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arcane knowledge
with penny williams

he holidays are upon us once again. It’s time to deck the the Senator Leia mini really is as a commander, you owe it to
halls, sip eggnog, sing Harpy carols, and open our troll yourself to check out these articles.
gifts. Yes, the Holiday Harpy has taken over the winter Have you been wondering about that new Dreamblade
holiday season, as well as our cover for this issue. Check game and thinking it might be fun? Then check out Escape into
out Holiday Harpy Carols to see what she and her trolls have in the Dreamscape, by Anthony Baxter, for a rundown on how this
mind for this year’s celebrations. amazing new game works. When you’re dealing with Valor, Fear,
This issue, still at our new double size, is jam-packed with Madness, and Passion, you’ll never have a dull moment!
wintry goodness. Our own Jon Mayes, with the help of new AH This issue’s installment of Quick and Dirty DM offers ad-
editor Paul Glasser, has given us a brand-new AAM scenario— vice for DMs on going by the book—or not. The D&D game
The Winter War. If you’ve always wanted a chance to take the has always been highly flexible, and later editions have actively
Finnish snipers against the Soviets, now is your chance. encouraged DMs to strike out on their own, using the published
Continuing our snowy theme, we have the polar kraken, rules as a base. Author WizO_Paradox leads you through the
this issue’s Creature Feature. As if a regular kraken weren’t scary process of making the game (and even published campaign
enough, this polar version has another trick or two up its tenta- worlds) all your own by creating house rules that reflect your
cles. It sings a captivating song to lure prey out onto the ice, then particular campaign and players.
smashes through to seize its lunch. With its cold powers and its Ramza Tyr offers more advice about how to design and
treacherous song, this critter can really give PCs nightmares! implement house rules with his 7 Tips for Creative Dungeon
Also in this issue, Pete Wyeth presents the peak strider, Mastering article. If you want to create a campaign that requires
a prestige class that operates in the icy mountain peaks of the a change to the rules, these seven steps are invaluable.
dwarven homelands. If your dwarf gets restless just hanging Missed out on UnCon this year? Or perhaps you played but
around the clanhold and yearns for the bracing air of the moun- didn’t get a chance to sample all the games and contests offered?
tains, this class is for you. Not to worry! Dave Paul and our new roving editor Jim Ansaldo
Rounding out our holiday offerings is a new piece of origi- have captured the essence of two of the most interesting contests
nal fiction called The Necklace, by George LeStrange. Though not of the convention—the Create a D&D Miniature Contest and the
about winter holidays in particular, it does involve a gift—and first-ever D&D Miniature Costume Contest. Both had some truly
an unusually deadly gift at that. It’s always the little shops that fascinating entries, and choosing the winners was a tough job.
have the most interesting merchandise, but it’s unwise to buy Check out these articles and you’ll see why.
from a store whose wares draw blood. And finally, the winner of the Create a D&D Mini Contest,
If you’re just getting into Magic: the Gathering—or if Kevin Tatroe, is the subject of this issue’s interview. Jim Ansaldo
you’ve been playing for a while but have trouble building a good probes Kevin’s brain for how he came up with his winning entry,
deck—check out Bradley Burnett’s Deckbuilding 101. This set of as well as the story of his life and his website—Hordelings. Who
courses is designed to help you construct a winning deck and knows? Maybe you’ll be interviewed next!
avoid mistakes that can cost you games. This issue provides plenty of gaming goodies to cozy up
If minis are your game, we have twin doses of mini good- with throughout the long winter. So have some friends over, whip
ness—a treatise on the Teleport Temple map for DDM by Jason up some hot chocolate, and settle in for a long winter’s game.
Sallay, and a review of the SWM Rebel Storm Rebels by our own
Michael Bastian. If you’ve always wanted to know how to make Keep those dice rolling!
the best use of a map that’s different from the rest, or how good Penny Williams, Editor-in-Chief

K n ow l e d g e a rc a n a
issue 8 | winter 2006 Knowledge Arcana is a publication for the Wizards Online Community
Publisher: -Ras Pechuel by the Wizards Online Community. We are always looking for contri-
Editor-in-Chief: Penny Williams butions and we would like to hear from you! You may submit your work
Associate Editor: Monica Shellman by going to, or email at
Assistant Editor: WizO_Unicorn
Content Manager: Bryce Whitacre (WizO_Sinister)
Art Director and Madman: Jose Boveda (WizO_Scion) Cover art by: steve musgrave

Community Editors: ©2006 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Dun-
Fiction: Mars Whitacre (ImpofIdres) geon Master, d20 system, the d20 system logo, Wizards of the Coast,
Dreamblade: Anthony Baxter (Mtalmuzicfan) Duelmasters, Dreamblade, Axis & Allies, A&A Minis, and the Wizards
Avalon Hill & AAM: Paul Glasser (Spacepope) of the Coast logo are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the
Jon Mayes (Der_Leiter) Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. Star Wars is a trademark owned
D&D & DDM: Dave Paul (Vrecknidjx) by Lucasfilm, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. d20 is a trademark of Wizards
MTG: Chris York (Cfyork) of the Coast, Inc. Distributed worldwide by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
SWM: Michael Bastian (Bastian) and regional distributors. This material is protected under the copyright
Roving: Jim Ansaldo (JohnnyQuest) laws of the United States of America.
in this issue
f e at u r e s
by Pete Wyeth (iddig)

2 3 te leport te mp le
and the d&d minis metagame
by Jason Sallay (Foxman)

2 6 7 tips to creativ e
d ung eon m asteri ng
by Ramza Tyr (RamzaOTyr)

2 9 D & D mi n is co st um e con test

an uncon extravaganza
by Dave Paul (Vrecknidjx)

3 0 de c k bu ildi ng 101
a guide to the basics
by Bradley Burnett (Aiutau)

3 7 rebe l storm
the rebel alliance
by Michael Bastian (Ulthanash)

4 4 E sc ape in to th e drea msc ape

vacationing in the subconscious
by Anthony Baxter (mtalmuzicfan)

4 6 t h e ne c kl ac e
by George Lestrange (GeorgeLestrange)
on the cover
cover art by steve musgrave
5 2 ne w dd m desi gns
uncon’s create Happy holidays! It’s been a busy year for me here at the
a d&D miniature contest
KA art desk. I’ve seen some great talent that just begs to
by Jim Ansaldo (JohnnyQuest)
be showcased in our little mag, but with only four pub-
6 0 hol iday h arp y c arols lications a year, it’s tough to get them all in.
by Monica Shellman (Elisandra) & WizO_Paradox This issue we have no less than six original com-
missions in the mag, including the fabulous rendition of
6 2 wi n ter war our Holiday Harpy and her three troll lackeys Rooflus,
a scenario for a&AM Tooflus, and Shinybritches, by Steve Musgrave.
by John Mayes (Der Leiter) Steve’s style isn’t what I’d consider “fantasy art,”
& Paul Glasser (SpacePope) but then again, I’m not what I would consider “normal,”
“sane,” or “marriage material.” This fact made his art and
Columns my art directing go hand-in-hand like ogres and square
dancing. Waitaminnit . . . well you know what I mean.
6 quic k & dirt y dm I was especially excited to put together DDM stat
cards for the UnCon DDM contest winners. They’ll be
by WizO_Paradox
available for download and print on the KA website.
1 0 C REAT U RE FEATU RE Some of you may be wondering if I’ve gotten to
THE POLAR KRAKEN relax and game since putting together last month’s big
by Penny Williams (Penny_Williams), Dave Paul (Vreck- double issue. To this I reply:
nidjX), Mars Whitacre (ImpofIdres), and the Wizards of the Soon. Very soon.
Coast Community
In a merry, merry, mad, mad world,
6 4 me mber sp ot light Scion
by Jim Ansaldo (JohnnyQuest)
b y w i z o _ pa r a d ox

You can always tell diehard gamers by the number of books T h e G a m e T h at Wa s

they have. Those who have been playing D&D for decades It’s true that many moons ago, most gamers believed that if
often have holdings that rival those of game stores, or even you didn’t play by the published rules, you weren’t playing
bookstores. And the sheer volume of material available just D&D. But even in those days, DMs were encouraged to try
for the current edition is enough to make new players think new things and make changes to the game. Thus, a tolerance
twice about taking up the hobby. Should they buy it all? And if for alterations to the game took root and grew, and before
they do, how can they possibly memorize so much material? long, it was no longer clear how much could be changed be-
A lot of new players think that if they get all the books, fore a group wasn’t playing D&D anymore.
they’ll have rules to cover every situation and will be able to
play exactly the “right” way. But as more experienced gam- Growth and Change
ers know, nothing could be further from the truth. For every Indeed, the rulebooks themselves began to accommodate a
gamer who holds the books aloft and proclaims that those degree of diversity. “While there are no optionals for the ma-
who don’t play his way aren’t playing D&D, another exists jor systems of Advanced D&D . . . there are plenty of areas
who makes the same claim but plays entirely differently. Ar- where your own creativity and imagination are not bounded
guments over specific rules and styles of play happen in every by the parameters of the game system,” said the 1st Edition
campaign, and DMs are often faced with situations that the AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide. “To become the final arbiter,
rules don’t seem to cover. And let’s not forget the “Edition rather than the interpreter of the rules can be a difficult and
Wars”—that never-ending battle over which version of the demanding task, and it cannot be undertaken lightly, for your
D&D game is best. players expect to play THIS game, not one made up on the
With all the different campaigns, house rules, and per- spot. By the same token, they are playing the game the way
sonalities out there, no two games are ever alike. And in truth, you, their DM, imagine and create it.” The idea was to start
insisting that any one way to play is better than all the rest with the basic material, then let your own game grow and ex-
seems a bit foolish, since the D&D game offers so much vari- pand as you added new material and made well-considered
ety. Not all the material published has to show up in a single changes.
campaign—nor should it. DMs are free to pick and choose When the 1st-edition Unearthed Arcana book was
among the available materials, including what they like, and published, Jeff Grubb admitted in his forward that the book
excluding what doesn’t apply to their individual campaigns. would “change the way the AD&D game is played.” And it did.

 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

paign Setting began as the personal home campaign of Ed
Greenwood. Do you think the world of Faerûn would be
around today if Mr. Greenwood had decided to run his home
game entirely by the book, without making any changes?
For that matter, even the worlds described in the game
books (such as Greyhawk) can be changed as you see fit. If
the rulebook’s version of how the world works doesn’t fit in
with yours, feel free to make changes.

The Value of Rulebooks

So why should anyone pay for a book just to ignore the rules
in it or make up his own? The books provide the structure
for the game system, but the specifics can be altered. Grant-
ed, changes should not be made without due consideration
of their impact on the rest of the system, but not to person-
alize the rules does the game as a whole an injustice. With
each new house rule, the game improves. As others take up
the house rules that work well and run adventures created
by other DMs, the core rules evolve to match the emerging
styles of play.

RAW M e a t a n d F u d g e
No Game Police will show up to take a DM to task for chang-
ing the rules—no matter what is written in the manuals—
nor will the game stop working if it is altered, since it’s not
a computer game. Only tournaments need to have exacting
rules, so that all participants can be judged by the same cri-
teria. But most weekly games at friends’ houses are not tour-

A New House Rule

So let’s test out this theory and make up a rule on the spot.
At last, quite a number of optional rules had been published in Let’s change the way magic works in the game and make it
hardcover form. Some DMs and players accepted this addition- a spell point system. Each spell costs its level in spell points
al material as canon, as though it were written in stone; others to cast. Thus, a 1st-level spell costs 1 point, a 2nd-level spell
chose to ignore some of it. Both approaches were considered costs 2 points, and so forth. To make this system work, we
correct and proper. Parts of this book survived to the current need to decide how many spell points a character has. The
edition, though with significant changes. The original cantrips simplest way is to base it on level. Every day, each spellcast-
presented in Unearthed Arcana, for example, are lumped to- ing character gets 10 points plus 1 extra point per caster
gether in the 3rd-edition spell prestidigitation, and 0-level spells level, plus his Intelligence bonus (if he is a wizard) or his
(unheard of in the old 1st-edition days) were added. The ability Charisma bonus (if he is a sorcerer). Each spellcaster can
score comeliness, however, did not even make it to 2nd edition. cast any of the spells he knows, as many times as he wishes,
The game’s growth and change had begun in earnest. until he uses up all his spell points for the day.
When 2nd edition arrived, the options available to DMs There, we’ve made a change—and a substantial one at
were expanded still further. The earlier dogma of “don’t change that. I just looked outside, and I don’t see any WotC vans
anything or it won’t be AD&D” was gone, and DMs were en- pulling up, or any Game Police telling me to put the magic
couraged to make changes to the game. “Take the time to have system right again or surrender my books and dice imme-
fun with the AD&D rules,” said David “Zeb” Cook in the 2nd- diately. Using this magic system in play will determine how
edition AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide. “Add, create, expand, well it works compared with the original system presented
and extrapolate. Don’t just let the game sit there, and don’t be- in the books, but no authority figures can tell you how to
come a rules lawyer worrying about each piddly little detail. If run your own game. Some players and DMs like to wave
you can’t figure out the answer, make it up! And whatever you their books at others in the group and point out how the
do, don’t fall into the trap of believing these rules are complete. campaign’s rules differ from the standard ones. “See! It’s
They are not. You cannot sit back and let the rulebook do every- printed right there!” is a common cry in such games. It’s not
thing for you.” usually much fun to play in this kind of environment be-
This attitude persists even today. With so many options cause the desire to argue often overshadows the action of the
available to players and DMs, you can’t possibly hope to memo- campaign. In the end, playing D&D isn’t about being right or
rize every rule, nor to play D&D completely by the book. And wrong—it’s about having fun with friends.
why should you? The ever-popular Forgotten Realms Cam-

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 

Fudging Rolls a vrock, an incubus, and a weretiger walk into a bar...
Part of that fun is the risk that PCs
might die in the course of their ad-
ventures. It’s not fun to lose a favor-
ite character, but it is fun to avoid
death by a hairsbreadth and emerge
victorious. To keep the risk of death
real in the players’ minds, the foes
they face should have at least some
chance to win. But it’s difficult for
a campaign to recover from a total
party kill, and such an event does
put a damper on the evening.
The best answer is to manage
the risk so that it’s never too high
or too low. Character death should
never seem impossible, but neither
should it happen too frequently or
entirely by accident. But since the
game involves people, this degree of
control is difficult if not impossible
to achieve. Thus, to keep the tension
high without slaying too many PCs,
read novels generally expect that the game world will work
you sometimes need to fudge the dice results. Some people
the same way. But knowing in advance how a given event un-
consider fudging to be cheating, but sometimes a bit of “di-
folds, or what happens to King So-and-So, or what the gods
vine intervention” is needed to help the characters out of a
are up to tends to ruin the suspense of the game.
tight spot. After all, the D&D game isn’t you against the play-
ers—it’s everyone jointly creating a story and having a good
time. So when a die roll indicates instant death for the party, “Can I Be Raistlin?”
you are perfectly within your rights to decide that something Just because a novel details certain characters and events does
else happens. Perhaps the PCs are just knocked out and find not mean you have to incorporate them into your campaign.
themselves rescued by a rival group of adventurers—or incar- Your game isn’t going to be examined by thousands of strang-
cerated in the bad guy’s jail. ers the way a novel is, so in general, it doesn’t matter whether
On the other hand, you shouldn’t feel obliged to avoid the king who was assassinated in the book dies in your cam-
character death at all costs. Instead, evaluate each instance on paign or not. Your adventures and game world revolve around
its own merits. If you feel that a particular PC’s death at a par- your player’s characters. Thus, the story should focus on them,
ticular time would tear down the campaign’s structure rather not on the characters and events that a novel author considers
than add to the game, then consider allowing the character to important. In fact, major characters from the books may not
live by fudging the dice. Alternatively, you could arrange for even exist in your campaign.
the character to be resurrected at some future point and im- Some of your players who have read the novels might
pose a quest on her in payment for the restoration of her life. want to play characters based on those in the book—or they
Fudging doesn’t have to be limited to die rolls, either. might even want to play the novels’ actual characters. While it
If the PCs are killing all the monsters with no problem, you may be easiest just to agree to such requests, you shouldn’t feel
might have to adjust the encounter on the fly, adding a few pressured or obligated to do so. You can certainly allow novel
more monsters that “heard a noise” and decided to investi- characters in your game if you wish, but keep in mind that
gate. By the same token, if the monsters are mopping the floor the characters from the novels probably don’t have the same
with your PCs, or the battle is taking longer than it should, power level as characters designed for a game would, so some
you can simply decide that the monster has fewer hit points adjustments may be necessary. Furthermore, a plot for a novel
than normal. To keep this kind of option open, make a hab- character comes from one mind, but the D&D game depends
it of not providing the players with metagame information on the cooperation of multiple minds to build its storyline, so
(such as monsters’ hit points and AC). When the players don’t events may unfold quite differently.
know the real numbers, fudging the outcome becomes a great
deal easier. The Untold Stories
Some DMs feel that novels shouldn’t reveal too many details
N o v e l - B a s e d C a m pa i g n s about the worlds in which they are set. After all, if such details
If your campaign world is a published one that mirrors a se- conflict with the decisions a DM has made on those topics, she
ries of novels, making changes presents an additional com- would be forced to either make some uncomfortable retroac-
plication—what if your changes cause the story to evolve in tive changes or accept that her world doesn’t agree with the
a different way than it does in the books? Players who like to published version. For example, if the Eberron novels were to

 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

reveal the mystery behind the formation of the Mournland, lot of information has already been published. And as before,
the DMs who had already applied their own interpretation of changing the parameters of a published world doesn’t negate
that event might be understandably miffed. Such DMs might the value of either the novels or the rulebooks that have been
even feel that the release of such information has “ruined” published about the game world you use. But since your play-
their games. ers probably have access to the secrets those books reveal,
But as noted above, you as DM have the ultimate power making a few changes is often a good idea, if only to keep the
within your own world. Regardless of what the novels say, you world fresh for you and your players.
are free to decide exactly what happened—or you could even
ignore the new information completely and choose to keep T h e C o m m u n i c at i o n Ag e
the mystery going. Now and then, you might hear an oldtimer reminisce about
For example, suppose I want to have an advisor to one days gone by, when gamers couldn’t compare notes about how
of the kings in my Eberron campaign. I have identified one the game is played over the internet. Only through letters to
NPC who really looks like he could do the job, but he’s already Dragon Magazine and meeting new people did we learn
head of one of the world’s most powerful houses. Nothing says about alternate ways of playing the game. But rather than
that this person can’t have two jobs—the one described in the bickering about how the game should be played, or trying to
books, plus another as part-time advisor to the king. Although force others to play a specific way, players and GMs should
I might at first have thought that I wanted him only as an ad- share their ideas freely. After all, the whole point of the game
visor, making him a bit power-hungry and eager to grab more is to have fun, not to see how closely you can stick to the rules
influence might actually make him a more viable character. printed in a book. And if your players complain that you’re
In particular, having both positions allows him to set up plots not running your game by the book, just say, “Your character
and hire out the heroes for missions. Thus, in my version of gripes and complains to the universe about its inequities, and
Eberron, Merrix now has more influence in the world than the universe doesn’t answer.”
the books dictate.
Once again, implementing that change has not caused WizO Paradox lives on the East Coast with his wife and her
Keith Baker, the creator of Eberron, to come pounding on my cat. He has played D&D since 1983 and likes all editions of the
door, demanding that I stop ruining his world. It really is okay game. His favorite setting is Planescape, and he collects speckled
to make changes to a game world—even one about which a dice.
the Polar Kraken
By Penny Williams (Penny_Williams), Dave Paul (VrecknidjX), Mars
Whitacre (ImpofIdres), and the Wizards of the Coast Community,
with assistance from Skip Williams (Skip_Williams)
The monster for this issue’s Creature Feature was created by that give us a better chance of avoiding wolf attacks?”
the Wizards Online Community at an impromptu Monster “Don’t forget that wolves like the cover of darkness,
Builder Workshop hosted by Penny Williams in RPG_Live. which the trees will provide,” said Jozan over his shoulder.
The playtest was conducted with Shrapnel112 as Lidda, Cal- Second in line, the cleric was sandwiched between the elf,
lista as Jozan, gstommylee as Tordek, Mepo12345/AndrewW who had taken point, and the dwarf.
as Mialee, and Skip Williams as DM. All four characters Without taking her eyes off the terrain ahead, Mi-
were 11th level. The KA staff also thanks WizO_KiRin and alee replied, “A fire should prevent them from coming too
all the folks in RPG_Live! who participated in the creation close.”
of this creature. “I fer one don’t care to spend a night on the ice,” joined
The gusting wind snatched at the travelers’ clothes with “Yes, even with Pelor’s assistance, I think camping on
greedy fingers, as though trying to steal the warmth from their the ice would be a chilling experience,” Jozan agreed.
bodies. The four adventurers held tightly to their cloaks as “Well, why don’t we camp right on the shore there?”
they looked around for a suitable campsite. Their silhouettes Lidda pointed a short distance ahead, where the treeline
stood out plainly against the snow as the light began to fade came nearly to the edge of the beach. The spot was sur-
across the vast lake of ice before them. They still had seen no rounded on three sides by large, old evergreens covered in
sign of the Ice Tower that was their destination, and with the snow and icicles.
darkness would come the wolves. The dwarf examined the location from where he stood
The halfling, her head barely visible as she trudged and then nodded. “Looks good, lass. It’ll give us a view and
along the path make by the others through the waist-deep room to fight if the wolves do attack.”
snow, stopped and peered out at the treeline. “Hey, don’t you Having agreed upon a campsite, the group began to
think we should sleep in the trees?” she piped up. “Wouldn’t settle in for the night. Tordek gathered wood and soon had a

