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Anti-dumping Cases in India Product and Profiles

Introduction The first anti-dumping investigation in India was initiated in 1992. During the period from 1992 to 2005, the DGAD received large number of applications for initiating anti-dumping investigations. After examination of these applications, anti-dumping investigations were initiated in 188 cases involving 35 countries/territories (considering 25 EC countries as single territory). The countries prominently figuring in anti-dumping investigations are China PR, EU, Chinese Taipei, Korea RP, Japan, USA, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Russia etc. The status of the 188 anti-dumping investigations initiated by the DGAD till date, is as below : Cases in which final findings have been issued Cases in which preliminary findings have been brought out and further proceedings are on Cases under investigation for preliminary findings Cases initiated but closed Total 168

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The major product categories on which anti-dumping duty has been levied are chemicals & petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, fibres/yarns, steel and other metals and consumer goods. Sector wise break up of the anti-dumping investigations initiated till 31st December 2005 is given in the table below : Product Category Chemicals & Petrochemicals Pharmaceuticals Textiles/Fibres/Yarns Steel & Other Metals Consumer Goods Others Products Total Number of cases 82 29 21 14 15 27 188



Poly Vinyl Chloride Resin (Suspension) is commonly referred to as PVC Resin. This product is a basic material used in the manufacturing of Pipes, other plastic goods of household, industrial and commercial use, besides use of this product for footwear manufacture and for coating and insulation of wires and cable purposes. On an application filed by the PVC Resin Manufacturers Association, the Designated Authority initiated Anti-Dumping investigation on 10.6.1992 into the alleged import of PVC Resin originating in or exported from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Republic of Korea and the USA. As per the Preliminary Findings notified on 18-1-1993 anti-dumping duties were recommended in the range of Rs.1050 to Rs. 2490 per MT. Final Findings were notified on 30-7-1993 and anti-dumping duties were recommended in the range of Rs. 504 to Rs. 2036 per Metric Tonne on imports of PVC Resin from Brazil, Republic of Korea, Mexico and USA. In the Final findings imports from Argentina did not warrant Anti Dumping Duty. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 18.1.1994. Mid-term review was initiated and findings published vide notification dated 29.9.1997 withdrawing the anti dumping duty. 2. POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE

Potassium Permanganate (an inorganic chemical) is a dark purple crystalline material and is a compound of Manganese, Potassium and Oxygen. It is available in Technical grade (97% purity) and Pure grade (99% purity). It is used for potable and waste water treatment, chemical manufacture and processing, aqua culture, metal refining and surface cleaning, decolourisation, bleaching and special treatment in textile industry, deodorisation fumigation, tanning, reagent in analytical chemistry, zinc processing and as a powerful oxidising agent in many processes. On the application filed by M/s. Universal Chemicals and Industries Pvt. Ltd. Bombay, the Designated Authority initiated Anti Dumping investigation on 30-12-1994 into the alleged dumping of Potassium Permanganate originating in or exported from Peoples Republic of China. Final Findings were notified on 24-7-1995 and as per these the Designated Authority recommended anti- dumping duty of Rs. 5992 / MT. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 5-9-1995. Mid-term review was held on 18-12-1998. The anti-dumping duty expired on 5-9-2000. 3. 3,4,5 TRIMETHOXY BENZALDEHYDE (TMBA)

3,4,5 Trimethoxy Benzaldehyde is a drug intermediate and is a major input to manufacture Trimethoprim, an anti-bacterial life saving drug. It is manufactured out of Gallic acid, Sulphuric acid, Caustic soda activated carbon, toluene, thionyl chloride, and palledium metal and hydrogen gas. It is an organic chemical in the form of white to yellowish flakes. On the application filed by M/s. Alpha Drug India Ltd., Chandigarh, the Designated Authority initiated antidumping investigation on 11.8.1994 into the imports of 3,4,5 Trimethoxy Benzaldehyde (TMBA) originating in or exported from China PR. Preliminary Findings notified on 31.1.1995 the Designated Authority recommended anti-dumping duty of Rs. 237 per kg. Final findings were notified on 24.7.1995 and as per these the Designated Authority confirmed the preliminary findings and recommended anti dumping duty of Rs. 237 per kg. The Duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 20.10.1995. Mid-term review was held and findings notified on 8.3.1999 recommending duty of US$ 4.31/Kg. Sunset review was held on 20.12.2000 and duty @ US$ 4.31 per kg has been continued.


Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) is a synthetic rubber, mainly used for manufacturing of various rubber articles, such as oil seals, Hoses, Automotive products, Gaskets, Rice Dehusking Rolls, Printers fabrics, Oil field products etc. On the application filed by M/s. Gujarat Apar Polymers Ltd., the Designated Authority initiated anti dumping investigation on 28.10.1994 into the imports of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) originating in or exported from Japan. In the final findings notified on 19.10.1995, the Designated Authority recommended anti dumping duty of Rs. 19,306 per MT. Definitive anti-dumping duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 14.11.1995. Mid-term review was held and findings notified on 1.4.1999 recommending duty of Rs. 7882/MT. Sunset review was held and findings notified on 12.11.01 recommending continuation of the anti-dumping duty @ diff. between US$ 2088/MT & landed value of imports. 5. SODIUM FERROCYANIDE

Sodium Ferrocyanide, an organic chemical is manufactured out of sodium cyanide and is used for the production of fencycince, pigments, photographic fixing agents in electroplating industry. It is also used for fermentation processes of fruit acids and in pharmaceuticals/ chemicals industry etc. In 1998-99, there were imports of 15 MT against nil exports. The imports were from China P.R. On an application filed by M/s. Cyanides & Chemical Company, the DGAD initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Sodium Ferrocyanide originating in or exported from China PR on 11.10.95. On 08.8.96, Preliminary Findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs.16358/- to Rs.20287/- PMT was recommended. On 10.10.96, Final Findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs.16358/- to Rs.20287/- PMT was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 20.12.96. Mid-term review was held and findings notified on 11.7.2000. Sunset review was held and findings notified on 23.8.2001. Anti Dumping Duty @ of difference between US$ 1556.87/MT & landed value of imports has been continued. 6. DEAD BURNT MAGNESITE (DBM)

Dead Burnt Magnesite (DBM) is a naturally occurring magnesium carbonate. It can have MgO content ranging from 80% to 90%. The Dead Burnt Magnesite in this case involves MgO content ranging from 85% to 92%. Dead Burnt Magnesite is mainly used in the refractory industry to make formed and unformed refractories, which are then used in the Steel making and Cement industries. On the application filed by the Magnesite Association of India, the Designated Authority had initiated anti dumping investigation on 16.5.1995 into the alleged imports of Dead Burnt Magnesite (DBM) originating in or exported from the Peoples Republic of China. In the preliminary findings notified on 10.6.1996, the Designated Authority recommended anti dumping duty in the range of Rs. 1333 to 1925 per MT. In the final findings notified on 12.11.1996, the Designated Authority recommended anti dumping duty in the range of Rs. 705 to 1264 per MT. Definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 20.12.1996. Midterm review was held and findings notified on 14.6.2000 withdrawing the anti-dumping duty. 7. LOW CARBON FERRO CHROME (LCFC) (RUSSIA, KAZAKHSTAN & UKRAINE)

Low Carbon Ferro Chrome is a highly tailor made Ferro Alloying element required as vital input for stainless steel production with very stringent specification of silicon, carbon, sulphur, phosphorus & Aluminium with chrome content ranging between 65% to 70% and carbon content ranging from 0.03% - 0.2% Max. On the application filed by Ferro Alloy Corporation Ltd through the Indian Ferro Alloy Producers Association, the Designated Authority initiated anti dumping investigation on 6.6.1995 into the imports of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome originating in or exported from Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

4 In the preliminary findings notified on 21.5.1996, the Designated Authority recommended anti dumping duty in the range of Rs. 10,900 to 18,600 per MT. In the final findings notified on 3.12.1996, the Designated Authority confirmed the preliminary findings and maintained the anti dumping duty in the range of Rs. 10,900 to 18,600 per MT. The duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 24.1.1997. Mid-term review was held and findings notified on 31.10.2000 recommending withdrawal of duty. Customs notification withdrawing anti-dumping duty was issued on 4.12.2000. 8. ACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE RUBBER (NBR) (GERMANY & KOREA RP)

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) is a synthetic rubber, mainly used for manufacturing various rubber articles, such as oil seals, Hoses, Automotive products, Gaskets, Rice Dehusking Rolls, Printers fabrics, Oil field products etc. On an application filed by M/s. Gujarat Apar Polymer Ltd, Mumbai, the Designated Authority initiated anti dumping investigation on 15.3.1995 into the alleged dumping of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) originating in or exported from Germany and Republic of Korea. In the preliminary findings notified on 30.12.1996, the Designated Authority recommended anti dumping duty in the range of Rs. 8975 to 11557 PMT. Final findings were notified on 17.7.1997 and the Designated Authority recommended anti dumping duty in the range of Rs. 8316 13255 PMT on all imports of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR), in all its form except Latex. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 30.7.1997. Mid-term review was held and the duty was revised to US$ 110.64 to US$ 679.19 per MT. The Sunset review findings were published on 21st September, 2002 recommending continuance of anti Dumping Duties @ difference between US $ 1692.12 to US $ 2314.8 and landed value of imports per MT. The duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide Notification dated 10.10.2002. Mid-term review was initiated on 29th March, 2004. Mid-term review findings were notified on 6.6.2005. Anti-dumping duty in the range of US$ 138.39 - 647.35 per MT has been recommended for continuation. 9. CATALYSTS

A catalyst is an inorganic substance, which hastens or retards a chemical reaction without necessarily undergoing a chemical change itself during the process. Catalyst is used to facilitate a specific reaction. Different types of catalysts may be required to enhance or retard the efficiency of operation. The type of catalyst required largely depends on the chemical reaction taking place. On an application filed by M/s. United Catalysts India Limited and M/s. Projects and Developments India Limited, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation on 6.9.1996 into the alleged dumping of the following catalysts from Denmark :Hydrodesulpherisation Catalysts(HDS) Zinc Oxide Desulphurisation Catalyst(DS) Secondary Reforming Catalyst(SR) High Temperature Shift CO Conversion Catalyst(HTS) Low Temperature Shift CO Conversion Catalyst(LTS) Methanation Catalyst(METH) In the preliminary findings notified on 7.5.1997, the Designated Authority recommended anti dumping duty in the range of Rs. 21.24 to 192.01 per ltr. Final findings were notified on 5.1.1998 and in these the anti dumping duty were recommended in the range of Rs. 25.64 to 215.46 per ltr. Definitive antidumping duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide Notification dated 2.2.1998.

