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Assemblies of the Glorious Church Christian Education Department Adult Class

Topic: Fasting Teacher: Bro. Jacob Victor

What is fasting? Fasting is the denial of food and/or water for a specific time of spiritual seeking, distress or celebration. When we fast we deny our bodies of something it wants (food, water) in order to receive from God something our souls need. How long should we fast? That is to be decided by the person who decides to fast unless God specifically request a certain time period. The examples of time period of fasting used by persons in the Bible are: 1 Day Leviticus 23:27, Jeremiah 36:6, 1 Samuel 7:6, 14:24 3 Days 1 Samuel 30:12, Acts 9:9 7 Days 1 Samuel 31:11-13, 1 Corinthians 10:11-12 14 Days Acts 27:33 3 Weeks Daniel 10:2-3 40 Days Exodus 34:28, Deuteronomy 9:9, 1 Kings 19:8 What is the purpose of fasting? To change our relationship with others. Isaiah 58:3-8 To bring our bodies under control (subjection) 1 Cor. 9:27 To receive understanding and insight. Daniel 9, Daniel 10:2-3, Luke 2:37 To repent over sin. Joel 2:12, Acts 9:9, Ezra 10:6, Deut. 9:18, 1 Sam. 7:6 To begin a work for God. Matthew 4:2, Exodus 34:27-28, Acts 13:2-3 To empower us. Esther 4:15-16, Matthew 9:15-17 To humble ourselves before God. Deut. 8:2-3, Ezra 8:21 To seek the will of God. Acts 13:2 For Gods protection. Ezra 8:21-23 To be heard by God. Ezra 8:23, 1 Samuel 58:4,9 To change Gods mind. Jonah 3:5,10, 1 Kings 21:27-29, Joel 2:12-14 Three Basic Types of Fast 1. Absolute (Total) Fast 2. Normal Fast 3. Partial Fast In an Absolute Fast no water or food is taken. Normally this may be a three days fast as many persons are unable to go beyond three days without water. This was the fast used by Esther in the Bible. Acts 9:8-9 In a Normal Fast the person would abstain from all food for a limited time but not water. Here the fast could be for forty days but the person drinks water after the third day. In Luke 4:2 it is assumed that Jesus drank water. In a Partial Fast abstainance is from selected foods and drinks but not complete abstinence from al foods and drinks. (e,g. a juice diet) Daniel 1:8

Different Ways to fast 1. By avoiding delicacies. Daniel 10:3 2. By eating less than usual 3. By avoiding all food, but drinking liquids 4. By abstaining from all foods and drinks The Christian fast should always be combined with prayers since fasting on its own does not have any value in Gods eyes. Joel 2:13, Isaiah 58:5, Colossians 2:23, Zechariah 7:5) The Christian fast must not be confused with: Hunger strikes for political purposes A diet plan to lose weight Fasting for health reasons as has become a fashion lately

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