10 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

merry blaze dancing. The four adventurers cooked a modest the elf, Mialee snapped out of her trance and looked around
meal, set their watch schedule, and settled in for the night. her, puzzled. Then she tilted her head a bit to the side, ap-
Except for the dwarf ’s stentorian snores and the bay- parently listening to the voices of the choir. The halfling’s
ing of wolves in the distance, the night passed uneventfully. sharp eyes noticed a few minute hand gestures as the wizard
Just before dawn, the wolves fell silent at last, allowing Jo- contemplated the situation.
zan to enjoy the colorless sunrise. Suddenly, the silence was “Lidda, I don’t think this is a spell,” she stated slowly.
broken by the strains of a magnificent choir rejoicing in the “But it’s definitely supernatural, and quite strong. Let’s get
dawn. For just a moment, Jozan felt an odd compulsion to back to the others.” Swiftly the two women joined the rest of
seek out the singers and join them. Shaking off the thought, their group back at the site of the now-dying fire.
he knelt down and nudged the person closest to him. “Where is that coming from?” the dwarf asked as they
The halfling shot upright, her eyes blinking owlishly at arrived.
the daylight. “Who whatsit?” Lidda cried. “I’m not sure, Tordek. Let me see if I can find out,”
“Lidda, somebody’s casting spells at us!” whispered said Mialee.
Jozan urgently. Just then, Jozan finished his prayer, and suddenly the
“That’s not good!” exclaimed Lidda, scrambling to her strains of music were cut off. Everyone looked at the priest,
feet. Just as she was reaching for her weapon, she paused, who shrugged a bit and gestured with the crossbow bolt.
awestruck by the sound of the music. Then, shaking her Giving him a somewhat disgruntled look, Mialee walked
head, she pulled her shortsword from its scabbard and several paces away and began to mouth some arcane words
looked about for the source. “What the hells,” she mur- that the other three could not hear. Lidda sheathed her
mured. “Any idea, Jozan?” sword and produced her bow and an arrow instead. Tordek
The priest shook his head, his eyes closed and his lips shrugged and put away his axe, withdrew his own bow, and
moving in prayer. Just then, Tordek sat up on one elbow began looking around for any threats.
and ran his other hand across his eyes, then through his Upon finishing her spell, Mialee fished in her belt
beard. “Why is it a person can’t git any sleep around here?” pouch and pulled out a scrap of parchment and a quill. She
he grumbled. scribbled on it quickly, then turned it toward the group, re-
“Somebody’s attacking us,” Lidda explained. “Some vealing the words, “Come out.” Jozan and Lidda began to
sort of magic.” stride toward her right away, but Tordek moved more slowly
Tordek glanced at Jozan, who had removed a cross- behind them. Once Jozan got far enough ahead, the dwarf
bow bolt from its case and begun to mutter over it. Raising could hear the music again, though it seemed somehow
one shaggy eyebrow, the dwarf looked back at Lidda, who changed, as if Mialee’s spell had added more voices to the
shrugged in equal puzzlement. Neither of them noticed choir.
Mialee rising and walking toward the lake until the elf was Mialee hastily scribbled another note for Jozan. “Stay
nearly out of the trees. at least 15 feet away from me!” it read. “I need to hear!”
“Oh!” Lidda cried, scrambling after the wizard and at- Jozan stopped in his tracks, looked at the bolt and then
tempting to block her way. Just as Lidda was about to trip at Mialee and shrugged. Stooping, he punched the head of

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 11

the bolt into the ground and left it there, then emerged from thing but more ice and snow,” he said. Seeing their puzzled
the area of silence it produced. "Just a warning,” he said. “If looks, he tucked the silenced crossbow bolt away and re-
anyone feels compelled again, step back close to that bolt. peated himself.
Or we’ll drag you if need be." Just then, Tordek and Lidda noticed a faint muttering
After a moment of contemplation, Mialee and Lidda sound was coming from Mialee’s pouch. Seeing their raised
both looked toward the beach. “I think the noise is coming eyebrows, the elf merely smiled mysteriously and shrugged.
from over there,” stated the halfling. Lidda huffed in impatience and walked up to the water’s
Jozan nodded. "Let's go check it out. I'll take my cross- edge, scuffing a bit at the ice. Just then, Mialee’s raven flew
bow bolt—you just point to anything out of the ordinary out of the woods and began circling overhead.
that you see. And keep your wits about you." “Oh, wouldn’t that be fun?” sighed Lidda, gazing up
Lidda nodded and began moving toward the beach, at the soaring bird.
keeping her bow and arrow at the ready. Mialee pulled out Mialee grinned, said a few words, and then gestured
her rapier and took a few long strides to get ahead of the at Lidda, who began to float above the ground. Her eyes
halfling, then began to cast another spell. still trained on the black bird, the little halfling didn’t even
After a few moments of wary silence, the halfling, notice that she too was airborne.
dwarf, and human topped the little ridge that had sheltered Tordek guffawed. “Now ain’t that something you don’t
their campsite from the worst of the night’s wind. The sun see everyday!”
nearly blinded them as it reflected off the thin layer of snow Jozan frowned. “I don’t like the idea of Lidda floating
and multi-faceted piles of ice covering the immense frozen up there as a target,” he said.
lake. “Lidda what?” said the halfling, snapping out of her
Then, quite abruptly, the singing ceased. Jozan, still reverie. She backpedaled in surprise when she noticed
carrying his silenced crossbow bolt, carefully began to that she was now above eye level to the priest, and Tordek
climb a pile of ice and gestured at the others to follow, not laughed at her some more.
realizing that the music had stopped. Then shaking his head “Fine,” said Mialee a bit shortly, and flicked her fingers
in dismay, Jozan looked back at the group. “I don’t see any- again at Lidda. The halfling vanished.

wasn’t me, it was that other kraken

12 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

“Lass, for all we know this singing is just some gnome idly swirling water, the mighty dwarf warrior managed to
playing a prank,” growled Tordek to the elf. “But I don’t have land two blows on his foe. Meanwhile, calling upon the
a good feeling about it.” might of Pelor, Jozan approached the crack and, aiming his
“I found an opening in the ice!” cried a shrill little holy symbol at the abomination of nature, shouted for Pelor
voice from somewhere ahead. to smite the beast with his holy fire.
“Are you sure?” asked Tordek. But the creature continued to squeeze Tordek, denting
"Behind a snowdrift! Big enough to get a human or an his armor with the power of its grip. Not content merely to
orc through!" asserted Lidda. constrict the warrior, the beast began to beat at the dwarf
“Then lead the way!” shouted Mialee without think- with two additional tentacles.
ing. Moments later, lightning shot out at the monster from
“Are you kidding me?” giggled Lidda. Mialee’s fingertips, and the hound archon leaped into the
“Just follow her voice, it shouldn’t be too hard,” said fray. Not to be left out of the excitement, the invisible rogue
Jozan with a grin. jumped into the water. Though she had considerable diffi-
Lidda helped her companions follow her by making culty swimming toward the combat through the vortex sur-
snowballs and tossing them at Mialee, Jozan, and Tordek rounding the creature, she struggled valiantly on, attempt-
when they started to go the wrong direction. After nailing ing to get into flanking position with Tordek.
the dwarf with a particularly accurate shot to the beard, Tordek, his cheeks reddening with the effort of hold-
Lidda giggled and said, “Okay, you’re here now. It’s just on ing his breath underwater, continued hacking away at the
the other side of this drift.” tentacled creature. His axe was leaving its mark, yet still the
Tordek, still unable to see the halfling, frowned as he beast held on.
brushed the snow from his beard. Putting his bow away and After murmuring a brief prayer, Jozan shouted, “I’m
drawing his axe, he started forward. going in, Pelor help me!” The intrepid priest then jumped
“Hold a moment, friend dwarf,” said Jozan. “Let me feet first into the water, counting on his freedom of move-
ask Pelor for guidance.” As he whispered a prayer to his god, ment spell and the weight of his armor to bring him quickly
Mialee pointed a finger and released a flare, illuminating to the fight.
the crack in the ice. Suddenly, the wizard jumped straight Taking no notice of the descending priest, the crea-
into the hole and began to examine the ice and the swirling ture snaked out a tentacle and snagged the hound archon.
water. “There’s an evil aura here,” said Jozan, opening his The hound brought its broadsword down heavily on the
eyes. “If we wait a moment, I’ll be able to find out where it beast, nearly severing the tentacle with a single blow. Simul-
is—Mialee! Are you crazy? Can you swim? It’s freezing!” taneously, five arcane bolts shot out from Mialee’s fingertips,
Ignoring the priest’s frantic entreaties, the elf wizard streaked through the water, and struck true.
began to strip off her heavy layers of wolfskin in prepara- With a sudden squeal of pain, the beast abruptly
tion to swim. No one noticed the tentacle until it wrapped loosened its grip, freeing the combatants. The adventurers
around her slim body and lifted her from the water. quickly swam back to the surface and struggled out onto
Lidda was the first to react, bringing up her bow and the ice.
loosing the nocked arrow at the creature grasping her friend. After gulping several mouthfuls of the clear, cold air,
“Be careful!” shouted Jozan belatedly. “You don’t want to hit Tordek turned to the wizard and said, “Let this be a lesson
Mialee!” to ye, wizards should not take point!”
Mialee, struggling against the tentacle’s grip, began to
gasp in pain. “It’s burning me!” she cried.
Tordek charged into the crack in the ice first, swinging
his waraxe at the point where the tentacle emerged from the
water. His axe struck true, severing the tentacle that held
Mialee in its grasp just as another tentacle thrust out of the
freezing liquid. Wrapping itself around his legs and lower
torso, it pulled the dwarf off the ice and into the depths of
the lake.
Gasping desperately for air, Mialee fumbled for her
spellbook. Opening the tome with trembling fingers, she
gestured with her other hand. The air beside her began to
shimmer, then with a strange popping sound, a creature ap-
peared. Dogheaded but statuesque, the hound archon held
a giant broadsword in its pawlike hands and glared menac-
ingly in the direction of the crack.
Bracing his boots against the tentacled monster,
Tordek writhed in its grip and tried to bring his axe to bear
while holding his breath. Despite the resistance of the rap-

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 13

art by marc sheff
polar kraken CR 11
NE Large magical beast (aquatic)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., ice sense 120 ft., low-light vision;
Listen +23, Spot +23
Languages Aquan, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19; Dodge
(–1 size, +3 Dex, +10 natural)
hp 105 (14 HD)
Immune cold
Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +10
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares); Spring Attack
Melee 4 tentacle rakes +20 (1d8+7 plus 1d4 heat/19–20) and
tail slap +15 (2d6+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (20 ft. with tentacle)
Base Atk +14; Grp +25
Special Actions captivating song, constrict (1d8+10 plus 1d4 heat),
improved grab, weaken ice
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th):
3/day—wall of ice (DC 17)
Abilities Str 25, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 22, Cha 17
SA captivating song, constrict (1d8+10 plus 1d4 heat), improved grab
SQ fool sonar 60 ft., vortex
Feats Dodge, Improved Critical (tentacle rake), Improved Grapple,
Mobility, Spring Attack
Skills Hide +16, Listen +23, Move Silently +20, Spot +23, Swim +24
Advancement 15–18 HD (Large); 19–24 HD (Huge); 25–36 HD

14 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

Captivating Song (Su) When a polar kraken
sings, every creature within a 150-foot
spread must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or
Polar Kraken
This creature resembles a white squid, with a streamlined
become captivated. Captivating song is a sonic
body, two ice-blue, staring eyes, and four barbed tentacles that
mind-affecting charm effect. A creature that
successfully saves cannot be affected again by glow orange at the tips. At the other end of its slimy, tapered
the same polar kraken’s song for 24 hours. The body is a strong, stubby tail that is constantly in motion.
save DC is Charisma-based.
This aquatic beast lurks below the ice in the coldest stretches
A captivated victim walks toward the polar
kraken, taking the most direct route available. of the sea, hunting both the salty waters and the icy expans-
If the path leads into a dangerous area (such as es atop them. The polar kraken can subsist for months or
a hole in the ice), that creature gets a second years on the fish and other creatures in the sea, but it truly
saving throw when it confronts that danger. enjoys the warm-blooded snacks that occasionally walk the
Captivated creatures can take no actions other surface. Its tentacles are equipped to weaken and shatter the
than to defend themselves. (Thus, a fighter thick ice, and they’re long enough to reach up and seize prey
cannot run away or attack, but he takes no from the surface.
defensive penalties.) A victim within 5 feet of
the polar kraken stands there and offers no Strategies and Tactics
resistance to the monster’s attacks. The effect The polar kraken is a fearsome predator with magical pow-
continues for as long as the polar kraken sings ers ideally suited for combating the creatures in its natural
and for 1 round thereafter. A bard’s countersong environment. Like many other predators, the polar kraken
ability allows the captivated creature to attempt waits in ambush for its prey, but it can also sing a melody of
a new Will save.
unearthly beauty to lure prey within its grasp.
Constrict (Ex) A polar kraken deals automatic Polar krakens are usually encountered singly. Typi-
tentacle rake damage and 1d4 points of fire cally, the creature waits in the safety of the icy water for
damage with a successful grapple check. its warm-blooded prey to approach. When the moment is
Food Sonar (Su) Any creature within 60 feet right, it lashes out with a tentacle, grapples its foe, and drags
of a polar kraken that relies on sonar-based it into the cold, black water to be devoured. Its tentacles are
methods of navigation (such as blindsense) studded with wickedly sharp hooks that cause terrible pain,
must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or lose its and the ends are coated with a red-hot slime that deals fire
ability to navigate by that means while within damage to those it touches.
range of this ability.
An opponent can make sunder attempts against a po-
Ice Sense (Ex) A polar kraken can detect and lar kraken’s tentacles as if they were weapons. Each of its
pinpoint any creature or object within 120 feet tentacles has 10 hit points. If a kraken is currently grappling
that is in contact with ice, so long as the polar a target with one tentacle, it usually uses another limb to
kraken is either in contact with that ice or within make its attack of opportunity against the sunder attempt.
5 feet of it in the water beneath. In all other
Severing a polar kraken’s tentacle deals damage to the krak-
respects, treat this ability as tremorsense.
en equal to half the limb’s full normal hit points. A polar
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, a polar kraken usually withdraws from combat if it loses three of its
kraken must hit an opponent of up to Medium tentacles. It regrows severed limbs in 1d10+10 days.
size with a tentacle rake attack. It can then
attempt to start a grapple as a free action Sample Encounter
without provoking an attack of opportunity. Generally, adventurers avoid frozen wastes, but occasional-
Vortex (Ex) A polar kraken's movements maintain ly—whether for treasure or glory—a band of heroes braves
a vortex in the water to a range of 10 feet those dangerous environs. When such rare surface dwellers
around its body. The DC for the Swim check move within range of a polar kraken's ice sense, the creature
for any creature attempting to swim through attempts to captivate them into approaching a previously
that area increases by +4. weakened area of the ice.
Weaken Ice (Su) As a standard action, a polar A polar kraken maintains a hidden lair on the ocean
kraken can cause a selected section of ice floor where it keeps treasure, but it often leaves for days at
within 60 feet to crack and fracture. Any weight a time to pursue migrating fish and other sea creatures. En-
greater than 30 pounds placed upon such a counters with a polar kraken almost inevitably begin on the
weakened section of ice causes it to give way,
ice and end in the water.
creating a hole and dropping the object into
the water below. A polar kraken can use this Ecology
ability to affect a single section of ice, up to
Each polar kraken patrols a rather large territory. The crea-
100 square feet in area and up to 5 feet thick,
each round. ture can eat almost any sort of prey, but it isn’t truly vora-
cious. Thus, despite its size, it isn’t in constant, immediate
Hook “Jump in! The water’s fine!” competition with other large sea creatures.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 15

polar kraken lore Polar krakens tend to live for decades in relative isola-
tion. Their reproductive cycle remains a mystery—even the
most intrepid sages have never dared to venture into the icy,
Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Knowl-
dark depths to seek such knowledge. But no recorded sight-
edge (nature) can learn more about the polar kraken.
ings exist of a juvenile polar kraken, and no smaller speci-
When a character makes a skill check, the following lore
mens have ever been reported. Though several adventuring
is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.
groups have managed to obtain portions of the creature’s
tentacles, none have ever brought back an entire body to
dc result be studied.
14 The polar kraken is a white, squidlike monster Environment: Polar krakens live deep in the arctic
that lives in the arctic seas. seas, but they haunt the icy surface, where the hunting is
better. Adventurers capable of assuming the forms of aquat-
ic animals have reported that the polar kraken can plunge to
19 The polar kraken sometimes uses its powerful depths far greater than almost any other creature—in fact,
tentacles to break through surface ice and attack disappearing into the abyss of the deep ocean seems to be its
creatures moving atop it. most useful means of avoiding mortal threats.
Typical Physical Characteristics: Much smaller than
24 A polar kraken can produce supernatural effects a normal kraken, a typical polar kraken measures only
that numb the minds of its foes and cause them about 15 feet long. It has four very long tentacles that end
to approach. The ends of its tentacles are coated in wicked hooks. Its slender, almost tubular body is coated
with a heat-producing slime that burns any prey with a slime that cuts water resistance and helps it move at
that it holds. incredible speed. The polar kraken's body ends in a short
but strong tail that it uses for movement and to deliver pow-
erful tail slaps against nearby foes.

a close cousin of the polar kraken, the icy octopus

thankfully comes with targets already painted on.
16 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006
Typical Treasure
While it is possible to find valuable items near the areas
where a polar kraken has fed, it's far more likely that any
imperiled adventurers took their loot with them into their
watery graves. Polar krakens enjoy treasure—particularly
art objects and jewels—and collect the best items to adorn
their lairs. Thus, the lair of a polar kraken contains double
standard treasure.

Advanced Polar Kraken

The polar kraken advances as a magical beast. Larger speci-
mens are found in extremely deep arctic seas where prey is
plentiful enough to support their growth.

Polar Krakens in Eberron

Though rare, the polar kraken has been reported in various
regions of the Frostfell. In addition, sightings have been re-
corded in the northern Lhazaar Principalities and along the
northern coast of Karrnath.

Polar Krakens in Faerûn

Most known polar krakens inhabit the waters north and
west of Icewind Dale, though sightings have occurred in
other cold regions as well. However, the Sea of Moving
Ice remains by far the most likely place to encounter these

Possessed by twin imps of disorganization and creativity

(amazing how those go hand in hand), Mars Whitacre has
been placed under the watchful eyes of two felines. She is
also the proud owner of one husband, several half-used note-
books, and an ever-expanding collection of literature. If any-
one knows of a pocket universe with available storage space,
please send her a note!

Penny Williams joined the roleplaying game industry as Game

Questions Expert for TSR, Inc. in the 1980s. Since then, she
has served as RPGA Network Coordinator, POLYHEDRON
Newszine editor, and Senior Editor and Coordinating Editor
for the RPG R&D Department at Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Now a busy freelancer, Penny edits for several game compa-
nies. When not enhancing the cruelty of designers’ creations,
Penny puts up jam, does jigsaw puzzles, and works as a sub-
stitute teacher for all grade levels.

David Paul lives in lower southwestern Michigan with his

wife, two sons, two dogs, four cats, a few hundred RPG books,
and several thousand little plastic miniatures. He edited for
Pencil Pushers Publishing, d20 Filtered, and Silven before
joining the staff of Knowledge Arcana. When he’s not busy
daydreaming or plotting the downfall of his own D&D play-
ers, he teaches philosophy by night at a nearby university and
mathematics by day at a nearby private high school.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 17

By Pete Wyeth (Iddig)
illustration by R égis M oulun
“You wanna git o’er that mountain? You need the best—that’s
where I come in.”
—Ingrham Anghersoldt, dwarf peak strider of Clan Kormyk

The peak striders constitute the first line of defense against

aboveground incursions into the mountain clanholds of the
dwarves. These lone mountaineers also serve as guides for
dwarves—and friends of dwarves—who must travel off-trail
through the cliffs, gullies, and icy slopes of the mountains.
An integral part of dwarven society, peak striders are
highly regarded by their peers, though they are considered
a bit eccentric because of their preference for life outside
the clanholds. These rugged mountaineers spend much of
their time practicing climbing techniques, patrolling any
mountain roads that the clanhold maintains, aiding wound-
ed or lost travelers, and going on missions—sometimes far
afield—for their liege lords.

Becoming a Peak Strider

All peak striders are dwarves, and most are drawn from the
clans that live closest to the surface of their mountain holds.
The majority of peak striders start their careers as rangers,
though druids sometimes take up the path as well. Charac-
ters of both these classes have ready access to training in ba-
sic mountaineering skills and are already adept at surviving
in semi-hostile terrain, where the slightest mistake could
have dire consequences.

Entry Requirements
Race: Dwarf.
Skills: Climb 4 ranks, Knowledge (local) 4 ranks, Jump 4
ranks, Knowledge (geography) 4 ranks, Profession
(mountaineer) 8 ranks, Survival 8 ranks.
Feats: Alertness, Mountaineer*, Track.
Special: Woodland stride class feature.
*See Frostburn 49.