5 Sunset review findings were notified on 19.9.2002 recommending discontinuation of the anti dumping duties on all the six Catalysts. 10. PURIFIED TEREPHTHALIC ACID (PTA) (KOREA RP, THAILAND & INDONESIA)

Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) is a white crystal or powder; insoluble in water, chloroform, ether, acetic acid; slightly soluble in alcohol; soluble in alkalis; sublimes above 300C Combustible. PTA is produced by oxidation of p-xylene or of mixed xylenes and other alkyl aromatics. PTA is used for production of linear, crystalline polyester resins, fibers, and films by combination with glycols; reagent for alkali in wool; additive to poultry feeds. The major usage of PTA is, however, for production of polyester fiber. On an application filed by M/s. Bombay Dyeing and Manufacturing Company Ltd. and M/s. Reliance Industry Ltd, the Designated Authority initiated anti dumping investigation on 20.12.1996 into the alleged dumping of Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA), originating in or exported from the Republic of Korea, Thailand and the Republic of Indonesia. In the preliminary findings notified on 4.9.1997, the Designated Authority had recommended anti dumping duty in the range of Rs.463 to 3375 per MT. Final findings were notified on 19.3.1998 and the Designated Authority confirmed the preliminary findings and recommended imposition of anti dumping duty in the range of Rs. 1130 to 3375 PMT. Department of Revenue imposed Definitive duty vide notification dated 28.4.1998. Mid-term review was held and findings notified on 29.5.2000 recommending anti dumping duty in the range of US $ 16.07 to 17.04 PMT. The Sunset review was initiated on 22.5.2002. Sunset review findings were notified on 6.5.2003 recommending withdrawal of anti-dumping duty. 11. POLYSTYRENE (KOREA, JAPAN, TAIWAN & MALAYSIA)

Polystyrene is a versatile thermoplastic resin available in wide range of formulations from general-purpose crystal and impact grades to highly specialised resins. Polystyrene can be of various forms. However, crystal polystyrene (popularly known as general purpose polystyrene or GPPS) and impact polystyrene (popularly known as high impact polystyrene or HIPS) are the subject matter of the present investigation. GPPS is a clear, amorphous polymer and finds application in food packaging, food service items, medical care products and packaging for audio cassettes, compact discs and other consumer electronics media. HIPS makes use of polybutadiene elastomers for impact modifications and finds applications in toys, furniture, house-wares, food packaging, food service, medical care products, appliances, building materials, consumer electronics and packaging for electronic media GPPS and HIPS are different types of polystyrenes and are not substituted with each other. On an application filed by Association of Polystyrene (Supreme Rajasthan, Mcdowell), the DGAD initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Polystyrene originating in or exported from Korea R.P, Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia on 16.9.1997. On 12.5.1998, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty in the range of Rs. 2,677 - 11,388 PMT was recommended. On 14.9.1998, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty in the range of Rs. 1,963 - 13,493 PMT was recommended. Definitive anti-dumping duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 17.11.1998. Sunset review was initiated in the case on 10.2.2003. Review findings were notified on 8.6.2004 recommending discontinuation of anti-dumping duty.. 12. CALCIUM CARBIDE

Calcium Carbide is one of the basic industrial chemicals for manufacturing a wide range of acetylene base chemicals. The basic raw materials used for its production are limestone, coal/coke etc. In 1998-99, there were imports of 16320.6 MT against an export of 33.4 MT. The imports were mainly from China P.R. (11449.5 MT) and Malaysia (2869.0 MT). From Romania, the imports were 200 MT during 1998-99. As per EXIM policy, this item can be imported freely and basic custom duty applicable is 30%, which has been raised to 35% in 1999-00.

6 On an application filed by M/s. Industrial Chemical & Monomers, the DGAD initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Calcium Carbide originating in or exported from the P.R. China and Romania on 28.1.98. On 24.8.98, Preliminary Findings were notified and anti-dumping duty in the range of Rs.1047 to Rs.1460 PMT was recommended. On 22.1.99, Final Findings were notified and anti-dumping duty in the range of Rs.499 to Rs.873 PMT was recommended. Definitive anti-dumping duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 11.3.99. Sunset review was initiated on 20.6.2003. Review findings were notified on 6.4.2004 recommending withdrawal of antidumping duty. 13. PARA TERT BUTYL CATECHOL (PTBC)

PTBC is a polymerisation inhibitor and prevents polymerisation of polymers such as styrene, butadiene etc. Addition of PTBC results in increase in the life of monomers. On the basis of an application filed by M/s. Pooja & Sons, the DGAD initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of PTBC originating in or exported from France vide notification dated 19.2.1998. On 26.11.98, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between Rs. 320.71/Kg and the landed value subject to a minimum of Rs. 36.99/Kg was recommended. On 15.2.1999, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs. 48.03/Kg was recommended. However, Department of Revenue did not impose any duty on PTBC. 14. CITRIC ACID (CHINA PR)

Citric Acid is used as a preservative in food, soft drinks, confectionery, drugs, in textile industry etc and have other industrial uses like in boiler cleaning etc. On the basis of an application filed by M/s. Citrugia Chemicals, the DGAD initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Citric Acid originating in or exported from China P.R vide notification dated 18.3.1998. On 20.10.98, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between Rs. 58,925/MT and landed value of import was recommended. On 15.3.1999, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between Rs. 60,324 PMT and landed value of import was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 29.4.1999. The anti-dumping duty has expired on 24.11.2003. 15. STYRENE BUTADIENE RUBBER

SBR is one of the major elastomers and is mixed with natural rubber for manufacture of Auto tyres and tubes, bi-cycle tyres and tubes, footwear, belts and hoses etc. Styrene and Butadiene are the main raw material to manufacture SBR. On an application filed by M/s. Synthetic Chemicals Ltd., anti-dumping investigation were initiated on 7.4.1998 against the alleged dumping of SBR originating in or exported from Japan, Korea, Turkey, China PR, Taiwan, U.S.A. Germany and France. On 21.01.1999, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty in the range of Rs. 0.92 to Rs. 8.26 per kg. was recommended provided that the difference between Rs. 48.20 to Rs. 62.16 per kg and the landed value of imports/Kg (in case such difference) is more than the amounts of Rs. 0.92 to Rs. 10.57 per Kg. On 2.6.1999, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty in the range of Rs. 0.92 to Rs. 8.26 per Kg was recommended provided that the difference between Rs. 48.20 to Rs. 62.16 per Kg and the landed value of imports/Kg in case such difference is more than the amounts of Rs. 0.92 to Rs. 10.57 per kg. was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 24.8.1999. Mid-term review was held in this case and discontinuation of duty on SBR 1500 and 1700 series was recommended. However, anti-dumping duty on SBR 1900 series continues. Sunset review in the case has been initiated vide notification dated 30.7.2003. The review findings have been notified on 27.7.2004. Department of Revenue vide its notification dated 28.9.2004 has removed anti-dumping duty on imports from Turkey and Taiwan. Antidumping duty has been continued for Japan, Korea and USA in the range of US $ 0.0689 to US $ 0.197 per kg. 16. LOW CARBON FERRO CHROME (LCFC) (CHINA PR, SOUTH AFRICA & MACEDONIA)

LCFC is used in the production of stainless steel. It is one of the important elements in the production of stainless steel.

7 The quality of LCFC is specified in terms of percentage content of carbon and chrome. LCFC has a carbon content ranging from 0.03% to 0.20% and the chrome content varies between 60% to 70%. On an application filed by India Ferro Alloy Producers Association, Bombay, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 9.12.98 against the alleged dumping of LCFC originating in or exported from China PR, South Africa, Macedonia. On 22.09.1999, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs. 911 PMT to Rs. 6,512 PMT was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 28.10.1999. The anti-dumping duty has expired on 28.10.2004. 17. POLY TETRA FLUORO ETHYLENE (PTFE)

Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene (PTFE) is an engineering thermoplastic with outstanding properties such as chemical inertness, low co-efficient of friction, heat resistance, excellent electrical insulation properties, non-toxic, non-inflammable and weathering resistance. On an application filed by M/s. Hindustan Fluoro Carbons Ltd., anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 22.1.99 against the alleged dumping of PTFE originating in or exported from Russia. On 9.6.99 preliminary findings were notified and antidumping duty @ Rs. 2,990 PMT was recommended. On 13.10.99, final findings were notified and duty @ Rs. 5200 PMT was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 30.12.1999. Sunset review was initiated vide notification dated 8.10.2003. Review findings were notified on 7.10.2004 recommending anti-dumping duty as the difference between US $ 12.66 per Kg. and landed value of imports. The duty has been imposed vide Customs Notification dated 18.11.2004. 18. ACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE RUBBER (NBR) (TAIWAN)

It is a synthetic rubber, mainly used for manufacturing various rubber articles, such as Oil seals, Hoses, Automotive products, Gaskets, Rice Dehusking Rolls, Printers Fabrics, Oil Field Products etc. On an application filed by M/s. Gujarat Apar, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 21.04.1999 against the alleged dumping of NBR originating in or exported from Taiwan. On 28.9.1999, preliminary findings were notified and antidumping duty @ Rs. 6,288/- PMT was recommended. On 23.02.2000, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs. 6,288/- PMT was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 6.4.2000. Sunset review has been initiated on 15.9.2004. 19. SODIUM CYANIDE

Sodium Cyanide is a pure, basic inorganic chemical. It is manufactured by reacting Hydrocyanic Acid (HCN) with Caustic Soda. It is a toxic chemical. It is normally used in compressed form. Its quality is described in terms of purity. Sodium Cyanide is mainly used in extraction of gold from gold ores. Pharmaceuticals and Pesticides industries also use it as intermediates. It is also used by industries such as dye intermediates, electroplating chemicals and for manufacture of Heat Treatment Salts. On an application filed by M/s. Cyanides Chemicals Company, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 8.3.1999 against the alleged dumping of Sodium Cyanide originating in or exported from USA, Germany, Czech-Republic, Korea RP and EU. Preliminary findings were notified on 15.10.1999 and anti-dumping duty @ Rs. 401 to Rs. 11,460 PMT was recommended. On 6.3.2000 final findings were notified and anti dumping duty @ difference between Rs. 68,025 and the landed value of imports/PMT was recommended. Definitive anti-dumping duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 6.6.2000. Sunset review has been initiated vide notification dated 29.03.2004. The investigation is under extended period.


