intrinsic parameters. The control law is the one shown in the function (3).
(3) !! = ! !! !

Where the vc is the velocity for the robot, L+ is the interaction matrix and is a constant that has to be negative to reduce the error. The interaction matrix must be approximated. There are several choices for constructing the approximate Le+, but the more commonly used are the following. 54

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Current: For this method the current depth of each point must be available.

!! = !! ! !

Desired: This way only the desired depth of each point has to be set.

!! = !! ! !

Mean: Le+^= 1/2*(Le + Le+*) for this method is also necessary to have the current depth of each point.

!! = 1/2 !! + !! ! ! !

According to the results obtained by Franois Chaumette and Seth Hutchinson [4] the better method was the mean of the two approximations, so initially it was the chosen method for this project. Since the target is located on the floor, the current depths of the points correspond to the altitude of the quadcopter that can be obtained from the altitude sensor. However during the trials the method that proved to work better was the approximation using the desired position and then this is the method implemented in the last version of the code. Problem solving This library is aimed mostly to robotic arms, which makes the visual servo control difficult to implement in a robot such as a quadcopter. In the case of a robotic arm the velocities sent are more accurately executed, and especially when dealing a decrease in the velocity is really difficult for the drone to reduce in time and not to overshoot the target. To solve that problem it has been imposed a maximum velocity, if the velocity resulting from the control law is bigger than that, the velocity sent to the drone will be the maximum value. Flying slower it is easier for the quadcopter to stop or change direction without overshooting the target. 6.3.4. Calibration of the bottom camera Visp has a package for calibrating the camera. The user has to edit the launch file to add the camera path. The package launches a console and a visual interface. The user has to point the camera to the calibration pattern from different positions and angles. Each time once the new position is hold the user has to click on the display, then click in the four points indicated in the pattern on the proper order. After that has to choose the next image and repeat the process. When enough images had been taken the user has to write a command on a new terminal calling the calibrator to calculate the calibration parameters and write them on a .calib file.

Fig. 54. VISP calibration pattern


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Fig. 55. Calibration process for VISP


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

7. Conclusions
The Parrot AR. Drone 2.0 is a very versatile quadcopter, as can be seen in this project it's possible to develop many robotic applications out of it. It's quite resistant to small crashes and blows that make it a good choice for programming learning. One pro is it has Wi-Fi which makes it possible to run the programs on a computer while receiving all the data from the sensors and sending all the commands. On the downside it's not very accurate on following the velocities. Many factors like a clustered environment, or air currents can make the drone a bit unstable, even enough as to make it move when the command is to stay still and hovering. Also when some of these conditions met the quadcopter may find more difficult to progress in some directions than others, depending on the direction the environment is pushing it on. Also, from the trials it's been observed that the amount of battery can also affect the flight. Under the same velocity commands, the drone will move slower when the battery level is under 30% approximately, making it less powerful against the external forces mentioned above. Moreover, the movement of the quadcopter is not smooth but fluctuating which makes the video feed from the cameras highly changeable and full and so makes the image processing more difficult to implement. With the position estimation based on features has been demonstrated that with the system proposed in this project (position estimation with PTAM with a front looking camera) is possible to estimate the position of the drone very accurately and to navigate with a navigation using a front camera without previous knowledge of the environment. A thing that we couldnt achieve in this project is to get the PTAM axes orientated according to the initial position of the drone, with the grid always on the floor or on a parallel plane to the ground. The position estimation based on phase correlation was not achieved in this project due to a lack of time and knowledge. Further work on the subject would be necessary to successfully implement this node. As can be expected, is in this case impossible to assess the performance of this node. It has been tested the odometry accuracy of the A.R Drone 2.0 doing position keeping and it has been proved that the navigation data acquired from the drone is not accurate enough to perform the navigation. With this first approach of the autonomous landing procedure (visual servoing part) developed in this project has been demonstrated that a landing procedure is a manoeuvre that can be achieved with very few sensors and a camera. One thing that has not been done is a target searching strategy because we had no navigation when developing the visual servoing part since the front camera (used to estimate the position with PTAM) was turned down. 57

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report Proposed future work Here are proposed some extensions of this project or some improvements that in retrospective can be done to some of the nodes developed. Rosify the quadcopter. Make a ROS driver for the quadcopter that can control the robot more deeply, for example that controls each motor separately. Improve the communication between the nodes and the spooler, especially the joystick node, to reduce the number of topics. Instead of one topic per command with empty messages, use only a few topics with the messages containing different commands. On this project this was done emulating the system used in the ardrone_autonomy package, but in the end there are too many topics. Get the PTAM axes orientated according to the initial position of the drone, with the grid always on the floor or on a parallel plane to the ground. Try to make the PTAM work in a quadcopter with a down looking camera flying at a higher altitude. Finish the phase correlation node to be able to obtain the rotation and the scale from the camera feed. Complement the autonomous landing with a searching strategy that permits to start the procedure from more distance. To achieve that, navigation is needed because only sending velocity messages without navigation is impossible to follow a path. Since in this project the front HD camera was turned, there was no navigation. Land upon a moving target.


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

8. References
[1] Quigley, M.; Gerkey, B.; Conley, K.; Faust, J.; Foote, T.; Leibs, J.; Berger, E.; Wheeler, R.; Ng, A.; , "ROS: an open-source Robot Operating System," in Proc. Open-Source Software workshop of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2009 [2] Hurtos, N.; Cuf', X.; Petillot, Y.; Salvi, J.; , Fourier-based registrations for two-dimensional forward-looking sonar image mosaicing, Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on , vol., no., pp.5298-5305, 7-12 Oct. 2012 [3] Klein, G.; Murray, D.; , Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces, Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2007. ISMAR 2007. 6th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.225-234, 13-16 Nov. 2007 [4] Chaumette, F.; Hutchinson, S.; , Visual servo control. I. Basic approaches, Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE , vol.13, no.4, pp.82-90, Dec. 2006 [5] Reddy, B.S.; Chatterji, B.N.; , "An FFT-based technique for translation, rotation, and scale- invariant image registration," Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.5, no.8, pp.1266-1271, Aug 1996 [6] Engel, J.; Sturm, J.; Cremers, D.; , Camera-based navigation of a low-cost quadcopter, Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on , vol., no., pp.2815-2821, 7-12 Oct. 2012 [7] Engel, J.; Sturm J.; Cremers D.; , Accurate Figure Flying with a Quadcopter Using Onboard Visual and Inertial Sensing, In Proc. of the Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots (ViCoMoR) at the IEEE/RJS International Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (IROS), 2012 [8] Chaumette, F.; Marchand, E.; Novotny, F.; Saunier, A.; Spindler, F.; Tallonneau, R.; , Building a visual servoing task visp tutorial, Lagadic project,, October 2011 [9] Chaumette, F.; Marchand, E.; Spindler, F.; Tallonneau, R.; Yol, A.; , Computer vision algorithms visp tutorial, Lagadic project,, July 2012 [10] Bradski, G.; Kaeller, A.; , Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library, O'Reilly Media, September 2008 [11] Souli, J; , C++ Language Tutorial,, 2008 [12] [13] 59

Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

A.1 Joystick node A.1.1 joystick.cpp
// Define DEBUG_OUTPUT to enable PRINTLN_DEBUG output when not using ROS. // ROS debug level output is toggled at runtime using rxconsole. //#define DEBUG_OUTPUT // ======================================= includes #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <linux/joystick.h> #include "Joystick.h" using namespace std; // ========================================= defines #define MAX_ANALOG_VALUE 32767 #define LINEAR_LIMIT 0.3 #define ANGULAR_LIMIT 1 #define VELOCITY_SCALE_X 1 #define VELOCITY_SCALE_Y 1 #define VELOCITY_SCALE_Z 1 #define VELOCITY_SCALE_YAW 1 // ====================================== methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joystick::Joystick(int argc, char ** argv) { if(argc==3){ if (strcmp(argv[1], "-p") == 0) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("Using joystick device: " << argv[2]); deviceName = "/dev/input/" + string(argv[2]); } } if(deviceName.length() == 0) { deviceName = DEFAULT_DEVICE_PATH; ROS_INFO_STREAM("Using DEFAULT Device: " << deviceName); } } Joystick::~Joystick() { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Joystick::main(){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("init entered"); // And create a timer for periodic calls to read Joy. doWorkTimer_ = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), boost::bind(&Joystick::doWork ,this)); memset(&pad, 0, sizeof(pad)); pad.fd = open(deviceName.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (pad.fd <= 0) { close(pad.fd); cerr << "Failed to open joystick - check it is attached." << endl;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

return false; } cout << "Joystick opened ok." << endl; // Get pad info ... ioctl(pad.fd, JSIOCGAXES, &pad.axisCount); ioctl(pad.fd, JSIOCGBUTTONS, &pad.buttonCount); ioctl(pad.fd, JSIOCGVERSION, &pad.version); ioctl(pad.fd, JSIOCGNAME(80), &pad.devName); fcntl(pad.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); cout << "axis : " << (int)pad.axisCount << endl; cout << "buttons : " << (int)pad.buttonCount << endl; cout << "version : " << pad.version << endl; cout << "name : " << pad.devName << endl; // set default values pad.changed = false; for (int i=0;i<pad.axisCount;i++) pad.aPos[i]=0; for (int i=0;i<pad.buttonCount;i++) pad.bPos[i]=0; lastValuesNonZero = true; pub_move = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Vel>("spooler/cmd_vel", 1); pub_aux = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Vel>("spooler/cmd_aux", 1); pub_takeoff = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/takeoff", 1000); pub_land = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/land", 1000); pub_reset = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/reset", 1000); pub_endtakeover=nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/endtakeover",1000); pub_custom = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/custom", 1000); pub_left_flip = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/left_flip", 1000); pub_right_flip = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/right_flip", 1000); pub_forward_flip = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/forward_flip", 1000); pub_back_flip = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/back_flip", 1000); ROS_INFO_STREAM("initialisation complete"); while(ros::ok()){ ros::spin(); } close(pad.fd); return true; } void Joystick::doWork() { readLatestState(); printPadState(); float x, y, z, yaw, x_aux, y_aux; bool takeoff, land, reset, endtakeover, custom, left_flip, right_flip, back_flip, forward_flip; x = scaleStick(-pad.aPos[3], LINEAR_LIMIT); y = scaleStick(-pad.aPos[2], LINEAR_LIMIT); z = scaleStick(-pad.aPos[1], LINEAR_LIMIT); yaw = scaleStick(-pad.aPos[0], ANGULAR_LIMIT); takeoff = pad.bPos[3]; land = pad.bPos[1]; reset = pad.bPos[9]; endtakeover = pad.bPos[8]; custom = pad.bPos[12]; x_aux = scaleStick(-pad.aPos[5], LINEAR_LIMIT); y_aux = scaleStick(-pad.aPos[4], LINEAR_LIMIT); left_flip = (pad.bPos[2] && pad.bPos[4]); right_flip = (pad.bPos[2] && pad.bPos[5]); forward_flip = (pad.bPos[2] && pad.bPos[7]); back_flip = (pad.bPos[2] && pad.bPos[6]); bool sending = true; if (x != 0 || y != 0 || z != 0 || yaw != 0 || takeoff != 0 || land != 0 || reset != 0 || left_flip!=0 || right_flip!=0 || back_flip!=0 || forward_flip!=0 ) { ROS_INFO_STREAM(-pad.aPos[3] << " " << -pad.aPos[2] << " " << -pad.aPos[1] << " " << -pad.aPos[0] << " "); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Joystick forces non-zero, sending msg."); lastValuesNonZero = true; }