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level): Balance, Climb,

Craft, Jump, Knowledge (geography), Profession
(mountaineer), Survival, and Use Rope.

the things dwarves do for chicken wings

18 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006
Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Altitude Adaptation, climb
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Climb +5, Snowrunner
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Climb +10, rappel
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Climb +15, Cold Endurance
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Climb +20, ledge-running

Class Features descend safely. If you declared an amount in excess of this

You are the best of the best at what you do—namely, moun- value, you fall from the point at which your safe rappel end-
taineering. Your training as a peak strider lets you traverse ed, taking appropriate falling damage.
the icy slopes near your clanhold as well—and as quickly— Cold Endurance (Ex): At 4th level, you gain Cold En-
as a mountain goat. In addition, you know where the hid- durance (Frostburn 47) as a bonus feat, assuming you meet
den gullies are, where to find fresh water, and the best places the prerequisite.
to make camp in your mountains. Ledge-Running (Su): At 5th level, you learn to run
Weapon & Armor Proficiency: You gain proficiency in horizontally along cliff faces by leaping from one ledge or
simple and martial weapons and light and medium armor. outcropping to another—even if these protrusions would
Altitude Adaptation (Ex): The time you have spent not normally support any creatures other than hardy sheep
in the mountains has made it easy for you to adapt to high and mountain goats. To use this ability, you must make a
altitudes. You gain Altitude Adaptation (Frostburn 46) as a successful DC 15 Balance check for each 100 feet traveled.
bonus feat, assuming that you meet the prerequisite. Failure indicates that you fall from the height at which you
Climb (Ex): You can climb at your land speed and were running. You may not take 10 or 20 on this check. The
take 10 on any Climb checks made to ascend or descend DM may increase the check DC for especially sheer cliffs.
mountain slopes—even in icy conditions. Your climb speed
is reduced by 5 feet for each armor category above light that P l ay i n g a P e a k S t r i d e r
you wear. At 2nd level and every level thereafter, your climb You have always loved the outdoors. When you stand atop
speed increases by +5 feet. a mountain peak, the world is spread out at your feet, and
Snowrunner (Ex): At 2nd level, you gain Snowrun- no feeling is more glorious. Let your brothers and sisters
ner (Frostburn 50) as a bonus feat, assuming you meet the spend their lives underground—you love to feel the crisp
prerequisite. mountain wind on your face and hear the snow crunch un-
Rappel (Ex): At 3rd level, you learn to rappel down a der your boots.
cliff at incredible speed. To use this class feature, you must As a peak strider, you live on the fringe of dwarven
have the proper equipment (including sufficient rope to society, spending most of your time outside the safety of
reach the bottom of your cliff) and spend at least 30 min- the clanholds. You’re not by any means an outcast—you
utes each day maintaining it. The number of feet that you know that you fulfill a vital function and that you’re highly
can safely descend per round while rappelling equals your respected within your clan. But you’ve never been entirely
peak strider level x 10. If you wish, you can try to descend comfortable in the cozy, subterranean caverns where the
farther in any given round. To do so, declare the number of majority of your people live. That attitude sets you apart
feet you will descend that round, then make a Jump check. from your people, who consider you odd at best.
Your check result equals the number of additional feet you

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 19

Even before you took up the role of the peak strider, peak strider lore
you preferred to remain on the outer fringes of dwarven Characters with ranks in Profession (mountaineer) can
society, where you could help your people without living research peak striders to learn more about them. When a
under the rigid strictures of your clanhold. And your role character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the fol-
as a guide and wilderness expert allows you to meet and aid lowing, including the information from lower DCs.
a variety of travelers—not just dwarves, but also merchants
and adventurers of all races. If your clanhold is not in im-
minent danger, you sometimes hire yourself out as a guide, dc result
though you ensure to the best of your ability that those who 10 “Peak striders are the best of the best when
hire you are not seeking dwarven cities to pillage, and that it comes to mountaineering, and they’re all
they are willing to follow your rules. On occasion, your dwarves.”
clanhold might even send you on a mission to locate or pro-
tect lost cities, fortresses, or mines from looters.
15 “Peak striders know their local mountain ranges
Combat like the backs of their hands. You’ll not find a bet-
Your tactics and fighting style are similar to those you used ter guide for getting through a mountain range
before becoming a peak strider, though now you can incor- anywhere.”
porate your knowledge of the terrain to gain an edge on the 20 “Peak striders are respected in their societies but
battlefield. Your hatred of giants is even stronger than that live on the fringes due to their dislike of heavily
of your dwarf brethren, and you generally attack them in regimented life.”
preference to other foes, all else being equal.
30 Characters who achieve this level of success can
learn important details about the specific peak
To obtain the specialized training needed to become a peak
striders in your campaign, including notable in-
strider, you had to locate a mentor who was willing to work
dividuals, the areas where they operate, and the
with you. Knowing that dwarven armies often hired peak
kinds of activities they undertake.
striders to serve as scouts in the mountains, you kept your
eyes open while your clanhold’s forces were on maneuvers
in the mountains. Once your army’s peak strider agreed to
take you on as a student, you moved in with him for the
In times of need, you can call on your fellow peak striders
duration of your training. Later on, when he joined his an-
for aid—if you can find them. Unless their own missions
cestors, you inherited his dwelling and property, where you
are of dire importance, peak striders never refuse a plea for
make your home still.
aid in fighting off a monster that threatens a dwarven com-
When your training was over, you were inducted into
munity—or even just a request for some food and a warm
the loose brotherhood of the peak striders in a three-day,
place to sleep. You can also count on dwarven communities
bawdy ceremony attended by most of the peak striders in
to provide you with shelter, limited goods, or healing.
your kingdom. Since then, you have been largely free to do
as you please. Once every three years, however, you journey
to a gathering of all your kingdom’s peak striders and spend Peak Striders in the World
a few days comparing maps you’ve made, updating yours “Anghersoldt got us through those mountains unscathed. He
with any new trails that have been discovered, and generally even continued on with me and Conn after he heard about
keeping your fellow peak striders up to date on the recent the crimes that our quarry had committed. He is truly an
happenings around the kingdom. Other dwarves are often honorable dwarf—one I’m proud to call friend.”
invited to attend as well, and recruitment of likely candi- —Trigg of Cardoss, Paladin in the Order of Cyrus
dates often occurs at such gatherings.

20 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

Peak striders generally inhabit mountain ranges, foothills, Adaptation
or the surrounding areas. Any dwarf NPC the characters are Though this prestige class as presented is limited to dwarves,
acquainted with could turn out to be a peak strider, or might you could easily expand it to include other races with
know where one could be found. Alternatively, you could mountain-dwelling offshoots. Elves, halflings, half-orcs, or
introduce peak striders as members of a distant dwarven even humans could easily become peak striders with small
clan with close ties to its mountain home. changes to the background material.

Organization Sample Encounter

Peak striders are loosely organized, and most people who A group of adventurers may come in contact with a peak
don’t spend time in dwarven communities don’t even know strider while traveling through a mountain range. A peak
they exist. Those who are aware of them know that they strider may agree to guide PCs who are in search of a drag-
maintain extensive maps of the trail systems in their moun- on’s cave, a giant tribe, or even a particular dwarven city.
tain ranges, and that dwarves and dwarf friends can call on EL 13: Ingrham Anghersoldt has always preferred life
them for help in the mountains if needed. outside the stone halls of Argoth-Mallum. When he came
Each kingdom’s peak striders meet every three years of age, he moved out of the clanhold and became a ranger
in a large gathering to share discoveries, update maps, and so that he could protect the wilderness he loved. For some
induct new members. Generally, only dwarves are invited to years thereafter, Anghersoldt wandered the trails and roads
this celebration, but a few nondwarves have been welcomed that the dwarves had carved through the mountains, learn-
over the years—particularly those who have aided a peak ing the hidden spots where animals made their homes and
strider or a dwarven clanhold in some manner. the hazards of the icy slopes. After nearly a decade of wan-
dering the Argoth Range, he was approached by an elderly
NPC Reactions
dwarf he had met before and invited to a meeting of like-
Peak striders are typically well received in dwarven com-
minded dwarves to the southwest.
munities—even those not located within mountain ranges.
During the journey, the elder dwarf took it upon him-
The attitudes of other typical PC races tend to be indifferent
self to teach Anghersoldt more about the ways of the moun-
or friendly. Gnomes and humans are the most likely to have
tains—how they moved, how they breathed, and how they
dealings with the peak striders because they often trade
lived. Anghersoldt learned paths he hadn’t known existed,
with dwarven communities. Half-orcs, however, generally
how to read trail warnings left by previous travelers, and
feel a bit uncomfortable around a peak strider, unless they
the places that animals and fell creatures frequented. When
have earned that character’s trust (no small task).
they arrived, Anghersoldt was nominated to join the ranks
Giants of all kinds return the peak striders’ hatred. Gi-
of the peak striders of Argoth-Mallum and accepted into
ants and peak striders fight each other in preference to all
the brotherhood by a nearly unanimous vote.
other foes and only rarely retreat.
For the past 15 years, Ingrham Anghersoldt has
Anyone looking for a peak strider can ask at the lo-
worked as a scout in the dwarven resistance. In addition, he
cal army barracks, or at the nearest merchants’ guild. Peak
has performed a variety of other tasks for his liege and for
striders often attach themselves to dwarven armies to act as
nondwarves who requested his aid. When the PCs encoun-
scouts, or offer their services to merchants as guides.
ter Ingrham, he is engaged in another such mission.
Peak Striders in the Game
Players who enjoy rangers or other outdoor-focused char- Pete lives in southern Wisconsin with his wife and two in-
acters may enjoy playing a peak strider. Such characters also sane cats. He works all too often as a Newscast Director for a
open up the possibility of mountain-based adventures that small-market CBS affiliate in northern Illinois. Pete is a regu-
might previously have been infeasible because of the harsh lar contributor to Knowledge Arcana and a regular chatter
climate and unfriendly terrain. in RPG_Live!

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 21

Ingrham Anghersoldt CR 13
Male dwarf ranger 8/peak strider 5
NG Medium humanoid
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.,
Listen +5, Spot +5
Languages Common, Dwarven
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16; Dodge; +4 AC
against giants (+2 Dex, +6 armor)
hp 75 (13 HD)
Resist stability (+4 against bull rush and trip)
Fort +11 (+13 against poison), Ref +12, Will +4;
+2 on saves against spells and spell-like effects
Speed 20 ft. in chain shirt (8 squares), climb 40 ft.;
Ingrham Anghersoldt CR 13
Snowrunner; ledge-running; rappel; woodland
stride Climb (Ex) Ingrham can climb at 40 feet and take
Melee +2 ice axe +17/+12/+7 (1d6+5/x4) and 10 on any Climb checks made to ascend or
+1 light hammer +15/+10 (1d4+2) or descend mountain slopes—even in icy condi-
+2 ice axe +19/+14/+9 (1d6+6)
Rappel (Ex) Ingrham can rappel down a cliff at a
Ranged +1 composite longbow +16/+11/+8 (1d8+4) speed of 50 feet. If desired, he can try to de-
Base Atk +13; Grp +16 scend farther in any given round by declaring
Atk Options +1 on attacks against orcs and the number of feet he wishes to descend, then
goblinoids, favored enemy giants +4, favored making a Jump check. His check result equals
enemy goblinoids +2 the number of additional feet he descends
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds safely. If he declared an amount in excess of
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 4th): this value, he falls from the point at which his
1st—detect snares and pits, speak with animals safe rappel ended, taking appropriate falling
Abilities Str 17, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Ledge-Running (Su) Ingrham can run horizon-
Cha 6 tally along cliff faces by leaping from one ledge
SA +1 on attacks against orcs and goblinoids, or outcropping to another. To use this ability,
favored enemy giants +4, favored enemy Ingrham must make a successful DC 15 Bal-
goblinoids +2 ance check for each 100 feet traveled. Failure
SQ animal companion (hawk), link with companion, indicates that he falls from the height at which
share spells, stonecunning (PH 15), swift tracker, he was running. He may not take 10 or 20 on
wild empathy +8 (+4 magical beasts) this check.
Feats Alertness, Altitude AdaptationB*, Cold hawk companion CR —
EnduranceB*, Dodge, EnduranceB, Improved
Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon FightingB, Female hawk companion
Mountaineer*, SnowrunnerB*, TrackB, Two- N Tiny animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +14
Weapon FightingB, Weapon Focus (ice axe)
*Feat from Frostburn. AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 16
Skills Balance +6, Climb +8, Concentration +6, (+2 size, +4 Dex, +4 natural)
Craft (metalworking) +3, Craft (stoneworking) hp 13 (3 HD)
+3, Handle Animal +2, Heal +5, Hide +6, Jump Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +3
+14, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge Speed 10 ft. (2 squares), 60 ft. (average); Flyby
(local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +6, Listen +5, Attack
Move Silently +6, Profession (mountaineer) Melee talons +8 (1d4–2)
+9, Ride +4, Search +6, Spot +5, Survival Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
+11, Swim +5, Use Rope +7; Ingrham has a Base Atk +2; Grp –8
+2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft checks Abilities St7 7, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha
relating to metal or stone. 6
Possessions combat gear plus +2 chain shirt, +2 ice SQ 2 bonus tricks, evasion
axe, +1 light hammer, +1 composite longbow (+3 Str Feats Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse
bonus) with 20 arrows, crampons, 100 ft. silk Skills Hide +12, Listen +4, Spot +14
rope, grappling hook Skills The hawk gains a +8 racial bonus on Spot
Hook “I’ll get ya there” checks.

22 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

B y J a s o n S a l l ay ( F o x m a n ) teleporters while playing on this battle map would be like
attempting to ignore walls.
The Teleport Temple battle map for the D&D Miniatures Another important difference is the exit squares,
(DDM) game has sparked a great deal of discussion re- which are located in the center of the map and used by
cently. What makes this map so different from all the oth- both sides. The Dragon Shrine is currently the only other
er battle maps, and how does it impact game play and the battle map that has a shared exit, but that one is on the
DDM metagame*? Let’s take a closer look and see what edge of the map.
makes this map special. The placement of the exit squares in the Teleport
Temple has several implications. First, the fact that most
A Different Sort of Map combats occur near the center of a battle map places the
Perhaps the most striking difference between this battle exits for both sides closer to the fighting. Thus, the likeli-
map and all the others is its use of the teleporter terrain hood of creatures routing and the path they would take
feature. This aspect alone is likely to have a greater impact to do so is quite different on this map than it is on any
on the DDM metagame than any other single terrain fea- other. In a typical fight, the two forces advance, engage,
ture introduced since Harbinger. The ability to move and and possibly intermingle. Any routing creatures move
strike is vital to success, and this terrain type greatly facil- to the rear of their groups, possibly allowing the com-
itates the process of getting creatures to and from combat. mander a chance to rally them. Not so on this map! Here,
In fact, the teleporter is even more important in terms some enemy forces are almost always standing between
of strategic control than the victory area. It’s possible to the routing creatures and the exit.
ignore victory areas and still win a game, but ignoring Several other factors enter into the routing equation
as well. Teleporter hops give creatures a greater-than-nor-

*The metagame is that aspect of the D&D Miniatures game that considers the impact of other bands and maps on
one’s own band choices. Both local and national metas exist, and the best players always consider the impact of the
bands and maps that are most likely to appear at the events they plan to attend.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 23

mal chance to drop out of command, and the use of fast-mov-
ing creatures that can take better advantage of the teleporter’s
mobility tends to increase. These two factors make routing and
reaching the exit more likely than usual. The only factor that
slightly reduces this risk is the fact that the forces’ increased
mobility allows combat to occur just about anywhere on the
map. Thus, the battle may take place father from the center of
the battle map than normal.

S t r at e g i c T h i n k i n g
The Teleport Temple is a complex map with a high learning
curve, so experience and practice are vital when playing on
it. Players must consider the increased mobility of forces, the
need for strategic control of teleporters and victory areas, and
the location of the exit squares. Furthermore, because of the
map’s complexity, new players are likely to find it confusing
and hard to maneuver on—a fact that gives experienced play-
ers a distinct edge. In addition, mistakes are easier to make
and harder to recover from. Even small errors, such as subop-
timal placement, can drastically alter the outcome of a game,
and the increased mobility of forces means that an opponent
can quickly and effectively exploit any mistakes.
The movement options that the teleporters offer, com-
bined with this map’s tendency to penalize mistakes, ensure
that openings take longer on this battle map than they do on
others. The players on both sides must carefully consider all
their available options because a single hasty move can mean
the difference between winning and losing. In mid- to late-
game, however, once combat has been initiated, the game is
likely to progress slightly more quickly because both sides
can bring their forces to bear more effectively. Reports to date
seem to support this conclusion, but whether the game is ac-
tually slower (fewer turns completed per hour) than on other
maps has not yet been determined.

I m pac t o n t h e G a m e
Overall, how important is this battle map, and how much of an
impact can it have? After all, it’s only one of many battle maps,
and more are on the way. So how often are you likely to see it?
And even if your opponent has this battle map, you can still
win map initiative, right?
Face it, every player is looking for an edge, and this map
provides a practiced and experienced player with a significant
advantage compared to other battle maps. And with the recent
release of the War of the Dragon Queen set—a set that empha-
sizes epic play—the Teleport Temple may see yet more use,
since it is an epic-legal map.

Warband Construction
The Teleport Temple also affects the shaping of the warbands
that play on it. This battle map tends to favor warbands with
high-speed creatures that can provide teleporter and victory
area control, deal quick strikes to an opponent’s rear and flank,
and assassinate commanders. And because warbands tend
to spread out as a result of teleporting, this map also favors
those that rely less on being under command or commander

24 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

When building a warband, most players try to re- the already hard-to-hit Sacred Watchers, thereby increas-
duce the number of bad matchups—that is, they try not ing their durability. In the first round, however, both the
to build warbands that are likely to fail if they encoun- Dwarf Artificer and Mialee must make casting magic
ter certain other warbands. For example, a warband that weapon on two of the Sacred Watchers their first priority,
focuses on causing opponent creatures to make morale to increase their chance to hit and upgrade their damage
checks against routing would be a bad matchup against to magic damage. The Artificer’s anti-construct abilities
an undead and/or construct warband, which is fearless. are important too. Once he has moved to a teleporter, he
Thus, no player attempting to build a truly competitive can be brought in quickly to use his rust construct spell
warband would build one that would be at a disadvantage against any constructs that might be present.
on the Teleport Temple map. With his high movement rate, the Sword Archon
This effort to take the nuances of a particular battle can be used like a scalpel, to finish off any creatures that
map into account has a huge impact on the metagame. are giving the Sacred Watchers trouble. But care must
To be fair, one school of thought states that building a be taken not to let him get tied up with a fresh titan or
“jack-of-all-trades” warband—one that works relatively a swarm of beaters. Finesse is his forté; he doesn’t have
well no matter which warband or battle map it is facing— enough hit points for a protracted, slug-it-out battle. His
actually results in a “master-of-none.” All in all, however, ability to add +5 damage to the Sacred Watchers is im-
the Teleport Temple cannot be ignored while building a portant, but this benefit can’t be counted on, given their
competitive warband—even if the choice is to accept a incorporeal movement through walls and the teleporters
bad matchup for this battle map in order to be stronger everywhere.
on others.
Some of the danger of playing on this map can be Temple Outlook
reduced by practicing on it. And no player who wishes to The Teleport Temple was selected as one of the three
build a competitive warband can afford not to practice on maps on which the 200-point Constructed championship
this map—bad matchup or not. games were played at GenCon in 2006. Those who quali-
fied for that event had to spend weeks or months practic-
Sample Warband ing the best tactics for this map, and their influence on
The Teleport Temple offers a great deal of mobility via its the game should be significant.
teleporters, as well as danger because of its central exit. It’s hard to predict how influential the map will be
When building a warband to take advantage of the map’s in next year’s tournament season, but given how effective
strengths and reduce its disadvantages, both of these fac- it can be in the hands of a skilled player—and consid-
tors must be taken into account. This sample warband is a ering that it’s an epic-legal map—it seems reasonable to
good example of how to allow for both factors. assume that it will appear at several events in the months
to come.
Sacred Watchers of the Sword
Jason Sallay (aka Foxman) lives in Calgary, Alberta (Can-
Sword Archon ada) with his wife and two young boys. He began playing
Dwarf Artificer D&D in 1987 and hasn’t looked back since. Jason works in
Sacred Watcher x5 the IT industry as a Systems Analyst, which means that if
Mialee, Elf Wizard anything breaks, he has to fix it. He originally started col-
lecting D&D Miniatures for his tabletop game and then
199 points, 8 activations began playing the D&D Miniatures game “to get more use
out of them.” Although his wife plays D&D, she says if he
On a map where mobility is so essential, the Sacred doesn’t stop collecting miniatures, she’s going start throwing
Watcher’s incorporeal ability (which allows it to move them out. He hopes she’s just making a Bluff check.
through walls) helps to establish complete control of the
battlefield early in the game. In fact, the Sacred Watchers
can reach all but a very few squares on the battle map by
the end of the first round.
Starting in area A allows the Sacred Watchers to move
and strike into any victory area in the first round—possibly
killing or routing creatures that are using the wandering
monster or scout abilities, or creatures that have moved
there. The fearless and incorporeal abilities, plus the other
undead traits, make this unit very durable. Fodder and
commander assassinations combined with victory area
control give this warband a real competitive edge.
The Dwarf Artificer raises the difficulty of hitting

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 25

By Ramza Tyr (Ramza0tyr)
You have been thinking about starting a new campaign, and you’ve finally hit upon a creative
concept that could form the basis for your world. But as you churn the idea over and over
in your mind, you suddenly realize that your campaign won’t work with the core rules
as they stand. Some portion of the game system’s mechanics stands between the
concept of your campaign and its implementation. What do you do?

Implementing the Dream

To make your campaign work, you need one or more house rules to coun-
teract the problems you foresee with the mechanics. But applying house
rules takes considerable forethought and planning. True, many campaigns
that use house rules never go through a process such as the one outlined
here. If your group is happy adding house rule upon house rule, you may
never need this framework. However, if you anticipate resistance to your
ideas, then following the steps outlined below can pave the way to more
creative dungeon mastering.

Step 1: Assess Your Group

First, you absolutely must have a clear understanding of your group’s com-
position and outlook, as well as your own level of flexibility. Start by asking
yourself what holds your group together. Are you all friends independent
from your game sessions, or do you meet only twice a month at your local
game shop? The answer should give you some idea how willing your players
might be to give your ideas a try, as well as how willing you are to adjust your
ideas based on their input. A group built around friends is usually (though not al-
ways) the most capable of handling a creative DM. If you game with a consistent group
but maintain no relationships with its members beyond your game sessions, you may have
more difficulty bringing your personal creativity into play.
Now consider your role in the group. Are you the only DM, or do group members rotate DM
responsibilities? Are you willing to risk alienating some or all the members of your current group if they
don’t like the changes? Can you find another group more willing to try your ideas if necessary? Are you willing to
DM simultaneous campaigns? How will your current group respond if you begin a campaign with a second group

26 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

on a different day? Would you DM only the one campaign and continue playing in the first group with someone
else acting as DM?
Answering these questions not only clarifies the threshold issues involved in making the necessary changes,
but it can also highlight—or close off—certain paths for addressing them. For example, if you don’t want to leave
or alienate your current group, you won’t be able to use some of the options outlined below. But if you know you’re
ready to leave should your group prove unwilling to accept a little creativity, you can take a firmer stand.