Polystyrene is of two types: General Purpose Polystyrene (GPPS) or Crystal Polystyrene as commonly known. It is a clear amorphous polymer which exhibits high stiffness, good dimensional stability & electrical insulation. It is used for food packaging, food service items, medical care products & packaging for audio cassettes, compact discs & other consumer electronic media. High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) or Impact Polystyrene as commonly known, it makes use of Polybutadiene Elastomers for impact modification. The mechanical properties of impact polystyrene vary significantly depending on the level of rubber modification. Impact Polystyrene ranges from translucent to opaque in its natural colour. It is widely used in toys, furniture, house wares, food-packaging food service, appliances, building materials, consumer electronics and packing for electronic media. On an application filed by Polystyrene Products Association India, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 18.3.1999 against the alleged dumping of Polystyrene originating in or exported from China PR, Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand. On 28.9.99, preliminary findings were notified and duty @ Rs. 717 to Rs. 9,354 PMT was recommended. On 8.3.2000, final findings were notified and duty @ Rs. 494 to Rs. 9,236 PMT was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 11.4.2000. Sunset review investigation was initiated on 12.10.2004. Sunset review findings were issued vide notification dated 30.9.2005 and no duty was recommended. 21. BARIUM CARBONATE

It is an inorganic chemical in the form of a white powder and granules having chemical formula BaCO2 manufactured out of Barytes, a mineral product. Barium Carbonate is produced by reducing carbon in rotary furnace, which converts barytes to Barium Sulphide known as black ash. Barium Carbonate is used for purification of brine solution in caustic soda industry. It is also used in production of hard Ferrite Ring Magnets, Television Glass Shell, Neutral Glass, Lamps, Heat Treatment Salts and other Barium Salts. On an application filed by M/s. Kores India Ltd., anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 1.4.1999 against the alleged dumping of Barium Carbonate originating in or exported from China PR. On 4.10.1999, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between Rs.17,894 and landed value of imports/MT was recommended. On 23.03.2000, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US$ 423.03 and landed price of imports/PMT was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 15.5.2000. The anti-dumping duty has expired with effect from 17.11.2004. 22. PURE TEREPHTHALIC ACID (PTA) (SPAIN)

PTA is a white free flowing crystalline powder free from any visual contamination. PTA is normally used in the manufacture of polyester staple fibre/filament yarn/polyethylene terephthalate (PET) (Textile Grade) and polyester films. On an application filed by M/s. Reliance Industries Limited, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 22.4.1999 against the alleged dumping of PTA originating in or exported from Spain. On 22.10.1999, preliminary findings were notified and no duty was recommended. On 20.04.2000, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs. 521 PMT was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 30.5.2000. There was no application for a sunset review. The anti-dumping duty expired on 30.5.2005. 23. SODA ASH (CHINA PR)

It is an industrial chemical with chemical formula Na2CO3 used for manufacture of alkali product soap, detergents, cleaning

9 compounds and sodium based chemicals. It is also used for manufacture of float, container and speciality glasses, silicate and some chemicals. The two types of Soda Ash being manufactured and marketed by domestic industry are Soda Ash (light) and Soda Ash (dense). On an application filed by Alkali Manufacturers Association of India, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 5.7.1999 against the alleged dumping of Soda Ash originating in or exported from China PR. On 18.11.1999, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs. 391.27 to Rs. 1,036/- PMT was recommended. On 11.7.2000, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US$ 193.1 to US$ 197.1 and landed price of imports/PMT was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue on 4.8.2000. The anti-dumping duty has expired with effect from 13.1.2005. 24. OXO ALCOHOLS (POLAND, SOUTH KOREA, RUSSIA, IRAN, USA, EUROPEAN UNION INDONESIA AND SAUDI ARABIA)

Oxo Alcohol is acyclic alcohol and its halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives is known as Oxo Alcohols in the commercial and technical parlance. On an application filed by Oxo Alcohols Industries Association, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 29.7.1999 against the alleged dumping of Oxo Alcohols originating in or exported from Poland, South Korea, Russia, Iran, USA, European Union Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. On 3.12.1999, Preliminary Findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs.890/- Rs. 10728 per MT was recommended. Date of imposition of anti-dumping duty by Department of Revenue27.01.2000. On 17.7.2000 final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 44 to US $ 252 per MT was recommended. Date of imposition of anti-dumping duty by the Department of Revenue is 18.8.2000. Mid-term review was initiated on 27.8.2002. On 26.02.2004, findings of the mid-term review were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US$ 622.04 to US$ 826.47 and landed price of imports/PMT was recommended. However, in the findings notified on 26.02.2004, exports from Korea RP and Indonesia were exempted from any anti-dumping duty. Sunset review investigation has been initiated on 6.12.2004. 25. ANILINE (JAPAN & USA)

Aniline is a basic organic chemical and also known as Aniline oil. Aniline is a transparent oily, colorless (pale yellow) liquid and is a primary amine compound. It has characteristics to become dark on exposure to light or air. On an application filed by M/s. Narmada Chematur Petrochemicals Ltd., anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 13.9.99 against the alleged dumping of Aniline originating in or exported from Japan and U.S.A on 8.3.2000, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs. 3.43/- to Rs. 7.88/- per Kg was recommended. On 31.8.2000, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US$ 0.064 to 0.20/-Kg was recommended. Definitive duty has been imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 6.10.2000. Sunset review has been initiated vide notification dated 6.4.2005. 26. SODIUM NITRITE (CHINA PR)

It is a white crystal powder mostly used in pharmaceutical industries, dye industry, lubricants, construction chemicals, meat processing, textiles etc. On an application filed by M/s. Deepak Nitrite Limited, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 4.11.1999 against the alleged dumping of Sodium Nitrite originating in or exported from China PR. On 6.4.2000, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ Rs. 22,625/- PMT and landed price of imports/MT was recommended. On 3.11.2000, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US$ 524.63/MT and landed value of imports/ PMT was recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 19.12.2000. Sunset review has been initiated on 2.12.2004.


It is an inorganic chemical and is manufactured out of Sodium Cyanide, having application for production of fencycine, pigments, photographic fixing agents in electroplating industry, for fermentation processes of fruits acids and pharmaceutical/ chemical industry etc. On an application filed by M/s. Cyanides & Chemicals Company, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 13.06.2000 against the alleged dumping of Sodium Ferrocyanide originating in or exported from EU. On 2.01.2001, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US$ 1535 and landed price of imports/PMT was recommended. On 16.04.2001, final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US$ 1535 and landed price of imports/PMT was recommended. Definitive duty has been imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 10.5.2001. 28. CAUSTIC SODA (IRAN, SAUDI ARABIA, USA, FRANCE & JAPAN)

Caustic Soda is an inorganic, soapy, strongly alkaline and odorless chemical. It finds application in various fields like manufacture of pulp and paper, newsprint, viscose yarn, staple fiber, aluminum, cotton, textiles, toilet and laundry soaps, detergents, dyestuffs, drugs and petroleum refining etc. The case was initiated by the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping & Allied Duties on an application filed by M/s. Caustic Soda Manufacturer Association on 26.5.2000 against the alleged dumping of Caustic Soda originating in or exported from Iran, Saudi Arabia, USA, France & Japan. On 16.11.2000, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US $ 256.38 to US$ 347.11 and landed price of imports/MT was recommended. The duty was imposed on 26.12.2000. The Final findings were notified on 14.5.2001 and duty @ difference between US $ 266.9 to US$ 319.4 and landed value of imports per MT was recommended. The definitive anti-dumping duty was imposed vide notification dated 26.6.2001. Sunset review investigation has been initiated vide notification dated 2.5.2005. 29. ANILINE (EU)

Aniline is an intermediate for rubber chemicals, dyes, drugs, photographic chemicals, Isocyanates (MDI). In India, 70% of the production of Aniline is used in rubber chemicals, drugs and drug intermediates and dye industries, whereas 80% of production of Aniline world-over is used in MDI. Anti-dumping investigation was initiated by the DGAD on the basis of an application filed by M/s. Hindustan Organics, M/s.Narmada Chematur Petro Chemicals and M/s. Anirox on 29.05.2000 against the alleged dumping of Aniline originating in or exported from EU. On 16.11.2000, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $0.342/Kg was recommended. On 28.5.2001 final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $0.342/Kg was recommended. The definitive anti-dumping duty was imposed vide notification dated 26.6.2001. 30. STRONTIUM CARBONATE

Strontium Carbonate is an inorganic chemical. It is produced both in powder and granular form and is used for manufacture of hard ferrites and glass for colour picture tube. On an application filed by M/s. TCM Ltd., anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 28.7.2000 against the alleged dumping of Strontium Carbonate originating in or exported from China P.R. On 14.11.2000, Preliminary Findings were notified and anti dumping duty @ US $291.76 PMT was recommended. Final findings in the case was notified on 15.6.2001 in which anti-dumping duty @ US$ 213.37 per MT was recommended. The definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 26.6.2001. Mid-term review on the changed circumstances was initiated. Review findings recommending withdrawal of anti-dumping duty was notified on 20.6.2003 which was given effect to by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 24.7.2003.


The product involved in this case is Phosphoric Acid-technical grade. The technical grade of Phosphoric Acid has a purity level of 85% or above and is used for the production of sodium phosphate, calcium phosphate, magnesium phosphate, ammonium phosphate etc. On the application filed by M/s Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd., Baroda and M/s Bilt Chemicals Ltd., Secunderabad the Designated Authority had initiated anti-dumping investigation on 7.2.2001 into the imports of Phosphoric Acid (Technical grade) from Peoples Republic of China. In the preliminary findings notified on 9.4.2001 the Designated Authority had recommended anti-dumping duty of US$ 187/ MT. Final findings in the case was notified on 10.8.2001 recommending anti-dumping duty of US $ 121 per MT. Department of Revenue issued imposition notification on 12.9.2001. 32. POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE (CHINA PR, HONG KONG AND TAIWAN)

Potassium Permanganate is an inorganic chemical. Potassium Permanganate is dark purple crystalline material. It is a compound of manganese, potassium and the product is odourless and soluble in water. The chemical formula of Potassium Permanganate is KMnO4. On an application filed by M/s. Universal Chemicals & Industries Pvt. Ltd., anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 30.10.2000 against the alleged dumping of Potassium Permanganate originating in or exported from China PR, Hong Kong and Taiwan. On 30.12.2000, preliminary findings were notified and duty @ US $ 0.60-0.62 /kg. was recommended. Final Findings in the case was notified on 1.11.2001 recommending anti-dumping duty in the range of US$ 64 per MT to 440 per MT. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide Notification dated 1.11.2001. Mid-term review was initiated vide notification dated 10.03.2004. Mid-term review findings were notified on 3.6.2005. Antidumping duty in the range of US$ 285-352 per MT was recommended. Mid-term review findings were imposed vide customs notification dated 14.9.2005. 33. SODIUM HYDROSULPHITE (CHINA PR)