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

else if (lastValuesNonZero) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("Sending last zero msg, then stopping."); lastValuesNonZero = false; } else { //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Joystick forces zero. Not sending"); sending = false; } if (endtakeover != 0){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Sending end of take over msg."); sendVelocityMsg(x, y, z, yaw, takeoff, land, reset, endtakeover, custom, x_aux, y_aux, left_flip, right_flip, forward_flip); sending = false; } if (custom != 0 or x_aux!=0 or y_aux!=0){ sendVelocityMsg(x, y, z, yaw, takeoff, land, reset, endtakeover, custom, x_aux, y_aux, left_flip, right_flip, forward_flip); sending = false; } if (left_flip != 0){ sendVelocityMsg(x, y, z, yaw, takeoff, land, reset, endtakeover, custom, x_aux, y_aux, left_flip, right_flip, forward_flip); sending = false; } if(sending){ sendVelocityMsg(x, y, z, yaw, takeoff, land, reset, endtakeover, custom, x_aux, y_aux, left_flip, right_flip, forward_flip); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- float Joystick::scaleStick(int value, float limit) { if(abs(value) < 2000) value=0; //cout << "Analog value: " << value << " Limit value: " << limit << " Max analog value: " << MAX_ANALOG_VALUE << endl; return value * limit / MAX_ANALOG_VALUE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Joystick::readLatestState() { pad.changed = false; int result; while ((result = read(pad.fd, &pad.ev, sizeof(pad.ev))) > 0) { switch (pad.ev.type) { case JS_EVENT_INIT: case JS_EVENT_INIT | JS_EVENT_AXIS: case JS_EVENT_INIT | JS_EVENT_BUTTON: break; case JS_EVENT_AXIS: pad.aPos[pad.ev.number] = pad.ev.value; pad.changed = true; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: pad.bPos[pad.ev.number] = pad.ev.value; pad.changed = true; break; default: printf("Other event ? %d\nnumber=%d\nvalue=%d\n", pad.ev.type,pad.ev.number, pad.ev.value); break; } } if (errno != EAGAIN) { cerr << "Aborting on joystick read error: " << errno << endl; // requestRestart(); } return pad.changed; }






Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Joystick::printPadState() { cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "pad.changed: " << pad.changed << endl; cout << "axis : " << pad.axisCount << endl; cout << "buttons : " << pad.buttonCount << endl; cout << "version : " << pad.version << endl; cout << "name : " << pad.devName << endl; cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "last ev time : " << pad.ev.time << endl; for (int i=0;i<pad.axisCount;i++) printf(" Axis %2d |",i); printf("\n"); for (int i=0;i<pad.axisCount;i++) printf(" %7d |",pad.aPos[i]); printf("\n\n"); for (int i=0;i<pad.buttonCount;i++) printf(" Btn.%2d |",i); printf("\n"); for (int i=0;i<pad.buttonCount;i++) printf(" %2d |",pad.bPos[i]); printf("\n"); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Joystick::sendVelocityMsg(float x, float y, float z, float yaw, bool takeoff, bool land, bool reset, bool endtakeover, bool custom, float x_aux, float y_aux, bool left_flip, bool right_flip, bool back_flip, bool forward_flip) { msg_move.linear.x = VELOCITY_SCALE_X*x; msg_move.linear.y = VELOCITY_SCALE_X*y; msg_move.linear.z = VELOCITY_SCALE_X*z; msg_move.angular.z = VELOCITY_SCALE_YAW*yaw; msg_move.priority=true; pub_move.publish(msg_move); ROS_INFO_STREAM(msg_move); if(x_aux != 0 || y_aux != 0){ msg_aux.priority=true; msg_aux.linear.x = VELOCITY_SCALE_X*x_aux; msg_aux.linear.y = VELOCITY_SCALE_X*y_aux; pub_aux.publish(msg_aux); msg_endtakeover.priority=true; pub_endtakeover.publish(msg_endtakeover); ROS_INFO_STREAM("SENDING AUX " << msg_aux << std::endl); } if (takeoff == 1){ msg_takeoff.priority=true; pub_takeoff.publish(msg_takeoff); ROS_INFO_STREAM("taking off..."); } if (land == 1){ msg_land.priority=true; pub_land.publish(msg_land); ROS_INFO_STREAM("landing..."); } if (reset == 1){ msg_reset.priority=true; pub_reset.publish(msg_reset); ROS_INFO_STREAM("RESET"); } if (endtakeover == 1){ msg_endtakeover.priority=true; pub_endtakeover.publish(msg_endtakeover); ROS_INFO_STREAM("END OF JOYSTICK TAKEOVER"); } if (custom == 1){ msg_endtakeover.priority=true; pub_endtakeover.publish(msg_endtakeover); msg_custom.priority=true; pub_custom.publish(msg_custom); ROS_INFO_STREAM("END OF JOYSTICK TAKEOVER - CUSTOM"); }


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

if (left_flip == 1){ msg_left_flip.priority=true; pub_left_flip.publish(msg_endtakeover); ROS_INFO_STREAM("LEFT FLIP!"); } if (right_flip == 1){ msg_right_flip.priority=true; pub_right_flip.publish(msg_right_flip); ROS_INFO_STREAM("RIGHT FLIP!"); } if (back_flip == 1){ msg_back_flip.priority=true; pub_back_flip.publish(msg_back_flip); ROS_INFO_STREAM("BACK FLIP!"); } if (forward_flip == 1){ msg_forward_flip.priority=true; pub_forward_flip.publish(msg_forward_flip); ROS_INFO_STREAM("FORWARD FLIP!"); } } // ======================================================================== int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { ros::init(argc, argv, "ardrone_joy"); Joystick ardrone_joy(argc, argv); return ardrone_joy.main(); }

A.1.2 joystick.h
#ifndef _JOYSTICK_H_ #define _JOYSTICK_H_ // ========================================================== includes #include <ros/ros.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Vel.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Priority.h> // ====================================================== external defines /* * BUTTON MAPPING INFORMATION * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Buttons appear to be indexed from 0, but otherwise keep to the same order * as written on the joypad itself. So button 1 is pad.bPos[0], etc. */ #define MAX_AXIS 16 #define MAX_BUTTON 16 #define DEFAULT_DEVICE_PATH "/dev/input/js0" typedef struct { unsigned char axisCount; unsigned char buttonCount; int fd; int version; char devName[80]; int aPos[MAX_AXIS]; int bPos[MAX_BUTTON]; bool changed; js_event ev; } pad_data_t; // =========================================================== class class Joystick {


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

public: Joystick(int argc, char ** argv); ~Joystick(); int main(); private: void doWork(); float scaleStick(int value, float limit); bool readLatestState(); void printPadState(); void sendVelocityMsg(float x, float y, float z, float yaw, bool takeoff, bool land, bool reset, bool takeover, bool custom, float x_aux, float y_aux, bool left_flip, bool right_flip, bool back_flip, bool forward_flip); ros::NodeHandle nh_; ros::Timer doWorkTimer_; ros::Publisher pub_move; ros::Publisher pub_aux; ros::Publisher pub_takeoff; ros::Publisher pub_land; ros::Publisher pub_reset; ros::Publisher pub_endtakeover; ros::Publisher pub_custom; ros::Publisher pub_left_flip; ros::Publisher pub_right_flip; ros::Publisher pub_back_flip; ros::Publisher pub_forward_flip; ardrone_msgs::Vel msg_move; ardrone_msgs::Vel msg_aux; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_takeoff; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_land; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_reset; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_endtakeover; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_custom; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_left_flip; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_right_flip; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_back_flip; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_forward_flip; std::string deviceName; pad_data_t pad; bool lastValuesNonZero; }; #endif


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report A.2 Spooler node A.2.1 spooler.cpp
#include "spooler.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spooler::SendVelocityMsg(const ardrone_msgs::Vel::ConstPtr& msg_vel) { float linear_x= msg_vel -> linear.x; float linear_y= msg_vel -> linear.y; float linear_z= msg_vel -> linear.z; float angular_z= msg_vel -> angular.z; priority = msg_vel -> priority; //If previous priority is false: means we are following commands from the controller, so we can keep listening to messages without priority. if (priority==true || (priority==false && previous_priority==false) ){ msg_move.linear.x= linear_x; msg_move.linear.y= linear_y; msg_move.linear.z= linear_z; msg_move.angular.z= angular_z; pub_move.publish(msg_move); previous_priority = priority; //If the message was from a controller, priority is set to false, and next message with false priority will be passed ROS_INFO_STREAM("Moving:"); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Vel x = " << linear_x); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Vel y = " << linear_y); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Vel z = " << linear_z); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Ang z = " << angular_z); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Priority: " << priority << std::endl); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void spooler::SendTakeoffMsg(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg) { priority = msg -> priority; if(priority==true || (priority==false && previous_priority==false) ){ std_msgs::Empty msg_takeoff; pub_takeoff.publish(msg_takeoff); previous_priority=priority; ROS_INFO_STREAM("Taking off.. - priority: " << priority << std::endl); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void spooler::SendLandMsg(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg) { priority = msg -> priority; if(priority==true || (priority==false && previous_priority==false) ){ std_msgs::Empty msg_land; pub_land.publish(msg_land); previous_priority=priority; ROS_INFO_STREAM("Landing.. - priority:" << priority << std::endl); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void spooler::SendResetMsg(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg){ priority = msg -> priority; if(priority==true || (priority==false && previous_priority==false) ){


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

std_msgs::Empty msg_reset; pub_reset.publish(msg_reset); previous_priority=priority; ROS_INFO_STREAM("RESET!! - priority:" << priority << std::endl); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void spooler::EndOfTakeover(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg){ priority = msg -> priority; previous_priority = false; ROS_INFO_STREAM("end of joystick takeover"); ROS_INFO_STREAM("previous priority" << previous_priority); ROS_INFO_STREAM("priority" << priority << std::endl); // Now the messages with false priority will be sent. } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spooler::LeftFlip(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg){ priority = msg -> priority; if(!doing_flip){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Left flip" << std::endl); srv.request.type = 18; srv.request.duration = 0;; doing_flip=true; timer_flip.start(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spooler::RightFlip(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg){ priority = msg -> priority; if(!doing_flip){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Right flip" << std::endl); srv.request.type = 19; srv.request.duration = 0;; doing_flip=true; timer_flip.start(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spooler::BackFlip(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg){ priority = msg -> priority; if(!doing_flip){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Back flip" << std::endl); srv.request.type = 17; srv.request.duration = 0;; doing_flip=true; timer_flip.start(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void spooler::ForwardFlip(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg){ priority = msg -> priority; if(!doing_flip){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Forward flip" << std::endl); srv.request.type = 16; srv.request.duration = 0;; doing_flip=true; timer_flip.start(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

void spooler::TimerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event){ doing_flip=false; timer_flip.stop(); } //--------------- CONSTRUCTOR ------------------------------------------------------------ spooler::spooler() { sub_move = n.subscribe("spooler/cmd_vel", 1000, &spooler::SendVelocityMsg,this); sub_takeoff = n.subscribe("spooler/takeoff", 1000, &spooler::SendTakeoffMsg,this); sub_land = n.subscribe("spooler/land", 1000, &spooler::SendLandMsg,this); sub_reset = n.subscribe("spooler/reset", 1000, &spooler::SendResetMsg,this); sub_endtakeover = n.subscribe("spooler/endtakeover", 1000, &spooler::EndOfTakeover,this); sub_left_flip = n.subscribe("spooler/left_flip", 1000, &spooler::LeftFlip,this); sub_right_flip = n.subscribe("spooler/right_flip", 1000, &spooler::RightFlip,this); sub_back_flip = n.subscribe("spooler/back_flip", 1000, &spooler::BackFlip,this); sub_forward_flip = n.subscribe("spooler/forward_flip", 1000, &spooler::ForwardFlip,this); client = n.serviceClient<ardrone_autonomy::FlightAnim>("ardrone/setflightanimation"); pub_move = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("cmd_vel", 1000); pub_takeoff = n.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("ardrone/takeoff", 1000); pub_land = n.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("ardrone/land", 1000); pub_reset = n.advertise<std_msgs::Empty>("ardrone/reset", 1000); msg_move.linear.x=0; msg_move.linear.y=0; msg_move.linear.z=0; msg_move.angular.z=0; previous_priority=false; doing_flip=false; timer_flip = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(5), &spooler::TimerCallback, this); timer_flip.stop(); } //----------------------- Main ---------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char * argv[]){ ros::init(argc, argv, "ardrone_spooler"); spooler Spooler; ros::spin(); return 0; }

