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Cabal Force Archer Guide

Mar 8, 2009 Cabal|8,254views

Hi everyone, Im new on this forum,but I thought that this FA guide would be helpful for someone who had the same difficulties like I had with the choice of equipment, weapons, stats, skills etc. I have read many guides about FA, so I picked up the most important and wrote it down in a single guide. I think that Force Archer is the coolest, because he wears the battle set and with twin gunner, he looks like the guy from Devil May Cry lol. Hope you will enjoy this little guide ^^.

The Equipment
Basically, there are 3 kinds of equipment (sets): Armour, Battle and Martial set. All these sets have their own specific characteristics: -Armour set has a little bit more DEF than the other sets, -Martial set has a little bit more DEF RATE than the other sets and -Battle set has a balance between DEF and DEF RATE. Because of these characteristics FA is divided into: -Armour Archer, -Martial Archer and -Battle Archer. To say the truth, Force Archers have a minimum of defense, unlike the other characters, so dont waste your money on Armour set, cause the little DEF bonus you gain doesnt make any difference. About the Battle set, like I said before its the coolest, but to pull out the real potential of your archer you should wear the Martial set . Although Martial sets wear only Bladers and Wizards you should wear it too, because when you look at the Wizards wearing requirement you see that there are a lot of STATs going on INT, which I should explain in chapter STATS So which one should I choose: -The Battle set which I had from the beginning or -The Martial set which makes my character stronger??? The choice is up to you, because a cool outfit is also very important in the fun factor, but if you more prefer Martial, better still.

So you have made your decision and now is the question: Should the EQ be based on Magic Amp or Critical Damage? . The answer is easy: You should mix them! I will just write down the optimal EQ, so if you dont like it, you can use something different (its just my opinion) ^^. The ultimate Martial set is quite expensive, so I will write both, the expensive version and a cheaper version. Lets start with the cheaper: Osmiun Suit with 2 slots: Slot1: 7% m amp, Slot2: +50 HP Osmiun Gloves with 2 slots: Both Slots + X DEF (try to find m amp, but i think its quite expensive, so DEF is optimal) Osmiun Helm with 2 slots: Both Slots +10% Crit. DMG (+20% total) Osmiun Boots with 2 slots: Both Slots +50 HP (+100 Hp total) Now the expensive version: (remember, this is the ultimate equipment, so dont be surprised if it sounds a little bit impossible) Osmiun Suit of Amp with 2 slots: 7% m amp, +100 Hp in slots Osmiun Gloves of Amp with 2 slots: 7% m amp, +4 DEF in slots Osmiun Helm of Deathblow with 2 slots: 5-8% Crit. Rate, +20 Crit. Damage in slots Osmiun Boots of Amp with 2 slots: 7% m amp, +100 Hp in slots To see the differences between Battle and Martial set, look at the screenshots:

The Weapons
You probably know that FA starts with Crystals as weapons. Thats ok, but just like I said, to pull out the max potential, you should wear Orbs, just like Wizard, cause Orbs have a little bit more Magic attack than Crystals, which is very important for FA. So how about the effects of the ultimate Orbs? There are 3 different combinations, that Ill write down: (the best would be is you have Lapis Orbs (or higher), but if they are too expensive, Aqua Orb will do it too.) First Combination: Lapis Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +16% Crit. Damage, +20% Crit. Damage in slots, Lapis Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +16% Crit. Damage, +20% Crit. Damage in slots. Second Combination: Lapis Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +8% Crit. Rate, +20% Crit. Damage in slots, Lapis Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +16% Crit. Damage, +20% Crit. Damage in slots.

Third Combination: Lapis Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +8% Crit. Rate, +20% Crit. Damage in slots, Lapis Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +8% Crit. Rate, +20% Crit. Damage in slots. -With the first combination you will have the MOST damage, but you will rarely hit critical, -With the second combination you will also deal great damage and you will slightly more often hit critical, but thats still not enough, -With the third combination you will have a balance between Crit. Rate and Crit. Damage which, i think, is the best, because its more important to hit critical often with a little less damage, then to have a strong critical hit, but to rarely do a critical hit. Now, like I did it before, I will write down a expensive version and a cheaper version. The cheaper first again: (remember, if you dont have money for Lapis, Aqua Orbs will do it too) Laps Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +1-3% Crit. Rate, +20% Crit. Damage in slots Laps Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +1-3% Crit. Rate, +20% Crit. Damage in slots The expensive version: Lapis Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +8% Crit. Rate, +20% Crit. Damage in slots, Lapis Orb of Deathblow with 2 slots: +8% Crit. Rate, +20% Crit. Damage in slots. Here are some screenshots:

