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Determine whether the following sets are

well-defined. a. The set of counting numbers less than 25. b. The set of some lakes in the world. c. The set of handsome boys. d. The set of oceans in the world. e. The set of difficult questions in a maths exam.

5. Let A = {letters in MATHS} and

B = {letters in MARCH}. a. Are these sets equal? b. Are these sets equivalent? c. Describe a universal set for this problem. d. Is any of these sets a subset of the other set?

6. Determine whether the following sets are finite or 2. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} then complete the statements
using either or . a. 1....A d. 5....A b. 3....A e. 6....A c. 9....A f. .....A infinite. a. The set of all points on a line segment. b. The set of even counting numbers less than one billion. c. The set of natural numbers between 10 and 11. d. The set of animals on the earth.

3. Describe the following sets using the list method

and the defining-property method. a. The set of seven colours in a rainbow. b. The set of even natural numbers between 5 and 27. c. The set of letters in the word KARAKALPAK. d. The set of countries that share a border with your country. e. The set of powers of two from 2 to 256.

7. Determine whether the following statements are

true or false. a. a {a, b, c, d} b. {a} {a, b, c, d} c. {a, b, c, d} {a, b, c, d} d. A A e. A f. g. {0} h. = { }

4. Write the cardinal number of the following sets.

A = {1, 2,{3, 4}, 4, 5} B = {a, b, c, , {}} C = {1, 2, 3, ..., 101} D = {x|x is a counting number less than 21} E = {x|x is a day of the weekend} F = {x|x is a negative natural number}

8. Write all the subsets of the following sets.

a. A = {1, 2, 3} b. B = {a, {b, c}, d} c. C = {, {}, a, {a}}

9. Find the number of subsets of the sets below.

a. A = {1, 2, {c, 3}, 4, d} b. B = {1, 2, {4, 5}} c. C = { } d. D = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}

11. If the sum of proper and improper subsets of a set

is 127 then how many elements are there in this set?

10. Find the number of elements of each set if:

a. Set A has 1 subset. b. Set B has 16 subsets. c. Set C has 32 subsets. d. Set D has 63 proper subsets. e. Set E has 255 proper subsets.

12. Find the power sets of the following sets.

a. A = {1, 2, 3} b. B = {", ", !, "} c. C = {a, {a, b}}


1. Let U = {a, b, c, d, x, y, z, t}, A = {a, b, c, d},

B = {c, d, x, y} and C = {x, y, z, t}. Perform the following operations. a. A B c. B C e. (A B) C g. A U i. A (B C) k. (A B) (A C) b. A C d. A (B C) f. A h. A (B C) j. (A B) (A C)

3. In the diagram, each

number indicates the number of elements in each region. Find the following. a. n(A) b. n(B) c. n(C) d. n(U) e. n(A B) f. n(A C) g. n(B C) h. n(A B) i. n(A C)

A 7 2 4 3 4 5 C 5

2. Describe the shaded region using set notation.

a. A

b. A

c. A


j. n(A B C) k. (A B C) l. n((A B) C) m. n((A B) C)

e. A

f. A

The set of elements of U which are not elements of set A is called the complement of A. We write Ac or A, and say the complement of set A. The shaded region in Venn diagram at the right shows the complement of A.

Let U be a universal set and A U. 1. A A = U


2. A A =

3. U =

4. (A) = A

5. = U

1. Which of the following is not a set?

a. The collection of fat boys in your class. b. The collection of teachers at your shool. c. The collection of even numbers between 8 and 10. d. The collection of vowels in the word ISTANBUL.

8. Let A = {letters in ZAMBAK}, and

B = {letters in MATHS}. a. Are these sets disjoint or overlapping? b. Are these sets equal? c. Are these sets equivalent? d. Describe a universal set for this problem. e. Is any of these sets a subset of the other?

2. A = {1, {1, 2}, {3}}. Complete the statements

using or . a. 1 ... A d. {1, 2} ... A b. 1 ... A e. {{1, 2}} ... A c. 1 ... A f. {3} ... A

9. A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 8}, B = {3, 5, 9, 10, 11}, and

C = {1, 5, 10, 11, 12}. Write the following sets using the list method. a. A B d. B b. B A e. C A
A B .b C

c. A A f. A B C

3. Let A = {4, 6, 8}, B = {3, 5, 7},

C = {even numbers between 2 and 10}, and D = {odd numbers between 1 and 8}. a. Write statements using =. b. Write statements using .

10. Write the following sets

using the list method.

.1 .2

.a .3 .5 .4

4. A = {1, 2, {1, 2}, 3}. Decide whether the

statements are true or false. a. 1 A d. {1, 2} A b. {1} A e. {{1, 2}} A c. {1, 2} A f. {3} A

a. A B d. A C

b. A B e. A B C

c. A C f. A B C

11. Write the following sets

using the list method.

5. Write down all the subsets of the set A = {1, 2, 3, 4}. 6. Find the number of subsets of the set
A = {letters in GEOMETRY}. a. A \ B d. A (B C) f. A B C h. (A B) \ C

B .a .3 .2 .b .5 .1 .c .d .4 .8 .6 C U


b. A \ (B C) e. (A B) (A C) g. (A B C) i. A \ (A B)

c. A

7. If the set A has 128 subsets, then how many

elements does it have?


11. Shade the regions in each diagram.


15. Let the sets A and B be subsets of the universal



set U. If n(U) = 14, n(A \ B) = 6 and n(A B) = 5, then find n(B).

C (A B) \ C

16. Let the sets A and B be subsets of the universal

C (A \ B) C

set U. If n(A \ B) = 3, n(A) = 8 and n(B) = 7, then find n(B \ A).



17. Describe the shaded regions using set notation.


B (A B) C



[A (B C)] \ (B C)


f. D

M (K L) \ M

c. D

d. A

(E \ F) D F



13. If n(A) = 10, n(A \ B) = 4 and n(B \ A) = 3, then

find the following. a. n(B) b. n(A B) c. n(A B) g.

h. A

18. If n(A \ B) = 4, n(B \ A) = 3 and the number of 14. If n(A B) = 15, n(A) = 6 and n(B) = 10, then
find n(A B).

subsets of the set A B is 128, then find n(A B).


1. Which one of the following is not a set?

A) The collection of students in your class. B) The collection FREEDOM. of letters in the word

6. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and

B = {1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9}. What is the number of elements of the set A \ B = ? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

C) The collection of counting numbers between 10 and 17. D) The collection of handsome boys in your class.

7. Let A be any set. Which one of the following is

always true? A) A = A B) A A = A C) A A =

2. Let A = {1, 2, {3}}. Which of the following is

false? A) 1 A C) {{3}} A B) {3} A D) 1 A

8. According to the Venn diagram,

which one of the following represents the shaded region?

3. According to the Venn diagram,

which set represents (A C) \ B = ?

A .a .1 .d .5 .2 .b

.3 .4 C

A) (A C) B C) (A B) \ C

B) (A C) \ B D) (A C) \ B


9. According to the Venn

A) {a, 1, d} B) {3} C) {d} D) {b, d} diagram, which one of the following is (B \ C) (A \ C) = ?

A B .a

.1 .2

.3 .b

.4 .5

C .d .c

4. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {1, 3, 4}.

What is B \ A = ? A) { } B) A C) {4} D) {2} A) {1, 2, 4, 5} C)

B) {a, b, c, d} D) {1, 2}

5. How many elements are there in the set of the

letters in the word TURKMENISTAN? A) 12

10. Let

n(A B) = 21, n(A B) = 11, and n(A \ B) = 4. What is n(B \ A) = ? A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8


B) 11

C) 10

D) 9

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