A.2.2 spooler.h
#include <ros/ros.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Vel.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Priority.h> #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h> #include <std_msgs/Empty.h> #include "ardrone_autonomy/FlightAnim.h" class spooler { public: spooler(); private: void SendVelocityMsg(const ardrone_msgs::Vel::ConstPtr& msg); void SendTakeoffMsg(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg); void SendLandMsg(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg); void SendResetMsg(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg); void EndOfTakeover(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg); void LeftFlip(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg); void RightFlip(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg); void BackFlip(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg); void ForwardFlip(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg); void TimerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); ros::NodeHandle n;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

}; //publishers to topics where ardrone reads ros::Publisher pub_move; ros::Publisher pub_takeoff; ros::Publisher pub_land; ros::Publisher pub_reset; //subscribers where both controller and joystick nodes publish ros::Subscriber sub_move; ros::Subscriber sub_takeoff; ros::Subscriber sub_land; ros::Subscriber sub_reset; ros::Subscriber sub_endtakeover; ros::Subscriber sub_left_flip; ros::Subscriber sub_right_flip; ros::Subscriber sub_back_flip; ros::Subscriber sub_forward_flip; ros::ServiceClient client; ardrone_autonomy::FlightAnim srv; ros::Timer timer_flip; geometry_msgs::Twist msg_move; bool priority; bool previous_priority; bool doing_flip;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report A.3 First controller A.3.1 first_controller.cpp
#include "ros/ros.h" #include "first_controller.h" //----- Navdata Callback ----------------------------------------------------------- void controller::controlCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg){ //state indicated by the Navdata messages from the quadcopter int drone_state = msg -> state; if (state == LANDED){ ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_takeoff; msg_takeoff.priority == false; pub_takeoff.publish(msg_takeoff); ROS_INFO_STREAM("State: LANDED"); state=TAKING_OFF; } else if (state == TAKING_OFF){ ROS_INFO_STREAM(drone_state); ROS_INFO_STREAM("State: TAKING_OFF"); if(drone_state != 6 && drone_state != 2){ //state 6 is taking off and state 2 is landed timer_move.start(); state=MOVING; } } else if (state == MOVING){ msg_move.linear.x=0.08; //Moves forwards to a velocity of 0.08 m/s msg_move.priority=false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); ROS_INFO_STREAM("State: MOVING - vel_x = " << msg -> vx); } else if (state == STOPPING){ msg_move.angular.z=0; msg_move.linear.x=0; msg_move.priority=false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); ROS_INFO_STREAM("State: STOPPING - vel_x = " << msg -> vx); state=WAITING; } else if (state == WAITING){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("State: WAITING"); } else if (state == START_LANDING){ timer_wait.stop(); ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_land; msg_land.priority = false; pub_land.publish(msg_land); ROS_INFO_STREAM("State: START_LANDING); state=LANDING; } else if (state == LANDING){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("State: LANDING"); if(drone_state == 2) // = landed state=FINISHED; } else if (state == FINISHED){ ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(5,"State: FINISHED. - Mission finished succesfully"); } } void controller::WaitingCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event){ state=START_LANDING; } void controller::MovingCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Timer zero"); state=STOPPING; timer_move.stop(); timer_wait.start(); }


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

//---------- CONSTRUCTOR ----------------------------------------------------------- controller::controller(){ sub_data = n.subscribe("ardrone/navdata", 1000, &controller::controlCallback,this); pub_takeoff = n.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/takeoff", 1000); pub_land = n.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/land", 1000); pub_move = n.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Vel>("spooler/cmd_vel", 1000); timer_wait = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(2), &controller::WaitingCallback, this); timer_wait.stop(); waiting=false; timer_move = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(2), &controller::MovingCallback, this); timer_move.stop(); moving=false; state=LANDED; msg_move.linear.x=0; msg_move.linear.y=0; msg_move.linear.z=0; msg_move.angular.z=0; msg_move.priority=false; } //------------- MAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(int argc, char **argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "controller"); std::cout << "Waiting for any key to start the controller"; std::cin.ignore(); // It doesn't take off until the user presses a key std::cin.get(); controller NewController; ros::spin(); return 0; }

A.3.2 first_controller.h
#include "ros/ros.h" #include "ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h" #include <ardrone_msgs/Vel.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Priority.h> class controller { public: controller(); void controlCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg); void WaitingCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); void MovingCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); private: ros::Publisher pub_takeoff; ros::Publisher pub_land; ros::Publisher pub_move; ros::Subscriber sub_data; ros::NodeHandle n; ardrone_msgs::Vel msg_move; ros::Timer timer_wait; ros::Timer timer_move; bool waiting, moving; int seq; enum {LANDED = 0, TAKING_OFF = 1, MOVING = 2, STOPPING = 3, WAITING = 4, START_LANDING = 5, LANDING = 6, FINISHED = 7} state; };


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report A.4 Pose control based on features (ptam) A.4.1 pose_control_ptam.cpp
#include "pose_control_ptam.h" //--------- Pose callback ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //active every time it receives the pose from PTAM void pose_controller::poseCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr& msg){ if (state == LOST){ //To stop the lost timer and stop the drone if the ardrone founds the map while turning info = "Ardrone has found the lost map - Stopping timer_lost"; //Set all velocities to zero msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); //Stop the lost timer timer_lost.stop(); } //Since the pose from PTAM is received, the map is working, and the state is POSITION KEEPING map_works_ = true; current_state = POSITION_KEEPING; info = "Doing position keeping"; time_stamp_last_msg_ = msg->header.stamp; //Start the scaling the map if (scale == INIT_SCALING){ current_scale = "INIT_SCALING"; //Get the value of "y" of the PTAM and the altitude from the altitude sensor z0 = msg->pose.pose.position.y; alt0 = alt; msg_move.linear.z = 0.3; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); timer_scale.start(); scale = MOVING; } else if (scale == MOVING){ //Going up current_scale = "MOVING"; } else if (scale == MOVED){ current_scale = "MOVED"; //Get the value of "y" of the PTAM and the altitude from the altitude sensor z1 = msg->pose.pose.position.y; alt1 = alt; scale = END_SCALING; } else if (scale == END_SCALING){ current_scale = "END_SCALING"; alt_diff = alt1 - alt0; alt_diff_ptam = z1 - z0; //Calculate scale (in meters) with the two difference of altitude sc = (alt_diff/alt_diff_ptam)/1000; msg_move.linear.z = -0.3; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); timer_scale.start(); scale = GO_DOWN; } else if (scale == GO_DOWN){ //Going down to the initial position current_scale = "GO_DOWN"; }


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

} //Scaling the map ended //Memorizes the initial position if (first == true && scale == SCALED){ goal_x = -sc * msg->pose.pose.position.z; goal_y = sc * msg->pose.pose.position.x; goal_z = sc * msg->pose.pose.position.y; //Quaternion to Euler tf::quaternionMsgToTF(msg->pose.pose.orientation, q); btMatrix3x3(q).getRPY(pitch, yaw, roll); goal_yaw = yaw; first = false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Position keeping controller margin = 0.1; //Margin of the goal position big_margin = 2 * margin; //Big margin (to increase the speed when is far from the goal) if (scale == SCALED && first == false){ //Angle error calculation and correction: //Quaternion to Euler tf::quaternionMsgToTF(msg->pose.pose.orientation, q); btMatrix3x3(q).getRPY(pitch, yaw, roll); error_yaw = yaw - goal_yaw; if (fabs(error_yaw) > margin){ msg_move.angular.z = -error_yaw*0.9; } else {msg_move.angular.z = 0;} if(!n.getParam("/gain", gain)){ gain = 0.07; n.setParam("/gain", gain); } } //X position error calculation and correction: x = -sc * msg->pose.pose.position.z; error_x = x - goal_x; if (fabs(error_x) > sc*margin && fabs(error_yaw) < margin){ if (fabs(error_x) > sc*big_margin) {msg_move.linear.x = -error_x * gain * 2;} else {msg_move.linear.x = -error_x * gain;} } else {msg_move.linear.x = 0;} //Y position error calculation and correction: y = sc * msg->pose.pose.position.x; error_y = y - goal_y; if ( fabs(error_y) > sc*margin && fabs(error_yaw) < margin){ if (fabs(error_y) > sc*big_margin) {msg_move.linear.y = -error_y * gain * 2;} else {msg_move.linear.y = -error_y * gain;} } else {msg_move.linear.y = 0;} //Altitude error calculation and correction: z = sc * msg->pose.pose.position.y; error_z = z - goal_z; ROS_INFO_STREAM("Error_z:" << error_z); if (fabs(error_z) > sc*margin){ if (fabs(error_z) > sc*big_margin) {msg_move.linear.z = -error_z * gain * 2;} else {msg_move.linear.z = -error_z * gain;} } else {msg_move.linear.z = 0;} //Publish velocity messages: msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move);


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

// ------- Control Callback (active whenever the drone is running) -------------------------------------- //To control the states of the drone, to control the drone when the map from PTAM is not active and to get the altitude from the navdata void pose_controller::controlCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg){ //Reading the altitude and the drone_state alt = msg -> altd; drone_state = msg -> state; if (drone_state == 0){ drone = "Unknown"; } else if (drone_state == 1){ drone = "Initied"; } else if (drone_state == 2){ drone = "Landed"; } else if (drone_state == 3){ drone = "Flying"; } else if (drone_state == 4){ drone = "Hovering"; } else if (drone_state == 5){ drone = "Test"; } else if (drone_state == 6){ drone = "Taking off"; } else if (drone_state == 7){ drone = "Flying"; } else if (drone_state == 8){ drone = "Landing"; } //To check if the ardrone is mapping //Wait one second to get the next map message, if not received in less than a second, set map_works_ as false if(map_works_){ ros::Duration time_diff = ros::Time::now()-time_stamp_last_msg_; ros::Duration duration(1); if (time_diff > duration){ info = "Map doesn't work. More than a second since the las map message"; map_works_ = false; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Start the procedure to create a map if (state == TAKEOFF){ current_state = "TAKEOFF"; msg_takeoff.priority = false; pub_takeoff.publish(msg_takeoff); if(drone_state == 4){ state = START_INIT; } } if (state == START_INIT ){ // start map init current_state = "START_INIT"; //Set a spacebar to take the features in PTAM node std_msgs::String msg_spacebar; = "Space"; pub_map.publish(msg_spacebar); //Go up msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0.5; msg_move.angular.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); //Timer will wait 0.5 seconds and then set state END_INIT timer_move.start(); state = MOVING_TO_INIT; } if(state == MOVING_TO_INIT){ current_state = "MOVING_TO_INIT"; } if (state == END_INIT){ current_state = "END_INIT";


