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Rotating machine (condensing), US

Case Study 6

The data was collected three months before the condensing rotating machine failed

Fault 1 (on Back end)

Fault 2 (on back end)

Fault 3 (on front end)

45 MVA Generator in Thailand

Internal Inspection Findings

??? MVA G Generator t in Thailand

15 MVA Generator in Thailand

45 MVA Generator in Thailand

126.6 MVA Generator in Thailand

148 MW Generator in US

Case Study 7 PD source from inside of insulation

Internal Inspection Findings

Case Study 8 Signal (PD and 6 pulse) was collected from HFCT installed on the tank ground of Transformer. This signal(PD and 6 pulse) transmitted from the generator side.

6 pulse coming from Generator side

Inspection Findings

Case Study 9
Warning level of PD was collected from HFCT installed on the tank ground of Transformer. This PD transmitted from the generator and shot down the generator for maintenance

PD burst collected from HFCT

Inspection Findings

After service

Case Study 10 230 KV 300 MVA @ Thailand

PD burst collected from sensor3(yellow)

Internal Inspection Finding

Case Study 11 500 KV 500MVA @ Philippines

PD collected from AE and HFCT

Internal Inspection Finding:

Burnt cable from 500kv winding to K_pic2.3 K pic2 3

Case Study 12

Transformer Test Results:

TTR Test OK Doble Test OK Doble SFR Test inconclusive ABB DFR Test:
Indicates a problem between H&X Winding - Tertiary

Final DGA Test Acetylene 3 ppm Methane 1259 ppm Ethane 163 ppm Ethylene 7 ppm Hydrogen 27123 ppm ABB Internal Inspection B phase core shifted due to through faults/winding telescoping f lt / i di t l i

Transformer test with TP500A @ US

Internal Inspection Findings

Evidence of h ti above B Core C li D t E id f heating b C Cooling Ducts

Internal Inspection Findings

Shifted Core over B: Shifted approx vertically & Horizontally

Case Study 13 PD source between winding (Data collected with TP500A)

Internal Inspection Findings

Case Study 14

Transformer Test Results:

Final DGA Test Methane 532 ppm Ethane 363 ppm Ethylene 13 ppm y g 1,140 ppm ( , pp (From last year 08 Hydrogen was at 964) y y g ) Hydrogen

PD source from inside of insulation (Data collected with TP500A)

Internal Inspection Findings

Case Study 15 220 KV GIS Test Results: Data collected with iGMS_P8 iGMS P8

Data from UHF1

Data from UHF2

Data from HFCT

Case Study 16 220 KV GIS Test Results: Data collected with iGMS_P8 _

Data from UHF 1

Data from UHF 2

Data from UHF 3

Data from UHF 4

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