Sodium Hydrosulphite is an inorganic chemical. It is white or grayish white crystalline powder, free from visible foreign particles with pungent odour. On an application filed by M/s. Transpec India Ltd. & M/s. Demosha Chemical Ltd., an anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 3.11.2000 against the alleged dumping of Sodium Hydrosulphite originating in or exported from China P.R. On 2.1.2001, Preliminary Findings were notified and anti dumping duty @ US$ 271.67 per MT was recommended. Final Findings in the case was notified on 12.9.2001 wherein anti-dumping duty in the range of US$ 216.33 to 294.17 per MT was recommended. Definitive duty has been imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 2.11.2001. Sunset review has been initiated vide notification dated 5.10.2005. Review investigation is in progress. 34. ZINC OXIDE (CHINA PR)

Zinc Oxide is a white/off white powder with chemical formula ZnO produced in various grades. The product is used in manufacture of automobile tyres and other rubber goods, manufacture of high purity Zinc chemicals such as Sulphate Chloride etc used as an input for ceramic industry and as a supplement in animal feed formulations. The product is reserved for production in the small-scale sector. The investigation was initiated on the basis of an application from M/s. Transpek Industries Ltd and M/s. Demosha Chemicals Ltd. on 08.12.2000 against the alleged dumping of Zinc Oxide originating in or exported from China PR. On 05.03.2001, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 578.75/MT was recommended. Provisional anti-dumping duty was imposed on 09.04.2001. On 5.10.2001 the final findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US

12 $ 289.9/MT (99.5% purity) was recommended. Definitive duty has been imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 2.11.2001. 35. CHOLINE CHLORIDE

Choline Chloride is a kind of animal compound feed, which is colourless, viscid and strongly alkaline. It is formed by reaction of Trimethyl Amine and Ethylene Oxide with Hydrochloric Acid. The application covered all types, forms and grades of choline chloride regardless of concentration and carrier used. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on the basis of an application filed by M/s. Vam Organic Chemicals Ltd on 06.12.2000 against the alleged dumping of Choline Chloride originating in or exported from China PR and EU. On 22.02.2001, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ between US $ 123.62 to US$ 769.17/MT was recommended. The duty was imposed on 20.03.2001. On 26.11.2001 final findings were notified. Definitive duty @ between US $ 85.75 to US$ 489.33/MT has been imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 14.1.2002. 36. HIGH STYRENE BUTADIENE (HSR)

High Styrene Butadiene (HSR) can be of various grades and forms and is produced in granular and bale form. The grade of HSR is normally described in terms of Styrene content and mooney viscosity. There is no direct substitute for HSR. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated by DGAD on the basis of an application filed by M/s. Apar Industries Ltd and M/s. Apcotex Lattices Ltd on 20.12.2000 against the alleged dumping of HSR originating in or exported from Poland & EU. On 13.03.2001, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 45.7 to US $ 886.3/MT was recommended. The duty was imposed on 09.04.2001. Final findings in this case was notified on 18.12.2001 and duty @ US $ 248.14 to US $ 430.08/MT was recommended, which were imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 15.1.2002. 37. 2-METHYL (5) NITRO IMIDAZOLE (2-MNI)

2-MNI is a creamish coloured powder. It is used as a Drug Intermediate for production of Metronidazole, Tinidazole, Dimetridazole, Ornidazole, Scenidazole. It is sparingly soluble in water and soluble in aqueous solution of acid or alkali soluble in 10 parts of N-N Dimethyl Formamide. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 8th February, 2001 on the basis of an application filed by M/s. Aarti Drugs Limited, Mumbai and M/s. Unichem Laboratories Limited against the alleged dumping of 2-MNI originating in or exported from China PR. On 03.05.2001, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US $ 4.79/ kg and the landed value of imports was recommended. Final findings in the case was notified on 5.2.2002 wherein antidumping duty equal to the difference between US$ 4.32 per kg and the landed value of imports was recommended. Department of Revenue imposed definitive duty vide notification dated 27.3.2002. 38. HEXAMINE (SAUDI ARABIA AND RUSSIA)

Hexa Methylene Tetramine is known as Hexamine in market parlance. Hexa Methylene Tetramine is a white crystalline powder with a sweet metallic taste. In the pure form, it is colourless and odourless. It crystallizes in rhombic dodecahedrons. Hexa Methylene Tetramine compound is also known as Ammoform, Methenamine, Cystamine, Cystogen, Urotropine. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated by DGAD on the basis of an application filed by M/s. Simalin Chemical Industries Ltd. Baroda and M/s. Rockford Petrochemical Industries Ltd., Indore on 20.02.2001 against the alleged dumping of Hexamine originating in or exported from Saudi Arabia and Russia. On 15.05.2001, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 0.19 per/kg was recommended against Saudi Arabia and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 0.28 per/kg was recommended against Russia. Final Findings in the case was notified on 15.2.2002 wherein antidumping duty @ of US$ 3.77 per MT for Russia and US$ 78.6 to 130.98 per MT for Saudi Arabia was recommended. Department of Revenue imposed definitive duty on 27.3.2002.


Zinc Oxide is a white/off white powder with chemical formula ZnO produced in various grades. The product is used in manufacture of automobile tyres and other rubber goods, manufacture of high purity Zinc chemicals such as Sulphate Chloride etc are used as an input in the ceramic industry and as a supplement in animal feed formulations. The product is reserved for production in the small scale sector. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on the basis of an application filed by M/s. Transpek Industries Ltd, Western India Chemicals, Transpek Metals & Oxides Ltd. and M/s. Demosha Chemicals Ltd. on 19.3.2001 against the alleged dumping of Zinc Oxide originating in or exported from Nepal. On 06.8.2001, preliminary findings were notified and antidumping duty @ US $ 43.57/MT to US $ 296 (purity of 99.5%) was recommended. The duty was imposed on 12.9.2001. Final Findings in the case was recommended on 18.3.2002 and duty in the range of difference between US$ 1372.111413.60 per MT and the landed value of imports has been recommended. Definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 5.6.2002. 40. FLEXIBLE SLABSTOCK POLYOL (USA, JAPAN, SINGAPORE & EU)

The products covered in the investigation are Flexible Slabstock Polyol of molecular weight 3000 to 4000. These products are classified under Chapter Heading 3907.20 of the Customs Tariff Act and also cleared under Headings 3907.91 and 3907.99. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on the basis of an application filed by M/s. Manali Petro-Chemical Ltd. on 21.9.2001 against the alleged dumping of Flexible Slabstock Polyol originating in or exported from USA, Japan, Singapore & EU. On 14.12.2001, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US $ 1804/MT and the landed value was recommended. The final findings were notified on 19.09.2002. Anti-dumping duty in the range of difference between US$ 1512.81 to US$ 1597.49 per MT and the landed value of import was recommended. Definitive duty has been imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 31.10.2002. 41. POLY-ISO-BUTYLENE

Poly-Iso-Butylene is a synthetic Hydrocarbon Polymer manufactured by polymerisation of C4 Olefins stream consisting mainly Isobutene. Poly-Iso Butylene is also known as PIB or Poly-Iso-Butene. The product finds application in various fields like lube oil additives, cable filling compounds, rubber modifiers, leather chemicals, 2T oil formuations, oil insulators adhesives etc. The product is classified under customs sub-heading No.3902.20 in chapter 39 of Customs Tariff Act. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 12.9.2001on the basis of an application received from M/s. Kothari Sugars and Chemicals Ltd. against the alleged dumping of Poly-Iso-Butylene originating in or exported from EU, Brazil, Japan, Korea RP, Singapore and Thailand. On 12.12.2001, the Preliminary Findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $1037.77 per MT was recommended. The duty was imposed on 16.01.2002. Public hearing in this case was held on 28.02.2002. Final findings were notified on 9.9.2002 recommending duty @ difference between US $ 1037.77 and landed value / MT. Definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 31.10.2002. 42. D(-) PARA HYDROXY PHENYL GLYCINE BASE (CHINA PR & SINGAPORE)

The product under consideration is also known by different chemical names and is commonly referred as PHPG Base. Phenyl Glycine Base is converted in-situ to D (-) Para Hydroxy Phenyl Glycine Methyl Potassim Dane Salt by various importers/manufacturers and used for the production of Amoxycillin and Cefadroxyl. PHPG Base is classified under customs sub-heading No.2942.00. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated by the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping & Allied Duties on 1.10.2001 on the basis of an application received from M/s. Daurala Organics Ltd. against the alleged dumping of PHPG Base originating in or exported from China PR & Singapore. On 31.12.2001, the preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US $ 24.83 per kg and the landed value was recommended. The duty was imposed by Department of Revenue on 15.02.2002. Final findings were notified by the DGAD on 20.9.2002 recommending anti-dumping duty in

14 the range of difference between US$ 20.88 to US$ 22.42 per kg and the landed value of import. Definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide Customs notification No. 122/2002 dated 31st October 2002. Midterm review has been initiated vide notification dated 21.9.2005. The review investigation is in progress. 43. CAUSTIC SODA - QATAR

Caustic Soda is an inorganic, soapy, strongly alkaline and odourless chemical. It finds application in various fields like manufacture of pulp and paper, newsprint, viscose yarn, staple fiber, aluminum, cotton, textiles, toilet and laundry soaps, detergents, dyestuffs, drugs and petroleum refining etc. Caustic Soda is available in two forms i.e. lye and solids. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated by the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping & Allied Duties on 8.10.2001 on the basis of an application received from M/s. Alkali Manufacturer Association against the alleged dumping of Caustic Soda originating in or exported from Qatar. On 18.01.2002, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 48.5 per/MT was recommended against the particular company of Qatar and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 58.6 per/MT was recommended against residual exporters of Qatar. Department of Revenue imposed the provisional anti-dumping duty on 27.3.2002. Final findings were notified on 7.10.2002 recommending duty @ difference between US $ 267.82 US $ 271.10 /MT and landed value of imports. Definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 31.10.2002. 44. SODIUM NITRITE (EU, TAIWAN)

It is a white crystalline powder mostly used in pharmaceutical industries, dye industries as lubricants, construction chemicals, rubber blowing agent, heat transfer salts and in meat processing, textiles etc. Major raw material for production of Sodium Nitrite is Ammonia, which is converted into Nitrous Oxide at high temperature in presence of catalyst. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 2.11.2001 on the basis of an application filed by M/s. Deepak Nitrite Ltd. against the alleged dumping of Sodium Nitrite originating in or exported from European Union and Taiwan. On 01.02.2002, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 51.83 per/MT was recommended against the territory of European Union and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 107.85 per/MT was recommended against Taiwan. Department of Revenue imposed provisional duty on 28.3.2002. Final findings were notified on 28.10.2002 recommending duty @ US $ 51.83 US $ 107.85 /MT. Definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 29.11.2002. Subsequently, representations were received from the Chinese Taipei that they had not exported any quantity of Sodium Nitrite during the period of investigation. This was verified in consultation with the DGCI&S and finally an amendment to the final findings were notified by the DGAD on 23.3.2005 withdrawing the anti-dumping duty on import of Sodium Nitrite from Chinese Taipei. The withdrawal has been given effect by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 27.5.2005. 45. ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (SINGAPORE, USA, EU & CHINA PR)