Accessory is also very important for the character, because without this your character would not stand a chance against other players. Accessory includes: Two Rings, Amulet, Epaulet of + X, Two Earrings and Two Bracelets. These accessories will help you to make you character stronger and to raise his/hers endurance. You know that FA has a small amount of DEF, so he will gain large damage in PVP, but with Vampiric accessory he/she will stand longer against other characters, but not to forget about basic and critical damage, so the ultimate accessory would be: Rings: You have certainly noticed that Crit. Rate is very important for FA, so the rings you should wear are: 2x Ring of luck +1/+2 (the best would be +2, but they are about 50kk, so +1 will do it too for the beginning) Amulet: To gain HP while in PVP you should buy Vampiric Amulet +2,+3 or higher Epaulet of Sage: This is the best thing in this game ^^. It looks cool and give many bonuses, my recommendations: Epaulet of Sage +6 (or higher, but they are rare, even in Auction House, and very expensive) With this Epaulet you gain: Magic Attack +20, Attack Rate +50, HP +200, Magic Amp +3%

Earrings: Again, to gain HP while in PVP you should get Vampiric Earring +2,+3 (or higher, but you will also need a higher honour rank) (Vampiric Earring +2 = honour rank 6, Vampiric Earring +3 = honour rank 7 etc) Bracelets: Hmmm, about the bracelets, you can choose between Bracelet of Sage and Exortion Bracelet Both are very useful: BoS gives you Magic Attack, Attack Rate, Magic Amp and Minimum DMG EB gives you Attack Strength, Magic Attack and Absorbs HP & MP, But to tell the truth you will have more benefits from Bracelet of Sage than from Exortion Bracelet, because from EB you gain HP, but in percentage, which is in PVP a small amount, so you should buy: Bracelet of Sage +2 (or higher, which depends on your characters level and honour rank) I uploaded some screenshots so you have a better overview ^^

As you already know, there are 3 kinds of Stats: STR, INT, DEX. The most important Stat for the FA is INT. So try to focus on INT while assigning the Stat points. Each one of this Stats gives you either Attack, Magic, Defense, Attack Rate and Defense Rate:

STR: Attack, Defense, Attack Rate and Defense Rate; INT: Magic, Defense, Attack Rate and Defense Rate; DEX: Attack, Magic, Defense, Attack Rate and Defense Rate. Of course that these Stats dont give the same amount of Attack, Magic, Defense, Attack Rate and Defense Rate, so I will explain it properly: STR: Gives you the most Attack and some points on the other stuff INT: Gives you the most Magic and some points on the other stuff DEX: Gives you on everything a little Like you see, INT gives you the MOST magic power, what means the MOST damage, so focus every possible stat on INT (even if you have to use EXTRACT POTIONS) The best would be to lower the whole STR (with EXTRACT POTIONS), but that isnt possible, because of two reasons: Character GROWTH and Set/Weapon Requirment, so to have a lot of INT, but also to be possible to wear Osmium/Lapis (or higher) you Stats should look like this: STR: 113 DEX: 226 INT: rest Dont forget that you gain Stat bonuses from Quests and Skill Rank UPs. I calculated a little to know how much INT I would have at lvl 170, Rank: Trans/Trans about 1030 INT points (+/- 50 points ^^) AND ONE THING THAT I SHOULD SAY: ALWAYS DO QUESTS!!!!!! (believe me )

Oh the Skills!!! Probably, because of them Cabal is one of the best MMORGPs that exists. (^^) The benefits of the skills can be divided into two parts: PVP and PVE skills. First, lets talk about PVP: In PVP is important to use skills that can be casted fast (btw, FA has the faster skills of all characters). The fastest are: Critical Shot, Shadow Shot (both have a casting time of 1,3s) and Poison Arrow (1,8s). But its also important to use skills that have cool effects, like Gravity Distortion, which Stuns the enemy for 5 sec. So that are the 4 skills for PVP (of course with using COMBO): Critical Shot lvl 18 Shadow Shot lvl 18

Poison Arrow lvl 18 Gravity Distortion lvl 9 The skills are lvl 18, instead of lvl 20, because lvl 18 is a perfect balance between Cool Time and Add. Damage. And now about PVE: The only true thing that I can say that you for PVE can use any skill you like, but there are also recommendations: Critical Shot lvl 18 Shadow Shot lvl 18 Poison Arrow lvl 18 Gravity Distortion lvl 9 Shooting Star lvl 9 or you can add also: Drilled Shot lvl 18 Prismatic Arrow lvl 18 Although they have a longer casting time, whatever you choose, it is essential that you have fun ^^ Try some combinations, if you like :P Sorry for not uploading images of the skills ;P Hope this guide will help you with the things that made me problems. HF

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