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

//Set a spacebar to take the features in PTAM node std_msgs::String msg_spacebar; = "Space"; pub_map.publish(msg_spacebar); //Stop the drone msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); timer_wait.start(); } if (state == RE_INIT){ current_state = "RE_INIT"; //Go down to the initial position to start the map again msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = -0.5; msg_move.angular.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); timer_move.start(); } if (state == POSITION_KEEPING && map_works_ == false){ //If the map is lost state = LOST; timer_lost.start(); } if(state==LOST){ current_state = "LOST"; info = "Ardrone is lost - Searching map"; //Rotate to find the previous map msg_move.angular.z = (fabs(error_yaw)/(error_yaw))*-0.3; //Set all other velocities to zero msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); } print(); } // ------- Timer move ------------------------------------------------- void pose_controller::MovingCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event) { timer_move.stop(); if (state == RE_INIT){ state = START_INIT; } else if (state == MOVING_TO_INIT){ state = END_INIT; } } // -------- Timer lost ------------------------------------------------ void pose_controller::LostCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event){ timer_lost.stop(); state = START_INIT; //Stop the rotation of the ardrone msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); //And reset the map, so when it goes back to state START_INIT it will start a new map std_msgs::String msg_reset; = "r"; pub_map.publish(msg_reset); //Now it will start a new map first = true; scale = INIT_SCALING; } // --------- Timer wait ----------------------------------------------- void pose_controller::WaitCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event) { timer_wait.stop(); if (map_works_ == false){ state=RE_INIT; } } // --------- Timer scale ----------------------------------------------- void pose_controller::ScaleCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event) { timer_scale.stop(); msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); if (scale == MOVING){ scale = MOVED; } else if (scale == GO_DOWN){ scale = SCALED; current_scale = "SCALED"; } } // ---------- Init callback ---------------------------------------------- //To start the map from a desired position. It's to command the drone to a desired position and start a map and do the position keeping in there void pose_controller::initCallback(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg){ info = "Reset map"; //Set all the initial values timer_move.stop(); timer_lost.stop(); timer_scale.stop(); timer_wait.stop(); timer_x.stop(); timer_y.stop(); std_msgs::String msg_reset; = "r"; pub_map.publish(msg_reset); map_works_ = false; first = true; time_x = false; time_y = false; state = START_INIT; scale = INIT_SCALING; } // ----------- Waypoint callback ------------------------------------------------------ //This callback allows us to add one meter in the x or y goal position void pose_controller::waypointCallback(const ardrone_msgs::Vel::ConstPtr& msg) { //move the goal position forwards if ( msg->linear.x > 0 && time_x == false){ goal_x = goal_x + 1; info = "Goal moved 1m forwards";


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

timer_x.start(); time_x = true; } //move the goal position backwards if ( msg->linear.x < 0 && time_x == false){ goal_x = goal_x - 1; info = "Goal moved 1m backwards"; timer_x.start(); time_x = true; } //move the goal position to the right if ( msg->linear.y > 0 && time_y == false){ goal_y = goal_y + 1; info = "Goal moved 1m to the right"; timer_y.start(); time_y = true; } //move the goal position to the left if ( msg->linear.y < 0 && time_y == false){ info = "Goal moved 1m to the left"; goal_y = goal_y - 1; timer_y.start(); time_y = true; } } //Timer "x" and timer "y" are made to accept no more than one waypoint every second // ----- Timer "x" ---------------------------------------------- void pose_controller::xCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event){ time_x = false; timer_x.stop(); } // ----- Timer "y" ---------------------------------------------- void pose_controller::yCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event){ time_y = false; timer_y.stop(); } //------- Print function ---------------------------------------------- void pose_controller::print(){ ROS_INFO_STREAM("--------------POSE CONTROL--------------"); /* ROS_INFO_STREAM(" Position Goal position"); ROS_INFO_STREAM("x: " << x << " " << goal_x); ROS_INFO_STREAM("y: " << y << " " << goal_y); ROS_INFO_STREAM("z: " << z << " " << goal_z << std::endl); */ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Drone state: " << drone); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Code state: " << current_state); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Scale state: " << current_scale); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Scale: " << sc); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Info: " << info); ROS_INFO_STREAM("------------CONTROL COMMANDS------------"); ROS_INFO_STREAM(" Error"); ROS_INFO_STREAM("x: " << error_x); ROS_INFO_STREAM("y: " << error_y); ROS_INFO_STREAM("z: " << error_z); ROS_INFO_STREAM(" Velocity commands"); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Velocity x: " << msg_move.linear.x); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Velocity y: " << msg_move.linear.y); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Velocity z: " << msg_move.linear.z); ROS_INFO_STREAM("yaw: " << error_yaw << " " << msg_move.angular.z << std::endl); ROS_INFO_STREAM(std::endl); } // ----------- Main -------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "pose_controller_with_initialitzation"); pose_controller PoseController; ros::spin();


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

return 0; } // ------------- Constructor ------------------------------------------------------------------- pose_controller::pose_controller(){ sub_ardrone = n.subscribe("ardrone/navdata", 1000, &pose_controller::controlCallback,this); sub_pose = n.subscribe("vslam/pose", 1000, &pose_controller::poseCallback,this); sub_init = n.subscribe("spooler/custom", 1000, &pose_controller::initCallback,this); sub_waypoint = n.subscribe("spooler/cmd_aux", 1000, &pose_controller::waypointCallback,this); pub_move = n.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Vel>("spooler/cmd_vel", 1000); pub_map = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("vslam/key_pressed", 1000); pub_takeoff = n.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/takeoff", 1000); ros::Duration time_stamp_last_msg_(0.0); timer_move = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(1), &pose_controller::MovingCallback, this); timer_lost = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(5), &pose_controller::LostCallback, this); timer_scale = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(2), &pose_controller::ScaleCallback, this); timer_wait = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(1), &pose_controller::WaitCallback, this); timer_x = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(1), &pose_controller::xCallback, this); timer_y = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(1), &pose_controller::yCallback, this); //Initialisation of variables timer_move.stop(); timer_lost.stop(); timer_scale.stop(); timer_wait.stop(); timer_x.stop(); timer_y.stop(); msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; map_works_ = false; first = true; time_x = false; time_y = false; state = TAKEOFF; scale = INIT_SCALING; }

A.4.2 pose_control_ptam
#include <ros/ros.h> #include <std_msgs/String.h> #include <std_msgs/Empty.h> #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h> #include <geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Vel.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Priority.h> #include <ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h> class pose_controller{ public: pose_controller(); //Functions void poseCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr& msg); void controlCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg); void initCallback(const ardrone_msgs::Priority::ConstPtr& msg); void waypointCallback(const ardrone_msgs::Vel::ConstPtr& msg); void MovingCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); void LostCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); void ScaleCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); void WaitCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); void xCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); void yCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); void print(); private:


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

ros::NodeHandle n; //Subscribers and publishers ros::Publisher pub_move; ros::Publisher pub_map; ros::Publisher pub_takeoff; ros::Subscriber sub_pose; ros::Subscriber sub_ardrone; ros::Subscriber sub_init; ros::Subscriber sub_waypoint; ros::Timer timer_lost; ros::Timer timer_move; ros::Timer timer_scale; ros::Timer timer_wait; ros::Timer timer_x; ros::Timer timer_y; ardrone_msgs::Vel msg_move; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_takeoff; //Node variables ros::Time time_stamp_last_msg_; bool first, map_works_, time_x, time_y; float alt, alt0, alt1, alt_diff, z0, z1, alt_diff_ptam, sc; double gain; float x, y, z, goal_x, goal_y, goal_z, goal_yaw; float error_x, error_y, error_z, error_yaw; float margin, big_margin; int drone_state; btScalar roll, pitch, yaw; btQuaternion q; std::string info, current_scale, current_state, drone; enum {TAKEOFF = 0, START_INIT = 1, MOVING_TO_INIT = 2, END_INIT = 3, WAITING = 4, RE_INIT = 5, POSITION_KEEPING = 6, LOST = 7} state; enum {INIT_SCALING = 0, MOVING = 1, MOVED = 2, END_SCALING = 3, GO_DOWN = 4, SCALED = 5} scale; };


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report A.5.Pose control based on phase correlation A.5.1 phase_correlation_two_images.cpp
#include <ros/ros.h> #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "sensor_msgs/Image.h" #include <image_transport/image_transport.h> #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h> #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main(int argc, char ** argv){ Mat image1_in = imread("im_1.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); Mat image2_in = imread("im_2.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); imshow("image1_in", image1_in); waitKey(100); imshow("image2_in", image2_in); waitKey(100); //Image1, preparation and dft Mat padded1; //expand input image to optimal size int m1 = getOptimalDFTSize( image1_in.rows ); int n1 = getOptimalDFTSize( image1_in.cols ); // on the border add zero values copyMakeBorder(image1_in, padded1, 0, m1 - image1_in.rows, 0, n1 - image1_in.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0)); Mat planes1[] = {Mat_<float>(padded1), Mat::zeros(padded1.size(), CV_32F)}; Mat image1; // Add to the expanded another plane with zeros. We obtain a double channel array. // planes is the source array, image1 the destination array, 2 num. of source arrays merge(planes1, 2, image1); dft(image1, image1); //Image2, preparation and dft Mat padded2; //expand input image to optimal size int m2 = getOptimalDFTSize( image2_in.rows ); int n2 = getOptimalDFTSize( image2_in.cols ); // on the border add zero values copyMakeBorder(image2_in, padded2, 0, m2 - image2_in.rows, 0, n2 - image2_in.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0)); Mat planes2[] = {Mat_<float>(padded2), Mat::zeros(padded2.size(), CV_32F)}; Mat image2; merge(planes2, 2, image2); // Add to the expanded another plane with zeros dft(image2, image2); //obtain the cross power spectrum c(u,v)=F(u,v)G*(u,v)/abs(F(u,v)G*(u,v)) Mat divident, divisor, cross_power_spec, trans_mat; mulSpectrums(image1, image2, divident, 0, true); // divident = F(u,v)G*(u,v) // conj=true, so thesecond argument will be the complex conjugate of image 2 divisor=abs(divident); divide(divident, divisor, cross_power_spec, 1); //inverse dft of the cross_power_spec dft(cross_power_spec, trans_mat, DFT_INVERSE); //Normalize the trans_mat so that all the values are between 0 and 1 normalize(trans_mat, trans_mat, NORM_INF); //Split trans_mat in it's real and imaginary parts vector<Mat> trans_mat_vector; split(trans_mat, trans_mat_vector); Mat trans_mat_real =;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