Isopropyl Alcohol is used as a solvent in varnishes based on mastic and shellac and also for extraction and purification of pharmaceuticals and a variety of chemical products. In the perfumery and cosmetics industries it is a useful solvent for essential oils and as an ingredient for shampoos. IPA is used in de-icing fluids, anti-freeze mixture, cooling media for frozen food industry. IPA is used to produce plastics, germicides and surface-active agents. It is classified under Customs Sub-heading 2905.1201 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on the basis of an application received from M/s. National Organic Chemical Industries Ltd. & Others against the alleged dumping of Isopropyl Alcohol originating in or exported from Singapore USA, EU and China PR. The investigation was initiated on 21.11.2001. Preliminary findings were notified on 5.2.2002 recommending anti-dumping duty @ US$ 748.10 per MT on bulk and US$ 823.65-863.55 per MT on packed IPA. Preliminary duties were imposed by the Department of Revenue on 22.2.2002. The provisional duty was withdrawn on 6.8.2002 after the investigation was terminated due to withdrawal of application by the applicants.


Pentaerythritol is classified in Chapter 29 of Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 22.11.2001 on the basis of an application received from M/s. Kanoria Chemicals and Industries Ltd. against the alleged dumping of Pentaerythritol originating in or exported from Canada, Taiwan and Japan. On 15.2.2002, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ US $ 113.5 to 248.6 per MT was recommended. The provisional duty was imposed on 27.3.2002 by Department of Revenue. Final findings were notified on 8.10.2002 recommending duty @ US $ 122.40 US $ 257.60 /MT. Definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 31.10.2002. 47. HYDROFLUORIC ACID

Hydrofluoric Acid could be Anhydrous Hydrofluoric Acid or dilute. It is an inorganic chemical classified under Chapter 28 of Customs Tariff Act under Customs Sub-heading 281111 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 and used as a catalyst for gasoline alkylation manufacture of Inorganic Fluorides, Fluorinated Hydrocarbon Compounds, Refigerants. It is also used as a pickling agent for descaling stainless strips and high silicon sheets, glass etching and also for production of misc. fluorides. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 11.12.2001 on the basis of an application received from M/s. All India Hydrofluoric Acid Manufacturers Association against the alleged dumping of Hydrofluoric Acid originating in or exported from China PR. On 15.02.2002, preliminary findings were notified and anti-dumping duty @ difference between US $ 420.4 to 907.8 per MT and the landed value of import was recommended. The duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue on 28.3.2002. Final findings were notified on 26.11.2002 recommending a duty difference between the range US $ 398.8 to US $ 871.8 for loose, US $ 398.8 to US $ 871.8 plus US$ 74.22 for packed and the landed value / MT. The definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 15.1.2003. 48. ACYCLIC ALCOHOLS (OXO ALCOHOL) (SINGAPORE, BRAZIL, ROMANIA, MALAYSIA AND SOUTH AFRICA)

Oxo Alcohol is acyclic alcohol and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives is known as Oxo Alcohol in the commercial and technical parlance. On an application received from M/s. NOCIL and M/s. Andhra Petro Chemicals, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 31.01.2002 against the alleged dumping of Acyclic Alochols originating in or exported from Singapore, Brazil, Romania, Malaysia and South Africa. Preliminary findings were notified on 29.7.2002. Provisional duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue on 5.9.2002 ranging between US$ 68.79 to US $ 307.34 per MT depending on the type and country. Final findings were notified on 29.7.2003 recommending anti-dumping duty in the range of difference between US $ 44.64 to US $ 260.52/MT depending on type and country. Definitive duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 1.10.2003. 49. VINYL ACETATE MONOMER (closed case)

Vinyl Acetate Monomer is an organic compound. Vinyl Acetate Monomer is a clear colourless liquid. Its chemical formula is C4H6NO2. It is used for production of Polymers, water-based paints, adhesives, paper coating and emulsion polymerization process. This is classified under Chapter 29 of Schedule 1 of the Customs Tariff Act. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated by the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping & Allied Duties on 13.11.2001 on the basis of an application received from M/s. Vam Organics Chemicals Ltd. against the alleged dumping of Vinyl Acetate Monomer originating in or exported from Iran & Singapore. Subsequently, the case was closed as the application was withdrawn by the domestic industry. 50. PHENOL

Phenol is a basic organic chemical normally classified under Customs sub-headings 270760 and 290711 of the Custom Tariff Act. Phenol is used in the manufacture of phenol Formaldehyde Resins, Laminates, Plywood, Particle Board, Bisphenol A, Alkyl Phenols, Pharmaceuticals, Diphyenyl Oxide etc.

16 On 15.02.2002, anti dumping investigation was initiated on an application received from M/s. Hindustan Organics Chemicals Ltd. against the alleged dumping of Phenol originating in or exported from European Union, Singapore and South Africa. The preliminary findings were notified on 24th June 2002 and provisional anti dumping duty was imposed on Phenol on 13.8.2002 vide customs notification No. 79/2002. The duties were imposed @ US$ 24.76 to US$ 222.74 per MT. Final findings were notified by DGAD on 13.2.2003 recommending duty @ difference between a price range of US $ 710.84 to 778.59 / MT and landed value of imports. The definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 24.3.2003. 51. SODIUM TRIPOLY PHOSPHATE (STPP)

Sodium Tripoly Phosphate (STPP) is a powdery product in its regular form and is used in the detergent and ceramic industry. In detergents it improves detergency by softening the water and preventing re-deposition of certain chemicals on the fabric. In ceramic industries, it is primarily used for de-flocculation of the ball clay, which is the raw material for manufacture of ceramic tiles. The product is classified under Chapter 28 of the Customs Tariff Act (Custom Head 2835.31). On 15.02.2002, anti dumping investigation was initiated on an application filed by M/s. Albright & Wilson Chemicals India Ltd, Mumbai against the alleged dumping of STPP originating in or exported from China P.R. and Chinese Taipei (Taiwan). Preliminary findings were notified on 9.5.2002 recommending anti-dumping duty @ difference between US $ 629.71 /MT and landed value of imports. Provisional duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue on 17.6.2002. Final findings were notified on 11.2.2003 by the DGAD recommending duty @ difference between US $ 661.84/MT and landed value of imports. The definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 1.4.2003. 52. D(-) PARA HYDROXY PHENYL GLYCINE BASE (EU)

The product under consideration is also known by different chemical names and is commonly referred as PHPG Base. Phenyl Glycine Base is converted in-situ to D (-) Para Hydroxy Phenyl Glycine Methyl Potassium Dane Salt by the various importers/manufacturers and used for the production of Amoxycillin and Cefadroxyl. PHPG Base is classified under Customs Sub-heading No.2942.00. On 08.03.2002, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on an application filed by M/s. Daurala Organics Ltd., Daurala against the alleged dumping of PHPG Base originating in or exported from European Union. The provisional findings were notified on 5th June 2002 and provisional anti-dumping duty has been imposed on 5th July 2002 vide customs notification No.68/2002. The duties were imposed US$ 21.38 to US$ 21.81per kilogram Final findings were notified by DGAD on 7.3.2003 by recommending duty as a difference between US $ 21.60 / MT and landed value of imports from EU excepting Spain. The definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 1.5.2003. Mid-term review has been initiated on 29.9.2004. 53. CITRIC ACID (INDONESIA & THAILAND)

Citric Acid is used as preservative in food, soft drinks, confectionery, drugs, in textile dyeing and printing industry, and has other industrial uses like boiler cleaning etc. On the basis of an application filed by M/s. Citurgia Biochemicals Ltd., anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 16th April 2002 against the alleged dumping of Citric Acid originating in or exported from Indonesia and Thailand. On 14th June 2002 preliminary findings were notified and anti dumping duty @ US$ 456.67/MT and US$ 374.36/MT were recommended for Indonesia and Thailand respectively. The duty was imposed by Department of Revenue on 26th August 2002. Final findings were notified by DGAD on 17.1.2003 recommending duty in the range of US $ 374.36 to US $ 456.67 per MT. The definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 4.3.2003.


It is an inorganic chemical used in water jel/slurry explosives, emulsion explosives etc. having its application like open cast mining, under ground metallic ferrous mining, construction industry, project etc. On the basis of an application jointly filed by M/s. Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers Company Ltd., M/s. National Fertilisers Ltd., and M/s. Deepak Fertiliser Corporation Ltd., anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 20th September 2002 against the alleged dumping of Ammonium Nitrate originating in or exported from Iran and Russia. Preliminary findings were notified on 07.04.2003 recommending duty as a difference between US$ 148.48/MT for AN Melt, US$ 164.12/MT HDAN Prills and US$ 183.08/MT for LDAN Prills and landed value of imports / MT. Department of Revenue notified the duty vide Custom Notification No. 109/2003, dated 14.7.2003. The final findings were notified on 19.03.2004 and no anti-dumping duty was recommended. 55. CAUSTIC SODA - CHINESE TAIPEI, INDONESIA AND EU (EXCLUDING FRANCE)

It is an inorganic chemical used in manufacturing of pulp and paper, news print, viscose yarn, staple fibre, aluminum, cotton, laundry soaps, detergent, dyestuff drugs and pharmaceuticals, Vanaspati, Petroleum refining etc. On the basis of an application filed by M/s. Alkali Manufacturers Association of India, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 8th October 2002 against the alleged dumping of caustic soda originating in or exported from Chinese Taipei, Indonesia and EU (excluding France). The preliminary findings were notified on 8.1.2003 recommending duty as a difference between reference price ranging between US $ 233.58 - 271.93 and landed value of imports / MT. The provisional duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 27.3.2003 vide Custom Notification No. 48/2003. Final Findings were notified on 01.10.2003 recommending duty as a difference between US $ 258.46 - 271.46 and landed value of imports/ MT. The definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 14.11.2003. Mid-term review has been initiated in this case vide notification dated 3.6.2005. 56. D(-) PARA HYDROXY PHENYL GLYCINE METHYL DANE SALT (PHPG DS)- (CHINA PR AND SINGAPORE)