Step 2: Review Ground Rules

Next, review your group’s ground rules—that is, the set of understandings by which it operates. If your group has
made decisions about gaming, examine those decisions in detail. For example, your group may or may not have
specified a particular style or period of play. If you know that your group is interested only in modern games and
yet you suggest a fantasy or futuristic sci-fi campaign, you can expect some resistance.
Note the issues that have been addressed in your group’s decision-making and try to project how they might
interact with the changes you need to make in order to run the campaign you have in mind. At the very least, this
process will help you to frame your campaign within the group’s social contract.

Step 3: Identify Problems

The third step is to identify exactly which mechanics are causing the problem with your campaign idea. This step
requires a lot more than simply stating that a given character class does not fit within your campaign. You need to
sit down and examine the problem mechanic in depth so that you can explain why it doesn’t fit. Does the class you
don’t like have a particular ability that ruins your campaign concept? Or is it the class’s image that doesn’t work? In
the former case, your problem is with the crunchy part of the class; in the latter, it’s with the flavor or fluff. While
both are legitimate problems with the class, your response can differ based on the underlying cause. You couldn’t
fix the underlying crunch problem by altering the flavor, and vice versa. The more exact you can be
with your analysis, the simpler the next step becomes.

S t e p 4 : C o n s i d e r A lt e r n at i v e s
In this step, you must identify one or more ways to correct the problem with
the game system or mechanic—that is, invent some possible house rules
to cover the situation. Tailor these house rules to respond with surgical
precision to the exact needs you have identified. If you have a problem
with crunch, you need a mechanical fix; if the problem is with flavor,
you need to alter the offending descriptions or underlying assump-
Don’t be satisfied with your first attempt at a solution; try to
solve the problem in multiple ways. After you’re fresh out of al-
ternative solutions, select the one that you believe would best suit
your group. And make some notes on why you prefer this solution
over the others so that you can easily revisit the issue later on. Even
if you end up preferring the first solution you identified, taking the
time to work through a few others will make the next step that much

Step 5: Discuss New Mechanics

Now it’s time to “go live” with your campaign ideas by sharing them with your
group. Discuss your expectations and hopes for the group, as well as the players’
expectations and how your campaign idea meets them. Specify the exact issues that
require house rules and suggest the ones you found most suitable. Try to demonstrate your
enthusiasm for the ideas and give the players some sense of the effort you have already put forth to
bring those ideas to life. After you have put the issues on the table, move smoothly to the next step.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 27

S t e p 6 : P l ay e r I n p u t
Now it’s time to shut up and listen to the players’ re-
marks. If they have reservations about your ideas, try
to identify the underlying reasons. For example, does
one player simply love playing characters of the class
you have decided to forbid? Even if he doesn’t mention
his reasons for objecting, you might be able to pick
up clues as to the causes. In all fairness, the players
may not be able to articulate their reasons clearly at
this point—after all, they haven’t spent nearly as much
time as you have thinking about this issue. You can
help them somewhat by listening for clues and gently
probing for reasons, but give them time to think about
the overall picture. In time, they may identify their in-
dividual concerns and be able to address them clearly.

Step 7: Final Decision

Now that the issues and objections are out on the ta-
ble, you and your players should set up a timetable for
coming to a decision and agree on how that decision
will be made. Is unanimity or just majority consensus
required for implementation? How much time will be
allotted for discussion? If you plan to remain the DM
for this group regardless of the group’s decision, then
you’ll need time to put together an alternate campaign
idea if this one is rejected.

Once the group has reached a decision, you can move
forward. Review the issues you identified earlier in
conjunction with the group’s decision. If your idea was
rejected, will you continue to game with that group, or
move to another? Are you willing to run the campaign
for a second group, and if so, will you continue playing
with the first group concurrently? By identifying how
far you will go for your idea ahead of time, you can
save yourself a lot of angst at the crucial moment.
With enough preparation, the process of gener-
ating house rules for a new campaign should go fairly
smoothly, allowing you to introduce creative concepts
with a minimum of frustration and resistance. And
the more new ideas you bring to the table, the more
willing your group may become to try them.

Ramza Tyr recently moved to upstate New York to tack-

le a new project called home ownership. So far, he has
magically removed ancient wallpaper (with a home-
made elixir), painted more walls and ceilings than the
house appears to have (he still is not sure where some of
the walls went), pulled up wall-to-wall carpeting (which
was put in place using tacks of wounding), and refin-
ished the hardwood floors buried beneath (a task meant
for epic levels of home ownership). In between incredibly
short unpacking sessions, Ramza plays in two different
weekly online campaigns using Fantasy Grounds.

28 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

B y Dav e Pa u l ( V r e c k n i d j X )
One of the more unusual contests held during UnCon 2006
was the Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Costume Contest.
Though it garnered only a few entries, it was a spectacular ad-
dition to the UnCon lineup.

The Rules
The contest rules were simple and straightforward. “Just in
time for Halloween, choose a Dungeons & Dragons Minia-
ture from any set and dress yourself (or a willing model) to
look just like it. Then take a picture and post it to the desig-
nated thread.” Additional rules limited the selection to figures
from any of the sets that were in current or prior production at
the time, which negated any Blood War or Unhallowed entries.
Even so, entrants had more than 600 options from which to
Interestingly, the submitted photo was to be compared
only to the official Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Gallery
image—not to the actual figure. This rule forced the entrant to
strike a pose similar to that of the image to maximize resem-
blance. The judging was based on “overall similarity, creativity,
and display value.” This innovative contest got only four en-
tries, but all were exceptional.

Artemis Entreri
Gemini_Maxwell was the first to contribute, dressing as the
Artemis Entreri miniature from the Underdark set.

Cultist of the Dragon

The second contribution, by marley11, was the Cultist of the
Dragon miniature from the Archfiends collection. Posing next
to him in the photo is a dog dressed as the Winter Wolf minia-
ture from the Underdark set.

Frenzied Berserker
Illanir went all out with face paint, sword, and action pose to
mimic the Frenzied Berserker from the Aberrations set.

Finally, millerhero submitted a picture of himself as the Wraith
miniature from the Harbinger set. David Paul lives in lower southwestern Michigan with his wife,
two sons, two dogs, four cats, a few hundred RPG books, and
The Winner several thousand little plastic miniatures. He edited for Pencil
When the tallying was complete, it was marley11’s Cultist of Pushers Publishing, d20 Filtered, and Silven before joining
the Dragon submission that took the top prize. Perhaps the ad- the staff of Knowledge Arcana Magazine. When he’s not busy
dition of the “winter wolf ” was the key factor that set this one daydreaming or plotting the downfall of his own D&D players,
apart from the others. he teaches philosophy by night at a nearby university and
mathematics by day at a nearby private high school.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 29

B y B r a d l e y B u r n e t t ( A i u tau )
So you’d like to build your own deck—and maybe you’ve
Basic Statistics
Today’s first lesson is math, so get your pencils and calcu-
already tried a few builds—but you’re not confident that lators ready! Before you start assembling a deck, you first
you’re getting the most out of what you have. Welcome to need to figure out how many cards should be in it. Magic’s
Deckbuilding 101—a basic curriculum that shows you how governing body, the DCI, has decreed that a Constructed
to put together a playable deck and offers advice on evad- deck (that is, a deck constructed before you arrive at the
ing some of the problems that haunt novice deckbuilders. event) must contain no fewer than sixty cards (rule 121 of
If you take advantage of the information presented here, the Magic: the Gathering Floor Rules). Therefore, the savvy
you’ll soon be able to grind your friends into a pulp with deckbuilder uses no more than sixty cards. Why? The an-
your awesome new deck. swer is simple: statistics. The more cards you have in your
This course is divided into several different subject deck, the lower your chances of drawing the card you want
areas, each of which covers a vital part of the deckbuilding at any given time.
process. So without further ado, let’s get to class! Let’s look at an example to see the effect of statistics
on deck size.

30 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

Example: Fifth Turn (Upkeep) The Power of Four
Below is the situation during your upkeep on Turn 5. Statistics can also help you figure out how many of each card
you should put into in your deck. The more copies of any
given card you have in your deck, the better the chances that
You you can draw that card in a timely fashion.
Cards in Hand: Plains x2, Suntail Hawk. Rule 121 also stipulates that, outside of basic Land,
Permanents in Play: Plains x4, Courier Hawk, you can have no more than four of any given card in your
Isamaru, Hound of Konda. combined deck and sideboard (counted by English card ti-
Life: 13. tles). That restriction forms the foundation of your strategy
for deciding how many of each card to include.
Your Opponent Let’s revisit the example from above. We already fig-
Cards in Hand: 3. ured out the chance of drawing a Wrath of God on your next
Permanents in Play: Stomping Ground, Kar- draw if you have three left in your library, but what happens
plusan Forest, Forest, Mountain, Kird Ape, if you have more or fewer than three?
Scab-Clan Mauler (with Bloodthirst trig-
gered), Dryad Sophisticate, Burning-Tree Example: Wrath of God Draw Revisited
Shaman. Below are the percentage chances for drawing a Wrath of
Life: 17. God card with more or fewer than three in your library.

• One Wrath of God in Library: 2.04% (sixty-card deck)

• Two Wrath of God in Library: 4.08% (sixty-card deck)
You know you have four Wrath of God cards in your • Four Wrath of God in Library: 8.16% (sixty-card deck)
library somewhere, and if you don’t draw one, you’re going
lose in a couple of turns. What are your chances of drawing Based on those results, the best chance of drawing a Wrath
a Wrath of God this turn, assuming you started with seven of God on your next draw is to have four Wrath of God
cards in your hand, drew a card during the draw phase of cards in your library with a sixty-card deck.
each of your previous turns, played second and therefore

following these formulas may result in

headaches, neck cramps, and/or beebles
Not only does the power of four allow you to draw
drew a card your first turn, and have drawn no other cards? a certain card more consistently, but you can also use it to
With a sixty-card deck, you have a 6.12% chance to draw a figure out which cards you don’t need to draw as regularly.
Wrath of God; with an eighty-card deck, your chance drops
Oftentimes, you won’t have nice, even numbers of cards that
to 4.35%.
add up to sixty when you’re trying to build a deck. So if you
To calculate the chance of drawing any given card, you
can’t make a sixty-card deck with four copies of every card,
can simply use the following formula.
use the figures you obtain from the above calculations to de-
termine which cards you can afford to draw less often. Then
use that information to cut your deck back to sixty cards.
% chance = x/y*100
where x = the number of Wrath of God cards in
your library, and y = the number of cards left in C o u r s e S u m m a rY
your library. Knowing how your deck is likely to react throughout the
game puts you at a great advantage and makes you less de-
pendant on random chance. The old adage that luck favors
To calculate how many cards are left in your library those who are prepared was never more true than it is here,
(y) use the following formula. and statistics can help ensure that you are prepared. Simply
put, consistency wins.

Y = C - (a + b)
where c = the original number of cards in your
deck, a = the number of cards in your start-
ing hand, and b = the number of cards you have
drawn so far.

The difference between 6% and 4% is not that great,

but when the win is on the line, you need to seize every
advantage you can.
Creative Writing
The next portion of the course involves some creativity. If
larly ridiculous bit of overkill. But such win conditions are
unnecessarily complex and require copious amounts of
mana to pull off. Coalition Victory is a good example—sure,
you think of your deck as though it were a story, you can it’ll win you the game, but if you have enough mana, crea-
draw a number of useful parallels. tures, and land in play to use it, you should’ve won the game
Plot Development Can Something Else Do the Job Better?
Your plotline for this card-based story is the actual content A lot of new players gravitate toward needlessly big crea-
of your deck. After deciding how many cards to include and tures. Sure, that 11/11 brute looks sexy, but against a good
how many copies of each, you need to think about how you deck, you’ll lose before you can get it into play. In most cas-
want the game to proceed. Once you know what kind of es, you can find more efficient creatures that do a better job
game you want to play, you’ll have a good idea which cards than that large beatstick you can’t play until the late game.
are most appropriate. And the longer you must wait to get your win condition into
play, the longer your opponent has to find an answer to it.
T h e M a i n C h a r ac t e r
Now that you have a general idea what you want to do with E v e ry H e ro N e e d s a S i d e k i c k
your deck, it’s time to define the main character of your No matter how efficient your win condition is, you still need
story—namely, your win condition. Too many decks fail a way to support it if it’s answered. Combo players gener-
because the builders neglected this most important step. If ally have ways to dig through their libraries so that they can
your win condition is weak or inefficient, your whole deck is find their combo pieces quicker, and methods of ensuring
likely to be a failure, no matter how solid it seems. Below are that their pieces get through. Aggro players often use tar-
some questions to ask yourself about your win condition. geted damage spells to get through those pesky blockers
How Hard Is It to Cast? while they attack with their creatures. A control player, on
When choosing a win condition, you need to consider the the other hand, typically has a nice creature in reserve to
difficulty of using and maintaining it. Force of Nature, for finish off that helpless opponent. Good decks support their
example, is a really big creature that just screams “Smash win conditions.
face!” However, it’s also very mana-intensive. Not only do
its casting and upkeep cost a lot, but it also requires a heavy S tay i n g o n P l o t
investment in green mana. Thus, Force of Nature isn’t the It’s all too easy to lose focus while creating your deck. To
best win condition. make sure you can keep your eyes on the prize, take a mo-
ment now and then to remind yourself of your plotline—
How Often Does It Happen? that is, the game you have in mind. Every card should work
This question is particularly important when you’re dealing toward that goal. Sure, Fog might help you on occasion
with a combo—that is, a win condition consisting of two when facing a massive swarm of creatures, but how often
or more cards. A large, cumbersome combo that requires does that happen? hat happens if you draw your Fog when
three, four, or maybe even five cards can turn into a prob- you’re not facing a creature-based deck?
lem very quickly. Sure, that four-card combo might stop any Cards are by far the most important resource in the
deck in its tracks, but how often will you be able to get all game. And considering that each card usually equates to an
four cards out in time? In Magic, cards equal turns, and lots entire turn, it makes no sense to waste your precious draws
of combinations just don’t work because they take too long on cards that don’t advance your game plan. So ask yourself
to assemble. whether you’d rather draw a card that might help you draw
Will It Actually Win? the card you really need, or just draw the card you really
This issue is also a critical consideration when your win con- need. Cutting dead weight from your deck allows you to
dition is a combo. New players often have grandiose ideas, draw your win conditions; whereas cards such as Fog re-
but they sometimes don’t stop to ask themselves whether ally only delay your impending doom—after all, if you were
their choices can really win the game. Sure, creating “infi- losing before you played Fog, you’ll be losing after you play
nite” mana might look pretty cool, but unless you have an it, too. Staying focused in the deckbuilding process wins
actual win condition, all the mana in the world won’t help games.
C o u r s e S u m m a ry
Do You Really Need That Much? Having the right cards in your deck goes a long way toward
Newer players—and even some veterans—often fall victim making it a winner. An effective win condition, a solid base
to the desire to “win bigger.” Sure, you can make a combo of support cards, and a strong focus on your goal are your
that will destroy all your opponent’s permanents in play, three greatest tools for building a competitive deck, so pay
then defeat him with 1,000 creature tokens, or some simi- attention to all three.

32 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

Basic Geology
Now that you know which cards to put in your deck and
Azorius Ascendant
The colored mana cost of each card is given with
how many of each you’re going to use, you’re ready to tackle it in parentheses.
one of the biggest problems in deckbuilding—your mana
base. If you put too many Lands in a deck, you may draw 3x Beacon Hawk (1W)
too many. On the other hand, if you put too few Lands in 2x Mistral Charger (1W)
your deck, you may not draw enough to win the game. 2x Benevolent Ancestor (2W)
So how many Lands should a deck have? While dif- 3x Soulsworn Jury (2W)
ferent decks do call for different amounts of Land, a good 2x Stoic Ephemera (2W)
rule of thumb is to play with twenty-three of those cards. 1x Wakestone Gargoyle (3W)
Occasionally you may want to run fewer than twenty-three 1x Paladin of Prahv (4WW)
Lands, particularly if you’re using alternative mana sources, 3x Tidewater Minion (3UU)
but twenty-three is a good starting point. 1x Zephyr Spirit (5U)
2x Azorius First-Wing (1WU)
Composition of the Land 2x Sky Hussar (3WU)
The next question is which specific Land cards your deck 1x Isperia the Inscrutable (1WWUU)
should contain. In a mono-colored deck, the answer is pret- 2x Minister of Impediments (2W/U*)
ty simple—you should have about twenty-three Lands that 1x Azorius Guildmage (W/U W/U*)
produce mana, and up to three of those can be utility lands 1x To Arms! (1W)
such as Boseiju, Who Shelters All, and Mikokoro, Center of 1x Steeling Stance (1WW)
the Sea. But what if your deck has more than one color? 1x Faith’s Fetters (3W)
Opinions differ about how to divvy the Lands in a bi- 1x Sinstriker’s Will (3W)
colored deck, but all agree on one point—a solid mana base 1x Halcyon Glaze (1UU)
(that is, all the mana sources in your deck) is the single most 2x Ocular Halo (3U)
important ingredient. And the harder a card is to cast, the 2x Plumes of Peace (1WU)
more colored Land you need in your deck to support it. 1x Palliation Accord (3WU)

Count Your Colors *Ravnica, Guildpact, and Dissension have new “hybrid” mana.
A card with hybrid mana can be played with either color noted.
When trying to figure out how much Land you need in a
certain color, it helps to map out how much colored mana
each card in your deck requires. For an example, let’s look
at the theme deck Azorius Ascendant from the Dissension Thus, Beacon Hawk would cost W, Zephyr Spirit would
set. The box shows how the deck breaks down, excluding cost U, and Sky Hussar would cost WU.
the mana base. Now add the converted numbers for all the cards in
To figure out how much colored mana this deck re- your deck, separated by colors. For this deck, the total is
quires, you need only look at the colored mana on each 33W 24U. Now you have a rough idea of how much colored
card. A card with hybrid mana costs one of each mana col- mana your deck requires. To convert this amount to actual
or noted. For example, Azorius Guild Mage costs WWUU. numbers, use the following formulas.

The formula to find out the percentage of each converted colored mana
your deck contains (a) is

(x/y)*100 = a
where x = the converted number of colored mana your deck requires,
and y = the total converted number of colored mana your deck re-
quires. Thus, in the example above, the percentage of W would be
(33/57)*100 = 57.9%
With this percentage (a), you can find out how many Lands of each
type you need in your deck (c) by using the following formula.

ab/100 = c
where b = the number of lands in your deck (23 usually). In the above
example, the number of W Lands should be .579(23) = 13.3
The formula gives 13.3 Lands, but you can’t have 0.3 Two-for-One
Lands in your deck, so you round down to 13. If the decimal The nonbasic Lands that prove most useful for deckbuild-
is 0.4 or higher for a color in your deck, round up. And if ing are those that can produce more than one colored mana
you have 13W, then by definition you need 10U (23 - 13 = each. While these “dual” Lands are generally expensive, it’s
10). So your deck should include: wise to invest in a few if you’re having problems with your
mana base because they can help to smooth it out.
13x Plains
10x Islands Swiss Army Knife
Another type of nonbasic Land that you might want to in-
The mana base for the actual theme deck is as follows. clude is the so-called utility Land. Simply put, a utility Land
produces mana and also has a beneficial activated ability.
12x Plains Such Lands can have very powerful effects—from destroy-
9x Island ing other Lands (Strip Mine and Wasteland) to creating
2x Azorius Chancery creatures (Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree). But while utility
1x Prahv, Spires of Order Lands tend to be quite beneficial, make sure you don’t use
too many because they typically generate colorless mana,
This breakdown is very close to our result of 13 Plains and if you don’t have enough Lands generating colored
and 10 Islands, though the builder decided to add two lands mana, your deck will end up with mana problems.
that use both white and blue mana, and one utility land.
When Less Is More
Advanced Geology
Now that you know what it takes to make a successful Land
Lands aren’t the only cards that generate mana. Certain
creatures, sorceries, and instants can do so as well. By add-
ing these alternate mana sources to your deck, you can de-
base, let’s talk about two other issues involved in building crease the overall Land count required. However, an alter-
a good mana base—nonbasic Lands and alternative mana nate mana-generator does not take the place of a Land on a
sources. one-for-one basis. So to guard against putting too few Lands
in your deck, decrease your Land count by only one for each
Nonbasic Composition three or four alternate mana sources you add. If you find
According to rule 205.4 of the Magic: the Gathering Com- you need more mana after playing, readjust accordingly.
prehensive Rulebook, any Land with the supertype “basic”
(that is, any Land card with “Basic Land” printed in the C o u r s e S u m m a ry
type line) is a basic Land. In fact, however, the supertype You can’t get very far in Magic without a stable, consistent
“basic” was not used until Eighth Edition. Any card named mana base. The formulas given here can help you find a
Forest, Island, Mountain, Plains, Swamp, Snow-Covered starting point for your mana base, but nothing replaces ex-
Forest, Snow-Covered Island, Snow-Covered Mountain, perience. Building the proper mana base is an art form, and
Snow-Covered Plains, or Snow-Covered Swamp from a set doing it well takes a lot of practice.
released before Eighth Edition is a basic Land. You can check your success on an ongoing basis sim-
Any Land (other than the above) without the basic ply by paying attention to your games. Do you consistently
supertype is, by definition, a nonbasic Land. This kind of get too few Lands, or too many? Take care of your mana base
card, when used correctly, can be very helpful in building a and readjust constantly to keep it healthy because without
strong, cohesive mana base. mana, all the threats in the world won’t help you.