} Mat trans_mat_im =; imshow("trans_real", trans_mat_real); waitKey(1000); //Look for the maximum value and it's location on the trans_mat_real matrix double* max_value; Point* max_location; double max_val; Point max_loc; max_value = &max_val; max_location = &max_loc; double* min_value; Point* min_location; double min_val; Point min_loc; min_value = &min_val; min_location = &min_loc; minMaxLoc(trans_mat_real, min_value, max_value, min_location, max_location); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Image dimensions in pixels: width: " << image1.cols << " , " << "height: " << image1.rows); ROS_INFO_STREAM("max_value: " << max_val << " - max_location: " << max_loc); int pixel_x, pixel_y; //Depending on the quadrant the point is located: if(max_loc.x < (image2.cols/2) && max_loc.y < (image2.rows/2)){ // top-left quadrant ROS_INFO_STREAM(" top - left quadrant"); pixel_x = max_loc.x; pixel_y = - max_loc.y; } if(max_loc.x > (image2.cols/2) && max_loc.y > (image2.rows/2)){ // lower-right quadrant ROS_INFO_STREAM(" lower - right quadrant"); pixel_x = - image2.cols + max_loc.x; pixel_y = + image2.rows - max_loc.y; } if(max_loc.x > (image2.cols/2) && max_loc.y < (image2.rows/2)){ // top-right quadrant ROS_INFO_STREAM(" top - right quadrant"); pixel_x = - image2.cols + max_loc.x; pixel_y = - max_loc.y; } if(max_loc.x < (image2.cols/2) && max_loc.y > (image2.rows/2)){ // lower-left quadrant ROS_INFO_STREAM(" lower - left quadrant"); pixel_x = max_loc.x; pixel_y = image2.rows - max_loc.y; } ROS_INFO_STREAM("pixel_x " << pixel_x << " - pixel_y: " << pixel_y); waitKey(0); //waits for a key to close all the windows

A.5.2 phase_correlation_camera.cpp
#include "phase_correlation_camera.h" //--------CALLBACK CONTAINING THE IMAGE---------------------- void PhaseCorrelation::controller(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg) { //Transform the image to opencv format cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr; try { cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, enc::BGR8); } catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR("cv_bridge exception: %s", e.what()); return; }


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

Mat image = cv_ptr->image; imshow("image", image); waitKey(1); //Transform image to grayscale cvtColor(image, image2_in, CV_RGB2GRAY); //Image2 is the newest image, the one we get from this callback //image1 is the image2 from the last callback (we use the one that already has the dft applied. Mat image1_dft = last_image_dft; //Image2, preparation and dft Mat padded2; //expand input image to optimal size int m2 = getOptimalDFTSize( image2_in.rows ); int n2 = getOptimalDFTSize( image2_in.cols ); // on the border add zero values copyMakeBorder(image2_in, padded2, 0, m2 - image2_in.rows, 0, n2 - image2_in.cols, BORDER_CONSTANT, Scalar::all(0)); Mat planes2[] = {Mat_<float>(padded2), Mat::zeros(padded2.size(), CV_32F)}; Mat image2,image2_dft; merge(planes2, 2, image2); // Add to the expanded another plane with zeros dft(image2, image2_dft);

//Image2 will be image1 on next iteration last_image_dft=image2_dft; if( !first){ //obtain the cross power spectrum c(u,v)=F(u,v)G*(u,v)/abs(F(u,v)G*(u,v)) Mat divident, divisor, cross_power_spec, trans_mat; mulSpectrums(image1_dft, image2_dft, divident, 0, true); //=F(u,v)G*(u,v) --> multiply the result of a dft //divident-> where it stores the result. // flags=0. conj=true, because i want the image2 to be the complex conjugate. //divisor=abs(divident); divide(divident, divisor, cross_power_spec, 1);

//dft of the cross_power_spec dft(cross_power_spec, trans_mat, DFT_INVERSE); //Normalize the trans_mat so that all the values are between 0 and 1 normalize(trans_mat, trans_mat, NORM_INF); //Split trans_mat in it's real and imaginary parts vector<Mat> trans_mat_vector; split(trans_mat, trans_mat_vector); Mat trans_mat_real =; Mat trans_mat_im =; imshow("trans_mat_real", trans_mat_real); waitKey(1); //Look for maximum value and it's location on the trans_mat_real matrix double* max_value; Point* max_location; double max_val; Point max_loc; max_value = &max_val; max_location = &max_loc; minMaxLoc(trans_mat_real, NULL, max_value, NULL, max_location); ROS_INFO_STREAM("max_value: " << max_val << " - " << "max_location: " << max_loc); int pixel_x, pixel_y; if(max_loc.x < (image2.cols/2) && max_loc.y < (image2.rows/2)){ // top-left quadrant ROS_INFO_STREAM(" top - left quadrant"); pixel_x = max_loc.x; pixel_y = - max_loc.y; } if(max_loc.x > (image2.cols/2) && max_loc.y > (image2.rows/2)){ // lower-right quadrant ROS_INFO_STREAM(" lower - right quadrant"); pixel_x = - image2.cols + max_loc.x;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

pixel_y = + image2.rows - max_loc.y; } if(max_loc.x > (image2.cols/2) && max_loc.y < (image2.rows/2)){ // top-right quadrant ROS_INFO_STREAM(" top - right quadrant"); pixel_x = - image2.cols + max_loc.x; pixel_y = - max_loc.y; } if(max_loc.x < (image2.cols/2) && max_loc.y > (image2.rows/2)){ // lower-left quadrant ROS_INFO_STREAM(" lower - left quadrant"); pixel_x = max_loc.x; pixel_y = image2.rows - max_loc.y; } //Add the new displacement to the accumulated pixels_x = pixels_x + pixel_x; pixels_y = pixels_y + pixel_y; ROS_INFO_STREAM("pixels_x: " << pixels_x << " - " << "pixel_y: " << pixels_y); //------ transform pixels to mm --------- //To get the focal lenght: if (first){ Mat cameraMatrix(3, 3, CV_32F);<float>(0,0)= 672.03175; //Values from the camera matrix are from the visp calibration<float>(0,1) = 0.00000;<float>(0,2) = 309.39349;<float>(1,0) = 0.00000;<float>(1,1) = 673.05595;<float>(1,2) = 166.52006;<float>(2,0) = 0.00000;<float>(2,1) = 0.00000;<float>(2,2) = 1.00000; double apertureWidth, apertureHeight, fovx, fovy, focalLength, aspectRatio; Point2d principalPoint; calibrationMatrixValues(cameraMatrix, image.size(), apertureWidth, apertureHeight, fovx, fovy, focalLength, principalPoint, aspectRatio); ROS_INFO_STREAM("focalLength: " << focalLength); fl = focalLength; first=false; } float mov_x = pixel_x/fl*h; float mov_y = pixel_y/fl*h; mov_x_acc = mov_x_acc + mov_x; mov_y_acc = mov_y_acc + mov_y; ROS_INFO_STREAM("mov_x: " << mov_x << " - mov_y: " << mov_y); ROS_INFO_STREAM("mov_x_acc: " << mov_x_acc << " - mov_y_acc: " << mov_y_acc); } } //-----Navdata Callback--------------------------------------- void PhaseCorrelation::navdata(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg){ // h = msg -> altd; //This can only be used when the quadcopter is flying. For hand held trials: h = 1000; } //---------------MAIN----------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "phase_corr_camera");


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

PhaseCorrelation ic; ros::spin(); return 0; } //-------CONSTRUCTOR----------- PhaseCorrelation::PhaseCorrelation() : it_(nh_) { image_sub_ = it_.subscribe("ardrone/bottom/image_raw", 1, &PhaseCorrelation::controller, this); navdata_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("ardrone/navdata", 1000, &PhaseCorrelation::navdata, this); first = true; pixels_x = 0; pixels_y = 0; mov_x_acc = 0; mov_y_acc = 0; }

A.5.3 phase_correlation_camera.h
#include <ros/ros.h> #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <image_transport/image_transport.h> #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h> #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h> #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp> #include "sensor_msgs/Image.h" #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; namespace enc = sensor_msgs::image_encodings; class PhaseCorrelation { public: ros::NodeHandle nh_; image_transport::ImageTransport it_; image_transport::Subscriber image_sub_; ros::Subscriber navdata_sub_; PhaseCorrelation(); void controller(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg); void navdata(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg); bool first; int pixels_x, pixels_y; float mov_x, mov_y; float mov_x_acc, mov_y_acc; int h; double fl; Mat image2_in; Mat last_image_dft,image1_dft; };


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report A.6 Pose control based on odometry A.6.1 pose_control_odom.cpp
#include "pose_control_odometry.h" //------ Control callback ---------------------------------------------------------------- //To start the tracking when is required by the master void pose_controller::controlCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg){ //Get the ardrone state, the battery percent and the altitude drone_state = msg -> state; battery = msg -> batteryPercent; altd = msg -> altd; //Check the battery if (battery <= 6){ status = LANDING; info = "BATTERY LOW"; } if (drone_state == 0){ drone = "Unknown"; } else if (drone_state == 1){ drone = "Initied"; } else if (drone_state == 2){ drone = "Landed"; } else if (drone_state == 3){ drone = "Flying"; } else if (drone_state == 4){ drone = "Hovering"; } else if (drone_state == 5){ drone = "Test"; } else if (drone_state == 6){ drone = "Taking off"; } else if (drone_state == 7){ drone = "Flying"; } else if (drone_state == 8){ drone = "Landing"; } if (state == TAKEOFF){ status = "TAKE OFF"; info = "Taking off"; msg_takeoff.priority = false; pub_takeoff.publish(msg_takeoff); if(drone_state == 4){ //Initialise zero position x = 0; y = 0; z_init = msg->altd; yaw = 0; yaw_init = msg->rotZ; //Change state state = POSITION_KEEPING; last_time = msg->header.stamp; } } else if (state == POSITION_KEEPING){ status = "POSITION KEEPING"; info = "Doing position keeping"; //Now update navigation information based on received data from ardrone odometry time = msg->header.stamp; delta_t = ((time.sec + time.nsec/10e9) - (last_time.sec + last_time.nsec/10e9)); yaw = msg->rotZ - yaw_init; yaw_rad = yaw/180*M_PI; x = x + msg->vx * (delta_t/1000); y = y + msg->vy * (delta_t/1000); z = msg->altd - z_init; z = z / 1000; margin = 0.1; margin_yaw = 0.4;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

//Yaw control if (fabs(yaw_rad) > margin_yaw){ yaw_vel = pid_yaw.updatePid(yaw, time - last_time); msg_move.angular.z = yaw_vel; info = "Correcting position"; } else { msg_move.angular.z = 0; } //X control if (fabs(x) > margin && fabs(yaw_rad) < margin_yaw){ x_vel = pid_x.updatePid(x, time - last_time); msg_move.linear.x = x_vel; info = "Correcting position"; } else { msg_move.linear.x = 0; } //Y control if (fabs(y) > margin && fabs(yaw_rad) < margin_yaw){ y_vel = pid_y.updatePid(y, time - last_time); msg_move.linear.y = y_vel; info = "Correcting position"; } else { msg_move.linear.y = 0; } //Altitude control if (fabs(z) > margin){ z_vel = pid_z.updatePid(z, time - last_time); msg_move.linear.z = z_vel; info = "Correcting position"; } else { msg_move.linear.z = 0; } //Publish velocity messages: msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); last_time = msg->header.stamp; } else if (state == LANDING){ status = "LANDING"; msg_land.priority = true; pub_land.publish(msg_land); } print(); } // --------- Print function ------------------------------------------------------------- void pose_controller::print(){ float sec = 0.12; ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "-----------ODOMETRY CONTROL--------------"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Code state: " << status); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Battery: " << battery << "%"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Drone state: " << drone); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Altitude: " << altd); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Info: " << info); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "------------------CONTROL------------------"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, " Velocities"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, " ----------"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Velocity x: " << msg_move.linear.x); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Velocity y: " << msg_move.linear.y); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Velocity z: " << msg_move.linear.z); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Yaw: " << msg_move.angular.z); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "------------------------------------" << std::endl); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, std::endl); } // -------- Main --------------------------------------------------------