The product under consideration is also known by different chemical names and is commonly referred as PHPG Dane Salt. Phenyl Glycine Base is converted in-situ to D (-) Para Hydroxy Phenyl Glycine Methyl Potassium Dane Salt by the various importers/manufacturers and used for the production of Amoxycillin and Cefadroxyl. PHPG Base is classified under Customs Sub-heading No.2942.00. On 25th June 2002, anti-dumping investigation was initiated on an application filed by M/s. Daurala Organics Ltd., Daurala against the alleged dumping of PHPG DS originating in or exported from China PR and Singapore. The preliminary findings were notified on 1st October, 2002 and provisional anti-dumping duty has been imposed on 11th November 2002 vide customs notification No.124/2002. The duties imposed range between US $ 13.87 to 16.16 / kg. Final findings were notified by DGAD on 24.6.2003 by recommending duty as difference between US $ 13.51 to US $ 16.16 per kg and landed value of imports. The definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 24.7.2003. Midterm review has been initiated vide notification dated 3.10.2005. The review investigation is in progress. 57. HEXAMINE (IRAN)

On the basis of an application filed by M/s Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd., Mumbai, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation on alleged dumping of Hexamine originating in or exported from Iran on 18th September, 2002. Hexamine is classified under Customs sub-heading no. 2921.2901 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The preliminary findings were notified on 23.12.2002 by recommending an anti-dumping duty of US $ 122.53 / MT. The provisional duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 17.3.2003. The duty was suspended on

18 Price Undertaking vide notification dated 17.9.2003. However, due to violation of the price undertaking, the anti-dumping investigation was re-opened on 15.10.04 and final findings issued vide notification dated 11.4.2005 recommending antidumping duty of US$ 107.28 per MT. Imposition of duty by the Department of Revenue is awaited. 58. METHYLENE CHLORIDE (EUROPEAN UNION, SOUTH AFRICA AND SINGAPORE)

On the basis of an application filed by M/s Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd., Vadodara, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Methylene Chloride originating in or exported from European Union, South Africa and Singapore on 19th August, 2002. Methylene Chloride is a solvent belonging to the Chloromethane family of solvents. Methylene Chloride is a colorless, volatile liquid with chloroform - like odour. The chemical formula of Methylene Chloride is CH2C12. There are two technologies/ routes for the production of Methylene Chloride and the product produced through the two routes has similar technical specifications. Methylene Chloride is used in the photo films, bulk drugs and pharmaceutical industries. It is also consumed for manufacture of foam, resin casting, fumigants and agrochemical. It is mainly used as a paint stripper. Methylene Chloride is classified under customs sub-heading 2903.12 of Chapter 29 of the Customs Tariff Act and 29031200 of the ITC (HS) Code. The preliminary findings were notified on 24.12.2002 recommending an anti-dumping duty of US $ 77.87 to US $ 181.74 / MT (Bulk) and US $ 43.33 to US $ 181.74 / MT (Packed). The provisional duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 27.3.2003. The final findings were notified on 14.8.2003 recommending anti-dumping duty of US $ 36.3 to US $ 140.18/ MT (Bulk) and US $ 36.3 to US $ 140.18 / MT (Packed). Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 20.10.2003. Mid-term review was initiated on 28.1.2005. Midterm review findings were issued vide notification dated 31.10.2005 and the anti-dumping duty was recommended for withdrawal. Midterm review findings have been implemented by the Ministry of Finance vide notification dated 9.12.2005. 59. ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (II) CLOSED CASE

Isopropyl Alcohol is used as a solvent in varnishes based on mastic and shellac and also for extraction and purification of pharmaceuticals and a variety of chemical products. In the perfumery and cosmetics industries it is a useful solvent for essential oils and as an ingredient for shampoos. IPA is used in de-icing fluids, anti-freeze mixture, cooling media for frozen food industry. IPA is used to produce plastics, germicides and surface-active agents. It is classified under Customs Sub-heading 2905.1201 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. Anti-dumping investigation was initiated by the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping & Allied Duties on 12.6.2000 on the basis of an application filed by M/s. National Organic Chemical Industries Ltd. & Others against the alleged dumping of Isopropyl Alcohol originating in or exported from Singapore, USA and Netherlands. The case was however closed on 28.2.2001, as the standing of domestic industry was found not satisfactory. 60. SODIUM HYDROSULPHITE (GERMANY AND KOREA RP)

It is a chemical of whitish/grey crystalline powder, free from visible foreign particles with pungent odour. It is imported under Chapter 28 and 29 of Customs Tariff Act. On the basis of an application jointly filed by M/s. Transpek Silox Industry Ltd., and M/s. Demosha Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 14th November 2002 into the alleged dumping of Sodium Hydrosulphte originating in or exported from Germany (EU) and Korea RP. Preliminary findings were notified on 25.2.2003 recommending duty as a difference between US$ 1058.866/MT (for Germany) and US$ 1058.866/MT (for Korea) and the landed value of imports. Department of Revenue imposed provisional anti-dumping duty vide Custom Notification No. 61/2003, dated 01/4/2003.

19 Final Findings were notified on 20.10.2003 recommending anti dumping duties as the difference between US$ 1034.76/ MT and the landed value of import. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 03.12.2003. 61. CAUSTIC SODA (CHINA PR AND KOREA RP)

M/s Alkali Manufacturers Association of India (AMAI) filed an application before the Designated Authority alleging dumping of Caustic Soda originating in or exported from PR China and Korea RP and requested for anti-dumping investigation and levy of anti dumping duties. The application was supported by the domestic producers M/s DCW Limited, Mumbai, M/s Gujarat Alkalis & Chemicals Limited, Vadodara, Gujarat, M/s Gujarat Alkalies, Dahej, M/s Search Chem Industries Limited, Mumbai, M/s Indian Rayon and Industries Ltd., Veraval, Gujarat, M/s Grasim Industries, Nagda, M.P., M/s SIEL Chemical Complex, Patiala, Punjab, M/s Bihar Caustic & Chemicals, Ltd., Jharkhand, M/s Jayshree Chemicals Limited, Orissa, M/s Andhra Sugars Limited, Tanaku, Bilt Chemicals, DCM Sriram, New Delhi and Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals, Chandigarh. Caustic Soda is chemically known as Sodium Hydroxide with chemical nomenclature NaOH. It is an Inorganic Chemical classified under Chapter 28 of the Custom Tariff Act, 1975 under Customs Head 2815.11 and 2815.12. As per ITC Eight Digit classification, the product is classified under the Custom Heading 2815.1101, 2815.1102 and 2815.1200. Caustic Soda is a soapy, strongly alkaline odourless liquid widely used in diverse industrial sectors, either as a raw material or as an auxiliary chemical. It is mainly used in the manufacture of pulp and paper, newsprint, viscose yarn, staple fibre, aluminum, cotton, textiles, toilet and laundry soaps, detergents, dyestuffs, drugs and pharmaceuticals, vanaspati, petroleum refining etc. Caustic soda is produced in two forms- lye and solids. Solids can be in the form of flakes, prills, granules or any other form. Caustic soda is produced in two forms, i.e. lye and solids by three technology processes, i.e mercury cell process, diaphragm process and membrane process. Anti dumping investigation was initiated on 14.5.2002. The provisional findings dated 21.9.2002 has recommended anti dumping duties as the difference between reference level ranging between 353.4 $/MT to 362.34 $/MT and the landed value. The duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 26.12.2002. On 4th August 2003 vide notification No. 14/10/2002-DGAD definitive anti-dumping duties equal to the difference between the amount of US $ 295.27 and the landed value of subject goods in US $/MT was recommended except in the case of M/s. Hanwha Chemical Corporation from Korea RP where dumping margin was de minimus. The definitive anti-dumping duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide its notification dated 23.9.2003. 62. BORAX DECAHYDRATE

On the basis of an application filed by M/s Borax Morarji Ltd., Mumbai, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation into alleged dumping of Borax Decahydrate originating in or exported from China PR and Turkey on 25th November, 2002. Borax Decahydrate also known as Borax commercially is an inorganic chemical whose chemical name is Di-sodium Tetra Borate decahydrate. It is produced in both technical and IP grades. Both the grades are like articles and can be produced in various forms such as granules, crystals and powder. It is classified under Customs sub-heading no. 284019 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The preliminary findings were notified on 26.3.2003 recommending duty as a difference between US $ 406.81 484.10 and landed value of imports/ MT. Provisional duty has been imposed by the Department of Revenue on 10.6.2003. Final Findings were notified on 21.11.2003 recommending anti dumping duties as a difference between US $ 410.86 484.10 & landed value of imports/ MT. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dtd 7.01.04. Mid-term review has been initiated concerning imports from Turkey on 2nd March, 2005.


On the basis of an application filed by M/s Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Ltd., Vadodara, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Potassium Carbonate originating in or exported from EU, China PR, Korea and Taiwan on 19th December, 2002. Potassium Carbonate is white deliquescent inorganic compound available in granules and powder. It is classified under Customs sub-heading no. 283640 and 28364000 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The Preliminary findings were notified on 30.4.2003 recommending duty on all exporters from EU, China PR, Korea and Taiwan ranging from US $ 18.58 to US $ 150.71. Department of Revenue has imposed the duty vide Notification dated 10.6.2003. Final Findings were notified on 16.01.2004 recommending anti dumping duties ranging from US $ 9.45 to US $ 123.86. Department of Revenue has imposed the duty vide Notification dated 20.02.2004. 64. TITANIUM DIOXIDE

On the basis of an application filed by M/s Titanium Dioxide Manufacturers Association, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation on alleged dumping of Titanium Dioxide originating in or exported from Peoples Republic of China on 16th January, 2003. Titanium Dioxide is a white pigment and has a very high degree of whiteness. Its tinting strength and hiding power are superior to any other pigment, and it also has stability and durability against light and heat. It is nontoxic. Titanium Dioxide is classified under Custom Tariff heading 28.23.00 and under Indian Trade Classification. The Preliminary findings were notified on 6.6.2003 recommending duty on all exporters from China PR ranging from US $ 303.70 to US $ 358.04. Department of Revenue had imposed duty vide Notification dated 14.7.2003. Final Findings were notified on 15.03.2004 recommending anti dumping duties as a difference between US $ 1227 and landed value of imports/MT. Department of Revenue has imposed the duty vide Notification dated 09.04.2004. 65. METHYLENE CHLORIDE (KOREA RP)

On the basis of an application filed by M/s Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd., Vadodara, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation on alleged dumping of Methylene Chloride originating in or exported from Korea RP on 19th February, 2003. Methylene Chloride is a solvent belonging to the Chloromethane family of solvents. Methylene Chloride is a colorless, volatile liquid with chloroform - like odour. The chemical formula of Methylene Chloride is CH2C12. There are two technologies/ routes for the production of Methylene Chloride and the product produced through the two routes has similar technical specifications. Methylene Chloride is used in the photo films, bulk drugs and pharmaceutical industries. It is also consumed for manufacture of foam, resin casting, fumigants and agrochemical. It is mainly used as a paint stripper. Methylene Chloride is classified under customs sub-heading 2903.12 of Chapter 29 of the Customs Tariff Act and 29031200 of the ITC (HS) Code. The classification is however indicative only and in no way binding on the scope of the present investigation. The Preliminary findings were notified on 26.6.2003 recommending duty ranging from US $ 22.96 to US $ 154.8 / MT. Department of Revenue has imposed the duty vide Notification dated 14.10.2003. The Final findings were notified on 18.8.2004 recommending duty ranging from US $ 34.43 to US $ 42.42 / MT. Department of Revenue has imposed the definitive duty vide notification dated 24.9.2004.