34 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

Physical Education
This portion of the course is dedicated to maintaining a
healthy supply of life points.

Wa r m i n g Up
The importance of life cannot be underestimated, primarily
because most Magic games end when one player reaches 0
life points. But life is a plentiful resource that may also be
valuable in other ways. After all, you start the game with no
permanents in play and only seven cards in your hand, but
20 life points. What if you could use that resource to your
advantage in a more direct way?

N o Pa i n , N o G a i n
Many powerful, rare cards are undervalued because they
require you to spend life points. But what many newer play- game should be over before your opponent has a chance to
ers fail to realize is that in Magic, all that matters is that cast anything bigger than a creature with 4 toughness.
you have 1 or more life points. Guarding and hoarding your When deciding whether to make the sacrifice re-
life points is still a good idea, since they are all that stands quired to cast Char, ask yourself whether that 4 toughness
between you and certain defeat, but you can also gain an critter can deal more than 2 damage to you if you let it hang
advantage by learning to expend them in a wise manner. around for a few turns. Most of the time, the answer is yes.
So although 2 damage is 1/10 of your life total, it’s better to
Ouch, That Was Painful! cut your losses early than take 4, 6, or maybe even 8 damage
Among the oldest and best examples of cards that use life by that creature before you can finally find an answer to it.
as an advantage are the so-called Painlands, which de-
buted in the Ice Age expansion. These five cards (Adarkar C o u r s e S u m m a ry
Wastes, Brushland, Karplusan Forest, Sulfurous Springs, Life is a vital resource in Magic, but it’s also one of the most
and Underground River) along with their newer brethren plentiful resources. Thus, you can use it to advance your
(Apocalypse’s Battlefield Forge, Caves of Koilos, Llanowar plan by playing powerful cards early and wisely. So don’t au-
Wastes, Shivan Reef, and Yavimaya Coast) each allow you tomatically disregard a card for your build because it might
to generate one colorless mana or one of two different types subtract a couple of life points from your total.
of colored mana for the price of 1 life. That cost may sound
like a rather large drawback, and indeed in the late stages of
the game, it can be a hefty price to pay for flexibility. But it
isn’t in the late game that these lands shine.
Have you ever found yourself hoping to play that Kird
The final lesson of this course is one of the most impor-
Ape on your first turn, only to find that you had drawn tant—card advantage. This resource, more than all others,
nothing but Forests? And what about playing your Scab- affects the economics of your deckbuilding.
Clan Mauler—or even a Burning-Tree Shaman—with noth-
ing but Mountains? With Karplusan Forest, any of these
problems can be solved by paying a single life. These lands
B u i l d i n g a S t ro n g E c o n o m y
The most important resources in a game of Magic are your
really shine in the early game, at a time when you can afford
cards. After all, you can’t do much with no cards in your
the loss of life in order to apply pressure to your opponent.
hand, and if you have no cards in your library, you’ll lose
Don’t Burn Yourself the game the next time you have to draw. During play, a
A more recent card that is consistently undervalued because whole turn can boil down to which card you draw—and you
it requires sacrificing a couple of life points is Ravnica’s wouldn’t want to waste a turn. So when building your deck,
Char. What makes this card so good? First off, it’s instant you need to consider how your cards will affect the number
speed. More and more these days, good targeted removal of cards in your hand and your opponent’s.
is at Sorcery speed, limited in targets, or costs too much to
be worth playing. Targeted damage that is both instant and A d va n c i n g t h e C a r d C o u n t
efficient is pretty much unheard of anymore. Card advantage wins games. If you can force your opponent
Secondly, Char deals a hefty amount of damage—so to use more cards to neutralize a threat than you played to
much, in fact, that creatures capable of surviving it are few create it, you’ve won a small battle. Similarly, if you lose mul-
and far between. Char’s 4 damage is a lot for any creature tiple cards to one opponent spell, your back is really against
to deal with, and red decks are aggressive enough that the the wall. Thus, the interaction between your cards and your

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 35

Wrath of God is one of the best examples of card ad-
vantage. My opponent played it, destroyed all our creatures
(he had three in play), and eventually won that game. Why?
Because his Wrath of God set me back five turns. Not only
did he use one fewer card than I did (discarding four of his
cards and five of mine), he also took away five potential win
conditions. With that one card, he wiped out several turns’
worth of cards and planning, all because he neutralized my
threat with a lower net loss than I had.

A N e g at i v e A u r a
Another major source of card disadvantage that looks good
on the surface is auras—more specifically, auras that affect
your own creatures positively. New players in particular
seem to have a love affair with auras, and many can’t resist
the urge to improve their own creatures by placing one aura
after another on them. Sure, auras can make the smallest
creature a beatstick, but only at a high card advantage cost.
Auras are exceedingly fragile for two reasons—they
opponent’s is critical. Let’s look at a few examples of card are enchantments, and they end whenever the creatures
interaction to see whether they produce card advantage. they enchant leave play. If your opponent plays a card that
destroys all enchantments, the aura’s gone. If he bounces the
A Mind-Bending Experience
affected creature back to its owner’s hand, the aura is gone.
A thread on the Magic: the Gathering boards recently asked
If he kills the creature, its aura is gone. The game just has too
what the best possible opening hand would be. Some good
many ways to get rid of an aura.
suggestions were posted, but one in particular was notewor-
The fragile nature of auras becomes most problematic
thy. Someone had suggested the following hand: Swamp x2,
when your opponent destroys a creature of yours that car-
Dark Ritual x4, and Mind Twist.
ries one. For example, if you have a Tin-Street Hooligan en-
The person who posed this hand claimed that it was
chanted with Galvanic Arc, and your opponent casts Char
great because it would cause your opponent to discard his
the Hooligan, both your creature and the aura are destroyed
entire hand. That might be true, but would you fare any bet-
by a single card.
ter? You’re using six cards to make your opponent discard
seven. While it will leave your opponent with an empty
hand, it also leaves you with very few options. So consider C o u r s e S u m m a ry
how many cards the hand leaves you with before commit- Card advantage can make or break your game, so it pays to
ting to the concept. keep it in mind while creating your deck. Staying away from
auras and not putting yourself into positions that cause you
Just Say No to lose card advantage can go a long way in helping your
Arcane Denial is another one of those tricky cards that, at deck become successful.
first glance, looks like it might be a good value. Sure, your
opponent gets to draw two cards, but his card was coun-
tered, so he really gets only one extra card. And since you
get an extra card too, you’re both even, right?
Class Dismissed
Creating a deck can be a daunting task, but the more you
Wrong. A lot of newer players gravitate to cards such practice, the easier it becomes. By remembering these few
as this one because they forget that playing Arcane Denial simple lessons, you can build more successful decks and
costs you a card, too. So while your opponent gets a “free” avoid the pitfalls that some new players encounter. And just
card to go along with the the replacement for the card you building the deck isn’t enough; you have to keep re-evaluat-
countered, you get back only one card to replace the one ing it in play. If you lose consistently, try to figure out why.
you used to counter your opponent’s card. Arcane Denial is By reflecting on your successes and setbacks, you can pin-
card disadvantage in a nice, neat little package. point which facets of your deck need work.
In fact, all decks are works in progress. As long as you
Incurring His Wrath have fun and keep playing, your deck can only get better.
There I was, in Game Three of a best-of-three set. I was in a
solid position with my aggressive green-and-red deck. I had Bradley Burnett lives in Austin, Texas. When not playing
five creatures in play, and my opponent was low on life. But Magic: the Gathering, surfing Wizards’ boards, or watching
just as I was about to win, my opponent drew the only card his beloved Longhorns, he trains in martial arts and works in
that could save him: Wrath of God. the retail sector.
By Michael Bastian (Ulthanash)
Collecting and playing Star Wars Minis (SWM) is among the best ways to bring
the excitement of the Star Wars experience into your own home. But choosing min-
is for your collection can be a daunting task. Fortunately, reviews of new and existing
sets can help crystallize your goals and customize your collection so that it performs in
the ways you want it to.

If you’re new to the game and want some general thoughts and ideas on each miniature—or if
you’re a veteran player just looking for other opinions—read on! The following are my own impres-
sions, so feel free to disagree—just say why! Comments are always welcome and appreciated.

Rebel Storm Rebels

The following minis are from the Rebel Storm set. The picture, name, and statistics of each mini are given first,
followed by some comments on their advantages and disadvantages.

Bothan Spy 7 pts

HP 10
DEF 11
DMG 10
Special Abilities:
Grenades 10

This guy is the cheapest grenadier in the game right now. and defense. Unfortunately, the squads that offer good
Grenades isn’t exactly the best ability available, but it can opportunities to make use of Grenades are few and far
come in handy—particularly when facing opponents that between—though the Bothan Spy can also combine fire.
use formations (such as Padme squads and Figrin Dan’s On the minus side, however, its low defense pretty much
Wheelbike/Wat Tambor/Med droid). Since the Grenades guarantees a kill if it is targeted by any but the most inept
ability does not require attack rolls, it ignores Bodyguard attacker.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 37

mowing down stormtroopers
and putting the smackdown
C-3P0 6 pts on Emperor Palpatine and
Darth Sidious). Thus, lots of
HP 30 players tend to choose other
DEF 15 models over him because they
perform a specific duty bet-
ATK 0 ter. Rebel Hero Chewie is a lot
more robust than this older
DMG 0 version, but RS Chewie can
Special Abilities: still fill a niche or two. Gen-
Draw Fire erally, though, RH Chewie is
Droid a better buy if you want the
Unique walking carpet.

Draw Fire is one of the best abilities

with which to combat Accurate Shot,
and it also provides decent protection Commando on Speeder Bike 21 pts
against other forms of attack. But C- HP 30
3PO’s defense isn’t high enough to
protect him from most minis with DEF 15
Accurate Shot, and he has only 30 HP.
Still, can you really do better for only
6 points? DMG 20
You can always pair C-3PO
Special Abilities:
with R2, who can use his Repair abil-
ity to keep his pal around longer. Accelerate
Rebel Hero Chewie can also heal C- Flight
3PO, but putting these two together Strafe Attack
in a squad is rather redundant unless
you want some serious defense.

Chewbacca 24 pts
HP 100
DEF 17
The good news is that this guy isn’t likely to be attacked un-
ATK 8 til after he unleashes his own Strafe Attack. The bad news
is that he probably won’t last long thereafter. Speeder bikes
DMG 20 can be nuisances against melee-heavy squads and can even
Special Abilities: rack up some serious kills against horde squads. But all it
Cleave takes is a couple of shots to bring this rather fragile and ex-
Momentum pensive mini down. Thus, it’s often best to hold these guys
Unique in reserve until the right moment arises.

For 24 points, Rebel Storm Chewie is a steal. He has great

HP and a good enough attack and defense to stay in the
game and remain a threat. Furthermore, his Momentum
ability can add a lot of power at the right moment. Cleave
is a situational ability, but with the right maneuvering, it
can be devastating to clusters of lesser enemies, so it’s worth
getting if you have enough points left over. Chewie’s only
downside is that he has no real specialty (except maybe

38 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

Elite Hoth Trooper 12 pts Han Solo 28 pts
HP 30 HP 80
DEF 16 DEF 17
DMG 20 DMG 20
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
Accurate Shot
Cunning Attack
This fellow is the best grunt Unique
trooper the Rebels have to offer, Force Point: 1
but you pay for what you get. The
Elite Hoth Trooper is all stats Han Solo used to be the Rebels’
and no fancy stuff—a good solid bread-and-butter shooter. His
mini who can hold his own pretty Accurate Shot ability is simply
well compared to the other Elites awesome, and when he uses it
of the Empire. He’s not quite as with Cunning Attack, he can be
good as the Elite Snowtrooper, absolutely devastating. Com-
but what mini is? bined with Senator Leia, this
mini can prove to be a thorn
in the side of the typical squad.
Han Solo is a little fragile, but
Elite Rebel Trooper 7 pts he costs only 28 points, so his
death doesn’t have to mean the end of your squad. And be-
HP 20 cause he has a Force point, he can benefit from Force Spirit
DEF 13 and make a crucial reroll on those must-make shots. This
version of Han is a really cheap Accurate Shot user, and I
ATK 7 have a feeling his full utility may not yet be obvious.
DMG 10
Special Abilities: Hoth Trooper 7 pts
HP 20
Elite Rebel Troopers die practically as quickly as normal DEF 15
Rebel Troopers do, but they have a couple more attacks.
It’s hard to say whether that benefit is worth 2 more points.
These minis have their uses, but you could probably find DMG 10
something better for 7 points.
Special Abilities:

My This mini is a step up from the

blue shirt is Rebel Trooper, but he’s not a
red in spirit! whole lot better. He’s a better
buy than the Elite Rebel Troop-
er, but only just. Furthermore,
he has 20 HP, so most decent
shooters can drop him in one
hit. All in all, he’s rather medi-
ocre, and you could probably
find better ways to invest your

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 39

Rebel Luke is actually prefer-
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight 27 pts able to Jedi Luke most of the
time. Some Rebel squads are
HP 90 made up of many relatively
cheap unique miniatures—a
DEF 18 fact that gives Rebel Luke lots
ATK 10 of Impulsive Shots. However,
he has low HP for his cost, so
DMG 20 be careful when using him.
Special Abilities: As with Han, you want to use
Double Attack Rebel Luke’s Force points for
Melee Attack crucial shots.

Force Points: 3 Obi-Wan Kenobi 38 pts

Force Leap HP 100
Lightsaber Sweep
DEF 19
Jedi Luke is really worthwhile
only because of the faction to
ATK 14
which he belongs. The Rebels DMG 20
have only two beatsticks, and
Special Abilities:
he’s the cheaper version. Jedi
Luke is probably slightly over- Double Attack
priced, and his Force powers Melee Attack
aren’t that fancy. Force Leap is Unique
handy for getting away from big
triple attackers, and this mini is Force Points: 5
probably the best candidate for Force Heal 20
Obi’s Force Renewal outside Force Spirit 8
of Aurra, Rebel Hero Han, or Lightsaber Sweep
Luke on Tauntaun. This mini
is worth getting only if you’re The most expensive Rebel,
playing rebels and looking for a Obi-Wan is the second beat-
cheap beatstick—and then only stick in the Rebel arsenal, and
because of the lack of choice. the better value of the pair. He
would be a lot more impor-
tant, however, if his faction in-
Luke Skywalker, Rebel 17 pts cluded more minis with better
Force powers. The best options
HP 40 are Han (both versions), Jedi
Luke, Luke on Tauntaun, and
DEF 17 Aurra Sing. With a little sup-
ATK 7 port, Obi-Wan can stand up to
some of the pricier minis, and
DMG 20 if he falls, you get a nice bonus.
Special Abilities: It’s best to go through his Force
Impulsive Shot points rather quickly, since he seems to be used as a sacrifi-
Unique cial lamb more often than not. Nevertheless, he’s an impor-
tant mini in this faction—and a potentially awesome one if
Force Points: 2 the future holds a more utilitarian Force user that can ben-
efit from Force Spirit—such as Dagobah Yoda, perhaps?

40 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

image copyright brian vargas (
Princess Leia, Captive 13 pts
HP 60
DEF 13
DMG 10
Special Abilities:
Melee Attack

Force Points: 2

Captive Leia may be one of

the most useless very rare
miniatures in the game.
The best thing she has go-
ing for her is her 60 HP, but
with such a low defense,
she tends to burn through
them quickly. Maybe if she
weren’t limited to melee
only, or could deal 20 dam-
age, or had a cool Force
power, or Bodyguard, or Draw Fire, she’d be worthwhile.
Since she doesn’t have any of those advantages, she’s little
more than a novelty. And her abilities look even worse next
to those of Senator Leia.

Princess Leia, Senator 13 pts

HP 40
DEF 15
DMG 10
Special Abilities:
Force Point: 1
Commander Effect:
Each follower that ends its move within 6 squares of this
character can move 2 extra squares at the end of its turn.

Senator Leia has one of the few Rebel commander effects,

and it’s a doozey. If you want an effective squad, try combin-
ing this little lady with R2, Han, Boba, or some other decent
mini. Hit-and-run is the name of the Rebels’ game, and Sen-
You’ve captured
ator Leia’s friends can run circles around the enemy. With
R2 on the team, her squad can not only hole up in a room
my stunt double!
and snipe without getting shot, but also keep locking and
unlocking doors, thereby forcing the opponent to split his
forces. It’s too bad the Universe Leia isn’t quite as useful.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 41

R2-D2 8 pts Rebel Commando 14 pts
HP 30 HP 40
DEF 17 DEF 15
DMG 0 DMG 10
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
Droid Grenades 10
Override Stealth
Repair 10
This guy used to be a really good
mini for the Rebel side, and he’s
Welcome to Controversy Town still pretty cool, but you don’t
(population R2)! R2’s Override see him very often now. With
may be the cheapest useful ability the Accurate Shot ability in use
in the game. Essentially, it allows all the time, his Stealth doesn’t
you to win by decision—by locking help him as much as it used
you and your squad in a one-door to. His Grenades ability isn’t
room and throwing away the key— as useful as it once was either,
after you’ve sniped some poor mini since most players don’t pack
on the other guy’s team. The damage inflicted by this one large numbers of minis togeth-
ability in the tournaments was so great that they changed er anymore. He is, however, the
it to Gambit Format—all because of this little astromech only mini that can benefit from both of Xizor’s commander
(both versions of him). This R2 is definitely undercost- effects. In certain circumstances, the Rebel Commando can
ed—though not as badly as his cousin, the R2 astromech still be a pretty awesome tactical unit, but for 14 points, us-
from Revenge of the Sith. For a mere 8 points, the Over- ing him is sort of a gamble.v
ride ability alone provides awesome battlefield control.
This little guy is money in the bank, and he should be
able to find a place in any squad without much wringing
of hands because he can provide so many benefits. He can
Rebel Officer 13 pts
lock your enemies out, or shut them up in a room. He can HP 30
open a door without a door opener, or shut a door on an
enemy firing squad. In a pinch, he can even repair a droid DEF 15
or two. Furthermore, he doubles as a conversation piece: ATK 5
“Should we ban R2?”
“No, nerf Override!” DMG 10
“No, change the game format!” Special Abilities:
“No, ban doors!”
“No, BLAH BLAH BLAH!” Commander Effect:
R2 is probably one of the top ten minis in the game Each nonunique follower within 6 squares of this char-
right now, so get used to seeing him. acter gains +2 Attack.

The Rebel Officer is a gem in the rough.

His commander effect, which works
on all nonunique followers (including
both Rebels and Fringe), does not im-
pose the limits on movement that the
Clone Trooper or Stormtrooper Offi-
cer’s commander effect does. Thus, the
Rebel Officer comes in quite handy for
hit-and-run squads and remains one of
the better nonunique Rebels available.
r2 singles

42 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

Rebel Trooper 5 pts Wookiee Soldier 7 pts
HP 10 HP 30
DEF 13 DEF 12
DMG 10 DMG 10
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
Melee Attack
The Rebel Trooper is probably
your best buy for a cheap, non- With 30 HP each, these Wookiees
melee Rebel character—except make nice meat shields, but their low
for the Bespin Guard, or a Jawa defense means they’ll be lost pretty
if you’re facing droids—both of quickly. Cleave gives them an advan-
which might be better choices tage against hordes, but hordes aren’t
in many cases. But don’t expect very common. Though Wookiee Sol-
much from these guys—they’re diers can make a pretty cool unit, you
good only for plinking away at might want to find some other minis
bigger characters, getting shot, to invest your points in.
or combining fire with someone
more important (almost everyone else in the game). Stor-
Michael Bastian is Knowledge Arcana’s SWM Community
mtroopers, with their 3 extra defense and one fewer attack,
Editor. He plays a variety of games and contributes to boards
are way better than these morons in their big dome hats.
discussions about all of them on the Wizards of the Coast
website and elsewhere.

image copyright felix rios (

everyone’s armed to the teeth: guns, blasters,
lightsabers, and c-3po’s patented “diplomatic wave”

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 43

By Anthony Baxter
( M ta l m u z i c fa n )
The new Wizards of the Coast game Dreamblade splashed
onto the gaming scene at GenCon Indianapolis in August
2006. Its action takes place in the ever-shifting land of
dreams, where monsters and madmen spawned from the
depths of human imagination battle ceaselessly for domi-
nation of the Dreamscape.

The Basics
The game features four predominant factions, or aspects
of the subconscious: Valor, Fear, Madness and Passion.
The creatures that embody these aspects are put into play
by Dreamlords—trained psychics who seek to gain con-
trol over the Dreamscape.
Dreamblade combines the strategic elements of
more traditional miniatures games (such as DDM, AAM, With its unique blend of system mechanics and its a
and SWM) with the random elements of TCGs (such as quick and simple setup element, this game is a sure win-
Magic: the Gathering). To help streamline play, the sta- ner. Fast-paced and easy to learn, Dreamblade neverthe-
tistics and special abilities of each larger-than-normal less has extreme “replay” value.
miniature (40mm scale) are printed on its base, so that
players need not refer to rulebooks or cheat sheets dur- Aspects of the Unexplored
ing play. The UnCon 2006 Dreamblade art contest sparked a great
The fate of the warring factions id determined by deal of interest. The ground rules specified that each en-
both the tactics of the Dreamlords (that is, the players) try must be an original piece of art representing one of
and rolls of the customized dice. Die rolls determine not the four aspects of the game. Each aspect had two catego-
only who wins skirmishes, but also who can spawn more ries—one for contestants 16 and over, and one for those
creatures into the Dreamscape. 15 and under. Contestants could submit multiple entries.

