Final Examination - Krisas

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Background of Study The psychology of each human dealing with humans feeling. I think humans feelings are the sensitive case to share, since some people prefer to be reclusive persons than other. More over for some people who have anomaly psychology illness. They will be sheered off, feeled alone, and rejected. In some case it could be depent on which and where community they make social intercourse. What if the feeling that I mentioned is correlated to someone passion toward an idol. In this case I take the sample as portrayed on the movie dirrected by Tony Scott, the title is The Fan. The Fan is a1996 American thriller film directed by Tony Scott and it taken from the novel of the same name by Peter Abrahams ( The Fan is considered as a psychological thriller that revolves around the sport of baseball, treats the over dedication displayed by some of its fanatics. Gil Renard (Robert De Niro) is a temperamental dovorce man, struggling knife salesman who has been neglecting his responsibility, his young son and his job which on verge of losing due to poor sales. He is very fanatic with baseball and fervently adore to Bobby Rayburn (Wesley Snipes), a forty million baseball beater player as his imagine character player when he was a kid, played as a pitcher.

A fan, sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person who supports with a liking and enthusiasm for something, for example toward a sports team and the player. Fans may show their enthusiasm by being a member of a fan club, holding fan conventions, creating fanzines, writing fan mail, or by promoting the

object of their interest and attention. Some fans even take it as far as impersonating their idol or go into a state of insanity by believing they are the character the person is obsessed with. If the action already come into this place, it could be endanger the idol or the fan itself.


Purpose of Writing Based on my understanding about humans psychology, in my opinion humans passion toward something for example a sport team and the player is because of the humans psychologycal factor. Hence, the purpose of this writing is to share an information about the reasons of why do people are very fanatic toward a baseball game and the player, how is a fanatic admirer action toward their baseball player can give the bad effect and endanger the idols life and their own life and how is the method given for them to treat this mental illness. This writing also as the requirement to fulfil the literary criticism final examination of even short semester.



Sport Fanaticism And Its Reasons The article on states that according to Conrad in 2006 wrote the drivers that make people fans, and in particular sports fans, have been studied by psychologists, such as Dan Wann at Murray State University. They attribute people becoming fans to some factors. One element is entertainment, because sports spectatorship is a form of leisure. Sports is also a form of escapism, and being a fan gives one an excuse to yell at something, an activity that may be constrained in other areas of one's life. Fan activities give participants a combination of euphoria and stress (about the potential for their team to lose) for which they coin the name "eustress". Fans experience euphoria during moments when play is going well for their team, and stress when play is going against their team. This tension between the two emotions generates an unusual sense of pleasure or heightened sensations. In my opinion the emotions of a fan in a daily life could influence the sides of players life also. On the game a fans give many kind of euphoria, more over to the life of the player itself. A fan who always follow the actions or even spying on players activity in their life, it frightening them, it make them stress, it haunting them, it eminously endanger for the players. What is the reasons of all their action? JW Gray (2010) said that fanaticism can be understood as a form of irrationality, and as the worst sort of intellectual vice. Intellectual virtues include an appropriate sort of open mindedness and skepticism. Lacking open mindedness and skepticism makes a person gullible or unwilling to correct their poorly formed beliefs. Philosopher George Santayana

defines fanaticism as "redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim"; according to Winston Churchill, "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject". By either description the fanatic displays very strict standards and little to no tolerance for contrary ideas, opinions, or facts that contradict their beliefs. In my opinion people who poorly formed their beliefs are people who stand under unconscious. If people have good beliefs, they will lead to better sort of actions. The character of Gil is a kind of temperamental person, the worst he has the anomally desire to a baseball player. I can mention that Gil is stand on unconscious when he face to his passion. It is no evidence, he is normally people on other people point of view, but when he can not controle his mind (the scene when he talking to Bobby and have a conversation about the murder of Primo), forget about his good belief, his mind is rotate and find the way to protect his feeling eventhough by horrible way. Freud quotation about unconscious (1891) that it is necessary because it has a very large number of gaps in them; both in healthy and in sick people psychical acts often occur which can be explained only by presupposing other acts, of which, nevertheless, consciousness affords no evidence. Yes, The most dramatic sort of consequence to people having poorly formed beliefs ans stand on unconscious is when it leads to violence. We need to be sure that violence is not appropriate. People thinking about hurting others should be cautious and make sure to only do so when it is morally necessary.