M/s. Narmada Chematur Petrochemicals Ltd. has filed an application alleging dumping of Toluene Di-Isocyanate from Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), EU, Japan, Korea RP and USA. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 20th October 2003 vide Notification No. 14/19/2003-DGAD on imports of Toluene Di-Isocyanate. Toluene Di-Isocyanate (TDI) is an organic chemical. It is a clear liquid and is used for production of Flexible Polyurethane Foam, which in turn is used in various applications. TDI is manufactured in various grades. Toluene Di-Isocyanate is an organic chemical classified under Chapter 29 of the Customs Tariff Act. No anti-dumping duty has been recommended vide final findings dated 18.1.2005 as it was observed that there was no material injury to the domestic industry. 67. MELAMINE (CHINA PR)

M/s. Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd., has filed an application alleged dumping of Melamine originating in or exported from China PR. Anti-dumping investigation was initiated vide notification dated 10th September 2003 on the alleged dumping of Melamine from China PR. Melamine is a tasteless, odourless, non-toxic pure chemical powder, originating in or exported from China PR. Melamine is reacted with formaldehyde and made into resins or moulding powder for making innumerable products of beauty and utility. Melamine is classified under Chapter 29 of the Customs Tariff Act. Complete description of the product as per Customs Tariff Act is 29336100. The Preliminary findings were notified on 27.02.2004 recommending anti-dumping duty as a difference between US $ 1294.09 to 1464.64 and landed value of imports/MT. Provisional duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 2.4.2004. The final findings were notified on 3.9.2004 recommending anti-dumping duty as difference between US $ 1284.38 to US $ 1456.78 and landed value of imports per MT. Definitive duty has been imposed vide Customs Notification dated 16.11.2004. 68. 6-HEXANELACTAM (CAPROLACTUM) ORIGINATING IN OR EXPORTED FROM JAPAN, EUROPEAN UNION, NIGERIA AND THAILAND.

M/s. Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd., And M/s. Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd. has filed an application alleging dumping of 6-hexanelactam originating in or exported from Japan, European Union, Nigeria and Thailand. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 22nd September 2003 vide notification No. 14/152003-DGAD on imports of 6-hexanelactam originating in or exported from Japan, European Union, Nigeria and Thailand. 6-hexanelactam is a monomer and is a base material for production of Nylon-6. 6-hexanelactam is produced and sold in both liquid and solid forms. Liquid form of the material can be use only by those customers who are very close to the source of the material. Producers in India use only solid form of the material. Solid form of the material is in white crystal or flakes form. There is no difference in the liquid or solid form, except for the difference in the physical forms. Further, the two solid forms also differ with each other only in terms of physical forms. It is commercially also known as Caprolactam. 6-hexanelactam is primarily used in production of Nylon-6, which in turn is used for production of Nylon Yarn. Nylon Yarn is used for production of Nylon Fabric for use in (a) apparels; and (b) tyre cord fabric. 6-hexanelactam is classified under Chapter 29 of the Customs Tariff Act. Complete description of the product as per Customs Tariff Act is 29337100 6-hexanelactam (epsilon-Caprolactam).

22 The final findings were notified on 16.9.2004 recommending anti-dumping duty as difference between US $ 1394.05 to 1441.86 and landed value of imports per MT. Definitive duty has been imposed vide notification dated 17.11.2004. 69. FLEXIBLE SLABSTOCK POLYOL (CHINA PR, KOREA RP, CHINESE TAIPEI AND BRAZIL)

Flexible Slabstock Polyol of Molecular weight 3000 to 4000 is used in the manufacture of slabstock foam. The product is classified under Chapter 39 of the Customs Tariff Act under sub-heading 3907.20. It is also cleared under Heading 3907.91 and 3907.99. Anti dumping investigation into imports of Flexible Slabstock Polyol of Molecular weight 3000 to 4000 from P.R. China, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Brazil has been initiated on 21st May, 2003 on the basis of an application filed by M/s Manali Petrochemicals Ltd., Chennai. The Preliminary findings were notified on 11.12.2003 recommending anti-dumping duty as a difference between US $ 1463.71 and landed value of imports/MT. Department of Revenue has imposed provisional anti-dumping duty vide Notification dated 20.01.2004. The final findings were notified on 11.11.2004 recommending anti-dumping duty as difference between US $ 1472.77 and landed value of imports per MT. Definitive duty has been imposed vide Customs notification dated 24.1.2005. 70. CYCLOHEXANONE

Based on an application filed by M/s Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited, Vadodra, Gujarat, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Cyclohexanone originating in or exported from Taiwan, European Union & USA vide notification dated 8.10.2003 Cyclohexanone having chemical formula C6H100 is an intermediate product generated in the process of manufacture of caprolactum. Cyclohexanone is manufactured from Benzene and it acts as an intermediate in the production of Adipic Acid and in the manufacture of Nylon 6. Besides, being used primarily as an intermediate in the production of Adipic Acid and in the manufacture of nylon 6, it is also used as a solvent and thinners for lacquers, especially those containing nitro cellulose or vinyl chloride polymer and co-polymer resins including poly vinyl chloride. It is an excellent solvent for DDT and organic phosphorus insecticides and pesticides. It is also used as a sludge solvent in oil for piston type aircraft lubrication. It is classified under Chapter 29 of the Customs Tariff Act under subheading 29142200, which is described as Cyclohexanone and Methylcyclohexanones. The Period of Investigation for the purpose of the investigation was 1st April 2002 to 30th June 2003. The final findings were notified on 7.10.2004 and no anti-dumping duty was recommended due to absence of causal link between dumped imports and material injury. 71. PROPYLENE GLYCOL

On the basis of an application filed by M/s. Manali Petrochemicals Limited, Chennai, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Propylene Glycol originating in or exported from USA, Singapore, Korea RP and European Union vide notification dated 22.8.2003. The product under investigation is Propylene Glycol All grades. It is manufactured from Propylene Oxide by hydrating the product at a higher pressure and temperature, which form a mixture of Mono, Di and Tri-Propylene Glycol. MonoPropylene Glycol (MPG), generally known Propylene glycol is the principal product. The Propylene Glycol is used for industrial applications like manufacture of polyester resin, industrial anti-freezing applications and in pharmaceutical industries. This product is classified under Customs Tariffs Code 29053200. The applicant is the sole producer of the subject goods in India. The Period of Investigation for the purpose of the investigation was 1st April 2002 to 31st march 2003. The final findings were notified on 20.8.2004 recommending anti-dumping duty as difference between US $ 991.32 to US $ 1221.38 and landed value of imports per MT. Department of Revenue has imposed definitive duty vide notification dated 8.10.2004.


On the basis of an application filed by M/s. Chemplast Sanmar Limited, Chennai, the Designated Authority initiated antidumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Poly Vinyl Chloride Paste Resin originating in or exported from Korea RP, Saudi Arabia and European Union vide notification dated 22.8.2003. Poly Vinyl Chloride Paste Resin is also known as Poly Vinyl Chloride Resin (Emulsion grade) or PVC Paste Resin. It is produced from Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) and VCM is produced from EDC, which in turn require chlorine as major raw material. It is produced and sold in white/off white powder. It is produced in a number of grades, which differ in K values. Various grades are technically and commercially substitutable. It is used in the artificial leather (Rexene), coated fabrics, Tarpaulins, conveyor belting, Toys, Automotive sealant and adhesives etc. PVC Paste resin is classified under subheading no 39042210 in the Customs Tariff Act. The Poly Vinyl Chloride (suspension grade) classified under 39042110 is different from the subject goods and is not included under product under consideration. The Period of Investigation for the purpose of the investigation was 1st October 2002 to 30th June 2003. The final findings were notified on 20.8.2004 recommending anti-dumping duty as difference between US $ 950.94 and landed value of imports per MT. Department of Revenue has imposed the definitive duty vide Notification dated 7.10.2004. 73. CERTAIN RUBBER CHEMICALS (CHINA PR)

The products covered under this investigation are certain specific rubber chemicals used in manufacture of rubber products, namely: A B Accelerators: MBT, MBTS and CBS Pre-Vulcanization Inhibitors/ Retarder/ Scorch Inhibitor Rubber Chemical: PVI



1. MBT - MBT is produced by reacting aniline, carbon disulphide and sulphur under high temperature and pressure of hydrogen sulphide gas formed during the reaction. 2. MBTS - MBTS is manufactured by oxidation of sodium salt of mbt using suitable oxidizing agents. 3. CBS - CBS is manufactured by reacting the sodium salt of MBT, CYCLOHEXYL AMINE using suitable oxidizing agents. 4. PVI - PVI is manufactured by reacting an OXO-ALCOHOL, ALKALI, ORGANO SULPHUR COMPOUND, AMMONIA, CHLORINE and PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE in presence of a solvent. It is a multi-stage reaction process.