44 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

A panel consisting of Wizards of the Coast staff
members and WizOs, each of whom had a background in Madness
art, jointly handled the judging. Using a rubric, the judges 15 and under
chose not only a winner within each age group for each Brokenkey
aspect, but also a best overall entry for each age group. (Shadow Hound)
Two special Dreamlord titles were awarded as well. 16 and over
Fear (Embrace the Madness)
Fear, an enemy of Valor, features creatures that resort to
otherworldly tactics to conquer their enemies. Fear crea-
tures often travel in large groups and work together to
overwhelm their opposition, using tricks and subterfuge
Va l o r
15 and under
to gain the advantage in battle.
Madness (Ancient Guardian)
Madness has a habit of creeping up quietly, then swal- 16 and over
lowing its victims whole while their companions watch Redlettertom
in horror. Driven ever forward by the thirst for knowl- (Noble Simian)
edge and the urging of unseen voices, creatures of Mad-
ness are watched warily by all—even their allies.
Passion 15 and under
Passion, an enemy of Fear, encompasses weaker creatures Detektor
that seem weaker than those of the other aspects. But (Queen Sphirrag)
these creatures make up for their lack of strength by tap- 16 and over
ping into their primal energy, unleashing more power and Furious D 18
spawning still larger creatures. (Terror’s Retribution)
Creatures spawned within the aspect of Valor tend to be
pugnacious and stubborn, but they are also intelligent Pa s s i o n
enough to get themselves (and their allies) into fighting 15 and under
position. Some valorous creatures are also quite capable of No submissions
defending others, proving that bravery is not always about 16 and over
charging straight to the heart of the fight. Jenkiis
(The Crying Queen)
The Winners
Plenty of interesting entries were submitted, and the judg- Best Overall
es had tough choices. In addition, an honorable mention 15 and under
Dreamlord title was awarded to Kywyn who, although Jenkiis
not eligible for the contest because of his location, shared (Charon’s Lantern)
some wonderful artwork with the community. 16 and over
S u c c u m b i n g t o Fa n ta s Y (The Madness of
Now that you are a little more familiar with the basic Madness)
concepts of the game, it’s time for you to go your FLGS
and indulge your curiosity. If nothing else, check out the
online Dreamblade demo, which is available on the main Dreamlord
Dreamblade page, and become part of the virtual Dream- Redlettertom
scape. C’mon—you know you want to. (for positive and useful
feedback to most of the
Anthony has been playing M:tG since October of 2003, and other contestants)
he has recently taken an interest in Dreamblade and the
now defunct Hecatomb TCG. He is the Dreamblade Com-
munity Editor and enjoys playing both MtG and Dream-
blade in his spare time.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 45

By George LeStrange (Georgelestrange) The 6-inch drop from the doorway took me by sur-
illustrations by herman lau prise, and I confess to emitting an undignified yelp when
my foot did not find the floor where I expected it to be. It
If you’re in the market for an unusual gift, I can recommend took me a moment to regain my balance when my shoe at
a little shop in a quiet section of Piccadilly, tucked away last made contact with the slick, black-marble tiles of the
from the noisier streets. I came across it quite by accident floor, many of which were cracked with age. Behind me, the
while I was in the neighborhood last month. I would not door swung shut with an ominous bang.
have noticed the place at all had I not been obliged to leap To either side of me stood tall, Japanese screens of
into the recess of its entryway to avoid being knocked down lacquer and bamboo that reached almost as high as the ceil-
by a rather wild-looking young man on a bicycle. ing. Between them, a faded oriental rug led the way into the
The door against which I found myself leaning was shop. The ceiling was low and had once been pure white, but
made of sturdy oak and painted black. On it was an old, the paint had chipped and peeled away in patches, creat-
lion’s-head knocker made of iron and a tarnished brass sign ing a rather leperous appearance. Heavy chandeliers hung
bearing the inscription “Tang’s Antiques.” The shop had no to dangerously low levels, and my head frequently brushed
window to display its wares and no sign indicating wheth- against their dangling crystal baubles as I walked.
er it was open—or even in business. But since I tend to be The main part of the shop was filled with ornaments
rather bold and impulsive, I tried the handle and let myself and curiosities unlike any I had ever seen before—or since.
into the shop.

46 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

Jeweled daggers, gold coins, Chinese porcelain, ancient issued from a burning gas lamp suspended above his head.
leather-bound tomes, jewel-studded missals, a suit of samu- He shuffled a pack of cards, and as I approached, he spread
rai armor, rolls of exquisite silk, giant globes on hardwood them out and ordered me to choose one. I did so, and was
stands, and more bric-a-brac than my eyes could absorb surprised to find that they were not mere playing cards, but
were strewn about the place with no apparent rhyme or rea- Tarot cards. I had chosen Death. I showed him the card, and
son. Shockingly, it seemed that no attempt had been made he rubbed his hands with glee.
at security, either. “A thief,” I thought, “would do good busi- “Yes, this very good! Very good! You lookie for pres-
ness here.” ent for old woman, yes? She have birthday soon, yes?” He
As I moved forward to examine an item that had snatched the card from my fingers and gathered his deck
caught my eye, my head struck another chandelier and sent together.
it spinning. Its crystal baubles jingled like wind chimes, and I remembered then why I had been out in the city in
the dim light of its candles sent wild shadows reeling across the first place. My wife’s aunt Helen, a cantankerous old
the room, making me dizzy. Gingerly, I sought the support woman of obscene wealth, was turning ninety-five years old
of a tall, ancient oak chest decorated with plates and en- in less than a week, and we had yet to procure a gift for her.
gravings. When I touched my injured head, I felt a hot, wet It was a struggle every year to find something that suited the
lump, and my fingers came back crimson. old woman’s tastes. She was a vile creature, who had been
It wasn’t the first time I had blessed my mother for known throughout her life for being waspish and venge-
nagging me into the habit of carrying a handkerchief. I dug ful. Even as a girl, Helen used to beat her servants and even
it out of my pocket, pressed it to my head with my blood- stick them with pins. In more recent years, when her maid-
ied fingers, and cast my gaze over the swinging chandelier. of-all-work tried to leave her service, Helen beat the girl
Steadying it with my other hand, I turned it about slowly almost to death with her walking stick. The maid lay in the
until I discovered the guilty edge. My blood was pooled in hospital for weeks, and the old woman paid her substantial
the grooves of an elaborate, etched design at the feet of a hospital bills—not from any kindness, but to snare her back
nude woman sculpted in silver. Her legs were pressed to- into employment. Helen decreed that the girl would work
gether, forming the support for an upper tier of lights, and for her until her debts were paid off. The poor maid was ef-
she was bent forward at the waist, breasts hanging down fectively a slave until the day she died (by hanging herself)
and arms outstretched. Her fingers ended in long, sharp three years later.
nails that resembled claws, and her face was exquisitely I’ve never heard any of the horror stories about this
carved—the eyes set with ivory and sapphires, and the open woman firsthand because Felicity, my wife, refuses to speak
mouth decorated with individual ivory teeth. As I gazed at of her. My Felicity was raised by the old woman from the age
her, I swear that I saw my blood running up the carving in of ten after the death of her parents and is, as far as anybody
defiance of gravity and into the mouth of that strange silver knows, her only living relative—and the only person she has
lady! ever treated with kindness. No secret has ever been made of
“Sir is injured?” said a thin, raspy voice next to my ear.
The sound startled me so much that I released my
grasp on the chandelier, sending the silver lady spinning
away. The little man who had appeared at my elbow so sud-
denly grinned at me silently, with curled vermillion lips and
teeth as white and sharp as a cat’s. Despite the wealth of
black hair running down his back, the top of his head was
as bald and shiny as an egg. Perched on the bridge of his
short, snub nose was a pair of green-tinted pince-nez be-
hind which his eyes twinkled with amusement. This curi-
ous figure pointed one short, sharp-nailed finger at me and
bobbed his little round head like a jack-in-the-box.
“The chandelier, she bite you, yes? Very thirsty, she!
Once belong to Les Nosferatu and was cursed. She bite all
young men!” He gave a shriek and a high, tittering laugh,
curling his fingers up under his chin. I couldn’t help but
take a step back from him.
“You come up front, yes!” he cried enthusiastically.
“Kim Boom Tang know just what you want!” And he spun
away, moving with unnatural speed through the maze
of boxes, crates, and shining, glittering objects. With my
bloody handkerchief still clutched to my head, I picked my
way carefully after him. Kim Boom Tang stood behind a
wide, oak-veneer counter in a halo of golden light, which
the fact that my darling girl is to inherit the old woman’s im- “You see, you want, yes?” His voice was nearly a whis-
mense wealth one day. But even so, the thought of spending per. “All see, all want. But very ‘spensive. Not cost much
money on that creature has never sat easily with me. money, but very ‘spensive. Yes.”
I eyed the little man behind the counter, who showed I spoke before the thoughts had fully formed in my
me his wide, Cheshire cat grin and rummaged through mind. “I need that necklace,” I said with an edge of despera-
some unseen space beneath the countertop. “You head all tion in my voice. “Whatever the cost, I must have it!”
better now. No need bandage, yes?” I checked my head with When the little man just shook his head from side to
my fingers and was relieved to find them free of blood. I side, I grew angry. It was an irrational anger mingled with
carefully folded my handkerchief, replaced it in my pocket, fear—fear that he would not sell me the necklace. And I
and nodded at the little man, who bobbed his head again did need it. I opened my wallet in front of him and threw
and grinned at me. down every note I had. It amounted to only two hundred
“Kim Boom Tang have just the thing for you! Know pounds—just enough to pay for my cab fare and lunch at
just what you need.” He giggled again and set before me a the Connaught—but at that moment, I was prepared to
wide, thin box lined with black velvet and edged with gold, walk and go hungry. Kim Boom Tang pushed the money
such as one might find in a fine jeweler’s shop. Upon open- back to me, shaking his head.
ing the box, I beheld a ruby necklace of amazing quality. I “You listen very hard to Kim Boom Tang,” he said. “To
am but a humble man and no great wordsmith, but I defy buy her,” he tapped the box, “cost not too much, only mon-
the greatest poets in history to do justice to the beauty—the ey. To give away cost very much. It cost,” he twirled his fin-
exquisite craftsmanship—the sheer genius—of the creation gers and rolled his eyes to the ceiling, as foreigners often do
before me. To call it just a necklace would be to call the Taj when translating to themselves. Finally he tapped his head
Mahal just a building. with his pointed fingers and said, “It cost this—thought,
The necklace had been assembled in moveable tiers. idea, chi.”

Felicity flew to the stairs, her arms wide and

outstretched as though she were trying to catch the
The uppermost was a delicate mesh of fine gold wires upon He drew the box away from me and leaned across the
which had been scattered an array of rose-cut diamonds. counter. “Is cursed,” he whispered.
This choker was connected to the second tier by gold wire I laughed out loud. And why shouldn’t I? I didn’t be-
butterflies inlaid with vibrant red and blue enamels and set lieve in divine retribution, and I didn’t believe that evil ex-
with sapphires and emeralds. The second tier was a row of isted anywhere except in human hearts. “Curses are nothing
hammered gold flowers, interspersed here and there with but superstitious nonsense!” I cried. “They don’t exist any
meticulously rendered wasps with jet eyes. This creation more than ogres or werewolves do.”
was connected by fine gold threads woven together in the Kim Boom Tang shook his head, his long black hair
manner of a spider’s web to the final tier—a rose the size of swishing about his shoulders like black waves crashing on a
my fist. Its individual petals had been carved from the rich- beach. “You no believe in curse? No believe in bad luck?” he
est, most flawless rubies, and their tips were edged in gold. asked. “But is true! Necklace is cursed. You give away, bad
The dim light emanating from the gas lamp reflected thing happen. You sell, is okay.” He tapped the box with his
off every perfect, shining surface of the flower in a diffuse, long fingernails. “Blood money okay for her. Feed her, yes?
rosy glow. How long I stood there gazing into the warm, red But give away, she bite, like Les Nosferatu chandelier. She al-
heart of the rose, I could not tell you. I was spellbound— ways feed when worn.” He smacked his crimson lips noisily
nay, hypnotized. The longer I stared, the redder it seemed to to demonstrate. “She eat whoever wear her. It happen many
be—as red as wet blood, as bright as the setting sun in Au- times. I tell you story, yes? Then you buy.”
gust, as rich as velvet, as intoxicating as pinot noir. Almost I looked again at the box and remembered the rose.
of their own volition, my fingers crept toward the necklace. Once again, I was possessed with the need for it. My hands
Then the lid snapped shut, and the light faded from the started toward it automatically, but Kim Boom Tang pulled
room. I clenched my jaw and closed my fists against a sud- it back and shook his head, his mouth turned down in a
den, wild urge to lunge across the countertop and snatch the severe frown. “I tell you story first. Necklace, she have long
necklace away. Finally, I raised my eyes to Kim Boom Tang. history. All start long time ‘go in Versailles. Man ask jeweler
For the first time, his little round face was grave, and his to make him beautiful necklace for mistress. He pay lots
narrow black eyes seemed hard as agates behind his green of money ‘til he has none left. Man’s wife very angry that
spectacles. he spend whole money on mistress. She go find lady and

48 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

kill her—stab her in neck where necklace go.” He pointed just the same. Her reaction to the necklace, however, quite
at his chest, just above the heart. “Then she go to man and astonished me. She gasped and turned away, calling it vile
say what she do, and man go crazy. He kill wife—strangle and repulsive. “But it’s just the thing to give to Aunt Helen,”
her—then he hang for murder. All three dead because of I told her. She scowled at me but did not disagree. Indeed,
blood necklace. she said she was sure that her aunt would love it. I withheld
“Jeweler, he now have beautiful necklace that he can- the story of the necklace’s history, suddenly feeling strangely
not finish because he get no more money. But jeweler, he uncomfortable about it given Felicity’s reaction.
finish anyway, because necklace make him do it. He cannot We traveled down to Dulwich that weekend, to the old
stop—must make necklace. Not make anything for anyone woman’s lair. Helen lived in a rather unassuming Victorian
else. He run out of money, so he steal and cheat to get mon- house in a pleasant suburb. The front lawn was immaculate-
ey to finish necklace. After he finish, necklace is taken away ly manicured, and the rosebushes surrounding the porch
and he die in debtor’s prison. were fragrant and glorious.
“Necklace, she now kill four people, but many more A severe young woman I hadn’t met before greeted
to go, yes? She sold to man with lots money. He give her for us at the door. She introduced herself as “Nurse Candy, as
wedding present to young bride. She live long time, but not sweet as you please,” and her face—which looked as stiff as
happy time. She sick very often. She have baby who die from her collar—nearly broke in half when she smiled. Nurse
cord round neck—see? Necklace kill him too. She live in Candy explained that she had been treating Felicity’s aunt
crazy house for long time ‘til she hang ‘self as old lady. for the last two months following a “slight breakdown,” and
“Necklace sold ‘gain and given to ‘nother lady. She that she had just sedated the old woman in preparation for
wear necklace all time. Thief kill her and take necklace ‘way our arrival. Grabbing Felicity’s overnight case, Nurse Candy
to England for sell. Man buy ‘gain, give ‘way ‘gain. ‘Gain, led us upstairs to our room, describing the events surround-
lady die. All wear necklace—all die.” He brushed his hands ing old Helen’s episode on the way.

bouquet at a wedding. Typical of me, I suppose, to

have noticed how pretty she looked when horrified
together and nodded. “You see, yes? Is cursed! You buy According to the nurse, the old woman had had a
necklace, you give it lady, she die.” He nodded again, very screaming match with her cook about the amount of salt in
satisfied with his story, and clutched the velvet box in his her blood sausages (the cook had added none), then sudden-
small hands. ly collapsed into a fit of sobbing. At this unexpected sign of
I told you before that I did not believe in curses, and I human vulnerability, the cook became terrified and phoned
swear to you that I still did not when I bought the necklace for an ambulance. Old Helen had been confined to the hos-
from Kim Boom Tang. I laughed at him, would you believe? pital for a fortnight while doctors stuck her with needles,
I told him it was a wonderful story. I promised to tell it to demanded samples of her bodily fluids, and exposed her to
my five-year-old nephew before bed one day. The little man a number of virulent infections, all of which had failed to
shook his head at me. He put the velvet box into a white kill her. When the ordeal was over, she was released, but the
plastic bag and held it out to me, handle first. He named his experience had affected her mind. Convinced that she was
price. I opened my wallet. dying, she had hired a private nurse to live with her. Reach-
“Does Kim Boom Tang take credit cards?” I asked, ing the end of her tale, Nurse Candy harrumphed and said
holding one out. that the old woman suffered from all the usual complaints
of extreme old age, and that her stubbornness and vile tem-
***** per were all that was keeping her alive.
“She just feeds off hate!” the nurse exclaimed, hurling
I ate lunch alone at the Connaught with the necklace, still Felicity’s overnight bag onto the bed in our room. She then
in its box, on the seat beside me. I even drank a toast to it, informed us that dinner would be at eight, but that we were
calling it the bringer of my fortune. After leaving a generous allowed (nay, encouraged) to see the old woman as soon as
tip for my waiter, I left the restaurant and took a detour to we were settled.
Cartier, where I purchased a gift for my wife—diamond sol- “We’ll do it now,” Felicity said. I looked at her some-
itaire earrings on white gold. “Just the thing,” I thought, “to what incredulously and accused her of being too masterful.
balance the dominating presence of this incredible necklace.” She only stuck out her little strawberry of a tongue at me
Felicity scolded me for my extravagance when she and told me not to forget old Helen’s gift. As if I could! I
opened the box containing the earrings, but she was thrilled patted the box, which had been neatly wrapped by Felicity’s

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 49

I stepped up and delivered
the beautifully wrapped and rib-
boned box to the old woman. She
snatched it from me as though she
expected me to take it back and tore
away the paper and ribbons with all
the viciousness of a hyena at a car-
cass. When she opened the box, the
ruby light of the necklace reflected
onto her face. Her eyes went wide,
her jaw dropped, and her fingers
shook as she lifted it from the box.
The gold glittered and sparkled,
and the ruby light danced across
old Helen’s face, softening her fea-
tures. The box fell unnoticed to the
floor and Helen gazed in awe, first
at the necklace, then at her niece.
“Help me,” she whispered. “Help
me put it on.”
Felicity did as she was bid-
den, securing the clasp at the back
of the old woman’s neck. Helen
snapped her fingers. “The mirror!”
she commanded, pointing an im-
perious finger across the room. Fe-
licity obediently fetched it. Helen
snatched it from her fingers and sat
admiring herself for several min-
utes before looking up at Felicity
with a gaze as cold as that of the
legendary Medusa.
“Get out!” she suddenly
snarled. “Get out, all of you!” Hel-
expert hands, and followed her and Nurse Candy into the
en clutched the mirror in her hand with white knuckles and
old woman’s room.
used it to swat at Felicity, who stood before her in aston-
Helen’s appearance was shocking. In healthier days,
ished disbelief. Nurse Candy swiftly stepped between them
she had been a powerful figure with broad shoulders, strong
and ushered Felicity into my waiting arms before turning
arms, and a grip like a crocodile’s jaws. Now she sat in a
on Helen with a reproving frown.
wheelchair, her arms as thin as matchsticks, and her once-
“You behave yourself now,” she chided, “or you’ll
proud flesh hanging from her bones. Though still made
get naught but bread and water for dinner.” When Helen
up, her face was pinched and withered, and her mouth was
scowled at her, Nurse Candy nodded with grim satisfaction
drawn into a hard line. She was already dressed for dinner in
and returned to us. “Off with you now,” she said brusquely.
a black silk gown and four-inch heels. I was rather pleased
“Go entertain yourselves until dinner.” And without anoth-
to see that she was wearing ruby earrings and no necklace.
er word, she shooed us from the room and shut the door in
How easy she made it!
our faces.
She scowled at Nurse Candy and me, but when she
Felicity and I stood looking at each other in the hall
turned her gaze upon Felicity, her icy eyes melted. “Come
for a long moment before I finally shrugged, took her hand
here, child,” she ordered. Her voice, it seemed, was the only
and led her back to our bedroom. We hadn’t yet unpacked,
aspect of her former self to have escaped the ravages of ill-
so we attacked that chore before seeking other entertain-
ness. It remained as strident as ever.
Felicity went to the wheelchair and dutifully kissed
The remainder of the day was spent in blissful idleness.
her aunt’s forehead—an action that made my flesh crawl.
Felicity, armed with the obligatory box of tissues, buried
The two briefly exchanged pleasantries that neither really
herself in another of her romance novels, while I remained
meant, then Felicity turned to me eagerly. “We have brought
in the garden with a cup of coffee and my sketchpad. I was
a present for you!” she said. “For your birthday. I do hope
putting the finishing touches on my portrait of Kim Boom
you’ll like it.”
Tang when Nurse Candy summoned me in to dinner. She

50 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

hesitated at the door, then turned to me. “The old woman The old lawyer raised a hand in protest and turned to
isn’t quite herself tonight,” she said hesitantly. my wife. “No point in delaying,” he said. “You are the sole
“I’m glad to hear that!” I said. “Lead on!” beneficiary of the estate, and that includes all your aunt’s
But Nurse Candy barred the door. “I mean it,” she said possessions and her jewelry.” He cast a meaningful glance
firmly. “Helen has been acting very strangely since you gave back at the casket.
her the gift. She has been trying to walk on her own when I rested a hand on his shoulder and shook my head
her legs can scarcely support her weight, and she has been at him. “The ruby necklace is to be buried with her,” I said
insistently referring to me as Lizzie—which, as you know, firmly.
was her pet name for her dead sister.” And then we three followed the casket to the grave-
I shrugged off the nurse’s concerns. After all, I couldn’t yard to see that it was done.
do anything about the old woman’s ravings.
“I just wanted to warn you,” Nurse Candy said, and George is a writer and metalsmith who lives in London. If you
we entered the main hall together. The dining room lay at need to know any other information, just ask.
the far end of the hall, opposite the main staircase. Felicity
was already there and had taken the trouble of changing her
clothes and refreshing her makeup. I was just about to com-
ment on how lovely she looked when Nurse Candy knocked
me backward with such force that I toppled over. She let out
a hysterical scream and leapt over me, making a mad dash
for the staircase. I was unable to see very much from the
floor—just the white streak that was Nurse Candy moving
up the stairs, and a black streak with occasional flashes of
red tumbling down. They met amid a tumult of sound—
bodies crashing together, Felicity screaming, Nurse Candy
shouting, and a sudden loud crack.
Felicity flew to the stairs, her arms wide and out-
stretched as though she were trying to catch the bouquet
at a wedding. Typical of me, I suppose, to have noticed how
pretty she looked when horrified.
By the time I had clambered to my feet and made my
way to the staircase, Felicity was crouched on the stairs, hov-
ering over the twisted body of her Aunt Helen. My darling
girl was cradling the old woman’s head in her arms, tenderly
brushing the white hair away from her face, and sobbing.
The old woman’s neck had been broken. And beneath her
on the stairs, her face as red as a beet, was Nurse Candy,
clutching her leg with white knuckles. She had tried to catch
old Helen as she tumbled down the stairs and gained noth-
ing but a broken leg for her efforts. At the top of the stairs
sat the old woman’s wheelchair. I knelt at Nurse Candy’s side
and gathered her up in my arms. She tried to protest, but I
said she could do no more for the old woman. I carried her
into the sitting room and rang for an ambulance.
When I returned to Felicity, she fell against me in a
storm of weeping. I don’t know what upset her more—her
aunt’s death or having to witness it. I sighed and patted Fe-
licity’s back, and we waited together at the bottom of the
stairs beside the old woman until the ambulance arrived a
few minutes later.
Felicity and I stayed in the house until Helen’s funeral
a week later. Only the two of us and a very old man who
professed to be her lawyer were in attendance. We three
stood together before her open casket at the burial. No one
really felt like giving a eulogy—we had all been taught, after
all, not to speak ill of the dead. Finally, Felicity sighed and
shut the casket herself. I asked the funeral director to take it
away, and we followed it to the graveyard.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 51

By Jim Ansaldo (JohnnyQuest)
After its inaugural suc-
cess last year, the Create
a D&D Miniature Contest
made a triumphant return
to UnCon 2006. Commu-
nity member draven_defay
originated the contest, call-
ing upon would-be design-
ers to submit full statistics
(including optional epic
statistics), a physical de-
scription, and a storyline
or ecology for each entry.
The submission of original
artwork was encouraged
but not required.