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

int main(int argc, char **argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "pose_controller_with_initialitzation"); pose_controller PoseController; ros::spin(); return 0; } // ------- Constructor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pose_controller::pose_controller(){ sub_ardrone = n.subscribe("ardrone/navdata", 1000, &pose_controller::controlCallback,this); pub_move = n.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Vel>("spooler/cmd_vel", 1000); pub_takeoff = n.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/takeoff", 1000); ros::Duration time_stamp_last_msg_(0.0); //Initialisation of variables //Initialisation of pid's pid_x.initPid(0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1); pid_y.initPid(0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1); pid_z.initPid(0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1); pid_yaw.initPid(0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.1); //Set all velocities to 0 msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; state = TAKEOFF; }

A.6.2. pose_control_odom.h
#include <ros/ros.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Vel.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Priority.h> #include <ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h> #include <std_msgs/String.h> #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h> #include <control_toolbox/pid.h> class pose_controller{ public: pose_controller(); //Functions void controlCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg); void print(); private: ros::NodeHandle n; //Subscribers and publishers ros::Publisher pub_move; ros::Publisher pub_takeoff; ros::Publisher pub_land; ros::Subscriber sub_ardrone; ardrone_msgs::Vel msg_move; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_takeoff; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_land; //Node variables enum {TAKEOFF = 0, POSITION_KEEPING = 1, LANDING = 2} state; double x, y, z, z_init, yaw_init, yaw, yaw_rad; float delta_t; double margin, margin_yaw; double x_vel, y_vel, z_vel, yaw_vel; control_toolbox::Pid pid_x, pid_y, pid_z, pid_yaw; ros::Time last_time, time;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

}; float battery; int drone_state, altd; std::string status, drone, info;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report A.7 Visual servoing node A.7.1 landing_control.cpp
#include "landing_control.h" //--- Navdata Callback ------------------------------------------------------- void land::NavdataCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg){ drone_state = msg -> state; battery = msg -> batteryPercent; altd = msg -> altd; if (drone_state == 0){ drone = "Unknown"; } else if (drone_state == 1){ drone = "Initied"; } else if (drone_state == 2){ drone = "Landed"; } else if (drone_state == 3){ drone = "Flying"; } else if (drone_state == 4){ drone = "Hovering"; } else if (drone_state == 5){ drone = "Test"; } else if (drone_state == 6){ drone = "Taking off"; } else if (drone_state == 7){ drone = "Flying"; } else if (drone_state == 8){ drone = "Landing"; } //Check the battery if (battery <= 6){ battery_low = true; status = LANDING; info = "BATTERY LOW"; } if (status == TAKEOFF){ status_info = "TAKE OFF"; info = "----"; if (drone_state != 4){ //Take off msg_takeoff.priority = false; pub_takeoff.publish(msg_takeoff); } if (drone_state == 4) status = SEARCHING; } else if (status == SEARCHING){ status_info = "SEARCHING"; if (!init_detector){ //Wait for the target detection server to start detection.waitForServer(); info = "Target searcher initialised"; //Send a goal to the action visual_servoing::Tag_poseGoal detecting_goal; detection.sendGoal(detecting_goal, boost::bind(&land::detection_doneCb, detect_client::SimpleActiveCallback(), boost::bind(&land::detection_feedbackCb, this, _1)); init_detector = true; } } else if (status == TRACKING){ status_info = "TRACKING"; if (!init_tracker){ //Wait for the tracking server to start tracking.waitForServer(); info = "tracking initialised"; //Send a goal to the action visual_servoing::trackingGoal tracking_goal;




Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

tracking.sendGoal(tracking_goal, boost::bind(&land::tracking_doneCb, this, _1), track_client::SimpleActiveCallback(), boost::bind(&land::tracking_feedbackCb, this, _1)); init_tracker = true; } if (!tracking_working){ info = "Target lost!"; status = LOST; } } else if (status == LOST){ status_info = "LOST"; //Wait a while, if found go to TRACKING status again, if not go to the timer lost callback and there to the SEARCHING status if (!tracking_working){ timer_lost.start(); } else{ timer_lost.stop(); status = TRACKING; } } else if (status == LANDING){ status_info = "LANDING"; //Land //Move the drone forwards to land over the target msg_move.linear.x = 0.3; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); if (ai){ if (battery_low == true){ msg_land.priority = true; } else{ msg_land.priority = false; } pub_land.publish(msg_land); ai = false; } } //Call the printing function to show the control in the screen print(); } // ------ Detection feedback callback ------------------------------------------------------- void land::detection_feedbackCb(const visual_servoing::Tag_poseFeedbackConstPtr& feedback){ found = feedback->found; foundSure = feedback->foundSure; tag_x = feedback->tag_x; tag_y = feedback->tag_y; //Search the target between 800mm and 1300mm (the detection works well between this altitudes) if (altd > 1300){ msg_move.linear.z = -0.08; msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; } else if (altd < 800){ msg_move.linear.z = 0.08; msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; } else{ if (found == false){ info = "Searching the target"; msg_move.linear.x = 0.015; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; } else{ if(foundSure == false){ //When the target is found, wait for the verification info = "Target found. Verifying"; msg_move.linear.x = 0;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; } else{ info = "Target verified"; } } } msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); } // ------ Detection done callback -------------------------------------------- void land::detection_doneCb(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState& state){ //Stop the drone msg_move.linear.x = 0; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.linear.z = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); //Change to tracking status status = TRACKING; } // ------- Tracking feedback callback ------------------------------------------------------ void land::tracking_feedbackCb(const visual_servoing::trackingFeedbackConstPtr& feedback){ tracking_working = feedback->working; vel_x = feedback->vel_x; vel_y = feedback->vel_y; tag_x = feedback->centre_x; tag_y = feedback->centre_y; if (tracking_working){ //Center the target and decend info = "Tracking working. Approaching"; msg_move.linear.x = vel_x; msg_move.linear.y = vel_y; //If the target is in the centre (22cm square) descend if (abs(tag_x) > 22 || abs(tag_y) > 22){ msg_move.linear.z = 0; } else{ msg_move.linear.z = -0.1; } msg_move.angular.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); } else{ info = "TRACKING NOT WORKING!"; } } // ----- Tracking done callback --------------------------------------------- void land::tracking_doneCb(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState& state){ if (strcmp(state.toString().c_str(),"SUCCEEDED") == 0){ //Move the drone forwards to land over the target msg_move.linear.x = 0.3; msg_move.linear.y = 0; msg_move.angular.z = 0; msg_move.priority = false; pub_move.publish(msg_move); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){} //Change to landing status status = LANDING; info = "Mission finished?"; } else{ //The state is not SUCCEEDED, that means that the goal has been preempted, so search the target again status = SEARCHING;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

} } // ------ Timer lost ------------------------------------------ void land::LostCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event){ timer_lost.stop(); tracking_working = false; init_tracker = false; init_detector = false; tracking.cancelGoal(); } // ------ Print function ------------------------------------------------------------ void land::print(){ float sec = 0.05; ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "--------------LANDING CONTROL--------------"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Code status: " << status_info); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Battery: " << battery << "%"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Drone state: " << drone); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Altitude: " << altd); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "INFO: " << info); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Centre of the target: " << tag_x << ", " << tag_y); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "------------------CONTROL------------------"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Velocities"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "----------"); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Velocity x: " << msg_move.linear.x); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Velocity y: " << msg_move.linear.y); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Velocity z: " << msg_move.linear.z); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "Yaw: " << msg_move.angular.z); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, "-----------------------------------" << std::endl); ROS_INFO_STREAM_THROTTLE(sec, std::endl); } // -------- Main --------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "landing_controller"); land landing_controller; ros::spin(); return 0; } // -------- Constructor ------------------------------------------------------------------- land::land(): //true causes the client to spin its own thread detection("target_detection", true), tracking("tracking", true) { //Set to hd camera client = nh_.serviceClient<ardrone_autonomy::CamSelect>("ardrone/setcamchannel"); = 0;; sub_ardrone = nh_.subscribe("ardrone/navdata", 1000, &land::NavdataCallback,this); pub_takeoff = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/takeoff", 1000); pub_move = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Vel>("spooler/cmd_vel", 1000); pub_land = nh_.advertise<ardrone_msgs::Priority>("spooler/land",1000); //Initialisation of variables //Set all velocities to 0 msg_move.linear.x=0; msg_move.linear.y=0; msg_move.linear.z=0; msg_move.angular.z=0; timer_lost = nh_.createTimer(ros::Duration(3), &land::LostCallback, this); timer_lost.stop(); status = TAKEOFF; tracking_working = false;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

} init_takeoff = false; init_tracker = false; init_detector = false; battery_low = false; ai = true; altd = 0; tag_x = 0; tag_y = 0; drone_state = 0; info = "Landing control node started"; print();

A.7.2 landing_control.h
#include <ros/ros.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include <actionlib/client/simple_action_client.h> #include <actionlib/client/terminal_state.h> #include <visual_servoing/Tag_poseAction.h> #include <visual_servoing/trackingAction.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Vel.h> #include <ardrone_msgs/Priority.h> #include <ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h> #include <ardrone_autonomy/CamSelect.h> typedef actionlib::SimpleActionClient<visual_servoing::Tag_poseAction> detect_client; typedef actionlib::SimpleActionClient<visual_servoing::trackingAction> track_client; class land{ public: land(); ~land(void){} //Functions void NavdataCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg); void detection_feedbackCb(const visual_servoing::Tag_poseFeedbackConstPtr& feedback); void detection_doneCb(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState& state); void tracking_feedbackCb(const visual_servoing::trackingFeedbackConstPtr& feedback); void tracking_doneCb(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState& state); void pid(float gain, float error_x, float error_y); void LostCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event); void print(); private: ros::NodeHandle nh_; //Create the action clients detect_client detection; track_client tracking; //Subscribers and publishers ros::Subscriber sub_ardrone; ros::Subscriber sub_tag_feedback; ros::Publisher pub_takeoff; ros::Publisher pub_move; ros::Publisher pub_land; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_takeoff; ardrone_msgs::Vel msg_move; ardrone_msgs::Priority msg_land; //To set the bottom camera ros::ServiceClient client; ardrone_autonomy::CamSelect srv; //Node variables


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

}; enum {TAKEOFF = 0, SEARCHING = 1, TRACKING = 2, LOST = 3, LANDING = 4} status; int drone_state, t; float battery; bool searching, target_found, landing, battery_low, ai; bool found, foundSure, tracking_working; bool init_takeoff, init_detector, init_tracker; int altd, tag_x, tag_y; float vel_x, vel_y; float velo_x, velo_y, velo_z; ros::Time last_time, time; ros::Timer timer_lost; std::string info, status_info, drone;