The Treatment Of A Fanatic According to Vigne (1986) The fanaticism identifies himself or herself completely with the cause he defends. If he is left without that cause, he feels totally lost, which is where the problem comes in. The treatment of a fanatic are arrange by some methods. As always in medicine and psychology, prevention should be the best treatment. It is often believed that an experience of belief may make someone fanatic can change their mind for not doing the fatal action. In this case, they must realize their willing to get the cure or even realize that they are not living alone in this world. There must be family, relatives, or friends who must support them. Vigne also wrote that a good cure of fanticism could just be being happy; this kind of disease will never afflict someone who is really happy. Another Vigne methods of treatment of a fanatic are: The first is the 'allopathic' treatment through the manifest expression of emotions, either through emotional therapy or through traditional methods. The second is the 'homeopathic' treatment, through which internal consciousness takes hold of the root of the problem and of the cause of these emotions by way of meditation or of introspective psychotherapy. An advantage that meditaton has over therapy is that it can be practiced for a longer period of time regularly and free of cost. There is then the question of mental hygiene: one should avoid excessive consumption of pictures, images and facts. I do not want myself to write on violence all my life, to become a specialist of violence; briefly there is the motivation inside their own self. Accepting diversity. It is not easy.. In spite of that, realities, and especially human realities can hardly be 'standardized'. Seeking unity without unitarism and uniformity will prevent one from doing bad and fatal action. Learning not to worship books, even sacred books which teach us a great deal, is also a good discipline. Concisely, the quote of Vivekananda states sometimes I think that I am right when I agree with all the ancient teachers, but sometimes I think that they are right when they agree with me. I believe in independent thought. 5


Based on those argumentation the author is sure that the actions doing by a fan toward the baseball game and the player are influenced by the humans psychological factors. The euphoria of the game make them come into great sensation, and face to their idol is the climax of enthusiasm that they would like to reach. It will be endanger the life of the idol and more over the fan itself. According to the law, the action like this which overly break the law must be fall in to the worst punishment. On the movie, it is a tragic problem which ended by the shot of guns from the police through Gil. As the reminder for another fandom in order to be in good controling their ambition and emotion, so that will no worst fatal actions.


Wikipedia. 2012. Fan_(person). Foundation, Inc.


Wikipedia. 1996. The Fan. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Conrad, Mark. 2006. "What Makes Sports a Unique Business?". The Business of Sports: A Primer for Journalists. Routledge. In wikipeida (ed). Fan_(person). Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Freud, Sigmund. 2009. Freud_quotes about unconscious. American Psychoanalytic Association. spx Santayana, George (1905). Life of Reason: Reason in Common Sense. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons). In wikipedia (ed). Fanaticism. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Gray, JW. 2010. Intellectual Virtues, Dogmatism, Fanaticism, & Terrorism_ Ethical Realism. Michel, Albin. 1970. Vivekananda Les Yogas pratiques. In Vigne, Jacques. 1986. Can A Fanatic be Cured?. http://www.jve10.html

The Reflection Of A Baseball Fanatic Admirer Toward An Idol As Portrayed On Tony Scotts Movie The Fan
Submited as the requirement to fulfil the final examination of Literary Criticism class



The Reflection Of A Baseball Fanatic Admirer Toward An Idol As Portrayed On Tony Scotts Movie The Fan


This writing contains the reflection of baseball fanatic admirer toward an idol as portrayed on Tony Scotts movie The Fan (1996). It is aimed to find the reasons how is people are very fanatic toward a baseball game and more over they are very avid of baseball game, what is a treatment that can give for a fanatic admirer action so that they do not doing the bad action and endanger the idols life and life of the fan theirselves. I conclude that this action are influenced by psychological problems of the admirers supported by the conflict in their life through their attitude which seens like common people but they have deep desire to get at least once special reply attention from the idol for them. Key words : psychology, fanatic, fandom, prevention, therapy and treatment.


Title of page Abstract Content Chapter I Introduction 1.1. Background of study ......................................................... 1 1.2. Purpose of writing ............................................................. 2 Chapter II Discussion 2.1. Sport fanaticism and its reason ......................................... 3 2.2. The treatment of a fanatic ................................................. 5 Chapter III Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 6 References ........................................................................................ 7


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