The Entries
A total of thirty-eight com-
munity members submit-
ted designs, and all were of
excellent quality. Some de-
signers considered the RPG
aspect of the D&D Min-
iatures game, attempting
to fill gaps with monsters
that have yet to be pro-
duced in miniature form.
Others clearly favored the
skirmish game, introduc-
ing new powers and abili-
ties intended to impact the
metagame. The most suc-
cessful entries, however,
were appealing to skirmish-
ers and RPGers alike. All
the entries are available for
viewing at http://boards1.

52 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

The Winners Immith Ulmagulba, Hathran Witch 53 pts
A team of six judges nominated the top three entries, then Uncon 2006 ddm design contest (rare)

the community voted to choose the winner. And as might

Lawful Good; Medium Humanoid—Human;
be expected, the community vote was tight! The first-place
Commander 3
winner, Ktatroe, received nineteen votes, and the remaining
two finalists, ManoVega and LCS, tied at seventeen votes
Commander Effect: Followers whose names contain
each. In the words of WizO_Keldar, “The final three were
Barbarian gain Bodyguard (if an adjacent creature
all fabulous minis. I hope they get noticed by the DDM
in your warband would take damage from an attack,
production team.”
this creature can take the damage instead).
Each of the top three minis is pictured below. Design
Warband Building: CG Barbarians are legal in your war-
notes and statistics have been included for each.
Level 10
Immith Ulmagulba, Hathran Witch Speed 6
AC 18
HP 55
Melee +8 (10 magic)
Ranged +5 (5 magic)
Special Abilities
Unique (only one creature whose name contains Immith
in your warband)
Combat Casting (may cast spells when threatened)
Immune Flanking
Place Magic 8 (Commander rating counts as 8 for initia-
tive checks to determine map choice)

3rd—fear q (cone; morale save)
1st—snowball swarm (unlimited uses) (sight; radius 2;
10 cold damage; DC 14), charm person q (range 6;
confusion, humanoids only, ends after creature’s next
turn; DC 14)

Flavor Text: “Whatever you throw at Rashemen will turn

against you tenfold.”

Immith Ulmagulba was chosen at birth to be Ethran—an
honor usually reserved for older children. She chose to
venture West for her dajemma, the Rashemi journey of self-
discovery. Thirty years later, she returned to Rashemen,
where she learned that Thayan wizards posed an imminent
threat to her country.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 53

Immith Ulmagulba, Hathran Witch 273 pts

Lawful Good; UnCon 2006 (Rare);

Medium Humanoid—Human—Outsider; Commander 4

Commander Effect: Followers gain Spell Immunity

(fear). Followers whose names contain Barbarian
gain Bodyguard (If an adjacent creature in your war-
band would take damage from an attack, this crea-
ture can take the damage instead).
Warband Building: CG Barbarians are legal in your war-
Level 16
Speed f8
AC 24
HP 235
Melee +17/+17 (25 magic)
Ranged +17 (10 magic)
Special Abilities
Unique (only one creature whose name contains Immith
in your warband)
Combat Casting (may cast spells when threatened)
Immune Flanking
Counterspell 9 q q (immediate: sight; cancel spell of up
But she learned of the plot too late, and before she to 9th level as an enemy casts it)
could act, swaths of Rashemen had been destroyed, the Place Magic 10 (commander rating counts as 10 for ini-
Iron Lord had been murdered, and the wychlaren had tiative checks to determine map choice)
been destroyed or forced into hiding. Immith led a group One with the Land (at the end of its turn, this creature
of adventurers into Thay to stop any further destruction. heals 25 hp if in a Victory Area)
Upon completing this mission successfully, she returned Control the Land (each enemy in a Victory Area that ac-
to Rashemen, installed her long-time companion and tivates adjacent to this creature takes 25 damage)
bodyguard as Iron Lord, and restored the wychlaren. Bound to the Land q q (at the end of its turn, place this
creature in any Victory Area)
Design Notes
I attempted to recreate the flavor of the Hathran in both Spells
versions of this mini, but I allowed the standard and epic 9th—dominate monster (unlimited uses) (sight; target en-
versions to fulfill different roles in warband construction emy makes a single immediate attack as if it were a
and game play. member of your warband; DC 21)
The standard version gives access to two uncharac- 3rd—fear q q (cone; morale save)
teristic traits—speed and high damage—though this latter
trait doesn’t mean as much in the epic version. Keying off
the Hathran sense of identity based on home, I gave both the game that’s only just begun seeing solid play, and this
versions the ability to choose their maps more often than aspect is, to me, the most interesting point.
their commander ratings would normally allow—a trait I think Development would probably up the power
that’s especially important given that her commander rat- of one of the three Land abilities on the epic version and
ing is somewhat low for Lawful Good in both versions. drop one of the other two to keep the power roughly the
While the standard version is about giving Lawful same, but simplify the figure. (The point cost is important
Good access to a little speed and damage, the epic ver- to keep too much support out of her warband.)
sion is all about controlling the map. More specifically,
Immith is designed to control access to the Victory Areas
of the map. Taking advantage of and manipulating victory
conditions other than eliminating enemies is an area of

54 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

sic minotaur mini and added spells that the caster could
use to buff him: greater magic weapon, bull’s strength,
bear’s endurance, and cat’s grace. I used this selection to
whittle down the mindbender’s spell options—thus, his
spells available for 2nd level are minimal.
Then I added cool armor and a saddle, which made
me realize that the mindbender is forcing the minotaur
to act as more of a bull. So I removed his melee reach and
weapons and focused on pure charging tactics—hence the
tactical charge. The crafty halfling can then guide him into
mindless charges, choosing targets at will.
Dimension hop allows the pair to get past the front
ranks, or it can be used as a tactical retreat. Push the Weak
Mind is an ability of the mindbender that I felt had to
be included, and magic missile is a good way to clear a
blocking fodder piece, or finish off a foe without wasting a
higher-level spell. The real finishing touch was the heroism
spell, which gives the player a nice option to buff the mini
itself, buff another piece, or downgrade to a third dimen-
sion hop. I like having options in pieces—it makes them fit
better with a team and conform to different situations.

mindbender on minotaur 43 pts

Uncon 2006 ddm design contest (rare)

Chaotic Evil; Large Mounted Humanoid (Halfling), Large

Monstrous Humanoid
Level 9
Speed 6
AC 16
HP 65
Melee +12/+7 (20 magic)
Special Abilities
Powerful Charge +10 (melee damage +10 when charging)
Tactical Charge (does not need to charge the nearest
Mounted Spellcasting (all this creature’s spells are cast
as swift spells)

Sorcerer Spells
q 3rd—greater magic weapon, heroism (touch; spell adds
Mindbender on Minotaur a +2 to attacks and saves)
This mini is a new take on the mounted spellcaster. q q 2nd—bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, di-
mension hop (touch; move target creature 3 squares,
Design Notes
DC 15; allies may voluntarily fail this save)
I have always loved the idea of the mindbender prestige
q q q 1st—magic missile (sight; 5 damage), push the
class, but I don’t think anyone has ever done justice to the
weak mind (sight; target is stunned for 1 round, ig-
image. The other character concept I always liked was the
nores SR, DC 14)
halfling druid riding a war dog, because it just seemed
cool for a little humanoid to ride a mount. And then it hit
Flavor Text: “I am not a doctor!”
me—the master and slave mount!
I started by making the drawing I always wanted to
see for the mindbender—and really, a minotaur makes a
cooler slave/mount than an ogre does. Then I took the ba-

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 55

mindbender on minotaur 196 pts

Chaotic Evil; UnCon 2006 (Rare); Large Mounted Hu-

manoid (Halfling), Large Monstrous Humanoid
Level 12
Speed f8
AC 20
HP 110
Melee +16/+11 (30 magic)
Special Abilities
Fearless, Flight
Pounce (this creature can use all its melee attacks when
Powerful Charge +10 (melee damage +10 when
Tactical Charge (does not need to charge the nearest
Mounted Spellcasting (all spells are cast as swift spells)
Spell Resistance

Sorcerer Spells
q 6th—greater heroism (touch; spell adds +4 to attacks
and saves, and 10 HPs)
q q 4th—dimension door (touch; place this creature in
any legal spot he can see)
q q q 3rd—eternal charm (sight; as confusion but add
+5 to the Random Action roll, max. 20; save at the
end of affected creature’s turn, ignores SR, DC 18),
empowered magic missile (sight; 15 damage)

Design Notes
In creating the Epic version, I just bumped up the spells that
had already been used for the mini. Beefing up the statis-
tics seemed like a weak approach until I thought of adding
pounce to the mix. This ability makes the mini extremely
dangerous—especially considering that it can fly past block-
ers to reach its target.
The only real change I made to the current rules was
the endless charm spell, which is a huge power for the mind-
bender. Assuming that the minotaur is now 100% dominat-
ed, I wanted him to be able to charm or confuse other tar-
gets to turn the tide in his favor. All in all, the mindbender
on minotaur is a pretty potent piece.

Want the Minis?

No, we didn’t make the figures, but we did make the
cards! Just visit the KA Website (http://www.wizards.
com/knowledgearcana) and download them. Now
good luck convincing your friend your mini is really
a Mindbender on a Minotaur.

56 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

Human Mounted Skirmisher
The warrior is lightly armored with leather armor and
human mounted skirmisher 42 pts a leather helm. He wields a bastard sword in one hand and
Uncon 2006 ddm design contest (rare)
carries a large wooden shield in the other, holding it as if he
Chaotic Good; 42 points; UnCon 2006 (Uncommon); intends to use it to protect the horse rather than himself.
Large Mounted Humanoid (Human) Hopefully the sculpt can be made simple enough to be
a large uncommon—perhaps with the shield arm molded
Level 8 closer to the horse’s body without a gap, as part of the same
Speed 10 piece. If it had to be a rare to look reasonably good, a few ex-
tra details in the sculpt would be nice, like an arrow sticking
AC 16 out of the lower part of the shield (where the rider blocked
HP 75 an arrow that would otherwise have struck the horse) and
the reins wrapped around the pommel of the saddle (since
Melee +13/+8 (10 magic) the rider guides the mount with his knees).
Special Abilities
Cleaving Stride (gains Cleave while charging) Design Notes
Fluid Charge (may choose any enemy as the target of a The concept behind this mini is a cinematic encounter be-
charge, even if it is not the nearest) tween a mounted warrior and several enemy infantry in the
Mobility (+4 AC against attacks of opportunity) middle of a larger battle. As the rider moves up to attack an
Mounted Melee Attack (can move at double speed and make important target, the enemy infantry tries to take him down
a single melee attack at any point during its move) before he reaches it. Although one of them may occasion-
Skirmish Attack +10 (+10 damage if this creature has ally score a lucky hit, they usually end up on the business
moved at least 2 squares this turn) end of the rider’s sword. Typically, one foot soldier is smart
enough to simply defend himself as the rider goes by, so he
Physical Description manages to survive the encounter.
The Human Mounted Skirmisher is an average-looking hu- Most of all, I wanted to create a knight on horseback
man warrior on horseback. But I wanted a pose different who could cut down any opponents that dared to attack him
from most of the other mounted minis that have been re- during the charge toward his objective. So I created a new
leased, which have had the horse (or other mount) moving ability that I named Riposte, as a nod to the fencing maneu-
or charging straight ahead. For this mini, the horse is in ver of the same name, which is a counterattack made after
the middle of wheeling around in place so that it’s ready to parrying an opponent’s attack. Then I modeled my whole
charge in any direction at a moments notice, while its rider initial design around this ability.
scans the battlefield looking for an opening.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 57

human mounted skirmisher 150 pts

Chaotic Evil; UnCon 2006 (Rare); Large Mounted Hu-

manoid (Halfling), Large Monstrous Humanoid
Level 10
Speed 10
AC 20
HP 175
Melee +19/+14 (20 magic)
Special Abilities
Fluid Charge (may choose any enemy as the target of a
charge, even if it is not the nearest)
Mobility (+4 AC against attacks of opportunity)
Mounted Melee Attack (can move at double speed and
make a single melee attack at any point during its
Riposte (on its turn, this creature may make an immedi-
ate extra melee attack against each enemy that misses
an attack of opportunity against it)
Skirmish Attack +15 (+15 damage if this creature has
moved at least 2 squares this turn)

The first-draft version of the ability allowed the rider

to make an immediate attack against each enemy that had misher more mobile—both by indirectly preventing some at-
made an attack of opportunity against it. But to be blunt, tacks of opportunity and by giving it the chance to move and
combined with my original concept of the heavily armored still make more attacks than usual. The ability also gives that
knight, I didn’t think the ability was going to be very inter- lucky fodder piece that connects the chance to survive while
esting in play. More powerful enemies that were likely to still retaining the punishment for missing on the attack.
hit would just trade damage with the knight, but foes that I made a few later changes to the ability description in
would have a hard time hitting probably wouldn’t take a an attempt to makes certain rules details more obvious. In
swing at all. Sure, a fodder piece might have a small chance particular, I wanted to make it clearer that the granted at-
to put a dent in the knight, but the result is still almost cer- tack didn’t count against a creature’s normal attacks in any
tain death for a weak creature that dares to take the attack way—specifically because of the use of “single melee attack”
of opportunity. in the description of the Mounted Melee Attack ability. I also
To make it more likely that opponents would choose wanted to show that the rider gained an extra attack for each
to take a swing, the creature with this ability had to have an creature that missed an attack of opportunity, potentially
AC that allowed a potential hit for a fodder piece without adding as many free attacks as attempted attacks of opportu-
requiring a roll of 20. Furthermore, the opponent had to see nity made against him. In addition, I wanted to specify that
more of a potential benefit from actually connecting with the granted attack doesn’t work while the mini is routing.
the attack. I also wanted to limit the use of the ability to the However, I eventually decided against including that point,
creature’s own turn, both to more closely match the original since it was already handled by the rules for routing, and the
concept, and to simplify the costing of the ability, so that description seemed a bit long, even without it.
I wouldn’t have to worry as much about how it interacted Ultimately, only the epic version of this creature ended
with other sources of attacks of opportunity. The variance in up with the Riposte ability. I wanted to keep the epic point
the utility of this ability was already slowly moving me away cost low enough that an epic warband with two of these minis
from LG in the direction of CG, and these changes basically would be possible, and I didn’t want the nonepic cost to be
cemented that shift. too high a percentage of a regular warband’s cost. It would
At this point, the mechanics of the Riposte ability have been much more difficult to have a low-costed non-
were more or less in the form they are now. Riposte forces epic version of this creature with Riposte because the ability’s
the opponent to decide whether taking the attack of oppor- overall utility is high variance and out of the control of its
tunity is worth it, while making the Human Mounted Skir- player, to some extent.

58 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

I wanted the mini to be difficult for fodder to hit while
it was moving, but still allow most average-costed beaters
a decent chance. So I decided on a target AC of 20 for the
nonepic version, and 24 for the epic version. Adding the
Mobility ability allowed me to reach that target while still
keeping the normal Armor Class lower and closer to what
might be expected in the Chaotic Good faction.
For the nonepic version, Cleave seemed a bit too pow-
erful for the point cost I was aiming at (40 pts), considering
the extremely good mobility the figure has because of its
Mounted Melee Attack and high speed. Since I had decided
not to use Riposte for the nonepic version, I wanted to add
one more ability for flavor, so I decided that granting Cleave
conditionally on a charge would expand on the charging
“theme” while still keeping it restricted enough.
A few of the basic statistics, such as the Speed of 10
and the target point cost of each version, remained fairly
constant throughout the process. The AC was primarily de-
termined by the way I wanted the Riposte ability to work
in play. The Level and HP were determined by comparing
various creatures with point costs around the same range
and trying to arrive at a value that gave the mini decent sur-
vivability while keeping it fairly costed in comparison with
similar figures.
The point costs provided for these stats were adjusted
by comparing this figure’s total damage output and surviv-
ability to those of other creatures (primarily from recent
sets), and also looking at creatures that would have similar
play styles even if the point costs were very different. Some
Since the Riposte ability requires enemies that can of the specific creatures examined were the Orc Champi-
make attacks of opportunity before the mini reaches its tar- on, Ogre Skirmisher, Mounted Drow Patrol, and Xen’drik
get, it made sense for the rider to be able to charge an enemy Champion for the nonepic version, and the Griffon Cavalry
other than the closest one. To some extent, Mounted Melee and Epic Storm Archer for the epic version. In most cases,
Attack already gave the creature a similar feel, but allowing synergy with other minis didn’t change the point cost I had
it to charge more often gave it a sense of purpose—and also already chosen. Receiving blur is definitely a nice boost for
a way to grant a conditional boost to its decent but still only the Skirmisher (especially combined with Riposte), but he
average CG attack bonus. Since the other restrictions for does not benefit too much more than any other mini from
charging (unblocked path, move at least two squares, end the same spell. Gaining Fly from the Mephling Pyromancer
in nearest square, and so forth) still apply, Riposte opens up opens up a lot of charging options, but it seems reasonable
new options but requires careful positioning on the part of for the combined point cost in epic and a bit expensive in
both the player (to create additional charge lanes) and op- nonepic. The Dragon Totem Hero would provide nice syn-
ponent (to block them off). ergy, but it’s another expensive combo.
My original idea for the mini also included using This mini needs playtesting to iron out the final point
Powerful Charge +#, but with the foregoing concept shift, costs (or potentially adjust the stats to better match the point
I decided that Skirmish Attack +# might be more appropri- costs), and a few sets of eyes to make sure I haven’t missed
ate. Instead of just increasing the base damage, Skirmish At- anything significantly broken. Overall, however, I’m happy
tack grants a conditional damage boost to the level of most with the way the Mounted Human Skirmisher turned out.
CG beaters while adding a potential weakness that an oppo-
nent can exploit by pinning the skirmisher so it can’t move. Jim Ansaldo remembers giggling about Xvarts in his sixth
Using the definition of Skirmish Attack +# that requires at grade Home Economics class.  Recently, he has become ob-
least two squares of movement adds a bit of flavor and helps sessed with D&D Miniatures skirmish play and is one of the
to keep the potential damage of the epic version in check. top-ranking players in Indiana. Jim is a Research Associate
That way, any attacks granted by Riposte are at the base at the Center on Education and Lifelong Learning at Indiana
damage only if this creature is also trying to benefit from University Bloomington. When he’s not building warbands or
the Dragon Totem Hero’s commander effect (which allows teaching teachers, Jim enjoys life with his wife and two sons,
it to make both of its regular attacks with the skirmish boost plays guitar, and gleans information of all sorts from the
after moving exactly two squares). goodness that is the worldwide web.

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 59

By Monica Shellman (Elisandra) and
mad character stylings
by steve musgrave
At long last, it’s that special time of year again—you
know, that magical season when your mother-in-law re-
minds you that her child could have done much better
than you, and when you have to create a holiday din-
ner that accommodates Uncle Charlie (who literally eats
only meat and potatoes), Cousin Shari (who became a
militant vegan three years ago), and your sister-in-law
Kari (who is allergic to everything except corn). It’s
enough to make you want to set fire to your house for the
insurance money and fly to Antiqua to have a fling with
a very limber cabana attendant. What? This is a family
publication? Oh yeah. Just kidding!
But never fear! This year, a new holiday figure has
emerged to spread Chriskwanzacha cheer! Yeah, I know, you
were expecting that fat guy with the shaggy beard,
but he just wasn’t handling the job all that well.
(Besides, some of us think he might have been
getting into the cooking sherry, if you know
what I mean.) So without further ado, we now
present—the Holiday Harpy!