A.7.3 tag_detection_server.cpp
#include "tag_detection_server.h" namespace enc = sensor_msgs::image_encodings; // ---------- Goal callback ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //to start the target searching when required for the master void TagDetection::goalCB(){ start = true; Server_.acceptNewGoal(); //Make sure the goal hasn't been cancelled between it was found and we accept it, as between his time period preemt callback is not triggered if(Server_.isPreemptRequested()){ preemptCB(); } } // ------------- Preempt callback ---------------------------------------- //to cancel the goal when required by the master void TagDetection::preemptCB(){ Server_.setPreempted(); restart = false; } // --------- Camera image callback --------------------------------------------------------------- //contains the images void TagDetection::image_cam(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg){ if (start){ //If the restart of the searching is required, set all the variables to its initial value if (restart){ start = false; try_next = 1; trying = 5; found = false; found_sure = 0; foundSure = false; start = false; templ_loaded = false; restart = false; } else{ //Get a frame cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr; try{ cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, enc::BGR8); } catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e){ ROS_ERROR("tag_detection_server: cv_bridge exception: %s", e.what()); return; } frame = cv_ptr->image; //Call the function to find the squares findSquares(frame, squares); //Show the detected squares


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

/*fr_squares = frame.clone(); drawSquares(fr_squares, squares); imshow("Squares detection", fr_squares);*/ //Call the function to compare the template with the found squares findTarget(frame, squares, rotated, templ); //Show me what you got imshow("Target detection", frame); //imshow("Square normalized", rotated); //imshow("Result", result); if (!found){ found_sure = 0; foundSure = false; } //Send the feedback to the master feedback_.found = found; feedback_.foundSure = foundSure; feedback_.tag_x = tag_x - frame.size().width/2; feedback_.tag_y = tag_y - frame.size().height/2; Server_.publishFeedback(feedback_); //To publish the video cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr_out(new cv_bridge::CvImage); cv_ptr_out->image = frame; cv_ptr_out->encoding = "bgr8"; sensor_msgs::Image message; cv_ptr_out->toImageMsg(message); image_pub_.publish(message); waitKey(3); } } } // ---------- findSquares function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Returns a sequence of squares detected on the image. The sequence is stored in the specified memory storage void TagDetection::findSquares(const Mat& image, vector<vector<Point> >& squares){ squares.clear(); Mat pyr, timg, gray0(image.size(), CV_8U), gray; vector<vector<Point> > contours; //Down-scale and upscale the image to filter out the noise pyrDown(image, pyr, Size(image.cols/2, image.rows/2)); pyrUp(pyr, timg, image.size()); //Find squares in only one color plane of the image int ch[] = {1, 0}; mixChannels(&timg, 1, &gray0, 1, ch, 1); //Apply Canny. Take the upper threshold 50 and set the lower to 0 (which forces edges merging) Canny(gray0, gray, 0, 50, 5); //Dilate canny output to remove potential holes between edge segments dilate(gray, gray, Mat(), Point(-1,-1)); //Find contours and store them all as a list findContours(gray, contours, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); vector<Point> approx; //Test each contour for(size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++){ //Approximate contour with accuracy proportional to the contour perimeter approxPolyDP(Mat(contours[i]), approx, arcLength(Mat(contours[i]), true)*0.02, true); //Square contours should have 4 vertices after approximation relatively large area (to filter out noisy contours) be convex, and be smaller than the 80% of the frame area //Note: absolute value of an area is used because area may be positive or negative - in accordance with the contour orientation if( approx.size() == 4 && fabs(contourArea(Mat(approx))) > 1000 && contourArea(Mat(approx))<image.size().width*image.size().height*0.8 && isContourConvex(Mat(approx))){ double maxCosine = 0;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

for( int j = 2; j < 5; j++ ){ //Find the maximum cosine of the angle between joint edges double cosine = fabs(angle(approx[j%4], approx[j-2], approx[j-1])); maxCosine = MAX(maxCosine, cosine); } //If cosines of all angles are small (all angles are ~90 degree) then write quandrange vertices to resultant sequence if(maxCosine < 0.1) { squares.push_back(approx); }

} } } // ----- Angle function -------------------------------------------------------------------- //to check if the countours found in the findSquares function double TagDetection::angle(Point pt1, Point pt2, Point pt0){ double dx1 = pt1.x - pt0.x; double dy1 = pt1.y - pt0.y; double dx2 = pt2.x - pt0.x; double dy2 = pt2.y - pt0.y; return (dx1*dx2 + dy1*dy2)/sqrt((dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1)*(dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2) + 1e-10); } //------- draWSquares function --------------------------------------------------------------------- //Drows all the squares in the image void TagDetection::drawSquares( Mat& image, const vector<vector<Point> >& squares ){ for(size_t i = 0; i < squares.size(); i++){ const Point* p = &squares[i][0]; int n = (int)squares[i].size(); polylines(image, &p, &n, 1, true, Scalar(0,255,0), 1, CV_AA); } } //------- findTarget function --------------------------------------------------------------------- //Compare the squares with the template void TagDetection::findTarget(Mat& image, const vector<vector<Point> >& square, Mat& rotated, Mat& templ){ //Load the template if (templ_loaded == false){ templ = imread("/home/marc/electric_workspace/visual_servoing/templ_H.jpg", 1); if (templ.empty()){ cout << "tag_detection_server: Cannot open the target image" << endl; } resize(templ, templ, Size(), 1, 1, INTER_NEAREST); templ_loaded = true; } if (square.empty()){ found = false; } else{ //Normalize the squares detected for(size_t i = 0; i < square.size(); i++){ //Get the four points of the square vector<Point> orig_square = square[i]; vector<Point> not_a_rect_shape; not_a_rect_shape.push_back(Point(orig_square[0])); not_a_rect_shape.push_back(Point(orig_square[1])); not_a_rect_shape.push_back(Point(orig_square[2])); not_a_rect_shape.push_back(Point(orig_square[3])); RotatedRect box = minAreaRect(Mat(not_a_rect_shape)); box.points(pts); if (try_next == 1){ src_vertices[0] = pts[2]; src_vertices[1] = pts[3]; src_vertices[2] = pts[1]; src_vertices[3] = pts[0]; } else if (try_next == 2){ src_vertices[0] = pts[1]; src_vertices[1] = pts[2]; src_vertices[2] = pts[0]; src_vertices[3] = pts[3]; } else if (try_next == 3){ src_vertices[0] = pts[0];


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

src_vertices[1] = pts[1]; src_vertices[2] = pts[3]; src_vertices[3] = pts[2]; } else if (try_next == 4){ src_vertices[0] = pts[3]; src_vertices[1] = pts[0]; src_vertices[2] = pts[2]; src_vertices[3] = pts[1]; } Point2f dst_vertices[4]; dst_vertices[0] = Point(0, 0); dst_vertices[1] = Point(box.boundingRect().width-1, 0); dst_vertices[2] = Point(0, box.boundingRect().height-1); dst_vertices[3] = Point(box.boundingRect().width-1, box.boundingRect().height-1); //Normalise the square. Resize it the square detected warpAffineMatrix = getAffineTransform(src_vertices, dst_vertices); Size size(box.boundingRect().width, box.boundingRect().height); warpAffine(image, rotated, warpAffineMatrix, size, INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT); resize(rotated, rotated, templ.size(), 1, 1, INTER_NEAREST); resize(rotated, rotated, Size(), 2.2, 2.2, INTER_NEAREST); //Call the MatchingMetod to search the template in the resized square MatchingMethod(0,0); if(found == true){ break; } } } } // ---------- function MatchingMethod ------------------------------------------------- void TagDetection::MatchingMethod(int, void*){ if (rotated.empty()){ ROS_INFO_THROTTLE(2, "tag_detection_server: No possible template in frame"); found = false; } else{ img_display = frame.clone(); //Create the result matrix int result_cols = rotated.cols - templ.cols + 1; int result_rows = rotated.rows - templ.rows + 1; result.create( result_rows, result_cols, CV_32FC1 ); //Do the Matching and Normalize. Search the template in the rotated frame matchTemplate(rotated, templ, result, CV_TM_SQDIFF); normalize(result, result, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat()); //Localizing the best match with minMaxLoc double minVal, maxVal; Point minLoc, maxLoc, matchLoc; minMaxLoc(result, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc, Mat()); matchLoc = minLoc; int x = matchLoc.x; int y = matchLoc.y; found = false; //Check if there is the possibility to find the template inside the detected square. If there is the template, the matchLoc point should be in the centre of the result window: if (x > result.cols/3 && x < result.cols*2/3 && y > result.rows/5 && y < result.rows*4/5){ rectangle(result, Point(result.cols*2/5, result.rows*3/7), Point(result.cols*3/5, result.rows*4/7), Scalar(0,0,0), 2, 8, 0); //rectangle(result, Point(result.cols/3, result.rows/5), Point(result.cols*2/3, result.rows*4/5), Scalar(0,0,0), 2, 8, 0); possible = true; //Possible target! if (x > result.cols*2/5 && x < result.cols*3/5 && y > result.rows*3/7 && y < result.rows*4/7){ found = true; //Target found!! }


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

} //If it is found, wait a bit and draw a green rectangle in the target, if not, try to rotated it if there is a possible target if (found == true){ //Find it during 5 consecutives frames to set founSure to true found_sure++; if (found_sure >= 5 || (trying < 5 && trying > 0)){ foundSure = true; } else{ foundSure = false; } //Draw a rectangle in the target if (foundSure == false){ //Show me what you got rectangle(rotated, matchLoc, Point(x + templ.cols, y + templ.rows), Scalar(0,150,255), 2, 8, 0); //Draw an orange rectangle in the target line(frame, src_vertices[0], src_vertices[1], Scalar(0,150,255), 5, 8, 0); line(frame, src_vertices[1], src_vertices[3], Scalar(0,150,255), 5, 8, 0); line(frame, src_vertices[3], src_vertices[2], Scalar(0,150,255), 5, 8, 0); line(frame, src_vertices[2], src_vertices[0], Scalar(0,150,255), 5, 8, 0); } else{ //Show me what you got rectangle(rotated, matchLoc, Point(x + templ.cols, y + templ.rows), Scalar(0,255,0), 2, 8, 0); //Draw a green rectangle in the target line(frame, src_vertices[0], src_vertices[1], Scalar(0,255,0), 5, 8, 0); line(frame, src_vertices[1], src_vertices[3], Scalar(0,255,0), 5, 8, 0); line(frame, src_vertices[3], src_vertices[2], Scalar(0,255,0), 5, 8, 0); line(frame, src_vertices[2], src_vertices[0], Scalar(0,255,0), 5, 8, 0); //Find the centre of the target if (src_vertices[0].x < src_vertices[3].x){ d_x = src_vertices[3].x - src_vertices[0].x; tag_x = src_vertices[0].x + d_x/2; } else{ d_x = src_vertices[0].x-src_vertices[3].x; tag_x = src_vertices[3].x + d_x/2; } if (src_vertices[0].y < src_vertices[3].y){ d_y = src_vertices[3].y-src_vertices[0].y; tag_y = src_vertices[0].y + d_y/2; } else{ d_y = src_vertices[0].y-src_vertices[3].y; tag_y = src_vertices[3].y + d_y/2; } //Set the params to send the centre of the target to the tracking node nh_.setParam("/target/x", tag_x); nh_.setParam("/target/y", tag_y); //Set the action state to succeeded Server_.setSucceeded(result_); restart = true; } //If found is false but possible is true } else if(possible == true){ //If there is no matching target, try to rotate the image if (try_next == 4) {try_next = 1;} else {try_next = try_next + 1;} trying++; } return; } } // --------------- Main ------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "visual_servoing");