24 The products are mainly used in automotive tyre and tubes industry and also in conveyor belting and footwear industry amongst others. The products are classified under various subheadings of customs classification heads 38.12.10, 38.12.20 and 38.12.30 as well as under 29.34.20 and 29.25.20 (at six digit levels) of the customs tariff act and ITC HS classification. On the basis of an application filed by M/s. National Organic Chemical Industries Ltd., Mumbai, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Rubber Chemicals originating in or exported from China PR vide notification dated 7.7.2004. No preliminary findings were issued in this case. Final findings were issued vide notification dated 6.7.2005 recommending anti-dumping duty in the range of US $ 0.402 to 0.464 per kg. The definitive duty was imposed by the Customs vide notification dated 27.9.2005. 74. CERTAIN RUBBER CHEMICALS ( EU, CHINESE TAIPEI AND USA)

On the basis of an application filed by M/s. National Organic Chemical Industries Ltd., Mumbai, the Designated Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Rubber Chemicals originating in or exported from EU, China PR, Chinese Taipei and USA vide notification dated 17.8.2004. The products involved are certain specific rubber chemicals used in manufacture of rubber products, namely: I) ANTI DEGRADANTS PX 13 II) ACCELERATORS: MOR II) ANTIOXIDANT TDQ MOR is produced by reacting mercapto benzothiazole disulphide with morpholine and sodium hypochlorite in presence of isopropyl alcohol. The product is filtered, washed and extruded to form pallets, which are dried and packed. PX-13 is produced by hydrogenation of a mixture of 4-nitrodiphenylamine and methyl isobutyl ketone in an autoclave at moderately high pressure in presence of a noble metal catalyst. TDQ is produced by polymerization of acetone and aniline, condensed at high temperature in presence of an acid catalyst. These rubber chemicals are extensively used in treating natural rubber, synthetic rubber (SBR, Butadiene Rubber, Nitrile Rubber, Carboxylated Rubber) & other synthetic rubber based compounds used for manufacture of various rubber products. The products are classified under various subheadings of customs classification heads 38.12.10, 38.12.20 and 38.12.30 as well as under 29.34.20 and 29.25.20 (at six digit levels) of the Customs Tariff Act and ITC HS classification. Preliminary findings were notified by the Authority on 8.4.2005. Provisional anti-dumping duty in the range of US$ 270 to 304.37 per MT was recommended which was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 7.7.2005. Final findings were notified by the authority vide notification dated 16.8.2005. Definitive anti-dumping duty in the range of US $ 270 to 840 per MT was recommended. The imposition notification by the Customs was issued on 20.10.2005. 75. ACRYLONITRILE BUTADIENE RUBBER (NBR) (EU (EXCLUDING GERMANY) BRAZIL & MEXICO)

The product involved is Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR). Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber is a Synthetic Rubber and is popularly known as Nitrile Rubber or NBR in the market parlance. NBR is primarily used where oil resistance, Abrasion resistance and heat resistance applications are involved. NBR is widely used in Defense, Automobile, Footwear, Fabrics, Printers, Oil Field Products Industries Etc. NBR can be of various grades and can be supplied in various forms. In terms of form, NBR can be categorized as normal NBR, (in bale form); Powder NBR, (in powder form); Carboxylated NBR (i.e. with a third monomer). Normal NBR is the most common form of NBR and is widely used. Depending upon Acrylonitrile content and mooney Viscosity, normal NBR may be further divided into three types i.e. Low Nitrile, Medium Nitrile and High Nitrile. Anti-dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of NBR from Brazil and Mexico was initiated on 17th August, 2004 consequent upon receipt of an application from M/s Apar Industries Ltd. The investigation covers all grades of NBR in bale form only. Other forms of NBR exported from the subject counties are therefore, not covered under the product under consideration.

25 NBR is classified in the category of rubber and articles thereof under chapter 40 of the Customs Tariff Act, and ITC HS classification under the category of Synthetic Rubber under sub-heading No. 40.02 at four-digit level and under no. 4002.59 at six-digit level. The preliminary findings were notified on 30th April, 2005 recommending fixed duty in the range of US$ 136.47-304.37 per MT. Provision duties were imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 7.6.2005. Final findings were issued vide notification dated 5.10.2005 recommending anti-dumping duty in the range of US $ 223.19 to 306.55 per MT. Definitive anti-dumping duties have been imposed by the Ministry of Finance vide notification dated 29.11.2005. 76. SODIUM CYANIDE II (CHINESE TAIPEI)

The product involved is Sodium Cyanide, originating classified under customs subheading 283711 of customs tariff act attracting 20% basic duty with effect from 9.1.2004. Sodium Cyanide is a pure basic inorganic chemical. it is manufactured by reacting Hydro Cyanic Acid (HCN) with Caustic Soda. it is mainly used by industries such as Dye Intermediates, Electro-Plating Chemicals and for manufacture of heat treatment salts. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated on 25.10.2004 on the basis of an application filed by M/s Cyanide & Chemicals Ltd. Preliminary findings were not issued in this case. Final findings were issued vide notification dated 24.10.2005 and duty of US $ 91.7 per MT recommended for imposition. 77. CITRIC ACID (CHINA PR, UKRAINE AND KOREA RP)

M/s. Solaris Biochemicals Ltd., has filed an application before the Designated Authority on behalf of the domestic industry for initiation of anti-dumping investigation concerning alleged dumping of Citric Acid originating in or exported from China PR, Korea RP and Ukraine. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated vide notification dated 27.8.2004 into the alleged dumping of Citric Acid from the subject countries. Citric Acid is mainly used as preservative in food and beverage, soft drinks, confectionery, drugs etc. It is also used in textile dyeing and in printing industry and for some other industrial uses such as boiler cleaning etc. It is classified under Chapter 29 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 under sub-headings No. 2918.14. Preliminary findings were not issued in this case. The final findings of the Authority was notified on 26.8.2005. No antidumping duty was recommended due to absence of material injury to the domestic industry. 78. POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE (PTFE) (CHINA PR)

M/s Hindustan Flurocarbons Ltd, Hyderabad filed an application before the Designated Authority alleging dumping of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) originating in or exported from China PR. The product under consideration in the present case is Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) originating in or exported from China PR. The subject goods are classified under Customs subheading 390461 and 39046100 in the Indian Trade Classification based on harmonized system. The anti-dumping investigation was initiated into the alleged dumping of PTFE from China PR vide notification dated 27.7.2004. Preliminary findings were not issued in this case. Final finding was issued by the authority vide notification dated 25.7.2005. Anti-dumping duty as the difference between US $ 7.78 8.50 and the landed value of import per Kg was recommended. Definitive duty has been imposed by the Customs vide notification dated 17.10.2005. 79. SODIUM FORMALDEHYDE SULPHOXYLATE (SFS) FROM CHINA PR

M/s. Transpek-Silox Industry limited, Kalaji Road, Atladra Road, Vadodara, Gujarat, M/s. Demosha Chemicals Pvt. Limited, 105 A, Mittal Towers, 210, Nariman Point, Mumbai, M/s. T.C.P. Limited, TCP Sapthagiri Bhavan, No. 4 (Old No. 10) Karpagambal Nagar, Mylapore, Chennai have filed an application before the Designated Authority for initiation of anti dumping investigation into the alleged dumping of Sodium Formaldehyde Sulphoxylate (SFS) originating in or exported from China PR. Sodium Formaldehyde Sulphoxylate (SFS) is mainly used as discharging agent in textile printing. It also find uses in Food, Polymers, Pharmaceuticals and Miscellaneous industries. It is classified under Chapter 28 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 under sub-headings No 28311020.

26 The Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation vide notification dated 28.1.2005. The period of investigation is 1st October 2003 to 30th September 2004. The injury investigation period cover the periods 2000-2001 to October 2003September 2004. Preliminary findings were issued vide notification dated 26.8.2005. Provisional anti-dumping duty has been imposed by the Customs vide notification dated 11.11.2005. 80. ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-NON-CONJUGATED DIENE RUBBER (EPDM) FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION, USA, CHINA PR AND BRAZIL M/s Unimers India Ltd. has filed an application before the Designated Authority alleging dumping of Ethylene-Propylenenon-conjugated Diene Rubber (EPDM) originating in or exported from the European Union, USA, China PR and Brazil and requested for initiation of anti-dumping investigations for levy of anti dumping duties. EPDM is a synthetic Rubber and technical specifications of EPDM are broadly governed by Ethylene, Propylene and Diene content and Mooney Viscosity. With the variations in Ethylene, Propylene and Diene Content and /or Mooney Viscosity, different grades of EPDM Rubber can be produced. EPDM is classified under Chapter 40 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 under the category of synthetic rubber under sub-heading No. 4002.70. EPDM Rubber is primarily used in rubber profiles, automotive tyres & tubes, cables, hoses & moulded items used in automobile parts. The changes in Ethylene, Propylene & Diene content and Mooney viscosity & other characteristics will merely modify the general property for which EPDM is consumed. EPDM Rubber can be of various grades & can be supplied in various forms. Investigation covers all grades of Ethylene-Propylene-non-conjugated Diene Rubber(EPDM) in all grades & all forms. The Authority initiated anti-dumping investigation vide notification dated 28th April 2005. The period of investigation is 1.10.2003 to 30.9.2004. The injury investigation period will cover the period 2000-01 to 2003-04 and the POI. 81. PENTAERYTHRITOL II (CHINA PR AND SWEDEN)

M/s Kanoria Chemicals and Industries Limited filed an application before the Designated Authority alleging dumping of Pentaerythritol originating in or exported from China and Sweden and requested for initiation of anti-dumping investigations for levy of anti-dumping duties. The product Pentaerythritol is an organic compound. The subject goods are classified within Customs subheading 29.05.42 and Indian Trade Classification based on Harmonized System. Pentaerythritol can be of technical grade and nitration grade. Both grades are included within the scope of the investigation. The DGAD initiated anti-dumping investigations into the existence, degree and effect of alleged dumping of Pentaerythritol originating in or exported from China PR and Sweden. The Period of Investigation for the purpose of the investigation was 1st Oct., 2003 to 30th Sept., 2004 (12 months). Preliminary finding in this case was issued vide notification dated 5.8.2005 recommending anti-dumping duty as the difference between US $ 1419.45 and the landed value of import per MT. The provisional duties have been imposed by the Ministry of Finance vide notification dated 20.10.2005. 82. PARA CRESOL (CHINA PR)

M/s. Atul Ltd., Gujarat filed an application before the Designated Authority alleging dumping of Para Cresol originating in or exported from China PR and requested for anti-dumping investigation and levy of anti dumping duties. The product is classified under ITC HS code 290712 01 and under sub-heading 2907.12 of Customs Tariff Classification. The product finds major uses in dyes and pigments, perfumery and drug intermediates, optical brightener, surfactants, synthetic food flavour, ultra violet light absorbers, anti-oxidants and stabilizers for lubricants The applicants have claimed that there is no difference between the products manufactured by them and the subject goods being imported from subject country. Therefore, for the purpose of the investigation, the goods produced by the applicants were treated as like articles to that imported from the subject country. The DGAD initiated investigation vide Notification dated 27.8.2002. The preliminary findings were notified on 17.1.2003 recommending duty as a difference between US $ 2.445 and landed value of imports/ kg. Provisional anti-dumping duty was imposed by the Department of Revenue vide notification dated 24.3.2003. Final findings were notified on 25.8.2003 recommending duty @ difference between US $ 2220.95 / MT and landed value of imports. Definitive duty was imposed by Department of Revenue vide notification dated 6.10.2003.

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