A Few Changes
Thank you, Ms. Shellman. The monsters of the
dungeon and wilderness decided that it was high time
someone took back the holiday season from the stupid
elves, so I have staged a little holiday coup. I, the Holiday
Harpy, am handling the season of merriment this year.
Don't worry about the fat elf. He has a nice, comfy
room in the dungeon with his wife and his key staff. As
for his minions—well, you have to expect a few loss-
es here and there. (The reindeer were delicious.)
And I had to have some alterations made on
the suit—he has no fashion sense whatsoever.
But now I think I look the part.
I’ll be making some big changes
around here, but I expect this holiday season
to be the best ever. I’m way more qualified than

60 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

any elf to manage the situation, and I can Ho, ho, ho! “Rudolph with your nose so bright,
certainly warble out a holiday carol better You are her foe! Won’t you lay off the sauce tonight?”
than he can. Besides, those elves had too Ho, ho, ho!
many silly rules. I don’t give out lumps Now that you know Then all the behirs loved him,
of coal, and I don’t keep lists—too much Who’s on the rooftop, As they shouted out with glee:
paperwork stifles creativity. Treats for the Click, click, click! “Rudolph the red-nosed behir,
Holiday Harpy are fine, but forget the Flee from the Holiday Harpy chick! You'll go down in history!”
cookies and milk—make it steak and ale.
I have to watch my figure, you know. First comes the stocking of little Hell. Harpy the Monster
Most important of all, I don’t haul Oh, dear Harpy, fill it well! (to the tune of Frosty the Snowman)
around presents. That’s way too much Give her a dolly that screams and cries—
work, and I might break a nail. So I’m leav- One that will nag her until she dies. Harpy, the monster,
ing that part to my merry team of trolls. Had a heart as dark as coal,
They make the gifts, visit your house, and Chorus
Plus a big lead pipe and some razor
throw them down the chimney. My trolls
Next comes the stocking of a little pill. claws,
make really . . . ummmm . . . functional
Oh, just see that disgusting swill! And two eyes made out of souls.
gifts—like decorated plungers, and little
He gets a hammer and lots of tacks,
figures carved from bones. (After all, the
Plus a spiked ball and a whip that cracks! Harpy, the monster,
Holiday Harpy believes in recycling.) As
long as you express the proper delight and Chorus Is a scary tale they say.
don’t laugh at their costumes, you should She had wicked goals
be fine. Now isn’t this system elegant? Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Behir And her victims know
(to the tune of Rudolph the Red-Nosed How she came to life one day.
New Carols Reindeer)
Just to get you in the proper holiday spirit, There was some +5 magic
I’ve even fixed a few of your favorite holi- Rudolph, the red-nosed behir In that old silk bra they found,
day songs for you. What’s that you say? Had a very shiny nose.
For when they placed it on her bod,
These aren’t your favorite holiday songs? And if you ever smelled him,
She began to slay the town!
Well, they are now, so get with the mer- You would even say he’s gross.
rymaking or I’ll feed you to a lemur. And
Olive, the other behir Harpy, the monster,
remember, there’s nothing wrong with
naughty. Used to laugh and call him names. Was as mean as she could be!
She never let poor Rudolph And the children say
Up on the Rooftop Join in any drinking games. She could plot and slay
(to the tune of Up on the Housetop) Just the same as you and me.
Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
Up on the rooftop, reindeer pause. Harpy came to say:
Here comes a lady with nasty claws!
Down through the chimney with lots of “toys”
All for her little ones to destroy.

A Scenario for Axis & quickly took advantage of these Soviet weaknesses, but the
Finnish snipers who attacked the Soviets from hiding great-
Allies Miniatures ly influenced the outcome of the conflict.

The White Death

By Jon Mayes (Der_Leiter) The most feared weapon in the Finnish army was Corpo-
and Paul Glasser (Spacepope) ral Simo Hayha. In just 100 days of combat, Hayha single-
handedly killed more than 700 Soviet soldiers, earning the
In the wake of the German attack on Poland at the begin- nickname “the White Death.”
ning of World War II, the Soviets made territorial demands Hayha used his unscoped M28 rifle to kill a recorded
on Finland, which were refused. The Soviets then staged an 505 enemies. He preferred to work without a scope because
artillery attack on one of their own cities (Mainila), blamed he could remain seated in his foxhole and avoid exposing
the attack on the Finns, and used the incident as a pretext himself to the enemy. Hayha also excelled at close-quarters
for invasion. On November 30, 1939, the Soviet Union in- combat, and he is credited with personally destroying 200
vaded Finland with more than 450,000 soldiers, thus begin- enemies and guns with his submachine gun.
ning the infamous Winter War. Hayha’s small size (5 feet 0 inches) and his skill at
camouflage enabled to him survive everything the Soviets
threw at him. Throughout the course of the war, he repeat-
An Overview edly emerged from artillery barrages unscathed and killed
The standing Finnish army of 180,000 was vastly outnum-
several Soviet snipers assigned to hunt him down.
bered and outgunned by the Soviet invasion force, which
Hayha was wounded by an exploding bullet on March
was supported by hundreds of tanks and airplanes. The 6, 1940, the day Finnish diplomats left to negotiate a peace
Finnish army withdrew to the Mannerheim Line on the deal with the Soviets. His comrades feared that he was
Karelian Isthmus and amassed 130,000 soldiers and 500 ar- dead—he had been shot in the jaw, and the bullet did exten-
tillery guns to defend it. The design of the defensive line sive damage to his face. But he recovered on March 13, the
incorporated natural terrain and was very different from day peace was announced, and was soon promoted directly
the infamous Maginot Line. The Mannerheim Line also fea- to the rank of lieutenant by the Field Marshal, Carl Gustav
tured 200 reinforced bunkers and several heavy costal artil- Emil Mannerheim himself.
lery batteries. In the end, more than 127,000 Soviet soldiers were
Most of the fighting took place in the Karelian Isth- killed, wounded, or captured in the Winter War. The Finn-
mus. For the most part, the Finnish forces avoided open ish army, on the other hand, sustained only about 23,000 ca-
battles with the numerically superior Soviet forces. Instead, sualties. But despite its fierce resistance, Finland was forced
they relied on highly mobile light infantry to encircle and to sign a peace treaty in Moscow ceding a large portion of
destroy the more cumbersome Soviet formations. Finnish the Karelian Isthmus to the Soviets.
soldiers clad in white camouflage suits and equipped with Hostilities resumed a year later when the Continu-
skis frequently crossed open country to strike at the unpro- ation War broke out. This time, Finland received material
tected rear of the Soviet armies. support from Hitler’s Nazi Germany.
The best example of the Finnish tactics is the Battle
of Suomussalmi, which raged between December 1939 and Jon Mayes, aka Der_Leiter, lives somewhere up north (Can-
January 1940. In that battle, two Finnish regiments annihi- ada, or so we hear). He’s currently taking History and Psy-
lated two Soviet infantry divisions and a tank brigade. The chology at York University when he’s not busy with more
important pursuits, such as Axis & Allies Miniatures, D&D,
Soviet formations had to travel on roads because of their
Munchkin, Star Wars Miniatures, Magic: The Gathering,
heavy tanks and equipment, but the Finnish forces were
and—well, whatever else comes along. One wonders how he
more mobile and could isolate and destroy Soviet battle
keeps the rules straight, and whether he will soon tap a dwarf
groups. Finnish soldiers also ambushed tanks and armored Jedi to remove a mine from the battlefield.
cars, destroying them with Molotov cocktails.
Overall, the Soviet army was unprepared for battle. Paul Glasser works as a political journalist in Kentucky. He
Stalin’s purges during the 1930s had severely weakened its holds a BA in history from Purdue University and spends most
corps of officers. Fearful of being punished or executed for of his free time reading and writing about military history.
exhibiting poor leadership, most officers adhered strictly to Paul writes and edits freelance articles for a number of online
their orders during battle. To make matters worse, most of publications but focuses mainly on miniatures gaming.
the soldiers had little training in arctic warfare and lacked
the proper equipment for the setting. The Finnish army

62 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

The Winter War Scenario • The Finnish player chooses his map side first; the Soviet
The Soviet Union attacked Finland three months after the of- player takes the other side.
ficial start of World War II—November 30th, 1939. This short • Nonpartisan Finnish forces deploy first, anywhere on their
conflict was known as the Winter War. The Soviet losses in this map side.
conflict were tremendous, and the invaders gained very little • Soviet forces deploy next, up to 4 hexes out from their side.
from the effort. • Partisan Finnish forces deploy last.

Objectives Turn Record Chart

Use standard Assault Scenario objectives, but the game lasts for • Nonpartisan Finnish forces deploy first.
only 8 turns instead of the standard 10. • Roll randomly for initiative.

Victory Conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The defender (Finland) places the objective anywhere on his
Special Rules
side of the map. If the Soviet player controls it on the last turn,
1. Ignore the Gliderborne ability of the Mk VII Tetrarchs.
he wins; otherwise, Finland wins.
They use their anti-soldier dice when firing at vehicles.
Choosing Sides & Building Armies 2. Ignore the Unreliable ability of T-26s.
• Roll 2d6. The player with the higher result plays the Soviet 3. Ignore the Overheat ability of Kuomintang Machine-Gun
Union (attacker) and the one with lower result plays Fin- Teams.
land (defender).
Winter Rules
• The Soviet force is 150 Points; the Finnish 100.
1. A –1 penalty applies to every movement roll.
• Armies are built by purchasing units in platoons, ignoring
2. Units cannot use the High Gear special ability, nor do they
the 15-unit limit (see Army Compositions, below).
gain the Road Bonus to movement.
Game Map & Deployment 3. Each phase, the first hex a vehicle moves that is not along a
• The defender creates the map from standard maps (Able, road costs +1 movement.
Baker, Charlie, Dog). 4. Nonartillery soldiers may treat water as clear terrain.
• Platoons must deploy so that each unit within a given Pla- 5. Long-range attacks give the target +1 on cover rolls.
toon is adjacent to another member.

Soviet Army Elements Cossack Cavalry Platoon (25 Points) Support

Infantry 50–100 Points 6x Cossack Cavalrymen Mortar Battery (25 Points)
Armor 25–50 Points 1x Red Army Forward Observer
Support 0–25 Points Armor 2x 82mm PM-37 Mortar
Tank Section (25 Points)
Infantry 2x T-26 Cossack Cavalry Platoon (25 Points)
Rifle Platoon (25 Points) 1x T-70 OR T-35 6x Cossack Cavalrymen
1x Commissar
1x Kuomintang MG Team
5x Mosin-Nagant

Finnish Army Elements Partisan Platoon (25 Points) Cavalry Platoon (25 Points)
Infantry 50–100 Points 3x PPSh SMG 6x Cavalrymen
Armor 0–25 Points 3x Communist Partisan
Support 0–25 Points Treat the PPShs as having Parti-
Anti-Tank Section (25 Points)
Infantry 2x Bohlers Anti-Tank Gub
2x PTRD-41
Rifle Platoon (25 Points) Armor
1x Stalwart Lieutenant Tank Section (25 Points) Company HQ (25 Points)
1x Type 92 MG Team 2x Mk VII Tetrarch 1x Stalwart Lieutenant
4x Anti-Tank Grenadiers Ignore the Gliderborne ability. 1x Type 92 MG Team
Use anti-infantry dice when fir- 3x PTRD
ing at vehicles. 4x Barbed Wire
2x Tank Obstacle

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 63

member spotlight
KA: What has gaming done for your child?
young pit fiend’s science fair projects

KT: The D&D and D&D Miniatures games have given my

son and me games that we can play together. He’s only
just starting to get the rules down (and modified rules at
that—Ohio gets to cast unlimited magic missile spells),
but even well before the minis rules existed, we’d set up
big battles on the various maps and just go to town.
Gaming has also given him a way to interact with
other adults. When our friends come over to game every
other week, he doesn’t get shuffled off somewhere to be
“seen, not heard”—he gets to be involved. He’s still work-
ing on the “not talking out of turn” challenge—but then
again, so are most of the other members of the group.

KA: How did you first get into gaming?

KT: The kids in my family were military brats, and my
dad had an overseas tour. We lived in Holland for three
years and in England for four. To give my brother and
me something to do in case we didn’t acclimate (luckily,
we did), my parents bought us the D&D Basic Set. For
the first year or two, I mostly ran solo adventures for my
younger brother. Twenty-three years later, I’m still DM.

KA: And both of you still game together?

KT: Yes, we get together twice monthly!

KA: We know you’re a fan of the D&D Roleplaying

By Jim Ansaldo (JohnnyQuest) Game and the D&D Miniatures Game. What other
games do you enjoy?
In this issue, our Member Spotlight shines upon Ktatroe— KT: I’m a big fan of quick, well-designed card games.
otherwise known as Kevin Tatroe—a bastion of the D&D Three Dragon Ante and Pass the Brain are two of my cur-
Miniatures community and winner of the 2006 UnCon rent favorites, and I try to play them as often as I can. I
Design a D&D Miniature Contest. also enjoy some board games, particularly Carcassonne:
Hunters and Gatherers and Formula De. My wife, my son,
KA: Let’s start with some background information. and I play Carcassonne together regularly, so it has a spe-
What can you tell us about yourself? cial spot in my heart.
KT: I’m a programmer. I create web applications and
websites, and have been doing so since before the HTML KA: So let’s talk about D&D Minis. What do you like
specification was finalized—a very long time indeed! I’m best about the game?
married and have a kid I’m raising as a gamer, plus two KT: It may sound corny, but what I like best about it is
cats and a rabbit. the community. I’ve played many a competitive game,
but I’ve never before encountered a community like the
KA: What’s involved in raising your child as a gamer? one that’s built itself around this game. I think that com-
KT: He got giant fuzzy dice as a baby, his very own Fist of munity formed because the game’s following pulled more
Emrikol as an infant, one picture of himself with Klingons from the roleplaying crowd than the competitive gaming
and another in the GenCon castle as a toddler, and a col- crowd, so D&D Miniatures retains a lot of the relaxed,
lection of D&D Minis that rivals those of dedicated skir- informal feel of roleplaying—even in timed events with
mishers as a five-year-old. He’s also had his own character Big Prizes.
(named Ohio, because O, H, and I were the only letters he
could write) in our campaign for more than a year. KA: As the game grows, how do you think the commu-
nity can retain that feel?
KA: What race and class is Ohio? KT: Dreamblade! Seriously, I think Dreamblade can help
KT: He’s a dwarf wizard with a tiger companion. siphon off some of that need for truly competitive play

64 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

that certain players have. But even more importantly, sites traffic after every tidbit of info about upcoming releases.
such as the Wizards’ boards, Hordelings, and Maxminis can However, they’re not good for the community overall.
play a big role in helping the community grow. Features
such as PETheDM and striderlotr’s Online Community KA: That’s interesting—I can see many parallels to the
Draft event are invaluable tools for keeping the community complexity of “real-life” communities.
close-knit. Keeping direct designer and developer involve- KT: Of course you can. The only differences between “real
ment in the community is also a big help. life” and online communities are that in the latter type, ge-
ography is removed as a barrier to entry, and more people
KA: You are the owner of Hordelings, which is a fansite like to make life difficult for others on the internet.
for WotC miniatures enthusiasts. Tell us a bit about what
it’s like to design, develop, and maintain a site such as this KA: Heh—okay, let’s switch gears and talk about the Un-
one. Con Design a D&D Miniature Contest, which you won.
KT: It’s more work than you can possibly imagine! But my How have you developed your game design chops?
focus in my day job has always been online communities, so KT: I design a lot of minis—I mean, a lot of minis—in my
it was a natural fit. And the fact that my day job also involves moleskin notebook.
developing tools for building communities gave me a leg up
on other sites—any work I did on improving the tools for KA: Tell us about your entry and your design process.
the site was good not only for Hordelings, but also for all the KT: My entry was Immith Ulmagulba, Hathran Witch. She
other community sites I work on. was based on a character my wife played in a three-year long
The hardest part of the job is being a gatekeeper for Forgotten Realms campaign. I took the “design a minia-
all the ideas thrown my way for development. I have to sift ture” instruction to heart and decided to really design the
through them and decide which ones would actually be miniature and not try to do too much development—though
good for the site, and which just sound good—not only in I was pretty careful, knowing that Guy’s vote counted for
terms of the feature itself, but also in terms of how long im- good templating and such! So I thought not only about the
plementing it would take, and what it might to do our rela- miniature, but also about what kind of set it might fit into,
tionship with the folks at Wizards of the Coast. For example, what its abilities might do to the set, and so on.
illegal spoilers may make a lot of people happy and might Based on the criteria for judging, I knew a Unique was
very well increase traffic—in fact, I can point to spikes in the best way to go—it’s hard to write a “character history”

art by meg battista

“According to this map, I’m just east of indiana...”

winter 2006 | Knowledge Arcana 65

for a random shlub. The first order of business was the visual de-
sign—I wanted to come up with a figure that would be striking, and
the artists
I kept coming back to the Hathrans with their beautiful masks and
imposing stature. cover: Steve Musgrave is a Pennsylvania-
When I looked around in my moleskin notebook for a con- based artist born with a filthy mouth and a bad
cept, I realized that really playing to the maps—that is, making maps attitude. He has worked as an illustrator for War-
an even more integral part of your warband—was what this figure’s mageddon Magazine, General Jinjur Comics,
Killer Bunnies Inc., and a wide variety of others.
set should be about. This approach fit perfectly with the idea of a Steve suffers from the delusion that he will one
Hathran, who uses Place Magic. I knew Immith wanted to be a com- day return to work on his comic, The Bathrobe
mander, and I knew the set would be similar to Blood War, with easy Samurai. Hate mail can be sent to www.steve-
access to commanders but rather low commander ratings.
I also knew I wanted to break a rule—I wanted Immith to give Peak strider: Régis Moulun is a fulltime
fast, tough hitters to LG—but I had to balance that out somehow. freelance illustrator and painter living in France.
What better way than to let her bring in Barbarians, but with a pen- He’s worked for Dragon Magazine and D20
alty disguised as a bonus? So LG can have its barbarians, but they go Magazine, as well as Mongoose Publishing and
Peryton Publishing. He also works as illustrator
down twice as fast as normal—not only are they generally low-level for a collectable trading card game project from
with low AC, but now she tempts them with Bodyguard as well. Fantasy Flight Games. Hop over to www.artma-
In addition, I wanted Immith’s Epic version to be the real deal. and check out his work.
I wanted to give the feeling of the Epic Hathran Witch standing atop
The Necklace: Herman Lau does freelance
a hill—either alone or with a small retinue of barbarian guards— artwork and finds that gaming inspires his
seemingly impervious to all attacks. To translate this concept to game drawn illusions. A native of Edmonton, Alberta,
terms, I wanted her to be able to win with little or no support, and at Canada, he doesn’t mind the cold; his calm, pale
the same time without dealing much damage directly. cast speaks of the frozen north. He also consid-
ers professional wrestling a real sport but prefers
kickboxing and tai chi in practice. Visit his web-
KA: Would you like to see any aspects of DDM changed? site at
KT: A few weeks ago, my immediate answer would have been that folio.html
I’d like to see a higher percentage of pieces be tournament-viable,
polar kraken: The concept artist Danger-
since we get so few pieces per year. But if Blood War is any indica-
marc (a.k.a. Marc Scheff) spent his childhood
tion, the folks at WotC have pre-solved that dilemma for me. in the aisles of New England Comics in Boston,
where he consumed fantasy novels like Galactus
KA: It’s that good a set? consumes planets. He lives and works in San
KT: Definitely. I think it contributes a large number of “staple” Francisco as a 2D artist for EA, the game-design
firm behind The Sims. He is also a freelance il-
pieces for the next tournament season.
lustrator for clients such as Momentum Cinema
and Fantasy Flight Games. For samples of his
KA: So what sorts of pieces, abilities, or perhaps maps are you work, and his Concept Sketchbook, explore www.
looking forward to seeing?
KT: I love abilities—and figures overall—that are simple in execu-
hathran witch: Ryan Barger is a self-taught
tion but have interesting, subtle ramifications. For example, the
illustrator from Albany, NY. The desk at his day
Mind Flayer Telepath’s Psychic Scream is one of my all-time favor- job is littered with sketches that deeply frighten
ite abilities. Disguise Self—found often in Blood War—is another, his coworkers. But at night, a startling transfor-
along with Invisibility Sphere. Furthermore, I hope the designers mation happens—he turns from day-worker into
include more viable reasons to run 6-to-12-point fodder over 3- a dutiful archivist who studiously catalogs all the
fantastic stories fighting to get out of his head.
point filler. (Immith’s Unlimited Snowball Swarm was, in fact, a
Check out his stuff at
nod to this concept.)
pg. 65: Meg Battista graduated with a BFA in
KA: Do you have any advice for new players of the game? Entertainment Art/Animation from Cal State
KT: Don’t worry about winning or losing at first. Find a good FGLS Fullerton, and she now fights desperately to share
to play at, learn from people who play better than you do, and hang space in her tiny studio apartment with the same
faeries, trolls, succubi, friendly foxes, and other
out in one of the great D&D Minis communities. You’ll learn a lot. animals that characterize her work. She’s col-
laborated with Warner Brothers Feature Anima-
Jim Ansaldo remembers giggling about Xvarts in his 6th-grade Home tion through ACME Virtual Training Network,
Economics class.  Recently, he has become obsessed with D&D Minia- and has served as an animation intern/produc-
tures skirmish play and is one of the top-ranking players in Indiana. tion assistant for Zoom Cartoons Entertainment.
Check out her art at
Jim is a Research Associate at the Center on Education and Lifelong
Learning at Indiana University Bloomington. When he’s not building
warbands or teaching teachers, Jim enjoys life with his wife and two
sons, plays guitar, and gleans information of all sorts from the good-
ness that is the worldwide web.

66 Knowledge Arcana | winter 2006

All trademarks are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ©2006 Wizards.

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