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

TagDetection Target_detection; ros::spin(); return 0; } // --------------- Constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TagDetection::TagDetection(): it_(nh_), Server_(nh_,"target_detection", false) { //Register the Goal and the Preept Callbacks Server_.registerGoalCallback(boost::bind(&TagDetection::goalCB,this)); Server_.registerPreemptCallback(boost::bind(&TagDetection::preemptCB,this)); image_sub_ = it_.subscribe("ardrone/front/image_rect_color", 1, &TagDetection::image_cam, this); image_pub_ = it_.advertise("detecting/image", 1); //Start the server Server_.start(); //Initialisation of variables try_next = 1; trying = 5; found = false; foundSure = false; start = false; templ_loaded = false; restart = false; }

A.7.4 target_detection_server.h
#include <ros/ros.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <image_transport/image_transport.h> #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h> #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h> #include "sensor_msgs/Image.h" #include <actionlib/server/simple_action_server.h> #include <visual_servoing/Tag_poseAction.h> #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp" #include "opencv2/video/tracking.hpp" #include "opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace cv; namespace enc = sensor_msgs::image_encodings; typedef actionlib::SimpleActionServer<visual_servoing::Tag_poseAction> TagServer; class TagDetection{ public: TagDetection(); ~TagDetection(void){} //Functions void goalCB(); void preemptCB(); void image_cam(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg); double angle( Point pt1, Point pt2, Point pt0 ); void findSquares( const Mat& image, vector<vector<Point> >& squares ); void drawSquares( Mat& image, const vector<vector<Point> >& squares ); void findTarget( Mat& image, const vector<vector<Point> >& square, Mat& rotated, Mat& templ ); void MatchingMethod( int, void* ); protected: ros::NodeHandle nh_;


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

//Subscribers and publishers image_transport::ImageTransport it_; image_transport::Subscriber image_sub_; image_transport::Publisher image_pub_; //Create the server and messages that are used to published feedback/result TagServer Server_; visual_servoing::Tag_poseFeedback feedback_; visual_servoing::Tag_poseResult result_; private: //Node variables bool start, restart, templ_loaded, possible, found, foundSure; int try_next, found_sure, trying; double d_x, d_y, tag_x, tag_y; vector<vector<Point> > squares; Mat frame, fr_squares, rotated, templ, img_display, result, gray_frame, warpAffineMatrix; Point2f src_vertices[4], pts[4]; };

A.7.5 tracker_server.cpp
#include "tracker_server.h" // ----- Goal callback ------------------------------------------------------------ //to start the tracking when is required by the master void Tracking::goalCB(){ start = true; Server_.acceptNewGoal(); //Make sure the goal hasn't been cancelled between it was found and we accept it, as between his time period preemt callback is not triggered if(Server_.isPreemptRequested()){ preemptCB(); } } // ------ Preempt callback ------------------------------------- //to cancel the goal when required by the master void Tracking::preemptCB(){ Server_.setPreempted(); start = false; first = true; working = false; taskPtr->kill(); delete taskPtr; } // ------ Navdata callback ------------------------------------------------------ //to get the altitude and the battery percent) void Tracking::NavdataCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg){ altd = msg -> altd; battery = msg -> batteryPercent; } // ------ Camera info callback -------------------------------------------------- //to get the camera parameters void Tracking::camerainfo(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo& msg){ sensor_msgs::CameraInfo cam_info=msg; cam = visp_bridge::toVispCameraParameters(cam_info); } // ------ Controller callback ---------------------------------------------------- //contains the images void Tracking::controller(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg){ if (start){ cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr; try{ cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, enc::BGR8); } catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e){ ROS_ERROR("cv_bridge exception: %s", e.what());


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

return; } frame = cv_ptr->image; //Convert image to gray and to VISP vpImage class cvtColor(frame, frame, CV_RGB2GRAY); vpImageConvert::convert(frame, I); //If first is true, do the initialisation if(first){ //Display initialisation d.init(I, 0, 0, "Tracking"); } vpDisplay::display(I); vpDisplay::flush(I); //Initialise the tracking dot.setGrayLevelPrecision(0.9); //To allow the tracking of a non ellipoid shape dot.setEllipsoidShapePrecision(0); //Get the points of the centre of the target nh_.getParam("/target/x", target_x); nh_.getParam("/target/y", target_y); ip.set_i(target_y); ip.set_j(target_x); dot.initTracking(I, ip); vpDisplay::flush(I); //Initialize visual servoing task cog = dot.getCog(); tag.setWorldCoordinates(I.getHeight()/2, I.getWidth()/2, 1); vpFeatureBuilder::create(sd,tag); taskPtr = new vpServo(); taskPtr->setServo(vpServo::EYEINHAND_CAMERA); taskPtr->setInteractionMatrixType(vpServo::DESIRED); taskPtr->addFeature(s,sd); first = false;

//Set the lambda of the visual servoing depending on the battery if (altd >= 700){ if (battery > 70){ lambda = 0.33; } else if(battery > 50){ lambda = 0.35; } else{ lambda = 0.32; } } else{ if (battery > 70){ lambda = 0.25; } else if(battery > 50){ lambda = 0.22; } else{ lambda = 0.18; } } taskPtr->setLambda(lambda); vpDisplay::display(I); //Try to do the tracking of the dot, if it fails, set working to false try{ //Track the dot dot.track(I); dot.display(I, vpColor::cyan, 3); vpFeatureBuilder::create(s, cam, dot); v = taskPtr->computeControlLaw(); working = true; } catch (...){ working = false; SendPose(); }


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

//Get the centre of gravity of the dot (which is the centre of the target) if it is tracked if (working){ cog = dot.getCog(); centre_x = -(cog.get_i() - frame.size().height/2); centre_y = cog.get_j() - frame.size().width/2; //Transformation the target centre into cm k = (-0.03632) * altd + (32.802867); centre_x = centre_x / k; centre_y = centre_y / k; } //Set the velocities to send to the drone calculated with the visual servoing task vel_x = -v[1]; vel_y = -v[0]; //Display the centre of the dot and the goal position of it in the image vpDisplay::displayCross(I, vpImagePoint(I.getHeight()/2, I.getWidth()/2), 20, vpColor::red, 2); vpDisplay::flush(I); //To publish the video vpDisplay::getImage(I,Ivideo); vpImageConvert::convert(Ivideo, video); cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr_out(new cv_bridge::CvImage); cv_ptr_out->image = video; cv_ptr_out->encoding = "bgr8"; sensor_msgs::Image message; cv_ptr_out->toImageMsg(message); image_pub_.publish(message); //If working and centered, don't send if (working && altd < 275 && abs(centre_x) < 30 && abs(centre_y) < 30){ //If its difficult to land: remove the condition to be centred if (sure){ //Move forwards to land over the target vel_x = 0.3; SendPose(); //Set the action state to succeeded Server_.setSucceeded(result_); start = false; } sure = true; } //Call the function to send the feedback to the master SendPose(); } } // ------ SendPose callback --------------------------- //to send the feedback to the master void Tracking::SendPose(){ feedback_.working = working; feedback_.vel_x = vel_x; feedback_.vel_y = vel_y; feedback_.centre_x = centre_x; feedback_.centre_y = centre_y; Server_.publishFeedback(feedback_); } // -------- Main ---------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char** argv){ ros::init(argc, argv, "tracker_pub"); Tracking ic; ros::spin(); return 0; } //---------- Destructor -------------------------------------- Tracking::~Tracking(){


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

taskPtr->kill(); delete taskPtr; } // --------- Constructor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tracking::Tracking(): it_(nh_), Server_(nh_,"tracking", false) { //Register the Goal and the Preept Callbacks Server_.registerGoalCallback(boost::bind(&Tracking::goalCB,this)); Server_.registerPreemptCallback(boost::bind(&Tracking::preemptCB,this)); sub_ardrone = nh_.subscribe("ardrone/navdata", 1000, &Tracking::NavdataCallback,this); image_sub_ = it_.subscribe("ardrone/front/image_rect_color", 1, &Tracking::controller, this); camera_info_sub_ =nh_.subscribe("ardrone/front/camera_info", 1, &Tracking::camerainfo, this); image_pub_ = it_.advertise("tracking/image", 1); //Start the server Server_.start(); //Initialisation of variables start = false; first = true; working = true; sure = false; }

A.7.6 tracker_server.h
#include <ros/ros.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <image_transport/image_transport.h> #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h> #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h> #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include "sensor_msgs/Image.h" #include <ardrone_autonomy/Navdata.h> #include <conversions/camera.h> #include <actionlib/server/simple_action_server.h> #include <visual_servoing/trackingAction.h> #include <visp/vpConfig.h> #include <visp/vpImage.h> #include <visp/vpDot2.h> #include <visp/vpOpenCVGrabber.h> #include <visp/vpDisplayOpenCV.h> #include <visp/vpDisplayGDI.h> #include <visp/vpDisplayX.h> #include <visp/vpPoint.h> #include <visp/vpServo.h> #include <visp/vpFeatureBuilder.h> #include <visp/vpServoDisplay.h> #include <visp/vpConfig.h> #include <visp/vpVideoWriter.h> using namespace std; using namespace cv; namespace enc = sensor_msgs::image_encodings; typedef actionlib::SimpleActionServer<visual_servoing::trackingAction> TrackServer; class Tracking{ public: Tracking(); ~Tracking(); //Functions


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report

void goalCB(); void preemptCB(); void controller(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg); void NavdataCallback(const ardrone_autonomy::Navdata::ConstPtr& msg); void camerainfo(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo& msg); void SendPose(); protected: ros::NodeHandle nh_; //Subscribers and publishers image_transport::ImageTransport it_; image_transport::Subscriber image_sub_; ros::Subscriber sub_ardrone; ros::Subscriber camera_info_sub_; image_transport::Publisher image_pub_; //Create the server and messages that are used to published feedback/result TrackServer Server_; visual_servoing::trackingFeedback feedback_; visual_servoing::trackingResult result_; //Node variables //Visual servoing variables vpImage<unsigned char> I; vpDisplayOpenCV d; vpServo* taskPtr; vpDot2 dot; vpPoint tag; vpImagePoint ip, cog; vpCameraParameters cam; vpFeaturePoint s, sd; vpColVector v; vpImage<vpRGBa> Ivideo; //Other node variables Mat frame, video; bool start, first, working, sure; double target_x, target_y; double lambda; float vel_x, vel_y, k; int centre_x, centre_y, altd; float battery; };


Development of autonomous manoeuvres in a quadcopter Report A.8 Ardrone messages A.8.1 Pose.msg
Vector3 real Vector3 pixels bool priority

A.8.2 Priority.msg
bool priority

A.8.3 Vector3.msg
# This represents a vector in free space. float64 x float64 y float64 z

A.8.4 Vel.msg
Vector3 linear Vector3 angular bool priority


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